City Central Church Podcast

Steve Fry Worship Teaching Session #1

Broadcast on:
21 Feb 2009
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It's sort of divorced from its purpose. So if you've got to drop 15 minutes, just talk about some of the purpose stuff about worship, and then we'll get into some radical stuff from Ezekiel 44, okay? 'Cause a passage is on 22, that really really says a lot for me, and it sort of kicks me off into this whole understanding of a portion it's all about. So I'll put a few more pieces and it says this, it says, and I'm reading from the New King Jimmy version, it says this, "You are holy, O God, "and in throne on the praises of Israel, "you are holy and in throne on the praises of Israel." Now this could be better translated something like this. The word here authority is made manifest in the praises of your people. In other words, where God's people engage in genuine praise, their Christ's lordship is authority comes to bear on that situation, on their minds, on their family, on that situation. In other words, the lordship of Jesus is experienced when God's people engage in worship. So already we've seen an important connect, a connect between worship and worship. So when you talk about the lordship, when you talk about the lordship of Christ, you don't hold on to the second period, can I just move this? - Yeah, yeah, sorry. - I'm not going back to the earth. So this blood's there, it's not there. I'm afraid I'm just looking. All right. When you're talking about the lordship of Jesus, when you're talking about Christ being enthroned on the praise that's in the midst of God's people, suddenly you're at one of the most important themes of scripture, which is the kingdom. And see, there's where worship will stick to your ribs for a lifetime to the degree you and I connected to the reality of the kingdom. If worship is an experience of encounter, it's cool, but it doesn't look far enough. All right, so what we're going to do here to come in is make sure that you've got the purpose of worship so that we can build from there into being a reflection out of the kingdom tomorrow. This interesting revelation of pride, you'll hear that, a climactic chorus energy, John is going to be one of them. And the elders are going for $24, $24 in pictures. They're praising God and they make a statement there. They make a statement about you and they make a statement about the people of God. They make a statement about dare I say to the word of church. They make a statement about the people of God. This is what they say at the end of the age. They say, God, you are great because you have made them to be a kingdom and a priesthood. You've made the people of God to be the full reflection of your kingdom on the earth. Oh, that's an amazing thing. That's always been God's dream. See, from the beginning, God had this dream that He would make these vessels of dust finite creatures like you and me. And that He would breathe in Christ's Holy Spirit. And that then we would, even out of our limitation of finding this, we would begin to discover what God was like. And as we discover that God was like, applied those revelations and that understanding in our relationships as families, through a society, through a right. So we're applying what we're thinking about God in our situation, our relationships, and society. So that God, to have the pleasure and the joy of watching His heaven be created on earth. Which is why Jesus taught us to pray. Our God was in heaven. How will be your name? Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is to heaven. What is going on in heaven is finding an expression through the people of God here. So much so that if we're doing it right, if we're in the Holy Spirit, if we're just simply aligned, that people will look at us, look at the body of Christ and they'll say, oh, so that's what God meant. So that's the way the planet is supposed to run. So that's the way that we were supposed to live. This is God's alternative movement. Listen, what we are as the body believers, is nothing short of the alternative society modeled to the world that's always been God's strength. And even though sin ended the picture, it doesn't change God's dream. It doesn't change the fact that it's always been His desire for heaven to be manifest to His people. And so worship then becomes really key to experiencing the worship or the kingship of Jesus. When we get to this, then worship is going to be well laid in our foundation as people. Now, what you're looking at, I forgot about it, what Genesis 1, 2, it's gonna start right at the beginning. Genesis 1, 2, because we see this, this whole theme, this whole theme of kingdom, right here, right here at the Genesis Genesis, right there at the beginning. Verse 1 in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and joy in the darkness in some case indeed, and the spirit God was brooding, hovering over the face of the walls. Now, verse 2 is very interesting from a Hebrew perspective. If you were to go to some of the rabbis, of the ancient commentaries on this passage, here is the way, here is the way from a Jewish perspective, this verse of the Greek, verse 2, and the spirit of Messiah King, brooding on the face of the walls. In writing this translation, we don't catch this. From a Jewish perspective, they saw right here to now be, they saw Messiah in play as King, and it was the spirit of the King, the Holy Spirit, related to Jesus, the Messiah, wouldn't say Jesus, the Messiah, they wouldn't just say Messiah, but the relationship of the Holy Spirit to Messiah Christ brooding over the face of the day. So, right here in the anatomy of the story, we see this relationship between the Holy Spirit and the kingdom. So, out of the time of the kingdom, we think about the Sermon on the Mount, in the good precepts, in the good world, world of man's, maybe being a model of something being right in our relationships, and the kingdom has to do with the inner rule of the Holy Spirit. All those are right definitions of the king that is in our rule. It is something that happens together. If you can run, the kingdom is about doing it, right? The kingdom is about following the commands of the Sermon on the Mount. All that is right, but it's interesting to me that the very first glimpse we have of the kingdom is not with reference to moral commands or heavenly ideas, or even mind relationships. The very first snapshot we get of the kingdom is a brooding, covering Holy Spirit. It says something to me, it says that living, first, or on any other level, living in the kingdom means living in the spirit. And if you learn brooding here, then the spirit brooding over the face of people is so close to me, you know, people say, "Why did we start our whole story with emptiness, darkness, and void?" Part of it is because God isn't one of two. Tell us that no matter what kind of darkness, emptiness, or void, we might experience it. If it's all taken care of, let me allow the Holy Spirit to hover over, we've gone. God could have made this universe any way we want to do. And I love the fact that God allowed emptiness, and darkness, and void to be there. 'Cause he knew that there were the moments I was going to experience darkness in his void. And then he takes seven days to do his name. God could have certainly in one nanosecond, everything's there. But he himself limits himself to duration and time, one day, two days, three days, four days, as a long for us, on how we too, and none of them, so this is a sidebar, I love the new version, but in the pool, God never asks us much to do in his glory. The fact that he creates the world in six days, the rest of his life, is a perfect picture, if you know, because he's modeling to us, but it means he'll work with his own lives. And when the Holy Spirit threw him over, the face of the deep is basically going before us. Now, just he knew that we were going to, by the end, be in place where we would be. Allow the Holy Spirit to really come over the rest of all of us, even in the face, and can be laid in place, in the glory of the faces, and darkness. I love that. I love the way that that Jesus built on him. And the picture of his top right home in spirit, this brooding Holy Spirit is named, picture of a continuous motion. It's what the word flow is all about. This is where he had to go out of the wind. He wanted to enter in that wind and water. And it's got this continuous flow that happened, when you walk on the whole experience. The reason for that is because the Lord wanted to show us to model to us that the secret to living in the spirit is to discover what it means to allow the spirit to move us into the continuous motion. We tend to relate to God in the density starts, in the spirit, spirit, spirit, spirit, state. We tend to have our wonder to God, right? And I'm not trying to, the secret here, to get right to Jesus wanted, to cover in the spirit. The secret to all the way in the spirit, how can I allow the Holy Spirit to be flowing through me constantly at all times. Does he even have to be what we used to be in the Spirit? Does he have to be able to be out of the power of the planet you've heard somewhere? It does mean that it presents natural connection to the power of the Holy Spirit and the person of the Holy Spirit that he is just flowing through you all of this kind of peace, covering in you. Now why is this important? Well, for example, when I come to worship, in this worship you can see this, it gives me a little bit of a snapshot on what it used to lead in worship. For the early days when we came to the worship, I'm trying to catch this idea of flow, this idea. A lot of the Holy Spirit to orchestrate something through my worship leadership, but a lot of people could go over this journey because this idea of a flowing, flowing spirit is so central, the nature of the Holy Spirit and so central to, coming under kingdom rule. So see, where the kingdom is at, that's why the people were truly flow in the Spirit. There's no, well, I'm religious here and I'm a religious there, I'm a secular here, I'm a secular here, I'm a secular here. You know, I'm afraid I'm going to be in the Bible and I'm a worship here and I'm just going to go over here. In the Holy Spirit, it's all one. There's a flow, and I mean, I was talking to somebody who knows the new one, they don't know the word, they don't know about some of this. And so the flow they get off about faith in Christ as it looks in, is all about this flow that you know it. You know, in Christ, it's this flow that makes you so much. And that's why, this flow idea of the flow of the Holy Spirit has why, the key practical questions of life are all about releasing of the kingdom in the Holy Spirit. You know, we do it in Christianity and we ask to ask some questions, but at least it's the only spirit we can do to the Holy Spirit. That's what it is. Further away, we're going to be in the worship where we're impaired, wet, wet, wet, but at least I'm going to be in the Holy Spirit. That's the key practical question. And this is why, this is why you go to action, go on, go here and find the disciples, or ask them, Jesus, Lord, when are you going to restore the kingdom in Israel? And obviously they had something to find when they asked that question. What do you get to restore the kingdom into this? Well, they obviously had sort of a people who were under the rule of God who had a territory called Palestine and that were in a political entity. In other words, God, your power being manifest in this people and we then can walk in freedom and learning. But they saw the kingdom a little bit for us a political thing, that kind of stuff. And look at Jesus' answer. He says, it's not for you to know the kinds of seasons, but you should receive power after the Holy Spirit turns one. Oh, okay, where Jesus went there. Okay, we've got that, okay. But when are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel? And Jesus says, you should receive the power of the Holy Spirit. No, no, no, no, no, no. I don't know what the one is, but you're talking about the kingdom. But that's precisely the point. Jesus was answering. When are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel? Well, Jesus said, tell them, they're going to be good if they're not some days. When a Holy Spirit comes upon you, you can write your judgment. All Jesus was doing was going back to Genesis 1 and 2, but the Spirit of Messiah King is involved in bringing life. That is kingdom. Suddenly, they were thinking about the kingdom as a sort of a visible, political institution around. And Jesus says, listen, I'm going to read your finder, but actually I'm going back with an ancient understanding of the kingdom, which is the power of my Holy Spirit, empowering you and pulling through you. And you're going to be empowered by communication now. Yeah, wait for it, it's coming. You say, well, why is it important? Check this out. Jesus talked about the kingdom over 60 times in the festivals. But yet, when you get into Paul's letters, Paul will use the term kingdom in Christ. Because you find Paul talking a lot about life in the Spirit and flowing in the Spirit. You know what? Because the infant church had a complete realignment when the Holy Spirit came to Acts 2, something that happened. In other words, to live in the kingdom meant to live in the Spirit. That's it. They're not something that you can have in the Spirit. They're not going to be the same, they're the same thing. To live in the kingdom is to live in the Spirit. That. That's why it's so important here at the onset of it. To understand that that life in the Spirit, from what we'll use the Holy Spirit, is the absolute core to even the genuineness of our worship. If you want to ask a question, what makes worship authentic? It's not about the sequence of songs, and the cool chords, and moving sounds like the whole place in that cool, edge of the worship courses. Sounds like it is. Oh, great, let's go. It's not about sounds. It is about that. It's not about that so much as it is about life in the Holy Spirit. And walking in a way that allows the Holy Spirit to pulsate with our minds, our hearts, everything about us, so that we're under control for an identity, and that's why we're under the control of the Holy Spirit. Now, so the deal is here, is that no Jesus. It's that we have this understanding of the under control of the Holy Spirit, of the Holy Spirit. And that's what the kingdom like is manifest. Where the kingdom is, they're obviously the presence dwells. Where we are for people about to talk to us is this. If the kingdom is heaven, and heaven is God's presence, you might even say that the kingdom, the kingdom is the environment created by God's presence. The kingdom is the environment created. So what does heaven like? Well, you know, heaven is the village of pictures around the room, and you watch it. Heaven is the birth of beings. Can you read this yesterday? I can read this absolutely. Heaven is the birth of beings. Heaven, also, is going somewhere, not going to-- not this-- I don't know-- it's not that easy. When I said heaven, it is not going anywhere. What I need to say is that heaven is a place of abiding and being. In doing what is done out of that place is being done simply a response to the Lord. Now, as you get back to the prior world, we live in a very driven culture where people are trying to find who they are, trying to figure out themselves, trying to figure out what's going on yesterday. I think the word gets to me. I don't know if I'm just trying to figure out what's going on in the world, and then that's it. You know why? But it so enforces an individual consciousness. My yesterday, everybody's talking about their destiny. You don't get that. Death destiny is not a big use. You know, why do you use everybody's learning about it? Once you come in, to fellowship with God, you know, destiny is just simply fulfilling your call out of death that's going to come before. It's not about what an actual-- it's not a person that could figure out who I am. We could talk about-- we could talk about heaven and what we could talk about. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. 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Or you think about the politics of church. Or you think about the structure of church. Or you think about the church. Or you think about the church. Or you think about the politics of church. Or you think about the church. Or you think about the church. And I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. 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I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing. One of the reasons why so many believers are so worn out is they're trying to do the executing but they're not going to do the executing. That's a good experience job. We, you know, it's just it. I've been just complicated so much. You know, under there are so many believers for whom joy and peace is the exception rather than the rule. If Paul said it, if Paul said it, never came to him. If Paul said it, never came to him. If Paul said it, never came to him. That way, the word righteous is there. It actually has to do with the security. The word righteousness is about the security that is yours. That God will always be the initiator. That's what it's going to do. God initiated this kind of initiator in your salvation. He said, Jesus, keep drawing on you. You know what I mean? He first loved us. The word righteousness is there. Action means the security that we sense because we have God will always be the initiator on our behalf. So, security, joy, and peace is the way we can win it. Who better want that? There are so many believers who live to elect the exception rather than the rule. Why? Maybe it's because we don't just hear what's going on. We're so busy trying to do the doing thing. Listen, back to me. It's just simply abiding in that place around the throne. Again, it does not mean we're just going to sit there. Well, first of all, Jesus can do what he wants to do. It's going to sit there and save the next good years. It's not about that. It's about the flowing of the Holy Spirit or in the closet. I'm praying when I'm walking, I'm praying when I'm at the wall. I'm praying, I'm constantly, you know, I'm the praying baby. It's because we want to be going 65 and I'm going 85. And I can be independent. It's that it's that the most flowing of Holy Spirit in this, where we're not so many worshiping prayer as we did on activity. It's a lifestyle. A lifestyle that can happen just to share some talk about the first, last week for example, it is a Christianity. Oh, you were a ministry? I was worshiping. I was texting next. If we draw the line too far or too, too thick between worship and prayer and the expression of the Kingdom on it as it's heaven, we've lost something. What happened is that worship and prayer can deteriorate into mystical experiences that have nothing to do with the Kingdom of God. It's kind of the bias that we have. You know, we just get shaken too much by good thinking. None of our people say it. Because we're very rich into the inner life. What was my mind, something? God made this, as shared as He made, all of them, a lot of small spirit. And it's all holy to you. Okay, let's just talk about an image of what we have come to happening with you right here. About the airport and the town. In case we had the background, about the teaching studies in the background, teaching some other background, and I think the airport, we're going to face it to the slot of the sacrifices. But then, of course, people think it's going to be an airport, and it's going to turn into an instance, and go to the alternate sense, and they're pointing to the sacrifices of what I think is going to break into a little bit. This is kind of the worship. I love the inner world. Why didn't you? But where could you get the idea that the outer world was not God's presence? You know, if you go into some kind of eating background, even the creation of eating, garden eating is almost diagrammed as the outer court, inner court, and most holy place. The God in the get-go has this idea of presence that is both outer court and inner court. And if you buy into an economy that says, "That's presence, and then I go to the outer court to do my ministry," you can totally lost it. Yeah. And enemies do this. Yeah. We become seconded, fragmented believers, not presenting a holistic picture for the world of us. Now, as a different manifestation of God's presence, the outer court, and the inner court, but it's all God's. Okay, go. You can ask questions. Okay. I don't know why. I'm just a conscious little concerned there's a little bit of ostracism community in the church. I don't know why. I'm just a conscious little concerned there's a little bit of ostracism community in the church. I don't know why. Ancient ostracism, where we see as little as that. See as little as that. See as little as that. You said, if I write a question, I'm going to do a list of one of the divides, the spiritual, physical. Okay. Because there's a question eating the nature to it. It's all spiritual. It's all spiritual. It's all spiritual. We're a man, we're a man, we're a man, we're a man, we're a man. Just different manifestations of God's presence. We divide and we're divided into ancient, ancient, here I say. God. God. And God has, God has the power of us. God has the power of us. God has the divine mission. And just making sure we're counted. But okay, so let's talk about this, getting gospel prayer. Here's a great example of Christ. I believe that we're presently coming to season. In the earth. And especially in the people of God and the church. We're currently coming to the season in which the church will see that there's no other solution in prayer. And the church is coming to the seasons, in which they are fine. I'm talking about everybody. I'm talking about everyone. I'm talking about every strike, background, doctrine, explaining this long without Jesus. I believe that God, the world of life, is bringing the church to the end of the road. Where we could not solve the plans, programs, our decisions. That's right. As those these things are. I'm not saying they're bad. But God's got a reason, vice versa. Nothing is going to be solved until the people of Christ. That is so right. That is so right. That is so right. You see, people that the Father didn't get to listen because God's getting us this. That's right. That's right. You know what? And sometimes the way it's us, that is making us run these restaurants. Yeah. All right. There's going to come a generation. I might not share with you tomorrow. It's really good to see you. No. No. There's no coming to a country, in France, there's a stop or a development. Yeah. That's right. Oh, yeah. No, that's going to happen. My generation, please. No. No, it's going to happen. And it comes back. You know, we might as well start living by being a country. This is going to be it. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. You know, you might as well start living by being a country. This is going to be it. But what? It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. You know, it's going to happen. It's going to happen. The church, the people of God, they didn't have a good part of it. But what God is going to happen is that people in the earth, at the end of the day, what do you think we're going to look by? You might start racing off power. Oh, you didn't stop. You heard me. You didn't stop. The man is chasing us. Why not? Why are we waiting? Yeah. All right. Thanks. Hey. Hey. If that's the end, look. You know, my friend, my friend, says, do you think the doctor, or the lumps of our babies, these pizza pies of revival, just having to play with them, and pizza pie of our rivals, and show them something new? Oh, there's a Bible. No. It's like, we know. We know by reading the book. What? What we're looking at, should we do it in the back? It's what it look like. Why not? Yeah. It's so true. He probably didn't have dark economic systems and structures because so much of the church lies to them. They're giving you a good one. Well, that's it. Whoo! [audience laughter] I'm pastor, so I love you. I love you. [audience laughter] Okay, so, if we're going to go play some better, we're going to go play some better. We're going to go play some better. The only solution is prayer. [audience laughter] Then, what does need to be atmospheric? No, no, no, no. This is... God is a lot of God's iron. You know, you look at Jesus' ministry. And when he does things twice, he'll be from five thousand. He'll be four thousand. And he'll learn something from him. Anytime Jesus has to apply, he's just to apply. He says to me. Okay. Not only does Jesus cleanse his temple twice, but he does stuff at the beginning of his ministry and at the end of his ministry, his ministry is sort of the right way of why he's cleansing his temple. He makes much of the temple first time. What does he say to you? He says, "My house shall be called on the house of prayer." And we're made in the end of the days. Where? What is Jesus quoting you? He's quoting Isaiah 56. I didn't see him on his set at all, but also to the passage of the house of prayer. But look at Isaiah 56 here, because it says... So it says... Father actually, in the whole prophetic context, begins in verses. And yet he says, "Also, the sons of the foreigner who join themselves for the circuit and to love the name of the Lord, to be the service, everyone who keeps your father in the Sabbath and holds fast to our covenant. Even them, I will reign to my whole mouth and I make them joyful in my house of prayer." The word "my house" right through the sacrifice would be said to know, "I hope that for my house shall be called in my house of prayer from all nations." Now, let me share, you know, exactly, what was the same. The Isaiah, the class of cheer, gives us a picture, not a house of prayer for prayer, but a house of prayer for the nations of prayer. And I think we can live in the just of the house of prayer. Yes, it's a gap in the prayer. But it's a gap in the prayer in one of the presence of God is manifest so that the foreigner, the unbeliever, also comes and partakes on the presence of God. Clearly, and mine, in verse 13, the unbelievers would be present in those churches. He's right there. He's expecting them not to stop, if you live in the said of all of them, so they can carry them out to them. So the house of prayer is in love, is not the first to run. The prayer being is not the first to run, the atmosphere in which unbelievers are invited. The house of prayer is not the house of prayer, for prayer's sake is the house of prayer to the god of the Holy Spirit and the empire. In which the borders you have not fallen on, in which the people of God. In other words, when you're talking about the house of prayer, you cannot divorce prayer in the nations. And if you divorce prayer from the nations, you'll totally miss one of these realities of prayer. And it's obviously praying and declaring, and declaring to work on it. But it is praying not as an end to itself, but praying in order that the nations, individual unbelievers will gather to where God blesses us. You know what comes down to it? The whole strategy of doing church is pretty simple. But someone encounter the battle in the cycle of living. Please break it down. We are in the assembly. We gather together. We all can. We have so lost sight. And I'll talk about it in a minute. Our gatherings become filling the stations in which we are inspiring and fueled in all of our new stuff. Yes, but that's not the exception. It's not just a gun station. We're fueled in our gathering in this moment of the kingdom to send it to the world. We're wondering if that's a plan. If it's a plan, we need our mail. And we have to reach the end of it. So we assemble. For a second, obviously, when we say, "Oh, yeah." We assemble. In that sense, we encounter. We get so excited about encountering, that we go out and look at the currency. You know, 10% of the body pressure really increases. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love the numbers which are coming together. I love this. That's a great thing. But I don't have to be able to do the dangerous. I have to be able to do the dangerous. Most of us are beautiful. But you know, every one of us can enter. That's how it stands. That's how it stands. Yeah. So we assemble. We encounter. We get so excited about what happens. We come and meet the master. And then I think the master is a pre-mom and we are disciplating. And it's all of us. Disciples. So we get out of here. It's our good disciple and her good people. Because the word discipling has come to me mentally. But it needs that. We're going to go ahead. Disciples. That's the pain. But you know, there's something about getting together. We're believers. And we're not, we're not. We're not pressured to go somewhere. We are percolating in Jesus. We are disciplating about Jesus. So we're just simply enjoying and being together and buzzing in Jesus. And that's it. And you know, as Jesus, it just happens to catch. It's just the noise. It's spread off. It's us. It's us. You know, you know, when I was in the Christian area this year and all the years I was able to be appointed president in the '70s, the '70s, the '70s, the key to success and honesty was created by us. Well, anyway, I'm curious. But a different bias is really what we saw with us. It sees and knows. It's what it is. So many clear sentences in the end of the class happens. You know, it's as simple as that. When the leaders come together, truly in the spirit, bias is created and bias is created. All of a sudden, God's breaking through everywhere. We get all of it and we just mop it out. The church in America is so soft that a treadmill finds amazing. So it's trying to get back to this simplicity of being this people watching and creating bias. It's really just a bias. House of prayers and house of love. It's a house of love that busses of God, which unknown leaders can come. And being safe. It is about the turning of prayer and creating. But we can't stop there because of the strictness of those things. House of prayer and whole issues. It's not just about prayer, it's about all the issues. Now, what we're going to do is take a special...