Oro Valley Catholic

Empty Hands Or Full Of Yourself

Why go to Mass? Isn't it the same as praying at home or while driving down the road? Mass is the Church's worship and the Church is the body of Christ. Mass transforms us in a way that individualized spirituality cannot. Why do modern humans reject the Mass? Because they don't think understand worship's role in sacrifice. Readings for the 30th Week in Ordinary Time: Music provided by the St. Mark Choir - Adoro Te Devote, One License Annual License w/Podcasting, A-726294
Broadcast on:
21 Oct 2022

Why go to Mass? Isn't it the same as praying at home or while driving down the road? Mass is the Church's worship and the Church is the body of Christ. Mass transforms us in a way that individualized spirituality cannot. Why do modern humans reject the Mass? Because they don't think understand worship's role in sacrifice. Readings for the 30th Week in Ordinary Time: Music provided by the St. Mark Choir - Adoro Te Devote, One License Annual License w/Podcasting, A-726294