Oro Valley Catholic

Remembering, Understanding and Loving: the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. This is OVC. We can’t understand completely the Trinity, but stretching to comprehend Divine Revelation is be part of salvation. Understanding the Trinity ultimately challenges our self-understanding as we are made in God’s image and likeness. St. Augustine proposes that we understand the Most Holy Trinity as analogously like our act of remembering, understanding and speaking. The music is provided by the Kit Kats under license from One License A-726294.
Broadcast on:
06 Jun 2020

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. This is OVC. We can’t understand completely the Trinity, but stretching to comprehend Divine Revelation is be part of salvation. Understanding the Trinity ultimately challenges our self-understanding as we are made in God’s image and likeness. St. Augustine proposes that we understand the Most Holy Trinity as analogously like our act of remembering, understanding and speaking. The music is provided by the Kit Kats under license from One License A-726294.