City Central Church Podcast
Coming into Maturity
Darrin Miller
isn't it better that we can Sorry, you can sit down. Isn't it better that we can The church and just ask God to move in our midst. I I've been Excited today. I think For some of my friends, you know, I I got We've had a lot of sickness in our house in the last couple weeks And so I got the flu right before Christmas and was sick all the way until yesterday afternoon and So what it does is it brings a lot of anxiety for me not to have four or five days of preparation before Preaching and not be able to to just come up and share what God has placed in my heart And when he's told me and not have the time to to pour into the word like I want to so it probably is better for you That that I didn't and so I but I'm not that's not I'm not coming up to apologize for man I wish I had a better. It's an off night or or just kind of check out or not be it's not that It's that the God put a word on my heart that's been germinating But then really became more clear this morning and into the day and I'm excited to be able to share that But it's been I don't know about any of you, but the message title Tonight is it's time to graduate and so that the it's time to graduate from our Elementary ways of thinking and that's one of the thing that that's Been put on my heart and you'll see kind of how it plays out But hey, I want to I want to tell you that physically being sick in the last Few days is I want to talk about spiritual sickness a little bit because that's been affecting me too And some of the things that have been happening is that you're feeling spiritually sick because I've been excited about The 50 days I've been excited about moving from the from urban grace I've been crazy believing God for the movement and what he's gonna do in the city and all the promises these men had over Tacoma I've been excited about that, but I found myself in the last 10 days or so maybe after the as prayer The movements were getting cancer because of snow and the weather and just I found myself Slipping back into some spiritual sickness Focusing back on myself believing some old lies all that I'm not What I didn't get done that day feeling down and this translated for me again and to being physically sick after that The bad stuff start looking at with my eyes and not with faith and I start to realize When I do that it the focus comes off of the Lord and off of what he wants to do and on to me And we've had enough of the talks on the mirror and all the ways that we've had the Lord speak to us over the years to get rid of But I feel myself even knowing those things that if I'm not careful I slip back in some old ways and I hate the way that this this cycle goes of Going back does anyone else know what I'm talking about it's like all of a sudden Those those old lies about maybe something that you're not starts to hit at the door and where I've been Fighting well and strong and on the right path I feel like many push those away and you stand on truth and we're moving forward But when I'm weak sometimes those start to get through a little bit And so that's what I'm talking about it's been happening And so I don't know about you guys, but I'm asking the Lord for a Holy Spirit upgrade And so because I hate that pattern and I hate the flow It seems endless and even though we shut the door It seems like sometimes I'll go back and open it up and get back into that It's really like an endless loop of immaturity and so here's what I want to why I started with it's not about the old ways Is about what's wrong with me? That's not what we're talking about. This is an endless loop of immaturity It's childish and it shuts down the flow of God and revelation in my life and in your life And one of the things that we've been talking about over this 50 days is we're we're literally We're asking God to come and give us revelation for the next steps of where we're going in the movie What what he wants us to do? But this is one of the things that blocks that Revelation is if we keep in this cycle We get excited to move radically into all that God has for us one minute and then defeated the next minute and ready to give up or quit does anyone know what I'm talking about sometimes we refer to it as a roller coaster we refer to it as you know Whatever term you want to use but it's kind of like that up and down. So in this 50 days I've been stuck There's been a scripture up to this point in my mind that I haven't been able to get off of and it's found a place in my heart And I've been exploring the issues of the Israelites and their unbelief for my life personally This is what my that what God has been showing me is I need an upgrade. I need an understanding of just how Unbelief plays out in my life. It's more than give me the four hours, and let me work through my unbelief It's not see that's elementary. That's immature If that's how we live trying to overcome unbelief. We're never gonna get it rooted out of our life But here's what it's like. It's like we we need I know for me the picture has been like I need a blood transfusion Literally, I need unbelief kind of fused out and faith fused in But it's not something that I can do by myself the Holy Spirit has to come But if I don't understand where those areas of unbelief are in my heart Then how can I have revelation and understanding the Bible says when the word of God goes out those who understand It becomes fruitful in their life. So without understanding it can't become fruitful in my life Does that make sense? So if I don't ask the question Lord, how is it because I don't understand We're gonna dive into looking at the Israelites and why is it that they it seemed like? They should have gotten it. It seemed like why is it that they drank from the rock in the desert? They had man and they were provided for they were delivered, but yet they died in the wilderness Does anyone ever wonder that and it's not just looking at the Old Testament in the New Testament It's referred to twice that we'll look at tonight is that what was it that kept them from entering God's rest or God's promised land So if God's promised land, how many of you think God's promised land is the Levitz building? It's not the building but God promises or God's promise is The movement that he's going to birth and all that city central is to be and God's promise is Worldwide whatever he wants to do, but that we would be able to join in to that rest and that promise and walk it out So what is it? That would keep me I'm just giving you what the message on my heart for you because if it applies to you take it But I'm telling you what God's been showing me is I have to have a transfusion. I have to get it out Here I want to I want to share with you something that you see freedom is such a critical teaching And it's been a great break for that God has given to all of us We all needed it and we all need it, but here's where it is. It's elementary If we live when I'm talking about freedom, I'm talking about like freedom prayer I'm talking about understanding freedom understanding strongholds inner life and understanding how to tear down strongholds How to overcome strong health how to live in victory how to live in freedom in Christ if that is all that we got free for Then we get stuck again Because freedom is an elementary teaching. I don't want to offend anybody but I know that that's how bright it's elementary and if you stay there very long you get stuck and The picture I got this morning was like a dog chasing his tail because if you constantly if freedom is The end all and the be all then it's kind of like you ever seen a dog chase his tail and you see it go around and around Sometimes as a kid I would sit there and I'd just be amazed at how long my dog could do that Anyone ever seen that and it looks kind of funny for a little while But then it almost looks like it starts to get Agonizing for the dog because you're like man there you get frustrated cuz I just want to get that too I'm just gonna get the tail and this isn't and you're going around and around But freedom if you get stuck in an endless cycle of freedom It's kind of like looking all around for what's wrong with you and you're constantly in that cycle to get out of it It's elementary God showed us that truth to get our eyes open so we know how to fight so that we can take ground And we can take topos and we can stand in victory and we fall back down We can still get back up, but that's not the end all the purpose of freedom wasn't for me Just to get free the purpose of freedom was for me to be able to enter in To an intimacy with God so that I could see what's next amen And so I could see what God wanted me to do But all those things were standing in the way and the filter so freedom was good It was necessary, but it's elementary say elementary And so what we've got to say is God. What is it? So it's not if you hear me say tonight that it's we got to break our unbelief Let's all stand up and for our unbelief. That's not what I'm saying But unbelief how is it crept in? It's not that we need we need to graduate from elementary truth And we need a spiritual a Holy Spirit transfusion a transfusion is in a faith and unbelief being drained out That's where we need to go we need to graduate so that's gonna be the theme tonight We need to graduate we need an upgrade. We're not going anymore Just don't understand. I got some unbelief today. I want to get rid of my unbelief We're talking about a transfusion that changes us from being those who are unbelieving to those who have faith and a radical faith Because sometimes I think we think that we're a little radical, but we're not very radical in our faith And we think man it gets pretty hard. I know that teachings pretty hard. I tell you we're not radical in our faith We're not biblically radical. I don't know how to just be radical I want to be biblical in my faith and crazy faith because the Bible has a lot of things to say about faith amen amen All right So one of the things I wanted to look at in the New Testament was understanding I think Evans got me hooked up with some scripture In the back is I want to look at in the New Testament what? The Bible has to say in Corinthians and in Hebrews about the about the Israelites and their unbelief And so in 1 Corinthians 9, I want to give you a little bit of a preview before in chapter 10 It really gets into talking about the Israelites But back before that Paul is describing because you know the Bible is not really written in chapter and verse It kind of flows together So I wanted to get the last couple verses of chapter 9 into chapter 10 of first Corinthians so first Corinthians 9 24 And I think it should be up. Here we go So do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets a prize Run in such a way as to get the prize Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training They do it to get a crown that will not last but we do it to get a crown that will last forever Therefore, I do not run like a man running aimlessly. I do not fight like a man beating the air No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. That's Paul writing up to that point For I do not so goes right into I myself will not be disqualified for the prize for I do not want you to be ignorant of the Fact Brothers, so he's talking about how he doesn't want to be disqualified and then goes right into the history of Israel For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact brothers that our forefathers were all under the cloud that all passed through And they all passed through the sea They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them And that rock was Christ Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them their bodies were scattered over the desert Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did So we look at the Israelites, so they drank from the rock which was Christ even prior to Christ They drank knowing that the promise of the Messiah was coming and they were provided for in miraculous ways Now I want to go in that in that similar account in Hebrews 3 and 4 I've got several verses up there that are going to be following along. Hopefully it's a similar version in IV, so we're good Hebrews chapter 3 verses 1 through 4 Therefore holy brothers who share in the heavenly calling Fix your thoughts on Jesus the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess He was faithful to the one who appointed him just as Moses was faithful in all God's house Jesus has been found worthy of the greater honor than Moses Just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself for every house is built by someone But God is the builder of everything over six but Christ is faithful as a son of God's son over God's house and We are His house if we hold on to our courage and the hope of what we boast and now he gets into the warning So as the Holy Spirit says today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion During the time of testing in the desert where your father's tested and tried me and for 40 years saw what I did This is why I was angry with that generation and I said their hearts are always going astray and they have not known my ways So I declare to knoweth in my anger. They shall never enter my rest Verse 19, so we see that they were not able to enter because of their unbelief in the chapter 4 therefore Since the promise of entering his rest still stands. That's for us as believers Let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it For we also had the gospel preached to us just as they did But the message they heard was of no value to them because those who heard it did not combine it with faith And so when we look at does that make sense? It's the word But the problem was they did not combine it with faith, and so what is it? What are some of the things that they experienced in the desert they experiences miracle power? But here's so they experienced deliverance. They experienced acrossing the being rescued out of Egypt. They experienced crossing The Red Sea they experienced being provided for in miraculous ways with manna with water from Iraq They experienced God in all of those ways and Then they spied the promised land and Jordan shared that earlier about Caleb They spied the promised land with their eyes and they feared man rather than God So all of a sudden they looked at it and everybody came back with a report. This is wow. It's just as you said God It's amazing. It's you can't believe it. There was fruit that it was such large fruit It had never been seen before it was miraculous. It was amazing all like you said it was it really was But and then they went down the report of all the ways why it wouldn't work So the word for us would be I I want us to think I wanted to sink in a bit So God said what it was gonna be like before they even got there then they got there and they saw that it was just like he said and Still they came back with all the reasons why it wasn't gonna work So in this 50 days I'll say again, I'm looking for every way that I Walk in unbelief and comfort in and call it faith So I'm asking Us all to join in this look it's not about again I'm not looking at what I do wrong today. What did I do wrong again? If you think that way your elementary thinking say elementary It's not about you It's about looking at what is there in my life that would stand from faith And we're gonna get into faith in a lot more detail, but faith being worked out in my life Still and one of the things that's key for me is still they refused to believe So even with all that and what have you it was kind of a mentality of what have you done for me lately and What if it doesn't happen that way tomorrow? so What have you done for me lately? I know that you did all these things, but what about tomorrow and is it gonna be? That way again tomorrow. I don't know I wonder and they walked in unbelief Here's some other things they grumbled and complained they disobeyed they didn't believe God They were idolaters the golden calf you look at some of the things because I wanted to know I said well What is it? I want to learn from them. What is it that they were doing? Because God doesn't in the scriptures that I read God didn't say He looked at them because of their strongholds and he was mad and that's why they're not gonna enter his rest Now, I understand unbelief can be a strong home. I'm talking about he didn't look and say well man Ryan was pretty angry the other day that he's not gonna enter my rest He didn't say that he didn't look down the list of all that we had done wrong so you're not gonna enter my rest But there's something unique about unbelief that really Test the patience of God amen. There's something there. That's unbelief is different than other things something about that just is vile to God and he says oh unbelief Because there's anger. There's there's reaction to God when his people do not believe him They didn't believe God. They disobeyed they grommled complain Peggy was reading that word a few weeks ago And I remember listening to that word in light of the scripture That I'm sharing tonight. I said man isn't that amazing that a lot of those things those four things murmuring and disobedience those Those things that were said I was like oh man that is just like the Bible showing that the Israelites are walking in So I want to know God I mean thank you that you gave that word to Peggy and that she shared it and that we're able to to begin searching and asking and seeking that But I don't want to move on too quick and go I'm past that now. What's next? I want to know because I don't want to be walking down that road of unbelief because I'm seeing by God's grace How he sees unbelief Now I want to share just a little bit about because we can look at that I know I look at the Old Testament I heard Brian a few weeks ago and prayer was sharing about Adam and different things about how could you do that and and what reality is I look at those stories the Old Testament You kind of go man. How could they do that? I would certainly never be like that. I Mean can you believe it? They just went come on? I've never seen a miracle like the Red Sea and they would just walk in it and not long after that they Forgot that God is going to deliver them. That's ridiculous I mean you play all that maybe you guys don't do that But I think like that and then I realized how self-righteous I am and how I how Critical I would be and I said man, I'm right there And so I want to share with you a little bit of the story because I've been around Clover Creek and and new song Since the day new song started. I Was on clap it on staff at Clover Creek as the youth guy the young life guy back at that time And so I've been around for a little while a little whatever that was 10 11 years ago And so I just want to share God has done some amazing things in 10 years It's been Ridiculous to look back and say out of a little church in Spanaway which span away is not it's kind of like the outskirts of Tacoma and then Tacoma is not much It's kind of the outskirts of Seattle and so it's like it isn't even out further Then then what would make sense and you look at a little church out there? that was a Evangelical church and you've heard Jerry share the stories and you know what it was like and Then God burst a college ministry and then from that new song becomes a college church and clover and new song and the crossing Together so you guys know the story, but I wanted to share you at whatever that was it was Super Bowl Sunday But God entered in in a miraculous way into that weekend and I was there I remember I was out in the portable We'd had our youth group and we got done and we were playing around with the kids and hanging out and having a good time And my wife walked up the ramp and the old portable and she had this look on her face my wife Looked white on that day. It's like everything drained out and she kind of had she had She just she was looked a little bit annoyed and she's like you better get in there And I was I didn't know what to do I just got in there cuz I was afraid cuz she looked like you better get in there and so I I went in and that's when the young man who that Demoniac guy that was there the first time and and I didn't know what to do And I know they probably wanted me around because I was a big guy I can help him and case they were scared and so we just started to pray but God began entering and it was a powerful time Now that I was thankful that I got to be there that day And I remember when Mike came in it was like the Calvary writing in and and you know It began he brought his authority and and bound up the enemy and the kid got set free I mean it was amazing time and I witnessed that and I go man I can't deny what God just did and I was thankful I got saved later years I didn't have a lot of theology to get over I was just like wow that was amazing that guy was messed up And he was saying things and now he's not I'm God. You're real. Thank you. I was like I got excited That God really had victory over that and I was pretty fired up cuz in that night It happened again and I watched it happen again another lady got free I was like wow God you're doing something that we in our evangelical roots have never seen before And it kind of was all of a sudden it felt like we were in kindergarteners in like in grad school, and you're like I don't know read the Bible read the Bible read the Bible It's like you just got into the word because you needed God, right? But God began to open up our eyes and and and brought healing Well, what happened from there is not only those people got healed then we began to get healed in a miraculous way I know my life was transformed from rage and anger and the hatred that had been so much a part of my life Got delivered my marriage which was falling apart at that time even in ministry got restored and got healed And I looked at that and I go wow I couldn't deny that God had done a miraculous work in my marriage My good friend about that same time Bill Sullivan was one of my best friends He was my disciple I got saved in a class that I was taking with him and Bill I know I walked with him fruit through deterioration into Lou Gehrig's disease and the fact that he was Walking with a cane it could hardly eat and breathe that trouble breathing. I'd be in his house I knew just how sick Bill was basically his family was in three to six month preparation for him to die He had six kids I knew all of those facts and I had seen it all firsthand and when Bill who was about to die It was that close all that medical reports got healed Miraculously is walking around like you and I have seven kids now and as a pastor up north and he is like you know I saw that now Amen God be the glory because God was doing a work in our midst and we got to be a part of that But he was doing a work for his purposes in that and I share that with you to say wow that was a miraculous deal There's been people who have been touched and healed with cancer now It hasn't poured out where where every time it happens, but we know that God has been moving and we've seen that From that small college church in Spanaway God said God said that there would be influence Internationally around the world God said that there'd be nations that would be affected and at the time that you know certain Leaders couldn't even share that because we wouldn't have believed it. We say well, how would that ever happen and Look now there's been over 20 nations. There's more invites coming and it's this isn't a pump up to say how great we are But it's simply to say God said what he was gonna do years before and we didn't know how would ever work and he is doing it Just like he spoke to the Israel. It's what it would look like when they got there They said wow the fruit is just like you said but but but but but and they went down the list But God has done that and God spoke years before and then it comes that the Pacific Rim and nations in Japan and Korea and others And and we didn't know how we would ever do that. In fact, we couldn't do it God was doing something and he said he was gonna do it God said that he was gonna do a youth movement God said that there was gonna be a movement coming out of Tacoma I watched a DVD that Chrissy shared with me from a local pastor the other day Amazing there was this in Alabama this guy Damon Thompson was prophesying a group over Tacoma And he had him stand up and he just began to speak almost the exact word of God that has been spoken over Tacoma To people here verb made him came out of his mouth about what God was gonna do out of Tacoma not Seattle And he began to speak and it blew my mind and not only that And then he began to speak it was crazy because then he began to speak about a Salinas, California And he said some kind of connection and some of you might not know that but I'm telling you he started to speak about when he prophesied that words in and Salinas, California and Something from Tacoma is gonna be answering prayers that have come from Salinas and throughout California as a movement begins And he was saying these things and I was just I like my jaw open because I know Gavin and patty brim from Salinas brought up Adam to Adam Narciso Jason Bradley many others who have now come from Salinas And I know I was like, oh, man. God is up to something. So So that is exciting But remember the message in the topic what we're on because I'm excited about and please don't get me wrong I'm not trying to make you feel bad. I'm simply we're getting to a point because it's that critical for me and for you That we get it rooted out of us that be become the radical people of faith that God has called us to be But God was doing that work and he said he was gonna do it He showed us an advance that he was gonna do it Hundreds of young people would be saved and hundreds of young people have been saved and are gonna continue to be saved in the days to come Provision every step of the way that we've never gone without and we can go on and on and on testimony after testimony after testimony of individual lives of what God has done and I don't know maybe some of you never think but I know that we're still trying to have victory over human reasoning and Every way that even though we've seen what God has done I'm sometimes embarrassed when I look over the list and that's such a small list I mean it could be pages written on what the details of What God has said before and he's doing and it's crazy and I'm almost embarrassed because I go oh God How is it that I still? How is it that I still ask so many questions? How is it that I still Lord I need a transfusion I need a transfusion of faith and I need my unbelief to be wiped out I don't need to for our it. I need it to be wiped out Amen So here's some of the things I that we're looking so those are some of the things that have happened Here's some of the things that I I would say still are a part of What Peggy even shared with us is grumbling and complaining of his ways? It's too hard and I want to say that's an elementary way of thinking Maybe even the thought of it's too radical. I can't take this I want to remind you about John chapter 6 I want to tell you it's been one of the most powerful scriptures in my life over the past 10 years because I Some of my friends know as I share with them that there's been three distinct times over the last 10 years when I said I'm out of here. I said and and they were all because things got a little bit too hard I was going through a transition when I got fired from vision When I worked there whatever it would be the hardships and I was like that's it I'm tired of it. I'm tired of these people. I'm tired of it's too much. Does it really take all this? I'm done and In those myths and those those times of just struggle and just oh, I was so angry I was so hurt. I don't know what it was just it they're all swirling around literally getting on my face crying before God Saying I I can't take it anymore And then just like the enemy whatever would be is a door opens up for to go somewhere My brother in California says, oh, I I give you a job. Here you go I will build you a house we got all this property and I was like hmm It even looked better. I was like, man. Well, that's got to be God, right good provision open door But in my spirit, I knew I was like, oh God, but I'm running. How could I deny what you've done? And I was like how could you how could I deny? I've seen too much in John chapter 6 if you look at it The teaching it's harder. Jesus said it take eat my flesh drink my blood It gets much more serious discipleships more than just a fun and and a big church and it was all of a sudden it got serious This is what it takes take up your cross daily follow me crucify your flesh eat my flesh drink my blood and all of a sudden It's too hard who can take this. Isn't that the words? It's too hard. Who can take such teaching? And they turn and followed no more he turns to the 12 are you gonna go to? And Peter speaks up Where are we gonna go? You have the words to eternal life So it wasn't about a church at that time. It was about what God was doing So I would have to deny the miracles in my own life the restoration of my own marriage The restoration of me personally the victory and deliverance over rage and anger and hatred that was in my heart All those things the healing of a good friend of mine all those things I'd say Well, God that was good, but now you're calling me somewhere else. No That would have been me and my flesh and every one of those times That scripture became alive to me and I cried out and repented and said god. It's me I don't want to live that way. Lord. I want your ways even when they're hard I want your ways and I came out of those things So thank if I went back to Doug Burton later and said thank you Doug for what you did And firing me from vision. I was so in teachable. I'm so grateful That you did that in my life because I didn't want that anymore And it was miserable in the in the point or at the time But I was so grateful after the words because it forged a greater humility And it broke through that hard-headedness that I needed to have broken through amen And so I just that that scripture means so much, but is it too radical? I can't take it. Does it really take all this? I'm tired of hearing what's wrong with me elementary That's an elementary way of thinking How can that work? Is that really god elementary? That's an elementary thought What about It's elementary Yeah, but Elementary But but but I won't say it was a funny funny line from a movie Okay, come back all right here we are But looking at those are the elementary ways of thinking. So I'm getting them rooted out of my life Join me. We need that transfusion idolatry Now I look at idolatry. So come on. I never a golden calf all that they did that's ridiculous When Emmanuel was up here preaching I think it was last week was or the week before He said one line that stuck with me that I've been wrestling with and saying oh god That's exactly what I've been doing He said idolatry is choosing actions of serving god over the presence of god in his plans Okay Idolatry he made the link idolatry choosing actions over the presence of god in his plans And I I got afraid in my heart I was like holy cow I run to that I run to being the activator the busy guy that come on. Let's go take the hill where you guys at Let's go. Come on. Don't you see the city needs to be saved And I start and I'm not saying that's I'm not giving up. God's told me to do that So I'm not apologizing or giving up wanting to do that, but I want to run to actions And implementing some kind of plan faster than I want to run to the presence of god I was convicted. I said oh god. I want to change I need a transfusion. I need to graduate. Amen. I need to graduate I don't want to run To a good plan see because Emmanuel made it. He said even good things And I was like oh jeez There's a lot of good things that I'd rather run to let's go guys get to work Then I do to god. What's your plan? And I was convicted of idolatry Maybe some of you operate that way. That's elementary. We're moving on Amen Everybody doing good. It's getting quieter The actions of almost all of this generation of the scriptures that I read the Israelites that generation The actions of almost all that whole generation were despised by god Kaleb and Joshua were the only ones who entered the god entered into god's promise So if we're looking at what it was But kept them the unbelief that kept them from entering god's promises I want to look at what a kaleb and joshua have That was different than them so that I could aspire to be that way amen So I could get the transfusion so we could graduate amen So let's look at the next scripture numbers chapter 14 Versus 20 through 24. Is everybody still doing good? Brian told me to preach for like three hours like a manual. So I said I was gonna try it All right, I was just kidding. I only a couple people laughed the rest of you're like, oh no All right numbers 14 22 24 The lord replied I have forgiven them as you have asked see because again there was intercession For forgiveness so I have forgiven them if you have as you have asked Nevertheless as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the lord fills the whole earth Not one of the men who saw my glory and the miraculous signs I performed in egypt and in the desert But who disobeyed me and tested me ten times Not one of them will ever see the land that I promised on oath to their forefathers No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it But because my servant kaleb has a different spirit And follows me wholeheartedly I will bring him into the land he went to and his descendants will inherit it Let's read that verse again But because my servant kaleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly I will bring him into the land he went to and his descendants will inherit it Amen down verse 30 through 35 just down a little bit further Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifting the hand to make your home except kaleb son of jeffina and joshua son of none As for your children that you said or that you said would be taken as plunder I will bring them in to enjoy the land you have rejected But you your bodies will fall in this desert your children will be shepherds here for 40 years Suffering for your unfaithfulness until the last of your bodies lies in the desert for 40 years One year for each of the 40 days you explored the land You will suffer for your sins and know that what it is like to have me against you I the lord have spoken and I will surely do these things to this whole wicked community Which has banded together against me. They will meet their end in this desert here. They will die And so there was something About joshua and kaleb that obviously we want to look at And I won't go into a ton of detail because again There was a lot that I wanted to cover tonight But can you say that it's critical for us to graduate during these 50 days? Because unbelief on the destruction of what was caused because of the unbelief is so clear in scripture. It frightens me There's a certain fear that would begin to I don't want to be gripped With unbelief in that way I don't want to because the lord sees unbelief and in a way that so he despises the unbelief And he there was great judgment that came in the old testament So here's what joshua and kaleb what made him different They like david saw and sent something in the spirit that others could not see Now we have the holy spirit in the age of grace and we can see if we ask for it So that's the thing is that we right now we have the holy spirit lives in each of us Different than the old the holy spirit lives here in each of you and and I So we have if we ask for understanding when you ask for the holy spirit to give revelation Then we'll be able to see what kaleb and joshua saw So we don't have to live like the other spies the ten who went in And came back with the false report amen So when we ask for revelation when the when the brothers are up here singing and crying out for understanding and revelation God we need to see we need to understand god We need to because when we understand your spirit will fall through us and make us new and we'll be able to see what's next And all that you have for us we have the ability to be able to do that amen So we can see like they did God says kaleb followed him wholeheartedly remember I loved that because when I read that I was like man That was what brian was talking about the first night of prayer remember whole heartedness Remember his examples of john the baptist he went amazing message of just the whole heartedness From others in the bible and they had a desire And so that was our desire remember getting in the 50 days was a desire for whole heartedness And a pursuit for the whole heart of christ in our in our pursuit Remember whole heartedness had there's an undividedness to that there's a it's it's with one heart Together remember does any remember there were two components the brian shared Some people make fun. I I take notes on my phone and I have my bible. I have everything on there So i'm not texting in church. I'm actually taking notes, but I took notes. It's a word document I was like man. I got so excited. I read over and over because it was so it just understanding I just had to get that in there. I figured I don't get that many opportunities. You know up here So I wanted to make sure you all know so my fear of man Wanted you to know that I was doing biblical things. All right. All right. Okay, so Moving on But there were two components to that and those those components of that whole heartedness Is what i'm seeking in these days. It's like I want to have that and here's what it looks like The the two components was there's a celebration There's a component of celebration a whole heartedness would say I see the goodness of god And I can celebrate the miracles that he's doing in my life And in my family and in my church and it's exciting and I can have joy in my life And then the other side of that is there's an anguish There's an anguish of what's not yet And so in other words, God has called us to greater things And he's called us to miracles and signs and wonders and all that he wants to do and he's not here yet So there's a desperation and there's oh God there's there's an anguish that comes with all that isn't yet that God wants to be amen So that's a component of that a whole heartedness because if we can have joy And that's all we have is joy and celebration and it's almost like we're in denial Because you'd be like, yes, yes, it's all good And it's like you're just you're kind of walking around realizing that some things aren't so good But you're like you're just putting on the face of joy And then if there's always the anguish, oh God, we're just waiting for God and God's coming. He's coming. We're just waiting for God and if that's how you live constantly Then you're missing out too, but together Those coexisting and a whole heartedness says I can have the anguish but I can still celebrate amen I want to press on that a little bit more. You know what? Why is it sometimes that that We want to get excited as a church We want to announce something or we talk about somebody being Overseas or or a mission that's occurring in india or wherever it would be what God is doing miracles It's amazing that these things are happening and we share and it kind of it's kind of quiet And so you want you want to know a glimpse into why it's kind of quiet Maybe some of these thoughts that are coming to your your mind because I know the reason I know these thoughts because they've come to my mind Why didn't get to go to india Anyone even asked I mean, I would have liked to have gone to india I mean, what about why went to? Mexico and they didn't talk about me up front and they I uh, I mean, I was gonna I wanted to go to india I want to go to tai-land. Well, they didn't talk about tai-land up front. I mean, I what about me man, right? Maybe they don't like me. Maybe I'm not and you go down all the list of what about me and how it affects me and what about me and me and I didn't mean and all of a sudden you can't just go whoa Can you believe what God is doing? That's amazing Maybe none of you ever think that way But I know that it gets quiet and I'm looking at lord What is it that needs to get rooted out in that transfusion? So unbelief will get out of here so that I can be filled with faith So I can become the wild man and woman that God created me to be amen Because I see it. I know that we're there But sometimes it gets hidden in that unbelief and that's why we can't celebrate Maybe we can go to a place and that's why it's hard to cry out in english and and travail because we're worrying about me What costs a lot? It's hard. It's all those things and I want to submit To you that let's not make excuses for what they are but what it really is is unbelief Because it's going to keep us It's going to keep us from entering in to the promised land The bible says in hebrews to enter god's rest We can enter his rest when we're wholeheartedly following him like josh one calum Because there's rest in celebrating in the joy There's rest even though we've got anguish into what we want to we want to see god do But there's still joy and there's peace in that amen And then that's when we can rest in that can I talk about freedom again just a little bit Because I wanted to have freedom is is a is a doorway. Is everybody tracking kind of with where we're going? Okay Freedom is a doorway. This is another picture freedom is a doorway into god's presence It has been used by god to get us out of the way to get our stuff out of the way So that we can see god and his love and his mercy more clearly So that we can hear his plan. So here's the thing it'd be like a doorway It's like the stairway here was a doorway And if freedom would just be like the doorway To be able to go into something If we lived remember like the dog chasing his tail would be kind of like if we set up our home in the doorway You'd walk in a home. You'd be that's weird. Why are they all living in the doorway? Why is it that they you know they're feeding the kids in the doorway? They're kind of they got a dining room table in the doorway and they're everything's happening in the doorway And you see you know there's a huge mansion for them to walk into but it's like they would stay in the doorway That's elementary that's living in that chasing your tail. It's like we haven't walked through the doorway Now the doorway is important because otherwise you'd walk into the wall So the doorway is critical, but you can't live in the doorway amen So walking into the mansion into god's presence and being able to enter in with boldness being able to enter in knowing our position in christ Being able to enter in knowing who we are Knowing our purpose and our destiny knowing all the things that god spoke into us Over the years that we can wow god said that over your life and he didn't even know that person doesn't know you but god speaking through them And he's telling us all these things he's told about every one of us Has been prayed over and had god speak to us about who we are and and getting things out of the way so that we can live in victory amen And then we walk into god's presence to be able to receive His love to be able to receive intimacy and and and that's a season that we're in now is intimacy Because before we can come out the other side Which is the other side is? Walking out our purpose and our destiny according to his plans So it's like you got to walk through the doorway of freedom we get into intimacy Into the mansion and the presence of god in the intimacy and out of that intimacy Then comes now you go with god's plan and his purpose to be able to work out in the spirit So we become spirit led But there's no way to do that amen unless we walk through the door and then intimacy begins to fill us up Because freedom can actually be bondage again if we're not careful Because if that becomes the goal and the end all then we become a slave to our freedom instead of a slave to christ I Don't know maybe I know that's what Yeah, that's why i'm sharing tonight because that's what's been happening for me. And so I don't want that anymore I want to transfusion. I want to graduate amen. I want to move on from elementary teaching Because in god's presence is where we begin to receive his heart It's where we begin to receive his heart And his heart is compassion Do you know what the word compassion means compassion means coming alongside of pain? So passion means pain Compassion is coming alongside pain and only in his presence do we start to see with his eyes Only in his presence do we start to see The hurt that he sees God has such a desire to see injustice corrected He has such a dis his heart is for the widow and the orphan the defenseless ones His heart is to come alongside the ones who are in pain and broken and hurting And we can't see those Without coming into his throne room and getting his heart And all of those things of ourselves blocks us from being able to do that amen amen So mistake free sin free is not our goal But a life of repentance forgiveness humility trusting in his goodness Resting in the goodness of his truth and his light In light of our issues because our issues are going to remain But can we live with that whole heartedness and a celebration in english amen So how many of us think that I shared this earlier that the Levitz building is not the promised land the Levitz building is the next step That God has given us towards the movement that he is creating So that's it's part of our journey of faith right now It's for city central to be unleashed around the world All that he desires it to be his kingdom advanced his rest truly comes when we're operating spirit led lives In in each step along the way and that's when human reasoning That's when all the things that stand opposed to that Gets out of the way so that we can live spirit led lives amen So if we can understand some of the the warnings against unbelief that really set up to get to the point of Understanding faith is a powerful thing because unbelief The opposite of unbelief obviously is faith and so I just want to share these are a few notes and some scriptures from A pastor of new horizon church in fife and knows names to weigh and he came I wasn't even at the meeting, but I got the notes and I was just reading and studying and christian dug and others told me What a powerful time, but I want to be able to share that it became so A parent that we would get the word of god in us Of just what the word says about faith and the power of faith are you guys up for it to go through Too much you guys good. Okay So romans 327 Says that that where is boasting then is it excluded by what law of works Nay, but by the law of faith and so the point in romans 327 is that that faith is a law and god's kingdom and god's Realm operates by a law of faith. Does that make sense? So there's faith by what law of faith Hebrews 11 1 this can be a lot of scripture, but I want it to sink in just a little bit now faith is being sure Of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see This is what the ancients were commended for. That's the niv the nasp now faith is the assurance of things hope for the conviction Of things not seen For by it the men of old gained approval. So there was an approval that was coming when they had conviction For things that were not seen so here the point being if faith is operating in A conviction even though my eyes don't see it So i'm operating in another realm i'm not operating by Unbelief which would be more operating by my eyes and what I see can't happen and all the reasons why it can't happen But i'm operating by the truth and god said it was going to happen and his promises are true And yes and amen and so by faith i'm saying i'm on god's side and i'm standing on truth And i'm not believing anymore what my eyes see and what can happen i'm believing what god said is going to happen amen And so there's a confidence. I love the word conviction. There's a conviction Of what is not seen Hebrews 11 5 by faith enoch was taken up so that he could should not see death and he was not found because god took him up Free obtained the witness that was before his being taken up. He was pleasing to god And without faith it is impossible to please him For he who comes to god must believe that he is and then is he is a rewarder of those who seek him Amen So that's faith. It's impossible. I used to struggle with that. I didn't understand it's like how how is it? I mean everything has to be by faith. I mean, how can I please god Does everything have to be faith in order to please god? It's like it's pretty simple to me. That's what the word of god says. It's impossible So we saw the unbelief and the detriment of what can happen in the area of unbelief But then faith it says faith pleases god. It's impossible. In fact, not only does it please him It's impossible to please him any other way amen So faith impossible to please god now we can know some of these verse and go Oh, I remember i've heard that verse But remember knowing and knowing are two different things. So when I know it here, but I begin to live it here Then it becomes real. Otherwise. I don't know it. So just knowing the memory verse doesn't work. Amen So here's another thing of faith. Faith is combined In in the warfare of fission 16 take up the shield of faith With which you shall extinguish all the flaming missiles of the enemy I love that version the flaming missiles of the enemy The shield of faith. So obviously there's it's a shield that protects us as I stand on truth And in faith I believe that it's true and it's going to happen Amen I'm skipping around Matthew 9 20 And behold a woman who had suffering from or had been suffering for from a hemorrhage For 12 years came up behind him and touched the friend of his coat for she was saying to herself If only I touch his garment, I shall get well But jesus turning and seeing her said daughter take courage your faith has made you well And at once the woman was made well So faith comes from hearing Romans 10 17 faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of christ So we can stand on promises but if those promises are the word of god then we can claim and stand on those promises for sure Amen, so it's for sure because it's the word of god So when I pray for salvation for kids at a school that I happen to go minister at The bible says that his heart is that none should perish So I can agree with that and say god You say in your word The your desire your heart is that none should perish So i'm asking for salvation to pour out and i'm believing that you The god of salvation and a pour out on these kids god bring and I believe for it lord Please and I cry out and I agree and I can cry out with confidence. Why? Because it's his word And i'm beginning to pray it back and in faith i'm holding on because it's rooted in god's word and his promises And I can stand on that Now don't I don't want to theologically argue about well not everyone's going to get saved I don't care the bible says his heart is that none should perish So i'm going to agree with his heart and he's in control of who it is But I his heart is that none should perish So i'm going to get busy praying and sharing the truth and seeing him move and I want to argue About all the reasons why that might not be right The bible says his heart is that none should perish. I agree with that. Amen Amen, don't get me fired up Hebrews 11 3 by faith we understand that the universe was formed at god's command by faith So what is seen was made out of what was or what was not made out of what was visible by faith Amen i'm looking through So faith is a way for god's desires to be accomplished in us and his will fulfilled amen Second peter 1 5 says this for this very reason make every effort to add to your faith So I want to I I love this little uh a point that he makes because I think that it helped me to see How fear That played out in my life. He says fear is faith too Fear is released as a destructive force into our present and the future because fear is based on the word of corruption The word of satan over you fear is faith and evil faith in the negative Fear has the same kind of substance and thus effect but in the negative Isn't that make a lot of sense? I was like wow because fear is based on the future something that's going to happen You can't see it. How can you see fear? I was like I can grab it fear. It's based on So it's faith in the lie. It's faith in the lie of the enemy that he's sold us a bill of goods And we're believing and that's why you walk in fear. Amen I thought that was I opened I was like man, that is so true because it's in the future But faith must be based on god's word in his promises first peter 1 for you have been born again Not of seed which is perishable but imperishable that is through the living and abiding word of god Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god Hebrews 4 12 for the word of god is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword and piercing As far as the division of so in spirit of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart So here's a good one here's it faith must be constant and consistent faith can't come and go We might be good people hopeful people but still double-minded If faith comes and goes, it's an indication that we've not become fully convinced remember that I that convicted that I'm convinced Or that we have not learned a persevere with a single-mindedness to the end of a thing we give up too early Perseverance Endurance might be better understanding of patience that's needed You will be challenged in our expression of faith in Luke chapter 11 when Jesus and i'll finish up with this in Jesus The disciples asked Jesus to teach him to pray so he teaches him the lord prayer, but then he begins to expand on it Right and he says if you seek ask seek knock There's a verse. It's the new living translation that in those verses translates as shameless persistence And so I love that I love the shameless persistence It's like there's a knocking. It's like there's no shame in continually knocking and asking That's the the perseverance that God calls in faith We're persevering and not giving up. Amen. It's a shameless persistence and continuing to ask and believing that God would move I don't have a watch or time at all, but I'm sensing that It's getting close to to time, but here's what I I wanted to To make sure that we understand kind of bringing things together There's a lot of Verses on faith and I can send you some notes and on faith and some of the verses But it's amazing because that's what I want if if we're getting the unbelief rooted out We're gonna I want to fill myself with radical crazy faith biblical faith That's different than I've operated before but I want radical crazy biblical faith So here's bringing bringing it down to to really get in rid of the elementary living We're not looking at the four steps to victory. We need to graduate to faith-filled spirit-led living So what God has spoken over us and what God has done in our midst and in your life and in our body He's demonstrated his love his power his miracles his mercy his touch It's like that's the promises that God wants to bring about what he has promised but hasn't come about yet Why do we still wrestle with him in our minds and our reasoning? And I'd say tonight I think that tonight we can begin to settle it in our hearts What he said about us So it's not it wouldn't be a it's not a message of if i'm leaving here condemned over my unbelief Then I wasted an hour. It's like that's not what the point is See the revelation comes when our eyes are open to realize god How if I've offended you I want it out of my way not because i'm in trouble But because I want to be in his presence. I want to get his plan. I want to know his will I want to have revelation. I want to have understanding So it's not about what we did wrong remember that's elementary say elementary We want to put that to rest But I know it's been a it's been a pursuit. I was like I want that heart lord. I want a faith-filled heart Spirit led heart. I don't want Unbelief. I want to josh on a calib. I want a whole heartedness. I want to I want to john the baptist I want to celebration and anguish. I want it all I want it in my life Not because i'm a bad person Not because i'm screwed up. Amen He loves us. He loves you What a privilege he's called us to be a part of Many miraculous things in the past, but even it pales in comparison to what he's going to do It pales in comparison to what he's promised And I believe that he's going to do what he promised. I I'm doing my I want to stand in faith that he's going to do those things So I want that rooted out of my life and I know you guys do too, but he settled we got to settle it in our hearts You are loved by the king of kings. You are loved Your position is secure in christ. You're a son and daughter. You're grafted in All of the truth that we know we need to know and walk in daily So that we can get into the intimacy in the presence To get his plan to begin to walk out the purpose and the movement that he has to birth in us. Amen The bible says that they will never enter his rest We have sin Don't make peace with it, but repent receive grace and they get on with his purpose for your life We can't afford any any any longer to doubt over god's plan for us And then we will enter into that rest. We need that faith transfusion We don't need another event We need god's transforming power. I want to say it again. We don't need another event We can run from event to event to event, but we need god's transforming power We will always run to task to accomplish his work, but void of the spirit's power. It's just grinding it out We cannot waver in the season. We need to graduate to radical biblical faith Will we receive his heart of compassion? He loves us and desires to pour out through us Trust him with me tonight. Here's here's what we're going to Do in prayer and so you can just stay seated for a minute. And so lord, I just ask That you would show us lord where to to go with this truth lord That there would be uh, I don't want to move a second On my own plan or idea or anything i've written down lord, I want to Be moved by your spirit even right now lord. I just pray that you you would I thank you for your word. I thank you for your truth I thank you lord for the examples of men of god and the bible Like joshow and calib great men of faith and whole heartedness It amazes me the thing that your word the things that your word says about men Like joshow and calib whole hearted you are so pleased with them And god, I know that you're pleased with my brothers and sisters in me in this room But god, I know for me. I want all unbelief and things that stand in the way Of intimacy with you and your power moving through me and in me Out of the way lord. I want it out of the way in jesus name In jesus name So So i'm going to ask that um Jerry that you would come up and just help me. I don't I don't know exactly where to go that I feel like there were some things that um Our next steps, but I I think we really need to just sit on the truth and really allow God's spirit to move in our hearts rather than jump into doing something Kind of stands contrary to to what the message was and so lord I just pray that you guide us that we I thank you for the new journey of being spirit led and wanting to To go by the flow of your spirit lord and not By our own human plans and so god i pray you just move right now Move right now in jesus name. I pray you move through jerry and just keep bringing wisdom And to where we go lord. We thank you jesus. You are king. We love you lord for your word. Thank you god Thank you lord for that word through your servant daren tonight A powerful word lord and a right word and a timely word Thank you lord. Thank you for it Amazing what god is doing and speaking to us and the very things that we need as a body and as we Come to this moment there are two things that I think god has been seen as I listen to this Wonderful word and powerful word that god gave to daren thank you daren for opening your heart And for being willing to speak truth In an area that I believe we're getting ready For an exciting day, but we also need to look back and say thank you for all that you've done But lord right now Search my heart To see if there be any that I would have an evil heart of unbelief I want you to know that that's not just an idle prayer that's been a prayer that i've been praying possibly Why it goes back too far back before some of you are born 35 years ago When god arrested me with that truth of Hebrews three daren That I continually come back and say god Search my heart if there be an evil heart Of unbelief For that is as daren has already shared. So what we're going to do now We need to go of not only from verse 12, but diverse 13 Encourage one another now. This is what daren was doing His word was a word of encouragement See that's where god begins to speak into a heart with a word of Encourage me To be able to possess what we're going to possess Individually and as new song city central because see we are going into the most exciting year We've ever had for a church. It is It's not it's not idle talk. It's not just saying well, we're trying to pump things up No, I've been around too long to know you don't pump things up either the holy spirits here or he isn't Either the presence of god is coming now. We're seeing a major of it But it's coming to a major that is going to just rock everyone And we need to be very thankful for that. But at the same time Encourage one another as long as it is called Today paul and I believe paul wrote Hebrews. I don't know that's debatable But it's still my my conviction paul wrote it Anyway, when paul said today if you hear his voice harden not your heart See that's the thing that if we're hearing god's voice tonight The danger is hardening our heart you say well, I'm not going to harden my heart. No, you just neglect it And your heart grows harder It's gets more difficult if we're going to go into the new year Taking this message and all that god has been saying in these last few weeks and months We're going to have to say god. I want to search my heart And allow you to show me any area of an sinful evil Heart of unbelief because god hates it Simply because it's keeping me from the greatest thing he has in store for me God wants me to have the very best he wants you to have the very best he wants new song city central to have its best Which is the highest purpose of god and to be in his presence and to be in the fullness of his glory So we're going to stand right now We'll just stand with me as we as we just take this message And the truth of this word and begin to say Thank you lord That you have brought us this year of 2008 onto this final sunday of of this year And you brought us through because see we've got a lot to be thankful for I don't know if you realize What happened this year? I think it's still beyond some of us to feel fully grasped God did amazing things amazing rescues amazing deliverances amazing miracles I mean this it's been the most I think to be able to stand here Even though and we would say because this is holiday weekend Obviously, it's not one of our packed out nights and I understand that but at the same time. We're still here as a body That is something that you need to praise god for let's lift a heart of thanksgiving, shall we? Lord, we want to thank you for what you've done. We want to thank you for your faithfulness We want to thank you for your love. We want to thank you for your mercy We want to thank you for your grace. We want to thank you for all your provision We want to thank you for coming lord when we didn't even know where to turn Yet you were there lord You were there leading us on to the things that god you have in store Oh, thank you for what you've done and every one of our lives Every one of the pastors and their wives every one of the elders and their wives Every one of the staff and their wives and the whole body of believers lord you have done Incredible things and we want and we don't want to leave this year without giving thanks to you and just saying lord We're so grateful so grateful That you chose us And that you put your stamp on us now lord We're thankful for the message even tonight lord that you brought us to say we look forward to a year of possessing the land We're not going to be like those children of israel with murmuring and complaining With unbelief in the heart we want to say god what you said is going to be done And we're going to possess the land. We're going to possess your promise. So thank you lord We're going to do it and we praise you because it is by your spirit not by might nor by power But it's by your spirit Thank you lord that you've done these things that we could have never never in our wildest Imagination believe you had take us through the waters, but then you we didn't drown You took us through the fire and yet you appeared there and took us out of the fire Until there's not even the smell of smoke. We just sent a thank you lord We are the redeemed of the lord because of your grace and mercy We have nothing to boast in except the cross of our lord. Jesus, but lord We want to thank you We want to thank you as we bring our love offering to you and bring the tithe and offerings of thanks giving to you tonight We just want to thank you lord that right now You're going to continue to take the word That god you have given to us through darren tonight lord and these final days that we can say god I want to walk in to 2009 With a heart that believes you a harp that is willing to press in to intimacy with you A harp that is willing to press on Into the purpose and plan that god has a harp that is saying god I'm going to press upward to the high calling of god to see the vision that you've given That lord it comes to pass because you found the people that will believe and a people that will obey A people that will walk in humility and a people that will walk in true face And we thank you for that because lord that's what we desire to walk before you And so lord we bring this offering tonight. We bring the tithe that is yours We bring our final offerings for 2009 and say god you have financially provided in fact tonight Just remember as we give That we're not looking To the economic things that are going on around us For 2009 regardless of what happens I no one knows the predictions, but listen If we are going to be the people that god is called And walk in that Then we're going to have to say lord You're my shepherd And you said we'd never want we'd never lack we'd never be without And you would set a table before us in the presence of our enemies So we're going to go on and believe that and trust Every financial provision for you as a part of new song individually God's going to supply jobs this year when people may be out of an unemployment But god will open a door for you if you keep your trust in god and believe him And don't let an evil heart of unbelief Rob you of what god has said because god said I am the lord and he will meet your need So we saw these offerings tonight. We saw this and say god. We're going to see incredible things miracles Financial we're going to see miracles of healing. We're going to see miracles When god's people rise up in faith. God's has been waiting for you He's already out there. Are we ready to go? In Jesus name lord, we thank you You're going to multiply this offering tonight in which we give we give joyfully we give liberally We give faithfully we give in the wonderful truth of your name So thank you lord, Jesus As you bless and we're just going to give you all the praise and all the glory and all the honor hallelujah hallelujah Let's give that offering evidence coming and then I think before we leave we need to do a little bit A final work heaven become and bring those things and offering No, I want you to go first Okay, well While we do the offering we have a couple of announcements we'll make sure everybody knows about We will send the the the files the notes right from daren We're having a little technical difficulty with our database. So we will send those out to you soon So keep posted for that now. The next thing is we're doing prayer watches again in two weeks So we're starting on the sixth of january So six seventh and eighth okay, and then the 13th 14th and 15th So we're still meeting at the mariot, which is right here if you're not there, but we're changing locations in the mariot So we're going to be on the pacific avenue side downstairs Okay in a brand new room, which is great. Yeah, it's a prayer bunker. They didn't know that, but that's why they made it Isn't that nice of them? Yeah, so there is free parking if you'd like across pacific avenue If you want to park there, that's a great place to park. So six seventh and eighth from eight to 11 Okay 13 14 15 eight to 11 Okay, number two announcement is uh, did anybody get one of these sheets when they came in Some of you saw this probably wondering what is this? Well, well, I was going to send an email today But again, we had technical difficulties. So I went back to the 90s and I printed it, which is an interesting idea So this week in kansas city, there is one thing happening. This is Amen It's good to have you back This is instructions if you would like to be a part of that online So you can log in and this this literally walks you through how to do it the email is that there this piece of paper It's out there on the table. So you can log in and be a part of it online. They have a free webcast Now here's a little note though. They did say I don't know how this works But they said you need to log in an hour or two potentially a head of when you want to watch So you need to get in line in Cyberspace and reserve your spot. They only have so many spaces So I don't understand all the technical stuff if you have questions asked josh read i'm sure he has a great answer But that's how to do it. So that's outside. Okay Is that good? Everybody's clear on that. Okay, number number three january 4th, which is a week from tonight You do not want to miss pre-service prayer not that you ever want to but especially that week We're going to pray into some things for what we're moving into Okay, don't know what the details are no one knows yet, but we're going to focus on that So there's child care and you want to make sure to be here next week and that starts at five Okay and That I believe is the announcement so prayer six seven eight 13 14 15 january 8 to 11 amen All right jerry