The Narrative Podcast

Episode 344 - The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement about original people and provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

Tune into the Narrative Podcast and become a Narrator.

Let's change the Narrative!

Visit the virtual online bookstore on and purchase my original book of poetry "The Black Card". Purchase the Black Card today or get your black card revoked!

Check out my personal poetry blog "hallziespoetrycorner" on blogger com at

You can support hallziespoetrycorner simply by sharing the link 🔗 to hallziespoetrycorner ( or a poem featured on hallziespoetrycorner across all platforms.
hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

Broadcast on:
20 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original culture and delivers positive frames of reference about the original people and the original people vote you. How's everybody doing today? Great. Got a good segment for you. So once again another late upload, how I usually start these things is a brief overview of the Narrative Podcast. So technically this is Saturday morning. I started recording an 11-ish so you know I have two different format styles. I got a weekday format style and a weekend format style. So this is technically a Friday episode and I'll be doing my four weekend episode format in a few hours. So because I started so late how I usually start these things off is a brief overview to familiarize my listening audience with my content and you know bring them up to speed about the types of things to expect on my platform. But being that you know I got such a late start I'm going to have to just fast forward past that and you know dive right on into the content like I said you know this show is a positive space so I'm just going to you know not give you a complete overview I'm going to just basically give you my mission statement and what I'm trying to accomplish in this space and dive right into the content so I'm just have to basically shorten my intro. So first and foremost the Narrative Podcast is a positive space for original people and original people culture and when I say original people I mean black African American Negro whatever you want to call us. This is a positive space for us to celebrate us and by celebrate us I mean our accomplishments and all things that we do right as the media intentionally vilifies us and misappropriates our images and our likenesses to push their agenda. Essentially they want to play up all the toxicity in our community they want to vilify us they want to promote us and market us to make us the problem of all things that's wrong in the world. They want to portray us as you know violent lazy amoral and you know hard to live with hard to deal with and being a drain on society's resources. I also want to make this criminalistic by nature and you know ignorance unintelligent and lazy. So on this that's why I designed this platform to put our positive frames of references about our people and our culture into the title the narrative podcast I wanted to change the narrative of how original people are perceived here in America and abroad. So that's what this podcast is dedicated towards just putting our positive frames of reference about our people and our culture bringing awareness to the listening audience of why that's important and encouraging the listening audience to you know do what I do which is responsibly utilize my platform to put out accurate depictions of our people and our culture. So you know that's what the narrative podcast is about pretty much basically this is that's a streamlined episode but you know that's what it's about and you know that's why I call my target listening audience my narrators I go you know I do a deeper dive when I have a time allotted but like I said I started late so you know technically this is Saturday A.M. but this is you know my Friday format and I think I also do well I haven't gotten there yet but yeah so keeping in stride with my mission statement to share positive frames of reference during my weekday format the positive frames of reference that I share about my people and culture come in the frame of come in the form of positive news articles so the relevance and importance of sharing positive news articles is just kind of the counter you know the negative press that we're always receiving we're constantly being bombarded with negative news about our people and our culture you know in the media on local and national you know news media outlets as well as movies television shows literature radio advertisements you know negatively and accurately using our peoples images and likenesses in a negative way so that's why I share positive news articles to put out you know the positive frames of reference that we do positive things in the world that we are winning that we are succeeding that we are progressing as a people that we do contribute a substantial amount to be a human experience here in on this physical plane you know because like I said the media have us you know looking ignorant sounding ignorant portraying us as violent lazy amoral you know hard to live with hard to get along with so you know that's what um the purpose of me sharing the positive news articles just putting out those positive frames of reference and you know giving people the choice because the agenda is the push is basically um psychological warfare when the media does that they want to push all these negative things on our uh people they want to make our people the face of all things negative so therefore you know in terms it's like you know psychological programming and conditioning all we have is these negative frames of reference about us when we view it and then we absorb it on a subconscious level and then act these out that's just within our community people outside of our community when they see these negative images you know they treat us a certain way they respond to us a certain way they interact with us a certain way they don't and they base it on you know what they're you know seeing on television what they're seeing in the news with their reading and books listen you know the lyrics that song lyrics and you know they base their um you know analysis of us as a people just based on the um frames of reference that they're given by the media so you know that's why the purpose of me you know sharing positive news articles not only for our community but for anybody listening to it as well so they can become you know educated and you know make an informed choice about you know how to treat us you know at the end of the day my goal is not to educate or enlighten people you know you can't change and made up mind if they got it in their mind that they just don't like us for whatever reason whether it's because you know they're racist or narrow-minded or whatever whatever what have you you know at the end of the day they're gonna you know think what they want to think about this and the goal of my podcast is not to try to change their mind or um you know persuade them to treat us better or talk to us better or even care about what they think about us in the first place this is just um you know a tool to like I said to um uplift and edify my people um you know a positive space to promote positive reinforcement of us because we never get positive reinforcement in society you know we only get portrayed as the problem um you know with all our notable contributions in arts and sciences and um you know modern all modern day inventions like we never get the proper credit we only get viewed as you know um criminals and be generous in be generous so we all have somewhere we're trying to get to as the largest energy producer in Colorado Chevron is helping meet rising demand and we're working to do it responsibly our next-gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90 percent compared to our older designs working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable reliable and ever cleaner so everyone can get to where they want to be you've arrived that's energy in progress visit slash tankless okay round two name something that's not boring laundry oh a book club computer solitaire huh oh sorry we were looking for chumba casino that's right chumba has over a hundred casino style games join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes chumba no wait a minute my law 80 plus turns into the spicy website for details they try to make this the face of degeneracy you know and that's a deflection of our true nature and our true nature is kings and queens gods and goddesses at the universe so that's why i shared these positive news particles and in the tent to put it put it back in perspective of you know who we are as a people we're not these negative stereotypes and stigmas that keep on getting circulated you know we you know we're more than that we're better than that so now without any further ado i'm gonna dive right on into the content for this week day edition of the narrative podcast and yes i know it's saturday wait technically you know i start broadcasting on friday this is the weekday format of the narrative podcast so like i said on the weekday format the front positive frames of reference i deliver to the listening audience is positive news articles and um usually commentary about what's going on in the media you know either globally nationally global headlines national headlines or just you know things happening within our community and the purpose of me delivering commentary and that on you know various subjects is basically to again you know change the narrative or rather control the narrative is immediate we'll put out false narratives about you know our people in our culture they'll try to uh you know go out of their way to make us you know look horrible sound horrible um so if history hasn't taught us anything it's taught us this if you don't tell your own story your story will be taught for you and that's why uh generally typically um you know deliver commentary on the news um just uh you know put our you know put whatever's going on you know from our perspective you know how we we perceive it as a people and what that means to us as a people as opposed to you know just the media uh feeling as though they can speak for all of those so like i said usually i don't know if i'm going to uh you know do commentary this evening on anything i might just say but for the full episode in a few hours because you know this is like officially saturday now and you know if i'm gonna uh you know do my weekend episode on saturday like later on today and i probably better keep it short and sweet to the point so that's what i think i'm going to do and just reserve the commentary that i was going to do tonight i'm gonna just have it for my topic my speaking point topic for the uh weekend format so yeah diving on into the content this evening or morning you know friday slash saturday edition first a positive news article of the week day edition of the near the podcast the headline reads 43 year old boy or excuse me 13 year old boy i was looking at my notes from a um weird angle 13 year old boy makes history published first ever book about skin skincare for uh black children and the young brother's name is brian echols i believe vc h o l s um and the name of this book is wash your tea and flows your eyes he co-wrote this book with his mother portrays tart chappelle and basically the book is about developing uh um the importance of developing uh proper uh skin proper skincare routine and that's kind of refreshing because you know um again with the media tries to uh program us in condition us not to take any pride in ourselves you know we are a very prideful people um full of morals full of big maybe full of pride but you know with this the way how newly we're programmed you know they're pushing drug culture um in hip hop particularly the from the junky perspective as in the um you know i would say from the 80s on up till now is really focused on the dealer now it's focused on the using so basically you know everyone has to walk around looking like junky you know people that indulge in either you know have the physical attributes of uh the substance abuse you know and i think um drug or choice these days are uh uh bar bitchy witch you know uh the molly's the purpose system you know the rock assist the pews the um the lean you know people they want us to have the physical attributes of you know somebody that abuses bar bitchy witch uh i think the young people are so i don't think um powder cocaine is ever going to go out of style even you know they want to step walking around having those attributes not clean cut and shaving not well grown like our youth is leaving out the house with their clothes off wrinkled stuff in the corner their eyes and mouths and you know just looking like substance abusers just walking out the house looking like hypes looking like dope things but um yeah just look i want a little bit off-putting but i'm just saying just want to point out that systemic programming and conditioning conditioning you know that the media plays a role in you know adversely affecting our uh self images our self-esteem and how we perceive ourselves and look ourselves because that's all the um you know the imagery they're giving us about ourselves but i'm inward this young man uh develop uh skincare routine in intent to basically you know take pride on how you look you know leaving out the house you know right he got those morals and still buys mother um he started his journey because you know um his mother's uh her products that she was buying them was too harsh for her skin so they did their research a good old youtube university and develop some milder um you know soaps and lotions that will work on the skin that's hits the title wash your tea as in your t-zone you know if you know if you ever been to a dermatologist you know you know you have a t-zone so basically um to promote good grooming that's what the book is about um less than six months after the book was released they got approached by you know a nonprofit organization and gifted them you know forty thousand dollars or twenty thousand dollars in grant grant funding to expand their operation so with that um expansion um money he also um created a skincare line so uh the name of the book again is called wash your tea and close your eyes and it's um available on two platforms on uh pikski p-e-k-s y dot com yt and um of course amazon and um the name of his uh skincare brand is called melanin skin skin brand and it's available on melanin skin brand dot com so you know check out his book check out his um skincare routine and a young brother's name and once again is uh Ron Eccles B-R-O-N-E-C-H-O-L-S um join me in to give him this young brother warm air to podcast round of applause for his you know dedication and commitment you know to you know improve our uh outward appearance and you know instill um pride in your uh grooming habits at an early age for our uh people next article on the narrative podcast the headline reads 14-year-old lina Ford the name black enterprise youth of the year so young sister like the article in the analysis she's named before she created a non-profit organization couple non-profit organization one called arting for you and vet non-profit movement she donated art supplies to we all have somewhere we're trying to get to as the largest energy producer in colorado chevron is helping meet rising demand and we're working to do it responsibly our next gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90 percent compared to our older designs working to provide colorado with energy that's affordable reliable and ever cleaner so everyone can get to where they want to be you've arrived that's energy in progress visit slash tankless hello it is ryan and i was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on i looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing they're also playing chumbacassina everybody's loving having fun with it chumbacassina was home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere so sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus that's and live the chumbalines sponsored by chumbacassina no purchase necessary vgw group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply on the shelters you know which is actually genius is art therapy is all the rage in you know mental health community people use art therapy to cope with past traumas they also use art therapy for people recovering from some substance abuse to keep their hands busy so they don't you know go out and judge me or have a relapse or whatever she also founded a movement a non-profit organization or a positive arena which the initiative is just basically to come up with exercises to have a positive outlet outlook and a positive disposition in life so you know that was that organization's mission statement is to uh she was pushing P in the P that she was pushing it was positivity and then the last thing she got involved in her most recent project she's involved in is kinship family initiative to have a program called embrace their roots campaign and what that is is basically um teaching our people teaching our youth to embrace your past your original roots I'm guessing they mean like you know our early civil I'm hoping that they're talking about early civilization because we had a whole identity before you know the trans and Latin slave trade we were more than slaves here in America so I'm yeah I'm hoping you know they're not just fixating on the um slave thing but you know that's what I usually cover in my own breakdown of the narrative podcast I usually cover why I refer to our people as original people but like I said we're at the time limit thing um because it's already a back-to-back episode you know I do I deliver my four episodes on the weekends so this is what's supposed to be a Friday edition but I got a super late you know start uploading I just I ain't even gonna lie to you know I had a really long day taking that and then looked up and it was all like a quarter to midnight but I had my notes ready as you can hear me shot slowing through them I just like I said it black mom launched vegan nail polish line or excuse me next article the headline reads black mom launched vegan nail polish line and made four-year-old daughter the CEO and the the sister's name is jasmine piney piney I mean phi in wise the last name inner daughter's name is serenity the brand is car serenity is nail polish it started for business amid the pandemic um it was based on serenity these excessive needs to um I'm guessing like when we was on lockdown we were super bored and I guess uh her child start you know coming up age where she wanted to uh play with her mother's um grooming product so the nail polish she wanted always she you know stay doing her nails during the uh you know the uh the lockdown or whatever so she decided her nail polish was probably too harsh to be using on her nails you know acrylic and other harmful toxins so she decided to make a um on natural organic um you know vegan art plant based alternative to polish your nails so if you want them to find out more about it this article was super duper short there's not too much specifics on it you can go uh serenity serenity nail to you know get you some more uh details information about the product but that's pretty much all the article really said um I've got one more article for you this morning slash evening evening slash morning um the last article the headline reads Baltimore student becomes first team Baltimore student excuse me becomes first team of black women to win policy debate at Chicago this morning and it's just his names are Nivia Rita and Sardina urban and the policy debate was the annual NCFL located in Chicago Illinois um I'm guessing it's a pop you know just an annual thing like a um you know debate if you ever watched the debates intellectual debate debate um you know they debate about issues the article didn't say what particular issues they was debating on but you know it's really good it's the first time in history women one day competition also the first time in uh the history of having those debates black people will actually you know walk away with the wind so that's a double win for our community with black women one the debate um that's one thing you're not going to do though it's almost a giving that it would be some sisters that win a debate you're not going to out argue black women you're not winning I don't care how intelligent you are um how much you cite your sources you're not going to out argue with sisters so just just hang it up walk away and let them like you got to hold that ill you're not going to out argue with sisters period well that's it and that's all like I said I'm I usually at this juncture um deliver a commentary on current events but I think I'm going to save that for the uh full episode of the narrative podcast uh this was a super light upload but uh join me uh next weekend for another full episode join me this weekend for a full episode of the narrative podcast which is like in a couple hours like like eight nine hours from now which is like it is like officially um Saturdays a little bit after midnight my neck or neck of the woods so join me like you know I would say around seven eight central time um yeah for uh for the full episode of the narrative podcast either I'm hoping like you know in a few hours if not Sunday for sure and just remember to support the platform you can download this episode and I'll previously report the episodes of the narrative podcast wherever you get your podcast information from and um also would it be a really really big help to the platform please please please um click the heart shake like button um there's a comment box and all the links where you see the narrative podcast you know click the link you see the heart shake like button click the download button it's like a little arrow pointing down and then you know clip the uh little three um bubbles and it you can share it back on your uh you know preferred platform whatever you like whatever you're the most active on whether it's uh Facebook Instagram whatever but um share you know the content and the link to the narrative podcast across all platforms on social media but you know whatever you do if you don't do any of those other things the download click the download button um I got I'm over 400 episodes in so you know this episode and I previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast and the best way to uh you know stay stay in touch and stay tapped in for the uh latest um upload of the narrative podcast is to follow me on the social follow me on uh YouTube and then follow me on X um the reason why you follow me on those two mediums because after I'm done brought uh recording my broadcast the automatically uploads to YouTube and X so you follow me on YouTube follow me Halsey Island click the subscribe button and the notification button all and it's basically my viewer channel I don't have a channel specifically just for the narrative podcast what you want to do is just go into my videos which is public all my videos are set to public uh you know you will see every single last episode of the narrative podcast um you can also follow me on um X Halsey Island I stay good at Halsey Island and you will see all the um latest editions of the narrative podcast I'm still not proficient with you know maneuvering on X I never got proficient when it was Twitter so I'm not I'm still getting the hang of that platform but um follow me on X and um you know go where you will see the um narrative narrative latest narrative podcast episode uploaded click that and it will take you right to the um home page um click the download button that's the best place to download episodes of the narrative podcast is following me on X and then clicking the link and then um download all those episodes as well as leaving me a comment and um liking the episode and then also sharing the episodes so like X is the best place to do it to do all those options but um you can also follow me on youtube as well to stay you know current with the latest episodes of the narrative podcast um I also have a personal poetry blog on called Halsey's Poetry Corner and the link to that is and my tagline for that blog is Halsey's Poetry Corner Poetry with a passion poetry for all occasions it took me a little second to remember my own model because I haven't posted anything for quite a while but you know it's some really good poetry posted on there the unique thing about it is all the poems that I have posted on my uh poetry blog is you know spontaneously written you know I didn't premeditate anything I didn't dwell on the uh content of the poem I didn't dwell on what I was going to title the piece you know this is is a straight organic poetry if you love poetry if you like poetry you know that's for you it's for everybody I do have a dozen poems little over dozen poems specifically for our people original people but in essence you know anybody from any walk of life any you know ethnic background can um you know get something out of the poetry posted on that site yeah definitely um guaranteed to find a piece that they can resonate with a portion of or the entire you know poem itself and it's for everybody and like I said you know I spontaneously wrote the poems in the moment so that's a rare rare rare gift you know that that's equivalent to spoken word poetry or you know if it was hip-hop it would be a freestyle pop the top part but in but I wrote it down though so it's like a written version of that so go check that out um the best way to support my poetry blog is sharing the link to Hause's Poetry Corner which is www.MrHause's or um a poem featured on Hause's Poetry Corner across all platforms so like go to the link click the little heart shit like button and for the love of God please comment on my pieces give me some feedback let me know what you like let me know what you don't like talk with me communicate with me you know hit me see some resources that can you know help get get it out there all over you know the blog is spirit whatever you know also click the little three buttons and share them on um you know whatever platform that you want to share them on I would say for the visual platforms like if you have a TikTok or a YouTube channel you might have to get outside of your comfort zone and just give a breath shout out you know shout out Hause's Poetry Corner I really like XYZ poem you know just anything that's in front of a uh you're in front of a camera speaking other other than that like if it's Facebook or uh you know Pinterest Reddit or whatever just post the link to Hause's Poetry Corner or a poem featured on Hause's Poetry Corner across all platforms um and last but not least support my book that I've written it's a book of poetry featured on a site called Poetry uh site called Poetizer and the um address is what that is is basically um it's for uh the novice writers anybody aspiring to become a writer it's a community for uh to share for writers to share their work it also comes with an option for the novice writers to turn their work that they share into a book um has a virtual online bookstore that people active in that community can share you know their work and you know it's for all writing genres but poetry is in the name so it's specifically for poets to share their work but um also people that write short stories novels essay expository writing like um even journal writing is um encouraged on that platform you know memoirs whatever if you like to write that's the site for you whatever style of writing that you like to do you know that's the perfect site for you is um perfect for people that's not you know experienced just you know hobbyist but it's also good for people there are you know accomplished writers because it's cost effective um you know all their features are like really cheap cost effective they offer um illustration they offer marketing and all that marketing bundles way cheaper to amazon way cheaper than kindle and any other platform so keep that in mind um but uh yeah go check out my uh book of poetry on go to their virtual online bookstore and purchase my uh book of poetry title the black card written by me causey alan with the black card is about it's an all-encompassing look about you know who we are as a people you know everything we go through as a people so it's basically like a um a poetic snapshot if you will of our people like just an all-encompassing um insightful look about the nature of you know black people hence the title the black card i'm going to make a good you know coffee table read uh gifts you know travel books um chillax book it's got a very sleek design really thin 30 pages all the poems on there are super duper uh creative uh you'll love it so go to pick up my book the black card or get sure black card to vote and don't worry people outside of our culture you definitely can enjoy it too if you consider yourself progressive or open-minded and want to learn about different cultures you know you can definitely do that by acquiring this book the black card written by me causey alan go go pick it up today um that's it and that's all see you guys in a few hours but this episode of the narrative podcast is officially done uh so i'm on a mission to you know do more weekday uploads of the narrative podcast so i get back on track with my timing um next week so i can give you guys a full synopsis before diving into the uh content like i usually do um i definitely think i have time um you know later on today to do that to give a brief overview of the content before um diving into the content but you know i was running super duper late the day i had all kinds of errands and stuff but um anyway thanks for checking me out thanks for supporting my platform i'm going to keep on coming with that positivity i'm encouraging you all to um you know responsibly utilize your platforms to put out positive frames and reference about our people and our culture as well so you know thank you all for tuning in this um evening slash morning to uh the weekday edition to the uh Friday edition of the narrative podcast um joining uh in a few hours for the uh weekday edition weekend edition of the narrative podcast that's it and that's all i'm projecting love like healing energy over everything you got going on in your life your family your finances uh you know your own uh state of well-being uh we're all family we're all one narrative podcast family just get out there and change the narrative i'm halsey allen and i'm changing the narrative one episode at a time of help with asking you to help help the cause by becoming a narrator and while i'm changing the narrative on my hand one episode at a time as a narrator you can help me change the narrative on your end one social media post at a time until next time halsey allen in the narrative podcast signing off and it's like that so (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen. 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