The Moscow Murders and More
The E-Bay Warrant For The K-Bar
In this episode we get right back into the weeds of the court documents and take a look at the second Ebay warrant.
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- Duration:
- 15m
- Broadcast on:
- 02 Jan 2025
- Audio Format:
- other
up everyone and welcome back to the program. In this episode, we're going to dive right back into the court documents and we're going to take a look at one of the eBay search warrants. So let's get to it. Case number, CR 29-22-2805. Order to seal and redact in the matter of the application for a search warrant for eBay. MPD case number, 22-M099-03. This matter came before the court on February 10th, 2023, on the court's motion to seal or redact pursuant to i.c.a.32i, the hearing was held via Zoom. William W. Thompson Jr. and Ashley Jennings appeared on behalf of the state, and Taylor appeared on behalf of Mr. Coburger. The court reviewed the records, considered the arguments presented, weighed the interest in privacy and public disclosure, and announced its findings of fact on the record. Therefore, pursuant to i.c.a.32i to a and e and i.c, 74-124, 1 and b, the court finds it necessary to seal in part and redact the court related, the search warrant for the following reasons. 1. Documents contain highly intimate facts or statements, the publication of which would be highly objectionable to a reasonable person and, 2, it is necessary to preserve the right to a fair trial. After due consideration and with good cause appearing, it is hereby ordered that the record herein shall be disclosed except for the following. 1. The affidavit and support of search warrant is sealed. 2. The search warrant and receipt and inventory be redacted. 3. This order will remain in effect until further order of the court. This was signed on February 28th of 2023, and it was signed by Judge Marshall. Moving to the next document, we have the order-ceiling search warrant and related documents. In the matter of the application for a search warrant, for eBay incorporated. NPD case number 22-M09903. Based upon the motion to seal search warrant and related documents filed herein, the court does hereby confirm and order that the affidavit for search warrant, including any exhibits, search warrant, return of search warrant, including the inventory of item seized and order are confidential, exempt from disclosure and are sealed pursuant to Idaho Court Administrative Rule 32-G1 for the reason stated in the said motion and until February 27th, 2023, or further order of the court, whichever comes first. So ordered this 29th day of November and it was signed by Judge Megan Marshall. Our next document is the motion to seal search warrant and related documents. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for eBay incorporated. NPD case number 22-M09903. The state of Idaho, by and through the Laetat County prosecuting attorney, respectfully moves the court pursuant to Idaho Court Administrative Rule 32-G1 and Idaho Code 74-124 for an order sealing search warrant and related documents, including the affidavit for search warrant, including any exhibits, search warrant, return of search warrant, including the inventory of item seized, and order filed herein because release or disclosure would, 1) interfere with enforcement proceedings, 2) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, 3) disclose the identity of a confidential source and 4) disclose investigative techniques and procedures. And the state seeks this protection for a minimum of 90 days or until such time as the investigation is concluded and/or charges are filed. Wherefore, the state respectfully prays that the court seal from public disclosure, the affidavit for search warrant, search warrant, return of search warrant, and order herein. Under the provisions of Idaho Court Administrative Rule 32-G1 and Idaho Code 74-124, respectfully submitted this 28th day of November 2022, and this was signed by Ashley S. Jennings, senior deputy prosecuting attorney. The next document is the return of the search warrant. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for eBay Inc., MPD case number 22-M09903. I, Lawrence Maury, the officer by whom this warrant was executed, do certify the appended inventory contains a true and detailed account of all property taken by me or other officers pursuant to this warrant, and that this warrant and property have been duly returned before the court at 2.20 pm, this 28th day of November 2022. I certify under penalty of perjury pursuant to the law of the state of Idaho that foregoing is true and correct. This was signed on the 28th of November, and it was signed by Detective Maury. Our next document is the affidavit of Detective Maury. I, Lawrence Maury, being duly sworn do hereby state the following information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. One, that I am employed by the Moscow Police Department in the official position of forensic detective. Two, affidavit has been a trained and qualified peace officer for 12 years. Three, on November 26, 2022, I obtained a search warrant for eBay. Four, the warrant was served on November 26, 2022 by email. Five, on 1128-22, I received an email from eBay which contained the requested information. Six, an inventory was prepared for all the items received and seven, the information received was placed into evidence at the Moscow Police Department, and this affidavit was signed by Officer Maury on the 28th of November of 2022. The next document is the receipt and inventory of the warrant, in the matter of the application for a search warrant for eBay. On the 26th day of November, 2022, at approximately 707 p.m., the following peace officer, redacted, redacted, description of property, ASIN404016324938 data. The next description of property, ASIN38487534661, data once again. Moving on to the second page, it's redacted once again, until we get down to the bottom, and it says a copy here of was left on this date in a conspicuous place in the place searched, there being no persons present during the search. That's because it was emailed, and it was dated on the 28th of November of 2022 and signed by Detective Maury once again. The next document is the order. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for eBay, MPD case number 22-M09903. In the above titled matter, this court, having heretofore issued a search warrant, and the said search warrant haven't been served according to law, and the return of warrant haven't been duly made as directed in said search warrant to this court, and the written inventory of the property found and seized haven't been duly made and taken before the undersigned magistrate or judge and filed herein. Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that the said peace officer shall deliver or cause to be delivered the property described in said inventory to the Moscow Police Department or such other law enforcement agency as may be appropriate for the purpose of preserving said property for use as evidence or until further order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Once any related criminal case has been concluded, including the expiration of time for appeal or at such other appropriate time, the property can be released or disposed of upon authorization of the jurisdictional prosecuting attorney. It is further ordered that said property or any part thereof may be delivered to any person or laboratory or laboratories for the purpose of conducting or obtaining any tests, analysis, or identification of said property, which is deemed necessary by the custodial law enforcement agency or jurisdictional prosecuting attorney without further order of this court. This was dated on the 29th of November, and this was also signed by Judge Marshall. And moving on to the last piece of this filing is the actual search warrant. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for eBay, Inc., MPD case number 22-M09903. To any peace officer authorized to enforce or assist in enforcing any law of the state of Idaho. Lawrence Maury, having given me proof upon oath, this day showing probable cause, establishing grounds for issuing a search warrant, and probable cause to believe that the property referred to and sought in or upon said premises consists of information for the crime or crimes of homicide in the possession or control of eBay related to the sales of the following items for the period of January 1, 2022 to the present. 1. ASIN-40401-632-4938. KBAR full-size U.S. Marine Corps fighting knife. 2. ASIN-384-8875-34661. KBAR-1217S. Leather Sheath U.S. Marine Corps logo. The records and documents shall include but are not limited to account information for the above-named individual or entities on eBay or affiliated websites, included but not limited to, contact information, billing information, account opening date, account closing date, and any other information retained in connection with the identified accounts. Order details and purchase history for all transactions conducted by the above-named individuals, entities on eBay or any eBay-affiliated storefront, web store, including IP addresses, information for purchases made, payment information for payment made, or facilitated by eBay to or from the above-named individuals, entities, including payments through eBay or eBay-supported platforms. All customer interaction records between eBay and the above-named individual entities and their representatives to include call notes, call recordings, emails, and/or written correspondence, located in or upon the following described premises, eBay-incorporated. Instructions for production of electronically digitally stored records. Electronic records. Electronically stored records shall be produced in electronic form and shall include those records held one in your record retention system and/or two by your technology data or other service provider. Text data. Text data relating to transactions, e.g. core data history file, shall be produced within a data file, one using delimited A-S-C-I, text data format, or two within software that can export without loss of data to a non-proprietary file format, or three, using commonly readable file format set by agreement, text data files relating to transactions, produced according to the above shall include field descriptions, e.g. account number, date, time, description, payee, payor, check number, item identifier, and amount. Image data. Image data shall be produced in graphic data files in a non-proprietary or commonly readable format with the highest image quality maintained. Image data of items associated with specific transactions, e.g. checks or deposits, shall be one produced in individual graphic data files with any associated endorsements, and two linked to corresponding text data by a unique identifier. Encryption Authentication. Electronically stored records may be transmitted in an encrypted container. Decryption keys shall be produced separately at the time the data are produced. Authentication, such as hash coding, may be set by agreement. You are therefore commanded to search the above premises for the property described above to seize it if found and bring it promptly before the court above named. This warrant shall be executed within seven days of issuance and is authorized for daytime service only. Pursuant Idaho Criminal Rule 41 daytime means the hours between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. local time and under the following special directions. The search warrant is issued for a law enforcement purpose eBay has ordered not to disclose the existence or contents of the search warrant or the information furnished in response to the search warrant for a period of 90 days or until further order of the court. eBay shall disclose the described property and information within 14 days of issuance given under my hand and dated this 26 day of November 2022 at 6 14 p.m. And this was signed by Judge Megan Marshall. Alright so that is one of the eBay search warrant requests and obviously we have a ton more on the way folks. All of the information that goes with the episode can be found in the description box.
In this episode we get right back into the weeds of the court documents and take a look at the second Ebay warrant.
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