Thursday Night Messages

Fall 2019 • At SC as it is in Heaven: Prayer • Erin Gillum

Broadcast on:
02 Sep 2020

Erin continues the series with a powerful message on the importance of prayer. She begins by explaining that prayer was a pattern in Jesus' life (Mark 1:29-35). "What would happen if we decided that, like Jesus, we would habitually withdraw daily to give God our full attention?" Erin then walks through the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) as a model for us to follow as we pray. Three elements to remember: declare God's greatness, surrender your will, and acknowledge your dependence on him (provision, pardon, protection). Erin concludes with three helpful tips to strengthen your prayer life: find a time, pick a place free of distraction and find a friend to partner with!  

September 19, 2019