City Central Church Podcast

God's Jealousy and Zeal

Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2009
Audio Format:

Adam Narciso
weeks ago we've released a new ministry from the central called go teams into uh... into the this throughout the city on friday nights primarily but also saturday's and some thursday's to to to give the gospel to youth throughout takoma and we specifically target venues like football games where they're at and we gather different places throughout the city we pray and we ask the lord that each speak to us very specifically about the people individuals he would have us encounter on those outreaches and what how he would have us minister to them it's been so fun uh... we're doing this kind of outreach of the young people even over the last year and a half and we've seen god do powerful things this last week and we had we release three we mobilized three teams throughout the city and we stop many more i think a total of twenty out reaches through the month of october so you're all welcome to join and uh... shane rollie got the lead one of them and it was so fun to tell his story is 'cause i'll just tell it real quick basically they prayed before and shane elizabeth dan and lindy broils who are there as well as their first time participating in an outreach they were excited about it and uh... they had seen a picture of someone with uh... an ankle issue that they were to pray for and see god heal and they had some words that they were supposed to share with them sure enough the young man they sit next to you and they start talking with them and have this strategic christ-centered uh... you know uh... uh... conversation with from i think Lincoln high school that right shane sure enough he he pulls up his his uh... his pant leg and under his under his pants there's a big old ankle brace and he said yeah i just had ankle surgery and i'm in a lot of pain and sore etcetera etcetera so they pull out their list and say well god told us before we came here that we were supposed to pray for the guy with the ankle problem and in fact here's the message he told us to give you long story short you know the story the guys totally encounters the love of jesus they lay hands on him all of his pain goes away his full motion in his ankle he's heeled by the power of god right there come on and it's so much more fun to preach christ in that context the interest trying to give us for four spiritual loss you know dan and lindie broils it was their first time doing an outreach like this all the way they worked with youth for years and then have uh... incredible ministry with our with the minister here and they came to the outreach in what i hear you guys from a little reserve like what's going to happen all man what are we doing here uh... is this even work you know that kind of stuff and they went and shane had him all want to just pray in here anyway so dan sees a picture of a young man who the the lord said when it starts to rain there will be a young man who will stand up and throw his arms in the air to draw attention to himself in a white shirt and that's the one you're supposed to minister to the lord told you guys he would be a believer and that you were to strengthen him with a specific message insured up what quarter what quarter was in the game fourth quarter fourth quarter how many minutes left five minutes left they did not leave that's given up and they didn't leave five-minute left five minutes left it starts to rain and poor and thunder enlightening and god just like did it all at one time and sure enough a young man in a white shirt stands up to his feet throws his hands in the air to draw attention to himself they said that's our guy but they go down to him he's a believer he follows jesus and you guys prayed for him god is original design and blew him up right there so if you're encouraged and you want to be a part of an outreach like that tyler kennel when you stand your feet raise your hand come see tyler kennel give him your email address this evening will put you on the email list you know where we're outreaches are this coming Friday even praise god that's awesome i love it alright get your bibles ready i'm going to do it uh... some type of message here brian brent just text me two times let's see what he says here i have no idea what he's saying yeah miss yeah pray bless him though it wasn't about tonight so it doesn't anyway i had an encounter with the lord this week where the lord brought some truth that's been beating in my heart it from the word of god over the course of the last year but this week the hois spirit encountered me and he and he gave me a revelation of something that i already knew and he's he's i tell you this revolution is going to set the course of my life in a different a different way simply because i encountered god over what i knew was true in the word already i believe there's to the two most powerful revelations that mankind can have on the earth are number one a revelation of god himself it's the most satisfying exhilarating experience that the human heart can endure a revelation of god the great thing about is we can never exhaust the revelation or the knowledge of god there's always more to see the second greatest revelation of human heart can can receive and endure is a revelation of how god sees that very person and gods equip this ministry with tools to help the body of christ around the world see exactly who god calls them to be and he's calling us into greater depths of revelation into his nature his character and tonight i want to emphasize one aspect of god's nature of god's character that i believe he's emphasizing this out again in our spirit to have an impact on how we live and how we operate in this life i don't want to give you the whole thing primarily because i don't have enough time and secondly because i want you to take the verses that you get this evening write them down pursue the lord throughout the week and ask him that the holy spirit would make true to you what you heard preach this week the other words i don't want to just give you all the revelation god gave me i want you to have the exhilaration and the sheer joy of taking the word of god and searching out the scriptures to find more this week so good this evening i want to speak on an attribute of god that's not too commonly found in theological textbooks around the world nonetheless it's it's a key aspect of god's nature that you and i must have in our spirit a_w_ tozer one of my favorite author hands down he said we can't talk about what god is like in other words though the question what is godlike is the wrong question he says because god is not like anything or anyone you've ever known or encountered so we talk about the love of a father you can't reference an earthly father because god's love is so much more great than that we talk about the omnipresence of god you can't relate it to anyone or anything in all the universe because all of us are bound by space and time he said so instead of asking what is godlike we have to ask how is god how is god and the aspect of his nature that i want to present this evening and i want to call us to research in the scriptures even this week is the aspect of the holy jealousy in the zeal of god when i talk about to you to us but tonight about the holy jealousy in the zeal of god you can open your bibles to jolt after two and keep your hand there i'm gonna have some other scripture passages on the screen just the addresses that you can write down in your notes and i'll read them myself but i want to expect you to turn them to the but those passages because i want to i want to move through this fairly quickly jolt chapter two it's a minor profit he's real minor just three chapters so uh... it's hard to find i want to speak about the holy jealousy in the zeal of god the first slide i just want to i want to put up on the screen is is roman numeral number one what is god jellus for we got slides what is god jellus for this is a in comprehensive list means it's not complete but i will first thing i want to say is god is jellus for his name and for his glory exit is thirty four fourteen the lord said do not worship any other god for the lord whose name is jellus is a jellus got one of the earliest revelations of god in all of the scriptures about his character is in the book of exodus not just this passage but x is twenty verse five and what god revealed about himself early on in the scriptures is that he's a jellus god in fact his name say the same name is jellus in other words his character at the essence of god's character he's filled with a holy jealousy it's nothing like you and i you and i have have watched enough judge duty judge mathis haraldo from back in the nineties we've watched enough doctor phil we've we've watched enough of these kinds of talk shows to know that the world is messed up and filled with carnal jealousy and jellus he has a tendency to to convince and inspire people to do drug to take drastic steps often in bringing chaos and confusion in a greater way into the world but i want you to know that god has s at the very center of his being there's a holy and a righteous jealousy that burns like a fire and when god made himself known in the book of x is he said my name is jellus god is jellus for his name in his glory and i say a thirty four fourteen g the lord said i am the lord that is my name and i will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols letter b next slide god is jellus for his people and exodus chapter twenty verses four through five the lord said you shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven or above on earth beneath or the waters below you should not bow down to them or worship them for either lord your god and a jealous god punishing for the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of of those who hate me but also showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments another verses deuteronomy chapter four verse twenty three to twenty four the lord said be careful not to forget the covenant of the lord that he made with you for the lord your god is a consuming fire a jealous god say the word fire when god speaks about his nature the jealous the jealous aspect of his nature he relates it to one of the key elements on the earth the element of fire and the the lord's like he spoke to me just a few things uh... you know that this week about the about fire just in general it's like he whispered in my heart just yesterday and it's like he said you know fire doesn't get along well with anything else fire consumes everything in its path fire doesn't have a good relationship with anything else or anyone else around it fire has no diplomatic skills a relational aspects to it it utterly consumes torches brings to ash that which it comes in contact with you realize that the gelat there's a the nature in the nature of god he's filled with the holy fire of jealousy for his namesake but also for you and i when we pray pray burn away everything that might be standing away in a real sense we're asking for the jealousy of god to engage our hearts that he burn away everything in us that hinders our love for him everything in us that competes with our affections god would your jealous love burn in my heart into all that remains is love for you and john chapter two verses uh... thirteen through seventeen the bible talks about jesus going into the temple the beginning of his ministry noticing that there was all kinds of money changers their people selling birds and bulls and and all these other animals at it incredible you know knocked up price you know it was above market value they're ripping everyone off in the name of the lord they're marketing the worship of god and jesus went in but before he went in the bible says he made a whip i don't know about you but making a whip with his bare hands that's an aggressive violent action you follow me remember when i was a uh... sophomore in high school and you know what it's like to phrase uh... no it's a word haze freshman dehaze freshman while i just started going to this youth group as i give my life to the lord and they haze freshman there wasn't too godly of a youth group they haze freshman there and one of the pastor's sons at this youth group literally made a paddle in woodshop and that was a common occurrence at my high school to make a large two-foot paddle in woodshop they duct tape a kid to a tree and you know the rest next next thing you know the cops are involved in there's attorneys involved in it wasn't a good church experience why because it's it's irreverent to consider that in the house of god someone would do something with his own hands that would inflate that kind of pain that kind of intense pain on another individual but we see the son of god when he was on the earth filled with god's holy zeal and fire for the house of prayer and worship he physically with his hands made a whip went into the house overturned tables and chased everyone out of the temple with the whip he made it's not the average picture sunday school paints for our kids is it nonetheless it's in the scriptures in the nature of god there's a burning fire jealousy that drives god to do radical things on our behalf to make wrong things right so that nothing competes with his agenda and his love on the earth they said of jesus all they remembered after he turned over all the tables that it was written up him zeal for your house will consume jesus is always also jealous for his land the next slide he's also jealous for his land for israel in the entire jole chapter two verse eighteen the lord says then the lord will be jealous for his land the land of israel god is jealous for a specific geographical location in the earth the land of palestine israel bible says it not a politician not those crazy right wing fanatics the bible says that god is jealous for the land of israel but also for the for the nations of the earth we see that in roman's chapter eight verses nineteen through twenty two the next slide i want to go to number two i want to emphasize one key aspect or clarification about god's jealousy in zeal that's going to help us i want you to know that god's jealousy is actually ultimately a manifestation of his fierce love for you it compels him to be released both blessing and revival as well as judgment in discipline in the earth whenever we see blessing revival judgment discipline released on the earth or in the scriptures it speak it was motivated by god's jealous love is the burning fire in his heart for you and i his creation we see it letter a in blessing uh... in the fall at the fall of man i'm going to run through this year at the fall of man in genesis chapter three adam and eve eight of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and they were cursed by god in genesis chapter three but immediately in genesis chapter three verse fifteen the lord said after he pronounced a curse on on man on mankind he said and i will put m nipty between you speaking to the serpent and the woman speaking regard about mankind and between her off your offspring in hers speaking of jesus the lord said he will crush your head jesus will crush the head of the enemy referring to the cross and you will strike his heel in other words you'll kill him but just in three days later watch out it's interesting that at the very moment mankind god in his jealous love for mankind immediately announced his plan to buy them back right when they sold themselves into slavery of sin in the penalty of death god announced his plan from the foundation of universe to say i'm gonna buy them back god is jealous for you contrast it with this one-third of all the infinity of the angels sinned against god they were they were booted from heaven god pronounced everlasting judgment and destruction on them instill to this day as far as i understand from the scriptures there's no hope of salvation for them but the very moment mankind fell in his jealous love this flame stirred up within him and he said my son will bruise your head i will buy them back god has a jealous love for his people a fierce love for you and i his love is also manifested in judgment we see it in deuteronomy chapter six verses fourteen through fifteen and also in the book of jol and we're gonna go there in a moment but i want you to know when god all throughout the scriptures when he disciplined his people or when he brought judgment on his people you can see it in some of the scriptures i've listed i believe the primary motivation behind god's action in judgment and in discipline was simply that his heart was so enraged with the flame of holy jealousy and zeal for his people that he said i am willing to allow that jealousy to drive me to afflict them for a moment until everything that hinders my love from being received in them is removed so god's eager to shake a nation if he can get love inside the hearts of the people and we see it all throughout the scriptures it's actually the history of israel they love god and he blesses them they rebel against god and after a few generations he curses them he rise up in judgment he rises up in judgment and in discipline and they crowd god why did you do this and he said it's because i want you to love me and serve me and i want to be with you and so the judgments of god actually is the action of god whereby he wrote he seeks to remove everything that hinders his love and competes with the affections of his people towards him god's jealous love i want you to search this out slide number five what is god after when in his jealous love he releases judgment against his people are we okay here can i keep going this is where we come to the book of jul you can open it jul chapter two right dead center in the book of jul by the way i'd love to be able to teach verse by verse through this awesome book of the of the old testament someday here but for now this is what god's asking me to do the outline of the book of jul is broken down really in the two parts the first part is jul chapter one one verse uh... through chapter two seventeen and it talks about the crisis in the land of israel and god's mandated prescribed response the necessary response it gives us literally the tools for how god calls us to respond to national crisis it's found in the book of jul i tell you what god's primary concern is not with the flow of politics in the agendas of man his concern is not diplomatic in nature instead what he prescribes will get to momentarily is is is uh... is something that you and i need to give ourselves to in a whole hearted way part two chapter two eighteen verses through uh... through verse excuse me chapter three twenty one has to do with god's power in saving in indicating a whole hearted people so in part one the profit jul comes on the scene he looks around the nation of israel who for years have been tormented by natural disasters they've had three plagues of wild locusts come into the land of israel to destroy their crops ultimately to bring about a famine in the land to destroy the economy the nation of israel was radically struck by several natural disasters in the land over the course of several years in the profit jul right rose up in spoke and he said for years the swarming locust the creeping locusts the flying locusts all of them have come and then he began to prophesy in that same part of jul uh... of the book of jul chapter one in chapter two he began to prophesy that there was an army from the north speaking of babylon ancient babylon who is being raised up a fierce army such as never been seen before in the nations of the earth and they were so fierce and so violent and they were actually going to come and invade the land of israel he was announcing a military invasion that would come about against the people of god and always the pattern of god in judgment goes natural disaster natural disaster natural disaster do they repent do they repent i'm longing for them to repent i long for them to to repent of their idolatry and pursue my heart and then he sends a profit this is why our art art nation is in shambles turn otherwise another nation will come in scatterers among the people of the world insure enough you follow the old testament that's exactly what happened and i tell you what in america we've seen national crisis we've seen natural disaster many different kinds specifically in the last ten years and if you're consistent with the biblical worldview the answer that the paradigm for interpreting reality around us you have to interpret it through the lens of the book of jol and with the profit jol said concerning this army in jol chapter two he said it's the lord's army this army that's coming to invade you coming to scatter you among the nations of the earth actually belongs to yahweh and he is raising them up to destroy you the true prophetic voice in the land of israel did not say peace peace all is well beyond the economy is going to recover everything's going to be okay don't worry start investing in real estate again instead the true profit was found saying if you don't turn now the next step in god's holy jealousy is he will raise up another nation to come into execute his disciplinary measures in the land that he loves he's doing this because he's after you he said god wants you in part two part two of the book of jol jol outlines the holy mandate that god prescribed for how to respond to the national crisis and you and i have to take heed to this to this very thing right now god's mandate was clearly set before the people in jol chapter two verses twelve through seventeen the lord said yet even now declares the lord returned to me with all your heart with fasting and weeping and mourning render heart not your garments return to the lord your god frees gracious and merciful slow to anger and abounding instead fast left and he relents over disaster who knows whether or not he will turn in relent and leave a blessing behind them a grain offering a drink offering to the lord your god blow the trumpard in zion consecrate a fast call a solemn assembly gather the people consecrate the congregation assemble the elders gather the children even nursing infants do you get the picture god wanted everyone gather everyone but the bridegroom leave his brought room in the brighter chamber between the vestibule and the altar let the priest and ministers of the lord we can say spare your people the lord and make not your heritage a reproach of by word among the nations why should they say among the peoples where is their god this is a key passage for understanding god's mandate for his prescription for how we respond to national crisis and god's mandate is this gather everyone repent of sin fast and pray and seek my face you and i are called by god to interpret the condition of america and the nations of the earth around us through the context of this very lens return to god return to god return to god i want to clarify for a moment that god's not after these things in and of themselves when he releases judgment in other words when he releases discipline in the nation it's not that he wants his people to fast and pray he's not doing it so people call us a solemn assembly he will not do it so he's not doing it so that people feel the house of prayer he's not doing it so people feel prayer slots he's not doing it so people start preaching the gospel but instead the secret as to why he's doing it is literally found in the center of the book of Joel in verse twelve chapter two he says yet even now declares a lord return to me with all your heart i want you to know that what god is after when he releases judgment in discipline on an individual or even a collective group of people be it a nation a city of church he's after the whole heart of the people he's after the whole heart he wants all the affection he wants all the desire he wants all of it that's what he's after the interesting thing is that god also knows that the quickest way to the deepest level of whole heartedness in the collective group of people is through corporate fasting and prayer corporate repentance corporate calling on the name of the lord and corporate worship and i want to tell you something i believe god is stirring this house right now in this hour to come and embrace the call to whole hearted devotion before the lord and that phrase cannot be just some ethereal language but instead we have to attach it to Joel chapter two and say whole heartedness looks this way stop business as usual in the programs shut down the church way of doing things stop business and normal seek my face repent of your sin fast and pray who knows maybe god will leave a blessing behind in turn from the disaster that's come upon us you and i have to know and we'll talk about this when we go through the book of jolt that it's in the heart of god to relent from doing disaster it's in the heart of god to release blessing instead of judgment it's in the heart of god to pour out revival and mercy instead of discipline on the wayward people it's in the heart of god gods not after a behavioral change he's after a whole hearts and i think we have this great opportunity at city central in this hour this present hour to engage in pursuit of whole hearted devotion before the lord he's actually called us to arrange ourselves in such a way that we would have a house of prayer a furnace of prayer right in the center of everything we do it would be this twenty four seven work of ministering to the lord of interceding for the nations of the earth and aligning our heart in right priority in ministering to him and god's actually mandated that we organize city central in a way that helps us to feel the call to whole heartedness he's mandated that we have outreaches throughout the city that you and i could be a part of that we could engage the love of god in evangelism in discipleship in reaching out to young people in training young people in all these things god's actually asked us to arrange to central in a way that we've moved into corporate whole heartedness together it's an awesome deal i want to say just these last few things that the last slide okay what is it god what is it about the revelation of god zeal that he wants you and i'd a half what does it mean for city central today it's going to say these quickly i believe god wants a people who deeply taken this revelation of his jealous love letter b i think god wants a people who build a history out of privately and corporately pursuing his glory in prayer in fasting in a lifestyle of repentance and i must say at this point i really i always feel this when i pray for sea central god spoke into especially many men in in our body challenging us in our level of devotion particularly in the way of regular fasting calling us to a higher more intense level of devotion and discipline before that we would engage in weekly or whatever it is whatever the the schedule he would have for us to live before him with prayers and fasting and that we would do that in devotion to him think letter c god wants a people in whole hearted pursuit of him i think god wants to raise up through this kind of whole hearted devotion preachers who can preach like in jul chapter two below the trumpet in Zion sound the alarm of god's holy hill that all the people tremble i think god wants to raise up the kind of preaching that produces alarm and trembling in the nations of the earth once again i think he wants to produce the kind of evangelistic preaching that people are not inclined to go to that meeting just to see it you know a few the next best christian artist but instead they're drawn by the level of proclamation that produces trembling in the spirit and they're moved in repentance i think god wants to raise up that kind of preaching i'll tell you what that kind of preaching only gets birthed in the context of corporate whole hearted devotion it only happens when the people set themselves to seek the lord with all their hearts in this in this jul chapter two manner you only get jul chapter two type of preaching when you live the jul chapter one into lifestyle sound the alarm declare a fast gather the elders gather the people repent of your sins seek my face and this is what we're after city central i think this room is is filled with a number of preachers who are anointed for this kind of proclamation that one day you will stand before many many in in public schools even and your voice though it might be young and inexperienced and many are yet to come to this mission though their voice might be young in it and inexperienced it will be cultured in an environment of corporate wholehearted corporate worship and prayer non-stop corporate works of evangelism and love and justice in the world all those things and that voice that has been nurtured in that environment of corporate whole heartedness in a people that reject media mediocrity that reject the status quo that reject saying all that's too radical for me it takes too much time says no god we're going after the jul to lifestyle we live before you that way because we want jul to proclaimers the most popular passage in the book jul is actually jul chapter three the outpouring of the holy spirit and that's the one peter quoted in the book of acts at the day of pentecost and that's the one that's mostly preached on but you don't get the jul outpouring of the holy spirit unless you have the jul lifestyle of corporate wholeheartedness and this is what god's calling us to in this hour finally a few a few things here think about Moses moses was a man who god spoke to more about his jealousy than anyone else in all the bible moses was the guy in the scripture that god revealed more about his jealous nature to anyone else in the bible interestingly moses was also the guy who had the largest weight of responsibility of leadership than anyone in the bible there's a connection god raises up leaders that who will bear heavy weights of leadership and responsibility through revelation of his jealous love through revelation of his holy zeal through a context of wholehearted devotion and that revelation produces moses type leaders i tell you i believe city centrals been called to carry a way of leadership and of responsibility in the body of christ in to come up also in the nations of the earth and what he desires in order to produce that kind of leader is a corporate people who embrace the revelation of god's holy jealousy in zeal in the context of a collective wholehearted pursuit of the lord jesus christ this is the last thing i want to say i promise are we okay here okay remember we had all those announcements and uh... and jordan preached in his announcement so that was like another sermon and with then daniel wanted to pray for jasoning retching like jeez you know come on and so i'm trying to make up for lost time here is this okay god wants a people who will fiercely guard and protect the purity and the direction of his movement god wants a people you and i city central who fiercely guard and protect the purity of direction of city central i want you to know that there's a two-fold reality with this on the one hand god is often times eager to interrupt the affairs of man specifically leaders to interrupt their agenda if it's man centered into change the trajectory to get it back on course case in point the book of acts the apostle paul was obeying the great commission going to all the world make disciples of all the nations and as he's doing as he's about to go into asia in the bible says the holy spirit forbade them from going into asia isn't it weird that god forbade them from actually fulfilling the great commission he stopped him in their tracks is actually that's not me then that night the apostle paul went to sleep and a man appeared to him in the night in a dream and it was a man from the nation massadonia and they pleaded with him saying come and share the gospel with me come and speak to me about this jesus so the bible says paul concluded that god wanted him to go to massadonia and then at one man's revelation the whole missions team changed directions so by the way god can speak to one person and change the direction of the entire church we can't be offended as leadership and as he did that they went into the land preach the gospel so god saw fit in that moment as he often does to interrupt the affairs of man so that in his holy jealousy he says will still done but i want to tell you something this is a warning for all of us we're going to close with the warning is that god also at times loosens his hold from his people and allows them to pursue that which is in their heart even if it's not his primary plan for them case in point he wanted to be the king over the land of israel couple decades later the nations look around the israel looks around at all these other philistines and amorites malachi said they all have kings we need to have a king god give us a king and he said i do not want you to have a king i want to be your king and they persisted in the request so god allowed them their desire it's a dangerous thing to be allowed your own carnal desire and god disguised it in a blessing he appointed the prophet samuel to go and speak to the nation of israel said you can have a king he's right over there his name saw and god blessed it and sanctioned it and he had all these prophetic words about saw and about how he was to lead the nation and all of israel thought they were in the blessing of god until centuries generations later we come to the book of hosea after dozens of kings have gone through the cycle of leading the nation of israel and god said and hosea chapter thirteen verse eleven he said i gave you a king in my anger and i took him away in my wrath i want to call the city central this night i think he's had me preach a couple like tough like words you know i want to call us to a greater posture of holy jealousy over the direction of this movement that we would always can remind ourselves that our heart the nature of our heart is to depart from him to depart from what he said to turn it just even slightly and if we persist in that that kind of a posture of our heart god will give us our desires and he'll bless it he'll prophesy about it but it won't be the movement he desired i feel god's holy zeal and jealousy over this one point that we together would rise up pursue the revelation of the jealousy of god that we would embrace whole hearted devotion in a greater way and that we would lead this thing according to what god said and not according to the interpretations of man it's in our hearts in our nature to leave what god said case in point we can come back we blew up our church months ago right the beginning of the year went to fifty days of prayer and fasting it was awesome it was incredible then we moved into the uh... convention center it was awesome it was incredible and then it became dull and boring then we moved to c_b_a_ it was awesome it was incredible then it became dull and boring and we see the cycle why is it it's not because god doesn't want to move it's because our hearts are inclined to embrace religion rather than that which god said so i want to call us when we do things in this house like we said we're gonna pray throughout the whole offering we're doing it because we want our house to be a house of prayer for the nations when we do things we say we're all going to start worship at the same time in other words in the chat in the background let's all worship right now we're doing it because we're here at a worship service to serve and administer the lord not to be served and to receive the ministry of man and then uh... so this is what we're going to do right now we're gonna dismiss by doing two things a we're going to pray in response to this very briefly we're going to ask that the lord and move in our hearts this week with the revolution holy jealousy and after that we're going to switch gears when i bring graham and a list of malanao ski appear who have served us for the last two years and they're leaving for kona the wine basin kona tomorrow and we'll talk more about that we're gonna bless them and commit them to the lord this evening does that sound good once you rise to your feet right now people