City Central Church Podcast
King David
Jordan Boley
- Hey, so we got a lot of work to do. If you guys wouldn't mind opening your scripture to Isaiah 55, we're gonna go for a solid 30 minutes. Okay, with everybody? Everybody want to learn about David? King David of Israel? The greatest king of all of Israel's history, amen? He ushered in the ark of the covenant. He established the tabernacle of David, which we're gonna learn about. He was the first true king of Israel, and he is the one that forever will be known as the, Jesus Christ was the son of David. Jesus Christ takes pride in the fact that he's the root in the offspring of David. Not Elijah, not Matthew, not Hezekiah, not Amos, not Isaiah, not Daniel, but David. Jesus Christ in Revelation chapter 22 verse 16, he says, I am the bright and morning star, and I am the root and the offspring of David. He ends the whole book, boasting on the fact that he's the root and the offspring of this great king. So would you guys agree with me that it would be a good idea to study this man, King David of Israel? Amen? Raise your hand, say amen. Are you guys pumped up? - Yes. - I'm pumped up. I'm ready to go. Hey, so since this is Mother's Day, I just wanna give honor to the Lord and to my mom. So when I was 17 years old, my mom got radically, radically impacted by the Lord. She went to her church in Wisconsin, and they had having some breakout of the Lord there, and she got rocked. Like she would come home and hear weeping behind the door, just crying out to God, but this is nuts, what's going on. I was totally in rebellion, not falling God at all, and she would have these intercessors come over, and they would pray to like, literally, from like eight to six in the morning. I mean, it was crazy. So one time, and they get all prophetic on you. You know what I'm saying? Like you get that much intercession that prophetic turns on, you know? And so one time I came home, I mean, I remember I'd go out partying, and then I'd come home in the morning, they would still be in the living room praying. That is non-exaggeration. I just walking and going, what in the world is going on here? And all my demons are just yelling at me. I'm just joking. And so no, but one time, you guys, when you were happening, one time my mom, I'm in the basement, and we had all this musical instrument. Thanks, my watch is on there. And we had all this musical instrument down in the basement. And we used to play drums and stuff, and play the keyboard. My mom came down and we had a time, and she goes, I have a word from the Lord for you. And I was like, what are you talking about, you know? And she goes, she goes, we were praying, and one of my friends had an open-eyed vision of you preaching on the stage in front of thousands of people. And the Lord says of you and your brother, you are sons of thunder. And I remember, I remember I was so mad. I was just enraged, you know. I was like, well, I'll never turn to God. That is the dorkiest thing ever, you know? And man, God, but I'm here to boldly proclaim to the goodness of God. Amen. The mercy of God saved me wholeheartedly, saved me, I don't counter with the living God. And I'm forever his, forever his. And so I wanna get honored to my mom for praying me into the kingdom on Mother's Day. I love your mom, bless you, we love you in this house. Okay, so Isaiah 55, three verse four, check this out. Guys, I am telling you, I am so stirred with the glory of God. I am so stirred with the promise of glory. I'm so stirred with the promise of outpouring of worship and the establishment of the tabernacle of David in this house. Amen. Check this out, Isaiah 55, three, give ear and come to me, hear me, that your soul may live. I'll make an everlasting covenant with you. My faithful love, promise to David. See, I have made him as a witness to the peoples, a leader and a commander of the peoples. God said to Isaiah, look, I have made King David of Israel a witness to you. Not Ezekiel, not Elijah, but David. That's how I want you guys to get a hunger to study and to seek out the life of David and the way that he went after God. Because it will radically, radically change your life, change your paradigm and give you a lifelong pursuit that no man or woman, whether they're in season or out season, can give or take from you. Amen. We already went after Revelation 22, 16, I'm the root and I'll spring to David. Jesus said it right there. And then the, so those are the two parts that God is making a point that we should look at at the life of David. Amen. Okay, part two, the foundation of David's life. This is the main point. There's a lot of things because when I got asked to preach, I was so excited, you know? So I probably overly prepared, but that's okay. And so, so I'm just gonna try to keep us going to the point and, but I'm so pumped. This makes me, it lights me up. But check this out. The foundation of David's life, I wanna challenge you guys. I wanna put a word out there for you, okay? The foundation of David's life was this one word, fascination, fascination. I wanna say it again, fascination. You wanna say it with me? Fascination, fascination. Men, have you ever been fascinated with a beautiful woman, your wife, hopefully? You know? Women, have you ever been fascinated with beauty? My wife likes to watch America's Next Top Model. I'm just joking. That's like, no, that's two years ago, okay? I'll just give me a break. What I'm saying is, but the point is, is that we have a desire in our heart to seek and pursue beauty. So you know that we were created as a human species to behold beauty, to behold the beauty of God. And so there's a war right now, it's been going on for a long time, especially in our generation. It's over the pleasure of mankind. And Satan's figured out a really powerful way to grab the emotions of the way, the things that make up your wanting to be fascinated. Through pornography, entertainment, light pornography. You know what I'm talking about? PG-13. 10 PG-13s in a week is not making a right to not watch an hour movie. You know what I'm saying? It's not the point, the rating is not in the Bible. You know what I'm saying? We're all guilty, I'm guilty. You know what I'm saying? But the point is, is that he has devised a way to grab the affections of people's hearts. And it locks you in. That's why those holds of sexual addiction on the young men in this generation are so strong. It's because you were created, and I want to challenge it that even this generation was created with even a heightened sensitivity to want to behold beauty, and want to be fascinated by something. When I was 17, I was not fascinated with anything because I was a part of a religious system of church, and they went about their, I'm a blessing, I'm not angry, but they went about their deals, wanting meetings and wanting to promote themselves, wanting to build organizations when the generation is being wiped out in my heart turned to other things to be fascinated by. And then when the truth of the fascination of the beauty of the God of Israel struck my heart, it turned me wholeheartedly because I was made for passion. I was made to behold beauty. I was made to behold the glory of the God of Israel. And I want to tell you tonight that God has made a way for you to be fascinated beyond any kind of sinful pleasure that would ever come your way. And when the glory of God goes past your eyes, when the beauty of God flows over your heart, your love's sick, you are undone. And I want to tell you it's possible tonight. It is the hour of open heavens over this house to receive a hunger for the beauty of God to be fascinated by God, amen? So check this out, I believe we all agree that David was an incredible man of God. I mean, what courage to stand in front of an army of probably a hundred thousand men of Israel and one nine and a half foot guy standing out there amongst all of them and all the hundred thousand are pitrified and a 17 year old young man comes to the front lines and says, who is this one that defies the armies of the living God? That is uncommon. That's not normal. You put it in a normal day in the United States. It's like Islam invading our country. They've got the lockdown on all the nukes and they've threatened us to send 10 over each coast. We can do nothing about it. You understand the impact of this? And David says, who is this one that defies the armies of my God? Uncommon boldness, wouldn't you say? - Yeah. - And with the stone he kills him and cuts off his head. Amen? You guys heard the new Rick Pino song? Have you heard the, you were Pino's Rick Pino? He's a great worship leader. That's like 10%. Rick Pino's a great worship leader. I highly recommend him. He doesn't pay me, but he is anointed of God. He's got this great song. You all have to listen to it. I won't even sing it for you. Okay. ♪ We cut off the giant's head ♪ ♪ We eat giants for our bread ♪ Come on. (audience cheering) I mean, you know the Bible's bloody. Oh, it is, if that offends you, man, we'll talk to me later. Because it is absolutely bloody. The blood of Jesus saved my life. And so, so check this out. So, I want to build a foundation for you guys of why David was able to carry out all these incredible exploits of God. It's because he found a way to engage the emotions of his heart into being fascinated by the beauty of God. And as you begin to behold the wondrous splendor of the God of heaven, I tell you the truth, it fills you with so much uncommon boldness to carry out exploits for the living God. Amen. And so, out of this fascination, Psalm 27.4, go ahead and turn to Psalm 27.4. Rick Pino, sweet, I am telling you. I hope he doesn't like sue me or anything. I don't think he would. Rick's awesome. Okay, Psalm 27.4, I don't even know him. He looks like Jack Black. (audience laughing) Psalm 27.4. Okay. Psalm 27.4. How many guys know this verse? You should know it. I challenge you from this night on to know it. The secret of David's life is one thing I ask of the Lord. This is what I seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. And to sink him in a simple. This verse right here explodes any of you men's ideas that this is girly, right there. David was fiercer than any man in this room times 100. And this is the way that he lived his life out before the Lord. So if you have pride that's rising up against this truth, it's not from God. It's from the other side. (audience laughing) Or the flesh, you know, whatever. I don't know which one. Okay. But Psalm 63, go to Psalm 63. Psalms are filled with unbelievable revelation. The depths of Psalms can be explored for eternity. I tell you the way they're written, the way that it's unbelievable. Unbelievable, Psalms are amazing. Psalm 63 one, oh God, you are my God. Earnestly, I seek you. My soul thirst for you, my body longs for you in a dry and we're laying where there's no water. Verse two, I've seen you in the sanctuary. How many of you know the temple was not built when he wrote this? So what sanctuary is he talking about? He beheld God. You get taken to heaven, I don't know. But I know that in his spirit, he wholeheartedly pursued the courts of heaven. And he gazed on the beauty of the Lord. You know what I'm saying? Because your love is better than life. My lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live in a near name. I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied. As with the riches of food with singing lifts, my mouth will praise you. On my bed, I remember you. I thank you for the watches of the night because you are my help. I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you. Your right hand upholds me. It's deep, intimate language. It's what all of us in this room are called to you. Amen. Okay, so check this out. Because David was fascinated, it produced confidence in him to carry out great exploits for the Lord. Many men have studied David over the years. Many theologians, many men have aspired in their own natural strength and will and cunning to be like David. To do the things that he did by telling you, there's a point where they burn out and they fail miserably. And then usually they turn on themselves. Because in your own strength, you'll never do what this great king was able to carry out for the God of heaven. But because he was fascinated and lovesick with God, it never ended and it filled his soul with glory. And he was able to flow in the rivers of the glory and the beauty of God. And he carried out great exploits for the living God, all the days of his life. That's why he's remembered still to this day. So I wanna challenge you that the secret to David's life was that he was fascinated. He was lovesick with God. Amen? - Amen. - The last point of David's life, he lived under a revelatory anointing. Everybody understand what I mean by that? There's a difference between head knowledge and then when the spirit of God lands on you and gives you living understanding of the truth. And it connects your heart with your mind and you have a spirit of revelation on your life. How do you get a spirit of revelation? It's easy. Paul knew this principle. He taught the Ephesians that the people in Ephesus to pursue this outpouring on their own life. Ephesians 1.17, go ahead and turn to Ephesians 1.17. 1.17, Ephesians. How many know Ephesus was the great city where there was a huge move of God? A huge move of God and millions of dollars worth of witchcraft and material were thrown in the center of the city and burned set ablaze because Paul flipped a city upside down. Do you wanna know how he moved in that kind of power? 'Cause I tell you that where the church is going is we get delivered from the soul system is we're moving back to what God originally intended the church to be to affect and influence whole societies. Media, entertainment, business, education, medicine, the church, all spheres of society. It's the seven mountains. If you're not familiar with it, it's a prophecy that's invading the church right now. The seven mountain prophecy. And then it has to do with Isaiah two in the last day says the Lord, the mountain of the Lord's house shall be chief among all mountains. And all nations will stream into it. In other words, the seven pillars of the society represent seven mountains. But God's saying in the last days, my mountain will be chief among all things that influence the world. I'm living for a day when education will come to the church and they'll stop mocking the church. I'm living for a day when medicine will come to the church and they'll stop mocking the church. I'm living for a day. I'm giving my life, I'm signing on the dotted line that the church of my God will come into the fullness of its destiny. Do you wanna know how the church is gonna get there? Ephesians 1 17, I pray that God will give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know God. Right there. It's easy, it's a prayer from the Bible. I wanna challenge everyone in this room to start praying that prayer daily. I pray that God will give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know Him better. You cannot know God in your own strength in your own prideful spiritual disciplines. Don't get me wrong by that, spiritual disciplines are good, but there's so many people approach it with the wrong heart. You know what I'm saying? It's wanting to be filled with knowledge so that I can show you how much I know. Rather than the approaches, oh, I believe this truth about the beauty of God. I have to touch it in my spirit. God, I pray that you give me the spirit of revelation. I don't know what I'm doing, but I just cry out to you that you give this to me. All of a sudden, you begin to be awakened. All of a sudden, you begin to perceive spiritual truth in a whole new way. All of a sudden, you begin to behold the beauty of God and creation. All of a sudden, you read a Psalm and tears streamed on your face because you're living understanding what God's saying. It unlocks your heart. The church must be restored. This house is a forerunner to help restore the church of Jesus Christ into all that it's destined to be. We're one of many. But we must answer the call to be David's in this hour. Kick Saul on the face, get him out of here and embrace the life of David. Does that make sense? He's able to carry out these great exploits because he had revelation. He was fascinated with God. Fascination brings confidence. Fascination reads confidence over sin. So when David's sin, he had an uncommon understanding of the mercy of God, uncommon 'cause he had experienced the God of Israel for real. And I tell you, it is so possible to encounter God in this subjective one-on-one way. It is what his son was beaten to death and bled for. It is exactly what God wants. Exactly what God wants. The enemy lies to you because of the condemnation. He has not beheld the beauty of the Lord. But once you get a taste, I tell you, it brings so much confidence and then you begin the procession of going before the throne of God and then standing in the presence of the Lord. Amen? All right, so quickly, I just want to go over some of the attributes of David. We won't hit all these. He had a holy, driving fascination with God. Number two, he sought the Lord, not just a quiet time. He had an intense pursuit violently, wholeheartedly, loving hours of meditation and worship. I'm telling you, this is the will of God. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, remember what he said? It is written, you shall worship the Lord your God and then serve him only. You know what I'm saying? So it's not just the first and second man that Jesus is using that in warfare. It is all over the Bible. God is bringing this word on pitching your tents around the glory of God. It is the will of God. There's schemes coming against tonight. The Lord showed me pride, hidden pride. I already know this. No, no we don't. We really don't. I'm telling you, me included, we really don't. That's gonna change though. Okay, he embraced the down and outs. Number three, he highly valued the prophetic ministry. Highly valued. Do you wanna be like David? Do you wanna be like David? Get fascinated with God. Get fascinated, get hungry for God. And then begin to put on these attributes. He highly valued the prophetic ministry. Nathan the prophet, Samuel the prophet, God the prophet, it's all over the scriptures. He ran to the prophetic ministry. Help me speak to me the word of the Lord. Highly valued the prophetic ministry. I hope you see that I'm trying to paint a picture in an atmosphere of grace that those are functioning in a sense outside of these things. In a sense are moving in a soul spirit. And it must be broken. He embraced the down and outs, led them and turned them into mighty men. Kings killed lions, killed giants. He broke boundaries in God. He took the ark of the covenant from behind the veil, tabernacle of Moses and he put it out for all to see. Who would dare do such a thing? He broke boundaries in God. Had an uncanny boldness and courageous streak. Psalm 138, when I called to you, you made me bold and stout-hearted. He loved those who were godly, not just godly, but those who had the god fierceness about them. He hated wickedness and those who were arrogant and evil doers. That doesn't mean that you don't love the loss. It's a different context here. The way that he carry on his life and the what he surrounded his life with was he loved the righteous, hated the arrogant. I don't wanna be around arrogant people. You quench the spirit of God. I have a mission to accomplish. I want the spirit of God to speak through my friends to me. That's around myself with people who love the spirit of the Lord. Verse seven, he had a big appetite. Or number seven, he had a big appetite for sin. He sinned hardcore. I'm not condoning sin, but I tell you, we all stumble. In many ways, James says, but he had an uncanny understanding of the mercy of God when he fell. So go to second Samuel 12 through 11. Here, I'm sorry, 1222, second Samuel, 1222. How are you guys doing? - I'm doing. - Second Samuel, 1222. He answered. This is after God's judgment came, he sinned. He committed adultery and murdered Bathsheba's husband. David did this, okay? The one that Jesus boasts on? What does that tell you about the Lord's mercy? 1222, he answered while the child was still alive, I fasted and wept. I thought, who knows, the Lord may be gracious to me and let the child live. God had already declared through the prophet Nathan. He said, the Lord says, I'll strike this child as judgment for your sin. And David went in and fasted and wept. Didn't he? His attendants tried to get him to eat. And then when news came that the child had died, he got up, washed, ate. And he said, why didn't you get up before? And he said, I just thought maybe. I know this God, no, no, no, you don't understand it. I know who he is. And he's right in judging me. But I know that he's merciful. I know it, I've seen it. And so he thought, just maybe. You understand, I'm seeing it on Kenny Revelation. Okay. Number 10, he never promoted himself ever. Never, ever promoted himself. Exercise profound trust in God. At the word of the Lord would come to pass over his life. In the meantime, he'd lowered in the secret place, exploring the beauty of God being fascinated. There's a fine line between promoting yourself and exercising initiation. In this house, you must exercise initiation to move forward. It is preached all the time. And there's a difference between that and promoting yourself. And the ones in leadership, I would say, have a pretty good discernment level to see who's trying to promote themselves versus who's trying to initiate. You understand what I'm saying? Initiation was, who is this uncircumcised Philistine mocking my God? I'll strike him down today. And I'll pick up his head and carry it back to Sol's tent. Who's with me? That's initiation. So promotion is very different than that. It's usually a weak spirit trying to get themselves into a position they do not belong in. Stay away from it. I'm just telling you, in a house of David like this, God will find you out, okay. (congregation laughing) Sol, you don't want to know about Sol. Sol, okay, go to foot to Sol. I'm contrasting David and Sol. God's first choice, true gifting and true anointing. Sol had gifting and anointing, amen? Don't ever lose that fact. In a Sol system, there will be true gifting and true anointing from heaven. But their hearts are turned away from the Lord. The anointing of God is never taken from a man once he has it, or a woman. Samson's a great example of that. The anointing of God rested on him. He was mighty strong, but he was in gross sexual immorality. You know what I'm saying? Okay, another thing of Sol is he did not follow the word of the Lord wholeheartedly. He really had this, he thought the prophetic stuff and the Lord's stuff was just another step to the establishment of his kingdom. Uh-oh. Just thought the word and the prophetic was just another, and this how it plays out in the church. Can I just offend you tonight? This is a Sol system. I am a part of a major denomination. I want my ministry, my church, my teaching series, want a conference, want to be invited. Hopefully I've got my 40 year plan laid out. Uh-oh. It is so common in the American church, so common. What's wrong with that? If you had ears to see and a heart to perceive what's about to cop into the nations of the earth, you would be running from that. And you'd be embracing the anointing of David, a lifestyle of David. You go throw me in the cave, I don't care. I'll live in the cave. I'm telling you, mark my words. They had a career mentality. Oh yeah, bring the prophet in. Let him speak at the deal. It's just here, let's just have our ears tickled. You know what I'm saying? Did not perceive the word of the Lord and act on it. Key, stay away from it. Number three, massive jealousy. Massive jealousy. Brian preached so profoundly on this last week. I was so touched. I'm serious, all week. Thousands versus the 10th, thousands. First Samuel, 18, eight. Go to first Samuel, 18, eight. I do not like the soul system. You know why? 'Cause God hates it. And because it is absolutely killing off a generation. I hate it. I wage war on it. I'll preach against to all my days. I hate it. In love, I'll try to respond. You know what I'm saying? Man, that stuff is so deep in the American church. Competition between pastors and leaders and ministries and territorialism and jealousy. Not heeding the word of the Lord. Wanting a career. But I have a nointeen. So what? So did Samson. Nointeen does not validate your life. The fruit of God, the fruit. You'll know them by their fruits. You will know them by their fruits. First Samuel, 18, eight. John the Baptist. Okay, so, remember, Saul had massive jealousy hidden in his heart. Sometimes young Saul's do not even see this. It's, I don't tell you something. It's in this house. Oh, it's strong. Oh, it's strong. It's in me, it's in this house. And God wants to deliver us of it. Amen? Here's when jealousy will manifest itself. The anointing of the Lord shows up. Uh-oh. And we've learned enough freedom in this house of how to coily get around that manifestation of jealousy. When the anointing of the Lord shows up and you're manifesting Saul jealousy, you withhold. You don't show up. I'm busy. Yeah, but God's saying to do this. I mean, he said it not from just one guy. This is like 10 guys, you know, dream after dream revelation after revelation after meaning to the word of the Lord. Yeah, but it doesn't matter. Saul, jealous, jealous want to kill you by the chance I'd take you out. Stop you, get out of here. You're threatening my territory. Oop. I'd be scared to say before the Lord on judgment day. You quench out to David. Some man that got raised up to save a generation and you stood in the way because of your fear and territorialism. How selfish, shame on me, me, shame on us. You know what I'm saying? I'm not saying, you know, come on. If you repent, God's gonna totally set you free. I'm just saying if you hold on to that thing, ooh, and you held up and move with God for thousands of young adults that are going to hell. 'Cause if David showed up, you quenched him. Be careful. Okay, how does it play out in women? Michael was the daughter of David. When the glory, check us out. The first thing that David did when he was anointed king, he danced and twirled and played his instruments all the way through in to Jerusalem. On a shame and on dignified because the glory was coming back to the city that he loved. The glory, the glory of God was filling, filling, filling the place and everything, speed in her story. He danced and loved his God. But his own wife despised him. How horrible, how horrible men operate in this tomb. It's a Michael spirit. She's, it's generational, she saws daughter. And so she shut them down and the whole issue was over dignity. I would rather maintain my dignity among the women of this house. When I go in the shopping center, I go to the kids' deal, I go to the women's prayer time of Tuesday morning. I'd rather have dignity than seeing my man doing all this business or men, same thing. And I tell you the judgment of the Lord on that heart attitude because it was over the glory. I tell you when the glory breaks out, you begin to touch the glory. God will swiftly judge you. Don't be afraid, okay? I mean, the glory's not here. There's lots of grace to learn. But I'm telling you, there is an hour. An anisense of fire is a great example. In Acts, the glory showed up. They lied to the Holy Spirit. Boom, struck dead. I wanna put a healthy fear of the Lord in us tonight. She's messing with the glory. And because she despised the man over the glory, the judgment of God was, boom, you shall not have children all the days of your life, which is the best thing in women in those days. So if you're fruitless, check the math. You know what I'm saying? Check the math. I'm not saying that's all. Another reason he just could not be abiding in the Lord. That's John 15, you know, elementary stuff, okay? Okay, check this out. I got two more minutes, all right? Two more minutes. Why city central is the Davidic church? You wanna hear this? Because I'm telling you Saul's bloodied and beaten. We beat him down pretty good. And we need to get him out. But I wanna put a vision in you in a living understanding about the spirit of the living God, I hope in Jesus name tonight. Why we're a Davidic church. You ready for this? Why all this hustle and bustle about where's our building and where's our still groups and where's all this and this and that? It's because we're a Davidic church. Ready? Number one, had an early big word that is absolutely confirmed what God is going to do with this. The oil was poured forth early. Oh, in 17, the oil was poured forth. Thus says the Lord, you shall be king of Israel. Thus says the Lord, you will be anointed, even though small number you may be. The nations of the earth, you first go out to the nations and the nations that come to you. Many, many youth will come, be trained. Many, many youth will be saved and delivered. You'll sweep and fill stadiums. Thus says the Lord. Have down and out surround us. Oh my goodness, caves. David wandered after the word of the Lord and waiting for the Lord to come to pass. I tell you, we're wandering. Sound familiar? Don't get mad. Experience persecution. Uh-oh, sound familiar. Highlight of worship, there's an unusual amount of worshipers in this house, wouldn't you say? Was centered on one thing, the glory of God. We're hotly in pursuit of God's glory. Long for the sweet water in Bethlehem. This is interesting. Long for the sweet, David, he was in the heat of battle and he said, man, I just longed for that sweet water in the well of Bethlehem, this is where he's born. This is interesting. This is kind of for Eric. But the mighty men broke through the enemy ranks to retrieve special water. Uh-oh. Came up against the Saul spirit of intimidation right from the get-go. Sound familiar? - Yeah. - Uh-oh. Eliab, his oldest brother, when he showed up to the front lines, Eliab, the oldest brother goes, what are you doing here? That was before Saul, manifested in his brother. Had an uncanny love for Jerusalem. The Lord gave me a prophecy about city century. You ready for this? In 2010, we'll begin to see and begin to move into an understanding and we'll begin to have a love for the city of Jerusalem in Israel. It's not gonna be like our main focus, okay, Keith. Don't like freak out. We're not gonna start like celebrating the feast of Israel and stuff. I'm just saying that there's something to do with the youth movement that's connected to Jerusalem. Are the privilege of going there? I'm going again. I'm telling you, if you get a chance, absolutely go. People talk about the wells of glory, Azuzah street. Spokane, you know, John G. Lake. What about Israel? That's what I'm locked into. I'm telling you, there's ancient glory there. It's still there, it really is. I'm gonna go start a ministry in Azuzah street. I'll go to Jerusalem. That's wrong going. It's a prophecy market, 2010, I believe, it's the word of the Lord. You'll be, we'll begin to have a love for Jerusalem. Psalm 122 says, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem." I mean, those who love you prosper. Oh, I tell you, go there man and you begin to understand that David danced in that very city. Oh, the ark, it filled the streets with the glory of God. I'm just like, I love this place. And Jesus walked through the streets. Jesus is the New Testament Ark of the Covenant. And the ark walked through these streets and healed my King, blood in these streets. Oh, you begin to love the city of Jerusalem. Okay, that's where it ends up anyway. That's where it all culminates. Okay. Okay, we need to end this, all right. But... Look, Amos not, okay, look. Tabernacle, David. Okay, I'll leave you with this. God established the Tabernacle of David. Or I'm sorry, David established the Tabernacle and it's just something to study. Amos 9, Acts 15, 1 Chronicles 15 and 16. He brought the ark the first thing he did is he pitched a tent so everyone could see the glory established 4,000 worshipers full-time singers and musicians that all they did was sit before the glory of God and worship the God of heaven all day, every day. And it's based on the Psalm 22 principle. God is enthroned in the praises of your people. And I tell you this, as night and day worship began to fill the heavens, if you were able to see in the spirit, I guarantee you that the throne of heaven was just a little lower. And the kingdom authority began to manifest itself all over the nation. They entered into their biggest, the strongest period of prosperity ever in the whole nation, ever. Because of this one thing that he did. And Amos 9, verse 12 says, God is restoring the Tabernacle of David in this day. God is restoring the Tabernacle of David in this day.