City Central Church Podcast

City Central Night Watch (Wednesday) Topic: Worship

2h 32m
Broadcast on:
11 Dec 2008
Audio Format:

Evangelist Emmanuel Ziga
[CHEERING AND APPLAUSE] Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Please be seated. You know, I just thank God for Brian and Bruce and all of you. It's like a family I never had. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and thank you, man of God. Yeah. May Heaven reward you. Yes, amen. Amen. You know, I can be emotional, I'm usually. And so to avoid, you know, breaking down, let me just preach. OK. [LAUGHTER] That's all right. Yeah, and, but all I want to say is thank you. Thank you. Wish I'd get that job done. [LAUGHTER] Amen. Open your Bibles to the Book of John, John Chapter 17, John 17, and we will be handling the subject on worship today. [INAUDIBLE] This is a subject that God does not release me to preach often, the subject of worship. Because it's not supposed to be a common subject. Yeah, as common as we see worship, it's a classified information when you get into the realm of the Spirit. And because worship is so personal to God that he is very selective as to who gives him the worship. Now, worship is like a husband and a wife. And the marriage is so exclusively inclusive that to make the marriage pure, it must be selective as to who comes close to the marriage. So in our homes, we have the living room, then we have the kitchen. But we also have a place in the house called the bedroom. And it's not for everybody who comes into the living room. So you can be in the house, but only few are allowed to enter into the bedroom. You can have 50,000 people walk into your house, and the father they can go would be the living room. Maybe if by grace they are loved a little bit, they come into the kitchen. And maybe once a while to the library, that's also very selective. But beyond that, nobody really gets into the bedroom except the father and the mother. Do you hear what I'm saying? So worship is like that unto God. And as we go through these studies, you would begin to understand what I mean. That's why Jesus said that the father seeketh those who would worship him in spirit and in truth. He's not seeking everybody, only those who can be trusted. So when a man, for example, if I would visit the house of Pastor Brian or Pastor Bruce, and if they invite me into their bedroom, that is a privilege upon privileges. And something must have been very serious for him to do that. And in most cases, when the husband just begins to bring someone into the bedroom, you could see the wife, she says, "Honey, what are you doing?" She says, "Honey, honey, honey, excuse me, excuse me." If you really want to do that, can you just give me five minutes? Let me go in and make sure it's ready for that kind of eye to see. Because the way it is, it's only for you and I to see. But if you want to bring that guy, if you really want to, we want to make sure that he is deprived of some information. Because he cannot be trusted yet. Am I speaking to somebody here? Yeah. Now, the scripture I want to start with is John chapter 17, John chapter 17. And I'll read verse 21. Verse 20 actually says, especially verse 19, especially verse 1. So let's start with verse 1. See, it's good to crack over the place as well. So verse 1, this words speak Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven, you see, and said, "Father, the hour is come, glorify thy son, that thy son also may glorify thee. As thou has given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou has given him." And this is life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God. And Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. Let's pray. Wonderful Messiah. Exclusive Jehovah. Fragrant Lord and Savior. We submit all our lives, including eternity unto you today. Let that which is in the secret chambers of your being be revealed unto us today. And keep us in the secrets of your presence and let your Holy Spirit seal us in there. And close our eyes away from knowing the entrance that no one will exit in the name of Jesus. Lost keep us in the inner circle. And don't let us know how to get out of it. Lord be glorified. Holy Spirit, you are the cloud that baptizes the people of God. Make us baptize in the cloud today. We release the baptism of the cloud over this worship college. The college of worship tonight. In Jesus name. Amen. So the Bible says Jesus looked up unto heaven. And this was believed to be one of the most powerful prayers in the Holy Scriptures, in the whole Bible, that Jesus prayed and interceded. You see in the Bible all kinds of powerful intercessions by men of God. For example, you could see in Genesis chapter 18 how Abram interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah. And Abram literally baggained with God concerning Sodom and Gomorrah. He said, Lord, what if you find 20 righteous souls? What if you find? He was pushing the bagging in. And each time he lost it. He tried again. He said, well, it didn't work. Go further. He should have pushed the further to just about two. He would have won the debate. And stop God from destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. Now, that's intercession. But in another dimension, it's also called bagging in with God. How we get into the life of prayer and we stand before God over an issue. Someone dying of AIDS, dying of cancer, dying of pain. And we begin to bagging on the other behalf. That Lord, you will forsake anger and receive mercy and justice. That you will interfere with judgment. That mercy will appeal to you more than anger and revenge. And give this person one more chance. That was a very powerful intercession in Genesis 18. Another intercession in the Bible has to do with the intercession of Nehemiah in Nehemiah chapter 9. And you see a similar intercession in Daniel chapter 9. The similar one also in Ezra chapter 9. And Daniel was so upset with the desolation of Israel that he took pain to investigate, to inquire, "Why should we be so much in captivity for all these years?" And he said, "And quiet before the Lord." And I studied by the books of Jeremiah. And I saw that the prophecy was for a particular time. But then now, it looks like Israel had gone beyond the time when we should be coming out of pain. But the pain did not stop when it should stop. So Daniel began to intercede. And said, "Lord, I repent on my behalf and on behalf of my fathers." But we have rejected your laws, rejected your ordinances. We have thrown away your prophets. We have reduced the value of your holy things. Lord, I and my fathers have seen against you. Now, Daniel repented on behalf of the fathers what they did in the time he was not born. But because they were his fathers, whatever they did affected him, who was the son. So he repented about the past sins as though he was part of it. That's the spirit of true intercession. Because a true intercessor makes himself part of the sin. That's why Jesus, to intercede for our sins on the cross, he had to take our sins till he became sin. Until you can carry the burden as though you were the originator of the iniquity, you can never do proper atonement or intercession. So an intercessor is a burden carrier. An intercessor is not only a stand between or a go between, but an intercessor takes on the guilt and takes on the responsibility of the sin. He has to give birth to mercy and deliverance. Now, sometimes you see that's sort of been working when sometimes you want to pray for someone, and suddenly you begin to feel the pain of the person. You know, if the person has arm pain and you begin to feel the pain in the arm. It's not that you are taking on the demon. Sometimes we just quit. He said, "No, no, no, no. I began to be sick like that person." You think that you are taking on the demon. No, you are actually taking on the spirit of intercession. It's the Holy Spirit making you feel what the person is feeling so you can pray for the person effectively. And when the pain is lifted off you, you know the person is healed. All these have to do with a simple understanding of intercession. Intercession comes from two Latin words intercarre. Intercarre inter means in between. Carre means to go between or a between, a go between. So you are standing in between as a go between them. For example, if I would have, is there anything I can throw? Do you have any throwable? Yeah, thank you. Now, assuming that you were to throw this at Joshua. Joshua, lift up your hand. Okay. You throw it at him. You throw it well. Okay. Okay. Yeah. But I stopped it. Now, this missile was to hit him, but I intercepted it. So an intercessor is an interceptor. Where did he come from? Say amen. Now, so an intercessor is an interceptor. Now, that was one of these times a while ago we were praying in our ministry during our midnight prayer meetings. And right about 2 a.m., between 1 and 2 a.m. in the morning, as we were praying suddenly, I saw an arrow way in the clouds way up our other flying this way. And suddenly, involuntarily, I saw my spirit come out of me like a rocket. And when way into the clouds apprehended the arrow, brought it back into me, and I broke it, just like that. Some of you were there, some of you, yeah, you were done with it. And when that happened, without me even thinking about it, I saw this thing and I went up, picked it up, brought it down to me, I broke it. And after I broke, God said that was for President Bush. And the law said that there was an arrow, that was shot at him. But the intercession, that night, stopped it. I don't know what would have happened, I don't want to know. Maybe when we get to heaven, eventually we may know. But for President Bush, I have been interceding for him for two things, against assassination, by some strange, you know, Islamic guy, and also had been interceding for him against stroke. Because of the pressures that he busted the vein in the brain and had stroke. I had been praying for him, and I believe the arrow has to do with one of the two. Now, I'm saying all this to let you understand what Jesus came to do for you. What Jesus came to do for you. There is no intercessor like Jesus. And when he lived on the earth, he lived a life of prayer. If his prayer life was more, more, more consistent than his preaching life. And another time we'll handle the prayer life of Jesus. But then the Bible says, even now that he's in heaven, he is still interceding on our behalf. For the scriptures that he ever lived making intercession on our behalf. Well, I'm handling the subject of worship. Now, why am I bringing this dimension of worship from this understanding? The understanding is that if you don't understand who he is, you can never worship him properly. Because he is the object of worship, not the subject of worship. He is the object of worship. Say hallelujah, somebody. Now, worship, worship, you worship God based on number one, who you are. And number two, what you have. Both who you are and what you have are supposed to be seen in worship. For worship to be pure, you don't worship God only by what you have. Many times that's how we worship God. We worship God because of what we have. Not who you are. And we say, Lord, Lord, we have some 30 minutes. So let's worship you. And whilst we are worshipping him, we can't wait for the end of the 30 minutes because after 32 minutes we are supposed to be on the park having our pot log. So we have put our time, and it's a lot, you must be privileged to receive 30 minutes today, Lord. Because we have two hours to spend on the pot log. And we want to be there on time. So Lord, we are looking, so we are worshipping him based on what we have. But if you begin to worship him based on who you are, it changes the whole picture. Are you with me? So Jesus Christ was praying. And this was the last prayer we believe. He prayed a few other prayers. But they were not established as this one. Now we are in verse 4 of John chapter 17. I have glorified thee on the earth. I have finished the work which that has given to me. And now, oh Father, glorify thou me with thy own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. I have manifested thy name unto the man which thou gave us me out of the world. Thine the word, and thou gave us them to me, that they keep thy word. Now they have known that all things what sort of ada has given me out of thee. For I have given them, I have given unto them the words which thou gave us me. And they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from you. And they have believed that thou did send me. Verse 9. I pray for them, I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me, for they are dying. And all mine are dying, and dying are mine, and I am glorified in them. Very important understanding here. Jesus Christ was the Lord, for they knew that all I have is yours, and all you have is mine. Now you need to stand in the same revelation to know that God, all you have is mine, and all I have is yours. Paul writes to the Corinthians and says, "For all are yours, all are yours." You need to understand that you are not just worshiping God as an external foreign being, looking into the kingdom with some admiration. And he says, "Oh, what a nice kingdom. Oh, how about that we worship you? What a beautiful kingdom." And you look at yourself as though you are just outside the borderline, and marry what is inside. A true worshiper must understand that he is part of the kingdom. You are worshiping from the inside as a full partaker, participant, and a full ingredient blended and not separated from the spirit of the kingdom. Say, "I am in the kingdom." One more time, "I am in the kingdom." One more time. "I am in the kingdom." You say, "I am part of the kingdom, and the kingdom is within me." And the kingdom is within me. So because the kingdom of God is within you, when you are worshiping God, it's not just about you. As an individual, it's a whole kingdom affair. So worship is a kingdom affair. Worship is a kingdom affair. Verse 11, let's read. Now, I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thy own name, those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name. Those that thou givest me, I have kept, and none of them is lost by the son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled. And now come I thee to thee. These things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them thy word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Santaify them through thy word, thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I sent them into the world. And for diasics, I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Verse 20, "Neither pray I for this alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word, that they all may be one, as thou, father, at in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." Everybody read verse 22 with me, God. And the glory which thou give? Yes. Amen. Wow, you have several Bibles, huh? So let's read mine, okay? And the glory which thou give us me, I have given them, that they may be one even as we are one. Verse 23, "I in them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, that the glory that the world may know, that thou hast sent me, and has loved them as thou hast loved me." See how little you are somebody. Jesus Christ said that I am asking, I am requesting, that the glory which you have given me, that it be given to them. See how little you are somebody. Now based on this, I will begin to preach, amen. So Jesus preached, prayed, he taught and interceded that God, the ultimate I desire for them is not just for them to be in heaven, but that my glory be given to them. So worship is all about the glory. Worship is all about the glory that God has given you through Jesus, so that in that glory you can give God the fullness of the glory. You can never give God the glory in worship unless you know that you have the glory of Jesus. Am I speaking to somebody here? It's like a Muslim trying to say that I love Jesus. It's like a Muslim or a Buddhist trying to say I love Jesus. Everybody and anybody who sees a Buddhist or a Shintoist saying I love Jesus would be very suspicious. Number one, which Jesus are you talking about? And number two, what do you know about this Jesus? So many times we worship God from the point of ignorance and your ignorance, I would not say devalues, but has a way of reducing the awe of the whole subject. And I need you to understand that you are somebody worshiping a glorious king and that Jesus prayed for you already. That all his glory be given to you. So to give God the full glory, receive the glory of Jesus. And then you stand in that glory to give God a better glory. It changes worship. The whole atmosphere becomes like one spirit because if you have guilt of who you think you are, you can never give God all the glory. Because the guilt in you makes you feel inadequate. But the knowledge and the revelation of the glory of Jesus makes you feel adequate. Not in terms of pride, but adequate knowing very well that it is your place to give him worship. Another example, when you are dating your lady before you married her, it doesn't matter what way you took her to lunch in McDonald's. Breakfast in Jack out of the box. [ Laughter ] Oh, you took her to Newport Bay, you know, wonderful restaurant somewhere. She would never feel as adequate as when you put the ring on her. And she now misses. It changes her presentation around you. In other times when you are dating her, even when you go for shopping, maybe, you know, on her birthday or something, she walks around you with you as a friend, but as the other person. But when she's married and she's working with you, she doesn't work with you as a foreign person, but as a person in her right role. She feels she has the legality and she's legally accepted as part of you. And her confidence in serving you goes into an all-time high, so also it is. When we are worshiping God, and if we don't know that it's our place, we are legally married to Jesus, you can never walk with him and work with him and fulfill your ruling worship. Do you want to sound this? Okay, there is a legitimacy of revelation you must have, which can take you into the realms of the Spirit. Amen? It's good. Now, having said that, let's go to the Book of Revelation chapter 1. I will take my time on this subject and lay good foundations, see how they lay as somebody. So Revelation chapter 1, with this understanding, I read from verse 10, I was in the Spirit on the last day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet. I was in the Spirit on the last day. I was not out of the Spirit. I was in the Spirit. Do you see what I'm saying? Yeah, it means that I was in the right position. I was in the right place. I had the legalised understanding of my fellowship with God on that day. I wasn't like a lady trying to work with a man who was dating me. I was like a married woman because we are the wife of Jesus, the church. I was in the Spirit, see how they lay as somebody. Now, being in the Spirit and He said, "I had a voice." A great voice as of a trumpet saying, "I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last." And what thou see is right in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia, unto Ephesus and Smyrna and Pragamas, Antartira and Sadis and Philadelphia unto Lao-Dacia. And I tend to see the voice thus speak with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks. And in the midst of the seven candlesticks, one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the foot and get about the pups with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, and as snow and his eyes were as flame of fire. And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as a sound of many waters. So this was John in the Spirit. He has a voice in the Spirit. He tends to see in the Spirit and he saw Jesus. The same Jesus who prayed this prayer in John 17. Now you see where we are going. So he saw Jesus who prayed this prayer. This same John, when Jesus was praying this prayer in John 17, he was there. He saw Jesus pray the prayer. He had Jesus pray the prayer. For John was known to be one of the closest to Jesus. And out of the twelve he had three, and out of the three he had one. That one was John, who was supposed to be closest, knew much more than anybody else. But after he saw Jesus in the Spirit, he did not recognize him. And I had this voice like the great waters sounding, mightily, when I turned I saw another man. His head and his hair were white as war. His eyes were like flames of fire. He was in the white government with a golden girdle and his feet were as burning brass. And he began to speak to me. And his sound was like the sound of many waters. Rushing and I heard, you know, when you have a little flow of water in your backyard, a little creek and there is quietness, you hear. But he said the sound of many waters. You can imagine the volume and the vibrations that the voice was coming. And he said, "Dow John, write this that you see to the churches, see the churches." And he mentioned all the various churches and the various departments of the world that mattered to Christ at that time. Now Jesus, the head of the church, was giving John his opinion about the churches. My question is, new song is a wonderful church, but I would like to read the opinion of Jesus about you. Do you hear what I am saying? Yeah. Now we can also, we are good Christians, but we would like to see what God is saying about you. Would he call you a good Christian based on his opinion and his investigative report about you? So he was telling John, "John, I know these churches because I am the head of the churches. Every pastor in the churches, I appointed them. Every deacon, I ordained them. And all the ashes, I ordained them. And every member of the church, I know their hearts. All the marriages, I married them. All the babies, I gave them. And I named them all before they were born. So I know them. So now I'm giving you a summary of my opinion of the Church of Sardis, Philadelphia, Sminer, Pregamos. Ah, that's Silos up. Are you kidding me? Yeah. And he just went, I mean, bullet points, bim, bim, bim, bim, bim. I'm telling you, he was nearly everyone. He's a righteous. Now, so the first book, the first chapter of Revelation, the second chapter of Revelation, the third chapter of Revelation, how to do with Jesus meeting John in the spirit and giving John an information about the churches in the spirit. His spiritual opinion of the physical churches. And all this has to do with worship. Good, after giving him a report of the churches, chapter four. Look at chapter four. After this, I looked. See after this. See after this. See after this. See after this. So chapter three had finished, had ended, about the overcoming Christians of the various churches. Now he opened the fire and brought John to heaven. What was he going to show John about heaven? In heaven. He had spoken to John about the churches. What next? Say what next? So verse one, chapter four, verse one. After this, I looked and behold, a door was opened in heaven. And the first voice, which I heard as it were of a trumpet talking with me, which said, "Come up, Hida, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter." And immediately, I was in the spirit. And behold, a throne was set in heaven. And one sat on the throne. And Hida sat was to look upon like a jusper in a sardin stone. And there was a rainbow run about the throne inside, like an emerald. So there was like a halo, we call it a halo, the halo around him, like a rainbow. And verse four. And run about the throne where four and twenty seats. And upon the seats I saw, four and twenty elders sit in, clothed in wide rimmed. And they had on their heads, crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices. And there were seven lumps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God. And before the throne, there was a sea of glass, like unto crystal. And in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was as a lion. And the second like a calf, the third beast as the face of a man, the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had each of them six wings run about him. And they were full of eyes within and they arrested not day and night saying. What were they saying? Holy, holy, holy Lord God almighty, which was and which is the king. The Lord brings John up and shows him the throne. It shows him the most exclusive part of heaven and shows him the twenty four elders around the throne. Listen to this, this is all about worship. And then he makes him see and hear so sight and sound. And he was seeing this wonderful, wonderful throne room, this wonderful throne room of glory with one citad. So he showed him his father, Jehovah, Elleon, seated in state, just sitting in state on the throne. And all the twenty four elders with their golden crowns, that must have been beautiful sight. How likely was the DVD of that? And all these with their crowns. And he was watching this thing this way. And this was in the high heavens, in the spirit. Which means there are heights in the Holy Spirit. There is this level, but there's also that level. I was in the spirit, which is in the Holy Ghost. That's what it means. And I went into the highest level of the Holy Ghost. So worship. And then I saw this. And I'm telling you, he was watching my goodness. And he said, and this man was just like just emeralds and wonderful precious stones and glittering with the most precious imaginations we can have. Because it doesn't matter how much you stretch your imaginations, it's still so obsolete. The technology of your imaginations is so obsolete based on the current revelation of the spirit in one moment. It's called the vision of spirit time. And so here he saw all that. Then, coming to worship now, he heard these four beasts. And these four beasts were not the kind of beasts that we have heard about in the book of Ezekiel. These were just angels. For the Bible says they all had six wings. So these were angelic beings. We have cherubims. We have seraphims. We have the chief princes. We have different categories of angelic classes. Different creatures. And these were all worship angels around the throne. And these angels were worshiping the Lord. And were worshiping His majesty. And their words, which could not have been too many words in summary, were all in one simple word, holy. And in my imagination, any time they said holy, it was very electrifying. Holy. And he said holy. And he said holy with a passion. Not just holy as though it was a duty. And he said my time is up. Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. Now, next, let's change the gods. No, no, no, no, no. Like our soldiers do sometimes, you know, when everybody is to be, is to have His turn. And when it's your turn, you just march out for someone to march in and you go in and have your cheeseburgers. And then, and then, and then next is your turn. No, no, no, no. This was not just a dutyful activity. It was holy. And it was just, it's time there was like a fire of revelation and humility and a tearful understanding of this awesome great god of heaven that they are so privileged to even see, let alone worship. And they said holy. And the other angel was holy. And the other one would respond to holy. The other one would say holy. And it was a holy atmosphere of worship. Now, John was in the spirit and he was watching all these. Now, before we go any further, listen to this statement about me. Revelation 1, John was in the spirit. 2 and 3, God talks about the church. 4, God shows him the worship service of heaven. He wants him to see how heaven worships the throne, which is very much connected to the information of the churches. It's like I am telling you to write these to the churches. But after you've showed them my report about them, I also want you to give them a revelation of true worship. Zallelujah, somebody. It's a god what's from precept upon precept. A little bit, a little bit. And he builds and he builds. So after he rebukes the churches, invest up to 2 and 3, and give them hope that if you will work hard and overcome, I will reward you. But then he was saying that the reason why you felt shot was because of your lack of revelation of true worship. So John, the same John who is to rebuke the churches is to show them how to worship. So I am giving John a panoramic view and a revelation of worship. So when you come back from heaven, you tell them what you saw. So they shall all pattern their worship services in accordance to what I show you from heaven. Zallelujah, somebody. That's why if you watch the old church, the old churches, they did not only just believe in this revelation, but they tried to even pattern their sanctuary based on this revelation. You see a big old pulpit almost looking like a throne with all kinds of huge chairs around it. And sometimes some people have become almost very dogmatic about trying to be very perfect as to the revelation because they felt all the thought that if I can put all the ducks in the row, then God will show up as much as that may not be the right way, it is a better way than the other way. Because at least you have at least a physical understanding and a mindset that will remind you of how heaven expects worship. You see, having a vision of what you are supposed to do to me is more important than what you do. Imagination is more important, it's more powerful than the event. And we need to have the right imagination, the right understanding of what we are doing. Because sometimes we have no absolute no clue. It's like a fisherman trying to teach a doctor how to do surgery. It's like an archaeologist trying to show a pilot how to fly an F-16. Sometimes that's how it looks like. We are so outside the kingdom and yet want to participate in the very core of kingdom business. We have no clue. Well how many of you are really with me today? Certainly or somebody. I'm taking my time to build this properly. Because once you get it, you will be a worship service walking on two feet. You will be a church, a mobile church. Because the kingdom isn't you. You are actually carrying the kingdom, the mobile kingdom of God. The kingdom on two feet. So everything that you can see in God's throne in heaven must be seen in you. Because this is the temple of the living God. Say worship. Now so here, these four creatures, all some creatures were worshiping God. And they all have six wings, six wings. There is a comparison to this. To this in Isaiah chapter 6. Let's look at Isaiah chapter 6. And then we will continue from verse 7 of Revelation chapter 4. Isaiah chapter 6. And I read from the first verse. And it says, "In the year that King Isaiah died, I also saw the Lord sitting upon what? Ethron, say Ethron. So here, John sees Ethron. And Isaiah also sees what? Ethron. High and lifted up, and his throne filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphim. Each one had six wings. With twin, they covered their face, his face. With twin, they covered his feet. And with twin, they did fly. And one cried unto another, saying what? Holy, holy, holy is a lot of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory. So here again, what John was seeing Isaiah saw. And they all saw these six winged angels. And their job, in both stories, their job was just one. And all they were seeing was holy, holy, holy, holy. Which means that there are some angels in heaven who don't do any work at all. This is worship, holy, holy, holy. The book of Revelation says, and they said holy, holy, non-stop. So if eternity was three zillion years, it means for three zillion years, they will be saying worship, holy, holy, holy. And there is nothing like go home, take a nap, and have a break, and come back and say holy, no, twenty-four hours a day. And that's what they do. And all they do is to worship God, holy. And they don't go out of the throne room. They don't go to the mall in heaven. They don't go to the valleys, they don't go to watch any golf game in heaven. All this is to be in the throne room and make sure that God always receives his worship. Holy, holy, holy. Isaiah saw it in the spirit. John saw it in the spirit. Now what are we seeing in the spirit? Anybody who was in the spirit in those days saw an incredible visitation of God. Now what kind of spirit are we walking in? And we don't seem to be seeing anything. Hello? In other words, in other words the depth of your worship to God is dependent on your revelation of God. See man? Yeah. Now that's why I said earlier on that these angelic creatures, these creatures were angels called seraphims. In Revelation it described their faces. But in Isaiah there was no need to describe their faces because that was not the focus. Amen? Good. So let's go back to Revelation chapter 4. If I'm going too fast, you let me know. If I'm going too slow, you let me know. I think I'm going too slow. All right. Okay. I'm doing fine. All right. Thank you. Verse 7. And the first, the first beast was like a lion. The second beast was like a calf. The third beast was as the face of a man. And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. The four beasts that had, that had each of them six wings run about them. And they were all full of ice. And they rest not day and night. Is it in your Bible? Yes. They rest not what? Day. And they were saying what? Holy. Holy. Switch means worship is not supposed to stop. Worship must be day and night. It's good to have a worship service which is when we all come to congregate. And the true worship service is never supposed to end. 24 hours a day, there must be worship in your spirit. Wherever you are, there must be some symphony in your spirit. Because this is the temple of God. There must be music in the house hallelujah. There must be some choir in your temple. There must be some pipe organs in your heart. Giving God some wonderful, oh, hail the power of Jesus name. Let angels prostrate for. Well, you are driving, but you are having quiet in your heart. Pray for the royal dialogue. And crown him, Lord of law. You are driving on the freeway, but you are in church. Pray for the royal dialogue. And crown him, Lord of law. And when the sheriff stops you, you roll down your glass. You look at him, oh, hail the power of Jesus. Well, well, the sheriff tells you, well, I did not stop you for over speeding. But I was watching you and your head was good like that. So I was wondering what was going on. I said, yes sir. I was just worshiping my God. And you guys said, well, Sherry, this is very contagious, you know. He says, what do you mean? And then you just touch him and he goes, oh, hail the power. So he enters his car, he begins to drive, he begins to go like that. Then another Sherry pulls him over. And he also says, it's contagious, it's a pub. So it goes. What am I saying? True worship is very contagious. True worship is very contagious. Now, I'll prove it to you in the next verses. Let's read on verse 9. And when those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who lived forever and ever. Verse 9, before we go any further. These beasts were saying holy, holy, holy. That's what they were saying, is that right? In actual fact, they were doing much more than what they were saying. They were saying holy, holy. Then what they were doing was giving God, number one, glory. Giving God, number two, honor. Giving God, number three, praise and thanksgiving. So what they were saying was to describe the peppers. So worship is about three things. Giving God, honor. Giving God the glory and giving God thanks, praise. So if the worship is devoid of giving God glory, then we are just singing. If the worship is devoid of giving God honor, then we are only in a musical class. If the worship is devoid of giving God thanks, then we are only having a celebration of our own. But true worship must stay out the glory of God because it's about His glory. That's why I showed you first the prayer of Jesus. He said, "But give them my glory." Which means it's all about the glory of God and the glory of Jesus. Your salvation is about the glory of Jesus. Your marriage is about the glory of Jesus. Your finances are about the glory of Jesus. Your going in and your coming out is about the glory of Jesus. Your calling is about the glory of Jesus. Your anointing is about the glory of Jesus. Everything you say and do and you stand for us as saying is all about the glory of Jesus. Anything short of that is not what God planned for your life. And when you understand that you are an extension of the glory of Jesus, you can now give God the glory because you know what it means. And you understand the atmosphere within which glory must be planted. Are you with me? Now, there's something about glory. In our understanding, there's something about pedigrees. If I could use that word, pedigrees. I was in London sometime and you have some exclusive parts of London. Those of you who know England a little bit. You know, very exclusive like Puckling. Unless you just, just Puckling. You have some of the most exclusive hotels in the Puckling area. A very exclusively wealthy Jewish and Arabic community. You go to Puckling and you know, a cup of glass of water. A glass of water could be, you know, 50 pounds or something like that. You know, which is about a hundred bucks. I mean, just stretching a little bit but just for your imagination to catch it. So I was in, so one evening I was just walking, you know, on the walkway. Just looking at the very light in the city, the ambience of life and people going back and forth. And I was looking at the people, the kind of people walking on the streets, moving from shop to shop. And I was having a chat with a friend and these were children or young ones or people whose parents were the millionaires of the world. We met a young guy whose parents lived in Saudi Arabia. He's a student in one of the universities in London. Most of them come to the London School of Economics, the central London School of Economics. And every weekend, every Friday a private jet comes from Saudi Arabia to pick them to Saudi Arabia for weekend. And Sunday evening they fly them back. Now, some of them as students have private jets with their parlots in London, waiting for them. And to do whatever they want in a day. All they have to do is to call their parlots. I like to fly and have lunch in Bonn, Germany. And I need to be back to my classroom by four p.m. The appearance before the hotels and everything. Now, I'm saying something here. I'm talking about glory, is that right? Good. Now, and you see that all these students also become friends of students whose fathers are in the same kind of pedigree. And they can relate to each other. Sometimes there is a magnetic draw of people within such pedigrees. They speak the same language. They think the same. And there is that kind of spirit that draws them together. I might speak it to somebody here. So when they are talking and chatting and having a vocational stories about their vacations. Nobody says, you know, I went to Jack in a box and had a breakfast. In fact, you don't say that there. They say things like, you know, I was in Paris and, you know, our breakfast was a thousand bucks. You know, that's how they talk. So also it is the glory of God. You see, when you know the glory, you are attracted to someone who also has a glory. In fact, you can tell like that. You can connect like that. I believe I'm giving somebody some good teaching here tonight. The first time I met your pastor, I had heard about you guys. Very good reports, though. And so, but when he took the microphone and just began to share a little bit, there was something that connected in my spirit. I just said, "My goodness, who is this man?" Suddenly I saw somebody. And I just knew that I needed to know this man. This man, I'm telling you, I must know. He was in a pair of shots. He was in a pair of shots with his first lady next to him. But when he took the microphone, what I saw was more than a tuxedo. Suddenly I saw somebody. I am talking about the glory is attractive. It's magnetic. It draws. You can connect. You can relate to it. My question is, how can you give God glory when you don't have something? Am I making sense here? And because we are supposed to give glory to God, Jesus gave us his glory so that we can have something to offer. And worship is about glory. Worship is about honor. How can you give honor to God when you don't have honor? Because you can only give what you have. And these angels were giving God glory because they had something to give. They were giving God honor because they had something to give. They were giving God thanks because they had something to give. They were giving God praise because they had something to give. Which means the true worship of God can only be given when the Holy Spirit is in you. And when the Holy Spirit leads you, guides you and releases you. That's why Jesus Christ told the women that for God the Father is looking for those who are worshiping in spirit. It means people who are connected to his spirit and people who are being led by his spirit and those who are students of his spirit and those who are followers of his spirit and those who have his spirit, the gift of his spirit, the fruit of his spirit, the life of his spirit, only they can give the Father the pure worship. Because I have the Holy Ghost, I can give God worship in the spirit. And he doesn't want any other worship except that which has been proved by the Holy Ghost. All revealed by the Holy Ghost. All presented through the Holy Ghost. All approved by the Holy Ghost. If the Holy Ghost doesn't approve of your spiritual life, it is not worth giving God. Our God will not receive that kind of worship. Am I making sense? No, I said something that glory and worship is contagious. Is that right? Let's read on. Let's look at verse 9. Revelation chapter 4. And when those gifts, sorry, those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him, Dasat on the throne, who liveeth forever and ever, the four and twenty elders fall down before him Dasat on the throne and worship him, that liveeth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne and say, listen to this. The four beasts, the angelic beasts were worshiping God. And they were saying, saying, holy, holy, holy. Then the twenty four elders heard the angels say holy. And they could not sit on the throne when God was being worshiped. It's like sometimes we come to a worship meeting and some are worshiping and others are like this and some are actually chewing gum. Other is our cell phone. How can you do this and not do this? When somebody next to you is melting in worship. It's true worship is so contagious that if you can survive not worshiping when true worship is taking place, then there's something wrong with you. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because it is not possible. The Bible says when the angels were worshiping him, the twenty four elders, they couldn't sit. Immediately they went on the floor, the late postret, and they removed their crowns. Oh, my goodness. I mean, just by hearing the worship because they also have the same spirit in the angels. So when it connects out there, it resonates here. When it resonates here, it connects out there. Sometimes you can be driving through somewhere. When you drive by a man's house, you can feel the atmosphere, and you can tell that there must be some Christian in this house. Because the whole atmosphere carries the fragrance of the presence of God in the house. You can tell. Sometimes you pass by someplace, it is as evil as hell, and you just want to drive out of the place quickly. It's like the GitHub hell is in the house. And you just want to get out quickly, not because of fear, but because you just don't want to pollute yourself. You are not part of that kingdom. But if you are part of the kingdom of God, then the spirit of worship must stay up worship in your spirit. The spirit of honor must stay up honor in you. The spirit of praise must stay up praise in you. The spirit of thanksgiving must stay up thanksgiving in you. The spirit of glory must stay up glory in you. Because it is the same spirit. Yea, ye are Israel. The Lord, thy God, is one God. (speaks in foreign language) Oh, sometimes you come to a meeting like this when there's real worship. Immediately before you take your seat, you begin to weep. Because the same spirit that is in the guitarist is in you. You just drove in the car park, but you are connected already. Because the same spirit, the race cries from the dead, which draws in you. It's what quickens your motto about it. It quickens immediately the 24 elders were quickened to worship. And guess what? The angels were saying holy holy when it got hold of the 24 elders. They were on the floor with their crowns, and they also began to say some things. The spirit of worship stays up the glory in you, and it gives expression to what is in you. When it got hold of the 24 elders, it stand them up also. It began to give expression to what was in there. And guess what? Look at verse 11. I think this is wonderful teaching here tonight. Verse 11, let's read from verse 10 to 11. Let me read mine, okay? The four and 20 elders fall down before him, that sat on the throne, and worship him, that liveth forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying that at worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power for that has created all things, and by pleasure they are and were created. Immediately, when the anointing of worshiping hate those guys, they removed your crowns. My child, crowns are you kidding me? When there's worship, you hide your crown quickly. Because the worship is not about your pedigree, the worship is about his pedigree. So your crowns are irrelevant, your achievements are irrelevant, your glory is irrelevant, but it becomes a conduit to move into the realm, to capture the frequency or the spiritual wavelength or the spiritual meter band within which they are dialing in the worship. And you're also dialing into that. You tune in FMH20, Hallelujah of heaven, and you begin to worship. And guess what? They also began to say some things. The angels were saying, "Holy, holy, holy, holy." And it was all about the glory, the honor, and the thanks given unto God. The elders also got hold of that, and they said, "Oh, thou art worthy, thou art worthy, thou art worthy." In other words, when the angels were saying, "Holy, holy, holy," the 24 elders were saying, "Yeah, it's true, oh God. You better receive that because you are worthy to receive it. Of thou art worthy, thou art worthy to receive honor, to receive glory, to receive power." The word "weddi" means "weddiness." Weddiness. Worship is about weddiness. Worship is about what worthiness. He is worthy. In other words, he has value. He is wealth. What he deserves. He is wealth, our glory. He is wealth, our praise. He is wealth, our attention. He is wealth, our life. He is wealth, our finances. He is wealth, our time. He is wealth, our sacrifices. He is wealth, our life. For it's our reasonable sacrifice. Paul said that let your life be as a living sacrifice. And he says, "For it's our reasonable service." It's reasonable to die for Jesus. It's reasonable. It's our reasonable service. Oh, yeah, never mind. Oh, never mind. It's like someone, I mean, literally, excuse me, just stepping on your toes, even though it hurts. It's never mind. It's okay. And you really mean it. Paul was beaten, almost killed. He said, "Never mind. All things are coming but lost. That I might have his glory." Never mind. He said, "Oh, I was a lawyer of the highest order. I was trained by the best lawyer. I was part of the most prominent Roman chambers of law by Gamelila. I went to the best of schools. I found out that Paul was not only a professional lawyer, but he was a professor emeritus of law." My studies of Paul shows that he was not just a good lawyer who had legal practices, but he was a professor of law himself. He said, "Oh, this, I can't but lost. I see it. I threw this all away. I smell reasonable sacrifice because I'm telling you what God is offering me is far much more than what I have." He said, "Oh, my goodness. It's my reasonable service because he is wealthy." In other words, show me what you have lost to gain Jesus. Show me the price you've paid to have this wonderful spirit. This wonderful spirit of worship. In other words, when we come to meetings like this, we may have our bent list packed out there, our jaguars, our range overs, our airplanes, and all our islands out there, but when we come in here, I am telling you, "Oh, we are all lying on the floor with our khakis or rolling all over the place. No hookers." And then after the meeting, we go look for khakis. And even if you don't find in hookers, you go home with a boss in a way. You know, the understanding and the revelation with which we give God the worthiness of worship can only be born by the Spirit. It doesn't matter how much I teach you. It is under the Holy Ghost Himself. Births it in your spirit. But there's one thing teaching does. It brings you into the doorway. Teaching is a gate. Preaching is a gate. Revelation is a gate. You go through it and you have a limitless world of participation in God. Sialelius. And they said, "Thou art worthy to receive glory and honor for thou hast created all things. And for thy pleasure, the art and way created." Which means that you were created not for you. Be for God's pleasure. Your shoe was not created for you. Be for God's pleasure. Your marriage was not created for you. Be for God's pleasure. Your babies in your womb were not created for you. Be for God's pleasure. The American dollar was not created for you. Be for God's pleasure. Your intelligence was not created for you. Be for God's pleasure. The beauty of your wife. The handsomeness of your husband. The glory that you have has nothing to do with you. Absolutely zilts. It all has to do with the glory and the pleasure of God. That's what the 24 elders were saying in verse 11. It's for thy pleasure. The way all and are. The way all and are the past and the present. The past and the present. So if you buy a new car today, they are created today for God's pleasure. If you had an old car, the way created. Every generation, they are new created. If a baby is born today, they are created. If a baby was born a thousand years ago, the way I created. If you are 96 years old, then you were created. Then you're 6 years ago. Which means that nobody is exempted. Everything that we see, which is new, they are created. New computers, they are created. New airports, they are created. New earrings, they are created. A different kind of lipstick, they are created. I'm saying all this, I'm not just three words out there, that you must understand. It doesn't matter why you should never take the glory of what you put on your skin. Because sometimes there is a deluge out there. You just dress up a little bit and you just lose your connection with your creator. No, no, no, no, no, no. Everything that you do, everything that you think, everything that you say, everything that you touch, everything that you meditate upon, all the contemplations of your heart, they are created for His pleasure. The word there is what, pleasure. And the word pleasure comes from the word, the verb, to please. It means someone else sick that you do what you do. For God's sake, that you do what you do. So it's not about you. This whole thing is not about you at all. If once we get it, then we can have it all. Once you know that everything is supposed to be for God, then you can have all things. But once you think they are supposed to be for you, then you lose it all. It's all part of worship. In other words, look at this worship service. Is this a powerful worship service? This is the first worship service revealed as a teaching insight to an apostle in the book of Revelation. And 24 Elvis said, for your sick, all things were created. Mountains, trees, birds. You do know when Jesus was coming into Jerusalem, and he was on that donkey. Suddenly, people went down the streets, took hold of branches of trees, stems of trees. People saw flowers and rooted them out. Rose flowers, different bakers, lilies, daffodils, orchids, they just went and just took them out. And if there was any tree that was not being planted, it got upset. I'm here, I'm here, I want to be part of that celebration. Because for his pleasure, they were all created. I might speak to somebody here. Even the trees, for the pleasure of Jesus, for the pleasure of God, they were all created. And the palm branches were, everything was part of it. And the disciples said, my goodness, Lord, Lord, could you please tell this guy to keep quiet? They have few Jerusalem with so much noise. He said, my goodness, if they could keep quiet, the rocks will cry out. Because even inanimate things, for his pleasure, they were created. They want to be part of this thing now. Yes, somebody. So when we come to church and we're having worship, and you are just so dignified beyond yourself, you are not born again, I'm telling you. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You have lost it. You are there. We have to really pray for you because you are missing it, man. It's not about you, hello? How many of you are getting this and very clearly? Look, in other words, worship is supposed to be so selfless. And the selflessness is supposed to be so selfless that you be full of God. That is the mechanics about it. The more empty you are, the more full you are with God. Because there's no vacuum in the spiritual realm. So just as you empty yourself, you are being fueled right now. And once you are full of yourself, you are empty of God. And true worship is when you are empty of yourself. Like the 24 elders, they say, my goodness, it's all about you. Even my soul, my emotions, my breath was created for your pleasure. Sell it to somebody. Worship is about wettiness. Wettiness. God, you are wettling. And it takes a man who understands and who has liberty in the spirit. That you are wettling because you have received salvation. You have received the forgiveness of the cross. You have received the cleansing by the blood of Jesus. You have received, you know that your name is written in the book of light. Such people give God the wedding praise. There are no self idiosyncrasies in you. All this poor self-image, rich self-image, inferiority, complex, or superiority complex. You are out of the frequency. There should be no complex in you at all. Then you can give God full attention because it's all about the wettiness of God. How many of you are really learning something today? Now, let me bring you to one more point before we close today. So you see how it looks like the kingdom of God is missing it. In most cases where you go to a place where there are Latinos and it's all about the Latino church. You go to some other places and it's all the blood church. You go to some places, all the Caucasian church. The fact that we can be so segregated in church service, it means we are full of complexes. Because if you are very empty of yourself and full of God, you don't see differences. Look, the 24 elders, which includes Abraham, I believe, and David. All these 24 elders in heaven were not angels. They were all men who once lived on this earth. They have been here before, but when they saved God and are now in the glorified body with God, they see things from the God perspective. And they are the first ones to say that all things have been made for His pleasure because they have come to see that things are God created on the earth. They saw the animals, they saw the mountains, they saw the different tribes of man, they saw the different races of man, and they said, "My goodness, all of this has been created for His pleasure." Which means that the colored skins were designed for God's pleasure. The yellow skins for God's pleasure. The pink skins for God's pleasure, which means no skin color is a mistake. And it's a wonderful thing, and it's all part of the worship. And so God created all things for worship. Just as we have different instruments here, that makes worship wonderful. I mean, if I was just blending, we can get too much out of that. Eventually it becomes a little boring. But then if this goes, and then this also goes, and then that also goes, and we just blend the world, what is symphony? Even if you don't want to dance, your skin begins to dance, and then look at somebody. There's something about the unity of all the differences. That brings God the glory. Just as both the male and the female, we can all just worship God. And in the spirit, there's no male or female. We are all one in Christ. I don't know if you are learning something tonight. I said, "How many of you are learning something tonight?" Sarelya somebody. Sarelya somebody. For thy pleasure, they were all created. Sarelya somebody. I pray that we will come to this wonderful end-time revelation of true worship. Of true worship. Say true worship. Now look at John chapter 4, John chapter 4. I have to conclude the message, and I say amen. John chapter 4, from verse 7 to 26. There comeeth a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said unto her, "Give me to drink." For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat. Then said the woman of Samaria unto him, "How is that thou been a Jew? Asketh drink of me which I am a woman of Samaria." For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Do you see that? And so Jesus, who created all things for his pleasure, comes the woman with a major prejudice background. Hello? Now let me tell you a few things about how serious that prejudicial story is. Very serious. From all dimensions. Can I have your attention here? Number one, the Samaritans were not accepted in those days. Because they reminded the Jews of a very sad, terrible story in the past. Because there was a time when the enemies of Israel attacked Israel. And killed most of the men, took them captive, raped the women. And through that painful experience, mixed blooded babies were born, which became the Samaritans. Now so when Israel regained sovereignty or authority over the land, those babies were with them. They couldn't reject them because they were of their blood. Meanwhile, they also reminded them of the painful experiences of the defeat. Because some of the mothers who gave birth to those babies, their husbands were killed and raped. So the baby reminded them of their dead husbands, who they miss so much. And the embarrassment of the whole terrible and speakable practice. So the babies were born. On one end, they were loved. On the other end, the circumstances made them to experience hate. So when those began to grow, they also say, you know what? These guys don't like us in a way. So why don't we also just stay on our own? And ask it to, lick our wounds and heal each other because we can relate to each other more. So it became a tribe called the Samaritans. And they also had another region of Israel. So Israel, the geography of Israel, had three states. Like America has how many states? 50? Okay. I thought you said 58, like who? Israel had three. Number one, Judea. The capital of Judea was Jerusalem. Number two, Galilee. And one of the heads of the cities of Galilee was Carpenium, where Jesus was at his home. The third one was Samaria. And the capital city of Samaria was called Samaria. But there was a village in Samaria called Sica, where Jesus made the woman, by the word, by the well. The name Sica means amened foolishness. So there was a city in the rejected Samaria called foolishness. So double jeopardy. Jesus came to Samaria to heal the cast of Samaria. And he goes to the most rejected city called foolishness. He said God always goes for the worst. Always. He goes for the most foolish thing to confirm the wise. When God wants to do something glorifying, he begins from the most unforeseen dimension. For example, there is no vulnerable man that ever lived on this earth than Jesus. But he was born in a manger. He doesn't make sense. If it was me, I would let Jesus be born in the hospital of angels. Hallelujah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And his entrance into the earth would not be in an animal farm. Because Jesus was born in an animal farm. Oh, I would have opened the skies. And I would let limousines of chariots arrive. Hallelujah. And I would let the king of kings come out of the chariots. Hallelujah. In the white garment with orchestras blasting their instruments and salaries and dosumas. Oh, praise in God. Like the day he was born. And the bubbles as angels came down in the book of Luke chapter 2 verse 8. For angels covered the whole earth. Praise in God. And there were shepherds watching over their flocks by night. My understanding was that there were so much praise in heaven. There was no more dancing space in heaven. So angels spilled over upon the earth to look for dancing floors to dance and speed around. Hallelujah. Somebody because of the birth of the Messiah. If God could let that happen that he could have let the Messiah be born on some wonderful planet somewhere else. Something glorious. Awesome. That's why most of the Jews today don't believe that this is the Messiah. Because it doesn't connect. How this glorious deliver of the world will be born among animals. They don't get it. So they rejected him. Looking for the real Messiah who will come based on their own revelation or how much they missed it. Don't they know that this God doesn't have to impress anybody to prove that he's a true God. I might speak to somebody. And this is all about worship. So Jesus came to Samaria. Came to the most rejected state of Israel. Came to the most painful environment called foolishness and meets a woman. You know, not your kind of women. But in those days they were never respected. No. This generation of Eve were never respected. In those days, if a Pharisee woke up in the morning, there were three things he would say. One of which was, "Oh God, I thank you. I'm not a woman." Oh yeah, yeah. Then about two, he woke up and said, "Oh, I turned God and I brought a Gentile." He said, "There was two, we're out there." Women were not under at all. At all. Now, so Jesus came to Samaria to break the case of a Samaria. Watch, you listen to this. He goes for a woman and not the best of ladies. I mean, just being a woman, you need to help. But when you have a resume, where you have a resume like this one, she was the wife of five men with no ring, that's serious. Oh, the man said, "Yeah, that's my wife, that's my wife, that's my wife." But she quickly said, "That's my husband, that's my husband, that's my husband." And my goodness. She was a woman about hallelujah. She was really not born again, hallelujah, somebody. You see, you see, I make it very graphic because then you can get the other side of the story. Then Jesus, Jesus timed, you see, the calibration of the timing. Jesus had come to the well, 30 minutes early, he would have missed the woman. If he had come five minutes later, he would have missed the lady. And he traveled all the way from Jerusalem. The woman did not know that she had an appointment with her creator. But God knew that there was an appointment with the woman, rejected, among the rejected, and to be used to deliver the rejected by being accepted. Am I speaking to somebody here? It's all about worship, say worship. So, because, see, there's something about worship, let me just interject this. If you come into the atmosphere of true worship, the spirit of worship takes the rejection out of you. I'm telling you, let this atmosphere be filled with worship. Every spirit of unforgiveness flees off you, because the presence of God makes you feel accepted in spite of. Certainly as somebody. Because worship is about wettiness. So, if you give God his wettiness, he makes you feel wettiness also. For he that he calls, he, he that he foreknows he calls, and he that he calls he justifies. There is a justification when the glory of God is released. And justification simply means just as if it never happened. Just as if it never happened. Just as if it never happened. So, you could be a guy in your life, you probably have smoked all kinds of stuff in your lungs. 45 tons of cocaine have gone through your nostrils. All kinds of bales, bales of marijuana has gone through your nostrils. You have been a chimney for a long time. Then you got saved. You got saved. And the day you got saved, you're so mad at God. How can you deal with his water? I have a backlog, I have a warehouse of seeds in my life. The Bible says once you are saved, you are justified by the blood. And justification means just as if it never happened. Oh, say hallelujah somebody. So a woman, for example, a woman like this woman, who obviously, hallelujah somebody. You know what I mean? She had a terrible website, hallelujah somebody. Are you listening to me? Oh, man. You see, you see, man of God, under the anointing, what the Lord makes me say. For you know, I am dealing with somebody right now. Somebody's been delivered because you never know how terrible somebody feels. And sometimes you have to go down there and pick them out and say, "My goodness, I am free. I am free. I am free." Because that is worship. That is worship. He says for His pleasure, they are all created. Both the halats, the prisoners, the blind, the lame, the rejected. Babies and the cyclics, even from the womb. The Bible says, "Out of the mouth of babes and cyclins shall come perfected praise." He said, "The Lord is good." Now, so here, he just meets the woman. By the way, I can see the pastor says, "Get out of this place quickly." I'm good. He says, "Okay. All right. He's been there. All right. All right. Okay. So that's that's common ground. Somebody. All right. So Jesus meets the woman right on time. That was His target. And His disciples had gone back to Jerusalem. I don't have time to really explain why they had to go back to Jerusalem. It was a serious issue. And then the first he does, he does not wait for the woman to talk, because the woman who was not going to talk. Because the Samaritans have no business with the Jews. And I'm telling you, that prejudice was demonic. What we have today is just emotions compared to what was in those days. You guys are just emotional. Get out of your emotional bliss. Be healed. Because there's no justification for it anymore. Because, look, in those days it was serious because Christ had not yet gone to the cross. So the price wasn't paid yet. It was very demonic. The woman saw that Jewish young man and she made up her mind before coming into the well. Because she could see the man I thought of. She's been around me, so she knows the man. Where's this man? Oh, yeah. So he said that guy said, "Well, he looks good, but he's a Jew." Yeah. It's there. That's what she said. She said, "Don't you know that the Samaritans have no dealings with the Jews?" In other words, if you were a Samaritan, "I'll deal with you." Yeah. That's what it says. Is it in the Bible? Yeah. So whatever I say, I cover my back with the Bible. Smart man. Say amen. Okay, so this is what she said. Then come with a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give me to drink." Jesus stares up the dialogue. He initiates the dialogue. And he is speaking to a rejected woman being prepared to become a lead worshipper of God. Yeah. Wow. The next verse, "For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat." Then said the woman of Samaria unto him. How is it? See, how is it? Everybody say, "How is it?" He said, "Hey, gentleman. You Jewish gentleman. How come? You are breaking an ancient law. You are breaking an invincible barrier. You are breaking a wall that must not be touched with a ten-foot pole. Don't touch it. Don't go there." That's what she was saying. He said, being a Samaritan is not pain. And seeing what you Jews have done to us, you know, don't even come near. That sounds like some of the emotional prejudice of today. When both sides of the divide, you know, judge you before they come close to you. And this day is all emotional compared to those days. Those days it was little. I'm telling you. And Jesus Christ had to be very anointed to touch that matter. And he was not just touching it to sugarcoat it. He was touching it to break it. And he was prepared and highly anointed. And he did major surgery on that one. I might speak to somebody here. It's all about what? Worship. Let's read on. So, where are we? That's what? That's nine. They said the woman of Samaria unto him, "How is it that thou been a Jew ask drink of me, which I am a woman of Samaria?" So she spoke about three things right there. And by one, I'm a woman. You don't even ask me for it. You don't even ask me for that. Number two, I'm from Samaria. Amen. Number three, you're not just even asking me something that is very shallow. You want actually me to save you. You want a Samaritan woman to save you a Jewish man? Oh. And Jesus intentionally touched all the nerves. How many of you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Then you are real. Amen? The next verse. The next sentence, "For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans." Did you hear that? She did not say the Samaritans have no dealings. She said the Jews, which means that they are blaming the Jews for their problems. But then Jesus answered and said to her, "If thou knewest, the gift of God." And who it is that is asking you to give me? Jesus said, "Woman, it is all well. You know what? Oh, come down, come down, come down, come down. Cool it. Cool it high. Take it easy, woman." He said so. He just ignored all her points. And he said, "If you knew, who is this?" And he calls himself the gift of God. If you knew the gift of God, and who is he that is asking you this question? You will not only give me this water. You will run and give me all that you have. And I will give you something better than what I'm asking you. In other words, what I'm asking you is only to engage you. But I have a package for you, lady. And before God will give you something, he will always ask something for you. Before he gave Peter his ministry, he asked him to give him his empty boat. I will stand in the boat in Luke chapter 5. God will always ask you something to give you something bigger. So those of you who are always nervous about giving things to God, you are not being wise, because it's because God wants to use what he's asking you to give as a setup to overwhelm you with what he has to give you. And you can never out give God. He asked the woman only a cup of water. And guess what? He was prepared to give her a well of water into eternity. All about worship. I say it's all about what? Worship. That's why sometimes you can be so distressed in the house and you just don't want to know what's happening in the world. You are just upset and down set and is upset and you are just outside there. You come to church and you just don't, if you want to come, then the guy's on the keyboard lift up a song of worship. And you just forget about all your distresses and you are healed. Jesus was healing this woman. And listen to what the dialogue went on. Are you being blessed today? Yes. Verse 11. Well, verse 10b. And who it is that said they give me to drink. That would have asked me and I would have given the living water. The woman said unto him, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say. It tells me the woman has some brains. This woman was not dumb, duffed or illiterate. My studies of this woman shows me that she was bringing. She was smartly. Because, because you see, if you see how she presented her arguments, you could see she was organized upstairs. Celia, somebody. Oh yeah. She met Jesus' intelligence, food to food. Whichever way he took the argument, she was there with him. She never bucked out. She was like a bulldog behind the messiah. Look, look. I feel like preacher, I'm telling you. Look, look at an intelligent woman like this. Look at what the devil made out of her. That's why we have to protect our women. Yeah. That's why I like real men. I pray for sissies, but I like them very little men. I like them. Let me tell you what a real man is. A real man? Let me tell you, listen to me. A real man, every woman must feel safer on you. That's a real man. Do you hear what I said? Every woman, whether your wife or friend or daughter or grand daughter or whatever they may be, so long as she's a female, she must be safe around you under any circumstance. That's a real man. I'm not talking about a man who punches holes in walls. You are not a man. You need some medical repairs. Sallea, sallea. Jesus was a real man. And the woman, there was something about Jesus which did not let the woman just break the conversation and walk away. Because you could see the woman was already pumped up. Oh, yeah. Because just by the first question, she opened all her fires. All he asked was, "Give me a cup of water." All she had to say was, "No," and that's it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Give me a cup of water. No, it very well that this man was a Jew and knew it all the history. A woman like that would have said, "Excuse me, no." And she would have gotten her water and walked away and just ignored the messiah. Don't you know women are like that? Sallea. Yeah. Yeah. When? Sometimes they are very short on you. Are you going to church? No. Are you going to sleep? No. Is there any food today? No. Do you know there's trouble? That you know these are seismograph signs that there's an earthquake coming away. He said, "You can't tell the weather looks cloudy today." [LAUGHTER] "Sarely as somebody." Now, so a woman can swing out here and be very short. Then she can't go the other way. And go, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, And talking, is there any glass of water in there for me or any food for today? Then she goes. In 1952, she will tell you everything. Then you know that the rupture has been delayed. [LAUGHTER] She's either this way or that way. Both ends of the stories are not good. And when women are in those dimensions, they fear nothing. [LAUGHTER] [CHEERING] They fear nothing. They don't fear the devil. [LAUGHTER] So, when you see things like that, you turn on your worship. [LAUGHTER] When I look into your holiness, once you begin to worship, she comes down. Try it. [LAUGHTER] "Sarely, are you blessed tonight?" "Yes." "I love these people." "You are a wonderful man of God." [LAUGHTER] "I'll tell you. I'll tell you." Now, so here, this woman stretched Jesus that Jesus was up to the task. It was like a deliverance case where the more anointing being exerted on the case, the more violent the demoniac becomes because of the pressure of the anointing. And the more violent they are, the more you know that they are about to be delivered. So this woman was wrestling with words. Then Jesus said, "If you knew the gift of God, and who is he that is asking you, you would have not only given me the whatever you've asked me and I would give you what?" And then she said, "Say, say, I wasn't born yesterday," you know what I'm saying? You, you, what are you talking about? You don't even have a cup. You don't even have a cup of water. You are asking me for a cup. Now you are promising me a well? You are asking me for a cup of water. You don't even have a cup of water. And you are telling me you have a well? Say, "I wasn't born yesterday," you better keep quiet. Oh, yeah, that's what it means. Are you hearing what I'm saying? She was trying to tell Jesus back out. If you want to talk to me, you bring some pseudo-statements here. You are begging for a cup of water. You are promising me a well. That's why I'll tell you this one was not done. She was burning and the devil goes for the best to destroy them. Some of the hollows on the streets are future pastoral wives. Some of those are prophetesses. Some of them are our future catholic humans, our first ladies, and the devil went after them to destroy every good thing God has for us. So we should look at them with great compassion and not judgment because most of them are prisoners of war. Oh, this is a good night. I feel God here big time. Yeah. 11, the woman said unto him, sir, that has nothing to draw with. And the world is deep from Wayne's hostile, don't leave me water. This woman will win her cases in court. You see, I'm not a lawyer, but law is my hobby, you see. Yeah, I just love law. And you could see the way this woman was presenting her case, my goodness. You must be a serious advocate to win a case against this woman. She balanced him up, logic by logic. And Jesus had to be really anointed to have something to say about this one. The next statement, please. He says, there she considered the festival, are now greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well and drunk thereof himself and his children and his cattle, which means the woman also had information on history. Are you with me? Now she was talking about Jacob's well, which means that was Jacob's well. I don't have time to preach on Jacob's well, otherwise I'll take you through scriptures and show you where the well was dug in the book of Genesis. So that well had many years of history in itself and Jesus came to meet the woman by a major historical venue, a venue of the patriarchs, a venue of great wealth, wealth of history. For she said, for the well was deep, you don't have anything. How can you do that? Then the next verse, verse 13, listen to what Jesus Christ said. Jesus answered and said unto him, whosoever drinks of this water shall test again. The whoso drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never test. For the water I shall give him shall be in him, say in him. One more time, in him, say in him, one more time, say like a minute, a well of water springing up into what everlasting life. Jesus said, I am about to put something in you. Only God will not call you to worship, to give him praise. When he has not first put something in you. For out of your belly shall flow what? Reverse of living water. And out of the reverse of living water, we ascend our praise unto him. Because praise and worship is from the inner mind. It must be a holy deposit in you so that you can give a holy worship unto him. Say hallelujah, somebody. Then let's just go quickly. Verse 19, the woman said unto her, say, I perceive that thou at a prophet. Look at the debate. Look at the debate. It was going back and forth, back and forth, and each time Jesus Christ had to prove her own and prove himself right. And this woman kept on like a bulldog on this man. And Jesus was drawing her, you know, every argument was to bring her out of one more level of prejudice. Then the next one brought her out to out because she had been packaged by layers of deception in life. And layers of curses and reproach and complexes, yes, that's what I'm looking for. And Jesus Christ was peeling them off one after the other. It's how we give God some praise. Amen. Amen. I love God. You see, that's how he has dealt with all of you, me too, layer by layer. He peels them off, he peels them off. In your cases, maybe somebody's case, it took a whole year for God to do it one layer a month and gradually bring you in. Some people, he did it one time, like salt on the way to Damascus. It was one missile and he was cleanest instantly. In some cases, it took some time. He knows what to do, how to deal with everybody. Amen. Our next point here, verse 19. The woman said unto him, say, I perceive, that was the prophet, a prophet, our father's worshiped in this mountain. And you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. So the woman, Jesus took the woman from a cup of water into the prophetic. That's a long journey, naturally, naturally for the prejudice of a Samaritan woman to not talking about a Jewish prophet who their father's worshiped. If I tell you the complexities of the argument, you will know the only God can do it in like that. Broke all her defenses, broke all her resistances, broke all her rejections, broke all her idiosyncrasies, broke all the layers of hellish battles in her life. I can imagine the battles in her emotions, the painful emotions, the rejections. Let me tell you, every woman has dignity, pastor. Every woman has dignity, I'm telling, I'm telling you, and for a woman to be subjected to five husbands and she was not named to any of them, was a major abuse of the dignity of the female human being because I'm telling women are precious and delicately precious, the most precious things on this earth are very delicate. And I kept very, very protectively, diamond is precious. So we keep diamond very delicately, nobody throws diamond on the streets. Diamonds are in safe, safety deposits. We move diamonds and gold in billion tracks. Gold and diamond and treasures are in the safest part of a bank. We must keep our women in the safest part of the banks. Look at this woman, I get upset because the devil just took a gem of God's glory and just put her in the ditch, in the ditch, and just put her under fits. Jesus Christ came and took her out and put her back where she belonged. It is called redemption, say hallelujah, somebody. And so Jesus brought her into the prophetic, because it will take the prophetic to deliver. I'm telling you, it takes the prophetic, it takes the task, he has the Lord, it takes a prophetic word, it takes a written word to bring deliverance to nations. Those of you who were there yesterday, the prophetic word of Isaiah, deliver Israel, King Hezekiah, from the wickedness of King Sinatra, amen? I hear the word of prophecy tonight, oh, I hear a prophetic here tonight. Oh, my goodness, let's finish this thing, I'm getting wound, I'm right now. Verse 20, let's get out of this place. Our father's worship in this mountain, and you see that in Jerusalem, is the place where men ought to worship, say worship, verse 21, Jesus said unto a woman, believe me, the power cometh, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet a Jerusalem worship the father, you worship, you know not what, we worship what we worship, oh, sorry, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews, incredible, look, all this while Jesus was alone with this woman, I can imagine, I like to watch the video of this thing, the woman was passing back and forth by the well, and Jesus Christ was giving this woman all kinds of revelations, they spoke about worship, they spoke about the prophets, they spoke about Jacob, they spoke about everything she would never have touched with a ten foot pull, because she was a Samaritan, my question is, listen to me, if she was that much of a Samaritan woman who did not want to have anything to do with the Jews, how come she knew about Jacob, how come she knew all the history, it is only to prove to you what I said earlier on, that the Samaritans were products of Jews except in a very painful way, so they knew their histories, except that they could accept themselves as part of the project of the history, but Jesus Christ was letting them know that the history you know is part of you, don't reject yourself, they accept who you are, because worship is about weightiness, so you need to accept who you are, and enjoy who you are, and celebrate who you are, because accepting who you are gives praise to God, say I am being blessed and I eat in the next verse, verse 23, but the hour comes and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in the world, spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him, verse 24, God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in the world, spirit and truth. The woman said, verse 25, unto Him, I know, I know, I know, I know that Messiah comes, which is called Christ, when He is come, He will tell us all things. Jesus said unto He, I now speak unto He, I am He. I really feel like preaching, but it's dangerous to start preaching, I am as close right now. This is called self-control right now. The woman, the woman at every point hopes she could win the debate, she really hopes she could do with this man. Who is this man? Number one, he's read my mail. And I don't like it. I want to get him back for that, but it's time she lost her grounds, lost her grounds. She said, I know that in this mountain, we, the summary times, we worship our God. Jesus Christ said, you guys don't know who you worship. The woman said, that's not fair. So we are the Jews. We know who we worship for salvation, peace of the Jews. He was inhabited in at the same time. Because this is the woman who said the summary times have no business with the Jews. And Jesus Christ was a, we know who we worship. It was ouchy, but it takes an ouch to heal you. Because the truth is just set to free. The truth itself has the potential to set to free. But it doesn't set to free until you apply it. So actually, it is the truth you know that set to free. If you don't know it, it doesn't set to free. And he was giving the woman knowledge for her deliverance. And then she said, she said, hey, I perceive you have perfect. Our fathers have been worshiping. And then she said, oh, not only that. I know that the Messiah is coming. And when he comes, he will tell us all things. I know. You see, everything shows me that this woman was not designed to be who she was. She was designed to be a worshipper because you could see that that the hand of God was on this woman, even when she was in the mess. Messy was still watching over her life. That is the strange side of grace. Because the woman knew some things, blows my mind that she could know all that and still be bitter against the Jews. And she said, I know that the Messiah will come. You mean she knew about the Messiah? In Saika, in Samaria, all those women on the streets, those halos, only God knows what they know. They know what is right. They know hell is real, but they are bound. She said, I know that the Messiah comes. When he comes, he will tell me all things. You know what Jesus Christ said? I am here. In French, someone, she said, what? You? You mean you are the Messiah? Right there. She did not debate it. Every other thing, she debated it. He said, if you give me this water, cup of water, I will give you wells of water. She said, prove it. You don't even have a cup of water. And you are asking me, you can give me a well. I don't believe this one. Yeah. So when he said, I am the Messiah, everything turned. And Jesus said, listen to this, God is a spirit. And he who must worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Then he said something else. He said, for God is seeking those who will worship him in spirit. Now my question is, if I was a woman, I would say, well, if God is looking for people who worship him in spirit and in truth, what has that got to do with me? Why are you telling me? Am I one of those that God is seeking? The question is yes. For what you know, before the foundation of the world, her name was in the book of spiritual worshipers of God. And she only got lost in action. And Jesus came to seek her to set her out. She became a prisoner of war. And the Messiah came right to her back, her doorstep, right to her back door in the midst of her mess and took her out, cleansed her life, restored her to the original call of her life, and made her a worshiper in the spirit. Jesus would never have told her that God is seeking those who will worship him in spirit and in truth if that statement did not matter to her, or if that statement was not relevant to her, because Jesus does not throw words around, it must mean something about that woman. And that was the first time in all the synoptic gospels that true worship in the spirit was mentioned by the Messiah. And it wasn't to a Jewish man. It wasn't in the synagogue. It wasn't to his disciples. It was to a rejected woman with a terrible, prejudicial history. Jesus, I don't have time because I can prove to you, Jesus broke all the laws, broke all the rules to get this woman. You all know the story of what happened that day. That woman brought the whole city. The case was broken. The deception was removed. The prejudice was removed. She got her right mind. The anointe was giving back to her. She ran to the city. And the next time she saw Jesus, she had the whole city on her fingertips. She said, "Jesus, you touch me? I touch the city. You heal me? I heal the city. You anoint me? Oh, I pour oil on the city." Sarah, let's hear somebody. That's what worship is all about. For the pleasure of God. She was created. Am I at home with you? I have to close this one, honestly. Because if I touch the next one, I was going to bring you into the worship of David. That's a different book, you see. Yeah, that's three hours. Yeah, I was bringing... it's right there. David said, "My soul follows hard after the early in the morning when I seek you." And he said, "What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits?" She said, "A woman like that, when she was touched." She said, "What shall I render unto the Lord? I will give my life and I will give my whole city." And the Bible says, "The whole city beckoned on Jesus and gave Jesus an exclusive hotel room. He spent two days in that city, morning, evening, two solid days. Jesus stayed in the city of Samaria called foolishness. And he turned the foolishness curse into wisdom and took a reproach woman and made her the first female evangelist of Samaria. And not just the first female evangelist, actually the first evangelist of Samaria. And she became the instrument that broke the curse of Samaria and took the mess and turned the mess into a message. That's what true worship comes to. You guys begin to break into the oil of worship. You will turn the world upside down. Because worship is not only lying down and singing. Worship is your whole life. Because the Bible says, "For your pleasure, the arm and the way it created." So everything about you is relevant to worship. That's why Paul says you are the written epistles of God. Wherever you go, the man will read you. You are the Bible people see. So it matters what you do. Outside church, when your pastor is not seeing you, it matters how you dress. It matters everything. It's all about his pleasure. To be somebody outside there and to be in church and be a different person is not true worship. To have double standards, that's not true worship. Worship is a lifestyle. You breathe it, you leave it. And at any moment in time, when God places a demand on you, you are ready to give him what he wants. Now finally, you see, when I close my Bible there you know it's fine now, you see. You see, it's close, you see. Oh, no. It's not true. Amen? I'm just learning. Now, so the Bible says that in Genesis of the 18, so in Genesis chapter 1, chapter 18 verse 1, no, no, no. You prophesied it. So, say, man, and the Bible says that a neighbor was in the field of memory in the desert, in the heat of the day, and he saw three men walk up to him. And when he saw that he knew that these were not ordinary men, the three to five and he ran unto the man. He was God with two angels. And he laid prostrate in the death of the desert and he worshiped God. He said, God, if I found grace in your sight that you can come and visit me like this, then please let me give you a chair to sit down. Let me fetch some water and wash your feet and let my wife get some food to give to you that you may be refreshed before you go. If I have found grace in your sight, see you later. And God said, go ahead. So in a very nutshell, in summary, Abraham washed the feet of God with water, the only human being with flesh who touched the feet of God will wash his feet. Number two, the only man on earth that God came to his house and ate his food that was cooked by Sarah. Number three. I eat me. Number three. When God was eating the food, Abraham stood aside with his hands like a servant watching God eat. See, it gives you an understanding of when you are in a restaurant, you go to a good restaurant, find dining and you're having your food, the waitress waits on you. The waitress comes and then she takes the napkin and then she lays it on you on your lap and helps you and gives you water and brings you the menu and after you've chosen what you want, what you want, not what he wants, see, you choose what you want and then she goes to bring what you want and then as you eat, she makes a very good waitress must make sure that she has eye on you and when your water, you are drinking your water up till about half of the tumbler, she comes to fill it up again and then she watches, you see that you don't have salt, she brings you salt and she's watching all the time, she's engaged just to save you, to make you happy and it's all about you. That's worship. We are like the waitresses, which is not God. It's all about God. God, what do you want today? Just tell us what menu do you want? You want chicken? We bring it to you. Lot, you want beef? How do you want it today? Okay, Lot, just give us 15 minutes, we are there for you. Just name it, we supply. Lot, you want some more water, you have it. You want cranberry juice, you want it. You want some orange juice, you have it. Whatever you want, just call. We deliver. With that complaint, without memory, without any resistance, you say it, it's done. That's worship. We waitresses on God. For his pleasure, we were created. So when we come to worship, it's all about him. I am telling you. That's why true worship is when the songs are selected by the Holy Spirit. Not when we think this sounds good today. No, no, no. It's all about him. It's the Lord. What do you want? You want techie today? We give you techie. What song do you want? Majesty, that's what we go. And I'm telling you, when you begin to give God what he wants, sometimes you don't even have to ask what you want. He knows all your needs. He supplies abundantly. Do you know why? Because after a waitress, after a waitress gives you such attention, you give her some tips. Oh, and usually sometimes the tips are mojo tips. And after you've saved God with worship, he gives you a tip. He lives a tip on the tip. I know people have been healed in terms of worship without anybody lay hands on them. I mean, people's unknown things have increased in an atmosphere of great worship. All these because we have been good waitresses on God. And after the worship, he lives a tip on the tip. Can we just clap our hands for Jesus Christ? Can we just clap our hands for Jesus? Can we just clap our hands for Jesus? Oh, clap your hands only, people. Shout out to God. [BLANK_AUDIO]