Scale Model Podcast

Scale Model Podcast Ep. 48 – Lincoln Wright – Big in Japan

Broadcast on:
10 Jun 2020

Welcome to Episode 48 Sponsored by Goodman Models. Hosts Stuart Clark Anthony Goodman Thanks to our latest Patreon supporters! ****Several new supporters ***** Allan Paul James Hector *************************************** LATEST NEWS Patreon Exclusive Giveaway – “SMP FLEX-I-FILE Mega Prize”  Prize Includes: FLEX-I-FILE “Flex-Set” (Flexible Sanders + Flex-i-file + Triple-Grit Polisher/Finisher) + Genuine Microbrush Applicators Assorted 40 pack  Our winner is Ethan Idenmill!! Want-A-Fest was a huge success! All the photos from the contest. OTB did a interview with David Winter (WW1 Modeler Forum LINK) about Wingnut Wings *************************************** MAILBAG James (new Patreon supporter) Hello Stuart. I heard about your podcast while listening to On The Bench. I really enjoy your podcast and listen to it while building. I’m proud to support your podcast and appreciate your efforts. Thanks guys! Brandon Walters I wanted to share these helping hands I picked up in March from eBay.  They’re great for holding wires steady for soldering (the designed use) as well as serving as a drying rack for fiddly bits and things that can’t easily be set down.  Do you use something similar?  *************************************** LATEST HOBBY ANNOUNCEMENTS AK News for June: Takom News: Two Panzer 1’s in 1/16 scale: Mine rollers in 1/72: 2 UK items in 1/72 and a 1.35 Merkava Mk II: Tamiya June releases: Hasegawa New items: Royal Models June Releases: A new version of the Kuster from Wave in August: Ryfield announcing a 1/35 Pz. Kpfw. IV Ausf. J Last Production w/Full interior & Clear parts & Workable track links: