Oro Valley Catholic

For God, too much is not enough: The 18th Sunday

Only the lover can understand the folly of a love to which prodigality is a law and excess alone is sufficient. Yet if it is true that the creation lives from excess or superfluity, that man is a being for whom excess is necessity, how can we wonder that revelation is the superfluous and for that very reason the necessary, the divine, the love in which the meaning of the universe is fulfilled?” — Introduction To Christianity, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI. Music performed by St. Mark Choir under license from One License A-726294
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2020

Only the lover can understand the folly of a love to which prodigality is a law and excess alone is sufficient. Yet if it is true that the creation lives from excess or superfluity, that man is a being for whom excess is necessity, how can we wonder that revelation is the superfluous and for that very reason the necessary, the divine, the love in which the meaning of the universe is fulfilled?” — Introduction To Christianity, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI. Music performed by St. Mark Choir under license from One License A-726294