
Last Day of The Gathering 2024

Andy B caught up with some more of the delegates before they headed off home on Sunday. We find out what they loved about The Gathering.#inafieldnearswindon #TG24 Get In TouchSupport the is The Pure Choice, and Everyone's cup of tea even if yours is coffee! X (Twitter)

Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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Andy B caught up with some more of the delegates before they headed off home on Sunday. We find out what they loved about The Gathering.
#inafieldnearswindon #TG24 

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It's Sunday the 23rd of June and this is the gathering in a field near Swindon This is the field. So we're going to go off and have a little wander around We did some chats with people on Friday as they were coming in We talked with some guys yesterday over to my left because they've always been the activities how they were finding it So now we're going to go off somewhere over here and see who's around that we can talk to to see what their experiences are of the Gathering 2024 with Christian vision for men here in a field near Swindon [Music] Hello, what's your name sir? Where are you from? Samuel from Torquay? Samuel from Torquay? Paul from Painton. Paul from Painton. Right, so this is the gathering 2024 and you've joined us. Rush from Britain. Rush from? Okay, so is this your first year at the gathering? No, I've been here many times. Okay, how many times have you been coming now, how many years? About 12, 14, something like that. I was here in 2016. So you're almost here, you're enjoying it because you're coming back and you've got a big smile on your face. Just brilliant. Yeah. Absolutely fantastic. Awesome. First time will you have been before? No, first time. Okay, what's your impression then? This is my first time. I'm just bold away. What's your impression? Well, I'm burnt, I'm sore and I've never felt happier. Just give me your names sir and where are you from? I'm Paul, I'm from Tambres as well. From Tambres as well? Is that Somerset or have I got to the wrong part of the country? Kent. Kent, okay. I won't say I was an extracur because that's not very good, is it? Right, so we're coming, this is the Sunday and the set down is already beginning. What's the highlight for you of this, the gathering 2024? For me, the highlight is talking to the guys when they're here. You know, we spend a lot of time wandering on the field, speaking to people as they're setting up, seeing where they come from and while they come first, we're the first timers, that's great fun, we love it. Hey, so what's your name sir and where are you from? Richard and I am from Plymouth in southwest Devon and we're with a group here actually from Painton and Tor Bay, so it was a group of 15 to 20 of us from Devon. So you come as a little posse? Yes, you could say that. Indeed, yes. A little group where we kind of joined together, yes. And you joined together with the gathering, which is brilliant. Yes, what's your name, where are you from? Come from Leeds and this is my son, Joe. Come and Joe, so you're leaving the gathering thoughts on this this weekend? Fantastic, it's fantastic every year. If you haven't been, come, fellowship, fun, the presence of the Holy Spirit and God is immense in that tent, it just is. Cool. And wherever men worship together, something happens, God commands a blessing. Cool, good to meet you both. You too, buddy. You safe travels, hi. Nice to meet you. Bye bye, thank you. What's your name, so where are you from? I'm Nathan and I'm from Painton in Tor Bay. Painton in Tor Bay. So have you come as a delegate? Are you a steward? Yeah, so I've been doing the coffee here all weekend with Rugger Coffee. I've just been doing that since Friday. So a very popular man, because let's be honest, caffeine, coffee, caffeine is good. It's been very important for the guys this week, it's kept us on our toes, so we're really busy. What is your name, sir, and where are you from? I'm Chris and I live about 45 minutes that way at Morton in Marsh. Are you not very far away then? No, not very far away at all. Okay, so is this your first gathering of you've been before? I've been once before last year. So you've been before? What brought you back this year? Loved it. Loved it last year. I came with my brother-in-law and his two boys, my two nephews, and some people from his church. Have you got a highlight that has just your thoughts? This is why you guys should come to this event when they watch this. I love Carl Beach and the way he delivers everything, the way his manner about it, it's not forced, it's just natural. It's real, it's real, and it's just natural, and it's always genuine. You can tell it's genuine, there's nothing ever forced, and you can tell he loves the Lord. That's what brings him back. What's your name and where are you going back to now? So I'm Byron, and this is we're heading back to Swansea. Back to Swansea, so you're leaving the gathering in 2024. What's your finishing thought on this? It's an outstanding weekend, it's the highlight on my year every year, this is my eighth one, it's brilliant. She'll be back next year. I've popped in already. Cool. For people that think this isn't for me, what would you say? You've got to give it a try, you've got to lose. It's a great weekend, especially if you're booking it, it's a great value, opportunity to spend some time with your friends, great stuff, ads, thoughts, what are you thought? I think that we can't take up the gathering for years now, and it's a brilliant weekend, and for all the blokes in the fantastic community, so if you're thinking of coming and you feel that, you're going to feel on the friend or outside, you don't think like that, because all the guys here are great, and everyone truly was part the same family, the big God's big family, so yeah, definitely come. What's your name and where are you travelling from? My name's James, and we're going back to Shoxia now. Back to Shoxia, where in Shoxia? Telford. Telford, do you live in Telford, where are you from? Same base? Overhampton. Overhampton? So, what are your thoughts on the gathering? Yeah, it's brilliant, it's been an amazing weekend, yeah. You've loved it. How much? Top notch. Top notch. And to people who are watching this and thinking, it's not for me, what'd you say? Definitely come. There's something for everybody. Yeah. And so, I mean, we can't play football, I've not been questions, I'm not questions. Yeah, even if you're a non-questioner, I still think it'd be an incredible time, just to have a nice weekend, so it's not, why would you not come, really? So, you've got one highlight from the last three days. I've won the tunnel war. You won the tunnel war, dressed as a turkey. Good lad. You can win for the black country. Ah, yep. Any highlight for you? Watching him in the turkey costume with the tunnel war. I will, what's your name, where are you going to go home to? I'm Matt, I'm from Derby. Nice, Derby today. What's your name, where are you going to? Telford, Ben on Trent, which is just below Derby. Okay, where you're in the car with him, so you go where he goes. Oh, absolutely. Hey, what's your highlight of the gathering 24? Uh, love spending time together, but also really just find out about how Jesus works with people's lives, the testimonies, absolutely fantastic. Okay, cool, so you want to come back next to you? Yeah. Brilliant, what about you? Yeah, so I've enjoyed the testimonies, the stories, how those are work, the reality, I love the way that he's just real. You know, there's no, you know, fine Jesus, never with a Greg, fine Jesus, and there's something better. What's your name, where are you going to travel home to? Ah, my name's Paul Cartwright, we're going back to pertinent Wolverhampton in the West Midlands. Wolverhampton, ah, where are you from? I'm from Perth, Wolverhampton. So you're from Perth, Wolverhampton. What are your thoughts on the gathering 24? Yes, it's been tremendous. We've been a few times before, and a small group of 13 of us, and it's been a tremendous weekend for us all, to reinvigorate some of us, and for others to come and walk closer with the Lord. Oh yeah. What's your name, where you go to travel home to? Pete Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton, wait, are we all here today? Wolverhampton is like everywhere, every car is not the same opportunity. Yeah, we're going back there. Same group, same group. That'll be why. Hey, what's your highlight of the gathering 24? Ah, too many to mention, it's been brilliant. It's been fantastic. God's been here all weekend, and people have been, restored and built up, amazing. Next year, regular coming as a steward. Good man. Hello, what's your name, where did it come from? We'll visit Egan and Sadi, but originally Glasgow. Oh, good thing. That's not the most point. I don't even need to go, oh yeah, sorry, actually. So, you have been to gathering this year, have you been before? Yeah, it's your last year. You're here last year. With the bagpipes. With the bagpipes. How have you found the gathering 24? Absolutely amazing. Just great to be with brothers in Christ and encouraging one another, getting some great teaching, lots of fun, some great activities, caught up with friends. I even met one buddy, I hadn't seen her over 20 years. So, really good time, really encouraging and great time to praise the Lord, and being encouraging to build up for going back out into that everyday life. Andy, being here with Pure 24/7 ready, we've had that really amazing time by the gathering in 2024, here in the Phil near Swender with Christian Vision for Men. We're coming to the end of today, Sunday. We've got some worship going on in the background. I've been chatting with some wonderful guys from totally different parts of the country, different backgrounds, different knowledge of who God is or not. It's been a fantastic time. This feel behind me, right now, you could be here next year. And if you've not come this year and we can't encourage you enough, then you've got awesome cars, we've got tents, we've got worship going on, which is just out of this world good. We've got some amazing men from different parts with different backgrounds who've all come for one reason, which is to come here to meet with God in one moment, and maybe they don't even know what they've come for, but they've come here for something. This is an outstanding event. There is nothing like it having chatted to 30, 50 guys in the last three days. Nothing like this exists in the world. So if you've not come to 24, let this be my urgent of you. Book yourself a ticket for 2025, the gathering in a Phil near Swender. You will not regret it. It's going to change your life in the most wonderful of ways. We've seen guys coming forward because you know what? They said we've met God. We want to do something best with our life, different with our life. We need God in our life. So let me encourage you, if you've not been to 2024, the gathering, make 2025 the year you come here to a Phil near Swender, the gathering 2025. Did you know, Pure 24/7 Radio has a shop? Well, we do. You can buy merchandise while supporting the work that we do here. Simply head over to That's