Oro Valley Catholic

Fr. Sean and the problem of pornography addiction- Ep. 4

The threat of pornography for adults 
Sexual addictions can begin in the teen years, but can become much more troubling in adult years. Whenever you feel angry, tired, lonely or bored, you are experiencing anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but adults respond in a variety of ways. Resorting to pornography can operate as a diversion, but is a trap. Confession can help to surface the problem, overcome shame that pornography and masturbation can create and and find helpful spiritual strategies to take control over your sexuality. Level 21, Stage 24 by Monplaisir is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License from Free Music Archive.
Broadcast on:
07 Nov 2019

The threat of pornography for adults 
Sexual addictions can begin in the teen years, but can become much more troubling in adult years. Whenever you feel angry, tired, lonely or bored, you are experiencing anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but adults respond in a variety of ways. Resorting to pornography can operate as a diversion, but is a trap. Confession can help to surface the problem, overcome shame that pornography and masturbation can create and and find helpful spiritual strategies to take control over your sexuality. Level 21, Stage 24 by Monplaisir is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License from Free Music Archive.