City Central Church Podcast

Joseph's Dream

1h 34m
Broadcast on:
02 Feb 2009
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Carla Ives from Heart Cry International on when God's speaks a dream and the process of fulfillment
We're going to pray, not only for our lives, but we're going to pray for all the people tonight that are not here, watch football. And I'm sorry Lord, but they won again. And so Lord one day won't in heaven, and the games of men will no longer compete with the glory of God. And I just can't say it any other way, I apologize Lord. But here's the deal is, stay with me and pray, it's fear, just so you understand, we understand fear. When you're around fear, if you allow it, it can unravel you. And once it unravels you, it unravels those near you as you begin to sing the song of fear. And the song of fear always says, did God really say it, and can God really do it. And when you open the door that, it just begins to unravel the courage and the faith in your life. And Father I just pray tonight, we agree tonight, we agree tonight. We take warfare, you can't get rid of warfare, do you see what I'm saying, you can't escape warfare at times, and so this is the time of warfare right here. We're closing the door on fear as we advance in God's kingdom. Can I get an amen? So I'm not going to prompt you anymore, you're going to just say I agree, all right, you're going to get some agreement out on your own. Thank you God, I thank you God, I thank you God. So Lord we close the door, we close the door on fear in our lives. Lord the, the press says this about the economy, but Lord we look to you as our provider. You're our provider right now. So we say God you're Joe, but Jaira, not the US government. Our trust is in you, Jesus Christ, to take care of all of us and all of our friends. So we shut the door on fear over our houses and over our families. Thank you Father, thank you God. So we know that when God and his kingdom, we begin to advance. The enemy always want to come to class as to not want to advance anymore and to stop and entertain the common thoughts of life. Faith is just risk and boldly moving forward. And so tonight is a night to take steps forward in our lives. Carla's going to be bringing a word in a few minutes, it's going to be a night for you and I to just take great steps in the kingdom. He's going to be praying for people after the service, this is a night to receive everything that God would have for each one of us. So Lord we just call fear forward in Jesus name. Say it out loud, fear. We command you to go in Jesus name and all heaviness with you, all doubt with you, all unbelief with you in the name of Jesus. We come alive by choice in Jesus name. Christ, if you join me up here, we're going to, I just encourage you to pray on your own right now where you're at that we would just be praying over this whole mission that we would be moving in courage. Ask and move, ask and move, ask and move, courage. Yeah, here's where we're going as we know that we've learned over the last years that when you stay inside the walls, no matter what denomination you want to be part of, when you stay inside the walls, the disease catches you. And so what happens in the churches we delay or say, we hesitate on taking those practical steps to get outside the walls and if we avoid those steps, the disease catches us quickly again. I want you to think about what I just said. And so then the people of God become fearful and say, well, we should just work on ourselves some more and if that's the way we're going to go, it's going to be renouncing forever. I know for me and Christi, we can't do that any longer, we're done, we're finished, Christi and I are finished with that. We just can't, I'm honestly disappointed tonight, I just be honest with you, I just can't go back to living that way any longer in Jesus name, I can't, I can't, I can't, so emotionally exhausting and so the only way out for any one of us for me, Christi, our kids is to take those practical steps outside the walls. So Lord, we just pray right now, we become violent, we've talked about being wholehearted in Jesus name, we just want to intercede right now, we turn this room into a prayer room for a moment, I just want you to begin to pray on your own volition, on your own volition that God would just begin to shatter in your life and you begin to take those steps, whatever that simple first step is, you're going to take that step, whatever it is in Jesus name. Let's put that in our spirit, whatever that step is, we're taking that step. Go ahead, let's raise our voice to prayer. [Music] Lord, we just pray right now, you just reveal the scheme so we get back to worship right now, we've left that land of renouncing things, we've left that land of living in that kind of thinking Lord, we want to move forward in greater revelation of Jesus Christ, greater revelation of the joy that's ours in the kingdom of God, thank you Lord, thank you Lord. [Music] Just begin to pray that God would just reveal when you take authority over that submission, would you begin to pray, pray that out. [Music] Okay, here's what it is, it's not demonic, it's just God's having us in our minds come in alignment with truth and the truth is that God wants our focus to be on those outside the walls of the church, they're waiting for us, and even if you're called to work in the walls of the church, you must live completely in touch with the needs of those outside of the church, and so all of us, God wants us to look outside the walls of the church right now and say God, they're waiting for your church to arise and come out these walls and meet them with your love and your grace and all the things of the kingdom, so Lord, right now we just pray, we pray that in Lord, we pray that into our hearts, join with me in prayer that our mind in our hearts is outside the walls and they're waiting for us, they are waiting for us, we come into the reality that they're waiting for us, they're waiting for us, we refuse deception Lord, we refuse deception that staying within the four walls is going to somehow change us Lord, we refuse that deception tonight, we renounce that deception tonight, we will not live under that deception tonight, but Father thank you that the city needs like never before, the people need to hear about the love and the hope of Jesus Christ, and so we put our mind on the people all over this city that are needing Jesus Christ tonight, needing your love, needing your hope Lord, and that's why we've come together, we've come together as a family to be refreshed, to be ignited, to do the mission of Jesus Christ in the city, no longer do we come, to have a nice service, or to have a nice time, or it wasn't a good night, before we come to be right away energized, worship, filled up, and ready to go, ready to go, ready to go, ready to go, to touch those lives outside in our own lives in Jesus' name, whether they're young, whether they're old, no matter what age they are, we're reaching out to people with the love of Jesus Christ, and that's where our love and life will be fulfilled, we thank you for that right now, and there's no better time right now, we'll have announcements at the very end of the night, but I think let's just extend our hands, and Carla would you come up here, we're going to pray for you and just have you bring the word and stand between Kristi and I, and we're going to pray over you, would you extend your hand? Lord, we thank you for Carla, and we thank you for our ministry this week, thank you for all the good reports, the fire, the life change, and Carla won't you stand between us, we're going to pray for you, and as a body, and Lord, we thank you that Carla's come to impart something to us, and so Lord, we just release her, we release this woman of God tonight to bring everything that you've intended us to receive. We want the fullness of revelation, the fullness of the fire in our heart and our guts, Lord, and so Lord, we just open our hearts, we open our hearts to receive everything that you've set apart for us tonight, through the Word, through the fire, the anointing on Carla's life in Jesus' name. We thank you for a woman tonight to come forth and bring the Word in this house, we're blessed, we're encouraged, we're built up by it, Lord, and so Lord, we pray release the fire, release the fire, release the glory, release it, ignite it in our hearts, ignite it in our minds, ignite it in our hands, God, I pray our hands would burn with fire, our hearts would burn with fire, our minds would be more determined than ever to move forward, to not take any guff from the enemy, but we leave tonight, literally saying we're going forward, we're never going to stop in Jesus' name, let's all give some thanks for this woman of God. Praise God. I have like three sermons swimming around inside my head, so we'll see what the Lord does tonight. The Word is alive. My name is Carla, I'm a wife, I'm a mother, I'm a grandmother of nine by Christmas, I have a pastor's wife, I minister in our church, and I also have birthed an organization with my husband 15 years ago called Heart Cry International, and we go around the world and our heart is in kinship with your own, to see God make a difference in the lives of people. We do believe that the church is mobile, that we're called the body of Christ and the body, there's something wrong with it if it doesn't move, there's something wrong with it if it doesn't move, and so God has us in motion, and tonight I'm going to bring a word to you that I believe the Lord has specifically for this house, and I'm going to begin with sharing with you quickly five factors in a God dream being fulfilled, then I'm going to follow that with five things you need to know as you flesh out the dream, because you are here in this house, I believe, at a pivotal point. You are at a point of going from a dream into stepping into the dream being reality, and as you do that there are things you need to know in the transition, we've been there too, and this morning at three o'clock in the morning God woke me up and he gave me the last half of the message for you, and I just am believing God that tonight there's going to be an impartation and there's going to be a release, and don't you worry about the ones that aren't here because the Holy Spirit, he can talk to them, he can bring this to them, he can carry this on the wings of his spirit, we're going to believe God to visit those that aren't here tonight with dreams, spiritual dreams and visions, and to bring words from heaven to them, and so that you will be one corporate body moving in one direction united in of one heart and one mind to accomplish the purposes of the Lord. Isaiah 61 says, "Arise and shine for your light has come," and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you, and it talks about the deepening darkness that's descending on the land, but you know in the beginning in Genesis chapter 1, the Bible tells us that the earth was without form and it was void and it was covered with darkness, darkness covered the face of the deep, and that word darkness means ruin and misery and death and destruction was covering, and it was a swirling mass and there was no purpose and there was no plan and there was no order, and there was nothing there, there was no life, but the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the deep, and from His Spirit came one word, let there be, and as soon as He began to speak where there was nothing, things supernaturally begin to happen because the Word of the Lord came out of His Spirit and spoke into the darkness and the darkness began to be transformed by the living Word of God. When you hear the call to go into the streets and to bring the life of God, it's not about you having to be good enough or to be perfect enough or being able to push hard enough, this is supposed to be a lifestyle, we're supposed to be known by the love that radiates from us, not that we try to show that we must have love in there somehow, it's just a natural part of being filled with the Holy Spirit, and as we go out we bring we're carriers of the glory of God wherever we go, we carry, you know in the Old Testament they had the ark of the covenant and it was just a thing of wood that was overlaid in gold and in somehow that little thing God chose to come in all of His power and all of His glory and that thing carried the presence of the Lord and wherever that ark of the covenant was placed things happened, the cloud of God's presence would fill the place and people couldn't stand and when it was placed in a place of day gone the idol, the idol fell over in His head and His hands, the authority of the enemy was broken and God moved whenever His presence came on the presence, came into the place, I'm getting so excited I can't even talk, and I'm saying to you God's telling you tonight, just breathe, you are carriers of His glory, this is not complicated, God's about to make it very simple, just breathe and wherever you go, bring Him, just bring Him. When you touch your skin's just like the glove, you have the spirit of God on the inside and you bring His touch, you don't have to say a word. When you speak it has the same impact as when the spirit of God in the very beginning facing that swirling mass of nothingness spoke the word and things change, it's not supposed to be hard and if we'll just get it, we'll just be able to walk into any place and see things begin to shift and change just like they described this morning, they didn't try to do anything, just worship in Jesus, but God came, why? Because they were carriers of His glory and wherever you go, that's who you are. I want to share with you as we begin tonight and afterwards, if you're interested in what we're doing internationally and you have questions for me, after we're done praying, if you want to hang out until I'm done, I'd be glad to answer any questions you have, that's not the focus of tonight, the focus of tonight is what God's doing here and so I'll be out there later eventually whenever God's done in here and I'd be glad to answer your questions and there'll be children if you're interested in child sponsorship, some of my babies will be out there that you can look at their pictures, but tonight I want us just to focus in what God has for you, so let's just pray for a moment and then we're going to go straight to the word, Father, you are already here, you came in with us, we honor your presence in this room and I pray that nothing, more and nothing less would be said than exactly what you want said. We submit ourselves to you tonight and we open our hearts, we swing wide the gates at the king of glory might come in, bring revelation, bring understanding and set our feet free to run tonight in the name of Jesus, amen. Isaiah 43 verses 18 through 19 says do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old behold see I will do a new fresh thing now that word now means from this time forth and continuing it shall spring forth shall you not see it. In order for us to embrace the now of God we eventually have to stop seeing where we've been and where we are and we have to see where God is going. We have to see what God is doing now behold I do a new thing the former things have passed away if you continue reading in Isaiah it says don't even consider those things don't even glance at them don't even consider them forget it whatever you've been through there's a certain point where you draw the line and you say wherever I've been it's over I can't change it I may never have all the questions answered to it but this is the day when I cross over and I say whatever's back there's in the hands of God there is a now for me in Christ Jesus he has a plan for me right now and I'm going to embrace the now and I'm going to move forward God has something for us he has a dream that he's given this house he has a dream that he's put inside your pastor he has a dream that he's put within your heart and God wants to wants to help us to see that he is right now bringing those dreams to pass for this is the year of fulfillment this is the year of fulfillment it's not far off sometimes we pray it's so funny I'll I'll hear people in my congregation and they'll be praying for something and oh God I'm believing you're going to do it but I can hear them they're praying I know someday I thank you doing it now someday there's no expectation that it's today that it's now that we're going to walk in this power in this authority and see this breakthrough now and God tonight is releasing a new gift of faith so that we'll know his now is now and continuing forward and we can grab hold of it and we can walk in it and with great expectation praise God to understand where you've been you need to understand the five factors to a God dream to understand where you've been as a fellowship you need to understand tonight the five factors to a God dream I'm going to quickly cover these because I have a prophetic word God just put in my heart as I said at three o'clock and I want to get to that so I'm going to just share this with you it's based out of Genesis 37 verses 1 through 20 and you know what we have so much I am a heart to share tonight I'm not going to read the portion but you read from 37 all the way to the end of Genesis and you'll be able to find all the scripture proof for everything that I'm going to teach you tonight okay I'll just let you read it on your own but there's a key line in verse 19 of chapter 37 and it's Joseph's brothers and you know the story Joseph has a dream first he taddles on his brother that's the first bit you get to hear about him nice boy taddles on his brothers and so they're not real happy with him and then he gets a God dream and in the God dream there's these sheaves of wheat and they all bow down to him and so he lets his brothers know being the good little boy that he is exactly what this dream was and that his brothers were going to bow down and his brothers didn't like that dream for some reason too much I can't imagine why I'm sure you would have liked it if your little brother would have told you he had a dream like that and so he has another dream and in this dream not only that all the stars and then the sun and the moon bow down to him so his dad goes you mean we're going to bow down to you too and his brothers are really upset now and so the brothers go off with the herds and his dad decides to send him because he's already proven he's a good little tattle tale go and check on your brothers and come back and tell me what they're doing and when they see him coming a long way off they make this statement in verse 19 then they said to one another look this dreamer cometh the word dreamer means this master owner plus to babble in other words a master owner who speaks a captain chief those to whom it is due those given to it those that have it it comes from a root word meaning master to have dominion over when he said I have a dream that word dream means literally a dream but it also comes from a root word which means to bind firmly to be or to make plump to dream in other words when you have a dream you have a mental picture that God paints on the canvas of your mind and you see it and you you dwell on it and you think on it until it becomes firmly your own and you're knit to that dream and you're one with that dream and God's dream becomes your dream and every day as you think on it and every day as you look at it's growing and becoming a living thing on the inside of you just as a baby in the mother's womb is growing day by day and features are being formed and fingers and toes and then there comes that day of birth that's what happens with the dream when they said the dreamer comets comets means to bring forth to bring to pass to come to pass so when Joseph said I have dreamed it meant I have a mental image a picture a vision from God that is now bound firmly to my heart and mind and it is growing every day I have a dream I can't let go of and no amount of adversity and no amount of people ridiculing me or laughing at me will change this dream it's a living thing on the inside of me because when a God dream comes nothing can quench it it's a living saying it comes from his heart it comes from his life God has been painting a new dream a vision an image on the canvas of your hearts and minds binding you firmly to it and allowing it to live and grow within so he might fulfill it God never waste time so he will never give a dream unless he intends to fulfill it the fact that you can see it the fact that you've dreamed it is a guarantee that it's coming it's a promise. Joseph's brothers and father knew that when someone dreamed a God dream it was a declaration of what would be it would come to pass it was just as if God said this is what I'm going to do they believed in the power of a God dream and so they knew that the only way in their minds the only way to stop the dream from coming to pass is to kill the one carrying the dream let's kill the carrier of the glory. When the brothers saw Joseph and called him dreamer they were saying here comes that one who has mastered owned and spoken his dream who is do all that he dreamed of who has given himself to the dream and possesses it the one who has mastered the dream and taken authority over it he and his dream are coming he's bringing it forth it's coming to pass. His brothers looked at him and thought if we can just kill the dreamer we can kill the God dream but what they didn't understand is that when God gives a dream there is no amount of human intervention or demonic warfare that can kill a dream that comes from God it is a living thing sustained by the life and power of the Holy Spirit and nothing can quench it God will watch over his word to perform it every single time. So the five factors to a God dream that you need to remember first is the man factor the conception of the dream marks the beginning of the preparation and transformation of the man to whom the dream is given when the dream was first given Joseph wasn't ready to fulfill it he thought he was he thought I'm sure he thought why else would he tell his brothers I had this dream you want to know about it you want to bow down now want to start practicing it's okay he thought he was ready but he wasn't yet. He was humbled and brought low the hardship and brokenness that was on his journey from that point on with all part of his preparation for the fulfillment of that dream God was molding and shaping a man around the dream so that he could bring it to birth through him the dream had to become less important God had to become the focus of Joseph's life Joseph had to learn the when where how and why of it that the dream was never really about him and Genesis 39 as you keep reading before Joseph could lead he had to learn how to serve the first thing that happens when he gets to his brothers they strip him of his robes of royalty of favor and for the first time in his life he finds himself powerless he's in a pit and he doesn't know how to get out of it then he's pulled out of there and he's sold into slavery to Potiphar and there he learns how to serve because before you can be a good leader you have to be a good servant that's part of learning to lead many of you in this room because I have met many that are here and you are marked with an unusual amount of leaders in this house part of the preparation is becoming good servants having hearts to say yes Lord in the little things in the jobs that nobody else wants to do and the things that are unseen just yes God whatever you say that's part of the preparation you must walk that path before you can be a leader later he was tempted by Potiphar's wife but here Joseph learned to put others his master in this case but to put others his God and someone else ahead of his own personal gratification it's not about me I'm going to honor God I'm going to honor others it's not about me being happy and me being taken care of me fulfilling my destiny me fulfilling what I want or something that will make my life better it's all about him he was falsely accused and thrown into prison and here he learned to trust God and maintain integrity when the dream and even the hope of the dream seemed to die when he was falsely accused when he was isolated and left to stand alone here he became a man of God here is where he gained stamina and strength you know I've always been kind of a wimp and I never played sports I started working doing housekeeping jobs and I was nine years old I've worked all my life and I can remember in gym class they'd have that time where you had to lift weights and it was like really hard for me and I'd be pulling and trying and I'd get a bad grade and so I'd signal my friend and my friend would come over and help me lift but as long as my friend was helping me I never gained the strength I needed to do it on my own for the destiny God has for this house he's been strengthening you so you can do it on your own together as one heart one people building the muscles getting you ready for all that he's about to do he had to learn that man could not bring the dream to pass and not to set his hope in man remember the butcher and the the baker he thought they were going to be the ones that were going to help him get out of there remember when you get out if you're in a restored to the Pharaoh's court to tell him about me because I've been falsely accused get me out of here he sat there two more years there he learned not to trust that man would be his source but God is his source he had to learn to let God interpret the dream laying aside any and all assumptions at the beginning he thought he understood the dream that he had it all figured out I know exactly what God wants to do but the dream changed over time and it evolved over time and he began to understand that though I have a real and true God dream that dream has to be explained to me and it has to unfold by the hand of God he is the interpreter of the dream because when he stood in front of those two men and then later when he stood in front of Pharaoh he said God gives the interpretation I'm done trying to assume anything and figure it out for myself he had to be ready when it was time and willing to be changed somewhat of refused to leave the place they'd been when he finally got called the prison he'd been there so long that he's like a lot of people I know who have been waiting on God and waiting on God and talking about the dream and discussing the dream and praying for the dream but when the opportunity finally comes and the door is open they stay here thinking but maybe it's not God well maybe I shouldn't step out I think you heard about that earlier maybe maybe now's not the time to step out but then I think of the woman in the New Testament remember her with the issue of blood and she needed to be healed and she had a picture in her mind that if I just touched the hem of Jesus garment I know she could see it I know she was visualizing it because as soon as I said that didn't you picture her words have power they paint pictures and so so she was just thinking about that if I can just touch the hem of his garment I'll be healed but she could have been like so many others and stood there and when Jesus finally came by and he was within her grasp she could have said well what if it's not the moment what if I miss God I love that she just didn't even think about it here's my chance here's Jesus I'm going for it I'm grabbing the hem of his garment and she received her healing this is the time to reach and grab church this is your moment this is when you're crossing over this is the time you've crossed over the line even this night I believe that God is taking you further across you were there before I got there got here tonight but God is propelling you forward he's propelling you forward the second factor is the time factor the dream wasn't for the hour in which it was given it was a revelation of what would be even as a dream was given it had a strategic time of fulfillment and no human effort could speed it up or delay it there were years of events that would lead to the moment of fulfillment there had to be changes in family and location and home there were divine appointments to be kept weather patterns that had to be set in place God has not been delaying and it hasn't been that there's something wrong that you haven't seen all of the dream come to pass long before now it's just that he's been getting everything ready he's been preparing the man and now the timing is right and everything is set into place so that God can fulfill what he desires to do the third is the purpose or need factor the dream was never about Joseph it was about the people that were going to die unless someone intervened and right now you have been raised up for such a time as this it's not about us is it it's about the lost it's about the people who are hungry the people are longing to be loved the people are looking for a blessing in search of a blessing and they're just waiting will somebody see me will somebody hear me will somebody bring me Jesus and you've been raised up for such a time as this the dream is never about us it's about those God wants to touch through us I believe that this house was born for this time in particular for the world's youth crisis I've been privileged to sit in on large meetings in this country and other parts of the world that talk about the trouble with the use of this hour the epidemic proportion of street youth and the problems with AIDS it's wiping out now it's new moving not just the adults but now it's moving to the youth in these nations wiping them out there needs to be a voice there needs to be carriers of God's glory that come and speak into the darkness arise shine for your light has come that's what happened this morning and that's what God wants to continue to do but it's youth when you think of youth you think of teenagers most but I'm telling you from the babe that's crying I'm telling you right now within ten miles of where we are statistics will tell you that a little girl will go to bed tonight or a little boy and somebody's going to crawl in and molest them that there's going to be a child go to bed hungry tonight because mom and dad are stoned and there's no food in the house and their tummy's growling but I just got to go to bed because I'm hungry there are children within ten miles of this place have never ever in their entire lives heard I love you never make some of them are big kids seventeen eighteen twenty twenty five summer three and four they're your harvest hear me they're your harvest go get them it's time the fourth is the information factor Joseph thought he was ready and knew all he needed to know the day the dream was given but he gained knowledge and information through the years that changed the picture I bet if you were to sit together and talk about what your vision was when this church first birthed and what it is now it's evolved because God's been adding information enlarging it giving you understanding giving revelation the final revelation didn't come until the time of fulfillment there was a day when he stood before Pharaoh and he interpreted his dream and suddenly he knew why he had to come to this place he knew what the dream was really all about and he had the missing piece of information to see it happen I believe you're going to hear in the next two weeks God told me your next two weeks are crucial that in the next two weeks you're gonna have that missing piece of the puzzle the resistance factor was the fourth fifths I'm sorry the enemies of the dream had to be revealed confronted and subdued before the dream could be fulfilled again the resistance was never personal it wasn't personal it wasn't against Joseph it was against the God dream inside of him the strategic assault was against the man who carried the God dream if the man could be stopped the dream would die Joseph's dream was part of a bigger dream of redemption for mankind and so is your our dream my dream and so is your dream Joseph had to press past the resistance but it wasn't the people it wasn't his brothers it was jealousy a spirit of jealousy and death and shame and rejection and abandonment lust and self gratification false accusation and hopelessness that was the resistance you know you don't feel resistance unless you're moving forward if you're just standing there in the water you don't feel anything but the minute you start to move forward suddenly you face resistance it was because he was headed for his dream and the fact that you have met with resistance should encourage your heart sometimes we take it as discouraging that what are we doing wrong I'm telling you the fact that you have faced any kind of resistance and I don't know what you faced but I'm just guessing if you've been through anything like what we've been through with our God dream you've met a little bit of resistance maybe some of the same enemies of Joseph rejoice because that means you're moving that means you're living that means it's happening and you're moving forward it's funny how the warfare ends much quicker and you don't have to fight so hard when you just laugh at him that's what we've learned my husband and I used to spend hours and intense warfare about wearing ourselves out I'm telling you what now we just speak and let God speak through us we just take authority and believe that when God speaks it's done and then we last you're only hitting us because you're scared because the dream are coming that means it's coming Joseph didn't make it personal and it's a key not to make it personal and let me let me just tell you even as you get great and glorious things that are going to be happening in in these next weeks and months and you're going to see all these wonderful breakthroughs and excitement and great testimonies multiplying like what you heard today even then you're still going to meet with some of this resistance when it comes don't be alarmed by it don't be moved by it don't make it personal understand that it's coming against the God dream that you carry and just press past hope deferred makes the heart sick when we have to wait for something a long time we can start to get disappointed when it says the heart is sick it's it's disappointed it's rubbed worn it's tired it's just extremely tired it feels pain it feels sick but when the desire comes you may have waited some of you for your personal dreams and visions and others for the corporate vision for a while and you might start to feel a little bit weary but I'm telling you the desire comes it comes God will never get a dream that he doesn't fulfill and right now in the name and authority of Jesus Christ I break off your lives the power of disappointment and hopelessness and discouragement and weariness and I speak a replenishing of strength to every worn part of your mind and your heart and your soul I decrease strength to your body I just decrease strength to your soul in the name of Jesus may the fresh wind of the Holy Spirit blow in this house and just refill us and give us new life in Jesus name the dream or cometh you have stepped into the God dream for you as a people you have you have you have stepped into the God dream for you as a people to see the dream take on flesh and begin to move forward there are five things I believe God wants you to know God woke me again with us at three this morning I believe it's personal insight for you as a people God reminded me that four or five years ago and now I'm just going to share from my heart four or five years ago God gave a prophetic word to my husband and I and he said that there was going to come a great divide between the camps of Saul and the camps of David and it would become very real in the next five years he said that when this happened in that move many would be transplanted from the camp of Saul into the camp of David into the Davidic call and passion of God once again I want to give you a description of what the camp of Saul looked like because I feel like God told me to and I do what I'm told the camp of Saul had a character flaw of impatience from the very beginning remember when Saul was a boy and a young man and his father sent him out to look for the donkeys that were missing and he starts out and then he gets impatient because he can't find them and he wants to turn back and it's only because his servant persisted that he even ended up meeting Samuel and being annoyed at his king he would have missed it all because of that character flaw of impatience later on it was his impatience that cost him the kingdom so we had a character flaw of impatience that was never dealt with those little character flaws let me tell you right now if you are aware of something in your heart or life that you have just made excuses for or thought it's not as bad as what someone else is dealing with or you just been ashamed to bring it out bring it out and let it be dealt with because that little character flaw can later cost you the kingdom and this is the time to get it right because you're on the brink of breakthrough you're on the brink of seeing what you've prayed for so this is the time to deal with it but in the camp of Saul that is loud it's covered over with religion the character flaw of impatience was never dealt with and that involved evolved into fear a fear of man a fear of failure of losing the kingdom and it resulted in man's effort to keep it what do I have to do to keep the church going that's what religion looks like Saul's reign was marked by thinking and acting independently of God it was marked by constant warfare and division in the ranks fear of those being used of God a quenching of the spirit worship for personal benefit and a spirit of control, anger, jealousy and manipulation study the life of Saul and you'll see it the camp of David is very different the camp of David is marked by a call is there not a cause there's a cause there's a dream God dream is there not a cause worth living for worth fighting for worth dying for is there not a cause it's marked by simplicity by faith by raw passion vision worship team building and teamwork humility honor compassion genuine love and forward momentum David's very name means beloved a love feast it's just this passion that says everything I am and everything I do it's all about Jesus and about the people he loves in and out of the house as you're reaching the loss this is something we had to remind ourselves and we've been at this 23 years so I don't know how old this church is but I'm guessing maybe not that old nobody years as old as I am I don't think but one of the things we had to be cautious of in our passion for the loss is that we didn't lose our passion for one another in the midst guard this what it is is precious this is what you're taking to them this is what you're bringing to the lost this is the light that's going to shine so don't lose this it's just a word of caution to you David's camp never rebelled against authority but it was forced to separate when attacked and are required to compromise their God given call or destiny the camp of Saul first embraced the Davidic anointing and then they feared it and tried to control it he tried to immobilize it he threw a spear a javelin tried to pin him to the wall stop him and destroy the dream he tried to kill him in his sleep he killed the dream the closer the David tribe came to the throne the more resistance they met but David's camp loved Saul to the end maintain good hearts refused to strike back waited on God for vindication and even mourned Saul's death when facing adversaries don't worry about changing their mind because it ain't gonna happen just not nothing you can say or do you're not going to change their mind don't even under the debate you just keep your heart right God will take care of the rest you just keep your heart pure just left forgiveness flow let healing come just bless them keep going don't be distracted don't be stopped for sure sorry feel that way but i got somewhere to go you're going somewhere David's camp began with wounded warriors discontented kind of ornery dudes all came together in this cave mopin and crying and hiding out because king Saul's after me again and somehow they became a family they became mighty and they went from being wounded warriors to mighty warriors they were worshipers huddled in a cave just learning how to once again trust build community and serve God as one they learned how to war together how to love one another and they were united in vision and purpose the first thing you need to remember as you're moving now in the dream becoming reality don't be intimidated or stopped by seeming failures shake it off okay failures of the past or even anything that has happened as you have been together as a people because david's throne was finally established and you remember the story where he decided he gets a vision from god and he says we're gonna bring the ark of the covenant we're gonna bring god's presence into Jerusalem he takes Jerusalem this is my city this is where god has called us to establish his throne this is where god has called us to establish his glory and they take the city he and his mighty warriors and they're there in the city but he longs for more of god i have to have his presence i need more of his presence and so they're all eager and they all have the same vision and they have a right heart and they have a god vision and a god dream but they set out and it doesn't happen and people actually get wounded on the way and suddenly all the people that were so excited yes we're gonna bring god's presence it's going to be awesome it's going to be glorious now they're disappointed and a little bit afraid maybe we missed but what happens they don't give up they try again and this time there's a divine shifting that happens as they wait on the lord god begins to position people in in the right place and and things begin to shift and change and there's a divine order that comes and with that when they go to repeat they go to after the dream once again it just happens and there's no holding it back second team building and teamwork will be part of the process that's where you're at right now there's a teamwork a team building and a teamwork that's part of the process this is where the wounded warriors are finally healed we decree we're healed in the name of jesus and we're moving forward we're going to throw the clean x boxes away we're going to move forward and they're ready for service once again here is where they're trained and equipped to shift from survivors and fighters to recruiters trainers trainers and equipers there's shiftings that happen you know in our church when when my husband I first got the vision we were pretty sure that um my son Caleb was going to step up and take over the church and then this other man we call him prophet matt who reads everybody's male so you don't want to be around him if you got something to hide but he we just knew he was going to step in and take over the pastorate in this area and then we knew what everybody was going to do and i'm telling you what as it's evolving right now none of us are doing what we thought we were going to be doing there's a shifting and changing and and what we did is we just kind of um sat together one day how it all came out was that we sat together one day and my husband said just right on a piece of paper what god's telling you you're supposed to be doing what position are you to fill it was in our staff meeting and and we all wrote down the things that my son Caleb didn't want to take the church he had a vision of planting a church so it was it then that came out then and so we had to go back to the dry board so okay god don't be shocked and when things are changing sometimes we panic and we think oh no you know maybe we don't have a vision maybe we're not really moving forward no it's changing because you're moving forward and and people are being shifted into place and and things and ministries will be shifted into place so that that forward movement can continue try to come to a close quickly here um third be ready for change a body you're a body in motion expect to reach farther to see more to expand your sphere of influence do what you can with what you have just begin um the holy spirit years later after the the arc of the covenant i'm trying to hurry i i know i'm probably going long but the when the arc of the covenant came into Jerusalem and the glory of god came that was just the beginning years later Jesus entered on a donkey and brought his presence in power and then he said whatever i bring to Jerusalem i want you to take the ends of the earth that was his final words in the great commission you go what happened here what i accomplished here what i've done here i want you to take this and i want you to take it and go and then years later in the book of acts the holy spirit was poured out on a group of people in an upper room and when that happened they were empowered to go the power of god came but the power of god was not for them the power of god was was there to establish something that would be able to have world impact that would touch the ends of the earth and the spirit of god has been poured out upon you as a people to equip you and to prepare you so that you can go and reach to the ends of the earth there is a dynamic here that is still unfolding of world impact they'll come more understanding and days to come but i'm telling you there is something beautiful god is doing in your midst now i asked her to bring a piece of paper and i'm just going to real quick cut something out for you and i'll bring this to kind of a close i think kind of a close because you know we might pray for a lot i'm a teacher of children so we have to bear with me yesterday god gave me a vision of this house and then last night at three in the morning god reminded me of it and explained it to me he said that your church this house whatever you want to call it i i can't remember the name i'm sorry i remember my name he said this is like the book of acts this is like what happened in the book of acts i can't use that right now it's been in my hand did you hear me yeah yeah when the church was birthed in the book of acts the believers there began to build community build family people were getting saved they were adding to the house adding to the house adding to the house adding to the house and this is what they taught thought the church was supposed to be but this was never god's plan because jesus said go ye the church was always meant to be like an arrow or a rocket that's going somewhere with the apostles that they held saying this is the way we're supposed to go and this is what we're supposed to do and this is the word of the lord and this is the vision and the right here is the infrastructure that's needed for this vision to be fulfilled to keep that rocket moving forward you know the apostle will run behind he'll try to light the fuse on the rocket i know where we're supposed to go come on people he imparts the vision he pleads he cries because it's burning on the inside of him i know because my husband and i walk in that same kind of visionary place but you can light it and you can strike the match and you can shout and you can preach with all your heart and with a great anointing but if there is not a connectedness of the infrastructure then that power cannot take off and this moment cannot go forward and so what god is going to do for you in these next few weeks is he is establishing this infrastructure he's going to give wisdom and discernment and he's going to begin to stir some of your heart to get involved in things you have not been involved for that you've been sitting on the sidelines and there's going to be a stirring that i'm going to just do my part but i feel i'm feeling drawn i need to come alongside the mission and do this part and as you step into your place there will come a connectedness of the infrastructure and then god will be able to move and do what he has put in your heart he wants to do god wants to give you this city god wants to give you this city i want to give you this race we want you to impact the nation's of the world i travel to a lot of churches all over the united states and i found something here that excites me something that i don't see very often something that that blesses my heart because this is like calling to me because i see that you have a passion for god and you have a passion for the laws and you have a passion for one another to have world impact now you're calling is different than our calling and and how we'll we'll flesh out that vision and that dream our dream is just a little bit different that he's put in our heart how it manifests but i'm telling you god wants to give this he wants to give you the babies he wants to give you the the elementary schools and he wants to give you the high school colleges yeah then you know what's going to happen your college students and some of you were once yes they're probably their college students from what i hear are going to get married and they're going to have babies and you're going to have a growing thing happening here this is not bad that this grows the bigger this grows the farther you can go the bigger this grows the farther you go god's establishing something here that will have world impact okay so let me jump down here okay begin writing this is number four begin writing gathering and preparing the resources that will be needed as a dream unfolds god never created man until he had created everything he needed to sustain man so you know you're in the dream this is the time so now start writing some of you are writers are going to be writing children's curriculum youth curriculum for the wounded for the broken the homeless the abused there's going to be all kinds of writing that's going to come out of this house i know that there's some from the apostles in the house there's going to be there's going to be uh writings get those things ready get the resources ready do the research get get ready so that as a dream unfolds you're ready for it it's there it's in place i believe god is establishing i'll close with this i believe god is establishing a solid infrastructure for this rocket that will allow you to impact the city the state the nation and the nations of the world there is a vision for the bruised and broken of this generation for the forgotten youth for the rising stars of this hour that has been given to you and now is the time you have stepped into the dream this is where you begin to see it become reality the infrastructure will be your training equipping and sending base this is where you will train the generations to go which means a thriving evangelistic and discipleship model for every generation because the ones you train here will take the training to the nation to the nations i believe in my heart that your infrastructure will include intimate worship passionate prayer purity of heart and lives love for one another skilled in spirit powered service a wisdom of experience maintain number five is maintain your personal passion your body soul and spirit gets set for the long haul no more sprinting the move of god beginning now will continue until jesus comes your eyes shall see it behold i'm doing a new thing shall you not see it i want to pray for you tonight for an impartation and i'm going to ask god to deposit within you a new and fresh anointing but beyond that i'm going to ask that he clear away the cobweb i just i see like cobwebs over your minds at times where you're trying to hear god and trying to focus and and it's like you hear god and then it just kind of gets complicated and and i just see god clearing away the cobwebs and so when i pray for you tonight if you've had a racing mind if thoughts have been racing for you i want you to come forward and we're going to pray and god's just going to steal and bring peace to your soul is going to bring order to your mind and and if you have not been able to see yourself in this god dream or if you feel there's any woundedness in your heart still that's held you back let's leave it at the altar right now tonight let's draw the line let's just pray and believe god for breakthrough on behalf of the children because i love children i drove your streets today and i thought i could live here jesus because i i could feel the need of the children here i could live here jesus but he didn't call me here he called you here i believe in what god's putting you i believe in it and i'll be praying for you and i thank you for opening your heart and your lives to me so much this week we are one family though we be in different parts of the united states and we have a like passion for jesus this is our time the line has been drawn between the camp of soul and the camp of david but the camp of david can stand together you're not alone there are others with like passion and we're going to see the dream god dream fulfilled for this hour and the harvest will be reaped for the glory of god father god i thank you for this people i thank you for the vision and the dream that you've put within this house and in the name and authority of jesus christ i break the power of all forms of resistance that the enemy has manifested against them in the name of jesus we cancel every edict of the enemy pronounced against them we turn back every soul prayer prayed against them we break the power of every word curse spoken against this house and in the name of jesus we just say it's over and lord we receive right now newness of life newness of thought newness of vision we receive new strengths new passion new vigor and we say we are born again this day we decree a born again a birthing again a renewal breaking out in this house right now this moment in the name of jesus we decree a renewal of minds and a renewal of bodies we break the power of a spirit of infirmity that is tried to infiltrate this house in the name of jesus i speak to you vile spirit of infirmity you release this house right now in the name of jesus i call forth a manifestation of the healing virtue of jesus christ i speak life i speak health i speak renewal god i pray that you would erase any images on our minds that are not of you where are where we have because we've been in resistance so long that we see ourselves sick or weary or we see ourselves held back we erase that right now in the name of jesus we invite you spirit of god to paint new images on our minds of ourselves as victorious and overcoming and healed and made whole lord jesus we are your people here we are lord send us send us to the nations we know you could pick anybody we know you could use anybody to take the city we know we're insignificant and not qualified in our own self but god we know that with you all things are possible and just because you said you want us we're saying okay you got us here we are god lord jesus send us send us send us right now in the name of jesus the son of the living god pour out your spirit as you did in the book of acts let the fire of god fall in this house let the power of the holy spirit begin to move in our minds and our hearts take us claim us as your own every part of us every hidden part of our hearts we repent of character flaws those hidden things of our hearts and of our lives we repent of them right now we ask for a divine cleansing to just reach into our hearts and into our homes and into our minds we repent we repent we say no more and we receive the cleansing blood of jesus that washes it all away and we decree by faith and we are whole we are healed we are free know this your feelings will lie to you and those thoughts that will come anything that opposes the dream is a lie every feeling that contradicts what god has spoken about you as a person is a lie you have to believe that now you cannot entertain even a small doubt about it you have to know you have to believe you have to set your face i'm never again going to entertain that lie set your face and grace will meet you at that point of decision god's pouring out his grace on you some of you you feel like to be passionate means to burn yourself out that's why you're a little bit afraid that's been the gateway for fear to enter this house because you're all so precious to the heart of god because you love him so much and you're so willing he just loves that about you but you know it was just to be a way of life he doesn't want you to kill yourselves he needs you so take time to laugh take time to breathe if every person will just do their part then nobody has to do too much so i break that fear right now in jesus name it's going to be better this time it's going to be okay breathe breathe spirit of god breathe breathe breathe new life new life new life i'm just somebody who loves jesus i was bound by drugs and alcohol promiscuity i was so broken and so lost i was a habitual liar lived in her car i never got to go to college i'm saying that because i want you to know that when god chooses you you don't have to wonder why or debate it you just say okay just say yes yes and the adventure begins hallelujah the night god called me to the nations they were singing this song i know you know i put it goes ask of me and i will give the nations as in inheritance for you as an inheritance for you my children ask of me and i will give the nations as an inheritance for you ask of me nice to do my feet and i said here am i send me to the nations as an ambassador for you i'll be an ambassador for you my father here am i send me to the nations as an ambassador for you here am i here am i send me to the children as an ambassador for you as an ambassador for you my father here am i send me to the youth as an ambassador for you here am i thank you god thank you i love you and you name me pray and so be it amen let's give it up to a woman of god amen just by a show of hands how many of you received something tonight how many received like i'm sure i got a lot tonight like i got to review the tape you know i'm thinking is Alyssa here oh she has the flu tonight is Evan you're here let's ask Alyssa to to write out that message and so we can send that over the over the database and you can have that because that might be one to look at and kind of meditate on there's a lot there was a shotgun of of application there i don't know about you but i needed to stop about 25 times and do business and at the end i just kind of said i give up lord i did oh all the above i don't want to do it i need to do a lot you know what i'm saying anybody else have that like that was 28 messages in one day i just thought i'd show events how many women tonight you know christy's really christy spoke a new song i think one and a half times it was a part of a second time i think in the urban grace building and i might be wrong on that but it was one time for sure in spanaway and when she did a bunch of people just left when she went up and i saw those guys i saw those guys and you know your husband of your wife man it made me mad like because the elders of church instead was a blessing and they could and she should roll at it and so you know i just love when i was in college i went to people's church in takoma and on sunday night they always had a missionary and about 70 percent of time it was a woman speaking and i my favorite speakers were always seriously in college were those women fiery just they were missionaries of angel i don't even know all the details i just remember just compelled by they got under my skin as a guy you know when the guys provoked me i got a little prideful like hey come on you know i don't know if men men do you relate to that but man when it's a woman how many is men tonight this woman of god got past your radar and you got dealt with tonight because she was so sweet but wave your hand guys wave your hand yeah she got by the radar and i just want to paint that picture of the body and how it works and how many women are inspired like all right i want to chase after this but and so it's a model tonight of of a modern-day Deborah come to the house and say okay sometimes it helps to have a picture in your mind doesn't it it's like okay i see it i get it and so uh my word thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so important to have models for us and think for us like okay i see it i get it tonight so wow i think you got more men raising their hands tonight than women even this was a radical impartation of the men in this room whoo thank you jesus so uh we're gonna i just want to give you a couple announcements and offering we're gonna get out of here can you stand right with me just real quick is what we were praying on saturday christian and i had this most amazing day of prayer and she and carla so right god began for the first time to unveil a huge component of a vision that was missing and it was explosive it was like oh my gosh i can see this how it's going to happen well in that he began to speak to infrastructure that it was time to put that in place in the house of god amen and began to unveil that plan of of something where we needed we're christian i just cat can i just give you like education per minute you it very difficult for christian i to ever extend our influence beyond 50 people in this body it was physically impossible to do in fact and we talked about it as a you know 12 disciples was a lot for jesus so when we birthed this church was all college kids and that was it no adults we hired an old lady to watch our kids remember mary and she brought me canned meat in a jar i'm talking about we're talking about a lady that canned pauros this woman come in i remember nik nik was barely three four years old and the first lesson was is the glorified split in time i mean every kind of thing you know you need to i mean he came under her authority like that i've never seen him young man of god come under a submission just don't make me what's in that jar you know she just she put that jar on the table and said you don't do it i say that's for dinner and you know when you've ever had that jar now listen to me in that jar the fat had marvellized and so it was marvellized fat around that pot roast and pour a little nik the little man of god the first the first little kid in our program looking at that jar of meat saying i don't care what she says i'm going to do it because i'm not eating that meat and so i took that jar home and i ate the meat in front of him and that's why he was impressed with his dad it was a guy a moment but that's another story but i'm telling you that's how we started and we would beg adults to come we go we got four college kids please come they didn't come and so we discipled everybody and it was great and horrible at the same time because we could reach only so many people and people always felt left out so this thursday night christy and i need to educate all of you on the story of new song and how we got here and what formed our thinking so thursday night academy where we prayed the five days of unleashing at six thirty we're going to do that and this is going to kick off we want all of you there especially they've never been discipled by christy night you're the ones we want at this time because we want to set up uh training and equipping in and a readiness for you to advance now watch this listen to me some of us have been around here for a long time and so we're christy and i put the boot to them first and so they're going out into the schools right now they're preparing the way they're going out with children they're preparing the way and so this we're in the we got to get the rest of all of us ready amen while they're preparing the way for many many months they're going to be preparing the way you and i are going to be working on okay let's get ourselves totally dappered up ready to go so we can handle people coming in how many of us in this room have a call to the infrastructure pastoring raise a hand yeah raise a hand i want to see it see there's a lot of hands and so maybe you're hearing man i i didn't know i was supposed to go to a high school or college god didn't tell you till tonight to maximize your offense make sure that you're not sticking around if you're offended with if something okay because we're going to build this thing it's going to be a massive ministry so the fathers have to go through the most rigorous training praise god smile somebody and so you don't have to go to high school sir or college man you are called to infrastructure here but remember you're going to be pastoring missionaries in america which is different than pastoring a regular dude who's going to milk you drive for 10 years and you're going to lay on the ground every time you're discipleship nights over and go i can't do it another week somebody look at the neighbor next to him say don't be one of those all right don't be one of those that's right don't be one of those you're not one of those but do you wave a hand if you know what i'm talking about okay and so what we want to do is is yes we're going to train and equip but there's for a purpose a man a purpose of changing lives in the city of takoma how many of you are glad tonight that you skip some of the super bowl yeah amazing amazing so okay this is more education so what time thursday night six thirty there's child care show up we're going to give we're going to get it down to business and then chris and jenna not jenna let's leave her alone to have a baby mama's going to have a baby but chris is then going to recruit among the body those guys and gals and say hey we want to be part of this pastoral team to build this infrastructure and this team is going to be birthed and it's going to be a big team and it's going to have a lot of work to do but a lot of fun work do you see wow i'm glad chris is here because i'm one tired dude on that stuff i'm telling you i don't know i could do it again you don't want me to do it again i say some get straightened out and get going you know that's and that's kind of an apostolic mindset uh chris has put up with all the time it's all right praise god go ahead and keep smiling god's winning and america looks like it's not doing very well right now it's just a divine setup it's a setup for us all right you might you might have to gods using the economy right now i bet there's gonna be at least one person our church who might not be able to afford their house anymore is you have to would never have moved in with another family and the two of you are going to change the world and you're gonna look back when you're 53 and go aren't we blessed that we bought that house with that weird loan and couldn't afford it anymore but we never would have moved in with those strange people and they're our best friends for life we've been all over the world you know in it just like god so we have an offering so the usher team can come forward i'll tell you where we're at financially we're paying our bills but brent mapes has told me this week in an email he gives these stern emails a faith mixed with hope mixed with sternness because we have to mean our budget this week if we're going to pay the rent so last week we paid the payroll and and so the pastor's here are really excited i'm not paid by the church so but the pastors are excited because they got to eat this week but the rent hallelujah say rent we want to pay the rent so if you're not going to tithe tonight you need to now change your mind and tithe because those guys out there watching super bowl they're eating chips right now and business they spend all their money on food you and i got to carry the weight all right we release i'm angry you're angry we'll get them we're gonna forgive them on the way home all right so ushers we're there right there would you pass it out we bless the the offering as you're getting that tonight we normally have a special song during offering but i'm gonna tell a joke instead now super bowl sunday isn't a tourist go ahead and sit down uh we need to buy a little time daniel layman wasn't here for this but i've told the story back in the days of clover creek bible fellowship there was a super bowl sunday that pastor mike riches went to bend organ and every super bowl sunday i preached for mike because nobody ever came to the church and so he gave it to me because i was a saturday night guy and i wasn't that i'm not that i'm preaching very good now but in the day it really wasn't that good at all it was pretty obvious and and he and he knew i couldn't do any harm if nobody's there how many know that was true but he said i did a great job it's true and so he was just senior pastor and me and so there i was and i do you remember this and also right before i go up to message my hands burn with electrical fire i think it's a chiropractic moment i ask christy i think both arms are numb they're burning with his electrical fire i went up there it went away so i preached my message and kathryn chan now kathryn cost then i wrote six messages that week because i was just so scared you know basically i downloaded six messages off the internet okay and so but that's where i was you know i never had an original thought in my life and all six messages were so bad so finally kathryn chan was over saturday night after church and she said brian the problem with clover creek the problem with all this is we have a religious spirit so she said spirit and i thought does that mean there's a demon? look i never thought about it so i looked up religion like pharacyical religion and i preached on that and i said religious spirit well at the end of the message that's where that one dude came forward and at the luffrig no anointing went nuts said he wanted to kill me growd had supernatural strength check like guys off him like flies my gridges came back at three o'clock we started delivering the dude at 12 not delivering him basically reinforcing the demonic power there was hardly anyone left on the stage if you remember the story because the demon started prophesying all kinds of secret sins of all kinds of clover creeker dudes on the stage you're doing this to your daughter this and all this awful stuff guys were bolting out of the building like craze there's like four of us left my gritches cell phone he comes running in the building jumps on the guy holds him down starts preaching the blood of jesus and that spirit it could easily speak to this man said what are you gonna do about it and i was like this can't be he's a senior pastor you demon you need to listen i thought i know i ain't got the sauce but man that's my senior man first senior man's got the stuff i'm the jv team but the man of god's in the house you know we had a teaching on authority so he was the authority and it's true but he wasn't packing it that day and so at five o'clock we shut it down because the third service was starting well by this time the whole church had told everybody what brian had been doing neighboring churches is hearing so a lot of people came that night so i said to mike what should i do he goes well just give your best shot you know he's kind of disillusioned i preach i i was too done i didn't have a way to preach another message kidding me make a message up i don't know how to do that so i preach the same message this woman now starts a snarl and stuff right in the front row i was oh my gosh it's happening again she gets up gets supernatural strength and now guys are piling on her and they carry her out i close the message Dennis Kipson comes up and does worship you know Dennis Kipson you know it's kind of that you know this starts happening this starts happening it's incredible it's like lounge worship it's amazing and you can tell him i said that you can tell him i said that praise god i've told him that before it's chaos people are coming in what's happening pastor brian as i don't know mike rich is running the show around here i'm the saturday night guy i'm the saturday night guy i'm just here helping out in super bowl people started leaving clover creek new songs started filling up more because young people were excited about demons because everybody knew they existed through all the video games and movies so they wanted to go somewhere but it never happened on saturday night like that i don't know why i think we just were uniquely on a river you know they just kind of ran out of the building right away and then Dennis was always out in the parking lot ministering to him during the service this was all in the super bowl so right now i'm going to pray a prayer can you imagine forget it no no no but i want to encourage you that we've got some fun roots around here we've been through some crazy adventures around here and that's what's fun when you know carla's talking about having fun again you know i love having chips and dip but i just love i love getting in the game you know like for god together and that's where i get all stirred up and having fun with one another that way i don't know how to send Starbucks and talk about our cars i don't know it's a Honda Accord 99 Eric came over and ripped the visor off the top when he was getting the snow off that's the only thing that's the only exciting thing that's happened in my car and you go you must be mad Eric no i didn't ever use the visor i don't even know what it did it was on top by the dealer are you going to get a new one no i don't want one it just was when i bought it it was there so he did me a favor so and then Eric called one replace i mean what is that kind of conversation i'm bored even saying what's under your hood well i don't know six cylinder four deal it's breaking all the time i don't know you know it's just are you having a good night and so when god is dumping the vision it's crazy you're going to be part of something that's so ridiculously upside down i'm telling you get into the ground level right here right now if you just come in tonight you need to get the t-shirt and the socks and just join the army we don't have any just get on with it god's going to work i'm almost done are you ready are you ready so that's the deal now once a month we're going to get together as a mission and have a meal on thursday night it's going to be the third thursday of every month why are we having a meal well if you said that that's okay but you obviously not ate the loots food because if you had ate their food you'd be jumping out of your chair worse than you ever didn't worship because it's a food to be delicious we get to get around and we testify what god has done and we celebrate and we break bread and we're together and it's not a teaching it's just like one person after another hey someone got healed my neighborhood i want to tell the story this school this gym whatever are you there final comment what if you're not called to young people and you're wrestling on man i don't know if i fit in here all right i want to encourage you i want to encourage you that you're called to serve amen and all revivals in history revivals have been young people so i'm going to wrestle your thinking i'm not going to give up quite yeah and say well just go ahead and minister to people that don't want to change and harden setting their ways the joy i'm telling you you may not be able to catch him i'll catch him for you i'll go get the nets and i'll go out and i'll bring them in i'll bring them in in the truckloads when i get released and if you can read your bible smile chew gum without tripping every third step you're my disciple and i'll stick them in front of you and and i'll deputize you and say these 10 just got saved teach them the word and you'll find you'll go brian it is so much fun they're eating everything you just don't know that yet so are you catching this so all of a sudden you're like man i didn't know the word that well but man i know the word enough to train these young people are you catching what i'm saying yeah right the net's going to get big oh we're going to drag it in and drag it in drag it in praise god are you encouraged tonight how many believe carla is a woman of god yeah amen okay well i'm gonna i'm gonna close in prayer and lord we thank you for every man of god in this house every woman of god in this house we thank you for every single person in this room god and how especially called and chosen they are god they're not in this room tonight by any sort of coincidence but it's divine appointment that you're calling them in for your work i petition you now god to touch them right where they sit with fire with glory and fire that they would go oh my gosh i'm going to be used i'm going to be changing lives i'm going to have a purpose like i never imagined i thank you this thursday night the story is going to come out in the way that everything became formed lord we thank you that's that we're going to enjoy that time together in jesus name lord we also finally pray for carla there's no way a woman like this is going to come in here and tear this place apart not be having some retribution afterward and so we pray how about that men women we say enemy you cannot touch this woman you will not intimidate her slow her down cause her to get sick have a bad report from somebody on the home front we just tell you no and we fan her flame forward in jesus name all right so wow we had a lot of people for super bowl night i was expecting a lot less i'm glad tonight y'all came out how many of you were encouraged by our sound woman tonight again ronda barker if you look back there right now on your way out ronda would you kind of demonstrate what you've been doing tonight yeah wow well ronda ronda we're going home we're all happy but can you show us a little bit about how you move across all those buttons and levers watch this see that's what i when you look back there that's what ronda does all night she's exhausted it's incredible thank you ronda would you bless ronda on the way out she's exhausted from being the sound woman tonight hands are on fire there's a mike bickle cd out there on justice there's a handout on justice it's free grab it on the way out you [BLANK_AUDIO]