
Today's Breakfast Bite 01.07.24

In case you missed it: Today's Breakfast BitePete Baker from Life Church Lancashire joins Nathan to talk about heroes and the "Hall of Faith".Get In TouchSupport the is The Pure Choice, and Everyone's cup of tea even if yours is coffee! X (Twitter)

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01 Jul 2024
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In case you missed it: Today's Breakfast Bite

Pete Baker from Life Church Lancashire joins Nathan to talk about heroes and the "Hall of Faith".

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It's my privilege to welcome Pete Baker for today's breakfast bite. Hi Peter, how are you doing? Hi Nathan, I'm very good. Yeah, how are you? Not too bad. A little bit of cold, maybe struggling with some hay fever, but I think a lot of people are right back now. Yes. Yeah. Anyhow, great to see you again. And are you ready to bring us today's breakfast bite then? Yes, not. I'd love to. Yeah. Thank you. And hope everyone is well home. Enjoy in the British summer, whatever it's bringing to you. And yeah, I want to do a little series called Heroes of the Faith. And I'm thinking about a book in the Bible called Hebrews. And this is one particular chapter that's Hebrews chapter 11. And it says this. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for by faith. We understand that the universe was formed at God's command. So then what is seen was not made out of what was visible. So that's the start of this chapter all about faith. And then the rest of the chapter just goes on to talk about heroes of the faith. People like Enoch or Abraham or Jacob, Moses, these different heroes of the faith from the Bible from the Old Testament. And I don't know if you don't know who you would consider your heroes. Nathan, I don't know if you've got any heroes, any any, either musical heroes or heroes in your personal life or heroes from the Bible. But yeah, who would you say some of your heroes? So my heroes, I don't know. I think I have a few characters from the Bible that I've always really admired their traits, like Elijah, for example, it's some pretty cool things like out running that chariot. Yes. I love the, love the account what he did on the mountain top. Yeah. Mucked the gods a little bit. It's kind of funny. Yeah. I love David. Yeah. It's just a man I've got on heart with so many Psalms and the way he just loved God. So it wasn't embarrassed to just dance completely free in front of God. That's just that's really quite amazing. I don't think I have that kind of passion, but that that is definitely very something to respect. No, that that's great. And so yeah, this chapter Hebrew chapter 11, it's like a legends of the Bible. It's like a hall of fame, a hall of faith, you know, of these, these heroes of the faith. And so in the next few weeks, what I thought we could do is every week, look at a different hero of the faith, you know, maybe we could look at two that you just mentioned, Elijah and David, that would be cool. And maybe if any of the viewers have got a hero that wants to look out, we could look at one of the heroes. Next week, I'll be thinking about one of my heroes from the New Testament. But we might also think about how we can be everyday heroes in our everyday lives. So the person that I'll talk about next week, I'll talk about one of the characteristics that they're most known for and how we can, how we can all be like them. So when we think about heroes of the faith, you know, I've got lots of heroes in the Bible, we've just heard some of Nathan's biblical heroes, but you know, we're in the summer of sport at the moment. The heroes are happening. The Olympics are about to happen. Wimbledon's around the corner. A lot of other different sports as well that people love and enjoy. And so I have lots of sporting heroes. I don't know if you've got any sporting heroes, Nathan, but you might not know this guy. But John Barnes is my all time favourite footballer. So John Barnes would be one of my football in heroes, Stephen Gerard. All of this might be showing the listeners who my favourite football team is. But they're some of my sporting heroes, John Barnes, Stephen Gerard, Usain Bolt, the fastest man ever. You know, as we think about the Olympics, I just think about Usain Bolt. I just love, I love everything about him. You know, his kind of his personality, the way he approaches the sport. And also, he is also a passionate Christian, which is great, which is brilliant. So yeah, you know, we have sporting heroes. We have heroes in our lives. You know, my dad is one of my heroes and one of my, what are my main role models in life, you know, of heroes that we know, part of our everyday life, heroes from history, people that we look up to, you know, maybe heroes in the, in the music industry or in the world of sport and heroes in the Bible. So yeah, that's what I'm planning on doing the next few weeks, the next few weeks, looking at heroes of faith and what they can teach us about our everyday lives and how we can be everyday heroes, you know, how in our day to day lives, we can be role models, we can be examples, we can be, you know, our names won't be in the Bible because the Bible is written, you know, but our names can be, or our legacy can be something that inspires others, our lives can be books that other people read that seek to inspire them or encourage them. And so yeah, that's, that's my thought for today. Hebrews chapter 11, all about this idea of faith, that introduces this whole of fame or this whole of faith, this legends of the faith, you know, maybe today, be thinking about who is your hero? Who are some of the people that you respect? Who are some of the people that you look up to? Maybe in the Bible or in your personal life or in sport or in music or in whatever sphere that you're passionate about? Who are your heroes? What can you learn from them? And how can you be an everyday hero? And then next week, I'll be introducing a specific character from the New Testament that just is a real inspiration to me. And we'll be thinking about how we can be a bit more like them as an everyday hero in our own life. But hope you all have a great day. Yeah, be thinking about who are your heroes and how can you be a hero in your everyday life? Hope you have a great day and I'll speak to you soon. Excellent. Thanks so much. And thanks so much, Pete. Really great thought for us. Heroes, you know, we all have heroes, don't we? People we look up to, I mean, actors or as you say, athletes, maybe people in the Bible. And yeah, we can learn a lot from them, can't we? People we look up to. And but of course, I love this bit in Hebrews. It is like the Christian Hall of Fame, you know, all these people, these heroes from the Bible. I think there's Abraham in there. There's also Samuel and so many others. But it really is looking forward to hearing about these these different heroes over the next few weeks. So that's great. That's brilliant. And yeah, we should include, we should include the ones that you mentioned as well. David and Elijah, that'll be cool. Yeah. Brilliant. But yeah, if any of our heroes have got heroes that they want us to look at, heroes that they want to share with us, then you can do that in all the ways that you interact. Yeah, that'd be great. Send in your heroes, let us know and we'll maybe Pete can talk a bit about them heroes from the Bible. Nice. Cool. Thanks so much, Pete. I'll see you next week. No problem. Bless you. Have a great week. You too. Did you know, pure 24/7 radio has a shop? Well, we do. You can buy merchandise while supporting the work that we do here. Simply head over to That's and we'll see you next week.