Oro Valley Catholic

Fleeing and Believing: Divine Providence- Ep. 28

“Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! " Lk. 24:13-35 When the early Church preached about the unblemished lamb of God, the apostles were using typology. Jesus is being understood by reference to the type of the Passover sacrificial lamb as found in the Old Testament. Typology is the Early Christian use of pre-figurations (events, realities, and signs) that point forward to and are fulfilled in Jesus, such as the sacrificial lamb. It is how the apostles were taught by the Lord to read sacred scripture. It is how God's Divine Providence uses history to reveal the meaning of human life. Music performed under license from One License A-726294 by Russ Ronnebaum and Gina McCann.
Broadcast on:
25 Apr 2020

“Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! " Lk. 24:13-35 When the early Church preached about the unblemished lamb of God, the apostles were using typology. Jesus is being understood by reference to the type of the Passover sacrificial lamb as found in the Old Testament. Typology is the Early Christian use of pre-figurations (events, realities, and signs) that point forward to and are fulfilled in Jesus, such as the sacrificial lamb. It is how the apostles were taught by the Lord to read sacred scripture. It is how God's Divine Providence uses history to reveal the meaning of human life. Music performed under license from One License A-726294 by Russ Ronnebaum and Gina McCann.