
Movie Reviews, Friday 19th July

Catch up on today's Movie Reviews with Andy Godfrey.Andy brings us up to speed with some of the latest releases and recommends a good movie to watch over the weekend.Get In TouchSupport the is The Pure Choice, and Everyone's cup of tea even if yours is coffee! X (Twitter)

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19 Jul 2024
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Catch up on today's Movie Reviews with Andy Godfrey.

Andy brings us up to speed with some of the latest releases and recommends a good movie to watch over the weekend.

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I once again joined by the andy god free from sort of magazine to bring us a movie reviews today hello andy how are you. I know it's good to see you greetings from a very sunny Milton Kings makes it's very sunny here as well actually very hot. Yes yes really warm here as well so perfect day for going to the cinema. It is yeah it's great to see you again and of course as per last week we'll have a look at some more of the latest movies and you can tell us about them. So i would like to take a look at so that there's been three new releases this week one of them is a p g certificate the other two twelve a so they're quite friendly so the first one that saw. I saw that actually was despicable before so this as people will know. The despicable me famous feature the minions i love the minions i think they are the greatest slapstick comedy creation since charlie chaplain. Tiny yellow creatures that we're dead and we got great big eyes and speak in a really funny language and incidentally by the way at times there are dozens and dozens of minions on screen but just one man does all the voices well that's quite amazing recording feet. So to speak of me for in the previous or three by the character called grew who wanted to be a super villain when he was a child at the age of twelve he stole the crown jewels that was in the film. He's got his minions who help him but a group is not working for the anti villain league and he manages to get a baddie a villain who calls himself the cockroach arrested the cockroach is put in prison but escapes without revenge. So we're in his family have to go to their minions have to go to hiding so that's the basic plot of this film. It's as it's best when the minions are on the screen as i said i love the minions one of the millions gets trapped in a dispensing machine and we just see a meeting all the packets of grit and everything else that's in there and the others having fun at his expense. I thought it was really entertaining really funny i laughed out loud several times good family film not the best in the series often you know what he thinks it's the law of diminishing returns you know so one is great two is okay three is not so but but it's everybody i've spoken to i was with a group of friends who are filming bus on monday evening in London and we've all thoroughly enjoyed it had a great time. So just because we meet four is out in cinemas you can take granny you can take the kids you know it really is a good family fun time at the cinema. Another new film out this weekend nathan is twisters so back in nineteen ninety six a film came out called twister which was about people america chasing tornadoes trying to find out why tornado forms what makes a tornado take what keeps the tornado spinning. And can we destroy a tornado this film picks up many years later with the daughter of one of the original characters she's out chasing tornadoes with there are several rival groups that chasing tornadoes they want to be the first to get the information load down on the tornado you know and she hooks up with somebody and ends up hooking up with somebody from a rival group. And they fall in love this the mushy stuff the in between stuff is a bit there you know i could take it all leave it but the action with the twisters is really quite spectacular there's one point where people are hiding in the cinema. And the tornado comes along and smash it is cinema to bits you know and everybody ends up crawling out through what was the screen back into the open air it's spectacular it's it's noisy it's very very loud i mean i i am sixty two and i did come out with a headache but generally speaking it's getting very favorable reviews i thought the twisters were really well done really spectacular action you know. Really exciting to see the twisters great score and i thought that was that was really really good so thumbs up for that as well twisters. And then the third new film at this week nayton is a film called fly me to the moon. And this is that in nineteen sixty nine now i there was a few years ago called capricorn one i don't know if you know that film where man got to mars. And everybody's watching on their tv's you know the first man walking on mars i will actually they weren't they were in the tv studio. And the whole thing was a set up you know this film says well what if we didn't get to the moon in nineteen sixty nine what if the alarm strong was actually in the tv studio and the whole world was being fooled you know. Now we know that the alarm strong did get to the moon this film so this has got other actors in the tv studio and this from suggests that what the americans did was. In case the moon landing went wrong they filmed a fake moon landing so that they wouldn't look bad in the eyes of the russians because this really was a race to see who can get to the moon first. And it's also about the american public in nineteen sixty nine believe it or not we're not over excited about space and going to the moon because the vietnam war was happening lots of their land for being killed. Some driver things are happening and people were saying the money that we're spending on going to the moon we should be spending on building hospitals we should be spending on building new schools and so on and so forth you know so the film deals with that as well and. It's it it's not based on a true story but it's inspired by a true story of how nasa raised money so at one point we see the astronauts are wearing amiga watches. Amiga is a suggested put a lot of money into nasa if you're not aware of watches on the moon. We will give you some money sponsorship basically and you've got a girl who's in charge of this and she's even bringing up kelombs and saying can you put the astronauts on. You know right crispy packets and kelombs complaints packets and so on and if you do so can you give us the money so it's it's quite a fun film. I really enjoyed it is a romance going on between the head of nasa and this girl who's been brought into to sell that's a product to get sponsorship of a nasa. We're seeing it said I love this kind of thing absolutely love it so those are the free films nation around the cinema at the moment that I think I would really recommend every one of them and people. I mean it's a beautiful day here in Milton Kings today but the people are looking to go to the cinema this weekend and they want to take the kids maybe for a treat. Go see despicable me for great fun go see twisters are some great action some great special effects and go see. I'm going to the moon for a really good it's a sort of a rom-com it's not really a bit of a mansion but a really interesting thought provoking tale about going to the moon in 1969 all of those are twelve a and under so we can recommend them for families listening to pure. And and to everybody no bad language nothing like that really good enjoyable family and we're blessed at the moment because you know with inside out to it's the number one. We've got a really good crop of films that you can say families can go and see together. Yeah, it's not every week of the year you can say that. Well thanks so much Andy some good films there and I'm personally I'd say all those three despicable me for excites me the most. Yeah it's great fun the minute. It's not about the rest it's just the minute isn't it. It is a minute I've got a minute post up in my kitchen that says eat a banana every day and I think the minions are just great and when you see it and this is seen as I say with one of them trapped inside the vending machine. And the others are having fun at his expense it's really genuinely funny yeah. And say through the end credits because you've got many land ticks going on all to the end credits right to the very end I remember that yeah yeah so so yeah great fun. Excellent thanks so much Andy and would you like to recommend like one film people would watch over the weekend. Yeah well the Olympics are starting on a shortly yeah so there's George Clooney earlier this year brought out a film called The Boys in the Boat. And this is about the 1936 Olympic rowing team how they got to the Olympics against all odds I'm not going to say any more than that when they get to the Olympics. The Germans because the Olympics were in Germany this was the Olympics a hit the presided over. And he was there and you might know the story that Jesse Owens a black American athlete won a medal and Hitler refused to present it to because he was black. You know he was from a lower race as well as Hitler was concerned this film is about the odds that they face because they had black people in their team. It's about and it's based on it's got very much a charity to fire vibe about it it's on Amazon prime. I would say that's the one to watch this weekend boys in the boat because it will set you up nicely for the Olympics I'm doing a. I'm going to be in Dunstable tomorrow night with the church and we're doing a sports quiz. And so in in lieu of the Olympics and in lieu of the football you know and we won't talk about the football and everything else you know. But this is a really good film and can I just say 96 minutes in there's a scene set in the chemistry shop you'll see a guy in a white coat. That guy is a friend of mine who gets jobs as an extras. He's actually on the back of my book his name is Bob man he gave us a quote from the back of the book. He reviews films on BBC Radio Solon so watch out for a beaded guy in a white coat 96 minutes in because he's my mate Bob. But the film itself there are times just like we chariot to fire where you know you felt you were out there running on the track with Eric Liddell and. Abraham's and and you felt you were on the track with this you feel like you're in the boat you really do. straining at the oars the water coming over the side the cotton shouting at you you know and it's a true story. And it's just a delight so so to set yourself up for the Olympics watch the boys in the boat about the 1936 American Olympic rolling team. Awesome that sounds really good. I love those ones where you really feel you immersed in the emotions of the characters just like Eric Liddell you really feel his journey as they take you from. From the beginning to the end absolutely I mean chariot to fire is obviously another one to watch this weekend that's been widely available for a long time and of course it's got one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. Yeah I don't know if you guys have ever played it on pure but to play the theme for the van gallis scene for chariot to fire. It just takes you right there doesn't it takes us right into the film you can picture the athletes running you can picture them running along the beach in Scotland when they're training at the beginning of the film. And then get us produced such a real I mean then get us with a remarkable composer and scored some remarkable films with his score for blade runner stands alone remarkable film scores when you can play and it stands alone from the film. Yeah you don't necessarily but but on the other hand at the same time a remarkable films first when it takes you right back into the film and your minds are you begin to picture all the great things again. So I love chariot to fire and of course is that great scene with Eric little preaching. We when I was pastor of a church I was pastor of a church during the 2012 Olympics and we actually showed chariot to fire as an outreach event. At our big screen and our big screen and church and we invited people in and we served hot dogs and popcorn and we had quite a few people come in and we weren't christians into our building into our church because we showed it for free. And this is one of the things I'm keen to do as you know I'm available for churches to book me up to come and speak about movies and show clips from movies and bring the gospel in. But chariot to fire yeah but boys in the book is exactly what it's got that feel about it you know it's got that. It's got that same vibe it's also got a great score and George clearly directs it and I think it's his best film today. So I would say good see it yeah. Awesome well thanks so much Andy so we've got the spook away for and twisters and also what's the third one fly me to the moon fly me to the moon so there's three. And they're all family orientated films I mean they're all films you could take the kids to see you can take granny to see there's nothing offensive that I think no problem with any of those at all they're all 12 a or under and I think boys in the boat was a 12 a as well. OK but it is an accident and boys in the motorcourse which is nice because olympics coming up soon exactly yeah so thanks so much Andy some great pleasure look for to see you again next week. Look forward to my holiday next week Nathan but oh yeah we'll do a double bit the week after because there'll be so many films watch out for a film called thelma which I'll be talking about next time we meet. All right I'm gonna send you on that just look it up thelma okay good fun thanks for us Andy see you again my pleasure Nathan God bless and God bless you. Did you know pure 24/7 radio has a shop well we do you can buy merchandise while supporting the work that we do here simply head over to that's (upbeat music)