City Central Church Podcast

Loving Our Neighbor

Broadcast on:
07 Jun 2020

Pastor Chris addresses our present societal division and dismay with a message on compassion and action. The Apostle John was eager to remind us all of the kind of love that comes from God. He uses this faith fact as a springboard to challenge us to practice righteousness – not for ourselves, but for others. Loving our brother is essential to knowing God’s love. 

Chris orients us to this life theme: what is Jesus’ kind of love? In Luke 10, His response to a lawyer seeking to know how to inherit eternal life includes the command to “love your neighbor as yourself.” We can only truly know the love of God by following the way of God, loving our neighbor. In another teaching, Jesus share the parable of the Good Samaritan. Chris explains that we must act in love, not only in our hearts, but with our hands, money, and time.