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Unlock Inner Strength: Your Guide to Holistic Healing Grandpa Bill Here!
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Grandpa Bill's Secrets!
Mind, Body, Soul: Unleashing Your Full Potential with Holistic Practices
Grandpa Bill Shows You How!
Benefiting,orienting, and emphasizing a holistic approach!
Unlocking Inner Strength: Your Guide to Holistic Healing Grandpa Bill Here
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BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour
Retired holistic health enthusiast, Grandpa Bill, shares his wisdom and experiences in the realms of health, wealth, and well-being. Join Grandpa Bill on his journey of holistic health and personal growth. With over 45 years of experience in the industry, he has a wealth of knowledge to share on topics ranging from nutrition and supplements, to meditation and spirituality. In his retirement, Grandpa Bill is dedicated to sharing his insights and helping others to achieve their full potential. He is an intuitive thinker, humorist, star seed, poetry fan, with a passion for history and coins.
Hosted by Grandpa Bill, 45 year career now retired
Disclaimer:This podcast site content is provided for informational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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How? Hello. Mandarin, welcome one and all to my daily YouTube offering at the Bill Hall 8792, which materializes eventually into a couple of audio shows. D.A.C.S., can a couple of us be killing our Workout Security Attrics, main mentor moments in business and life, also in life, only retired the Workout Security Attrics, AKA Silver Streakers. Guys, we're all kids from 1 to 92 because it's about physical health and wellness. Today, getting in preparation for those daily shows, are we released an audio version earlier today, talking about poetry, overall, I love poetry, I'm a big poetry fan, I'm put to quote, and/or poems, teaching every day on my social media, those of you that follow this show know that. The article today is about poet C.K. Chesterton. This all revolved around my granddaughter, Ada, my legacy. She's going to be joining me here for an internship program at my shows this summer. Those of you that do follow my shows. I have been talking about Ada's upcoming appearance, helping me out here at the shows over the summer. There's a reflection in the audio show today about a Chesterton, quoted in Mandarin. One of the main reasons my granddaughter is going to be here this summer, is to tutor me in Mandarin. For the completion of what ultimately was my 6-month sojourn, 7-month sojourn, of self-teaching Mandarin. So my granddaughter is well versed in lots of things, she's in reading and writing in Mandarin, thus will be her capacity to correct yours truly. When you hear and read the audio show in description, you'll understand why I need a lot of help with both the inflection, the symbols, and the practicing of the Mandarin words to English already above. That will be her main function. My two caps are in the background getting ready to be thread of stairs and it's a little bit disconcerting as they're meowing for my wife Graham to get up and feed them, so we'll try to stay centrally focused here. One of the things that I wanted to do here for about 10 or 15 minutes, it is also a spiritual young lady at age 16 having gone to private colloquial school. The ball is back in her seventh and eighth grade years of schooling. So she likes Psalms, she's in tune with the Bible. So speaking of the Bible, I want to try to do this and recall which will get us all in trouble a little bit. The Bible, in some adaptations, is and was held as the foundation of faith, the source of wisdom, and to some degree the charter of liberty. It's principles within the Bible, depending on your dissection, your derivation, all of that, right here, right now, Bible. There's so many offshoots. It's principles were diligently taught in the home, in the school, and in the church. And its fruits were manifest, thrift intelligence, dirty, and temperance, white. One might be for years, especially in the Catholicism upbringing. A chuckle, Tim Doyle from China and I have that in common, we'll be talking about that with his input through the Golden Ones, Tim comes back with you this week. Not specifically that subject in particular, but we both have that in the background. So the principles of the Bible, in its many forms, are taught in the home, in school, in church. One might be for years a dweller in a Puritan settlement via intelligence, purity, and temperance, white. It gets here. It's all about our heritage. It's all about legacy. So going back to the Mayflower, our family is indeed related to John and Priscilla Alden, two of the original Puritans, off of the Mayflower. So the ideas of intelligence, thrift intelligence, purity, temperance, white. One might be for years a dweller in the Puritan settlement and not seen as a drunkard, which is how it can be and is, because you've been some derivations to the Bible. As an author, to meet a beggar, Bancroft, one author, in a book in part 1, chapter 19, paragraph 25. The dissection of that statement, the statement comes from the historian, Joel, Bancroft's work, likely his multi-volume history of the United States. So the central idea where the Bible enterlopes, the Bible was the cornerstone of Puritan society, shaping their faith, their knowledge, and their moral call, "Pyritanical." Which is still so prevalent in today's society many years later. So the key points that I want to dissect moving forward when Ada gets here, the Bible, as it was seen as the foundation of faith, religious beliefs, or a connotation of it from Catholicism, she likes to read Psalms. She does, with quite regularity, will be discussing some of those. But the Bible, considered a source of wisdom and guiding principles for life. It served as a charter of liberty and justification for whomever's life coming up through, especially the Puritans. So biblical principles are instilled in every aspect of life, home, school, and church, and/or was. And I want to know, how is it still held in your derivation of spirituality, revival, whatever. There's no one said Bible. We're not going to get into all of that. There's many derivations. I'm not looking for a defense mechanism. I'm looking for a healthy venture to get us to the other side. The emphasis on the Bible in many forms resulted in society characterized theoretically, especially. Thrift, frugality, avoidance of waste, intelligence, emphasis on education and knowledge, purity, moral uprightness, temperance, moderation, self-control. All of those statements suggest a mere absence of social problems, like drunkenness, profanity, and begging. It's probably definitely guilty of two, still guilty of one. It was a drunken emphasis on was. Those of you that know about Jimmy's pool room and those of you that know me at any level, I definitely qualify for profanity. Never been in the category of begging, fortunately, for any. So in today's world, where we at with these social problems, be it drugs, alcohol, all of the above, sex, addiction, in which many forms. American history, U.S. history, puritism, religion in America, colonial life, Bible study, moral values, which pan cross specifically here, founding farmers, we've talked about it archivaly, we'll talk about them some more and upcoming shows with it over the summer. Religious freedom, education history, the Bible's role in shaping a very puritanical society, we need to be aforementioned. The idea of 10's, outlook, all the Bible influence, puritan life, faith, wisdom, and liberty, a look at purity values, threat, intelligence, security, temperance. Those are subjects that gave me far to talk six, seven days a week, six years of running. With, in studio guests, starting to evening, that of experience, drunkenness, specialized in it. So, hidden around, no drunkenness, no swearing, a surprising, orderly world of the Puritans, the Bible as a blueprint of Puritans built a society. Children, perelocks, strictly religion, ordered lives. Are you interested in religious history? Do you partake in religion? Do you partake in any kind of history? Exchange water as it shows. These sales can come from killing all of them, which no message would. We might mention the source of your quote, bankrupt or otherwise. The chapter, the paragraph. Well, I highlight some positive aspects of Puritan life, a lot of the negative ones. It doesn't address potential issues like intolerance or social rigidity. Where are we at with that now? Right here now? From this world? Where are we at with that? Good morning. Good morning. Welcome one and all, but. So, this will fail to roll into my main mentor moments in business and in life. It does go to the audio show, I already quoted and referenced C.K. Chesterson. Wow. Everything we do at this show, everything we have done at this show is a plural of many, many years. Vlogging, vlogging and under many aliases and acronyms and monikers years ago, many, including six great ladies' problems. It's all about challenging yourself, taking yourself out of your comfort zone, doing things that are outside your expertise, whatever they are. I'm still not a podcaster. I'm the porcelain junction box. It's putting me in touch with the wordsmiths who are fellow podcasters. My podcasts serve as information through the mind of the body. So, in the wealth of experience when I was in business for myself, both human and animal centric, but my human paraphernalia is very straight now at the warehouse. And now, my convert studio down in the bond shelter. So, stay tuned this week. Those of you that do join us at Each and every week, Tuesdays led by Seth Lee for Zanski. 6pm from Spain and Giant. Check out. I'm awake now. to Seth Lee for Zanski. All the peripheral, wonderful things that are happening from that one source not to minimize that, but the many sources of the star seats that are members of many intuitive groups. That's one huge one. So, we thrive alive to survive with my guests, your guests, fellow podcasters, their social media, my social media, our social media. It's about legacy. It's all about, it's about my son and my family, of course. It's also about my legacy. It's really about my grandpa and how she's going to get on the backside. But what's going to be a rocky ride? As Bette Midler said, "Once I'm not that mid or that dayless." So, the baby's movie, which escapes me. Buckle up. It's going to be a long night bumpy ride. So, we continue to hopefully be perceived as a farbinger of beautiful information. Such we purchase papers, chemistry papers, authors, lawyers, mediators, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, doctors, meditators. Always develop a group of mind, body, and soul. We continue to support all animals. Again, another their natural environment. People that are stuck at this class at the same time, we do it together on and on. In support of all of us. We continue to be blessed, interviewing great repeat guests from around the world. Listeners from around the world. It's all contributory to you guys and girls. I'm the porcelain junction boss for the in touch group. So, it's joining us each and every day. So, include this week. Upcoming. We're willing and the creek don't rise inside joke with Tim Doyle and I, that will be happening this week and based around the two lone encyclists based on all the archival shows. 11th. Time returning. Guests, Byron and theme psychoanalysts. We're going to be specifically talking about hypnosis and his appearance this week. In Isabella Thor. NTP. Women's Health. We're talking. I'm Trishie. All those who be encompassed in my workouts for geriatrics shows. Made not to a moment in business and in life. The audio visuals. Continuing. Promote. Promote. Promote. Pros and ice cubes with tourmaline spring water. Continuing my meditation. I'll see you all at the shows. Bye bye for now. And may God bless. South may be in studio with me this week to expand upon this. Stay tuned. I'm saving productive day in June. Peace everybody. buddy. [BLANK_AUDIO]
Send us a textGrandpa Bill’s Grunts & GroansUnlock Inner Strength: Your Guide to Holistic Healing Grandpa Bill Here! Informative and emphasizing personal growthFeeling Stressed? Discover the Power of Holistic Wellness Grandpa Bill's Secrets! Mind, Body, Soul: Unleashing Your Full Potential with Holistic Practices Grandpa Bill Shows You How!Benefiting,orienting, and emphasizing a holistic approach!#HolisticHealing,#BHSalesKennelKelpHolisticHealingHour,#GrandpaBill,#Inne...