City Central Church Podcast
The Word of Prophecy
Emmanuel Ziga
(Applause) Well, it's a privilege to be here tonight. And I am excited about what God is about to say. It's one thing excited about what he's about to do. Am I okay? Okay, thank you. But other times, we accept them about what he's about to say. Say, say, say, say, say, say, say. Well, God is about to say some things, amen? Lift up your hands and just give God some worship. Just give God some prayers. Just give God some worship. Worship the Lord. Worship, worship, worship, worship, worship. Worship, worship, worship, worship. Most sata ba sittaka. Roto sata ba sittihash. Yes, Lord, we give you worship. We give you praise. We give you all the worship. We give you all the glory. We thank you, Lord, in Jesus' name, amen? Open your barrels to the book of 2nd Peter. 2nd Peter. It's after one. And whilst you do that, I would like to really acknowledge the Bishop of this house, Pastor Brian. And the First Lady Christine. Amen. And also, his able-leftanant. The prophet. You know, is that right? One thing I have, I have been very impressed about them. These two men, they have incredible wives. You know, it's a sign. It's a major blessing. And I thank God for such a wonderful understanding that they both have. Both for marriage and for ministry. I've been watching, and God bless you. You are an epistle that men read. And you stay that way, say amen. Well, I'll be handling the subject, the word of prophecy, the word of prophecy, the word of prophecy. And if there's anything the body of Christ today needs to hold on to, it is the word of prophecy. Now, the definition of the word of prophecy is not just to stone and prophesy, which is one, but also the scripture is the book of prophecy. The Bible is the word of prophecy. And we need to understand that our fathers and the Bible help on to the word of prophecy, and that is what took them through their days and their time. Any body who denounces the prophetic word denounces his destiny. And if there's anything else you need to learn to hold on to, it is the word of the Lord. It is the word of the Lord that is written, and the word of the Lord that is spoken concerning your life. For the Bible says, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away." There shall be seasons which will come and go, but the word of the Lord is not seasonal. It's eternal. So the prophetic word concerning you is not seasonal. Neither is a subject to the changes of the times and the seasons, but it influences times and seasons. So here, 2 Peter chapter 1, I read from verse 18. It says, "And this voice which came from heaven, we heard when we were with him in the Holy Mount." We heard when we were with him in the Holy Mount. Let's pray. Holy Spirit of God. Lose the oil. Release the fire. Let it powerful. Consume us with your zeal. And make us, oh God, prove producers of your glory. In these last days, Lord, I declare that none are the son of my voice shall fail, but all shall fulfill your word and your prophecy and your purpose and your destiny in Jesus' name. Amen. So this was Peter, who was one of those who saw Jesus being transfigured on the mountain of transfiguration in the Book of Matthew chapter 17. The Bible says in the first verse that in Jesus took Peter, James and John, up to the mountain top from verse 2 to 5, and that he was transfigured, and the scripture says for his comment was as bright as light. And then they were so scared, they went into a deep sleep. But when they woke up, they saw and heard. They saw two of the elders of the old. One stands for the prophets, Elijah, the other stands for the fathers, Moses. And they stood before Jesus. Luke 19 gives a different explanation of the Luke account. It's slightly different from the Matthew account. But having said that, they all had the core revelation that these two men spoke to Jesus about his disease, which is to say that his death and his resurrection to come, which is to say that the conclusion of his physical ministry, and it's interesting that it was Moses and Elijah who appeared. Very interesting subject there, because both Moses and Elijah did not finish the assignment on the earth. Moses did not finish his assignment. God took him away in the midst of his days. Because of his rage, because of his attitude, it was basically attitude. God told him when they were very thirsty, they needed some water, and God told him to strike the rock once. And so he did that, and there was water. The second time when they were thirsty, he told him, "Go speak to the rock." But there was so much pressure, which is called the pressure of the people. And every leader goes through the pressure of the people. And if you cannot handle the management of the pressure of the people, you will miss God. And they can cause you to trip. Without you intending to trip, your mismanagement of the pressure of the people can make you trip. And when they make you trip, you pay the price. And so here, Moses was so upset, because this retasetron people, these stomachs, teeth naked, Jewish people, were so impatient, and had been speaking all kinds of negative words. Why have you brought a sea out of Egypt to come and die in the wilderness? Are there not enough graves in Egypt? Stop like that. Why have you brought a sea out to be so hungry? We remember the galex of Egypt, and the cucumbers, and Moses will just pull his head. "Oh, you guys, to know that God has delivered you from captivity, and he sent you to a lot of milk and honey." They all love the land of milk and honey, but in between the price they didn't want to pay. And the scripture shows very clearly that, as a result of that, most of them, and most of them did not enter into the milk of the land of milk and honey. Because they murmured, they complained, they were light-hearted, instead of very deep-hearted concerning the prophetic word. Are you with me somebody? And so when Moses was so pressurized, this time he did not speak to the word, to the rock, as the word said, but he struck it. And God said, "It's over, you are done." Because the scripture says in the book of Corinthians that that rock was Jesus, and that that rock followed them. The rock that produced the water was not a stable rock, it was a rock in motion. That followed them. There were several holy mysteries that were with them in the Pilaf club by day and the Pilaf fire by night. And God said, "It's done." Because striking Jesus once was a simile or a metaphor of Christ dying on the cross once. But striking the rock two times means that Christ would be crucified two times, which was against the property word. So by not obeying the word of the Lord, he abused the word of prophecy. And when he abused the word of prophecy, God said, "You know what? I want leaders who will believe prophecy, stunned by the word, and followed the precepts of prophecy." And he said, "If I keep you here, you will cause more mess, and you will show your people wrong examples as the leader." And the Babylon says, "God told him you go onto the mountain top and look at the land." He saw the land, he said, "You will not go into the land." He killed him right there. And the Babylon says, "No one knows through today where Moses was buried." Or God killed him himself and God buried him himself. The second person was Elijah, Elijah the Tichbait from the mountains of Gilead, 1 Kings 17, the first verse, that he stood before Ahab. He said, "There shall be no dew nor rain by the God before whom I stand, except by my word." And verse two, God said, "Now you go and hide by the brook charit, for I have commanded the rivers to feed you there." Now, Elijah was a man who was so anointed, he was so powerful that God heard his word when he called fire and fire came down. Well, we all know what happened, that he went through a series of combatments against Ahab and Jezebel. Eventually, the letter from Jezebel just put him off. He wasn't scared of Jezebel, that was in a point, but he was just upset. Why, there was nobody else who would fight for Israel. Nobody else who would fight for the ministry. Obadiah had taken 50 or 100 prophets of Israel and hid them in two caves, 50 each, and fed them with water and bread. And Elijah said, "You know what God, I think I've had it. You know, I'm alone, nobody wants to come help me, and I'm fighting for the whole lot of Israel. Lord, take me home. Lord, take me home. Lord, take me home. Lord, take me home. Lord, take me home." And God said, "Okay, my son, if you want to come home, go and anoint three people." Number one, unknowing Haizil to be king of Syria, and unknowing Jehil to be king of Israel. For you, anoint a young man called Elisha who was done in your state. After that, I take you home. So, he checked out. The fact that there was an anointing released upon Elisha, Elisha had double portion. And I believe that the reason why God put in the spirit of Elisha to ask for double portion was that one portion was for the finishing of the assignment of Elisha. And the second portion was his own calling, double portion. So, Elisha did not know why he was hungry for double portion. For the Bible says the spirit best witness, Romans 8, 16, that the Holy Ghost best witness. The Holy Ghost knows how to transmit Heaven's will in your heart. And you will think, "Oh, I have a dream." No, you are carrying someone else's dream, the dream of God. So, here Elisha took double portion and Elisha went to Heaven without accomplishing his assignment. So, these two people met with Jesus. Now, the Bible doesn't say that specifically, but I perceive that one of the discussions about the finishing of the assignment of Jesus was for them to apologize to Jesus that we did not finish our job. And you are to finish all assignments. In other words, it looks like Moses, for striking the rock two times, was to make the crucifixion more gruesome for Jesus. That he said, "Jesus, you know what? I'm sorry. I know that you are going to go through more pain because I did not finish my job." In other words, you are carrying the unaccomplished assignment with you. And Elijah also said, "Yeah, it's true. Lord, me too. I believe it." And so, they came to make peace with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He whom all the nations shall bow to. He who all the kings shall bow to. And in heaven, we shall all remove our crowns and put it on the floor. We shall say, "Jesus, thank you for the crown. You did the job. It's all about you." So, you take the crown. I receive it, but I don't deserve it. You deserve it. And we shall all give our crowns to him. And Isaiah, sorry, Revelation 19 says that, "And his name shall be called faithful." And the Bible says that crown him with many crowns. And so, Jesus shall be crowned with many crowns. Not because he doesn't have where to put them, because he deserves them. My crown, actually, is his crown. My success is a borrowed robe. He is a man. If there's any name, it's his name. Whatever I know, he taught me. Whoever I am, he made me. Whatever I am, he brought me tasfa. It's all about Jesus. The Bible says our righteousness is as filled with rocks. But we are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. So, his righteousness is what makes us righteous. His glory is what makes us glorified. His justification is our justification. Tell somebody it's all about Jesus. So, the success of a Christian or a Christian lifestyle is not in the achievement of the works of his hand, but is in his resemblance of Jesus. So, if you really look like Jesus, then you are successful. Not because you've won a thousand souls, even though that is a credit. But the greatest tribute we can pay to Jesus is to be like him. I also want to say that, therefore, it is imperative for every leader in the kingdom of God to know that you are not supposed to raise leaders to look like you. You are supposed to raise leaders to look like Jesus, because a leader is supposed to look like Jesus anyway. Are you hear what I'm saying? So, these two came and met Jesus, and in the dialogue, Peter, James and John, who were so privileged to be on the mountain of transfiguration, which actually was the mountain of Olives or Mount Olivet. The same mountain top from where he ascended and finally went to heaven in Acts chapter 1. That was the mountain top on which he was transfigured, and the Bible says, and then the cloud of glory descended on the mountain top, and the voice of God his father was heard. He said, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." And he said, "This time it was God speaking to affirm Jesus and to speak to the disciples to listen to the man called Jesus. In the day Jesus was being baptized, the cloud of glory came again, and it was the voice of the father, which said, "You are my beloved son, and you are well pleased." So, in the baptism of Jesus, God came and spoke to him that you are my beloved son to affirm him. But on the day of the transfiguration, he spoke about him to his disciples, that this is my beloved son. In him I'm well pleased. So, don't follow any other boss, this man. Don't follow any other lord, this man. Don't follow any other messiah, this man. Don't follow any other prophet, this man. Don't follow any other preacher, this man. Don't be any other person, be like this man. Don't have any other mentor, be like Jesus. That's a prophecy. Certainly, somebody. Now, Jesus is the epitome of prophecy. He's the personality of prophecy. The scripture says, and the angel told John, that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So, Jesus is the attestation of prophecy. Prophecy simply is that God in heaven speaks a word. Confident a man, an event, a time or creation according to his will, and we receive it in its prophecy. In heaven, it is the will of God. But when it's spoken, it is the prophetic will of God. See man? So, this Peter, right in his account, in second Peter, he said that this voice which came from heaven, we heard. Peter said, I heard it. I was there. I was on the mountain top. I heard it. I heard it. I heard the voice. I heard the voice of the Father. And he said that, and we were with him in the holy mountain. All of this, I said, was to explain. Verse 18. Verse 19. We have also a more sure word of prophecy. A more sure word of prophecy. Amen? Should I bring it down a little bit? Thank you. Bye, break. Thank you. Also here, he says that we have a sure word of prophecy. We also have a more sure word of prophecy. Where until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shines in the dark place, until the day dawn and the day start. Should he go up or down? Sure. Okay, thank you. You behave okay. Speak to the mountain, amen? Now until the day dawn and the day start arise in your hearts. Verse 20. Knowing this first, the no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. No prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. In other words, you cannot interpret the Bible with your private understanding. In other words, it is an offense to the character of prophecy. For you to take spiritual prophecy and interpret it with your human understanding. It is also there for no right to rid the Bible and give it your own interpretation. It's a no scripture, no prophecy is of any private interpretation. If it is of no private interpretation, then it also means it is of no private performance or manifestation. If human beings cannot interpret it, then human beings cannot perform it. It is only God who could interpret his own word and bring it to pass. May God bring to pass his word question in your life. Surely he will bring to pass his property word. It's from him to you and about him. If he said it, it is his responsibility to bring it to pass. As a matter of fact, if God was to make sure I bring to pass prophecy, it may never come to pass. Because I don't have what it takes to make this happen. See Hallelujah. This is one very important aspect of understanding prophecy or the word of God. As a matter of fact, it is a major act of God's grace. That we will not bring to pass what God has said. That he will bring to pass and all we are supposed to do is to obey. Once we obey, it makes it happen. To me, that's an easier job. That's the easiest aspect of the whole deal. So obedience is not a hard work. Obedience is a privilege. Because if God was to make you do the hard job, you would never bring it to pass. So he takes the difficult aspect of the job. You ought to say yes sir. And that's all. So obedience must be celebrated. Obedience is a blessing, obedience is a joy. Obedience is, oh my goodness, it's a praise report. So don't put yourself under any difficult task by disobeying. Because disobedience is more difficult than obedience. The Bible says and that transgress, the way of the transgressor is hard. Disobedience is hard. It gives you sleeplessness. It gives you heart aches. It gives you pain. It prolongs your journey. Because the Jews were supposed to travel from Egypt to Finland in 11 days. But disobedience and stubbornness made it 40 years. How many of you would like to go around 40 years either of seven days or 11 days? Oh, certainly somebody. Obedience is the key. Obedience got shot the long tryouts and painful difficulties. Obedience takes away from you battles you should not find. Unwarranted battles. Certainly somebody. And also here he said, Peter was saying that we had that voice. And I saw the man. And I saw the whole panorama. But he said, look, you know what? No prophecy is of any proper interpretation. But then he said that verse 21. But the prophecy came in old time by the wheel. Not by the wheel of man, but only men. But holy men of God speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. See, man? Now, the Bible says that men like you and I were moved by the Holy Ghost. They were moved by the Holy Ghost. They were moved by the Holy Ghost. They were moved by the Holy Ghost. They were moved by the Holy Ghost. They were moved by the Holy Ghost. They were moved by the Holy Ghost. Which means by their own wheel, there was no movement. But the Holy Ghost came and took them over. So the Holy Ghost was the initiator and the accomplisher. The Holy Ghost was the author and the finisher of the prophecy. So men of God of old would come and the Holy Ghost would just tell them, say this, say that, say this, say that. And then he says, now stop. Don't say it anymore. Don't move by the Holy Ghost. Don't move. And when the Holy Ghost is moved, he moves at his own pace. And I pray that Christians today shall be like that. That we shall be moved by the Holy Ghost. Because we are sons of prophecy. We are instruments of prophecy. We are the people of prophecy. We are intertwined by prophecy. You are a prophetic instrument in the hand of God. You have you raised in a prophetic time such as this. Anybody who believes in the Bible is a believer in prophecy. Sometimes you hear it and say, oh prophecy, stay away from prophecy. So the question, do you believe in the Bible? So yeah, do you quote the Bible? Yeah. Do you confess the word? Yeah. So you are prophesying. Oops. It's so simple. Prophecy is not any stuff out there. Any spooky stuff out there. Prophecy simply means the mind of God revealed. Simple. Say hello to somebody. But the Bible says that because it is the mind of God revealed, it has to be revealed by God. And the Holy Ghost is God. Now, time would fail me to explain the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost. Another time. That's the difference. The difference is the same person. Now, now Peter, Peter said, now this was Peter's account about the Word of God, about the Word of Prophecy. That it was not by any mind's interpretation. Now, let's look at Paul's account to Timothee, look at the Book of Timothee. Second Timothee, Chapter 3. Second Timothee, Chapter 3. And we read from verse 15. And that, from a child, thou has known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation. Through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. So this was Paul writing to his son in the Spirit, or what we call spiritual son, Timothee, an account in this episode, in this letter. And he said that, Timothee, I know you that you have been around Scripture for a while, because your grandmother was saved, then your mother was saved, and you are the 10th generation believer of Scripture. So he said that, and that, from a child, thou has known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise, so wisdom can be extracted from Scripture. He says, the Scripture is able to make you wise. The Bible is able to make you wise. I say yes, and I say amen, and I say, go little bit go, because it is so true in my own life. Do you know that the Book of Proverbs has 31 chapters? And you can study it according to the date of the day. Switch me to the date of the month. Which means that in a year you can study the Book of Proverbs 12 times. That alone will make you wise. The Book of Proverbs will make you so wise, you wouldn't believe it in 12 months. What the Book of Proverbs has made you to become, or can't make you to become. It makes you so loaded with insight, and no two times you've read the Bible that you get the same meaning. Because every generation, every revelation is a key to the next generation, a revelation. And the more you stand upon revelation, the more revealed truths are revealed to you by revelation. And revelation is so, revelation is a sequel of God's insight. And you just keep on feeding your spirit with incredible wisdom. If every businessman must be a student of the Book of Proverbs, and every leader, either secular or spiritual, you should be a student of prophecy. Especially every virtuous woman of the Book of Proverbs. Every wife, oh every wife, you must be a student of the Book of Proverbs. Because it helps you build your home wisely. For the Bible says in the Book of Proverbs, that a foolish woman will tear down her house, but a wise woman will build her home. It takes a woman to keep a home. A man can build a structure, but a woman makes it a home. There's a difference between a house and a home. It doesn't matter how much money you have, it's a house. But you bring in some Holy Ghost hot mama, filled with the Holy Ghost. Mrs. Somebody, she makes it a home. She had a lawyer, somebody. She had a lawyer, somebody. I'm not talking about any female, but a wife. I must make that clear. You don't just go bring any female. You can be a female, but that doesn't qualify you to build a home yet. It takes a man to make you make a home out of a house. See a man? Somebody said again, another person said, "Ouch." So I'll show mercy to both, hallelujah. See a man? Yeah, so the Book of Proverbs is so vital. The Scripture says in Proverbs 31, excellent. Everybody should know that. If you are a young man, you are looking for a wife, that's where you go. You just pick up your notes from there. If you are a wife, you want to be a better wife. If you are a woman, you want to be a wife. You go there because not every woman is a wife. If you can be married, but not a wife. Because the wife is not a ring. A wife is a character. A wife is a whole being. A wife is a whole institution. And you have to be married to a wife. The only person who can make you into a wife to have the real wife free oil is your creator. God can teach you to be a wife. Because life is a good idea in a way. It's not a man's idea. I mean, Adam never asked God for a wife. He had no clue what he needed. So God put him to sleep. That would tell you something. Because if he was awake, he would have interfered. And God knocked him out. He gave me a backhand slap. And God took a reap. One reap. How many of you know that that kind of surgery hurts? You go for a surgery and let your reap be removed. Physically. You will be on morphine for a long time. It hurts. So a wife has caused every man some pain. I'm talking about prophecy right now. This is very, very, very prophetic. It is important for every man to understand that there has been some pain behind the law. So you can value because anything you have cheap, you handle cheaply. So sometimes when a wife tells the husband, "Oh, you don't care. You don't care." When you tell the man he doesn't care, why he cares? I can't go to that pain and not care. I mean, I want to listen to somebody here. Are you hearing me? Can I have some amen? You know, amen is tax-free, you know that. I'm talking about prophecy right here. So when God knocked him out and produced this wonderful lady, he woke up out of the anesthesia. That was the first central, no, not the first central anesthesia. What is the other one? General anesthesia. And central anesthesia. That was what? Central. The whole being. So out of the central anesthesia, this guy woke up. He said, "God, Mark, I'll show you what I'm talking about." I said, "God, ha, ha, ha." This is the flesh of my flesh and the bone of my bone. She said, "Mum, man, a man with a woman." Prophecy. Now, what has this got to do with prophecy? That's what man got out of here. You know, when you go home, tell your wife, "I have a prophecy for you." She said, "Honey, now I know where you came from." "I'll be having some pain right here." She said, "Let me ask somebody." No! Now, how many of you have ever had a surgery for? Okay. After surgery, you go through a convalescent and you still have the pain, and so you have to walk carefully because of the pain. Or if you've had a fracture and it's healing, you're linked, you walk very carefully because you want it to be healed. And if the rib surgery was painful, you handle the woman carefully because she calls you the surgery. So, we handle them with wisdom because we know what it costs us. That's why when you bought your bicycle, you rode it carelessly. But when you bought your BMW, you drive it carefully because it costs you more than the bicycle. Am I making sense here? Enough of the prophetic marriage. But my point here was when Paul was speaking to Timothy. And he said in verse 16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God. All scripture is given by inspiration of God. All scripture is given by the inspiration of God." The Amplify says, "Angry scripture is God-breathed, given by his inspiration." Now, the word "inspiration" here talks about God-breathed. God-breathed. All scripture is given. Now, the story I just told you about Eve coming out of the ribs of Adam is scripture. So, that scripture was given by the inspiration of God. And the inspiration of God is when God breathes into you. And you receive insight. And you are moved and motivated by the inspiration. Job chapter 32 verse 8 says, "There is a spirit in man. The inspiration of God gives him understanding. If God wants to give you an understanding, he gives you an inspiration. And as a result of the inspiration, you have understanding." And the inspiration is designed specifically to inspire you towards a specific thing. For example, two men, one of them has a vision to be a pilot. The other one has a vision to be a medical doctor. They are all scientifically good. They have good grades. They could swap the quality. Both of them could be pilots or both could be medical doctors. But somehow the pilot just feels like that's all I want to be. The doctor feels that's all I'm supposed to be. It's because of the inspiration of God, which is schooling them in a particular direction. So, the breath of God, which is the inspiration of God, comes upon the prophets or came upon the prophets and school them to speak and to think and to prophesy in a particular direction. And those prophecies were the mind of God being built into them. So, God breaks into me holiness, so I prophesy holiness. Then God flips into me prosperity and I prophesy prosperity. God flips into me vision and I prophesy vision. God flips into me a story and I prophesy their story, which becomes the Bible. The Bible says on all these none of these was given or written by the interpretation of man, but the Holy Ghost moved man. So, the man would face God, receive from God and then they will speak it out. Then they go back to God and receive again and then they release. That's how the Bible was written. Slowly as somebody. Now, why did I bring in Adam and Eve the issue of the marriage? The writer or the author, the man, the prophet, God used to write the book of Genesis was Moses. The same man who came to meet Jesus on the mountain of transfiguration. I am listening today. The first five books of the Bible are called the first five books of Moses. So, here were them. Now, my question is Moses was born in Exodus chapter 1. So, where did he get the information from about Abraham? Because Abraham was born. He died before Moses was born. Moses wrote about Isaac. Moses wrote about Jacob. Moses wrote about the twelve tribes of Israel. Moses wrote about Joseph and his trials until he became the prime minister of Egypt. Moses wrote about how the brothers of Joseph came to Egypt and did not know that it was Joseph. And Joseph revealed himself to them in Genesis 45 and say, "I am Joseph." Where did he get that information from? It's a prophecy. It's a prophecy. It's a prophecy. Say it again. Say it like a minute. Now, where did he get that information from? And if you study it, you see that the account of the book of Genesis is accurate. Well, if it's about Exodus, I can understand because Moses lived through Exodus. He was his own life story, basically. I can understand Leviticus. It was his own life story. Numbers, it was his life story. Alternatively, it was his own life story. But Genesis, that was his own life story. So, how did it happen? It happened by the inspiration of God. It happened because of the Lord and the Lord released all the information into him by the Holy Ghost. Something he had not come about, he wrote about. And what he wrote was accurate. You listen to this. Now, let me show you the scripture in the book of Exodus where it's believed that it don't take for Moses to have the whole download of the book of Genesis. Look at the book of Exodus, chapter 33. I am handling the word of prophets. Say hello to you, somebody. Exodus chapter 33, and I read from verse 18. Now, this was Moses, talking to God. And he said, "I beseech you, show me thy glory." And he said, "I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee. And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show message to whom I will show message." This was God having a dialogue with Moses. The story behind a story was when the Aaron made the cup of gold. And all those crises came up between man and God. And Moses was an intercessor, the prophet, making peace with God on the subject. Trying to repair the broken relationship. In the process, Moses had a little side, what we call an aside in poetry, had an aside, which is a little deviation from the main theme. And he said, "Lord, having said all this, I had a personal passion, show me your glory." "Lord, can we just keep that fire on the table? Let's just have a personal encounter here, show me your glory." And God said, "My brother, my boy." You know what? It's a tough thing. He said, "Well, the only way I can show you my glory is when I extend to you an exceptional, messy and grace." He said, "I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. And I will be merciful unto whom I will be merciful." In other words, I made the rules and I can break it. And I will break the rules on very exceptional, for exceptional reasons. And for very rare purposes, will I do it in like this? He said, "Moses, you have," let me put this word, "Moses, you have caught me on the wrong podium." Not negatively, but you have asked this question at a time when I really want to do it. And he said, "I will be merciful to whom I will show mercy." Which means revelation is an act of God's blessing. Revelation is an act of God's grace. He said, "Show me your glory." In other words, reveal to me your glory. In other words, give me a revelation of your glory. And God said, "I was only when there is mercy and grace available." So you don't just win the Bible and just get the revelation. It is God who will give it to you. You can read the Bible forty-five times and still have no revelation. It is the gift of God. Oh, say hello to somebody. It is the gift of God. Just as by the inspiration of God, the Prophet who wrote the Bible, so also by the inspiration of God, the Bible is interpreted. And by the same inspiration, the Bible must be preached. And by the same inspiration, prophecy must be spoken. So inspiration is the DNA of the word of God. Are you with me somebody? The next verse says, and he said, "Thou cannot see my face, for there shall no man see me and leave." So now you understand why God said, "I cannot show you my glory without giving you mercy." Because if I don't show you mercy, if I reveal myself to you, you die. Because the law is, no one will see my face and leave. Now you are asking me to show you my glory. It's going to happen unless I give, I extend to you an exceptional insulation for grace and mercy. There's a difference between grace and mercy, and he needed the two. Now grace is when you are giving something you don't deserve, which is a good thing. Mercy is when you should have been judged for something you did wrong, but you are spared. Grace is giving to you as a good thing which you don't deserve. Mercy is depriving and evil from you that you deserve. And God was saying that when I bring you into my presence, if I don't give you grace, number one, you will not be able to receive this uncommon revelation of who I am. Number two, if I don't give you mercy, when you see my glory and you make a mistake, it will kill you. So the message will lead you from dying based on mishandling my glory and my presence. Like in the days of old, when the Levites, the prophets were to go into the Holy of Holies to present his things, they would tie a rope on their leg. And if you make a mistake, you die. It means there was no message there for you. God would give you what you deserved. If you made a mistake, you pay for it. But the message is, the payment is excused, even though you believe it. So God said, okay, Moses, I'm really going to show you my glory, but I have to help you out of this place. Because I want you to live. I don't want you to die before your time. So you know, I'll give you grace, I'll give you mercy. And Moses said, yes, love. That's why God loves the humble. And he just hates the proud. The Bible says, "Humble yourself, and the Lord will lift you up." But if you lift yourself up, he will humiliate you. You see, humility is what you must do. If you don't do it, and God wants to force you, humiliate you. So if you humble yourself voluntarily, it's better for you. If God wants to do it for you, it's embarrassing. Say hello to you. The next verse says, verse 21, "And the Lord said, 'Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shall stand upon a rock.'" And it shall come to pass, while my glory passes by, that I will put thee in a cliff of the rock. And I will come up here with my hand, while I pass by. Moses said, "Lord, show me your glory." And God said, okay, I have to help you here. I will prepare you, but then I will keep you at a specific location. Get close to me, and stand at a particular place. And I will keep you by a cliff. And then I will pass by you, but I'll cover you. Because if you see my face, you will die. So I'll cover you until my face passes by you. And then I'll lift my hand, you can see my backbones. Because no man will see my face and leave. It's a law. I will not compromise that. In the book of Isaiah, God says, "My glory, I give to no man." And guess what? So God did that. He repositioned Moses. He relocated Moses. It means that for you to see the glory of God, you must change your location. You must change your revelatory location. You must change the location of your attitude. You must change the location of your mindset. Nobody just wheels to see God's glory and get it. You must prepare yourself properly. You must go to what it needs. What one needs to be done to qualify to see the glory of God. Draw me close to you. Never let me go. So you see that it needs a real help of God. For you to see His glory. God has to help you. God has to prepare you. God has to teach you how to prepare. Even though it is your benefit that you see the glory, he has to pay an extra price for it to happen for you. That's why God's glory is not cheap. That's why people who are not serious don't really see the glory. Because, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You can't make it happen. He can't make it happen by giving you mercy. Say hallelujah. The last verse is that, and it shall come to pass. While my glory pass by, yeah, we've been there already, verse 23. And I will take away my hand, and thou shall see my back paths. But my face shall not be seen. Theologians believe that the back paths has to do. With a book of Genesis. Everything that is in front of God is yet to be accomplished. But everything that is at the back path of God has been done already. So when God said that, I will let you see my back path, it means that which he did. It is believed that in the moments of time, when God moved and was so his back path, the whole vision of the whole book of Genesis was released into him in one split second. It's called Spirit Time. When God moved his back paths, he was, Moses was injected into Spirit Time. And suddenly, he just saw everything. Do you know that when we get into eternity, eternity has Spirit Time? You can know everything that happened in eternity before we got there with a split second. You will get to heaven, and you will see Paul. And no one would have to introduce Paul to you. You will know Paul at the first sight. It's a high Paul, how are you? Oh, hey, hi Neil, hi Jesse, how Emmanuel. If there are four Emmanuels there, one from Germany, one from Bulgaria, one from Belgium, one from Africano, he would say, "Oh, Emmanuel of the Africano." He would tell. You can tell. You would see David say, "Hi, David." And Moses, "Hey, Obadiah." You will see Esther and know that this is Esther. This is the condition of Spirit Time. And when God brings you into Spirit Time, you can know all things. You can see all things. In eternity, we don't have to move by physical troubles, but we move by Spirit Time. Mine. No. If Jesus wants you in his bedroom tomorrow morning, you just know. But I'm supposed to be with Jesus tomorrow morning. If God has an appointment for you, if an angel wants to play golf with you tomorrow morning, this is a composition, okay? Amen? You just know. See you, man. So Spirit Time was what God brought Moses to. And Moses knew the Book of Revelation. It was after that, and I can imagine, Moses just went back home and he sat down and he just was on the right. The Book of Beginnings, in the beginning of God. In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. Verse 2, "And the earth was without form and void, and the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the purpose of the earth." It's okay. The amplifiers and the Spirit of the Lord moved and hobbled. And then he breaks it into the new international version. It's all by the inspiration. That's how prophecy works. Prophecy is when Spirit Time downloads into you, and you just begin to speak, and you will be accurate. And everything takes time, scissors, even when you did not have a physical experience. It's just accurate. First born, second born, second born. By the minute, by the second, you are never wrong, because it is not you. It is God. The Bible says that the old men of all did not write the Bible by their own interpretation, but they were moved by the Holy Ghost, who is the Lord of the Spirit Time. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of the Spirit Time. He is the Spirit that is in God. And every info in God is in the Holy Ghost, because He is in Him. And the Holy Ghost can release everything in the secret of His presence. The Bible says, "Nobody knows anything except the Spirit that is in the mind." I don't know what is in your process mind, but if I can lay hold of His Spirit, I can get every info in Him. So the Holy Ghost knows everything. That's the origin of prophecy. See, I don't know you have somebody. See, I don't know you have somebody. How many of you have been blessed today? Amen? Now, so we say that by the inspiration of God, the Scripture was written. Paul said all Scripture. That's what he said. Let's go back to the book of Timotee. All Scripture. I'm still beginning, just introducing my subject, okay? That's the truth. Second Timotee, chapter 3, verse 16, all Scripture. One more time? All means... Amen? Nothing excluded. It means every verse, every word, every chapter, every book, every one of them, every comma, every dot, every point, every semicolon, every phrase, every question mark. Every metaphor, every irony, every figure of speech. Oh, Scripture. And he says that, and it is profitable for doctrine, for approval, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Because the Scripture comes from the inspiration of God. It is dependable legally or by law. It has enough integrity for correction. Because a wrong man cannot correct another wrong man. A blind man cannot lead a blind man. A blind man cannot judge a sinner. But the Scripture is so much God that it has a higher level of integrity to reprove everybody. For everybody bows to Scripture. Kings bow to Scripture. The integrity, status school, of Scripture is so high that even angels cannot question it. It's impeccable. So it is powerful for doctrine. Doctrine simply means core values. It is solid for you to build your core values. Scripture, prophecy. Because the Scripture is a prophecy. And both the Scripture written is prophetic plus that which is spoken to you is also prophetic. Because that which is spoken to you takes life from that which is written. So there are both Scriptures. There are both prophecies. And they are accurate. In fact, the Bible says that Samuel was a prophet and his works did not fall to the ground. Because his works were not his works. His works were God's works inspired by God through him. So if God spoke it, he would bring it to pass. And the prophecy of Samuel was powerful enough to become a law. That brings us to spiritual legislation. Another time we'll talk about that. Certainly as somebody. So it's profitable for doctrine which is core values. So in your marriage, when you get married, you must have some core values which protects the marriage. I call it your marital constitution. Both the husband and wife must have core values which protects the marriage. Maybe number one should be dao shall not see any other man. Dao shall not say hello to any other man. But that's not scriptural. So you don't build your core values based on your own thinking. Look for Scriptures. Let your marriage look like Jesus. And you have a very profitable lifestyle. See how to live somebody. For example, one scripture is that love, love, covers multitudes of sins. That's a powerful core value. That the love of our marriage will cover every sin or every weakness in my life. So when your husband comes home and he's a little tired and he doesn't say hello. You don't take a spoon and chase him out of the house. Your love for him will sell honey. Never mind. Your wife comes home and she wrecks the car. You know, this beautiful bubble or this wonderful Mercedes that you save almost your lifetime to buy. And she just takes it out for the next day and she wrecks the car. Love covers what Martin Luther says. So when you base your marriage and your ministry and your business on the core values of Scripture, you are swallowed. Our Scripture is given by the inspirational God. And it is profitable for doctrine. It is profitable for correction. It is profitable to keep standards, say standards. One more time. One more time. So if there is any misunderstanding in the marriage, you look for Scripture. And when you put, when you table the Scripture, both the husband and the wife submit to the Scripture. So the Scripture becomes the standard of the church, of the business, of the marriage, of the relationship. I believe that I am giving somebody some serious correction tonight. I see some husband on the street. And some wife. See that? I was preaching the other day and I said something like that and the man thought the woman. So I stopped the man saying, I see a man doing that. Everybody love. Because that's what Scripture is supposed to do. Scripture is supposed to hit everybody in between the eyes. To bring power to you. Because no more is perfect. So any Scripture that has been preached by the inspiration of God is to hit you one way or the other. But if the Holy Ghost is in what I'm saying, then everybody must receive His correction tonight. So when we say, don't preach it, don't preach it hard. Don't put guilt on them. Just panicking them. You are not speaking Scripture. Because the Scripture does not destroy them and it builds them up. And the Scripture is a book of prophecy. And prophecy is for edification, it's for exhortation, it's for comfort. So no matter how out it is, it compels you tomorrow. It's sweet and sour. I can see your mind going to a Chinese restaurant right now. And the Scriptures are so powerful that even if it doesn't feel good, you know it's the truth. You may rebel for two minutes, but eventually you submit it. Okay. Okay. If the Bible says it, I believe it. And all these are happening because it is the inspired way of God. John, chapter 10, verse 35 says, "And Scripture cannot be broken." So if you build your life by Scripture, your life cannot be broken. If you build your marriage by Scripture, your marriage cannot be broken. If you build your business by Scripture, your business cannot be broken. If you build your business by the Scripture prophecy, your business cannot be broken. Say hallelujah. Say hallelujah. Are you with me today? Good. In the book of Genesis, let's take a few examples. Genesis, chapter 15, Genesis 15, I'm taking my time. There's so much liberty in this place. Man of God, God bless you for your leadership. What do you say, man? Genesis 15, verse 1. Yeah, okay. After these things, the Word of the Lord came unto Abraham in a vision. See, fear not Abraham. I am thy shield and thy exceeding greater reward. And Abraham said, Lord God, what would thou give me sin? I go childless. And the steward of my house is this Elieza of Damascus. And Abraham said, behold, to me thou hast given no sin and law. One bone in my house is my high. And behold, the Word of the Lord underlined that the Word of the Lord. Say the Word of the Lord. Came unto him, say it. It sounds like the same institution which ruled the Bible. That same institution came to Abraham. And the Word of the Lord came. Now Abraham was in a dilemma. Abraham was between two opinions. Abraham was in a balance. Abraham could not connect between the processing God gave him and being childless. That was his concern. And Abraham was concerned about the spiritual and the natural. How would you connect the two? Two of you have been there before. I call that the curved ball of prophecy. When prophecy throws you a curved ball and the ball speaks. You don't know how to handle it. And you begin to go like that. And Abraham was like that. And every child of prophecy went up all the other. You go like that. Your body is about to drop. You don't know how to handle it. So God threw Abraham a curved ball. And Abraham said, how do I know? How do I know that this Elieza of the Muscles, which means he was from Syria. And he said, but he was a good guy. Look, I don't mind. I give more of my wealth. And God came to him in the night, which means Abraham was troubled. And when he came on a night, he was praying a night. He needed a resolution. He needed a solution for a resolution. That's what I'm saying. So here, then God came up in the same night. He said the same night. And God appeared. And God gave him a word. Which means that the dilemma was solved by a word of the Lord. The problem was solved by a prophetic release. The word of prophecy is what we need in these last days. When you are in a quandary, where you are standing between a hard place and a hard rock. You know, the word of the Lord is solved a problem. It makes sense now. You cannot connect to what is happening. And you can solve the curvatures of the keyboard. That's why we come to church on Sunday or Wednesday or today. And we all have little questions here and there. This is how prophecy everybody gets his share of the keyboard. Well, God told me to live Nigeria and come to America. God told me to live Jamaica. God told me to live in New York. God told me to live in Chicago. And he said, "Yeah, I am with you. Now I am here. I don't know what's happening. Did you hear from God? Yes. Did you test it? Yes. Did you get good response? Yes. Did you obey God? Yes. But are you confused? Oh, yeah. Say prophecy one more time. Say it like a minute. As a matter of fact, if prophecy does not give you challenges, then it's not prophecy. One of the two characteristics of prophecy is that it is above your understanding because it's so much God that you have to really depend upon God for the interpretation. Yes. Say the word of prophecy. In these last days, we need so much more to learn how to stand upon the word of prophecy. The prophetic word. What is the Lord saying? What is He saying to my spirit? What is He saying for this week? What is He saying this morning? What is He saying on Sunday? When we come to church, it means that God has a word for me. That's what it's not just a place for the gathering of the saints. It is a place where we come to receive a word. And God has a person church in such a way that there's a word for every week. So when you miss church on Sunday, you miss the word for the week. And when you miss the Sunday service, please get the tip quickly and get your portion of the word. Otherwise, after three weeks of absence, you are in a loop. You are lost in your own destiny. Oh, my spirit is over here. So come into church. You are doing yourself, Epiva. When you come to church, you are educating your destiny. You are educating your prophecy. You are educating your vision. You are educating your purpose. You are educating your dream. You are educating your own understanding. You are educating your own place in eternity. You are educating your relevance in our generation. You can love the Lord and be illiterate about prophecy. You do? And there are many people. They have a bachelor's degree. They have a master's degree. They have diplomas. They have all kinds of degrees. But you are illiterate in your eternal purpose. That makes you a wonderful holy fool. Because your degrees in bachelor's degree of master's means nothing in heaven. But your literacy in prophetic things is what makes you value in heaven. You don't want to get to heaven and look like a nukewarm. Okay, let me give you American language. You don't want to get to heaven and look like a fool. At least you must know something about Abraham. Say, man, it was like a true story. A true story in Africa where some missionaries went to a village to go and evangelize. They went to this village and they met a man and said, do you know Jesus? And he said, excuse me, can I just wait here? And he went to the village and came and said, there is nobody in the village called Jesus. Do you have any other name for him? What does he do? He thought that he was a name for somebody in the neighborhood. And they said, no, no, no, we are not talking about that. They are talking about your Creator. And they got the man saved. Now, you don't want to get to heaven and say, who is Jesus? You need to learn. You need to learn to educate yourself about your purpose on this page. Am I speaking to somebody here? The pastor can preach, but you have to educate yourself. The preaching is like lecturing in a university. A lecture gives you the outlines and gives you the pattern. Read this book, read this book, and you can find this biometrics, you read this book, and give you an assignment. And he comes back to review the assignment. That's how we lecture in universities. So, a preacher comes to lecture and he gives you the -- you have to go and sit down and make your assignment. You must tell it to make yourself approved. You must tell it. You must tell it about eternal life. You must tell it about your purpose. You must tell it about the God you said. You must know him to serve him well. You must know what he wants and what he doesn't like. You must understand his seasons and his times. You must understand his ways to make you relevant in saving him. And in saving him, you identify yourself and your identity becomes relevant. You discover yourself in saving God the way he wants you to serve him. Now, if you save God the way he doesn't, I want you to save him. It's called adult idolatry. It's not just going to bow down to a wood in Haiti or a wood in Hawaii. But idolatry simply is saving God in a way not approved by him. So you can be in church and be an idolator. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. You can be in church. Amen. You are absolutely an idolator. Saving God your way. It's idolatry. Saving God in a way not approved is idolatry. You are, you are, you are, you are as the same as that man into Booktube. Or that, that voodoo doctor in Louisiana. Am I getting too serious here? No. No. He's going. He's going. Say glory. Glory. So alive. So Abraham, Abraham was in a country. Amen. It's a Lord. This, this doesn't make sense to me. This guy is from, is from Damascus. But I, I don't know, but somehow it doesn't connect. But I don't know the alternative. And God said, Abraham, come out of the house now. He said, when God calls you out of your, your bedroom, one in the morning, it's serious. And God said, come, come, come. And God said, now you counted the stars. And, and let's see how many. He said, oh, I know the amen. God said, I count. He said, God said, now, one, two, three. Abraham went, one, two, three, four. Oops. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. You see, it is believed that a man's concentration can at least count 300 stars. That's, that's, that's what psychologists say. You can at least focus and count 300 stars. One couldn't count five. Let me tell you why. For you to be able to count at least 300, your focus and concentration should be uninterrupted. And the man was worried at that time. So it's just my personal analogy. But there's no way you can do that because the guy was trouble. He was a worried man. He had concerns. And every concern like that obstructs your focus. Distracts your concentration. And whoops your understanding. Say hallelujah, somebody. Are you with me? Yes. That's it. And it's a law God. Whereby shall I inherit? Whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it? Say hallelujah, somebody. Are you with me? Yes. So he was worried. It's a law God. Now I can see the stars. But still, how do I possess it? He sounds like an American. That's good, you see. That's good. If I say he sounds like an American, it's good. I'm sure Abraham's a man. Thank you. But because he was in the old days, America today is very modern, you see. So it makes Abraham look good. So Abraham said, how? Abraham says, how will I get this? Say hallelujah, somebody. The problem Abraham had was based on the prophecy he had before. The challenges of Abraham in Genesis 15 were based on the prophecies of Genesis 12. Let's look at it. And I have to close. Yes. Now the Lord has said to Abraham, get the out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house and to a land that I will show thee. Say prophecy. And I will make of thee a great nation. Number one, I will bless thee. Number two, I will make thy name great. Number three, and thou shall be a blessing. Number four, and I will bless them, thou bless thee. Number five, and I will cast them, thou cast thee. Number six, and indeed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Number one, seven. So God came and gave Abraham seven eye wheels. That's a serious prophecy. God goes to Mesopotamia. He goes among the tribe of the people called the Ural, of the region of the childies. Idolatists of idolatists. These guys knew nothing about the great God Jehovah. Abraham's father was an idol worshiper and he was an idol spare part dealer. The guy was quillied and delined in idols and idol spare parts. Which means if your idol broke the ear, Abraham's father would give you a spare ear. Look for some cement, some ooh, some ooh plus and fix the ears of your idol. That's what they did and he made lots of money because that was the form of worship. They worshiped God's the heart eyes that could not see and those are the ears and couldn't hear. And which ones had feet that could walk? Her nostrils couldn't breathe. They had head but no brain. That's what they were worshiping. And Abraham's father made lots of money, mokundaja. And I'm telling you, when God came on the scene, Abraham did not know anything about God, but he read the voice of God. And God was prophesying to a man who did not know him. And a man like that obeyed God. Which means on the gentleman day, Abraham can put you to a serious embarrassment. And Abraham would say, "You guys, I did not know this God and I obey him. You guys know him. He will obey him." Say hallelujah, somebody. Say hallelujah, somebody. And Abraham received seven prophecies. "I will, I will, I will." So now you can understand why in Genesis 15, the guy said, "Well, Lord, I've been thinking about these prophecies." And I need somebody who handle the inheritance. How can I know? How can I inherit it? You see, it takes prophecy to eat up with prophecy. Hallelujah, somebody. Say hallelujah, somebody. Now, and the Bible says, "Best fight." So Abraham departed as the Lord has spoken to him. And Lot went with him, and Abraham was 70 and 5 years old when he departed out of here. And Abraham took Sarai, his wife, and Lot, his brother's son. And all the assumptions that they had gathered. And the souls that they had gotten inherent. And they went forth to go into the land of Canaan. And into the land of Canaan became. The seven and the Lord appeared unto Abraham. Hallelujah, somebody. The Lord appeared to Abraham. And the Bible says, "And Abraham prepared an altar. After God appeared to him, he made an altar, and he worshipped him." Say the proper word. When you receive prophecy, one thing you should do is between the time of the prophecy and its manifestation. In between, you must lend to build orders. And Abraham built an altar, and he sacrificed unto the Lord. Sometimes you need to understand that once you are holding on to prophecy, once in a while you come to church, you come to a meeting like this, you come with some seed. Yes, Lord, I remember the prophecy you gave me six months ago. I am giving you a thousand dollars today, just to thank you for the prophecy. That's like an altar. You are revisiting the tenet of the prophecy. It could be one dollar, it could be a hundred dollars. When you are in a meeting like this, and the elongating is powerful, quickly, you take fifty bucks or something, and you just sow it. And you sow it with a mindset of tapping into the anointing to feed your prophecy. And Abraham built an altar, and he praised the Lord, and he worshipped the Lord. Because of time, I wouldn't go into the rest of the story, because if you follow that story, you find out that, and Abraham went to Egypt with his wife. She was a very beautiful lady. And when they got to the gates of Egypt, Abraham told his wife, "I am going to introduce you as my sister, lest they kill me." And that was what was on there. If you were a very handsome man, and you married a very, very, very, very, very, very beautiful lady, your life is at stake. Because a king sees your beautiful lady, he kills you, and takes the woman. Simple. Oh, yeah, very, very simple. So in those days, the smart man would go marry the ugly ones. And there's no ugly woman here. And sometimes keep the beautiful one in the house, because it's for your life. And Abraham told the wife, "I will introduce you as my sister." And guess what, when they got there, it was true. The king said, the king took Sarah. But God appeared on the scene. And God told the king, "You have somebody's wife." He said, "Ahh, God, I'm killing you now." "God, hands up!" Abraham, Abraham said, "Ahh!" "God, I'm sorry." "Ahh!" So God shot his, around his feet. And God said, "You have somebody's wife." He said, "What?" He told me, "This is the, as a letter go now." God had to fight for Abraham. Do you know why? It's because Abraham believed the prophecy. You see, if you believe prophecy, God will fight for you. If you stand upon the word of the Lord, God will defend his integrity because you are standing by his word, so it is his responsibility to perform his word. See how many are somebody? You see, the Bible says, "God, God, God magnifies his word about himself." And God has a way, let's read our scripture, Psalm 138, Psalm 138, Psalm 138, Psalm 138. Verse 1, "I will praise thee with my whole heart before the gods will I sing praise unto thee. I will worship towards thy holy mountain, thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth, for thou hast magnified thy word above thy name." The Amplified says, "Your name and your word, and you have magnified your word above all your name." God, God has magnified his word above his name. God has lifted his word above his name. God has lifted magnified on it his word above his name. So every prophecy is lifted. In other words, God says, "My integrity is on the word." So if a man of God gives a prophecy, it must be Tashi as the Lord. Otherwise, you are in trouble with God because God will only perform what he has said. And God will make sure that you hear his word, and his word is above his name. That's quite a vow. That's quite an oath. That's quite some integrity. Even God respects his word. See, hallelujah, somebody. See, hallelujah, somebody. And so when God spoke the word to Abraham, and Abraham believed it, and God took it for him as righteousness, when the king of Egypt dared to touch his wife, God rose up for him. The Bible says, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will guess those who kiss you." So God fulfilled it. When the king of Egypt came too close for comfort, God rose up. May God rise up for you in the name of Jesus. Amen. I say, "May God rise up for you in the name of Jesus." I say, "May God rise up for you in the name of Jesus." Because you have believer of the word. God will fight for you. You have believer of his word. God will advance your business. You have believer of his word. God will expand your territory. The word of the law can never be broken. Prophecy shall not be broken. It cannot be broken. Say, "It cannot be broken." Say, "I believe in God, and I believe in prophecy." One more time, "I believe in God, and I believe in prophecy." When all things fail, the word of God shall not fail. You can depend upon his word. I have a future, not because I have money. I have a future because I have a prophecy. I have a future, not because I have a big name. I have a future because I have a prophecy. I have a dream, and my dream is my prophecy. I have a vision. My vision is the prophecy. If you don't want your vision to fail, connect it to a word in the Bible. Because the word will not fail. And if failure comes and sees the word on your business, it goes away. Because failure knows, I can't defeat the word. Well, let me just cut this short because of time, my goodness. Let me conclude with the last scripture. Isaiah chapter 46, Isaiah 46, verse 9 and 10. Isaiah 46, "I pray that this church is a prophetic church. And don't apologize for being prophetic." I said, "No apology for that." See man? Isaiah chapter 6, verse 9 and 10. Remember the former things of old? I am the Lord God, and there's none else. I am God, and there's none like me. It says, "Remember the former things of old." In Isaiah 43, it says, "Remember not the former things." But before it says, it says, "You remember." In other words, the things which were not good, forget them. But the things which are good, remember them. See man? Like David. When David stood before Saul, the king. Saul said, "This Goliath has been killing since his birth." "Spare yourself, and don't take on this battle." David said, "I remember two stories." Number one, I was with my father's ship and a lion came to kill some of the animal. But I fought and killed the lion. Then a bear came. You must remember some past victories. Because those victories spare you all for more victories. Those victories empower your faith, empower your strength, empower your ability for higher achievements. God says, "Remember the former things." "Remember how I crossed the rescue with you." "Remember how I fed you with manna." "Remember how I gave you water out of the rock." "Remember how I beat your enemies down." "Remember, remember how I was with you." It's a pillow of cloth by day and a pillow of fire by night. "Remember how I fought for you of a Jericho." "Remember those things." I pray that this church always remembers the past victories. Because the victories of the past are the prophetic fulfillment for your future. The next verse, verse 20, it says, "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from the ancient times, the things which are not yet done, say, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." The Bible says God declares the end from the beginning. In fact, the Bible says he declares it from the ancient times. God was in the centuries past, and he spoke about the centuries in the future. And he declared the future centuries done deal and prosperous before they came to pass. That's prophecy. Declaring the future before the future comes to pass, that's prophecy. So God says, "I prophesy into the future." And he says, "All my counsel shall come to pass." "I will do my pleasure." I say, "I will do my pleasure." God says, "I speak it, I bring it to pass." "I prophesy, it happens." "I plan, it comes to pass." So if you can hold on to the Word, your destiny is assured, because your destiny is not in prophecy. So I can stand here today, and I can say, "Oh, I see a 5,000 congregation, new song chart, 5,000 people." It may not be 5,000 today, but prophecy says it. I believe it, and that settles it. You can see by the eye of prophecy into the future, and everybody must be a believer in prophecy. Say hello to somebody. Say hello to somebody. That's why I believe that if there's a prophecy, you must write it down. Diaries and revisits it. And once in a while, you give an offering just to bless it even the more, to keep God in remembrance of it, and connect to it. If God says you have twins, four times, you keep on prophesying to it. Say amen to that. Don't roll your eyes, it's a blessing. Say hello to somebody. And if God says, "I will make your business the best," keep on believing it, keep on sewing, sitting to it, keep on confessing it, keep on holding onto it, it will never be. If God spoke it, it will never be. Say hello to somebody. Now, in the fulfillment of prophecy, you come across two words which I want to conclude with. One is the rema word, the other is the logos word. Now, the logos word is that which is written. You can open the Bible and it comes to pass. After since there's Jesus, judge not, that you will not be judged. This is the logos, the written letter, and the Bible says for the letter killer. But the spirit gives life. Do you know there are people who have gone to theological schools and they don't know the Lord? There are many who have gone to theology and they don't believe in miracles. That's the logos, the logic dimension of the written word. But the rema word is the spirit revealed word in a karos moment. The spirit revealed word in a karos moment. For example, America could be in an economic challenge. On Sunday, you come to church. And before you come to church, the pastor receives a dream. And in the dream, God gives him a scripture which should be the text for his scripture. That scripture came from the Holy Spirit and that scripture is a rema word. For the moment in which you are. Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah, that's a rema word. Or sometimes maybe you are driving your car. You are driving and then a sudden accident dared to happen before you. And at the spell of the moment, a scripture comes out of your mouth. You do not plan but it was both out of the spirit. That was a rema word. There was one time that Paul was on a journey and there was this divination. This lady who was a diviner and following them and speaking about them. These are the people of God, disturbing the whole city and the Bible says out of anger. Right was indignation, poor turned to the woman and rebuilt the spirit. That was a rema word. And the demon left the woman. Please. Rema words are bullets, words from the Holy Ghost. And it could be a scripture. It could be a preaching. It could be a word in season. It could be a word of knowledge. It could be a word of wisdom. It could come out of no way and it has power. And it becomes relevant for that moment. That's the kind of rema word or that's the kind of spirit led word which brings life to people. That's what brings revelation. That's what brings healing. So a depressed man comes and he has that word and that is exactly the king to open his life into glory. He has that word. He has that word. Prophecy is like a rema word. Prophecy is like a rema word. It comes from the Holy Ghost. It is inspired. And it teaches your circumstance. And it is that which makes you always fly in the midst of challenges. I have several prophecies that I have written down. And there are times when I am a little unhappy. A little unhappy right now. I go back and when I read some of those. Oh my goodness. It's like my balloon is inflated again. Oh I begin to fly high. And you know and I leave the room where I was. I tell you I begin to walk with music in my feet on a layer of suffering. Because I know that I have received that word. And sometimes I have possibly read that prophecy once every three months. And each time I hear it it reminds me of the face that I had it. And it's trying my life into my spirit. That prophecy has the life of God in it. It's called the rema word of God. From today when you begin to walk in the rema word of God. You come home from work and your husband is not happy. Because that day he made no sales. And he came back very moody. And you are the wife in the house. And you know you are excited to see your husband come back. And he came back with a long face. No smiles. Honey, welcome. All right. Honey, food is ready. I'm not hungry yet. He begins to give her short answers. Suddenly the woman of God in the house. The Holy Ghost stares at scripture in her spirit. Suddenly the woman receives a word of the Lord. It could be a word. It could be a scripture. It could be a song. And when she releases that word or the song it mails the man. Instead of she saying, well, who do you think you are? I cook the spirit. But the next minute she goes on the phone. Mommy, mommy. Hey, you are married. Don't go call mama. Mama. So your husband who is already unhappy. He sees you weep and he gets into depression. He enters the car. He drives away. I just drove to the beach. Just to go cool. Chill. You finish whipping after whipping. You begin to run around because you have not seen your husband. You move into hysteria. It is because there is no rim away to solve the problem. Suddenly the Holy Ghost drops away in your spirit. It's called a word in season. It could be a scripture. It could be a song. What do you think that your husband comes back with a long face and so moody and so unlovable and then a song jumps into your spirit? When I look into your holiness. When I gaze into your loveliness and you are peeling the car out, you see? No things that surround me become shadows in the light of you. When my husband becomes a shadow in the light. I worship you. Suddenly your husband hears the angel singing hallelujah. And he comes back. Sir Hanyam, sorry. What happened was the song. It wasn't the song. It was the river. The inspiration behind the song. And that inspiration from the Holy Ghost died the number of the man. Because it is the same God who created the man and he knows exactly which button to press. To bring the man back to life. Within 30 minutes, the marriage is fly high. Because God came on the sea by the prophetic word. See hallelujah. Do you understand what I am saying? At the same time, when the man of God is in the inspiration of God, oh, there could be 50 people on Sunday depressed. Depressed about different issues. But one river went from the inspiration of God who solved 50 depressed people's problems. Say amen. Hold on to your prophecy. Hold on to your prophecy. I say hold on to your prophecy. Look, you don't interpret your prophecy. Your prophecy interprets you. You don't make your prophecy come to pass. But your prophecy makes you come to pass. You don't hold your prophecy. Your prophecy holds you together. It keeps you packaged together. It keeps you flying high. It keeps you all in an all time high morale. People don't understand how come we are in a depression and you are not in a depression. Because your prophecy is not depressed. Your prophecy is impressed. So you hear the prophecy and you just feel good. I feel alright one time. And you just feel good. You go to church and everybody knows that you are in church. Meanwhile you don't have a dime in your pocket. But you are happier than anybody. It is the word of prophecy. It inspires you. It brings you to a wonderful place. Am I preaching to somebody? America, what America needs today is a prophetic word. By this time, some man of God with some inspiration must get on CNN and give America a word of the Lord. By this time. Am I speaking to somebody here? I am saying this to say this last day. As Christians we are students of prophecy and we are recipients of the inspiration of God. Therefore we have the solution of God for the nation. Potentially speaking. And may we stay up the gift of God in our lives. Like Porto Timotee. Stay up the gift of God in your life. The husband giving to you by the laying of my hands and by the lay hands of the presbytery. And you have a prophecy. Stay it up. You have a word of the Lord. Stay it up. You have something that is eternal. Stay it up. Don't bow down to a temporary crisis. Behold on to permanent solutions. Because prophecy is a permanent solution. The Bible says heaven and death shall pass away. But my word shall not pass away. If God magnifies his word about his name, it means his word. His word is about every other name. His word is about depression. His word is about divorce. His word is about sickness. His word is about pain. His word is about fear, phobia, anxiety. His word. His word. His word. His word. His word. His word would call you true. See how long we are somewhere. So you know, when you have a crisis, what do you look for first? A word. Don't go run around gossiping. Don't go run around telling everybody your words. Because they can't help you. Nobody is your inspiration. God is your inspiration. See how they look at somebody. One final word. I'll give you four final words by now. It's by the inspiration of God. You listen to this. When you have found somebody you want to marry, and all the ducks are in a row, he's what you think, she's what you think, don't go ahead until you have a word for the Lord. And if the marriage is truly of God, he will give you a word. You must test, test, test the choice by the word. God, if it is you that is bringing us together, then give me a word. And I'm telling you, that word for somebody now could be this message. It could be now. You have your word. It could be a scripture. God will give you in a dream. But somehow you will drop something in your spirit. Do you know why? So when you get into the marriage and challenges begin to come, you can refer to that word. And you can both walk onto that word in the midst of the storm. You need a word because of the days ahead of you. Your embassy will keep you afloat in the days of your storm. It will keep you afloat when the Euro-cladon comes. Or when the wind becomes boisterous. You must remember both the husband and the word and the wife who say, you know what? We believe that word. I was handling a marriage crisis somewhere on one of these continents of the earth. And so I asked the man, do you love this woman? He said, yeah. He said, did you marry this woman? He said, yeah. I said, lady, do you love this man? He said, yeah. I said, did you marry this man? He said, yeah. I said, give me three reasons why you married the man. She said, number one, I love him. Number two. God told me that this is my husband. And I said, how do you prove it that it was God? It wasn't a strange voice. She opened the scripture. She said, this scripture God gave me. And this is my scripture. You can't be that one. And the Bible says scripture. I asked the man. Did you marry this man? The woman said, yeah. He said, give me three reasons why you married the woman. He said, no, I love her. I said, okay. Number two. Oh. She's just so beautiful. I said, yeah. You have only one to go now. All these two are okay, but you're not cutting it. And he said, I have a scripture. I said, what is a scripture? And he opened the scripture. And I said, tell me how you got the scripture. And I'm telling you some very powerful scenario where God came to him and spoke and said, this is your wife. Look, because of the scriptures and the river where they had the marriage still kept going on. And today they are one of the happiest people on earth. It happened in the days of Mary. Joseph had engaged a lady called Mary. Mary was a virgin. And I'm telling you, this man was waiting for his wonderful wedding day. Who grew up with Zion? Looking forward to Hallelujah, amen. And suddenly he comes home one day and she tells him I am pregnant. What? The man was offended. Any man would be offended. Any man would be offended. He said, but you know, I'm a gentleman. I'm not going to make any noise about this. I'm just going to leave Jerusalem, go hide somewhere in Galilee and just look for someone else. He was going to take a very gentleman's step, divorce her wonderfully beautifully. In the night, Angel Gabriel appeared. And Angel Gabriel appeared. And Angel Gabriel said, let me give you a reminder. And Joseph woke up and the angel was on his feet right now with a sword. He said, don't divorce this lady. For this pregnancy is of God. That's what he needed to go through that storm. It is the word of the Lord. I think this is good preaching. Shall we thank Jesus for the word? Shall we thank Jesus for the word? I say, shall we thank Jesus for the word? Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Lift up your hands. Just as the angel brought the word of the Lord. So also tonight, the Lord has brought to you a word of the Lord. Yours is to receive it. With your hands lifted. Just talk to the Holy Spirit. Make peace with his word. Repent for not believing his word in the days of old. Repent for not building your life around the world. Repent for not building your marriage around the world. Repent for not building your prayer life around the world. Repent for not building your business around the world. Repent for not building your character around the world. Repent for not holding on to your future with the word. Talk to God. Talk to God. Talk to God. Yes, talk to God. Repent from moving ahead of yourself without a word of the Lord. Repent for trying to solve God's prophecy your way. Repent for seven God your way. Repent for trying to use logic to fulfill spiritual prophecy. Repent for discounting the word of the Lord because of logic. Because of your intellect. Because of your education. You have thrown the word of the Lord away. Repent for God says my scripture shall not be broken. My prophecy still stands. When are you believe it or not? Because I am God. Make peace with God tonight. Yes. For the word of the Lord has come to stay in your life. The word of the Lord will interpret your destiny. The word of the Lord will bring you into fulfillment. The word of the Lord will carry you into your destiny. The word of the Lord will cause you to finish your assignment on the end. The word of the Lord. The word of the Lord. The word of the Lord. The word of the Lord. The word of the Lord. The word of the Lord. Receive. Receive. The inspiration of God. Receive divine inspiration. Receive understanding of scripture. Receive interpretation of scripture. Receive revelation of scripture. Receive the light of the scripture. Receive power of the scripture. Lift your voice and begin to pray right now. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. [BLANK_AUDIO]