City Central Church Podcast
King David Part 2
Jordan Boley gives an understanding of King David.
That was at a song of Solomon, chapter 8, verse 6 and 7. That's my favorite verse of all time. It's the most profound verse on the power of love. "Many waters cannot quench love, though a man or to give all the wealth of his house for love, it'd be utterly scorn." In other words, the richest man in the world, if you give all of his wealth, all the house of his wealth, if you try to trade it in for love, it'd be utterly worthless. And so it's such a profoundly powerful verse on the beauty of the love of Jesus. Amen. Every have their notes? Are we doing good? All right, well, we're just going to get right into it, if that's OK with everybody. We're going to pick up on King David Part 2. Every have a good week, study about David, learn about David. If you're wondering why I'm not wearing shorts or why I'm wearing shorts, it's because my wife maybe get all my jeans hemmed. It's kind of a problem when you have a stocky frame and short legs. I'm just being honest. So I have no jeans to wear tonight. And so these are my shorts. I hope that's OK with everybody. Hope that's OK. All right, good. Praise God. I'm glad. Praise Jesus. That's right, they're soccer legs. I played soccer. OK. You know, my dad, he won the best looking legs contest one time. I'm serious. They got all the business guys in the community and the new station did. They had to walk down the model deal and show their legs off. And he won it. He was first place. I'm serious. All right, generational blessing. OK. So, oh my goodness. What an amazing day. What a great day today. It was so sunny. Everyone's face is like red and stuff. I was talking to Adam, and he's like, dude, when you look at him in the crowd, look how many people's faces are red. It's so funny. So anyway, hey, well, let's get started. Hey, the first-- let's pray. Father, we just thank you in Jesus' name for your presence. And God, I just believe tonight, Lord, that there is, Lord, there's a key, God. I believe there's a key, God. And I believe it's called the key of David. And I pray, God, that you had opened up, Lord, a new river, God, in this house tonight. I pray in the name of Jesus, God, that you'd unleash, God, the guns of heaven and point them towards this community, God. Blast everything away that stands in the way, Lord, of your revelation and your knowledge, Lord, breaking forth on the heart and the mind of your people. And I pray, God, that the key of David would come and unlock the heart of this house in Jesus' name. Praise God. Go to Isaiah 22, chapter 22, verse 22. Isaiah 22, verse 22. All right. Thank you, Lord. Isaiah 22, 22 says, I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David. What he opens, no one can shut. And what he shuts, no one can open. Of course, this is a prophecy about the coming Messiah. But I believe that every promise it's given in Christ is ours as well. If we're in him, he longs to share that with his brothers and sisters, his family. There's a key called the key of the house of David. They go on to lay on the shoulders of this house tonight. We're going to have a time to do that, amen? OK, the first thing is this. How many of you guys remember Kim, our friend who came and ministered a bit when he was here? Well, he taught me this great lesson. And he said, Jordan, he said, the platform, in any time that you minister, you need to know that this is a place, it's an altar. It's not a place of idolatry. And it's so common in the church, coast to coast, that it's a place of idolatry. And he said, it's a place of altar because when you-- he goes, an altar, nothing living, stays there. When you're done, you're done. And you don't think about it. And you give your whole heart to the Lord as a living sacrifice. So if it's OK with you guys, I want you to have your permission tonight to unleash and just give it all. So when you're up here ministering, it's like you'll make mistakes. You young people come up, but just know it's an altar. It's an altar, sacrifice of worship unto God. So I have your permission tonight to just let it loose. That sounds good. Amen. OK, so here's what I want to do. The first thing I want to do is I want to create in everyone in this room. I want to create in you a sense of urgency, urgency of the days that you live in. How many of you guys have heard that we're living in the end time generation? How many of you heard that God is raising up an army that will carry-- that will break into so much glory and restore the broken walls of the church? How many of you guys have heard that? How many of you believe that were called to this in a measure? How many of you believe that? And believe, can you believe that God's calling this house to be leaders of that movement? I believe it with all my heart. So here's what I want to do is create biblical sense of urgency. You ready for this? Good to Matthew 24, 14. Matthew 24, 14. Thank you, Jesus. Jesus is prophesying about the end. I mean, know that there will be an end to this age. And there'll be a new one. Everyone focuses on the end and how hard it's going to be. But few people focus on the glory of the new one. Few people. The church needs to have hope over the subject. The church needs to have victory. The church needs to have faith. The church needs to have understanding. The church needs to live in the reality of eternity. It is so real. It's why people willingly gave their very lives, because they knew they're trading an end for a better one. And once you grab that, once that grabs your heart, there's nothing that can stop an army that's willing to die for what they believe in. Because they know that they have eternal inheritance. Amen. Matthew 24, 14. Amen. Jesus said, hold on a second. In this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. How many of you guys heard that Mark Anderson and major worldwide leaders of major moves of God are saying that within the next 10 years, the gospel will be preached in every nation on the earth? Do you know that you're living in a time in history with that could never have ever been possible ever before? Consider that. So what does that mean for you? If you don't believe me, go to Matthew 23, 39. Flip the page one over. Matthew 23, 39. Jesus is in the city of Jerusalem. And he says, for I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. He's speaking to the people of Jerusalem. And he's saying, because you've rejected Messiah, I tell you the truth. You will not see me again until you collectively say, city of Jerusalem, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. In other words, blessed are you, son of God. We believe who you are. Do you know that no other time in history could this prophecy have come to pass? Because the nation of Israel has not been a nation except in our generation. 1948, the nation of Israel came together and was a nation. So reason makes would say that no other time in history could this prophecy have been fulfilled. Do you understand? There's no way around that. Those two together, and there's many, many other verses, stayed a strong case that we're living in the end time generation. And Mike Vigiel says, whether it's five years, 100 years, I don't know, but man, that's going to go awfully fast in the scope of eternity. And if you don't believe it and shut the reality and the urgency of the hour that you live in, go on, just kind of continue in my ways. And I'll go to church and do the things. And I'll kind of end one day out the next. End day out the next. End one day out the next. Someone brings a word of correction to get me on the right path. And I don't like it, so I back up and I waste five months. I tell you, it's an urgent hour. It's an urgent hour. God's wanting to use every single one in this room. But-- and if you think you're going to skip it, oh, well, I can kind of write it out, kind of be dead when I'm 70. It's probably not going to happen until then. It will land on your children or it will land on your children's children. It's selfishness to not heed the word of the Lord and the word of the hour in any way that you look at it. It's even just selfishness to even have that mindset. But if you think you're going to skip it, it'll land on your kids. So whether you think it's going to come now or in 200 years, it is wisdom to prepare with all that you have for this move of God. Amen? Amen. One of the things-- and Chris Hippie taught me this. He's such a great teacher. He said, there's a difference between anxiety and urgency. You can still walk in the peace of the Lord but have great urgency. And that's what-- that's where the great ones begin to walk, is they sound the alarm and they move and they ring the bell and they go all over the nations of the earth and they rally the people of God. But they don't have anxiety over it. They're fear or anger if they don't respond. They walk in peace, but they have urgency. You understand? And that's what God wants to raise us up in. First Chronicles 12, there were 200 sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times and knew what Israel should do. And it says in First Chronicles 12 that they were leaders of the relatives. God wants to give you revelation to have understanding of the times. And as you receive that and walk in it and apply your life to the wisdom of the hour, then you begin to lead. You understand? Everyone in here is called the lead radically. It's an urgent hour. Don't be afraid. God is preparing many, many, many things to protect his bride and bring her into her destiny. Many, many things. You'd be blown away. When it all comes down, you'll be blown away. I don't God masterfully. Put everything together. All you gotta do is like a child. I believe the word of the Lord. Yes, I'll do what you say. I believe I'm so excited. I don't know. There is gonna be danger and there will be this and this, but I want to stand firm to the end. I love you. What a great invitation from God to be born in this hour. If you don't believe in, I'm saying there-- [LAUGHTER] The greatest outbreak of the spirit of abortion ever in the history of mankind is landed on our generation. Do you think that's demonic? I'd say so. When the great deliverer Moses was born, the spirit of abortion manifested itself. When Jesus was born, the same spirit manifested itself. This generation's a generation of deliverers and the enemies scared. And if you survive, thank Jesus. I tell you the truth. Oh, praise God. What a day we're moving into you. What a day. OK. I want to share a dream that I have. Is that OK? You guys believe in dreams? God speaks to us in dreams all the time. It's awesome. I love dreams. He speaks to me a lot in dreams. I barely understand what he's saying, but I just write him down and try to understand anyway. So I had this dream and think I just have prophetic people around us. But I was in my parents' lake house. They have a lake house in Missouri. We're hanging out. We're doing this crazy stuff. All of a sudden, I get a call. And I am scared to wrestle the third place wrestling match at the state tournament in Iowa. I was a wrestler. I have cauliflower here. Never noticed. And so third place match in Iowa is a pretty big deal. Wrestling's huge in that state. All these things-- farm boys, all the business, right? So I'm late for the third place wrestling match. And there's urgency. And I'm clearly overweight. I know that I have to go and weigh in. I'm like, this is ridiculous. I'm never going to make weight. Are you kidding me? I knew that the match started at three. And it was like 1 o'clock. And it takes five hours to drive up there. So I'm in the dream, and that this is unbelievable. Chris was in the dream. I don't even know what Chris is doing. Chris is saying all this business about you better get there on time. I'm like, why are you in my dream? And all these things. And I'm frustrated. And I'm there to get outside. There's this slow car in the driveway. That's this little slow car called a mochi that I don't know if you've ever heard of a mochi. If you ever go to the islands, the vacation, they rent these little deals called mochis. And it's like this little mochi. And it's going to take me to Iowa. And I'm too-- it's unbelievable. So all these things. And so I'm like, what in the world? So I write down the dream. And God says to send it to our friend Kim. So don't start sending dreams, Kay. But he told me to do it. So I sent him a dream. I sent it to a couple other people and said, can you help me? Is there anything you're saying? And it was super profound insight. Kim emails back and he goes, yeah, it's easy. He goes, he goes, a third place wrestling match is God's telling you that you have a wrestling match scheduled with the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. He said, and he goes, the way that you've gone after the sun is you've wrestled them down so that you'd have the knowledge of Jesus. And the way that you've gone after the Father's, you've wrestled him down. And he likes it. And so God wants you to know that he has an appointment for you. It's so encouraging. I was like, I read all that. Oh my goodness. I am so dull. That's-- I was thinking, I have no idea. But it was profound revelation, amen? So I want to tell you, there's gifts of dream interpretation God wants to release in this body. It's so critical that dreams are all symbolic, typically. There's a whole other teaching, but thanks, bro. So I'm sharing that with you because I believe in part that it was for this body too. And that there's a tenacity that we must go after God with. There really is a tenacity that we have to go after God with. Draw near to God. He'll draw near to you. He won't come near unless you take a step forward, proved by your actions that I want to meet with God. I'm fasting one meal a week, God, for the next month, because I want to encounter you for real. Man, I want to encounter you, God. I need to have you. So I'm wholeheartedly, violently going after the Holy Spirit right now. These are my prayers. I have no idea who you are, read books. Some people are afraid of you. I don't get you. I don't understand you. But I know that you're real. And I want to have a living friendship with you, the third person of the Trinity. I want to really know who you are. Please come and make yourself real to me. I want to know you. And it takes time. It doesn't give us pearls to swine. You know what I'm saying? I'm not swine, but there's a principle in God. You just ask once, and then you expect them to just dump this rev. You've got to go after it. You know what I'm saying? So I want to charge your engines to go after it. You guys charged? There's an aspect in the beauty of God that he wants to be pursued. Genesis chapter 1 says, male and female he created in his image. There's aspects of a feminine makeup that are in the beauty of God. He's not a girl, can you know what I'm saying? But there's aspects of the feminine makeup. Part of that is that he wants to be pursued. A woman wants to be pursued. That came from God. He wants to be pursued. As you begin to go after God, he just loves. He's like, oh, this is the best. Come after me some more. I'll show you things that will blow your mind. It's a pursuit of God. Amen? Okay, all right, we're getting there. Okay, so here's what I want to do, okay? I want to do a recap of last week quickly, and then I want to go into the tabernacle of David. That sound good? Say, okay, so we talked about the principle of fascination, David, because he was fascinated. He had confidence to carry out great exploits for God. Every human heart is created to want to be fascinated with something, fascinated with beauty, fascinated taking. Your emotions engage with something. And that's why the sexual addictions on this generation are so strong. It's because we were created with a heightened sense of wanting to have our, wanting to be fascinated, wanting to be engaged, wanting something to take us over wholeheartedly. And God's saying, I'm giving you an opportunity. Come and get it. Come and get it. And he'll change you. And because when you begin to be fascinated with God, you'd be an encounter with the beauty and the glory of God, and then it produces confidence in you to carry out great exploits. Amen? Here's some quick text on the beauty of God. Genesis chapter one, Exodus 24, 10, Ezekiel one, Isaiah six, John one, 14, Hebrews one, three, Revelation chapter four. They're all in your notes. But study those under a spirit of revelation. And it encounters your heart. You get to see God for who he really is. Amen? Fascination leads to wanting to worship. Worship is into me in the true source of everything. David was on the back hills of Bethlehem. His brothers are fighting. He's worshiping the Lord with his harp. His dad says, go take this food to your brothers at the front line. Did you know that he did not know he would encounter Goliath that day? But he was ready. He was prepared, but he didn't know what he was preparing for. He just loved his God and he was fascinated with God. And he just worshiped the Lord. And then his father said, go and David, in his obedient heart, it says in scripture, he got up early the next morning. The land of the front lines. How can I serve? I submit to my authorities. You see that? And then he went and he gave the food and he heard the clamor of the boastful arrogant spirit of Goliath and he said, and it struck something in his spirit. He goes, who is this one that defies my God? He said, I'll kill him today. Worship, worship is the source of everything, guys. Amen? Turned Isaiah four. Right. All right, Isaiah four is one of my favorite chapters of the whole Bible. And verse two, Isaiah first chapter four, verse two. I'm calling this the Isaiah four progression principle. I just made that up. Verse two, it says, in that day, the branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious. How many know the branch of the Lord is a symbolic name for the Messiah? So one of God's main emphasis in this hour, guys, is to paint a picture of the sun to a generation that will capture their emotions, that will capture their gaze, that will capture their wanting, their longing, their adoration. So one of the key things on God's heart right now is to paint a picture of the beauty of the sun. It's because people all over the United States right now, they hear the word Lord and they just, they get condemned or immediately associated with church or, you know, I bow my head, Lord praise God, Lord, you know, they don't see that the sun is beautiful. It doesn't connect at all. But one of the main things on the heart of God, the Father, is to paint a picture that his son is beautiful. Oh, and when it captures your heart, it will turn in generation like that. And it'll strike the fine arts, and it'll bring the new sound, and it'll bring the drama, and it'll bring all the things that have the anointing power of God because a generation has been fascinated with the sun, fascinated. He's not just a warrior, he's not just a warrior. He's a lover, he's a lover. So check this out. Verse four, the Lord will wash away the filth of the women of Zion. He will cleanse the bloodstings from Jerusalem by a spirit of judgment and a spirit of fire. Watch this. You get a revelation of beauty, and then a spirit of judgment, which is the conscious conviction of the Holy Spirit strikes your mind, over sin, not condemnation, but conviction. Then a spirit of burning is loosed. And a spirit of burning talks to touching the things that make you passionate about something. And it creates zeal in you. Oh, I want to do this. I'm enlightened, I'm invigorated. I'm lit up like a light bulb. Beauty leads to the Holy Spirit convicting you of sin, leads to the spirit of burning, striking your emotions. Oh, I'm filled up. I want to preach. I want to do all these things that God's calling me to do. I'm filled with fire, and watch this. Verse five, then the Lord will create over all of Mount Zion. And over those who assemble there, a cloud is smoked by day in a glow of flaming fire by night, over all the glory will be a canopy. It will be a shelter in shade from the heat of the day and a refuge in hiding place from the storm and the rain. All those things end up in glory. Glory. It's a shade and a shelter and a smoke by day and a fire by night. Is that going to like show up in our church? I don't know. I just know in the spirit, there'll be a very concentrated measure of the presence of a holy God. And it is so awesome. It's what you need to long for first and foremost above ministry. It's the glory of God. And if you touch it, oh, then you will be so dangerous, so dangerous, so dangerous. Touch the glory long for the glory. Get beauty, get the consciousness of sin, washing the filth from you. Get the burning, the spirit of burning on you, zeal. Oh, so fired up. Then glory comes. Amen? Okay, so that's fascination. Okay, so here we go. Are you guys good? Is this good stuff? Okay, the next one is intercession. You ready for this? We need to blow up the old stereotype of intercession. Some group of old ladies praying with prayer shawls and they're anointing everything in sight with oil, just praying in the spirit all the time. That is not an intercession. They're all over the place and they're amazing. And I tell you the truth that when all is said and done and they get the rewards handed out by God, there'll be some of the first ones in line, guaranteed. But the most of the church things relegates it to them. Religates it to them. Says, oh, intercession, yeah, praise God. We need to intercede, but in the mind it's weird, it's abstract, it's on the shelf. I'm here tonight to blow up, blow up, that stereotype. I'm bumming to blow it up. Because if you want to be a part of what God's doing in this hour, you must lay hold violently of a lifestyle of intercession. Nothing will come in your life without powerful intercession being brought to your life, nothing, nothing will come. Nothing, are you ready for this? I'm gonna blow up your understanding in Jesus name. Here we go. The word intercession out of Isaiah 5312. Turn to Isaiah 5312. Isaiah 5312. I don't like that stereotype. Emmanuel Ziga is the most powerful intercessor I have ever encountered ever. And I want to be like him. Okay, Isaiah 5312. Therefore, I will give him a portion among the great and he will divide the spoils with the strong because he poured out his life into death and was numbered with the transgressor. Transgressors, he bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors. The word intercession there in that context is the Hebrew word pagah. And you want to know what it means? Are you sure? Okay. It says to strike upon or strike against, to rush on anyone with hostile violence in order to kill, to slay. It's also in 2 Samuel 115. The same word is used in 2 Samuel 115. Go there real quick. 2 Samuel 115. (keyboard clicking) Okay, 2 Samuel 115. Then David called one of his men and said go, strike him down, go pagah him down. Same word, same word. Look it up. To strike upon with the intent to kill, to slay. What in the world? Listen, if you want true intercession, it means I will stand in the gap until there is violence breakthrough. And I will rush upon the enemy until there is violent breakthrough. That's intercession. Until there's a shift, until there's a turn, until there's a breakthrough, I will stand until there is violent breakthrough. You will not go anywhere in ministry unless you learn to intercede like that. Mark my words. You must intercede, must. Jesus did it, all the great ones did it. You want to know an example of intercession. You ready for this? So David, I just, I said that story. David is up there guys. And his father sends him to the front lines and because he'd been in the place of worship, something internally, actively that he just turned and goes, who is this one, to find my God? It just turned on like that. You know what's interesting too about that text is? The guys, he goes, they go, oh yeah, the guy who strikes down this one will be given wives, riches, tax exempt in Israel. A worshipper was being offered the glory, the gals, the money. But a true worshipper says, I don't need any of that. I'm gonna go kill this guy. That's a true worship, that's the pure worship of God. And so, so David's up there and goes to sawn, he tries to get his armor on and then he tries to, come under a covering that doesn't suit him. He says, this is not the covering God has for me. He chucks it and he goes, I know how to do this. And so he runs out to the front lines, but picture this. Israel is right here, like this. He runs out, the enemy is right here. He's standing in the gap and he's pogying. You see that, he's rushing upon with the intent to kill. And I'm gonna tell you something, every one of us on these nights cries out for a wave of youth. You go, yes, we're in, yes, this is what we're about. Number one, I just wanna in love, okay? Number one, are you backing it up by your actions during the week? In love, just stop telling me that you're involved if you're really not. I'm not trying to be, obviously I'm just saying like, everyone's like, the wave of youth are coming. But what are you doing about it? Do you come to the prayer meetings? They're all over the place. Are you involved with the schools? What are you doing? You know what I'm saying? So I'm just telling you that there's a wave of youth coming, there really is. And God will use the ones who prepare it in faith. And if you want to see true breakthrough, you will go run in front and stand in the gap and you will with the intent to kill the enemy. I have an intent in my heart to strike the devils. I have an intent in my heart to strike the principalities over this generation. I have an intent in my heart to rise up an army who will go after the young, dying young men and young women who need to encounter God for real, not religion. I have an intent in my heart to rush upon with violence with an intent to kill the enemy. And I will intercede with my lifestyle. I will intercede in my prayers and I will wholeheartedly go after the things of God to break open something for the youth. Who's with me? Okay, so that's intercession. We're a kingdom of priests, 1 Peter 2, 9. Go ahead and turn there to 1 Peter 2, 9. Says we're a royal priesthood, a kingdom of priests. Do you know that sometimes the way that God sees humanity is it as one? He either sees you as in Christ or outside of Christ, right? When Adam sinned the whole human race sinned, right? That's Romans, that's basic. So God sometimes looks at the human people as either in Christ or outside of Christ in the world. So check this out, because if you're in Christ, you're a royal priesthood, you're the only ones on the whole earth who can stand before God righteously and who incline his ear to your cry. You're the only ones on the face of the earth that God will listen to. Because you're a royal priesthood, you stand and you're exercising your priestly role. You're standing on behalf of mankind and before God, seeing God cry for mercy, God cry for breakthrough, God cry for this and the nations, I cry that you bring this wave of youth, cry, break religion, all these things, break into the schools, break the humanistic spirit, break the secular spirit, break the religious spirit, break all these things. God will incline his ear and listen to your cry. Because you're a royal priesthood, you stand in the gap, that's intercession, you see what I'm saying? You must exercise this, you must, we must exercise this ability. And this is part of the issue of the house of prayer, night and day, incense going up before the throne in the city of Tacoma, crying out for the nations. Amen? Okay, we're gonna be done here real quick, but I wanna just quickly go over the tabernacle of David. We talked about getting into this. So go to first chronicles 16, first chronicles 16. First chronicles 16 one. Remember guys, David, he'd gone through his testing and he grabbed the Ark of the Covenant, he's bringing it back to the city of Jerusalem. He says they brought the Ark of God and said it inside the tent that David had pitched for it and they presented burn offerings and fellowship offerings before God. Verse four, he appointed some of the Levites to minister before the Ark of the Lord to make petition to give thanks and to praise the Lord, the God of Israel. Verse 29, when the chest of the Covenant of, I'm sorry, verse 29, I got like two versions going on here. It's Brian's fall, he gave me this Bible. Okay, verse 29. Okay, man, goodness gracious. Sorry, verse 37, "David left Asaph and his associates before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord to minister there regularly, according to each day's requirement." And then it says, verse 43, "Then all the people left, each for his own home and David returned home to bless his family." Check this out, okay, watch. "The Ark of the Covenant was in the tabernacle of Moses." Remember when they went through the wilderness and they set up the veiled tabernacle? The first thing that David did when he became king is he grabbed the glory of God and he ushered it into the city of Jerusalem, right? Dancing with all of their might and he pitched a tent and set the Ark out for all to see and hide. All these musicians and all they did, members says, "Is each day required in the worship of the God of heaven night and day?" They ministered to him, they gave praise to him, they gave thanks and they petitioned the God of heaven. All day every day and there was a routine, it's kind of like I hop in Kansas City. You know what I'm saying? And there's so much more to dive into this issue of the tabernacle of David, but the point is, is that David broke a boundary in God and he set the glory out for all to see. And he ushered in in continual night and day worship up to the God of heaven. And it was the most incredible thing. Could you imagine a box this big, you know? And the manifest glory of God is shining over it and it's out for you to see and he can just go and worship the God of heaven night and day and give thanks and pray his and petition him. And it says, members, "Is each day required?" And then verse 43, "Then David returned to his family." David did it before his family. You see that? David worshiped before his family. The priority of a Christian life is worshiping God, then your family, right? So he worshiped the Lord before his family guys. And the Lord showed that there's one of the schemes coming against this issue of establishing night and day worship is there's a huge wave of circumstances. And the circumstances represent legitimate things in life that would keep you from wanting to set the worship of God night and day first in your life. And the Lord showed us that it's legitimate things, deaths, sickness, you know, kids, all these things, right? And I'm not downplaying them at all, jobs, finances, all that stuff. It's totally legitimate, but this is what the Lord wants from me. Don't be mad at me. He said, he said, "If all those things were happening to you, "would you still not feed your children?" And God said to me, "So is it the priority of my heart "that my people would worship me all the time?" If my dad died, the first thing I'd do is I'd go before the Lord. And I would weep and mourn, but I would go before the Lord and pour out my heart to him and ask him to comfort me, touch me, and help me. You know what I'm saying? That's the life of David. That's how we live. That's a Davidic church. That's a Davidic generation. Amen? Okay. Okay, there's so many things on this, and we can get into it some other time, but yeah, yeah. So the bottom line is Amy's chapter nine, verse 12. Why don't you turn there? Amy's chapter nine, verse 12. If I can find it. What in the world? (congregation laughing) Amy's chapter nine, verse 11. It says, "In that day, I will restore David's fallen 10. "I will repair its broken places, restore its runes, "and build it up as it used to be." Now, so then turn to Acts 15. So there's a prophecy that God's gonna rebuild this fallen tabernacle. Amen? Turn to Acts 15, 17. Sorry, Acts 15, 16. It says, there's a council in Jerusalem, and the elders are trying to figure out all this stuff. And one of the scriptures that these interpret a problem of the day was, "After this, I will return and rebuild David's fallen 10. "It's ruins, I will rebuild, and I will restore it. "That the remnant of men may seek the Lord, "and all the Gentiles who bear my name. "Says the Lord who does these things." So I'm telling you, there was partial fulfillment of this in the book of Acts. In Amos chapter nine, God said, "I'm gonna rebuild the fallen tabernacle of David." And then Acts 15, there's partial fulfillment of it, but it's coming into fulfillment now. Does that make sense? And watch this. Remember in Malachi 4, it says, "And Elijah will come before the great and dreadful day "of the Lord, he'll turn the hearts of the children "of the fathers, the fathers of the children." You guys remember that? Remember, so all of Israel's waiting for Elijah to come, right, when Jesus shows up, then in Matthew 11, Jesus goes, "If you can receive it, "John the Baptist was the Elijah to come." What he's saying is he had the spirit of Elijah on him. So this is the methodology that Jesus interpreted the Old Testament. You see, does that make sense? So I wanna tell you something, that it's in the spirit of the tabernacle of David. In the spirit of it, in the same context that it's being fulfilled in our day. Does that make sense? Right now, it's being fulfilled. And so here's the thing. Let's just go to application real quick. If you go to that first one, number one, we want to be a community who's basically wholeheartedly pursuing this structure, this basically worship on steroids is what it is. You know what I'm saying? I mean, it's just like intense glory, worship, all these kind of things. We want to be a community who's boldly going after this together. 'Cause that's what David did. And so the second one is Ephesians 117, that you'd pray in that spirit of revelation and wisdom, pray it daily. The next one is believe that the realm and God of beauty and revelation will open up to you and put action behind it. In the display of prayer, intense hunger, fasting, go after it. Number one, go to prayer meetings. Number two, ask for spirit revelation. Three, ask for supernatural encounters, dreams, visions, and Bible word encounters with God. God will give him to you. Create an atmosphere in your spirit that invites God. Repent of all known sin, humble yourself in every way. Ask for help, break fear, do something requires great faith. Be merciful, be kind, help the poor, give 20% of your time. Give an extravagant offering in the same spirit of David. Do something. You know what I'm saying? And so Brian said it, it's a whole certain night and I was supposed to get into it, but I just got so pumped. So we'll do it again, you know, but we wanna pursue the spirit of the tabernacle of David 'cause God's establishing it in our midst. He's establishing it in this house, amen? Okay, so the last thing, I just wanna pray over you guys. Isaiah 22, 22. Lord, I just thank you for your word. I pray God that it come and it would bear fruit in Jesus' name. I pray God that the word of God, we pray Lord that the tabernacle of David will be established in Jesus' name. And God, I pray right now in the name of Jesus' release, Lord of this key of David, God. I pray God to release God of the key of David, Lord, on this house in Jesus' name. Release it, God, and let everyone rise up, Lord, and take on the traits of this great king, David, and the worship lifestyle, God, to usher in the glory in Jesus' name. Amen. (silence) (silence) [BLANK_AUDIO]