
Andy B meets Dr Richard Scott GP as they work through listener questions

Richard covered the topic of stress across two different sessions, and this time he looked at your questions on stress and everything else you wanted to seek his answer on. To sum up? If you’re not sure if you’re stressed, ask a friend, and don’t let it build up “so you end up erupting like a volcano”.Get In TouchSupport the is The Pure Choice, and Everyone's cup of tea even if yours is coffee! X ...

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Richard covered the topic of stress across two different sessions, and this time he looked at your questions on stress and everything else you wanted to seek his answer on.
To sum up? If you’re not sure if you’re stressed, ask a friend, and don’t let it build up “so you end up erupting like a volcano”.

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I am here as ever with my dear friend doctor which has got GP hello Richard. Andy very very good to be back. It always makes me smile when I see your face smiling back at me because a smile brings a smile it kind of multiplies doesn't it. Well that's very kind of you people have said I've got a good face for radio and I personally don't like to keep my face I'm much happier looking at yours so thank you for those kind comments. No it's fine I think I was made for radio as well yes my face is perfect for it. Okay so we've been a recap I guess we spent two weeks looking at this topic of stress it is such a far reaching wide issue that we actually touched it on two sessions. Before we dive into any questions have you got any takeaways from those two sessions that you think do you know what that was a really important point that I think I just need to rethink well I think the second session I mean the first session we looked at short-term stress long-term stress second session we focused a bit more on what to do about some of our stresses maybe that we can't deal with and and see what the Bible's teachers and funnily enough just this afternoon I've come from work just now and a woman came in Polish lady with rectal cancer and I thought my goodness I must help her I've had rectal cancer I must help her anyway but that's exactly what I've had and her son translating was saying weren't they she stressed about the situation but I said but you're Polish does that mean you're Catholics yes we're Catholics good you got faith in God yes well look we must pray about this absolutely get the treatment as I did all those years ago but try to say to people look you know that's this is the if you like the superpower that we have as Christians is that we can do something which non-believers cannot do which is to bring it to God of course there's things we can do ourselves about managing stress which we've looked at the last couple of weeks but bring stuff to God don't be slow go first go there first and you know she was really happy we prayed in a circle it's the best part of my day you know we all held hands prayed Lord we know we want this one to do well quite simply we're asking for cure you know be with the scans be with the surgeon you know be with all the treatment and and she went out I believe less stressed than she came in which is a result it's funny that I think sometimes we see prayer as when I pray God's gonna fix it so I feel better but actually yes that may be the case may not be the case but I think for me personally a big part of praying isn't so much God fixing it but me changing my heart and giving something to God that I can't cope with myself isn't that right it's it changes our attitude and I think the long we do this this Christianity business we learn more and more that actually it's it's not as simple as we thought your prayer isn't okay God here's a problem solved it which he sometimes does but it's often about getting our hearts right and dependency on God and realize that we can't solve it ourselves and and all the changes that and all of it it's very relaxing and stressful to put to say actually we're not in this alone thank goodness you know we've got Christian brothers and friends believe them better we've got God fantastic I remember a song in the 80s and one of the lines in the song one of our worship is got very very upset about because the original line was in his presence our problems disappear and he said no no no that can't be right they take their place and to this day I still think well no actually they can disappear in God's presence they do they are no longer relevant to us because now our focus isn't on the problem it's on him theologically we could debate is it taking the place or or disappear but for me when you mean God's presence yeah they disappear yeah yeah it's it's well yeah and the Bible says doesn't it fix your eyes on Jesus and because if we don't guess what we fix our eyes on ourselves and our problems and it's not to say we you know we can totally ignore them obviously we can't this things we must do but it's about the right perspective and you know I speak to myself about this and I was getting very stressed last week and actually a bit yesterday and what gets me is technically she's computers not working suddenly they throw in an extra password that you haven't got leave you have got it they don't accept it all this sort of computer stuff and sometime I have to say to God afterwards I'm so sorry look I'm getting hot bothered about what technically she is that quite honestly I'm gonna get solved because I get my mate Jamie and to solve them forgive me for being stressed and I shouldn't just pray to him in the first place and got Jamie involved it's two things there wasn't it good so it's stress the thing is if you're not aware that stress is going on you can simply find yourself sort of tripping over thinking I thought I was doing okay all of a sudden your weak spot your Achilles heel perhaps that triggers it and then you just you're falling on your face thinking I I'm now in a bad place I thought I was okay I just come back on the whole topic of stress how is it that sometimes we're sort of almost completely unaware of the fact we're stressed until that one more straw on the camel's back which breaks us yeah well you know we have an enemy who delighted when we're stressed you know stress and business which of course is linked to stress and causes stress is is part of his one one of his great tactics especially in the West the diverting us away from God so you know we have an enemy who specializes I think in encouraging us to get stressed and equally God says you know cast your burdens on me the antidote to stress so I think you know and you think about the enemy he's not in your lie he's very crazy cunning so it's hidden for us until suddenly it bound or obvious the slap you in the face um you know if we're more alert to the Holy Spirit again speaking to myself here but we have more alert more sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying with something that comes from stress I need to give this to God now don't just wait till he gets worse do it now cool right are you ready for a few questions randomly thrown at you right right okay first one uh okay I am curious to hear Dr Richard Scott's thoughts about not eating meat about not eating meat well um well I'm a meat eater and I fully understand those that don't and my wife's probably best friend at the moment is not a meat eater so they had to hold it together no meat um and uh so my first job which he came home was to make her a proper roast but actually the Bible gives us teaching on that and it says you know if there are for people who don't want to eat meat that's absolutely fine and those of you want to eat meat that's also fine it um so Paul gives us permission to be in both camps so I think that's absolutely fine just make sure you have a good vegetarian diet fine I have a bit more trouble with veganism I don't actually think that's that that's quite so um good for us and that's why people often have to take supplements and can run to trouble if they're not careful but proper vegetarianism absolutely fine and it's biblical what would be the difference then between veganism and vegetarianism because my understanding is probably not very good well vegans won't have any any dairy products anything related to an animal at all but so even they would have trouble uh with jellies anything with gelatin in which comes from often the pork loy in fat for example no dairy products no milk no butter no cheese you know that's that's quite restrictive and and I get it because you know there's a lot of people around doing it but just I'm not sure that's uh that's such a great idea and actually I think that's how we were designed um whereas vegetarianism was probably the original design before the form of man and my question to my to what to what to your listeners even you and is do you think we'll be eating meat in heaven because I can't see how we can do that if the lions lying down with the lamb and we're all getting on with each other I'd so I'd rather suspect heaven may be vegetarian even if earth isn't but don't quote me on that no perhaps we can have some mistake flavored apples or something indeed which does reveal my thoughts on whether I eat meat or not please okay uh another one and this I think was when we were doing the one I was singing I was listening on my way home I'm often humming along to songs but we'll make an concerted effort to sing now however do you think that you have to sing in tune oh no and some of us are blessed in that department and some aren't my one of my daughters is married to a man who is a self-confessed tuneless wonder and when I when I stand next to in church oh Nick just turn that down slightly but um but I think no because what what is a it's all about is blessing God's heart it's not about performance it's all about you know our hearts and his heart and he loves the fact that we try and sing so I wouldn't put a tuneless person as a worship leader because that would be a poor use of gifts um but singing in the congregation absolutely um alongside that actually I think we've been talking about getting some of our young people in church to to play musical instruments it won't be quite as good to start with but boy I'm sure well God be delighted the angels will be cheering them on um you know it's not about a perfect thought and the same that flies to singing which is one of the bits I love about um how God views us and how we interact with him because he's not after the 10 out of 10 grade eight pianist he's angry with the heart yeah yeah all the 10 out of 10 speaker the 10 out of 10 prayer you know most of us aren't yeah we aren't 10 out of 10 um and that's not important yeah what what matters there is getting stuck in and actually this is where perfectionists sometimes can run into trouble as Christians because they think well unless I could do something perfectly I won't do it um I don't think it says that in the bible and and actually you just end up stressed if you're not careful about things and look have a look at do you do your best I think that is important do your best uh a question pretty much what I've already asked you is it possible to be stressed without knowing that you're stressed well I think so because we have an anyway who hides things from us um so uh I think that's possible they'll come a point there when it will be bound or obvious even to us um by the way if you're not sure ask your friend or ask your wife ask your husband ask your children they'll they'll say yeah I've linked to something dad you know you do seem to be a bit short you know you put on a you know a bit of a short short short fuse um often other people get made to sit first and uh I actually asked something to the head of yesterday and she refused to answer you say I'm not answering that to be less stressed oh oh yeah it's good point okay sorry I'm coming with a a foul temper after the computer issues I then this morning she said you didn't even realize that she that she'd had a tough day yesterday now I'm sorry I was a bit wrapped up in myself and I think that's another sign of stress is that you get self um orientated and wrapped up in your own problems and you're not even open to what's going on around us so uh yeah but I think if you're not sure ask someone they'll probably tell you I suppose you've got a stereotype you've got the angry man who is stressed he's got a red face you know he's sweating and he's you know that there are some physical uh the symptoms signs of stress but it's not necessarily always gonna be quite so it's like you say ask someone answer well this is very important actually and that that's a whole thing on on personality maybe we could look into one day but but um extra words yes it'll all be out there you've had a bad day fumes steam coming from the nostrils and introverts store things up and then we'll blow it volcanically at some stage and I think that's very bad for them and often very bad for everybody else and I think that's that you know introverts you might not know they're stressed and maybe they they do but they're holding it back but that's something that is probably worth talking about one day because it's it's a danger to everybody yeah I'm very much heartless leave this is how I feel this is what you know where I'm at Joe and Steven my oldest and very much introverted in that sense you wouldn't know that Steven was upset in severe pain he just gets on his day there's no real obvious symptom on on his face well and you know if it if it's working that's fine but but I would just say encourage him looking if something really is building up please tell us because otherwise it'll just explode for some stage it's the frog in the hot water thing isn't it if you jump into boiling water you know it's sticking in tappy water and radiate it heats it up eventually that frog won't know and it's gonna you know die yeah exactly exactly right another question I use earphones regularly should I be worried about the effects on my hearing some devices warn you about loudness but it's this guided by medical research well I mean we know that leaving side earphones that's excessively loud music as we will used to be exposed to when people of my age and they used to go to concerts and of course band members musicians that do suffer from high tone deafness which is a result of damage from from excessive noise so these days people are using earphones more and more yes you need to know I think what especially if you're playing it loud lots of decibel range there is and you certainly don't want to go above 70 because that is bad for your your hearing and the problem with hearing is a bit like you're going back to your analogy the frog in the hot water is it's a slow onset thing and you know you only discover down the line you've been pummeling your ears for 10 years by which time you can't you can't get it back so I think yes be careful with the earphones and if you're in any doubt ask the manufacturers how do I know what's a safe setting certainly below 70 preferably below 16 and particularly if you're going to do it for any lengthy period of time Phil Collins of course very famously lost his hearing from drumming his genesis and eventually lost his hearing yeah yeah I mean you know it's our ears are sensitive if you've shined two bright lights in your eyes all the time you'll damage your eyes you know we're we're sensitive beings God's created us but we're not indestructible and on hearing if you have damaged hearing is there anything of that that can actually be repaired by a doctor or is it once you've lost your hearing that's that you've lost your hearing all sorts of things from hearing aids to cochlear implants in the inner ear brain stimulation but there's there's there's many many things that the hearing industry is huge these days and and the great majority of people can be helped so please don't suffer in silence and if one set of hearing aids don't suit you go elsewhere but certainly first thing is talk to your doctor you'll get sent to an audiologist we'll do some accurate testing and then you'll know where you are you're a bit like you know we seem to be much more keen on okay i'll go to an optician to check my eyes out you know like you are anti-wear glasses and i wear them for long distance but maybe less keen to check out our hearing and uh yeah but if it's any any doubt go and check them out see i wouldn't have thought about going to someone to sort my ears out i would obviously the thing about optician from a glasses but uh to you said that i would not have thought that okay i know the kind of ears but i wouldn't have thought can i go to GP and they can refer me on to an audiologist that day how it works i remember good not only have we got a local good audiologist but i took my mum there and she was alive um to you know because her hearing was bad and sadly she never wore the hearing aids that she was prescribed that's another issue um but it's yeah i think it's important other people often notice it so in our eldership group at church one guy is really quite deaf and i've been nagging him come on come on yeah put in my medical hat on you know this this is a bit of a pain at meetings because you're saying pardon pardon not quite getting it though you'll suddenly come out with something in an inappropriate answering another question because you haven't heard it get your ears checked don't have to be Einstein to know that sense again ask a friend it's that same thing with the stress talk to someone yeah yeah okay one more question question for dr richard scott why is it different people's dot uh we did it why do different people's bodies respond to stress differently for instance if i'm particularly stressed my stomach gets funny and i guess other people it may not be there's stomach it might be something else yes yes well we're all different and and yeah some of us will have a be like a stomach sensitive distressed and then you get sort of an indigestion like symptoms other people classically palpitations or attention young people get tense chests chest pain which grew quite severe but it's a tension chest pain rather than a cardiac pain um yet other people will notice that they they over breathe get tingly fingers yeah we respond differently um you know we're just simply not all the same also some stresses um but in the same person may not necessarily always elicit the same response you know if they're short to term stress you might get a different one from a longer term stress longer term might well just just overwhelm you and give people depression rather than an anger even rather than the short term which just might make you you know literally palpitations and and uh and sweaty so yeah i think it depends on the stress it depends on the length of time it goes on now i do remember when i was at school so this is around 16 to 18 years old there was uh it's actually a girl's school which is not necessarily relevant next door but a lot of the girls is like oh we're going to become vegetarians and then all of a sudden quite a number of them was struggling with anemia and i just remember this as you were talking early because obviously they're just cutting out meat but you can't just stop something because there's good in meat that you need the great thing there if you're going to do that is is green veg you know that's where you get your iron from uh interestingly Heather my wife when we were brought in Tanzania for a few years she was pregnant twice out there and um had very little meat uh but actually her hemoglobin went up uh because she was getting so much iron and and good stuff uh from from the huge amounts of green veg that we ate out there um and so that's that just shows that actually if you if you if you're careful with with your diet even in pregnancy um you you can be fine but if you're not then yeah you'll run strong yeah which is why this sort of reaction of i'm going to stop eating this because it's bad well yes maybe thought yeah needs a bit of thought and uh yeah it can be done it can be done safely and well but just needs a bit of thought yeah don't just cut something out add something in I don't cut lots of things out at the same time because again you won't know what what's what's causing what absolutely uh right that's the questions uh for this week thank you for sending your questions in do send them we love them we uh we stick them together and put them in one go and we have a go with that with a doctor in a house um so we've been looking at stress if you want to watch those videos again you can go and find my youtube channel links at the bottom of the website stress part one stress part two which is really good and one of my favorites back there is caffeine because i drink coffee now this is the part this is this but this is the power of words isn't it i asked a friend we did drink coffee so i do now what i want to encourage people is that having talked about stress i'm thinking okay i reckon we need to need to invert this and the next week in fact i reckon the next two weeks we'll talk about happiness we'll come from uh there's been again some some work on what really makes us happy um so i'm going to look at that week well and then i'll extend it week two because again you know let's let's as Christians we should have loads to be joyful about and that's a sort of deep ongoing joy but what about happiness as well happiness and joyfulness are not quite the same so what makes us really happy and we'll see what the secular world has discovered that god's probably already revealed um but it's quite it's always good to know what's in the in the news scientifically and uh that's where we're going to go the next a couple of weeks i think which is why i'm going to have you because i would read it and think that's nice okay uh thank you don't we just got gb if you're in the u.s. gp's apparently practitioner you're forced post of medical call and if you've got any questions for me anything medical you can email that to us we will put it to him and answer it on air for you hello at hello at is the email dr which has got gb thank you sir great as ever Andy did you know pure 24 seven radio has a shop well we do you can buy merchandise while supporting the work that we do here simply head over to that's double