Oro Valley Catholic

The Most Holy Trinity- The Central Mystery Of Reality

Feast of the Most Holy Trinity The Trinity is the central mystery of Christianity. The nature of God, one what and three divine persons or who's is the most important revelation of Christ. Go out, he told his apostles before he Ascended, to the whole world and baptize in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Most Holy Trinity, this week on OVC. Art: Allegory of the Catholic Faith Johannes Vermeer Dutch, ca. 1670–72 Music: Music by St. Mark Choir pursuant to One License Annual License w/Podcasting # A-726294 Readings:
Broadcast on:
27 May 2024

Feast of the Most Holy Trinity The Trinity is the central mystery of Christianity. The nature of God, one what and three divine persons or who's is the most important revelation of Christ. Go out, he told his apostles before he Ascended, to the whole world and baptize in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Most Holy Trinity, this week on OVC. Art: Allegory of the Catholic Faith Johannes Vermeer Dutch, ca. 1670–72 Music: Music by St. Mark Choir pursuant to One License Annual License w/Podcasting # A-726294 Readings: