Welcome to Episode 116 Sponsored by CultTVMan, Sean’s Custom Model Tools and Return To Kit Form
Stuart Clark
Geoff Heyland
Thanks to our latest Patreon Supporters:
TMN on Tour: Mosonshow
Shizuoka hobby show
Norris Graser passed away April 16th. Well-known P-47 expert and researcher for Thundercals. We had him as a guest on Ep 97.
We want to hear from you! Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions scalemodelpodcast@gmail.com.
M48A5 MBT from I Love Kit
Tamiya release list for May
1/32 new decals for Douglas A-20G Havoc
Meng's 1/48th scale J-20 Veyron
Newest items from Barracuda Studios
Early, Mid & Late Jagdpanzer 38 (t) w/full interior from Takom
Fujimi Model releases for May - July
Ukraine's Maritime Drone (USV)
1863 CSS David submarine
Reskit announcements
What’s new at Scalemates.com
Cult TV Man
Anthony talks with Kris Sieber Luftraum 72
Stuart - Beaufighter masking for the top side is complete. Starting work on a Mig37B, trying to decide if it will be a Macross or a RCAF what-if.
Did a clean and re-org of the workbench which gave me a bit more working room and some mojo.
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Geoff - vacationing with family on the east coast for most of the last two weeks so no modelling, but I did visit a great Military Aircraft museum in Greenwood, Nova Scotia and bought a few books! Read “Shattered Sword - The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway” by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully. Excellent read and a look at the battle from the Japanese point of view, using Japanese primary sources. Highly recommended.
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Terry - a little progress on the Mitsubishi Babs. I had to repair some seams but now it’s all sealed up. I should get started on the panelling and some nice moderate weathering then be done. I’m cleaning up a 3D print of a TOS type variation of the USS Shenzou.
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Seans Custom Model Tools
SMP Ep.116 is also sponsored by Return To Kit Form (R2KF). Check out their web store!
For more modelling podcast goodness, check out other modelling podcasts at modelpodcasts.com
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(https://scalemodelpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/EP-116-800x450.jpg)Welcome to Episode 116 Sponsored by CultTVMan (https://www.culttvmanshop.com/), Sean’s Custom Model Tools (https://seanscustommodeltools.com/) and Return To Kit Form (https://www.return2kitform.com/)HostsStuart ClarkGeoff HeylandTerry Thanks to our latest Patreon Supporters: ***************************************LATEST NEWSTMN on Tour: Mosonshow (https://www.themodellingnews.com/2023/04/tmn-on-tour-mosonshow-mosonmagyarovar.html)Shizuoka hobby show (https://www.hobby-shizuoka.com/english/index.html)Norris Graser passed away April 16th. Well-known P-47 expert and researcher for Thundercals (https://thundercals.com/2019/06/12/announcing-the-new-thundercals-website/). We had him as a guest on Ep 97. (https://scalemodelpodcast.com/podcast/the-scale-model-podcast-ep-97-thunderbolts/)https://imodeler.com/2023/04/rip-norris-graser-what-a-shock/ (https://imodeler.com/2023/04/rip-norris-graser-what-a-shock/)***************************************MAILBAGWe want to hear from you! Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions scalemodelpodcast@gmail.com (mailto:scalemodelpodcast@gmail.com). ***************************************LATEST HOBBY ANNOUNCEMENTSM48A5 MBT from I Love Kit (https://www.themodellingnews.com/2023/04/preview-another-patton-is-on-horizon.html#more)Tamiya release list for May (https://tamiyablog.com/2023/04/tamiya-official-international-release-list-may-2023/)1/32 new decals for Douglas A-20G Havoc (https://aeroscale.net/news/decals-a-20g-havoc-collection-planned)Meng's 1/48th scale J-20 Veyron (https://www.themodellingnews.com/2023/04/mengs-148th-scale-j-20-veyron-in.html#more)Newest items from Barracuda Studios (https://www.themodellingnews.com/2023/04/barracuda-studios-new-wheels-control.html)Early, Mid & Late Jagdpanzer 38 (t) w/full interior from Takom (https://www.themodellingnews.com/2023/04/more-details-on-early-mid-late.html)Fujimi Model releases for May - July (https://www.fujimimokei.com/newitem/#month3)Ukraine's Maritime Drone (USV) (https://www.scalemates.com/kits/mikromir-35-028-ukraines-maritime-drone-usv--1481701)1863 CSS David submarine (https://www.scalemates.com/kits/mikromir-35026-css-david-submarine--1462020)Reskit announcements (https://reskit-models.com/scale-plastic-model-kits?bfilter=c0:61;) What’s new at Scalemates.com (https://www.scalemates.com/kits/news.php?q=*&sortby=date&page=news&fkSECTION%5B%5D=Kits&fkYEAR%5B%5D=2021&fkYEAR%5B%5D=2022&sortby=date&page=news&fkSECTION%5B%5D=Kits&fkYEAR%5B%5D=2021&fkYEAR%5B%5D=2022&sortby=date&page=news&fkSECTION%5B%5D=Kits&fkYEAR%5B%5D=2021&fkYEAR%5B%5D=2022&fkORIGIN%5B%5D=%221%22&fkTYPENAME%5B%5D=%22Full%20kits%22) ***************************************SPONSOR AD #1Cult TV Man (https://www.culttvmanshop.com/)***************************************TopicAnthony talks with Kris Sieber Luftraum 72 (https://luftraum72.com/) *************************************** WHAT’S ON THE BENCHStuart - Beaufighter masking for the top side is complete.