Oro Valley Catholic

The Binding Of Isaac And Choices

Genesis 22 brings us the story of God's command to Abraham to sacrific his only son, Isaac. Another weird story! So what is going on? What choice do you really have in life? This week on OVC. Reading: Music by St. Mark Choir pursuant to One License Annual License w/Podcasting # A-726294 Art: Abraham and Isaac before the Sacrifice, School of Rembrandt van Rijn ca. 1644–45
Broadcast on:
23 Feb 2024

Genesis 22 brings us the story of God's command to Abraham to sacrific his only son, Isaac. Another weird story! So what is going on? What choice do you really have in life? This week on OVC. Reading: Music by St. Mark Choir pursuant to One License Annual License w/Podcasting # A-726294 Art: Abraham and Isaac before the Sacrifice, School of Rembrandt van Rijn ca. 1644–45