Oro Valley Catholic
Do you like yourself just the way you are? - Ep. 29
There is a great story about the English Catholic novelist Graham Greene who had converted to Catholicism and then fallen away. When in Italy, he had the chance to meet St. Padre Pio and at the last minute, he cancelled his appointment. When asked why, Greene said, “I believe that man can change me, and I like myself the way that I am.” What do you think? Good enough for eternity?
Music by the St. Mark Choir under OneLicense A-726294
- Broadcast on:
- 02 May 2020
There is a great story about the English Catholic novelist Graham Greene who had converted to Catholicism and then fallen away. When in Italy, he had the chance to meet St. Padre Pio and at the last minute, he cancelled his appointment. When asked why, Greene said, “I believe that man can change me, and I like myself the way that I am.” What do you think? Good enough for eternity?
Music by the St. Mark Choir under OneLicense A-726294