Oro Valley Catholic

The Scarlet Letter - The Wheat And The Weeds

Matthew 13 has Our Lord's parables about the kingdom of heaven being a sower sowing seed. In one story, weeds grow up among the weeds. Should they be destroyed? Jesus and the American author Nathaniel Hawthorne question the wisdom of bringing final judgment to Plymouth Colony and the world. Readings: Music by St. Mark Choir - "Adoramus te Christi" by St. Mark Choir pursuant to One License Annual License w/Podcasting # A-726294
Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2023

Matthew 13 has Our Lord's parables about the kingdom of heaven being a sower sowing seed. In one story, weeds grow up among the weeds. Should they be destroyed? Jesus and the American author Nathaniel Hawthorne question the wisdom of bringing final judgment to Plymouth Colony and the world. Readings: Music by St. Mark Choir - "Adoramus te Christi" by St. Mark Choir pursuant to One License Annual License w/Podcasting # A-726294