
Today's Breakfast Bite 15.07.24

In case you missed it: Today's Breakfast BitePete Baker from Life Church Lancashire joins Nathan look at another hero: David.Get In TouchSupport the is The Pure Choice, and Everyone's cup of tea even if yours is coffee! X (Twitter)

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15 Jul 2024
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In case you missed it: Today's Breakfast Bite

Pete Baker from Life Church Lancashire joins Nathan look at another hero: David.

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[Music] Well, I'm joined once again by the one who peaked Baker from the Life Church of Lancashire. Hi, Pete. How are you doing? I'm very good, Nathan. Are you okay? I am. Thank you. It's great to see you again. And we're continuing in this series on Heroes, aren't we? Yes. Yeah, yeah. It's a last week called Barnabas, the Person of Encouragement. And yesterday, we're going to look at David and, you know, people who are familiar with the Bible and even people who aren't familiar with the Bible. There might not know David. There might not know David in Goliath. You know, there might not know David as the Shepherd King. David, he wrote Psalm 23. Maybe one of the most famous passages in the whole of Bible, in the whole of, you know, world culture. "The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want." He makes me lie down in green pastures. David, who showed his heart of worship. And I know when we spoke of the week, you said that when I asked you the question, he was some of your heroes. You mentioned David. Yeah, so I'll flip the question to you. Now, so why, why is David a hero to you? And what kind of example do you feel he sets for all of us? Well, I think David's one of my heroes just because of how, the Bible describes him as a man after God's own heart. Yes. And I think why the reason I look up to him considering a bit of a raw model is because of the way he just loves God so completely. And even when he gets things wrong or in difficult situations, he turns to God and he proves to be a man after God's own heart. Yeah, that's brilliant. And I think it's also about the idea of him kind of dancing before the Lord, even when he was undignified. Yeah. And it didn't mind being undignified because praise and worship was more important to him. And what you just said there, yeah, a man after God's own heart, that's exactly the phrase I was thinking of as well. It's a verse in the Bible in the book of Acts, Acts 13, verse 22, and they say of David that he was a man after God's own heart. And yeah, if you read anything about David in the Bible, you can see that he's not perfect, he's not a saint, he doesn't get everything right. And actually, that's where the Psalms become so powerful because these are written by real people in real places, at real times, you know, going through real stuff, making a real mess sometimes. And the Psalms are these kind of sometimes heart-wrenching, sometimes heart-cries, you know, of people being open and vulnerable before God. But David's a hero, I think, because he has this heart of worship, you know, he dances before God, he praises and has adoration for God. I guess just a realization, you know, most people listen to your show and listen to this station, probably, you know, tuning for the chat and tuning for the music, you know, where we're people that love music. And we're a culture that's full of worship. You know, even people who don't believe in God and don't worship God, we all worship, that's part of the human experience. You know, we worship, if you've watched any sport the past few weeks, you're seeing people lifting their hands and singing songs of adoration, that you're seeing people worship with the choices they make in the lives that they live, with how they spend their money, with how they cast their vote. You know, worship is a part of our everyday lives. And what we see in David is this heart of worship, this shepherd boy who becomes the king. And through all of the story, all the ups and all the downs, and there's some massive ups and some massive downs. Through all of these experiences, David has his heart of worship. So my encouragement, I guess, for each one of us today is we're thinking about David and thinking about this idea of being a person after God's own heart, a person who's an authentic worshipper. That today we think about, well, who do I worship? What do I worship? What do I put on the pedestal of my life? Who's is the name that I put above every other name? You know, who's the name that I exalt? Who's the name of my lips? You know, who do I lift my hands in adoration and worship and praise to? And of course, the encouragement is to put Jesus at the center of your life, to make Jesus the name that you lift high, to make Jesus the one that is on the throne of your heart, on the throne of your life, that it's God that we worship in. It's God that we're adoring in the high moments in our lives and in the low moments of our lives. So, yeah, let's be like David, a person after God's own heart, a person that would praise and worship, even if it made him look like a fool. You know, there's a tradition within Christianity about being holy fools. You know, and sometimes our adoration and our love and our worship and devotion of God looking so foolish that actually it's an act of worship. It's an act of, you know, we have this foolishness, so this holiness actually might appear like foolishness to the world around us. So, yeah, let's be like David. Let's be like Barnabas, be a person of encouragement. Let's be like David and have a heart of worship, being a person after God's own heart. Absolutely fantastic. Thanks so much, Pete. And I love what you say about David. You know, it's so true. I suppose the reason I respect him so much is because of the fact that, I mean, there are plenty of people who worship God, but he worshiped God with total commitment in the worst times and the best times. You know, when he messed up and he went things were going well, and he's still worshiped God. And that's what you say, a heart of worship, which is amazing. And we all worship different people. We all place our adoration or our praise in different things or people. But yeah, amazing. The way David just worships God. And even when he looks like a fool, he's happy to totally commit it. So it's just wonderful. Yeah. Well, thanks so much, Pete. Thank you. Have a great day. Have a great week. You too. Did you know, Pure 24/7 Radio has a shop? Well, we do. You can buy merchandise while supporting the work that we do here. Simply head over to That's [MUSIC PLAYING]