Oro Valley Catholic

A yoke, a yolk, St. Mother Theresa and St. Thomas Aquinas

Jesus did not trust the proclamation of his Gospel to the leaders of Israel, but to fishermen, Zealots, Pharisees like Paul and the tax collector Matthew. Jesus doesn't ask his followers to carry the cross by themselves, he will be there with them. We cannot carry the yoke without his help. Music performed by Gina McAnn and Russ Ronnebaum under license from OneLicense A-726294
Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2020

Jesus did not trust the proclamation of his Gospel to the leaders of Israel, but to fishermen, Zealots, Pharisees like Paul and the tax collector Matthew. Jesus doesn't ask his followers to carry the cross by themselves, he will be there with them. We cannot carry the yoke without his help. Music performed by Gina McAnn and Russ Ronnebaum under license from OneLicense A-726294