City Central Church Podcast
Awake 08 Night 4 (Saturday)
Evangelist Emmanuel Ziga
(audience cheering) Amen. (audience cheering) Amen. (audience cheering) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Lift up your hands and just worship the Lord. Worship the Lord. Worship the Lord. Worship the Lord in spirit. (audience cheering) Worship the Lord in spirit. (audience cheering) Worship the Lord in spirit. Worship the Lord in spirit. In Jesus' name. Amen. Now, you listen to this. I'd like us to take a prophetic action. See a prophetic action. (audience cheering) Now, a prophetic action is a natural action which condodes a spiritual manifestation. See a prophetic action. (audience chattering) Activates. (audience chattering) Spiritual moves. (audience chattering) Now, as you go back to sit right in your seat, I'd like you to believe that as you go, you will declare America is liberated. (audience cheering) (audience cheering) - Say hello to somebody. (audience cheering) You know, there are all kinds of curses spoken against America. And recently, the president of Iran stood at the United Nations in New York and just flat-outcast America. Yeah, some of you watched it and read it. He broke limb a curse. It wasn't a political talk. It was a spiritual activity. And I'd like us to take America out of this curse. And ask you, because I got spoke to me right now. He said, "Let them declare America's liberation." And the prophetic action is as you walk back into your seat, you are declaring America is working out of cases. (audience cheering) Say amen? So this is a very high-profile prophetic move. And you must believe it in your heart that God is with America. And America shall be greater than ever before. (audience cheering) Say hello to somebody. (audience cheering) Say hello to somebody. (audience cheering) So you turn around. And as you go, just declare that America is free. Now, go to your seats. America is free. America is free. America is free. America is free. America is free. In the name of Jesus, we cancel every assignment. We sever every conspiracy in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. America is free, in Jesus' name. Father, we declare America loose from the chains of bondage. Oh, I don't do one. Okay. Loose from every bondage. Loose from every captivity. Loose from every shame, thank you. Loose from every approach. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Let somebody say amen. Well, tonight is the last night of this four day convention. And I do thank the Lord for the vision of this pastor. If there is one thing I can say, among many things I could say, it's that this man of God has heard from the Lord. And he hears from the Lord. Consoling this conference, surely he has heard from the Lord. There's no doubt in my spirit, amen? And I do thank you all with the entire staff, the leadership, the management, the apostolic council for your hospitality, your love, which we really, really, really cherish. The genuineness of your hospitality is so transparent. Thank you very much. And the move of God is like this as a result of your receptivity. 'Cause when you receive an anointing, the anointing has no limitations. So thank you for every stiffness, amen? And will you promise to protect your man of God and his wife and Pastor Bruce and his wife and the associate pastor and their wives, amen? Lift up your hands and let's pray for the pastor. Pray your blessings. Every blessing, blessing. Pray for strength, stamina for him and Pastor Bruce and all the associates. Just bless them, bless them, bless them. You have power to bless. You have power to bless. You have power to bless. And when you bless, God honors it. We declare them blessed in the morning, blessed in the noontime, blessed in the evening hour. Blessed in the morning, blessed in the noontime, blessed in the evening. Lift your voice and pray one more time, pray one more time, pray, pray, pray. Amen, open your bubbles to Luke, chapter nine. Then I read from verse 28. Luke, chapter nine, from verse 28. Tonight, I hope that you really give me some time. Amen. From verse 20. And it came to pass about an eight days after these days he took Peter, say Peter, John, say John and James, say James and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, everybody say as he prayed. One more time, the fashion of his countenance was altered and his Raymond was lying in history. And behold, there's talk with him to men which were Moses and Elias, who appeared in glory and speak of his disease, which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep. When they were awake, they saw his glory and the two men dusted with him, say awake, let's pray. Spirit of the Lord, the scripture says the aim of the matter is better than they give. Let it be an accomplishment and a conclusion to mind. Let that which has not yet been done before period will speak manifestation of the vision of your purpose and your council and armies be glorified beyond limits in Jesus' name. Amen. This Lord Jesus, who is our Savior? Who is the Messiah? Who is the Redeemer? Who is our counselor? Who is the mighty God? Who is the velocity father? Who is the Prince of Peace? He is, to us, the Pass of Alhamd that was slain in Exodus 12. For all the things that God had to do to take Egypt out of Israel, the last thing he did was the slaughtering of the animal and the sprinkling of the blood. It was as though all the things that he did, turning the ribbon aisle into blood, causing the rod of Moses, which was the rod of God, to swallow the rods of jannies and tambres, and all the things that God did, the most remarkable, was the slaughter of the animal for the release of the blood. And such finally, my people, when I do this one, surely he'll let you go. All the things that God did to break the power of the King of Egypt, the king lied and believed to continue. But the demons and the ungodly prophets of Egypt could not go through fire, because when it came to when the fleas were released, the prophets of evil told Pharaoh that this is a finger of God. And that which broke everything, claims them to them out of not only the natural manifestation of the curse, but the spiritual snare of the powers of evil was the sprinkling of the blood. And he said, "Let them all kill the animal, get dressed, and be in readiness to go, and don't eat the food relaxed, but eat the food in action, in readiness to move out into liberty." And after that, you sprinkle the blood on your doorposts, or the angel of death shall come at night, to deal with the first bones of Egypt. But when I see the blood, I would pass forth. That blood that was slain prophetically is that same blood that was to be slain on Mount Calvary. This same man, Jesus, is the the progenitor, or no, the protagonist of our discussion tonight. Jesus called Peter Jameson John, to the mountain. And the Bible says that while he prayed his countenance, change. Now, I'd like to read the Matthew account. What we have read is the new account. I read the Matthew account in Matthew chapter 17, and I read from the first verse. If you are listening, tell somebody I'm listening. Matthew chapter 17, and I read from the first verse. After six days, Jesus, take a Peter, James, and John, his brother, and bring them up until a high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them, and his face is shined as the sun, and his remain was white as light. In the Matthew account, the word used is transfigured, transfigured. And transfigure means to change the form or appearance. It also means to transform as to glorify. So, it means that in verse 2, he was transformed to glorify before them, and his face is shined as the sun, and his remain was white as light. And behold, verse 3, they appeared unto them, Moses and Elias talking with him. Then, answered Peter and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here. If thou will, let us make here three tabernacles, one for the, one for Moses and one for Elias. While he had speak behold a light, a bright light, sorry, a bright cloud, overshadowed them, and behold a voice out of the cloud. He said, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, he, he, him. And when the disciples had it, they fell on their face, and were so afraid. And Jesus came and touched them, and said, arise, and be not afraid. Everybody say, arise, and be not afraid. One more time, and be not afraid. Amen? Now, here, this great transformation or transfiguration took place on the mountain top. Now, the Matthew account says mountain top. The look says on the mountain. I'd like to have a take your few minutes, and just have a few discussions about mountains in the Bible. All through scripture I've seen mountains mentioned in the Bible. Mount Sinai, for instance. The mountain of God, it was called the mountain of God. It was also called Mount Hore. We also have Mount Carmel on top of which Elijah, you know, had to settle the score and the controversy. If Jehovah was God, or Baal was God. He said, for how long shall we stand between two opinions? If the Lord is God, let him be God. And if Baal be God, let him be God. And he who answers by fire, let him be God. This, this, this, this happened on Mount Carmel. Elijah was a man from the tribe called the Teethbites. And he was a mountain man, and his location was found on Mount Carmel. The scripture says in 1st John, in 1st Kings chapter 17, the introduction of Elijah was very simple and sharp. He said, Elijah, a teachman from the people of the king, or the mountain of King. He stood before Ephab and said, by the God before whom I stand, that there is no doom or rape except Babylon on the mountains of Israel. In Exodus chapter 3, the scripture says, and Moses, leading the flock of his father-in-law, Jotro, came to the mountain of God for later, and suddenly he saw the burning bush. The bush was burning, but when he turned to sea closely, how there was a burning with all the physical manifestations of fire. Yet there was no combustion of the bush. The Bible says, God spoke to him, and God said, Moses is up here. He said, remove the shoes of thy king, for the ground on which you are is holy. For I have come down to deliver my king. For I know their sorrows, and their cries have come up unto him. See how they listen. Now this encounter took place on the mountain. The encounter between Elijah and 850 prophets, where the fire of God failed that day, was on the mountain. Then we also have in Genesis chapter 22, when one day after Isaac was born, God came to Abraham and said, Abraham, Abraham, Abraham, Abraham is a yesor. He said, I'd like you to take your son, your only son, whom you saw love. God, it's in the Bible, whom you saw love, whom you dearly love. It was like the God who was speaking was jealous of the love that was developing between Abraham and Isaac. Because God was beginning to lose his position in Abraham's life. Because after waiting for over 90 years for one son, if God does not intervene, you may end up pumping the child almost into idolatry. And God said, I don't like this focus. I don't like this thing. I don't like how this man, Abraham is beginning to so pump up this boy, and will not even have time for devotion, will not even have time to pray, will not even have time for me. I'm just, this is just the beginning. We have a long journey to go. He said, Abraham, just go sacrifice this boy. Just get him out of the way. Certainly as a body. Usually I take my time to lead the foundation, then I begin to strike. Amen? But you hear this. He said, he said, just go, go sacrifice this son. You see, this is why it's very, very, very important and dangerous. For, for, for, for any, anybody or anything to try to get a man of God, or a woman of God's attention much more than the attention of God. Because God is a jealous God. He says, my name is jealous. The scripture says, for the spirit of the Lord, yeah, and it's jealously. The Holy Ghost is so jealous that I'm telling you, he will fight anything that dare to fight his fellowship with you. If he means to do business with you. If, if, if, if, if he doesn't have too much to do with you, you know, you can have your way. Not because he doesn't like you, but because he has a way of allowing you to have your way. If after, if after trying to woo you, you reject him, you reject him. God will not beg or pamper anybody to worship him. Because the worship of God is to your advantage, not to his advantage. Whether you worship him or not does not change who he is. God has no identity crisis. He has no identity problems. God has no complexes. And nobody is indispensable before God. Because if you will not worship him, the rocks are ready to do that. See, man? And I'll bet you those rocks will do good business. Boy, when I came here, I saw you all jumping. You wait till the rocks begin to escape. You guys could jump high enough. Rocks will go way out there. One hundred feet, thousand feet, ten thousand feet. God, what do you want? Say it! We will give it to you. You will see mountains skipping the Bible, say it's in the Book of Isaiah. You should see trees clapping their hands in the Book of Isaiah. You can see the earth quickly improves. You, you know how to dance. Somebody dance. You watch till the earth begins to crack hallelujah. Say hallelujah to somebody. But you wait. You just, you can imagine. You know, when, when, when creation, not men, but other forms of inanimate creation begin to praise God. And the rocks rolling and crying out. And mountains skipping. And trees clapping their hands. Oh, you can imagine. That would be something. And birds singing. I can imagine. Oh, the lion will be on the drums hallelujah. They, they can do a better job. And with the angels as a choir master, just teaching these how to praise God. We could be out of the way, absolutely. And God will still enjoy life. So if God prefers, however, that we give him the worship, you better know it's a privilege. Say hallelujah to somebody. Let nobody beg you to serve the Lord. Let nobody beg you to come to church. Let nobody beg you to be at 700 hours of the Lord. Let nobody beg you to worship the Lord. Let nobody beg you to humble yourself. If you don't do it, somebody will do it. Say hallelujah to somebody. Elijah, Elijah thought he had God's number. And so he said, God, they've killed all the prophets. I'm the only one left of God, I'm there for. Lord, you better be proud of me, man. And God said, well, I have 7,000. In case you don't know. I have 7,000, much more, better than you. Who have mostly been bowed down to worship? In other words, I have 7,000 pure virgins. Now, the virginity is simply, simply is purity. It's not only in what we think, but the world can live in pure Virginia. Absolute chastity. And without any adulteration, permission or anything of corruption or devaluation. It's crisp and clean. That's what happens to you when God wants to live. You become so chaste, so clean and clean as though nothing even or wrong had ever happened to you. Say hallelujah to somebody. Now, so here, this was on mountain of camel. Then we were talking about Abraham and his son. God said to Abraham, now you take your son, your only son, to mountain one of the mountains of Moriah. One of the mountains of Moriah. So Isaac was a sacrifice on the mountain of Moriah. It is believed that that same mountain place of Moriah, many years later became the mountain of cover. It is also believed that the same spot where Isaac was sacrificed, as it were, was the same spot the cross was established. Where Jesus was crucified. Because Isaac was a metaphor of the Messiah. And this took place on the mountain top. Now, I can go on and on. We have the mountain of holies. And the scripture also talks about the church being Mount Zion. Now, there's something about the prophets of old being connected to a kind of a mountain experience. I pray that these days, in these last days, before Jesus shut touch down on this day. All the mountains around the Seattle area shall be purchased by the church. That we will have all kinds of prayer comes on the mountain top. That we should have all kinds of Holy Ghost villas on the mountain tops. That when we leave the busy activities of the cosmopolitan lifestyle, we go to the virgin mountain tops where there's chastity and purity. When we can live with our God without any influence, any interruptions, any form of activities which contain our focus. And in those days the prophets will be on the mountain top to hear from the Lord. And when they descended into the city, they had a word from the Lord. You can trust that they had a word from the Lord. Say hello to the assembly. I want to challenge you from today that as you sojourn and travel on your walk with God, look for a mountain tops. I'm not saying that naturally, if you can't find the spiritual. Let it be a place of a sacred meeting point, a rendezvous between you and heaven. Where you will always retreat to refuel. And when you come back, you are more powerful than before. And Jesus always did that in the days of his life on his earth. That when after many days, after many hours of hard work, he will go to the mountain top and go pray the whole night. And then when he descended, miracle signs and wonders would follow him. And then he went back again and prayed. And when he came down, one day signs of miracles took place. And between one time of prayer and the next time of prayer, in between miracles, miracles, signs and wonders. And signs and wonders were sandwiched by moments of prayer on the mountain top. Say mountain top, say mountain top, say mountain top, say mountain top, say like a minute, mountain top. And may the church be a mountain top experience. When we come to church every Sunday, let it be a mountain top experience. When we are worshiping the Lord, let it be a mountain top experience. When we are praying, let it be a mountain top experience. May we come up higher and higher and higher and higher. Say glory. Jesus brought these to the mountain top of the mountain. And the scripture says that he was transformed. Now Peter, who was one of the recipients of such a visitation by sight. Not by experience in terms of transfiguration, but just being there to watch it happen. He was prepared. But when I get to heaven, I would like to ask Peter. Peter, how did he go? I mean, as a mother, I have lots of questions and a lot of people I want to meet in heaven because I know for a fact that my name is reaching the book of life. Yeah, it has nothing to do with prayer. It all has to do with understood. And believing that the Bible says that he has mansions for us and our names are written in the book of life. And let there be no controversy about that in your hearts. Let your salvation be untouched in terms of belief and understanding because that's all you need and that's all you have. Everything else you see here, it will all be temporary. The art temporary. And when the end comes, all these things. Look, you know, it will be really interesting after we go to heaven. On the rapture day, just to have a little video clips and watch what's happening. There'll be lots of free cars to drive. Free airplanes. Free joggers. Free nice homes. Free empty church buildings, I hope. Nobody here should come to church on Sunday if the rapture takes place. Because you're not supposed to be here anyway. Salutelyah! Salutelyah! Say amen? So Peter, when he was writing his account in the second book of Peter, he explained a little bit about his experience on the mountaintop with Jesus. Second Peter, let's read chapter 1. Verse 16. Second Peter, chapter 1. The verse is 16. For we have not followed canon devised fables which we made known unto you, the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But where eyewitnesses of his majesty. Peter said he was an eyewitness of his majesty. He called Jesus his majesty. And we all sing the song, "Modesty, Worship, His Majesty." That's where it came from. Verse 17. And he received from God. Sorry, he received from God the Father, honor and glory. When there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory. This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. So he says that the transfiguration was a gift of God to his son Jesus. It was a gift of glory that the Father gave to his son. And the glory his Father gave in was a glory from God. And Peter differentiated the glory Jesus received and the glory his Father had. By calling his Father's glory the excellent glory. His Father's glory was the excellent glory. And that day he said we were eyewitnesses of his excellent glory. He said we are eyewitnesses opposite encounters. He becomes sober. It doesn't matter how loud you are. When such encounters, Peter, you are never listening. Because as the glory transformed Jesus the experience will transform you too. There's nobody who sees that an amazing ocean visitation of God and so be descended. In fact, you quit being an American after a sudden encounter. You must have said what I mean. Again? Do you know that you are not Americans? We call apologies. You are not Americans. You are not. You are not. You are children of the Lord. Because the Bible says that after we are saved there's no more Greek, more Jew, not sentient. Your identity is changed. Your culture is not this culture you see. Your culture is the culture of the Holy Spirit. Say hello to somebody. You better know that now. The earlier the better. Amen? Now let's read on it. So it says that verse 18 and his voice which came from heaven we heard. When we were with him in the Holy Mountain. So he called that place the Holy Mountain. He was actually I believe it was the mountain of Olives where the transfiguration took place. It was that same mountain of Olives where Jesus went when he ascended to heaven. The same place, the same spot. And he called the mountain the Holy. Consider. The next verse it says we have also a more sure word of prophecy. Well unto, we do well that we take heed as unto a light that shines in the dark place until the day dawn. And the day star arrives now. Until the day dawn and the day star rise up in our hearts. So you see where the day star television goes. From the Holy Mountain, Hallelujah. Very prophetic, yeah? Yeah? Because the higher you go the farther you come being your masters. And you get all kinds of views. It's a very powerful, prophetic word. So also it's TBM, Trinity Broadcasting. When the Trinity is broadcasting, it says things don't just happen. God does not give names for action. The day dawn and the day star rise up in our hearts. The next verse comes and says knowing this verse that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in all time by the will of man, but the holy men of God speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So here Peter gave a beautiful account of his experience on the Holy Mountain. In other words, I'm saying just to say that I may say forevermore that there are experiences to be experienced on high platforms with God. And anytime God wants to do something spectacular in the generation, there's something about the high places in God. There's something about high mountains in God. This kind of Christianity, which seems to be a low life, a low valent life, is not exciting. The real excitement is on the mountain top. It says climb up higher, come further. Let me show you stuff. So tonight I said that I need some more time because there's so much in my spirit. Say amen. And so here we see how Peter said, oh, you should be there. Can I just dramatize this? He said, you should be there. You should see this holy mountain. You should see this holy globe which came down here. You should hear the voice of the star. Ah, Christ of course. Christ of clay. And his father, loving on his side. All on his side, perceiving love on his side. You should imagine the holy spirit among ah, it was a sight. Ah, I wish you were there, so to speak. I wish you were there. You see, you see, I wish and I hope that you will also receive the sieve appetite, the sieve experience. I don't know how, but may the Holy Ghost open your spirit and let your mind come to the revelation of what to place. It must be an awesome experience. Oh, oh, oh. These last days, there have been no experiences in Christianity. It seems to be just a form, you know. We've got a church and it's like a duty. It's kind of a performance. It wasn't a performance at all. It was a life that was leaked. It was an experience that was never forgotten. It was always life-changing. Every moment was life-changing. Say hello to somebody. Say hello to somebody. Let me give you another synopsis of a mountain top experience. Look at Exodus chapter 90, Exodus 19. And then we begin to roll. Say hello to ya. I love this conference. Yeah, Exodus 19. It says from the first verse, I read. And in the third month, when the children of Israel were gone, out of the land of Egypt, the same day came into the wilderness of Sinai. For they were departed from refuge and were come to the desert of Sinai and had pitched in the wilderness. And there Israel came before the mountain, again another mountain. And Moses went up unto God and the Lord called unto him, out of the mountain, saying, "Tasha thou say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel." You have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bear you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. Now therefore, if you will obey my voice, indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me, above all people, for all the air this month, or shall the army. And you shall be unto me, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shall speak unto the children of Israel. And Moses came and called for the elders of the people and laid before their faces, all these words, which the Lord commanded him. Now this same place, which is where God was speaking to Moses, was the same place God met Moses by the bending bush, the mountain of Sinai. So Moses met God, saw the fire burning by that mountain. Then he left that place, so transformed, went to Egypt and took the people out of Egypt and brought them back to that same mountain. Where he met God by fire. And at that same spot, there was another fiery experience at the same mountain, at the same mountain. Let's read on. And here, from verse 16. And it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were tundles and lightnings and thick clouds upon the mountain. And the voice of the trumpet, exceeding loud, so that all the people that was in the camp, tumbled. That was quite noisy. Chad is supposed to be a noisy place. I don't see how you can save this great girl with such awesome experiences being quiet. Jesus said, I can't stop these guys from screaming, because the Pharisees came to complain when he was arriving in Dusse. And the city management, the city mayor said, Lord, let your guys go cool, because there are some wealthy men in town. We are having a conference. Jesus said, Jesus, which one you prepared? In other words, if you can handle this one, which I suggest, you allow the human beings to do it, the rocks are more outy. So for your good, if men are driving you nuts, the rocks will drive you nutty. So, amen. Heaven is a very noisy place. It's a soundy place. I don't know, it's big because love must be expressed. If love is not expressed, it is depressed. So love with that expression leads to depression. I must prove to God how much I love him. I was blind going to hell, and he came without my permission and saved my soul. I would cry out, I would shout today. I would praise and worship my God. Say hallelujah, somebody. Say hallelujah, somebody. Say hallelujah, somebody. Say glory. The Bible says, the Bible says, and when David, when David brought the act of the covenant to Jerusalem, boy, he was dancing. He was dancing. Boy, he was dancing. He was dancing. And the scripture says that his outer garment, his royal gown fell off. And he had no protocol. He broke protocol. I can imagine all the FBI and the SS and the CIA around David. Hey, let nobody assassinate him. I don't care a bit. I am dancing before the law. I was peeing before the law. I would give God some praise. I would glorify his name. Mommy, no night. Say hallelujah. The Bible says, and David danced. He danced so supernaturally that it was the talk of the town, including the talk of his house. And his wife, Mikhail, the daughter of Saul, was waiting. She was doing, fighting her teeth. And I'm waiting for my husband. I have something to tell him. So David came back. That's bouncing like a ball, Hallelujah. It's the honey? Hi, Pa. Sweetie, bye. The only sugar in my teeth. Where are you? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hallelujah. She came out from her room. Who are you talking about? She said, she said, "Who are you talking about?" Me? You coming? You coming? She'd had? Yeah, yeah. I saw you. I saw you. I saw you. I saw you. You were dancing. And all the ladies saw your cut come outs. Yeah. You know. And she said, she talked. And she said, as a... David said, "Hello. Listen to me." He said, "I was the youngest in my father's house. And I was a shepherd man in the fields of Bethlehem. And all I knew." I have seven brothers, and God gave me to my house. And reject the seven brothers. And I know that we came back. He said, "Honey, if my dancing to the moon, to express my opportunity for what is done for me. Because he's giving me what I don't deserve." He said, "Hallelujah, somebody." He said, "He has given me what I don't deserve." And he said, "Honey, can I give you a serious announcement? I love you, but don't come between me and my God." Maybe when I married you, I didn't make it very clear. But my fellowship with God is a no-go area. Don't touch. You will be burned. Then number two. He said, "Because of what God has done for me, I will dance again today. And I will dance again tomorrow." And you know what? Can I be a little plain woman? He said, "I will be yet vile." In other words, if my dancing was out of protocol, my next time. I will be extravagant. I will be extravagant much more than this. In fact, the real English root word means that I will be more gymnastic. The real root word means I will be more gymnastic than this. You see, there's something about when we get to heaven, when we are in God's presence, and the real glory appears. All your protocol is out of there. Because the main majesty, the main protocol is God. And Jesus is the only object for worship. And we are the subjects of worship. And I say amen hallelujah, somebody say, "Glory, are you with me tonight?" The Bible says, "On the mountain top, when God was coming down on Mount Sinai, there was such a loud trumpet sounding. All the trumpeters were blowing their lungs out, and there was shouting to receive the visitation." Shall we read on this? This is according to the Bible. The 17th and Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God. Is it in the Bible? To meet with who? God, in the midst of shouting. He stood at the net path of the mountain. And Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke. Because the Lord descended upon it in fire. And the smoke, the rough, ascended as the smoke of a furnace. And the whole mountain quicked quickly. And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and watched louder and louder. Which means that the sound of the trumpet took a crescendo. It went louder and louder at the appearance of the Lord. Say hallelujah, somebody. Moses speak and God answered him by a voice. And the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai on the top of the mountain. And the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up. I'm talking about the mountain of experiences. I mean, time will fill me to his mountain upon mountaintop in the Bible. Amazing is it. So when he called Peter Dimmsley John to the mountain of the unexperienced. It was no small thing. Having said that, it was the repetition of the history, of the highest profile, of divinity, and engaging with humanity. And in all the experiences we have mentioned so far, and many more you have to be spoken about. On Mount Common, on Mount Sinai, on Mount Olives, on the mountain of Gilead, all these were with men who were very devoured. Elijah was very devoured. Moses was very devoured. Peter Dimmsley John was very devoured. Which means mountain top experiences are not for everybody. It is only for those who are prepared to pay the price. But it is for everybody, if you can desire it. May your lifestyle be a mountain top experience. May your Christian lives tonight, and from today, may God bring you to the next level, the high level of mountain top experiences. You can be driving your car, but having mountain top experiences. In your house, you can have mountain top experiences. In your office, you can have a mountain top experience, when God comes to meet with your people. Say hallelujah! And Peter said, you should see the excellence. And he said, we have not followed the tables of cunning stars. It is this a lot of mythical stars. We are experienced. I saw it with my eyes, when I'm telling you this story. And tonight, may you experience this message as though you were there. May you receive this word as a fierce person encounter. I speak the habit by the Holy Spirit. Say, I receive that. One more time, I receive. He said, like a minute, I receive. And the Bible shows very clearly that not only do we experience transfigurations of people or of Jesus, but we also have translations in the Bible. Tonight, I will handle both the transfiguration and the translation. And all of them are activities of God by the Holy Ghost. Who let you understand that transfigurations and translations did not end in the Old Testament or in the Bible days. But it's supposed to be more rampant in these last days. Say hallelujah! Say hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! One more experience God. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Say hallelujah! Say hallelujah! And one of the things I've realized is that there are dimensions of the Holy Spirit's manifestation which God has preserved for the last days. There are incredible moves. Recently, in prayer, the Lord told me something. He said, there are angels in heaven who have never been released on this day. And he said, by this last days, in fact, he said from this year, there will be the beginning of the release of some of these angels who have never visited the front. And he said, the reason is for them to prepare the church, to experience what has not been experienced before. Just as these angels have never come on this end before, they are carrying experience with which we have never seen before. Because it is perfected. The Bible says in the last days, the things which will happen are things which eyes have not seen before. And that would ears have not heard before. So there are angels who are responsible for such activity. That which eyes have not seen before. They have crossed the Red Sea, so eyes have seen that before. God descended on the mountain of Sinai and the mountain was shaking, so eyes have seen those before. But that which we are about to experience, that which eyes have not seen before. Yes, I have not heard before. And these are all in the Holy Ghost. This is how I bought my spirit upon all flesh. And there is science and wonders in the heavenless. We are in the season where such manifestations are beginning to happen. And I pray that you will take your fellowship with Jesus so personally. And so seriously. And so jealousy. And so protective. That you will not lose out or miss out in anything that God has for you. This is my desire. Anything God has. I want. Anything He says, I believe. Who He is, I want to be. And that circle says to you. Certainly as somebody. Now let's look at an example of a transfiguration in Acts chapter 6. Jesus was transfigured. We shall come back there though, but another man was transfigured who was also a follower of Jesus called Stephen. Stephen was also transfigured. In Acts chapter 6 and I read verse 7, it says, "And the word of the Lord, the word of God increased and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly. And a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. And Stephen full of faith and power did great wonders and miracles among the people." See I mean? Verse 14, "For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place and shall change the customs which Moses delivered this. And all that sat in the council looked steadfastly on him, saw his face, as it had been the face of an angel. So Stephen a man full of the Holy Ghost. I am building an argument that the power of the transfiguration is the power of the Holy Spirit." The Bible says that Stephen a man full of the Holy Spirit. And as he spoke that day, his face was transfigured like the face of an angel. Jesus a man full of the Holy Spirit. And on the mountain that day he was so transfigured. And his face, this shine, his garment was as wide as light. And the strength of the glory was the strength of the brightness of the Spirit. And when he was transformed before all of them, that was an activity of the Holy Spirit. Another activity of the Holy Spirit is not just transforming you or transfiguring you, but also translating you. Transfigure means to change from you, but to translate which means to transverse or to move you from one place to one place. I am talking about the power and the movement of the Holy Spirit. Are you with me tonight? And I would take two encounters, one in the Old Testament, to the other one in the New Testament. Let's begin from the Old Testament. Look at the book of Kings, first Kings, chapter 18. I am enjoying this conference. Pastor, thank you for inviting me. I love it, I love it. First Kings, chapter 18. And I read from verse 7, but let me give you a little backdrop of this. Now, this was Elijah. Elijah from the mountain of Gilead, Elijah the teaspoon. Elijah, a man who was so well-trained by God. Now, no one knows who was Elijah's bishop. Nobody knows who his bishop was. Elijah was an enigma. Who is an enigma? An enigma? Or a prophet who is an enigma simply means that there was no prophetic word. Announcing his arrival before he came on the same. Jesus was not an enigma because there were prophecies announcing his prayer. John the Baptist was not an enigma because right in the book of Isaiah, he said, "There's a one who shall come, who shall go before him, who shall make the crooked past fit. And every mountain shall be brought low, and every valley shall be free. And shall proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, preparing the way for the Messiah." So John the Baptist was not an enigma. But Elijah was an enigma. He appeared on the sea, being there. And when he appeared, he did not appear like a little boy, growing into a mature man. Like somebody. He was powerful, full of fire, ready to run. He hit the ground running. He suffered his trust, appearance in the Bible was to encounter. And the next encounter was fire. And this guy, in the book of 2 Kings, chapter 1, he called fire, and 50 soldiers were burned. And there was another 50 soldiers which came, another fire came and burned them all. This guy was a fiery man. And whatever he went, fire was buried. The guy was an orphan. The guy was a mobile terrorist. If you mess with him, fire, who? So don't mess with Elijah. If you jump with him, he lifts his hands, and you are gone. Certainly, somebody. And these soldiers came to him and said, "Well, the king wants you here. Oh, man of God, come down from the hilltop. He was on the hilltop on the monitor. Oh, you, Prophet. Hey, who? Come down. The king wants to see you." He said, "Well, if I be a man of God, let the fire fall from heaven and burn you, and shoot." He nuked them, hallelujah. Then there was news in town that all the soldiers have been wiped out by the Prophet on fire. And the king sent another group of 50 soldiers. And they said, "Hey, Prophet, come down now." He said, "Well, so don't respect men of God." "And if I have been, that's your tool." And he said, "And in other words," he said, "How dare you talk to a man of God like that? I don't represent the king. I represent God. You must give reverence to my God. Let's pray at all, and bend him." No soldier went back to tell the story. It's in Second Kings, supple. You will enjoy the fire I am mounting. See how they beat us in that? See how they beat us in that? See how they beat us in that? So this Elijah, after he told the king, that they said, "No, do not rain except by my word." He said, "Put the king in his pocket." And he shut down the economy of Sunday. The economy, the geography, the rent pattern of the whole nation was in another pocket. And he put the keys in his pocket. And God said, "Now go to the good church, and stay there, and hide yourself there." Well, I have commanded the reverence to people there. He was there, and the reverence brought to you. The reverence brought to you. And the Bible does not say that the reverence brought fruits, fruits, the brought meat, meat. Now, let me tell you the mystery of mistress. You know, ravens, ravens, ravens eat lots of meat. And the red meat, the love, God, God, throw the ravens to pick meat that they love to eat. They put them on a fast. And the rhythms obey God to feed the prophet the three times a day. For as long as God wanted, is there anything too hard for God? The Bible says that when that was over, when the broke died, God sent him to Zion to a leader who was to feed him also. She also had her last meal. But when she remained to feed the man of God fast, she never loved it. Now, this has been the backdrop. Meanwhile, for three and a half years, there was no rain. The economy had gone dry. You guys are worried about the economy of America. Go ask Saniria what happened to Jesus. Now, God told the man of God said, "Now you go back to Egypt. You just go back to Egypt and go review yourself. Go show yourself. Listen to this." So Elijah, after he left the house of the widow, went back to Saniria. And on his way to lead the king in the city, he leads a prophet called Obadiah. Now, Obadiah was one of those prophets who had had to use a lot of wisdom to live. Because just a little had killed a lot of them. And he had to go ahead to enter prophets in the cave and fed them with bread and water. And he was playing with the king and playing politics, being politically right. Just to help the way out of the citizens. Elijah goes and he meets Obadiah in the wilderness. And he said, "O'Badiah, how are you?" Obadiah said, "O'Badiah, where have you been? Three years the king has gone around the world." He said, "FBI, SS, all over the world, looking for you." And Elijah said, "Here I am." What do you want? And you know, he said, "Go tell the king I am here." I'm waiting for him right now. I don't hear the king. I fear God, but not the king. You know what Obadiah said? Obadiah said, "Oh, yeah." You want me to go? Go to the king. And by the time I bring the king, the Holy Spirit will take you away. And the king will say, "I lied to him, and my neck would go." He said, "I know you do well. I know how the Holy Ghost translates you, how he carries you constantly." We know about that. And I'm not good to go anywhere. Because for what you know, you are on another trip with the Holy Ghost. Now, this is the backdrop of the story. So let's read from verse 7. Are you being blessed today? And as Obadiah was in the way, behold Elijah met him. And he knew him, and fell on his face, and said, "Adal, that, my Lord Elijah." He answered, "I am. Go tell thy Lord, behold, that Elijah is here." And he said, "What? Have I seen that thou should deliver thy sever into the hand of Ahab to slay me?" Ask the Lord thy God liveth. There is no nation or kingdom without my Lord has not sent to seek you. And when they said he is not dead, he took an oath of the kingdom and the nation and the town did not think about it. And now thou sayest, "Go tell thy king, thy Lord, behold, that Elijah is here." And he shall come to pass. As soon as I am gone from thee, that the spirit of the Lord shall carry thee with her, I know not. And so when I come and tell Ahab, he cannot find thee, he slay me, he shall slay me, but I, thy servant, hear the Lord from my Lord. Think about that. My point here is that even in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit was translated. And this story shows clearly that it did not happen just one time. It was a constant affair. Anytime God would want to send Elijah somewhere, he would just carry the book. It is very likely that when he moved from the book charity to Zarephath, he was transferred, by the Spirit of God. So the Holy Spirit does the only transcription of your children. But he also transfers. That is why don't ever think that the Holy Ghost cannot help you in business. There is a way he can translate your business. He can translate your ministry. And you catch up with the lost time or time lost. He knows how to redeem the time. He knows how to redeem wasted years. It doesn't matter how many years you've wasted. If you can have a new beginning from today, he can translate your life. And things will move on a Judea note. Say hallelujah, somebody. Say glory! The second translation in the Bible by the Holy Spirit is in Acts. Acts chapter 8. Let's read very quickly from verse 29. Acts 8 verse 29. This is a good church. The man, either. Was returning and sitting in his chariot, reading Isaiah the prophet. And then the Spirit said unto Philip, go near and join thyself to his chariot. This chariot. And Philip run thee unto him and heard him read the prophet Isaiah and said, understand this now for the reader? And he said, how can I understand? Except someone should guide me. And he desired Philip the issue. That he would come up and seek with him. The place of the scripture which he read was, he was laid as a ship to the slaughter. And like a lamb down before his chariot, so open he noticed. Verse 34. The Enoch answered Philip and said, I pray thee of whom speaketh the prophet. This of himself or some other man. Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the scripture. The sims could have preached unto him Jesus Christ. Verse 38. And he commanded the chariot to stand still. And they went down both into the water, both Philip and you know. And he baptized him. Verse 39. And when they would come out of the water, the spirit of the Lord caught away in Philip. That they did not saw him no more. And he went unto his way of rejoicing. As Philip was found at a Zothus and passing through, he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea. See how they lay as somebody. So here again we see another scenario. How the man of God Philip was translated by the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament Elijah enjoyed that. In the New Testament, Philip enjoyed that. In these last days, we are all supposed to be partakers of such, of such ministration. By the Holy Spirit. Of such a visitation by the Holy Spirit. Of such a move by the Holy Spirit. Of such an encounter by the Holy Spirit. But such encounters don't just happen when you are anyhow as a child of God. It happens when your life is found to be devoted, absolutely devoured. Because both Philip and Elijah were very devoted unto God. Peter, James and John were very devoted unto God. The point today is that it is time for us to wake up, say wake up. One more time. And when we are working, God brings us to a place where we can be our working. In the valley, you sleep too much. But on the mountain top, there's some other life of glory that you see things. You hear things. You know things. You understand things. Because you are woken up by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. See, awake. One of the things you see when you come up high is you see a lot of things. No man can ever teach. You experience a lot of things than no man can ever teach. So some of my most experiences, my best times in the Kingdom of God is when I meet them. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Sometimes, sometimes it's a pain. To keep going, to come and teach. We always, but sometimes I consider it. That's being holy thought. Sometimes I have the purpose to be able, and not to connect. That's why sometimes I am a little late to you. That's a little bit. Because I cannot sometimes dislocate myself on the Holy Spirit when he is speaking and sure this time. And I'm writing notes. And he chooses when to be able to speak together. Sometimes it doesn't matter how prepared you are to live on time. He chooses his own time. And I prefer to be late, but have something to say, done to be on time, and have nothing to say. Suddenly, somebody. In the metaphor of coming to the mountain, we are brought to a place of revelation. Now, as I conclude, just give you 20 more minutes. Look at the book of Revelation. Revelation chapter 1. Revelation chapter 1. How many of you enjoy something today? Verse 9. Now, John is now one of those who were on the mountain top. Is that right? Good. I, John, who I'm also your brother and companion in the kingdom of the patients of Jesus Christ, was in the aisles that is called Patmos for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. Everybody read, but then go, I was in the spirit on the last day and head behind me. I was in the spirit on the last day. John, John was in the spirit. Is that right? On the last day. Here it is. You would enjoy this. Look at John chapter 4. Sorry. Oh, Revelation chapter 4. I'm sorry. Let's go to chapter 4 of the same book. I did. Verse 1. After this, I looked and behold, a door was opened in heaven. And the first voice which I had was as it were, I trumpet, talking with you. And said, "Come up, come up, Peter." And I will show the things which you must be here at. He says, "Come up, Peter." And I will show you which means that the higher you go and go, the more things go shows you. So Revelation is found in the higher place. See man? Good. Now let's assume that John is now in the high place. Is that right? Now, and let's have a journey of how God began to show things because here come up, Peter. If you are down there, you don't see anything. But if you are up here, you should stop. So now let's assume that John is way up there. Now let's go to chapter 5 of the same book. And I saw in the right hand of him, that sat on the throne, a book written within. And on the backside, sealed with seven seals. So he saw because he is water in the high place. You guys are good students. Amen? Chapter 6, verse 1. And I saw when the lamp opened one of the seals. And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts crying, saying, "Come and see." Chapter 7, verse 1. And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four wings of the earth. That the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. Chapter 8, verse 1 and 2. And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of heaven hour. And I saw seven angels, which stood before God. And to them, which were given seven trumpets. Chapter 9, verse 1. And the angel, and the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star, four from heaven, on to the earth. And to him was given the key on the bottom left speed. Chapter 10, verse 1. And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven. The Lord, with the cloud, had a loose shot, and a rainbow was upon his head. And his face was as it were, the sun and his feet are spirits of the land. All this world, John, climbed up. It was in the high place. And Chapter 5, I saw. Chapter 6, I saw. Chapter 7, I saw. Chapter 8, I saw. Chapter 9, I saw. Chapter 10, I saw. And he kept sea. And he kept sea. And he kept sea. And he kept sea. Who would like to come down the valley after being so spoiled? With seeing glory upon glory upon glory. And a Christian who walks in high places like this. Oh, you have a life of joy. And it's time you are so in tune with God. And if God will do anything new on the earth, you saw it first. Before there was a Holocaust on the earth, you saw it first. Before something will happen, you will see it first. Then God says, "Will I do anything except I speak first to my prophet?" And who are the prophets? The prophets are supposed to be on the mountaintop with God. Prophets are not supposed to be in the mall. It's in Cheeseburger every day. The prophets are supposed to be on the mountaintop on the high place with God. Sick in his face, worshiping him, being where he is, knowing God for who he is. And you will see, and you will see, and you will see, and you will see, and you will see. And as you see, you will experience. As you experience, you will live and move and have your being. Say hallelujah to somebody. Say hallelujah to somebody. Say amen. I pray that you will have such a flash of darkness in God. Paul says, in Philippians 3, he says, "For, for, for." There's one thing I need to do is to let go. It's to let go of the things. What's our behind? I need to let them go. Live me alone. All those stuff. Live me alone. All those friends. Live me alone. All these passion for ghost. Live me alone. And I want to press in for the price of the higher calling. You see, you can't enjoy the valley and still enjoy the mountaintop. You must sacrifice one for the other. You must choose which one you prefer. The Bible says, "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day." And the Lord said, "Come up, Peter. Now that you are in the spirit. Now that you've set yourself apart. Now that you have decided whom you love, I have put you through stuff. Oh, John. And I've tested your heart. And I know now that your heart is absolutely for me. Now that your heart is for me. Come up, Peter. I had the Lord to share. Jesus. Jesus, what's happening? Jesus may always go to the high mountaintop. And isn't there something about height? You can see the higher you go, the father you see. And let me just conclude with this. John, Matthew chapter 14. This is my conclusion of conclusions. By faith, by faith. I am just obeying the pastor. He said I must have my way. So, Matthew chapter 14. And I conclude from verse 22. And hopefully, and straight away, and straight away, Jesus constrained his disciples to get into the ship. Say amen. And to go before him and to the other side. While he sent the multitude away. And when he sent the multitude away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray. Is it there? He went where? To a mountain apart to pray. And when the evening was come, he was there. Hello. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea. Tossed with waves. For the wind was confronted. And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went down. Went unto them, walking on the sea. See how they lose you. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled. Say, it is a spirit. And they cried out for me. But straight away, Jesus spit unto them, saying, be of good cheer. It is I, be not afraid. Amen? Now, let me finish with it. Jesus had just finished a major present. A major present. A whole day, you say. Then he fed everything. Five thousand men had missed the loss of Christians. It is believed that the time he closed it to say, "I'm faking everybody." It was about four, thirty, three, three, four years. So he sent everybody away. He sent a multitude of events to their homes. Some came, they came from all of our geo. And Israel had three regions. Israel had Judea and had Samir, and had Ganyed. Yeah? And Ganyed. Is that right? Is that right? Yeah. Three. No, not that. Did Judea. Did they? The cup talk Judea was delicious. And then the cup talk Samiria was Samiria. And then they came from all those regions. And came to the Jews and listened to this. They finished till then. They all went back home. He told his disciples to get into the boat. And they shipped and go to the others. He dismissed everybody. And he was alone. There is a place of loneliness, but not the lonely. Which is the incubation or the incubated place on this. And the leader who come out and join me alone. And I'm not going to do that. You have no state. I am being hired. It's not a problem. The maintaining your height is the key. And you can incubate that strength by being alone to discover your own identity. So that your vision will not be polluted by associations. See man? So Jesus, after he sent everybody, he alone went to the mountain town. And he went up there for the purpose of what? So Jesus was there. Everybody had gone home. The disciples were in the boat going to the house. By the way, there is a difference between the multitude inside. And he separated them. And then he began to play. The scripture says, "At the fourth watch, at the fourth watch." Now, this is a very powerful city. It is believed that Jesus began to pray from six people. Because if you calculate the watch time, the fourth watch if you calculate it back. We had the Roman watch system and the Jewish was it. This one, the first watch began from 16 to 19. That was the first watch. So Jesus began to talk from 16. 9 p.m. was the first watch. He continued to pray. Into the second watch, which was 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. This was prayed for six hours, months ago. Then he continued to pray from 12 p.m. to 3 a.m. to the third watch. He was my Lord. My Savior was prayed for nine hours. Then the fourth watch, which is from 3 a.m. to 12. 6 a.m. the fourth watch. Jesus was prayed for how many hours. That's where God took me one day. I was studying, I was studying, Jesus. But I didn't remember. When heaven descended, he told me that the head of the church, Jesus, prayed for God. And he took me through scriptures. He proved that that was not the only one. That was his average. After a very busy day, feeding 5,000 bucks. Before feeding them, he healed them. Before healing them, he preached for them. You know how I preach. He preached more than this. Suddenly I was somebody. Jesus possibly preached for four hours. Then he fed them three hours. But before he fed them, he healed them all. Three hours, and fed them three hours, all on his feet. After that, he went to the monitor and prayed 12 hours. Then he said, "If Jesus has called you, he is your mentor. You see what you do, and he's calling you to do this." And you see, and he said, "You watch and see what God will do you do." See this thing? You try? Go back. It's going to be one hour a day. It's never easy. Are you listening to what I'm saying? I'm confused by the time everything up together. Why there was a transfiguration in the time of prayer? My question is, why? Jesus, listen, listen, listen. And when he was on the monitor, pray. Pray. After 12 hours of prayer. And when Jesus is praying, there's no chewing gum in his mouth. There's no cell phone. He doesn't go up and forth drinking water. The guy is focused. And let me tell you how in tune he is. And he always prays with absolute focus. Because just as he prayed in eternity, with intensity and the path of his skin broke, because of high-powered emotional intensity to get results involved. And so he's singing best. And the layers under the skin he oozed out, and the blood vessels began to release tension because of the tension of the focus of it. And that's why he all is praying. That's why he did not want anybody around him when he was praying. Because he didn't need anybody to come and wake him up or disturb his prayer. Because when he was engaged in prayer, he was in tune with his father. And he knew that he was carrying the burden and the vision of the salvation of the whole world thing, the whole world before him and the whole world after him. If you know your vision, you carry the burden. If you have the burden, you have the passion. When you have the passion, you don't look back. Are you listening to what I'm saying? I'm talking about mountain-top experiences. And the Bible shows clearly that he prayed and prayed and prayed. I am not surprised that he knew that he decided what he taught me. Because no one had a cell phone. If Peter had a cell phone, he would have called 40 times per minute. He said, "Jesus, we are dying." No communication whatsoever. Look, if you pray for 12 hours, you know stuff. Your system. God will show you stuff. And the higher you go, the further you can see. So the higher he was on the mountain, he could see in the spirit that his disciples were in trouble. Guess what? Listen to this. You know, this happens to me a lot. Sometimes wherever I am in Russia, India, Europe, wherever Africa, wherever I am. In prayer, sometimes I just know what's happening in the office. I just call the office. What will you? Or as somebody who is one of our partners or something like that, I pray for personally. I just call them what's happening, and in all cases, I never will. Because when you are in prayer with such intensity, the Holy Spirit engages you. And you become partners with God for godly values and purpose. Are you with me, somebody? Hear this, hear this. Jesus immediately, he saw that his voice was in trouble. I'm sure he asked the Father, "Papa, how do you handle this?" Maybe we should send out an angel, maybe angel Michael, to go save the disciples. And his Father said, "No, this is civil business. This is civil business." Because all your disciples are in that symbol. If the devil nukes them, you have no future for your news. You go fight this good war for yourself. This is biggie. This is not angelic. This is messianic. Because the devil's big boys are there. I don't have time to talk about the metaphor of the world on his story. They had no chance, I'm telling you, they had no chance. So, Jesus comes down from the monitor, gets down to the shock of the sea of God. No speak but. Are you there? Bill Gates wasn't born. That he could loan his amphibious athlete. There was a wealthy man who was his friend. Just as a father might be. Nicodem was his friend, wealthy guys, except the billionaires of those days were his friends. I'll tell you, I'll show you. And I'll tell you. So he got it. So he said, "Lord, how do you do this?" He said, "Well, you created the water." He said, "Just bring the roots out of it." So he said, "Well, it simply means do a miracle." Because a miracle, another word for a miracle is "brick in the roots." So he said, "Water, your original state." He said, "But I am changing the root now. It's not about you, it's about you." So the water became something. In the beginning was the way, and the way was regard, and the way was regard. There was nothing that was me that was made without him. Jesus stepped on the water. He became concrete, cement, everything. Imagine all the fishes. Packer imagine all the fishes in the water. Whoopee! The Messiah is in our country today. We only hear of him in the land. Today he's in our world. Hello world. All the fishes. All the aqua mammals were dancing, praising the Lord. With all the agills. You see what I'm saying. When a president is in time, everybody wants to shake his hands. So you can imagine all the fishes wanted to shake his hands. You see what I'm saying? You can imagine all the fishes to sight, autograph, autograph. Jesus, autograph. Salmon, salmon, salmon. I'm sure Jesus said, well, next time, next time, next time. Next time, I will be back sometime. Saloon! And so here, Jesus, Jesus walks. And he gets close, he gets close, he gets close to the desires. I guess who saw him first? Peter. Peter, who did kill the head of the church? What time did you go into that? And Peter sees him. There's ever a good reason that Peter was the more active. That's leadership. Some may think that he was the reality that he was whispering. He was responding to a call he did not know what he had. So Jesus walked on the water, my question is, why not he would not walk on water? Because once you pray like that, you eat a spiritual pizza. Because prayer is a mountain of experience. You begin to pray and the more engaged you are in prayer, the higher you go in the spirit. The moment your focus is disturbed, you begin to come down. And if you can hit a crescendo like the mountain of experience is up giving you, you can walk up water. I'm not saying you can walk on water, H2O. I'm talking about you can walk on the challenges of that. You will be so, you will be so solution loaded that you will become a multi-solution personality. And you can transfigure, change any circumstance in your life. Say hello to somebody. My time has caught up with me. I was going to take you into the how prayer brings you to every crescendo where you will know yourself. That's a lot, that's a lot. Say amen. Where prayer brings you to a place like crescendo where he brings you to Roman state, where the spirit takes you. And you finish praying and you finish praying to yourself. You wonder where you have been. You wonder where you have been. The first time, at the first time I prayed, the first time I prayed ten hours non-stop. When I came out of the prayer room, it was like I was split. I'm telling you, I wasn't walking on the ground. There was a permanent hours suspended. And anything that might in my feet will look like on the floor. But the Bible is the man who's born of the spirit, is like a Jew. There are several companies that come to you. But it's a whole section. Say amen. My point here is that you have come to the new Jesus, the holy mountain of God, which is called the church, the new Jesus. In the new marble angels, which is one of the mountain-top experiences of the freedom of Jesus, in the book of peoples, where we encounter angels. And we grow from encounter angels to a ring where angels and companies. It flips them after you've arrived in your place. You become a spectacle to me. Just as me, they wear it to you when you are at the lower level. It flips when the holy day sticks you. At that point, at that point, your prayer life becomes no more supplication. Your prayer life becomes legislation. When the words of your mouth, your tongue becomes like the pain of the radiator. At that point, at that point, you lose contact with your own prayer hands. Heaven gets you prayer points to book it. In the level, you need to be the level of counsel. So let us resume. That's where the man like the light loses you. Say amen. Ladies and gentlemen, the theme of this conference is the word of the Lord for you. This conference was not about the church. It's about you, here we go. This is a setup from heaven. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a setup from heaven. I know it, not because I'm looking for words. I'm a joke, but I'm serious. I think the words around me, because I am accountable to people who go. And I am judged by my own words. So I'm careful with words. And I'm telling you, this conference is a video set in the book. The God has been waiting to talk to you. This is the time that God has been pitched to this. As a man talks to him, because he has prepared for you the higher prayer. God has waited for ten minutes to release this grace to you watching this. Say amen. Here it is. When I know God has deposited stuff, but I'm not permitted to be blessed because the right atmosphere has not been created. As I keep saying that this church, place in the West needs you. America needs you. Keep in what you have. Preserve what you have. And increase what you have. To this moment, please, don't leave. I need to leave this person as 85 stops you. I need to leave this person as a man. The Bible says, God told John, come up here and I will show you. So God invites us not just to be in a high place and come around there and say, well, let's go to the temple. Let's go this, but for us to experience deeper truths and insights so that we can impact truth to other people. So the truth can match on with revelation. See how early I stumbleded. Now, before I begin to lay hands, here it is. My question is, when Peter didn't enjoy, saw the glory of God, saw the glory of Jesus' trans people, why did they say, Lord, it's good for us to be able to allow us to be in three tablets? They did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they did not say temple tablets, they said that they were trying to be religious. All through biblical history, all through Jewish culture, before that it was a culture of law and reverence that anytime God appeared to people, they did it all to us. We could note that visitation, Moses did that, Abraham did that, Isaac did that, one of the most prominent Abrahamian authors was the author of the official. And God always visited them in this fortress, and they said, Lord, they were still leaning on the old Testament experience, and they tried to respond the way their fathers responded, they tried to respond based on the knowledge of the Torah of Old Testament. Because after the day of Pentecost, when the new Pentecostal, the new Testament and mountain people, they had a similar kind of visitation, which was in the upper room. This time it wasn't the mountain top, it was the upper room, but metaphorically the same in the high place. And the Holy Ghost game, the Pentecost experience, took place on the high place. When they came out of their experience, they did not say, Lord, let's go temple still today. It was the same experience. But this time the revelation had come up, and they realized that the temples which we were to build in the Old Testament, this time are the individual souls we must build. You are the temples of the Holy Spirit. So with the Holy Spirit's revelation, after now, they were now awakened from the Old Testament revelation, they became awakened by the Holy Ghost experience, they were winning souls. So that's very fast encounter they had by the time they finished preaching 3,000 souls over. By Acts chapter 5, another 5,000, by the sixth chapter of the Book of Acts, the congregation had increased. First it was 120, then 3,000, which is 3,120, then plus 5,000, 8,120, by 5 chapters. It was no more Lord, it's good that we are here, and let's build temples only for me and me and me. No, when the Holy Ghost came, there were awakened, there were awakened, there were awakened, there were awakened, there were awakened. Tonight I come to tell you, I wake up, I wake up, I wake up, I wake up, I rise, I wake, I rise, and shine, I wake, I wake, I wake, I wake, I wake, I wake, in the name of Jesus, receive the anointing. Shia pasa sotakaya. This time around, they said, now we got it, we got it, when we're voice, when we're child, when I was a child, I thought I was a child. But when I grew up, and I became a man, my revelation could change, so the Pentecoste was an awakened. No more awed testimony to this. This time, let's go and change lives. And you are the temple supposed to be, and you and I are supposed to bring relations to heaven. I am not talking about just you and your son and daughter, that is it. You keep your dog clean, you know, I am talking about, you must become a national man. Let's teach the nations for that those other things of God is good. So, listen, live problems, and receive your own encounter, tonight is a life in the body of God.