Oro Valley Catholic

Who needs mercy? Me, that is who!- Ep. 19

"So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Mt. 5:48 Jesus is talking about charity. We should be generous with others as God is generous with us. If taken out of context, his words can kill the spiritual life reducing faith to a game of chutes and ladders. We all have a need for mercy. Lent begins Wednesday. We engage in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Fasting give us a spiritual exercise in controlling out appetite. Prayer is the reminder that we need relationship with God always. Salvation is not self-help, but our recognition of our need for a savior. Almsgiving, reminds us of the importance of generosity in our life. The music is published under license from One Note and performed by the Kit Kats. F
Broadcast on:
22 Feb 2020

"So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Mt. 5:48 Jesus is talking about charity. We should be generous with others as God is generous with us. If taken out of context, his words can kill the spiritual life reducing faith to a game of chutes and ladders. We all have a need for mercy. Lent begins Wednesday. We engage in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Fasting give us a spiritual exercise in controlling out appetite. Prayer is the reminder that we need relationship with God always. Salvation is not self-help, but our recognition of our need for a savior. Almsgiving, reminds us of the importance of generosity in our life. The music is published under license from One Note and performed by the Kit Kats. F