Oro Valley Catholic
Diotima's Ladder and the Ascent to the Depths
Catholic faith is characterized by the call to trust both our faith and our capacity for reason informed by faith. Faith calls reason beyond where it can go on its own. Faith points us towards the reality of the human vocation in the world and our destiny. Faith also allows us to identify patterns of thought in humanity that bears the imprint of Christ. For the early Christians, Platonic thought pointed towards a world that lay behind all physical or natural experiences of reality. One such example is Plato’s The Symposium.
Music by Gina McCann and Russ Ronnebaum pursuant to One License # A-726294
- Broadcast on:
- 24 Oct 2020
Catholic faith is characterized by the call to trust both our faith and our capacity for reason informed by faith. Faith calls reason beyond where it can go on its own. Faith points us towards the reality of the human vocation in the world and our destiny. Faith also allows us to identify patterns of thought in humanity that bears the imprint of Christ. For the early Christians, Platonic thought pointed towards a world that lay behind all physical or natural experiences of reality. One such example is Plato’s The Symposium.
Music by Gina McCann and Russ Ronnebaum pursuant to One License # A-726294