Oro Valley Catholic

Riots, Space Aliens and God: Jesus walks on the waters

During this pandemic, people, not just Catholics, are angry, fearful and prone to anxiety. Lots of reasons; restricted access to the Catholic mass, rioting in the streets, a national election, devastation around the world, most recently, a needless loss of life in Lebanon. Our lives are upended our health threatened, our economy erratic in ways we have never experienced. In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus walks on the water. Adoro te devote performed by Marisa Troppy and Russ Ronnebaum pursuant under license from One License A-726294
Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2020

During this pandemic, people, not just Catholics, are angry, fearful and prone to anxiety. Lots of reasons; restricted access to the Catholic mass, rioting in the streets, a national election, devastation around the world, most recently, a needless loss of life in Lebanon. Our lives are upended our health threatened, our economy erratic in ways we have never experienced. In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus walks on the water. Adoro te devote performed by Marisa Troppy and Russ Ronnebaum pursuant under license from One License A-726294