City Central Church Podcast

Awake 08 Night 2 (Thursday)

1h 38m
Broadcast on:
15 Nov 2008
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Evangelist Emmanuel Ziga
You know, we, you, you are not praying the prayers, you are praying because you are looking for some words, you are praying the prayers because the Holy Spirit is demanding you to pray the way you pray. Say amen. And the way you are praying is a sign of the season in which we are. Say hello to somebody. Tell somebody he is a sign of the season, a sign of the season. Well I do salute the leaders, the leadership, the government of this church, hallelujah. Amen. Upon your Bible, stood the book of Luke, Luke chapter 9, how many of you were blessed yesterday, oh man, I was blessed, I came to listen hallelujah. Jesus is the preacher, we all come to listen, amen. Well before I begin to preach, I like to say something, that you know, when God told me to come to the north-west, he brought me here without my permission, yeah, say amen. Yeah I was doing well in Ghana as a Christian and I knew if I wasn't Ghana, I would make it on the rupture too, so and in my own small way, I was content, I was seven, the Lord, I was in business, I was preaching a little bit here, I was doing well and the Lord said you go to America and he said go to Seattle specifically and he gave me the profile of my calling and he said just as I raised Rahead Bonke and Maurice Serulo, so how have I raised you? Now, if you look at the profile of this two men, they are not pastors, Maurice Serulo is not a pastor, Bonke is not a pastor, they don't build churches, they don't have a church, so I'm not here to build a church and I mean, I have been a pastor, I have had my own congregation. When I took over at the church, the branch or the church where I was, we had a very large church and I took over one of the branches after being an associate pastor for over ten years in the main church, in the main sanctuary. I took over a congregation for about one, one fifty, within six months we had doubled and fireing into dimensions where it was becoming a crisis out of the year, where with all respect and with all humility, the bishop of my church, Serimano, your branch is as fast as growing, you were seeing moves of God like you motherly and all the witches left, you know, because the radar of the Holy Ghost was so sharp, you just don't go mess up and come and see that, I'll pick it up in details, you know, it was a very lively environment and the law said, now it's time to go this year, I said, Lord, I can make it here and then, he said, it's not about making it, it's about obeying my will, amen. And I have been fought, I have been persecuted, I have been all kinds of stuff, all over the place as though I'm a threat to a pastor or a threat to a congregation, as though I'm not going to steal your flock, you know, I've gone through all those crucibles, I've gone through all the rejections and stuff, but like yesterday I taught you that rejection is part of the process, you cannot be accepted until you are first rejected, say amen. So I just wanted to just establish this point, I'm not here to build a church at all, I'm here to stand by the pastor and the pastors of the world, because if we all build churches, it will be very boring, say amen, I mean, I'm not going to like to eat hamburgers every day for a physical life, it's almost equal to starving, you'll be starving other good people, so God gave all the gifts, we have five gifts of ministry, and we have nine gifts of the spirit, and five gifts of ministry are number one, apostle, number two, the prophet, the evangelist, the pastor, the teachers, this is our gifts of ministry, not gifts of the spirit, and he gives gifts unto man, you know, and we are all supposed to compliment each other, you know, so when I come beside him, I compliment him and he compliments me, and in unity, we stand, and we build at the kingdom, if you touch him, you touch me, I hope if you touch him, you touch him too, say amen, and we love to do this, there was one time, you know, a pastor said, you go around and you just give all these gifts into all these men and they are blessed, and you must have something of your own, I said, that's where you miss it, because the flock is not your own, it all belongs to Jesus, I will be rewarded for what I'm told to do, say hallelujah to somebody, our last conference in India, we had 1,300 pastors, you know, in attendance, and it was just a pastor's conference, we paid for everything, we paid for everything, paid for the accommodation, and we just blessed the money even if you should see me preach, just give all these pastors so much importation, some came from some of the very bunnies of India, the mountains, and nobody goes there and they all came down, and boy, they were taking notes like you, you know the leaf, and before I left India, they said, when you come back next year, don't preach the same message because we will preach everything you've preached, hallelujah, so I hope once a while it's just nice to keep the record straight, yeah, it's part of leadership, the people get confused when the leadership is not straight, but when we put the rule straight, it's easy to follow, tell somebody easy to follow, now open your Bibles and look up to mine and I read, I read from verse 28, and yesterday I handled the subject awake with the subtitle the leadership approach, and tonight I'm handling the subject of a phrase, he took them up, tell somebody he took them up, one more time he will say it again, say it like you're about to go, he took them up, so verse 28 it says, to pass about an eight days after these days he took Peter and John and James and went up into a mountain to pray, the Matthew account which is verse 17 of Matthew says, and he took them up to a high mountain, he took them up to a high mountain, and the next verse verse 29 says, and he prayed, verse 28 the last phrase says, went up into a mountain to pray, the next verse begins by say, and as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his remain was white and gistering, now tomorrow hopefully we will handle the transfiguration power of prayer, the transfiguration power of prayer and of the spirit, now but tonight we will handle he took them up, say amen, now Jesus brought these three disciples who had been prepared to be apostles, at this point they were not apostles, they were disciples being trained to become apostles, and the scripture says that Jesus was to go up that day, to be glorified, to be transfigured and to have an encounter with super beings, well not super beings, but heavens, messengers, for God was going to send some messengers from the throne room, those two were elders and are elders around the throne, and God was going to send them to meet with Jesus and to speak to Jesus and speak with Jesus, considering the end of his business, the end of his ministry, Jesus born in a manger, had 30 years of life and a parental control, then was baptized in the Holy Ghost, the day he was baptized in the river Jordan, the word baptism in the Greek means baptism, which is absolute immersion, and so he was absolutely enmeshed in water baptism and absolutely enmeshed in the Holy Ghost baptism, now then he came out and the spirit of the Lord was upon him, mightily, he began to move and serve in the will of God from grace to glory, are you with me? Let's pray, Holy Spirit, at this time to open the files of glory and bring us up into your high mountain in Jesus' name, amen. So Jesus was to encounter was to have this visitation from God, knowing very well what was going to happen, the scripture says that he chose three of the twelve, brought them to this very high mountain, it was he who chose them. Now the point I want to make here is that he did not need to bring them along because that meeting was not about disciples, it was about he Jesus and his father, it was a very high profile, spiritual matter, it was a very high profile, kingdom activity, he was God's business and his son, it was the business of the Holy Trinity because the transfiguration of Jesus was not at this point about the people, about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, because on this mountain you see three of the three activities, his father spoke, this is my beloved son, here he him, so God the Father was present and the Holy Ghost also came, the place of glory, there was light over the place, that was the Holy Spirit and so you see God the Father speaking, Jesus number two was there receiving the glorification and the Holy Ghost was also present, all these three disciples did not need to be there, but my point here is that Jesus has a heart and all this will be so that he has a passion to share his glory with his people, he brought them up, now let me just use my own analysis, let me just paraphrase this, it's like oh I know I have an appointment with my father today, I know I have an appointment with the Holy Ghost today, you know, and you know I can just go alone, like I usually go to pray, because many times the scripture would say if it eludes chapter six, that Jesus left in the night and went alone to pray, so several times he could go alone to pray, and this time when he was going to pray he could have gone alone to pray, but he knew that he had an appointment with heaven and these three who were the best in his ministry, he said you know what, I mean why should I go alone and enjoy this glory, let me just take these young men around and let them experience you know what what what shall be one day, because I want them to experience what I want them to have one day, I want them to experience what I want them to have one day, I want them to experience what I want them to have one day, I want them to experience what I want them to have one day, because I want them to have my glory, and before they can understand my glory, I want them to have a glimpse of the glory, a glimpse of the glory, so Jesus brought them up, knowing very well what they were going to see, because he knows all things, do you agree with me, yeah, it wasn't it wasn't an accidental episode that happened, it's upside, you know this was going to happen, the man was such a man of prayer, many times he will pray 24 hours, sometimes the whole day he will be praying, 12 hours, I hope tomorrow I'll touch a little bit on the prayer life of Jesus, who blew your mind, and so here Jesus brought these three, yesterday we had a little teaching on who Peter was, who James was, who John was, and how their diligence qualified them to experience such enormity in the, in the giftings of the God-given lifestyle they had, for which cause all these three, because of their diligence and their passion to see the glory of God, God elevated them and made James to be the head of the church in Jerusalem, and who was beheaded, and also Peter, who was the church, the head of the church, and John who received the revelation, he put all these three boys who were very diligent and passionate and hungry for God, God used their hunger, and so well if you are hungry for this then I'll give it to you, if you are passionate for it I'll give it to you, if you compare the price you can have it, say hello to somebody, my first point here, which I want to reiterate is that he loves to give you the glory, don't forget that, many times we say, "Oh Lord, I want to see you, I want to know your glory, I want to hallelujah, hello, hello," then Jesus, the Holy Spirit is saying, "I also want to see you, I want to know you, I want to love you," so you are singing, "I love you Lord," and he says, "I love you my son," the passion, your passion to ascend onto the hill is so much more less than the hill wanted to descend upon you, oh, if God, if God will have his way, we will all be squished tonight, so he will just come down, woo-hoo, but if he dies, he will kill us, say amen, you have no clue how a heaven wants to empty himself or itself or herself upon the earth, our passion for God is nothing compared to God's passion for us, are you with me? The first verse of the first chapter of the most glorious book on this, the Bible says in the beginning, God created heaven and the earth, period, God did not create heaven and hell together, he created heaven and the earth together, so heaven and the earth are supposed to be two twin sister cities, working together in tandem, and heaven loves the earth because they are like twin cities, so if you study the scriptures, the laws that rule heaven are the laws that rule the earth, what makes heaven glorious, if those laws will be adhered on this earth, this earth will also see heaven on earth, for most they stole the people if you will obey his word and follow his ordinances and obey his commandments, you will have heaven on earth, and that is the reason why Christ came to die, he came from heaven to earth, to show the way from the earth to the cross, my daddy paid from the cross to the grave, from the grave to the Lord I, he came from heaven to the earth, to show the way back to heaven, because heaven cannot wait for the earth and heaven to become one, oh, I am looking, I am looking, I am looking for the day that there shall be no more heaven and no earth, where we shall have the new Jerusalem, where there shall be no need for us to pray and fast for for the days, that will see a little annoying thing, oh, we shall not need to have to live work and come to church, we will no need to send your clothes for dry cleaning, ah, ha ha, are you with me somebody, ah, I am looking for it to the days when I shall be with him all the days of my life, and I shall say glory, hallelujah, I shall work on the streets of heaven, on the streets of glory, say hallelujah somebody, I am excited, I am excited, to see his presence, I want to be in his presence, all the days of my life, I shall say his glory, Jesus, I love you, the Bible says, and he took them up to the mountain trap, for he wanted them to experience the most awesome, the reason for living, it's much more sweeter than honey, than honey in the honeycomb, that presence, that moment of heavy glimpse of his transfigured, glorified body, was much more wet than five honey, honey moves in a minute, far much more than twelve vacations in a year, having a glimpse of his presence, say hallelujah, say hallelujah, say hallelujah, say hallelujah, and we are sleeping, when this encounter was taken by us, my question is, how, will all the presence of the god of this two slept, is that right? Why do you don't wake up in a way? Because the scripture did not see somebody wanting to kick them together, somehow in the midst of the encounter they woke up, I believe they are waking up, they are rising up, was supernatural, just the one I'm saying, yeah, because Jesus wanted them to experience and I'm quite sure Jesus possibly asked his father, Lord, Lord, you want me to meet with you tonight, is that right, can I come with my buddies? All the twelve, just three, and I'm sure with his father's permission, he got a visor for them, he said, hallelujah, somebody, tonight, may the holy gods give you a visor. Tonight, may the holy gods give you a pass, to enter into his throne room, to enter into his presence, with thanksgiving in your hearts, I will enter his thoughts with praise. I will say this is a game that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice. Hallelujah, say hallelujah, say amen? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, the book of the chalice says for my, my belly is loaded with the matter of the spirit, I'll take my time and pray tonight, I'll take my time. Now, yesterday we had a little character, I would call it a character sketch or study, let me just use the word synopsis of Peter, James, and John, and today our luck is to look at the attitude that qualify those three boys to be selected by the most awesome leader, the universe and creation will ever know, because you see, there's something about leadership. Leadership is very selective in decision-making when it comes to individualistic drive and individualistic, um, what, what was your use, when, when you want to apportion responsibility to, to individualize a good leader must be very selective. And your, your, your, the role you give everybody must be based on their merit, and based on their abilities, and based on their capabilities, all put together based on their capacity. Now why would Jesus bring these three boys to just load them with such strong presence? Because what happened was a glory. Now the, the word glory has three understandings in the Bible. The first is the dogsar, which is in Greek means the weight, you know, the weight, and the heavy load weight, and, and the presence of God is far away to you, man. And the other one is the Cabot, the Cabot, which is the majestic strength, when Hophony and Finnehas died on the battlefield. And the Philistines took away the act of the covenant, Eli and Shiloh heard that the act of the covenant had been taken away. He fell backwards and down. The wife of Finnehas was pregnant, when she heard that her husband died, her father-in-law died, and the act of the covenant was taken away. She went into, I wouldn't call it induced liver, but how do you call it, premature liver. And she gave birth to a son prematurely because of the agony of the fact that the act of the covenant, the presence of glory, had been captured by the Philistines. And before she died, she said, give the name to this boy, let his name be called Ichabod, which means the glory has departed. So and that word Ichabod, Ichabod, Ichabod simply means glory, minus the glory, but the Cabot means plus the glory. So the second word of the glory of God is the Cabot. The third word in the Bible, which explains the glory of God, is the Shakayna, where the glory of God takes on a natural phenomenon, like the smoke, you see, the cloud. And the glory of God came in like a cloud, that's the Shakayna. And this tree, coming out of the king of kings and the Lord of lords, must have you better wait it. You don't bring everybody into such strong encounters. If there's any inequity or seeing or stupidity in their lives, the glory could be too strong for them to handle. So my question is, what was it about these three boys that qualify them? Am I speaking to somebody here? Yeah. What was it about? What, what kind of passion did they have? What kind of attitude did they have? Now let's look at, let's begin with Peter, say Peter. Look at Luke chapter five, Luke chapter five, are you learning something tonight? Luke five from verse eight, he says, and when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus's knees. Sorry. He fell down at, this is what, saying, depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord. Simon Peter, when he, he told Jesus Christ that I have parred the whole day, the whole night and got no fish, and but at thy word, I will throw the net when he saw such an awesome move of God, where a fishless sea produce fishes to such magnitude within a short time as an experienced fisherman, he knew this was supernatural. And he felt that this kind of technology was way above him. So he said, Lord, please, Lord, please, oh God, I have a simple man, leave me alone. That alone told you or tells me the heart of the man, that, that, that, that, that this man has a good heart. And if you give this man a chance, he will do something for God. This man did not know God, his first encounter with God, boy, he went so humble, and God said, I like that. Do you know, when, when, when, when, somewhere went to the house of Jesse to anoint the king, the first, the first son of, of, of somewhere was brought, hoping that he would be the king. He was, he was called Eliot. He was a tall guy in eight feet, square face, well-manicured, moustache, beard, looking like a GQ Hallelujah, and, and, and, and, and he was working with music under his feet. And very much like a king, the prophet said, oh, it's very easy, you hold the king, because he looked, his appearance was okay, that, that the prophet thought that, that man that he was a chosen person, he was about to pull the oil, and God said, oops, stop it, he said, and, and God said, he said, it's a man look at the outside, but God looked at the heart. So when Simon Peter went on his knees, Lord, man, what's, God said, Jesus is a Jesus, one thing I learned about Jesus, once in a while you, you just take your own Bible and make a study on Jesus, don't go read someone's account, study the five, the, the four books of the gospel, call the synoptic gospel and just make your own personal studies on Jesus. He was like his father, and he also looked beyond the physical, his first point of reference was the heart of the people. And based on the heart of the people, they should be promoted. When he saw that, that picture bowed down to me, I'm sure Jesus took note of that, Bingo. He is ready, that was the day of his elevation, and he said, from today, you will not be a vicious of men, which is a lowly life-spy, but thou shall be, thou shall no more be a vicious of fish. You shall no more be a friend of Salman, but now thou shall be vicious of what man, his promotion can be because of his humility. Then verse, verse, verse 11, and when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, this same Peter who bowed down, just because of some little miracle Jesus died, they forsook everything, and just all the Jesus, now he did not have to go over the Lord, I've been fishing all day, and I'm smelling with fish, and I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm a little seasick, could you just wait a little bit in your hotel, let me just go and just get dressed up and put on some money perfume, and say goodbye to my wife, and give my wife a last kiss, mmm, man, no, no, no, no, he forsook everything, and had the drop of the heart, he followed Jesus, and he never looked back, certainly as somebody, such a person was a kind of person, just stood to the mountain, to behold the glory. My question is, you are desirous to see the glory of God, but what is the location of your heart, why are you looking for the glory of God, is it because you want to say that in our church we see the glory as a trophy of one of your successes, or is it because you know that it's a necessity, it's as important to you as your breath, but you can't do that. If I don't see your glory, I would die such a house, draw the glory to you, you see love is very magnetic, love, poos, glory also, poos, and love, poos to love, and glory, poos to the heart, say hello to somebody, now so what about Peter, James and John, the Bible was a day for Sukk, everything, and the day, man Peter and James and John, look at Matthew chapter, Matthew chapter 20, verse 21 to 22, oh we thank God for this conference, God is blessedness, Matthew chapter 20 from verse 21, and he's certain to have, what will thou, she's certain to him, grants that these thy two sons, my two sons, may sit one other right hand and the other other left in thy kingdom, but Jesus answered and said, we know not, you know not what you ask, are you able to drink of the cup that I drink of, and to be baptized with baptism that I am baptized with, they said unto him, we are able. This was James and John, whose mother, Mary yesterday we went through there, came to ask a request that my two sons will sit one on your right, one on your left, Jesus asked them, are you able to pay the price, they said, yes we are, as far as Peter was concerned he bowed down, worshiped the Lord, left everything and followed Jesus, but these boys were defending to pay the price, the sons of Zebedee were very wealthy, they were yappies, because they are father, Zebedee was very successful, they were raised in good schools and good environments, so they did not need anybody to help them with a dime, they have seen it all, and to be able to leave all of that, and follow Jesus meant a lot, say hello to somebody, now one more point I want to still bring here about love, say love, how many of you know what is love, how many of you have in love before? Love is never complete, if there is no hatred, love is never complete, if there is no hatred, let me explain this to you, you see, for your love to be absolute, your hatred for the things which fight the love must also be absolute. If you love your wife, the proof of your love for your wife is that you despise any other woman on the planet, that would dare to come close to that dimension of love in her family. If your heart is on the middle point, maybe not, it is no more love, it is called abuse, that is why Jesus, he loved absolutely, and he proved it by dying absolutely, and he proved it by fighting the devil absolutely. God is an absolute, and everything you do with God must be absolute, there is no middle gray line, he says if you are lukewarm I will spew you out, God is an absolute, God says I bless you, and he blesses you absolutely, God says I love you, and he loves you absolutely, God says you are my man, and you are his man absolutely. So Jesus saw the attitude of these three boys, and it was an absolute, an absolute desire for God, this guys will die any day for Jesus, this guys will give no excuse for Jesus, no excuse, I mean you wake them up in the morning and they are running. If you tell Peter, Jimson, John, John, there is a lot, ha ha ha, in our time, if he said John, there is a why, you say why, you say when your attitude is absolute, you will never see the glory absolutely, because if the glory comes when you are not absolute, it can destroy you, because God is not a respecter or peasants, see how that means, is it well with you, is it well? Now, Jesus loves so much to give, he loves about to bless, but even when he resurrected from the grave, oh man, he just couldn't just go to heaven, he loved his own people, but he wanted to just see them one more time, so he met the woman, Mary, at the graveyard, and Mary was looking around, looking for Jesus, because the tomb was empty, and Jesus appeared, and he thought he was the gardener, or he framed the Jardian, and so here he said, he said, ah, he said, Mary, and he opened her eyes, and she saw Jesus, she said, "Rabbony," which is to say, "Teacher," she did not say, "Master," she did not say, "Lord," she did not say, "Oh my God," she did not say, "Oh my God," she did not say, "Oh my God." The first expression, the first expression was, oh, "Rabbony," "Teacher," in other words, you are the man who have taught me to be absolutely loved, and so I feel the anointe, right here, to admit, I don't know what's going to happen tonight, but this will be a good day for the Lord. Hahaha, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, say amen, and Jesus would go around and, and, and, and, and meet his disciples, because he just wanted them to have what he has. There was no greed in him, if he was greedy, he would have died. He was, I mean, he wanted to share everything, and nothing, nothing, nothing missing, everything he did was absolutely, I want to be that kind of the man. But when I say, "I love Jesus," I, I mean it. When I say, "I'm good to church," I mean it. When I say, "I'm doing something," I mean it. This kind of westernized Christianity is toxic. Am I speaking to somebody here? Look at Luke, Luke chapter 24, Luke 24. Oh, I feel the glory of the Lord, I feel it, I feel it. Luke chapter 24, I read from verse 19, verse 19, and he said unto them, "What things?" And they said unto him, concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet, mighty indeed, and, and word before God and all the people. And how the chief priests and other rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and have crucified him. But we trusted that he had been, it had been he, which should have redeemed Israel. And beside all this, today, in the third is the third day since these things were done. Yet, and certain women also of our company made as astonished, which were early at the Sepulchre. And when they had found not his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive. And certain of them, which were with us, went to the Sepulchre and found it even so as the women had said, but him, they saw not. Then he said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken, ought not Christ to have suffered these things to enter into his glory. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expanded unto them in all the scriptures, the things concerning himself. This was Jesus after he resurrected and revealed himself to the woman in the garden. He, there were two of the other disciples travelling to a mouse and Jesus went and joined them and they were all travelling, but their eyes did not see Jesus. See man? See, awake. One more time. They were not awakened. And they were walking with the Messiah, they couldn't see. They were walking with the Lord of Lords, they couldn't see. They were walking with the King of Kings, they couldn't see. It means you can be a Christian and not know Jesus. See, hallelujah, somebody. And there's nothing you can do to know him. That will be. It is left to him to reveal himself to you. When we are talking about the revelation, the glory of God can come only when God wields that he's accepted. I need me. So Jesus was walking with these guys. And these guys who were all so confused about what had happened, because that was the third day since Jesus Christ was killed. And they were all worried. We don't know what's going to happen. We know that man, he should have been the Redeemer of Israel. We believe all his words. We saw all the miracles. I have been whipping all this day. I wonder why they were living Jerusalem going through a mouse. Because there was too much tension in the city. And Jesus was with them. He said, "So what's going on? What sort of discussion is this?" He said, "Are you a stranger in Jerusalem? Are you a stranger?" You know, those Jesus Christ who died, we knew he was the Messiah. I'm sure the wife, some tears, they were men, you know? And he was chatting with them. And the Bible says that he began to expound the scriptures. He began to unveil the scriptures. He began to, I began to awake the scriptures. And the Bible says from the Book of Moses, all through the scriptures, he was showing them all the issues of scriptures which have to do with him. You see, he's a synod joke of scripture. In all the books of the Bible, he's a central figure in the Bible. Every of the prophets were all, if I use the word mimic, don't get me wrong, okay? But just to explain the point, they were walking in the metaphor of Jesus. You see, for example, in the Book of Genesis, the seed of the woman in Genesis 3.15, that was Jesus in the Book of Genesis. In the Book of Exodus, the path of alarm in Exodus 12. For when I see the blood, I will pass over. That was the metaphor of Jesus. In the Book of Leviticus, he is the most high priest. In the Book of Numbers, he's a pillar of God by day in the pillar of fire by nights. In the Book of Determiny, he was the prophet like Antonosis. In the Book of Joshua, he was a captain of the hosts of the Amazon of Israel. In the Book of Judges, I might speak to somebody here tonight. In all through scripture, in the Book of Ruth, in the Book of Ruth, he's our King Sparitima. In the Book of Ezra, our faith was cried. So Jesus began to expound in the scriptures. You see this verse? That was me right there. You see this verse? That was me right there. And he, in his resurrection, revelation, was giving them, oh my goodness. Awake, awake, awake, awake, awake. From tonight, may God open you understanding into the scriptures. So I receive. And so he was expounding upon the scriptures. Let's read on beautiful, beautiful, wonderful preaching. Verse 31, verse 31, "And their eyes were opened, and they knew him, and he vanished out of their sight. These guys were called disciples, but their eyes were shot. They were called disciples, but they couldn't see. And the disciple is a chategoa. A disciple is someone who has his name in the Book of the Church. And the disciple is a guy who has a pastor. And the disciple is the one who has an author of God. But there was no revelation, there was no, the Christi. And the He opened the eyes. And it was not they who opened their eyes. It was he who opened their eyes. As a matter of fact, they were walking, which means they had physical eyes. But their spiritual understanding was shot. I always say everybody must have four eyes, two natural eyes and two spiritual eyes. And we are talking about the awakening of your spirit man. Of your spirit man. Oh, say hello to somebody. Naturally, we have our five senses. The eye gate, the ear gate, the mouth gate. Is that right? Yeah. And so here, spiritually also we have the same. The spiritual eye gate, the spiritual ear gate. So in the Book of Revelation, He said, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. The spiritual hearing from tonight receive revelation in the name of Jesus. And He opened their eyes when He opened their eyes. And immediately, I'm sure they were about to just pause on Him. But if I were there, I would come to Him immediately. They knew that there was so much ecstasy because of the backdrop of the opaque myopic revelation of Jesus, those three days. Nobody could see a future for the church. And when there's such a contrast of revelation in the midst of darkness, you need to be tempered. And I'm so glad he disappeared. Otherwise, this good guy would have gone bananas, you know, crazy. And they would have devalued the essence of the sanctity of the moment. Oh, I think, certainly, somebody. So a good leader, sometimes you don't just repeal everything to them on one day. Sometimes they cannot contain it because of where they are. You give it to them in those ages. Precept upon precepts, and here, and over there. Oh, Hallelujah. Will you wave to the Holy Spirit tonight? Hallelujah. Amen. Then the next verse is, let's look at verse 45. Then, up in here, they are understanding that they might understand the Scriptures. So this is Jesus who was working with these disciples. And the disciples did not have understanding of the Scriptures. And they had eyes but they couldn't see. But so Jesus opened both their eyes, number one, and also opened their understanding. That they might understand the Scriptures, all the Scriptures. So tonight, I want you to understand that it is the desire of Jesus for you to be awakened. It is the utmost joy of God to remove the scale from your eyes. It is the love of the Holy Spirit to remove the hot, hotness of your heart. It is the wheel of the Holy Trinity to remove the veil so that we can all enter into His glory. Hallelujah, somebody. I am saying that Jesus brought them to the mountaintop. Jesus has begun to open their eyes to see the Scriptures. Jesus began to open their understanding because He wants them to be partakers of the glory. He wants them not to be separate from Him. He wants them to have all that He is and all that He has to know all that He knows and to understand all that He understands. One day in prayer, and I was sick in the face of the Lord, and I said, "Lord, Lord, Lord help me. Lord, use me. Lord, touch me. Lord, chill my life. Make me a blessing. I was crying. I was sobbing. And I was weeping. And I was mourning. And I was groaning. And I was fasting. And the Lord came to me. And He said, "Emano, for every revelation I give you, don't keep it to yourself." He said, "As I reveal to you, give it to the people." He said, "If you quit and you keep it, you keep holding it, you will be cut off from the stream of the revival of Revelation." So you see, I love to minister like this. As if I have the release. If I don't have the release, I'll give it in a very small dosage. Sure. Because you can give weighty amatas to amachos. You can give weighty amatas to juveniles. You can give bones to babies. And so, as the Holy Ghost would give you what He knows you can handle, the Holy Ghost in me, when I'm invited to speak. He knows there is a spiritual barometer in my spirit. That tells me the pressure level of the people. There is a kind of spiritual barometer in my spirit. And I can weigh the temperature of the people. So that I would be able to know not to give them what they cannot handle. I am my spirit to somebody here. Say hello to somebody. Say hello to somebody. I see a lifting in the spirit. You are a blessing. You are a blessing. I don't know which part of heaven you came from, but I'm telling you. Say hello to somebody. You must have come from the very throne room. Because you carry a very unique oil. I'm telling you. I would like to have a pastor like him. Say hello to you. Say hello to you. Say hello to you. Amen. All right. Be seated. Let me finish this message. You know, I saw him say do this, that it belongs to the Lord. We all know that. Say hello to you. But the Bible says give honor to who honor is doing. Say amen. See, my main point tonight is to break down the barrier or pull away the misconception. Or the misconstrued facts. There's a difference between facts and the truth. You see, I don't want you to feel that God hates you so much that you have to be the very son of Benin to see the glory of God. I don't want you to feel that you were born on the wrong side of the universe so you cannot be a pateka of the Lord. It's a foe. It's not true. I'm saying that your passion to see the glory, your passion to arise to be awoken is valid. But God's passion to make you see the glory far much more outstrips your imagination. He's more willing to give you what you are asking that you can ever imagine. Say amen. Now, when Benin first had the encounter with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost began to really school him. Really build him up and he locked himself up in the room and he prayed and weeping and crying and reading. And I mean, 24 hours when he was a little boy. And one day, one day he was praying light on the floor, a little child, and crying. And he saw a vision and he saw a man weeping, weeping, weeping. And he said, "I felt in my spirit that that man is the Holy Spirit." And he saw the Holy Spirit crying. He said, "Holy Spirit, why are you crying?" And the Holy Spirit said, "I love you. I want to come to you. I want to come to you." The Holy Ghost was weeping because Benin was to make a home for him to come. The Holy Ghost was weeping and was asked to wear just moving around Benin, hoping the Holy Benin will call him to come into his life. The Holy Ghost was so passionate to fellowship with a man that he was weeping. The Bible says in the book of James, "Don't you know that the Spirit of the Lord years, jealousy?" Many times we think we need him. But I'm telling you he needs you more that you can imagine. That changes your theology, doesn't it? That's why the Bible says, "Grib, not the Holy Spirit," because he has a very deep passion for love. And he can be easily grieved. And sometimes you grieve him, number one, based on your pride, or based on your ignorance. But your ignorance is no excuse. If you continue to give excuse of your ignorance as a husband, you grieve your wife all the days of her life. That's no excuse. No. Let every man say no. I just saw a wife looking at the husband and said, "You did you say it?" I am concerned. No, I didn't say that. See you later, somebody. Look at Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke chapter 11. Luke 11, please. Luke 11. That's why it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place, when he seized, one of his disciples said unto him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." That's two. And he said unto them, "When you pray, say our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, that will be done, us in heaven, so in heaven." Verse 10, "Everyone that us receives, and he does six, find it, and to him that knocketh it's opened." Verse 11, "If a son shall ask bread of any of you, that is a father, will he give him a stone? No. Or if he asks a fish, will he give him a serpent? No." Verse 12, "Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?" The answer is what? No. Let's all read verse 13, loud God. "If you then been evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children. How much more shall your heavenly Father give you, give you the Holy Spirit, who shall ask of him? Oh, somebody shall say amen, somebody right there." I just want to let you understand that not only was Jesus passionate to show them his glory, the Father also is passionate to give you his spirit. Just as my son will not ask me an egg, and I will give him a scorpion that will stink him and kill him, I am not as good as God, but I am in my little goodness I will give my son a very good egg if he's asking for egg. How much more God who is good other than me? Say amen. How much more God who is more loving? I mean he was so, if you ask him the Holy Spirit, he was so freely given to you. And he will give you whatever you want, you want revelation, you give it to you because revelation and awakening, these are attributes of the Holy Spirit. You can never be awakened except the Holy Ghost comes upon your life. Say amen. To our wake is to arouse out of inactivity, and the Holy Ghost is the activity of God on it. He is full of zeal, boy he is passionate, boy he is active, he is a verb hallelujah. Boy, the Holy Ghost moves in town and he puts everybody to work. So, so, so awake it means you must come out of your inactivity and get into the zone of Godly activity. Full of life in the way, full of passion and rumor, full of pneuma, full of ruah, the breath of God, joy, unspeakable, full of glory. And wherever you go you just change the place, you just bring light wherever you go. Hallelujah, somebody. You know, you just go like a free electron in the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, somebody. If you will ask the Lord to give you his spirit, will he not give it to you freely? And beautifully and passionately and holding back nothing. Because God is an absolute. Say, man. I say, God is an what? Absolute. One more time. God is an absolute. Let's say seven times. Absolute. Absolute. Absolute. Absolute. Absolute. Absolute. Absolute. Absolute. Absolute. In Jesus name. From today, put absolute as your screensaver. And you understand that. Let husbands love their wives, absolutely. Wives love your husbands, absolutely. Let's be united, absolutely. Let's be Christians, absolutely. Let's worship, absolutely. Because God is an absolute. Oh, say, hallelujah, say hallelujah. You see? I love to teach you, sometimes. When God gives me. Sometimes I love to preach and just set the hopeless on fire. But sometimes, you just press up upon press up. And by the time I am done, you've been lifted on shawl. Sir, listen. Look at the book of John 14, John 14, John 14, verse 20. You see, times like this brings my mind back to the book of arts. When Peter Paul was teaching and he taught the whole day, the whole night. And someone fell off and died. And he went and resurrected him and continued to teach. Nobody left. Because you see, when the presence of the Lord is the key spirit behind the teaching, four hours is like two minutes. Say amen? So I read from verse 20 of John 14. It says, "At that day, you shall know that I am in my father and you in me and I in you. He that has my commandments and keep at them, he it is, that loves me. And he that loves me shall be loved of my father. And I will love him and will what manifests myself to him. I will what manifests myself to me. Jesus said, "I will what manifests myself." He brought these three guys, Peter, James and John, to the mountain top to manifest himself. Jesus wants to manifest himself to the church. Jesus wants to manifest himself to everybody. He said, "If you love me and you keep my commandments, I will not only bless you. I will manifest myself." You see, the manifestation of Jesus is more powerful than the blessing you think. Because if you have Jesus in full, full regalia, full activity, full power government, you have more than enough. Because you can have Jesus manifest himself in your life and you will be poor or sick or irrelevant to society. It's unfortunately we have taught Jesus to look like some ancient religious guru who is not connected to reality. So we go to the marketplace without Jesus because we don't need Jesus at the bank we think. We don't need Jesus at work we think. So we go to work without Jesus and we come to church to see Jesus once a week. It is a fallacy. It has no ingredient of truth. It is the gospel of the devil, the husband giving to the church and the church bought it, the hook, line and sinker. But tonight we are throwing it out. We are somebody. Jesus said, "If you love me, I will manifest myself." It means it is his will. If you read that phrase, it's "I will." The word "will" means the volition. The volition is choice, power to have choice. So I choose to manifest myself. So it is his will. Nobody induces him, he does it freely. Christ is an absolute. May we see the manifestation of Jesus in our lives. May we see the manifestation of the real Jesus, not the religious Jesus, but the real Jesus. The real Jesus, the real Jesus, the real Jesus. I said the real Jesus. Say hallelujah, somebody. And the manifestation of Jesus is a product of his love. The manifestation of Jesus is a product of love. He says, "If you obey my word, I will love you. My Father will love you. You will love me." And because of the love, I will manifest myself. In other words, if Christ cannot find pure love in your heart, He will not give you the manifestation because otherwise you will abuse him. It's like a woman in marriage, but the husband doesn't love her. She is abused. Or a husband in marriage, but the woman doesn't love him. He will always be abused. He will feel rejected and feel ejected. He will feel put down. All his abilities will shrink. He will become a miniscule human being. This giant of a man can be reduced into a miniscule negligible insect. And the manifestation, the goodness, the dreams, the vision, the passion, the dimension of majesty in the man will be quenched if there is no love. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will release me into manifestation." He said, "I have been blessed tonight. Lift up one hand as Lord Jesus manifests yourself to me." Amen? Now, before I close this message, there is something about love. Let me just hit one more point here. There is something about love and manifestation. Let me tell you. Now, a man, a man, say a man. I am talking about a homo sapien. A man. Is it a man? It is a beautiful human being. I would say we are awesome because God is awesome. We are pretty close to it. Oh, hallelujah. Is it a man? It is amazing the component capacity of a man. You meet a man of man. You know you have met a beautiful creature of God. The Bible says the head of the man is Jesus. Which means from Jesus that that level of divinity, the next level of manifestation is manhood. And that's how high a platform God places man. So if you are a man here, put value on yourself. I am not saying pride. I am not saying hotness. I am saying value. Now, listen to this. And the head of the woman is a man. Which means after the collapse of this powerful manhood, is womanhood. Now, the hierarchy when it comes from man and woman is not a devaluation. Of the femininity. But it is rather the protection of the delicate femininity. Hallelujah. Say amen? No. Hear this. The man has so much to take this man, this creature, for example. And your pastor, for example. And your husband, for example. Or your brother, for example. We are born to the leaders. We don't land to the leaders. We are. You are designed that way. But the potential in the man needs to come out through the developmental stages based on setting key principles and facts of life. The woman of the feminine personality has been so corrupted with such an amazing, indescribable, inextricable dimension. Of a genius, acidity of the God kind, for example, every man was made out of the clay. But the woman was made out of the boom, the man. That's why when you touch your wife, she has a smoother skin than you. [Applause] Because, because, because the man, the man came out of... ...rockly, hallelujah. [Applause] But the woman came out of the refined product. The woman came out of a finished product. The man came out of the raw material. So, so when a man comes and he just touches the lady... [Laughter] Because... [Laughter] Are you capturing what I'm saying? So, a smart man, you have liberty to touch on when she is yours. But when she is not yours, it's a dangerous zone. You don't hang around that too long. Because it doesn't matter how annoying that you are. You are talking about finesse, finished product. It will get you. [Applause] See man? No, I am bringing you to a place. [Laughter] See hallelujah! See hallelujah! [Laughter] Or you know, you know, some of you, your marriage is going to get better after tonight. [Laughter] See man? Now, hear this. So, here you have this... You have this rough, graphly man. And all he knows is vision. Because we are vision driven. Sometimes, I'm amazed, I'm so vision driven, it's not funny. It's not funny. I know that, I know it's only God who has kept me alive because I could have driven my kind to something crazy. Sure, because sometimes, I'm driving and my vision power is way beyond my generation. That's how we are. And so, when we are looking at vision, we are looking so much at the vision that we don't see the little things. We are so vision driven, we go... And if God doesn't help you, you go... Then your wife says, "You dummy!" You dummy! Didn't you see that? Hear this. Hear this. The question, the issue is... [Laughter] Sarah Leah! Hear this. The issue is... Honey? I'm not supposed to see that. It's your job. [Applause] My responsibility is to capture the world and bring the world to my garage. [Applause] So, as a man, when you are walking, you are thinking about how to capture Asia, how to get Africa, how to get Europe. [Applause] Because, you see, the engine of the man is to conquer. We are made for conquest, and we just go for the giants. We just, you know, a husband will say, "Hey honey, I have a plan." A plan. So, the wife says, "What a plan." And then he says, "You know, next year, I want us to have two vacations in one. We will go to Cancun, Mexico, and then we go to Hawaii, all into it." And you know, you know, ah, figure that out. Then your wife says, "All right, come on." [Laughter] She says, "We have to pay the school fees of the children." You see, so the man goes, and these are details. Ladies are made to understand details, because they are finished product products, details. Are you with me? You hear this. But the man has so much capacity to bring the whole world. And put the whole world in her hands. If she knows how to handle the man. Amen? Good, let me give you two, two synopsis. I am handling the subject manifest, because Jesus said, "We will come and manifest myself." But if there are certain things you must do, to help Jesus, or to make Him manifest. If you don't fall, if you don't press the right buttons, the manifestation of Jesus will not be a reality. So also as a wife, if you don't press the right buttons, your husband will not be the glory you want him to be. I am using husband and wife, why? Because Jesus is the husband of the church. Amen? Good. Now, let me just bring it from Jesus to you now. You hear this. Those are true stories of one of your ex-presidents. No name to be mentioned. When he was an office, he was with his wife, the first lady. And they went on this wonderful, you know, motorcade grave for a ceremony. And somehow they stopped somewhere at a gas station. And the first lady saw an ex-boyfriend of hers, when they were in high school. And this ex-boyfriend was crazily low. They didn't happen. So she introduces this ex-boyfriend to the chief executive of America, the commander of the army. You see, you don't introduce your ex-boyfriend. To the president, he might be jailed. I didn't mean that one. Because the past is going to be named. Good. Now here, then in the car, as the motorcade continued, the president turned to his wife. That's why, you know, how husbands tease, you know, spouses tease each other. It's called spouse tease. Yeah. So there was a spouse tease. And when spouses are teasing, children leave the room. The men. So there was a spouse tease. And the husband, the president, told the first lady. You know, if you had married that guy, you would have been the first lady today. Is that true? Yeah? Is it true? The woman turned to the president. She said, he would have been the president. [Applause] Say it, man! What am I saying? What am I saying? The first lady, listen to this, the first lady, the first lady, she knew her womanhood. She knows who she is and her capacity. To turn a weak mind into a strong man. So sometimes wives hear this. Because the man was made out of the rocket. When God gives you a husband, he's raw. So, so, so don't abuse or insult the man. It is your responsibility to polish him up because you have polished personality. So women who play down their husbands, thinking you are smarter than him. With all respect, you are a wonderful fool. I have heard, you know, ladies say, you know, we are smarter than men. Well, that's your opinion. There's nothing in the Bible that says that. It's not your opinion. You are only saying, well, you know. I'm telling you, there is no competition in marriage. We are all made in the image and the likeness of God. And we all have the God kind of capacity. That's it. But we are all supposed to compliment each other. See, man? No, I've seen women say, you know, I am smarter than my husband. My husband is not smart. All right? Let a spider show up. She goes far away. Well, if you are smart, why don't you deal with that? So we all compliment each other. See how they lure somebody. Now, my point here, before I get back into Scripture, is... I seem not to be able to leave this place. My point here is that if the woman knows what to do, she will cause the mountain manifest. Goodness. If you know what to do, you will see the manifestation of Jesus. See how they lure somebody. See how they lure somebody. Amen? Well, five more minutes. Oh, what a wonderful day. In John chapter 17, John chapter 17, this was the prayer of Jesus. I would just have to close here. What was the time? It's 9 o'clock. You know, let's just leave it here. Tomorrow we'll begin from John chapter 17. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's true of this truth. You have a sense in your capacity level. It's true. It's true. It's true. I've been doing this for a long time. I can sense. I can feel my baromatized telling me that you have enough for tonight. Yeah. Because where I was going to take you to is so relevant. I want you to be fresh tomorrow. See, amen? Yeah. You see, a preacher is to take you on a journey and bring you to the desired point that the Holy Ghost has for you at that time. See, amen? I wanted to understand that it is the joy of the Lord to open your understanding, to open your eyes, to connect you to His God. God does not want you to be so far away from Him who wants you to be with Him. The Scripture says He created you for His pleasure. Revelation 4.11, for His pleasure, we are created. So you say, Lord, I want to enjoy you. God wants to enjoy you more than anything else. That's why He is preparing a mansion for you in heaven. He does not have a little apartment. There is a little small townhouse. He has mansions for you. I mean, that's real fun. You know, that's my revelation of fun. You know, on this earth sometimes, I don't know, but like me, you tell me, I have so much to do. I can't have that kind of fun because I think my programs are time sensitive. And your life is time sensitive. So be careful because in heaven, there is so much more fun. You know, we are here to work. Jesus Christ said, I must work when it is there for the night coming when no man can work. And there is so much to be done. You know, so don't put your heart too much on the farm, on the western farm. But put your heart on the Holy Ghost farm. That's what His presence shows up. When His glory shows up, when His abilities are sitting in your life, say hallelujah somebody. Say hallelujah somebody. The Bible says, and Jesus took the disciples to a high mountain. And He revealed Himself today. He revealed His glory to them, shall we stand? Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Lift up your hands and just begin to worship the Lord. Worship the Lord. Worship the Lord. Worship the Lord. Worship the Lord. Worship the Lord. Oh, I feel the presence. I feel the power of God. I feel it. I feel it. His glory just descended right now. Ooh, lift up your hands as a sign of siren unto the most high king. For He has come to lift you up and bring you to a place of manifestation. Your manifestation is in His glory. Your excellence is seen in His presence. If you stay away from His presence, you malfunction. But when you stay in His presence, you function perfectly. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Receive your God tonight. Receive the Holy Spirit tonight. Receive a fresh move of His Spirit. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. He says, "If you shall ask my Father the Holy Spirit, He will give Him to you." Yes, yes, yes. You will give what is good for your children. And God will give you what is best. The Holy Spirit is the best gift God can give to you. Don't withhold anything the Holy Ghost has for you. If the Holy Ghost has nine gifts, claim the nine gifts. If the Holy Ghost has nine fruits, claim the nine fruits. If the Holy Ghost has nine gifts of ministry, receive it all. Open your heart tonight. Open your heart. Open your life. Open your marriage. There is no body God cannot change. There is no body God cannot change. There is no body God cannot change. There is no situation the Holy Ghost cannot handle. Yes, all you need to do is to quit focusing on the challenge. If you have the Holy Ghost, you have your solution. Lift up your hands and just wash up the Holy Spirit tonight. Yes, He comes to give. He comes to give. And He comes to give more abundantly. He comes to give absolutely. God is an absolute. He comes to give absolutely. God is an absolute. He comes to give absolutely. God is an absolute. He comes to give absolutely. God is an absolute. He comes to give absolutely. Receive Him absolutely. Open your heart absolutely. Open your joy absolutely. Open your life absolutely. Open your future absolutely. Open your house absolutely. Don't hide anything from Him. Don't withhold your finances from Him. Don't withhold anything from God. Let go and let God. Let go and let God. Let go and let God. Yes, yes. The embrace of the Holy Spirit is here tonight. He's here not just to speak to you but to embrace you and to bring you into the high mountain. To bring you into the high place. It's called the High Life. Receive the High Life. Lift your voice and begin to talk to the Lord. Begin to pray right now. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Worship His Majesty. Worship His Majesty. Worship His Majesty. Worship His Majesty. Worship His Majesty. Worship His Majesty.