Oro Valley Catholic

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Meaning and happiness in life… is there a difference? More than you might think. Researchers suggest that happiness and meaning in life overlap, but they are not identical. Satisfaction of our needs and wants helps to make us happy, but those same indicators alone are not what give life meaning. Happiness is mostly about my sense of well-being now, in the present. I may have fears about the future or regrets about the past that can affect happiness, but happiness, or the lack thereof, are very much about the present. Meaning is different. Adoro te devote performed by Marisa Troppy and Russ Ronnebaum under permission from One License # A-726294
Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2020

Meaning and happiness in life… is there a difference? More than you might think. Researchers suggest that happiness and meaning in life overlap, but they are not identical. Satisfaction of our needs and wants helps to make us happy, but those same indicators alone are not what give life meaning. Happiness is mostly about my sense of well-being now, in the present. I may have fears about the future or regrets about the past that can affect happiness, but happiness, or the lack thereof, are very much about the present. Meaning is different. Adoro te devote performed by Marisa Troppy and Russ Ronnebaum under permission from One License # A-726294