Oro Valley Catholic

The pandemic, Judge Barrett and the Fratelli Tutti

The Pope in Fratelli Tutti reminds us that in the New Testament, all roads lead to the Book of Genesis. When the Lord, in the Gospel this Sunday, reminds us of the creation of the human in Genesis, that we bear the image of our Creator, please remember the story of Cain and Abel. God asks Cain, “Where is your brother Abel? He answered, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” Gen. 4:9. Given the disproportionate effect of this pandemic on the vulnerable and the open hostility of our brothers and sisters to each other in this political season, how do we Catholic citizens of America answer our Creator’s question? Music provided by Marisa Troppy and Russ Ronnebaum pursuant to One License# A-726294
Broadcast on:
17 Oct 2020

The Pope in Fratelli Tutti reminds us that in the New Testament, all roads lead to the Book of Genesis. When the Lord, in the Gospel this Sunday, reminds us of the creation of the human in Genesis, that we bear the image of our Creator, please remember the story of Cain and Abel. God asks Cain, “Where is your brother Abel? He answered, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” Gen. 4:9. Given the disproportionate effect of this pandemic on the vulnerable and the open hostility of our brothers and sisters to each other in this political season, how do we Catholic citizens of America answer our Creator’s question? Music provided by Marisa Troppy and Russ Ronnebaum pursuant to One License# A-726294