Oro Valley Catholic

Fourth Sunday of Advent: Deus ibi est- Ep. 9

No signature phrase from the Second Vatican Council is so completely affirmed across the entire theological and political spectrum of the Catholic Church as that the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” Last summer, the Pew Research Center announced that a recent survey of Americans’ religious knowledge showed that only 31 percent of self-identified Catholics believe that at Mass the bread and wine “actually become the body and blood of Jesus Christ.” Why do the Gospels emphasize the Virgin Birth? The 'good news' is that God dwells with his people. Where charity and love are, Deus ibi est, there is God. "Deus Ibi Est" performed by the St. Mark Festival Choir under license from One License A-726294
Broadcast on:
22 Dec 2019

No signature phrase from the Second Vatican Council is so completely affirmed across the entire theological and political spectrum of the Catholic Church as that the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” Last summer, the Pew Research Center announced that a recent survey of Americans’ religious knowledge showed that only 31 percent of self-identified Catholics believe that at Mass the bread and wine “actually become the body and blood of Jesus Christ.” Why do the Gospels emphasize the Virgin Birth? The 'good news' is that God dwells with his people. Where charity and love are, Deus ibi est, there is God. "Deus Ibi Est" performed by the St. Mark Festival Choir under license from One License A-726294