City Central Church Podcast
City Central Night Watch (Thursday) Topic: Youth Movement
Adam Narciso
Praise him. Praise him in the highest. PTL. Hey, you guys ready? Are we ready? Man, I'm excited to give the word of the Lord this evening. You want to take notes. Okay. Uh, last week, the Lord deposited in my spirit a revelation from the scriptures that I just believe is such a critical word for this hour. And I believe this is going to be a word that as a ministry, we begin to trumpet and herald wherever we go. Sometimes at the, at the very beginning of a season of a move of God, God will deposit something, a revelation in a man or a church family, or a ministry and they'll begin to herald that message everywhere they go. And, um, for, for, for many, for many years, you know, ever since that original, um, uh, angelic visitation, you know, yeah, that's right. I said that ever since that original angelic visitation just 10 years ago where, uh, there was an announcement of a move of God on the earth where God was declaring to man what he wanted to do on the earth. Ever since that time, there's just, we've, we've been, we've been privately talking and praying about a move of God on the earth that was going to reach the ends of the globe. Amen. And we've had, we've gained further insight to this as we've been in prayer and, you know, pastors, what elders have been in prayer. And really what we, what we proclaim is we believe, we really believe as a ministry that God in Tacoma is going to start something of a youth movement, something of a movement of his spirit among young people that's, uh, there's, there's mass salvation, healing power released young people are released from demonic oppression and many, many, many, many, many, many, many come to faith in Christ. We're just believing that God transforms whole schools junior high, high school, college age that many turn to God that there's a wave of his spirit that is just breaks over our city and over this region over our nation and then the nations of the earth. And so we've been, we've been talking about that. We've been, we've had prayer meetings about this word. Uh, we've submitted this word to, to, to, to YMAM youth with a mission. And right now, uh, they're, they're working in, in recent years to mobilize many, many different, uh, campuses, bases around the globe to host an influx of missionaries, 200,000 that would come out of the United States. Lauren Cunningham was just here with Brian and Chris. You got to pray with them last Monday. He's the founder of YMAM. He's a legend of the faith. He leads the largest missionary organization that the world has ever seen. He was just here to come a meeting with Brian and Christie praying into this word operation, mobilize this movement of young people that would come out of the United States and sell out. They would be a new breed of missionaries into the nations, 200,000 of them in the 80s. Keith Green and Lauren Cunningham had this vision to see a hundred thousand missionaries sent out into the nations and they got together. Keith Green sang in Lauren preached, you know, the story Keith Green dies in a plain accident. So Lauren takes those videotapes of that final concert around the United States. And in, in that matter of years, they saw 100,000 young adults sent out into the mission field. What we believe God's saying is there's, there's now he wants to send a second wave, this time 200,000 of not short term, but long term missionaries, a new breed of missionaries into the nations from the United States. So Lauren's been sharing this word with people around the globe and they're literally, we're starting to work to mobilize different bases for in the years to come, they would host an influx of training young adults all over the globe. Isn't that cool? I think that's pretty legit, you know. But, let me, let me share something. It's one thing to have a, like a prophetic word. In prayer, I believe God's told us this about what he wants to do on the earth. It's even cooler if we have an angel coming and saying something. That's cool. Bottom line, say that's cool. But it's altogether something different when the scriptures, the true prophetic word, declare what God wants to do on the earth. Do you see what I'm saying? The weight in comparison of even an angelic visitation or a prophetic word, in the true prophetic word, do you know what I'm saying? There's nothing that compares to the authority of the scriptures. And so tonight, really, last week what God began to put in my spirit is a revelation of this end time move of God which I believe is a youth movement in nature that's going to hit the world. And it's been everything that we've been praying for, but now we're beginning to see it in the scriptures. Say amen. So, it's important that we understand the theology, like the biblical background for why, for why we believe a move of God is going to hit the earth in our generation. Prays God? Alright, so get ready to take notes. Father, we pray in the name of Jesus that you right now would release your spirit to take the word of God, drive it deep into our hearts, let it yield to harvest 30, 60, 100 fold in Jesus' name. Father, we ask for release of faith in this place. We don't want anything to do with unbelief and religion and fear God. In Jesus' name, we welcome you, we thank you, we love you God. Amen. So, one of the cool things that Brian's kind of introduced in recent weeks is this word transition generation. This word transition generation. And I want to talk to you a little bit quickly about the transition generations in the scriptures. The scriptures kind of speak of are really described three key transition generations, two of which are outlined in the scriptures, one of which is yet to come. The first one being the generation of Moses. The generation where after 400 years in slavery in Egypt, God raised up one man to lead a generation of a race, a people group, out of bondage and into liberty in God, into salvation in God. We're so familiar with the story, you know, the plagues, the staff, the miracles, the parting of the Red Sea, but I want you to modernize it in your mind right now and realize that God took one man, say one man, he made him a force of God on the earth and he delivered an entire nation, say one man, an entire people group, an entire, for lack of a better word race, one man. This was a mighty transition generation because God was moving his people into liberty, into freedom. He was transitioning his people into a greater experience in him. The next transition generation that we see, the greatest generations that has ever lived is the generation of Jesus and the early apostles on the earth. Jesus, John the Baptist and the early apostles, that's the next greatest transition generation on the earth. And then the third important key transition generation on the earth is the one that is, we would like to call the end times generation, that is the generation that will exist on the earth at the return of Jesus Christ. Amen. The end times generation, of which we believe that we are starting to enter into what the Bible calls the end times generation. Praise God. It's interesting that the Apostle John, when he wrote first John, second John, I forget he said, he said, "My beloved, it is God's final hour." Reinhardt Bonke says, "If the Apostle John could say that with integrity 2,000 years ago, it's God's final hour. It is the final hour." Then we must believe today that not only are we in the final hour, but we're in the final seconds of the final minute of the final hour. If he could say that, inspired by the Holy Ghost 2,000 years ago, today we sit with the Word of God in hand saying, "We must be in the final seconds of the final minute of the final hour." Praise God. And so I want to look at these three transition generations. And we want to look at tonight, we want to look at this. When God births a transition generation, it's important that we see that because if we can see when the the circumstances in which God births a transition generation, we can relate it to this present age and realize that we are in the midst of the beginning of a great generation. Praise God. Here we go in Exodus chapter 1. Exodus chapter 1. This is the first transition generation. Are you okay with the little teaching this evening? I think last week I just preached my heart out. This week I want to teach and I want to impart truth and I want to equip you with the Word of God. Exodus chapters 1 through 3. In chapter 1 we see the birth of Moses. We know that Joseph led Israel, his family, into Egypt. But the Bible says in Exodus chapter 1 that another Pharaoh arose who didn't know Joseph didn't know his people. Joseph dies the next generation of Israelites become slaves for 400 years. And then we see in chapter 1 we can read it later but you can just write this down. King Pharaoh literally became frightened and intimidated because the Israelites so quickly multiplied. And so he began to afflict them and he said you you won't make bricks with straw anymore. He began to afflict them. He began to lay heavy burdens on their backs. He began to tell his taskmasters to whip them and to punish them and to treat them harshly. But the Bible says the more he treated harshly he treated them the more quickly they increased in number and they grew strong and he became intimidated by their number. The Bible says then in verse 11 of chapter 1 then the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives one of whom was named Siprah in the other Pua. Just say Pua. Praise the Lord. Verse 16 when you serve as a midwife to the Hebrew women and see them on the birth stool if it's a son you shall kill him. But if it's a daughter he shall live. So Pharaoh comes and gives this radical death decree to the midwives. He's saying to the Hebrew women if you give birth to if you help a woman give birth and a Hebrew woman and it's a son kill him immediately. But if it's a daughter let them live. What a cruel harsh decree from the moment of birth if it's a male kill him off. He was looking to to to slow down the growth of the people. Does that make sense? He was so intimidated by the growth of Israel he said well let's just kill the newborn males. The Bible says praise God in verse 17 but the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them but to make to let the male children live. Later God blessed them and he gave those midwives families. Verse 21 and because the midwives feared God he gave them families. Verse 22 then Pharaoh commanded all his people so now he's talking to the Egyptians. Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall cast into the Nile. But you shall let every daughter live. Now as I was meditating on this in this this week I pray I'm praying that God just helps me get through this without I'm telling you without emotion because there's a reality too when you picture this in your mind. Pharaoh commanded his people when you see a male born in among Israel God's people among the Hebrews. You're to throw him into the Nile so that he would die. This was a violent action move of death it was a political move of death upon another nation as violent as it gets and this week as I was thinking about this I just began to travail and weep over the reality of thousands upon thousands of newborn sons being thrown into a river. This was the state in which God birthed a transition generation. It was a climate of death it was a climate of fear it was a climate of intimidation it was a climate of oppression. This was the environment that Moses was born. The first thing you need to know about a transition generation specifically related to Moses that Moses was born into an environment where babies were being killed left and right, left and right thrown into a Nile to drown. And then in chapter two we see God sovereignly protects Moses you know the story Moses his mom keeps him for three months she hides him until she she came to a point where she couldn't hide him any longer she made a basket put him in the basket and put him down on the river bank and then Pharaoh's daughter comes in she finds the basket she takes pity on the son she makes him her own son but then Moses's sister is there looking on she said well shall I find a Hebrew woman to nurse him for you. It's a miracle divine appointment. Pharaoh's daughter says well yeah of course we want him to live. And so Moses's sister runs and finds Moses's mom. Can you imagine Moses's mom as she came back to that scene? What? Thank you God. Thank you God. You spared my son in the most supernatural way because the president of Egypt wants this son to live. She took her own child Moses and she began to nurse him until he grew older at which point she returned the child back to Pharaoh's daughter and Moses from a young age grew up in Pharaoh's courts and you've all seen the movie the Prince of Egypt so you know how the story goes. Praise the Lord. It is it's a tight show and so the second thing you need to know is that Moses first thing Moses is born into an environment of death and destruction death was decreed upon infants and then God sovereignly protects his life sovereignly protects his life at a young age and then we see in chapter three. You know the story Moses is serving his new father-in-law Jethro and he was the priest of Midian he's in the wilderness and he's among this new people group and as he's in near Mount Sinai he sees a burning bush and you know the story Moses goes over and may you've seen that boring Moses movie on TV you know it's like it takes 18 hours to get through the whole movie 32,000 commercials you know if you've watched Moses then you know what happens he sees the burning bush it interests him he goes over there God begins to speak to him and he says you shall go back to Egypt you shall go to Pharaoh and you shall say let my people go and he equipped him with profound miracle power understand this the next two things about Moses's generation is that Moses received a very very specific and profound prophetic promise over his life the third thing he received a prophetic promise over his life that he would go into Egypt and declared a Pharaoh let my people go and who knew that what God would declare was true and he would actually do that you know years later and then the fourth thing we want we want to recognize is that God equipped him with supernatural miracle power to accomplish the task that he gave him remember the staff that part of the Red Sea that brought the plagues upon Egypt etc etc finally the fifth thing is that we we must recognize that Moses was trained in the wilderness he was taken from the palace and into the wilderness that which marks a place of loneliness a place of isolation a place of dryness a place where you see I'm saying where there's there's not much water a place where there's not much of a source of life he was trained God trains transition generations in the wilderness he when he wants to raise up a deliverer oftentimes he pulls them out of an environment of death and destruction he sovereignly protects their lives he gives them a prophetic promise then he takes them into the wilderness to receive the training not in a seminary not in a Bible college but the wilderness where he could have his perfect way with that life do you see what I'm saying this is how God raised up the initial transition generation this is Moses now let's go to Matthew chapter 2 Matthew chapter 2 in the New Testament Matthew chapter 2 I don't apologize if this is review for you because it's worth reviewing we need this in our spirit in Matthew chapter 2 we see the birth of Jesus Christ we also see we also know that during this time we know from the book of Luke that John the Baptist was birth at the same time in fact there were cousins you remember the scene Mary goes to Elizabeth's house after the Holy Spirit came upon her and she conceived she she was so freaked out she's about 15 years old at this time she conceived not by she's still a virgin God came on her she she's now bearing a child in her belly she goes to her cousin Elizabeth who's well advanced in years and who lives in the wilderness and Elizabeth is bearing John the Baptist who God also came to in an angelic visitation and said I know you're old but I'm God and you're going to conceive and your son is going to be a prophet of the most high God so I just want to say this you know if God impregnates you with the vision or a dream or a prophetic promise you need to surround yourself with those who've also been impregnated by the Holy Ghost because it's only those people who will encourage you who with whom you can identify with whom you understand the wilderness experience that will preach but man I don't want to go there but it's important that you understand when God puts something deep in your spirit something like a pregnancy that you have to go to someone like an Elizabeth who when you see them the thing that inside of them leaps at the sound of your voice I'm excited for what God did in you yes praise God okay that's a sermon right there but we're going to keep going and Matthew chapter 2 we also see that chapter 1 and chapter 2 that an angel came to Joseph in a dream several times said your wife is going to the Holy Spirit is going to come on her she's going to conceive bear a son his name shall be Jesus he gave him the full download appears to to marry the same thing and she she they both you know freak out obviously because when God speaks that's what man does we freak out we know that the child is born there's wise men are magi that come from the east they probably traveled at least a year but probably two years they followed a star walked through nations until they came into Bet into Judea and they went to Herod who was kind of the governor over Judea they came to Herod and they said there was obviously a big deal because they're they're rich men they're wealthy men so they're scholars they're smartest men on the earth and they came to the president of the land and they said tell us where is the Christ to be born because we followed a star that's that's that's led us to this place and we've come to worship him at that point Herod gets freaked out because he works for Caesar for Rome he doesn't want to get in trouble he doesn't want an uprising among God's people Israel who they were held in captivity under Rome in that time and so Herod was so so jealous and so fearful that he called all the priests and all the scribes together he sat them down he said you tell me where does your loss say prophesied the Christ is to be born and they said well that's easy in Bethlehem and then they quoted that verse in chapter 2 verse 6 in Bethlehem in the land of Judah are by no means least among the rulers of Judah for from you shall come a ruler who shepherd my people Israel so they ended up leaving they go into Bethlehem Herod then sends a decree into the land and in Matthew chapter 2 the decree is also one of death also one of infants he says those who are two years and under those males not females but males who are two years and under they are to be killed in Bethlehem do you see the pattern another transition generation rises up and the decree of death goes forward notice that it's a political decree it's politically authorized commission and funded death upon the children this is in the environment in which Jesus Christ and John the Baptist was birthed in this context there was a decree of death on the land God once again sovereignly protects them the angel the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream again apparently that's how he hears from God you know he gets dreams you know you've got the dream guys you got the vision guys you got the you know these guys the prayer guys apparently Joseph was a dream guy the angel the Lord came to him again in a dream and said you need to leave you need to leave this place right now after the child was born and you need to go to Egypt until Pharaoh dies Pharaoh dies angel the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream again and he says you need to go back into Bethlehem to fulfill the prophecy spoken about this one or into Nazareth to fulfill the prophecy spoken about this one that he would be a Nazarite so he goes back into to Nazareth but notice this that when Jesus was born when God wanted to raise up a deliverer he birthed him into an environment when on the earth there was a death decree over infants then he sovereignly protected his life by by the direction of the Holy Spirit and then he moved his family into the wilderness do you see the pattern and then if you look in the in the example in Luke I believe it's chapter two but you can look at it later the same thing happens to John the Baptist John the Baptist is is you know the angel of the Lord I think it's all right I think it's Gabriel who comes to Zachariah the priest in the temple as he's serving the Lord he appears to me says your wife is gonna bear a son even though she's advanced in age he's gonna be a prophet of the most high God you know Zachariah his dad says well how can this be we're so old and the angel Lord said well it's because I'm Gabriel and I stand in the presence of God don't you love that reason he's like because I'm Gabriel and I stand before God I just love this I love this because that was his that was his argument that's his apologetic how do you know that the word of God is true because I'm Gabriel and I stand in the presence of God I'm not just some principality I'm not just some demand you know angel minion that sent to protect someone I stand in the presence of God and you're not gonna speak for nine months he goes mute for nine months and then at his birth he comes out bewildered you know with a rope around his waist because he was in the holy place and if he died their tradition was the priest would not go in there for fear of their death from seeing the glory of God but instead they would pull him out of the holy place not peeking around the corner either so he comes out with his rope around him and he they realize he had seen a vision they realize he's freaked out and he can't talk dramatic birth dramatic experience you know nine months later Elizabeth bears a son they're about to name him and and everyone wants to name him something else and she says name him John and there's an argument and then all the sudden Zachariah writes out and his name is John and he shows him it and then on the eighth day when he was circumcised Zachariah's tongue is loosed and he prophesies the destiny of John he shall be a profit of the most high God he will go before the Lord and prepare his way before him so again when God births a transition generation there's all this prophetic activity God speaks their destiny from the very beginning it's in an environment of death he takes them into the wilderness just like John was taken into the wilderness to become a Nazarite from birth he would never drink wine no razor whatever come upon his head he was altogether a hippie you know through and through Pete Williams he was altogether a hippie through and through he was to be consecrated to the Lord set apart unto God holy from the day of his birth why because he had a destiny and I'm here to tell you I know I wasn't going to preach but I was just going to teach but I'm here to tell you that if you think there's destiny on your life if you believe that God sets you apart for something significant on this earth then you better believe that God is at some point going to call you into an environment much like a wilderness he's going to call you to a place of training it may not be a seminary it may not be a Bible college but it's going to be a place in the spirit where you will go he will hide you in secret as he trains you and prepares you and puts his word in you fills you with the spirit teaches you his ways brings you low into his character into his humility he's going to train you in the mundane living in the wilderness you may carry a powerful prophetic promise like John the Baptist but you better believe that your next stop is somewhere you're going to be trained until you can publicly appear before Israel hey if you want a little calling you can go to Bible college or seminary and hang out with those guys I did that but I'm telling you if you want to be a nation changer you better believe that you have a one-way ticket into the wilderness you better believe that God's taking you somewhere that's uncomfortable you better believe that he's going to call you to a lifestyle of fasting and prayer like John the Baptist the compromise will be to cut your hair you know I don't mean physically I mean some you know symbolically like compromise like well I can just have a little bit of the world but if you believe that you're part of this great generation that will receive the coming of Christ and usher in the greatest move of God on the earth you will believe that your lifestyle God will call you to change it he will call you into a devotion that you've that is un-American he will call you into a lifestyle that defies American Christianity defies American ways I'm telling you if you believe there's real destiny on your life he'll call you into whole-hearted devotion to him sacrificial lifestyle unto Christ in over the last year I'll just I just want to tell you I know the Scripture says you don't talk to people when you're fasting or whatever but sometimes we need to say things that are true to inspire people to live fully surrendered lives you see what I'm saying when I was in Kansas City this time last year God clearly spoke to my heart in December he said this is a year where you're going to see you're going to seek my face with all your heart like never before I said praise God what do you want me to do he said if you're willing set aside every Wednesday fast don't eat seek my face commit that day to prayer and don't pray for a revival don't pray for a move of God but pray that you would know me pray that you would know me and I'm here I'm standing here having been faithful to that mandate from God every Wednesday even when I didn't want to hunger pains come how many of you know when you're fasting you wake up hungry dude it's like Tuesday night comes I'm gonna fast Lord everything in you goes oh no so you just pick out Doritos donuts ice cream and it makes it worse you learn right away that it's bad having diarrhea when you're fasting and so you change your diet you live in self-control but I'm telling you Wednesday comes around and you wake up early the alarm doesn't go off you wake up at 4 a.m. you had the biggest best meal the night before but still at 4 a.m. for some reason your wide-eyed you normally wake up at 6 7 if you're in college 11 and you wake up at 11 a.m. a 4 a.m. and your stomach is growling like no other and your palms start sweating you know I feel sick to my stomach maybe God doesn't want me to fast today cut your hair cut your hair cut your hair cut your hair cut your hair leave the wilderness and go into the comfortable city cut your hair and so I'm I want to call us if you believe there's a call in your life God's gonna call you into wilderness he's gonna call you into whole hearted emotion your life will look different and it'll challenge the experience of other believers around you okay this is a teaching it's a teaching okay so we see in both transition generations that God birthed them into environment of death he set them apart and he he sovereignly protected them then he gave them prophetic promise and then he took them into the wilderness to train them does that make sense okay now we need to realize that right now the generation in which we live in America alone over the last 34 years there's been a decree of death Roe versus Wade we know this I'm not telling you anything new but I'm putting something in your spirit that you will herald I believe from if God would call you from this day forward Roe versus Wade abortion was pushed up the doors to abortion was pushed open in American since from that time just what 30 something years ago we've seen between 40 and 50 million lives taken in one nation to put this in perspective okay the Holocaust saw approximately seven to eight million Jewish men and women children killed this puts that level of killing to shame we called that genocide we need to call this infanticide it's a brutal war targeting innocent lives all one-aged and it's just been happening for 30 years in our nation it's skyrocketed right now there's an environment of a decree of death on the in America do you think God might be raising up a generation that he'll use to deliver the the nations in the last 20 to 30 years there's also been in the church especially in America there's been a rise of the prophetic ministry where people all the sudden are their ears and their hearts are open to hear the word of the Lord there's been an increase in visions and dreams and those who prophesy those who minister in the prophetic word I'm telling you in the last 20 30 years there's been movements like that Jerry is part of the charismatic renewal in the 60s Jerry Fry our elder in San Jose he was at the very center the heartthrob of this movement which released spiritual gifts into the church in the United States that previously weren't operative like the prophetic word then word of knowledge the word of prophecy the word of wisdom and it was released in a profound way and that led to the Jesus movement which was another charismatic Pentecostal salvation movement among young people in the 70s out of that came in the 80s the vineyard movement in Southern California where God raised up John Wimber and he raised up a church that after they were filled with the Holy Spirit in the first week they saw 500 new converts on the streets 500 in one week God so radically filled this church with this spirit and they understood the operation of the gift these the Holy Spirit gifts he used this ministry around the world to shape Christianity as we know it today a worship movement came a healing movement came prophetic movement came at that same time God raised up Mike Bickle in Kansas City he raised up Rick Joyner in in North Carolina he raised up ministries like the house of prayer he raised ministries like Morning Star Fellowship which were prophetic in nature that would began to release prophetic words around the globe and till we come today here we were new song series Clover Keep Bible Fellowship in Spanoi just 10 years ago we didn't even believe in the spiritual gifts God shows up and angel visitation delivers a message all of a sudden a pastor gets healed we didn't even believe in healing all of a sudden the demonic manifests in our service we didn't even know demons that we thought they only lived in Africa do you see what I'm saying and then he introduced the prophetic Word of the Lord and people started to receive profound promises over their lives and if we were to ask those in this room the vast majority in this room would say that you've heard from God prophetically in in ministry in this in this church 10 years ago even into common most people you talk about prophecy people would flip balance they oh you go to that church but today God's done something in our in our community where people are tuned in to the prophetic Word of God and around the world today if you would go to a YM base or if you would go to a house of prayer or you would you would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't have a prophetic promise over their life you know what I'm saying and you would also find people like yourself who've been taken into places of wilderness places of hiddenness places of a loneliness with God where you feel like you're different why am I so different I don't fit in the regular church I don't fit in Sunday morning services I don't fit in summer camps I something bugs me about the every I closed and one pinky raised come to Christ tonight something bugs me about the way we do church something bugs me about the three some standing and then we sit down and then we sing a slow song and then we have the message and then we give the offering and then two more one one slow song performing while they're giving the offering and then we have another praise song on the end and then the pastor comes and gives the Bennett something bugs me about church and you think you're weird you think you're rebellious but in reality is God is raised he's raising up a generation who are not content with religion who are not content with a culture of unbelief and saying we want to recover what the Bible says is real Christianity at all costs we are not content to believe that the miracles are not for today we won't entertain doctrines in theologies and make up crap to comfort our our our lack of miracles do you know what I'm saying we don't want to create we're just God's just raised us up and it's like we're different we want something more than our experience is now permitting us and you go to bed I'm speaking to someone right now you go to bed sometimes God would you come to my school God would you save my family God would you move on the earth today there's a radical dissatisfaction in your spirit it's the same dispatix faction that he put placed in John that drove him to the wilderness caused him to eat wild locusts and honey never never cut his hair but then he had an ability to preach an authority to preach to transform the whole nation all right praise the Lord I want you to recognize right now what God is doing on the earth is that in one generation in one generation the decree of death has been released on the earth abortion in one generation the prophetic ministry has been released on the earth in a profound way then it had been for hundreds of years because people are still prophesying it just wasn't as widespread and in one generation he's taken churches he's drug them through the mud new song absolutely lost its reputation in the community because of those those demonized people that were manifested because the person got healed you know my creatures and Brian Brent became hated pastors in our city Lauren Cunningham pioneer forerunner of missions Brian says this week after week is if you look if you type in Lauren Cunningham google it you'll wreck you'll see one good website about him his own website and then you'll see dozens of websites calling him a cult leader calling him demonized calling him but the same thing they did to Jesus and John the Baptist so every foreigner receives this opposition but they're taken into the wilderness until they don't care about the reputation anymore so they have no regard for the fear of man so they have no regard for what people think of them so they have no regard for making a resume all they care about is the glory of God and that he manifests them publicly I dare say that where we've been as a community as God's hidden us in the wilderness because we received these prophetic promises in an environment where there's been a decree of death but he's ready he's about ready to manifest us publicly not for our own glory but because he wants to do something on the earth and he's preparing a people for his own his own purposes amen so in the same way that both generations Moses are we okay are we doing good okay are you sure no one's falling asleep slap yourself if you're falling asleep left and right in the same way that Moses is generation then Jesus John the Baptist generation experience these same characteristics that typified a transition generation we are experiencing those today but I want to talk briefly about I want to tell you about the differences between these two generations the difference is that when the decree of death came upon Moses it only came upon one people group the Hebrews the Jews when the decree of death came upon Jesus it only came upon Bethlehem it was localized when the decree of death came in our age it came in a global scale around the world this last year there was something of 42 million abortions last year around the globe those are statistics provided by organizations like Planned Parenthood so pro abortion organizations 42 million globally that's as many as we've had in 30 years that means there's a hundred and fifteen thousand lives taken a day a global scale of a decree of death in Moses's generation when God sovereignly protected his his his his deliver he protected one man in Jesus's generation when he sovereignly protected his deliver he protected one man Jesus he took them both in the wilderness but in our hour by those statistics 42 million a year around the globe you better believe that you're here heart beating spirit in your body minds turning by miracle chance because you happen to be birth in a family that didn't want to kill their baby there's 42 other million families that decided they would you were sovereignly protected and this has happened globally and Moses's generation when God came to deliver the prophetic word there was only one push person that stood before a burning bush Moses and Jesus's generation then the angels appeared to the parents there was only two sets of parents that received those prophetic promises the parents of John the Baptist and the parents of Jesus Christ Jesus of Nazareth but in our generation today the prophetic ministry has been released around the globe and today we see on a global scale prophetic destinies promises being declared over peoples churches ministries for decades upon decades now generate our entire generation this has been happening you see you see the contrast in Moses's generation when God wanted to train up a man he took one man Moses into the desert the wilderness for 40 years in the life of John the Baptist when God wanted to prepare a man he took he took he took excuse me one man one forerunner into the wilderness for 30 years when he wanted to prepare Jesus he took him into the wilderness one man he didn't have a church with him there weren't other nations participating into the wilderness one man 40 days but today God has taken churches ministries individuals whose heart are burning for something more who are longing for a move of his spirit who are longing for more than what their the world is currently experiencing on the earth and he's released a cry that said God give us the book of Acts at all cost on a global scale so you have hotbeds communities around the world where people are devoted to saying God do it again God do it again but they're in secret they're in hiding the Chinese church the African church the Korean church the you see what I'm saying movements in America morning star house of prayer whatever God's doing in Reading whatever God's doing in Tacoma he's doing it on a global scale and I dare say I dare say even as we saw those characteristics localized in the life of Moses and in the life of John the Baptist and Jesus and then we saw a localized revival one nation coming out of the wilderness with Moses one nation the Jewish people coming to hear John the Baptist preaching me baptized by him in the wilderness in the same way they had localized abortion localized prophetic words localized preparedness preparation localized training and they saw a localized revival we in our generation have seen a global decree of death we've seen we've been globally sovereignly protected by God we've been globally moving in the prophetic revelation about and destinies have been unfolded globally God has hidden his church and and is trained up in the wilderness and I dare say we will see a global move of God that we will not see a localized movement I dare say we're not contending for something for a few campuses to experience salvation I dare say that what we're praying and contending for and breaking in into commas that we're on the the precipice of something God wants to take around the world nation after nation city after city I dare say not because pastor prophesied it not because the angel declared it but because the Bible pattern shows it do you see what I'm saying I think I've been going for 50 minutes 55 minutes are we okay because I still have an important part that was like this was the set up okay this is the backdrop say backdrop this was the backdrop for understanding the context for when God moves in by a spirit okay but by the way we're here to 11 anyway do you know I'm saying okay this is gonna fuel our prayer pretty soon I want you to turn right now to Malachi chapter 3 it's the last book in the Old Testament right before Matthew right before Matthew I forgot that and I just began turning all the way right before Matthew Malachi chapter 3 this was the last words that God was speaking to his people before there was 400 years of silence in between the gap between the Old Testament and the New Testament so before John the Baptist came on the scene before the angels appeared to Joseph and Mary and Zachariah and Elizabeth to declare that they would conceive a miraculous you know they would have miraculous conception and they would conceive these these trans world transformers you know before that happened there was 400 years of silence no one heard from God so they began making up crap making up laws and ceremonies and regulations and people got more and more bound in religion how many of you know and got when they you can't hear of God's voice you just make up crap oh that's what I do it's like when you pray for someone you know can you pray for me over this issue oh yeah certainly God I just pray generic prayer you bless this person God that your blessings would be abundant on them that their cup would overflow with God that they would they would just Lord hallelujah bless them God let them have peace in Jesus name God and I also ask that you'd give them peace like a river attended their way God you know it seems like a generic prayer versus someone who goes oh you want me to pray okay Lord what do you want me to pray they split you right to the core Lord right where they're at right now I pray you meet them when they feel this this this and this about you I pray that you'd show them the truth and you're you know when you know when you know you can't hear from God you just make up crap you know no one gets blessed and then you can hear from God praise God and you can pray prayers that really okay all right praise the Lord we were at Jason Lee Middle School on Thursday with Trent Kelly Nelson and their team ministering their campus life club Jason Lee Middle School hard Middle School in Tacoma got to preach the gospel we saw 70 kids come to Christ 70 kids coming Christ it was nuts it was one of those deals were like okay because about about 90% of the people there came to Christ you know tears in their eyes wanting to just give a life to Jesus we had to say okay because there's so many of you we can't pray for all of you individually so please just stand up now and we'll all pray together to come to Jesus and we did that and I see a person after person just crying crying tears of tears of joy tears of pain junior hires six seventh and eighth graders giving their hearts to Jesus this is the real shocker is that they knew they were having root beer floats right after that they normally only preach 10 to 15 minutes I can preach like 25 minutes or something like that how do you do that junior hires all those juices moving you know it's true it's like it was the spirit of the Lord he gripped their hearts and and when we gave the altar call I said I literally said memoritize it but those of you who really want to give your life to Jesus I'm not I love saying God's he didn't die on the cross so you'd attend church and be a better person he had died on the cross so you give him your whole life it's a life for a life who wants in all around the room and then they knew they had root beer floats and they still prayed and they still stayed there I mean that's a miracle that's miracle power right there you know do that in a junior high you're walking on water praise the Lord there are miracles today then we said for those of you who want more prayer I want you to stay stay right here there's a probably about a dozen of them that stayed there everyone else got in line to say yeah I gave my life to Jesus give me a root beer float and 12 stay tears in their eyes one and more help when we took him in the back room they got delivered and healed and set free and filled with God's Holy Spirit in a junior high praise God so we can't pray in the schools praise God okay so in Malachi God is prophesying of the the significant thing on the earth in chapter three he says behold I send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me who's he talking about John the Baptist you know that you can put this in your notes because Matthew chapter 11 John came Jesus was speaking about him he said John was he of whom it is written behold my I sent my messenger before me he'll prepare my way then and it says and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight behold he is coming says the Lord of hosts but who can endure the day of his coming and who can stand when he appears so it's interesting that when John came he was fulfilling this prophecy that was given hundreds of years before he came and when John came on the earth he prepared the way for the Messiah he fulfilled this prophetic word but Jesus said this what John was he of he was the Elijah who is to come so in other words he was saying yeah he came and he fulfilled this but Elijah is to come in Matthew chapter now the NIV says he was the Elijah who was to come but the real scripture says he is the Elijah who is to come that is like he's come but he's still yet to come do you see what I'm saying and if you read this prophecy in Malachi 3 look at verse 5 it says then I will draw near to you for judgment say judgment I'll be a swift witness against the sorcerers adulterers those who swear falsely all these people I'm going to come on them with judgment how many of you know when Jesus came in his first coming in his first coming the Bible says John says no the law came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ so in his first coming Jesus Christ did not draw near to the earth to judge the earth he said himself I've come not to judge the earth but to bring peace he came not to bring judgment in his first coming but he came to bring salvation and life to the earth so you have to realize that this passage in Malachi was only partially fulfilled by John the Baptist because John was the Elijah who is to come it was only partially fulfilled because although John prepared the way for his first coming Jesus is coming again this time not in salvation power but in power for judgment and to rule into rain on the earth you see this so this is speaking about the second coming of Christ okay so understand this before the second coming of Christ God saying he's going to send his messenger on the earth who's going to prepare the way to receive the coming of the Messiah the coming of the lion of the tribe of Judah okay and then we keep going in chapter 4 behold the day of the Lord is coming burning like an oven now that's not a good fire because he says whoo praise the Lord he says when all the arrogant and the evil doers will be stubble the day that is coming shall set them ablaze remember that's not a good fire says the Lord of hosts so that it will leave them neither root nor branch God's coming in fiery judgment to burn up evil at his second coming do you see that okay so you have to understand that there's still going to be this preparatory work around the globe that will prepare the way of the Lord and I dare I say that it's our generation because the same signs that Moses saw the same signs that John the Baptist saw we see in this generation on a global scale verse 2 but for you who fear my name but for you who fear my name I want to tell you I want you to know something that in the last days the generation that would receive the coming of the one who would judge the earth there would be a remnant of people that God would reserve on the earth who would fear his name they would primarily be marked by the fear of the Lord what has God sent Jerry Fry and Peggy Fry to teach our body the fear of the Lord God is reserving for himself a people that would truly fear him revere his name the next thing so that excuse me but for you who fear my name the son of righteousness shall rise the son S U N that's the cosmic gases of fire that is burning in the sky you see what I'm saying the son of righteousness shall rise son of righteous I'm telling you though in the last generation the movement of God the remnant that he sets apart they'll be so radically marked by the righteousness of God it will be like the sons rising on them with such a brilliant shining radiance they'll be like Moses who spent just a few times with God he came down the mountain his face was glowing they will we will carry the manifest glory of God because it's it's expressed in righteousness God's gonna rise on these people who fear him they'll be radiant reflecting the glory of God with healing in its wings healing in its wings what does wing suggest and the Sun is a cosmic thing that the whole earth sees I dare say that though in the last day's generation will fear his name they'll manifest the righteousness in the glory of God but they'll also there will also be released a global outpouring of divine healing on the earth it will in a sense fly around the globe it will be like the son that of righteousness that rises with healing in its wings I'm here to tell you I'm here to proclaim that the coming move of God God's people will be marked by the fear of the Lord they'll manifest the righteousness of God and they'll move in supernatural healing power on a global scale why do we know this we saw this in the first transition generation with Moses the waters that were bitter were healed we saw this in the next transition transition generation with Jesus in the apostles and we'll see it again in the generation that receives the coming of the Son of Lamb of God are we okay almost done here the Bible says you shall go out leaping like calves from the stall say leaping say calves let me ask you this are calves old or young I want you to know the the move of God in the end of the age will be young people who are given holy to the fear of God who manifest the righteousness of God on the earth who move in healing power around the globe they'll be like young calves who leap out of the stall that is their release from their place of training that is their release from their place where they rested that's is their release from their place where they were developing and and being trained and being groomed and being fed like calves from the stall they'll break out leaping I'm telling you they might not be those the stall might not be a Bible college it might not be a seminary chances are it's probably gonna be a wilderness type experience like Moses like John the Baptist and like Jesus but when these calves break out of their stalls at an early age at an early age the Bible says this is what they're gonna do verse 3 you shall tread down the wicked for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet the picture of ashes under the feet it kind of suggests that these young people are on fire these young calves are so in fire it's like demonic powers the wicked are like ashes under their feet Jesus can't set the book of John pistol the first John says the son of man was manifest so that he might destroy the works of the devil I'm here to tell you that I believe the coming move of God will be young people who will fear the name of God who manifest his righteousness on the earth who move in healing power around the globe who will be released from places of training and they'll blast out of those places of training and they'll trample under foot the demonic powers around the world do you see what I'm saying this is good I'm gonna stop there and I want to share two things okay understand this in the second this final move of God the Bible says on that day when I act to verse three says the Lord of hosts in other words he's saying when I move on the earth when I act it's a movement of God on the earth when he acts there's gonna be violent judgment on the earth and at the same time God reserves people who fear him manifest his righteousness move in healing power and destroy the works of the devil at a young age like calves leaping out of the stalls the same time there's judgments of God poured out there's revival poured out do you see yeah a couple months ago I'm gonna share two things I don't know pray are you guys okay no one's asleep are they okay a couple months ago I had this dream and it was one of these life-changing dreams you know where I was just so encountered something it was the Lord I woke up full of an urgency in the fear of God and I had to get on my knees and cry out for God's mercy and really what happened the summer summarization of the dream is that I was on this crowded beach at the bottom of this steep hill and as I looked out on this beach as I looked out on the waters I saw seals jumping out of the water in unison and in the dream I thought well that's beautiful I don't know if you've ever seen dolphins or seals jump out of the water it's amazing and then immediately after that I saw a whale two whales jump out of the water and my heart was filled fear and I thought oh no and I had the idea in the dream isn't it true that before there's a tsunami wave a big wave that animals start doing freakish things they start behaving weirdly because that was the the what the records say in Sumatra and in different places like that when the tsunami came animals started violently running out of the water right before the the wave broke and in the dream I looked out over the ocean and from from coast to from from north to south I saw whales and seals jumping out of the water all as far as I could see I was filled with an urgency I turned around I began sprinting up this hill I was sprinting for many many second probably 30 to 45 seconds I was and I it was a long sprint and I was so I heard many many people following me up this hill screaming because they saw big wave coming I did not turn back to look even once the end of the dream someone yelled out 60 seconds and I woke up immediately with my palm sweating my heart beating in a cold sweat saying God have mercy on America please God have mercy on America I sent to the dream to some friends young people in the community they said oh yeah there's calamity it's coming it's bad news and praise God those are rookie interpretations you know because I send it to another friend in Texas who's older she's you know she's a woman of God she's a she really moves in wisdom she emailed me back and she said yes there's judgments that come but I'm telling you the the big wave that's coming for Adam for the last 30 years people prophesied that the last the last move of God would be like a tsunami that hits America she said so this dream is about a move of God and then she said this the seals represent the love of God sung a Solomon I think it's 4 8 or 9 you've set me as a seal upon your heart it's a seal upon your arm she said but the whales represent the judgments of God she said just ask Jonah about that one so she said the gist of her interpretation was the coming move of God will carry both God's judgments and revival power his love you need to be prepared for both she said but God's people will be protected she said I sense that you you don't need to run up the hill out of fear but you need to run up you need to run up the hill so you can see greater prophetic insight and warn God's people what's coming she said no the words 60 seconds all I could think of was Isaiah 60 Isaiah 61 says arise shine for the light has come the glory of the Lord has risen upon you the next verse says but behold darkness covers the face of the earth in deep darkness so in Isaiah 60 verses 1 and 2 you see the glory of God manifest but you see wicked judge you see wickedness and judgment on the earth it's the same dream I shared that last week on Friday night right before stadium outreach I walked into stadium high school a young lady comes up to me running up to me she hands me a piece of paper she said I heard you had a dream which by the way when I typed out my dream I typed out the date September 11th 2008 the seven-year anniversary of the greatest attack some say a judgment on American soil she hands me this dream I read it in the bathroom at stadium high school and she says in this dream I was I was walking down a hill and I found myself on a tropical beach she says as I looked out onto the water I saw seals and whales jumping out of the water as far as I could see and I I was filled with terror because I thought oh no big waves coming a tsunami is coming and people started running up this steep hill but she was in the water there was not enough time for her to get away the wave immediately took her to the top the peak up the face to the peak in it threw her into the water as it crashed on the ground she was filled with terror she said she literally saw the statue of lip the head of the Statue of Liberty fly by her and animal after animal fly by her in the water she was filled with tear until she heard a voice from heaven say do not be afraid you will be protected she said at that moment she began to be at peace supernatural peace and she began to breathe underwater she said what do you think it means I don't know girl but I know it got showed me I'm telling you the coming move of God will carry both the wave that's gonna hit America it's gonna spark the end time revival and welcome the coming of the son of the son of man will be a movement that carries both judgments on the earth economic disaster economic ruin can't where are we at in America right now and it's gonna get worse I'm telling you but God's people there'll be a remnant that are protected and will breathe underwater and will fear the name of the Lord the son of righteousness will rise on us and will manifest the glory of God we'll move in supernatural healing power will be sent out of the place of our training leaping for joy to trample the demonic powers on the earth there'll be ashes under our feet on the day he acts says the Lord on the day he acts says the Lord are you filled with faith right now I we're gonna we're gonna pray here oh well I want like an hour and a half we're gonna pray here I don't think I've ever preached or spoke that long praise the Lord the Ziga anointing yeah yeah guys I want to keep going too you know it's like what is God's message to this end-time generation verse 4 remember the law of my servant Moses and all that I commanded him at horrid for all Israel God's message to our generation and that will host this revival is that stay true to my word remember my word that I gave Moses on the mountain what mountain the mountain that he he prophesied to him at the prop the mountain that he called the children Israel to the mountain that he gave him the law that mountain that he gave him the instructions for building the temple the first movement of God on the earth it was a worship movement prayer movement he gave him detailed instructions I'm telling you God wants us to remember that when he wants to do a movement on the earth he gives detailed instructions that are to be followed to the tea when he wanted to build the temple he said I want this marble I want these woods I want this kind of gold this amount these are the dimensions he was not interested in an interior designer so when he wants to do a movement on the earth he's not interested in people who have arguments about the style of music who have arguments about how you pray and this and that he's interested in people following these detailed instructions to carry them out on the earth verse 5 behold I'll send you a lie to the prophet before the great an awesome day of the Lord and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children the hearts of the children of the fathers lest I come strike the land with the decree of utter destruction I want you to know that this end-time move of God these this people who fears name will host that anointing of Elijah behold I send my prophet Elijah he's gonna do this on the earth but it's a corporate anointing it's not just one man but for you who fear my name plural the son of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings you shall you shall plural break out of the stalls leaping like haves plural and you shall plural tread upon wickedness there should be ashes under your feet plural but remember you remember my law plural and behold on that day I'm gonna send Elijah praise the Lord okay praise God so we it's important that we understand that because it's one thing to believe a prophetic word about a move of God it's another thing to have an angel visit you and say this is what God's gonna do on the earth that's that's hardcore but it's altogether something different when the prophetic word declares it bam this is what I want to do these are the signs you need to look out for decree of death divine protection prophetic released and then I put my people in the wilderness till I manifest them publicly it happened locally before and they saw a local local revival it's happening globally today and we will see a move of God that will hit the nations of the earth can we pray for the next 40 minutes until 11 o'clock why don't you stand to your feet please