City Central Church Podcast
Awake 08 Night 1 (Wednesday)
Evangelist Emmanuel Ziga
I do believe that when God made man, I do believe he opened the man's side. I do believe he took a reap. They know he took only one reap. He did not take two reaps, he took one reap. And that one reap is absolutely right to meet the man's needs, amen, and in ministry, you know, ministry is not easy. And when you find the right wife of a man of God, you can't tell. You can't tell. You can't tell. And I pray that you love this couple and bless them and just appreciate them all the days of their lives, amen. And we thank God for the man of God. Pastor Bruce, bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you, amen. He is one of the most accurate prophetic-minded leaders. Yeah, he is smooth and direct, smooth man, and the associate pastor bless you, you are a good man, you are a good man, you are a good man. You are a good man, hallelujah, amen, amen. You know, this church has a great future, and it's my privilege to be connected to this well of glory, hallelujah, somebody. Now tonight, I will be daring to handle the subject awake, awake, but I will, God has given me quite a download of a lot of teaching on the same one word, awake. Tell somebody awake, awake, awake, awake, awake, awake. Amen, amen. And before I begin to preach, I would like to acknowledge, you know, around every leadership there must be elders. And when God sent somewhere to go unknowing David, the first people he made in Bethlehem are the gate to where the elders. And the elders said, "Come as thou peaceably, are you coming peacefully?" And he said, "Yeah, I'm coming peacefully, but come quickly, go sanctify yourself, prepare yourself, come right to the house of J.C. And you will be there for a sacrifice. They were there for the King, the unknown thing. Now this is what happened. God made sure there were elders around David when he was anointed. And when he was anointed, he was given into the hands of the elders. Elders had to school him, disciple him, prepare him. And so elders are very important. You know, even in heaven, God has 24 elders around himself. And all these elders, none of them is an angel. All the 24 elders in heaven, none is an angel. They all were men who once lived on this earth and experienced the grace of God, experienced sin and repentance, and experienced the power of God's messes, all the days of their lives, experienced the volition of obedience and disobedience, experienced the chastisement that comes with the disobedience and the benefits of obedience and went through what I call the dealings of God. And now I am around the throne of God, counseling with God, concerning you and I. Even God has elders. And for every sound leadership, there must be elders, hallelujah somebody. And I thank God for the great eldership that is around this man of God. See hallelujah somebody. Amen. Open your Bibles to Luke chapter 9, I handle this from verse 28 I'll read. Luke chapter 9 from verse 28. And it came to pass about eight days after these things, he took Peter and John and James and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed the fashions of his countenance was altered. And his remained was white and glistory. And behold, they talked with him two men which were Moses and Elias who appeared in glory and speak of his disease, disease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep. And when they were awake, they saw his glory and the two men astute with him. And it came to pass as they departed from him. Peter said unto Jesus, "Master, it is good," say it is good. One more time, say it like a minute. It is good for us to be here. And let us make the three tabernacles, one for thee, one for Moses, and one for Elias. Not knowing what he said, amen. Let's pray, Holy Spirit, take charge. Let heaven be opened, let oil from the throne of heaven be released, lift us from this earth and establish us in the throne room, give us throne room experience at this time. In Jesus' name, amen. The scripture says it came to pass about eight days after these saints, that's verse 28. It came to pass about eight days after these saints. He took Peter and John and James and went to the mountain to pray. The scripture uses the word eight days and eight is the number of new beginnings. Eight days after these sayings, he took Peter, James, and John to the mountain top to pray. Now the scripture does not say that Peter, James, and John asked Jesus to take them to the mountain top. He, he took them out without their permission, without their request. He took them out after eight days of these sayings. Now what were these sayings? He had just spoken to them about his death, his sufferings, his rejection to come and how important it is for him to fulfill his purpose. Now the, the first day of this meeting, I am, I am handling under the subject of awake, I am handling the leadership approach. And I want to tell you that this message for tonight is an absolute subject on leadership. You will be, you will be impressed at the revelation of leadership that has come out of this one word, awake, say awake. By the way, to establish my first point, Peter, James, and John, where the cream of the cream and the cream of the crop of leaders of the 12. And he did not bring all the 12 to the mountain top. He chose the leaders of the leaders. So that number one established my point that we are handling a very powerful essential strategic and relevant subject of leadership, Christian leadership, leadership in the kingdom, leadership in the house of the Lord, leadership with heavens, standards, leadership with the oil of heaven, leadership with the ingredients of heaven, leadership with the revelation of heaven. See how to live somebody. I am talking about leadership that is born out of the understandings of God. Now these sayings, Jesus, the most excellent leader of all times, spoke to them about his purpose as a leader, that a time was going to come when he would have to fulfill a purpose of suffering and rejection. Then he would die and he would rise up again as a leader. But the Bible says, except a corn falls and dies, it abides alone. And he as a leader would have to die so that he would not have to abide alone. In his death and his resurrection, he would multiply the oil of leadership. Now when he would die and he would rise again, he would multiply himself out of one Jesus in the resurrection, there shall be many Jesuses. As you will plant a corn and have harvest fields of corn, so also Jesus will have to be rejected and buried. And when he rises up, he will raise men like you and I. And as he is, so are we. And as he was, so shall we be. And as he is, so shall we be. I am looking forward to see him face to face. And when we all receive our crowns in heaven, we will all go back to his mansion in heaven and say, Jesus, take our crowns, because it was all about you in a way. Without you, we wouldn't have received the crown. As a matter of fact, you did the job, we only came to reap the harvest. You fought the fight and we just enjoyed the crown. You beat the devil and we received the anointing. You killed death and we received life. It's all about you and you deserve it all, say hallelujah somebody, say glory. And so here, Jesus, after he spoke these things eight days, new beginnings. Anytime you see new beginnings, you see a new song. Your church is called the new song. And the Bible says, I will do a new thing and you will sing a new song. If there's no new thing, there's no new song. A new song and new song simply means a new thing for all hallelujah somebody. I feel like Britain tonight, I say, I feel like Britain tonight, I say, I feel like Britain tonight, say hallelujah somebody, say glory. You, you, show me a new thing and I'll give you a new song. Nobody sings a new song with an old message. So this church, you are carrying a relevant anointing. And every day, may God do new things in your midst, so that you will always have new songs to sing. And you will leave up to the name of your church and God will make sure that the name of your church, which is the theme of your calling, are you with me tonight, are you with me tonight, say hallelujah somebody, say hallelujah somebody. This is a prophetic night and I have come to define to you the very name of your calling. And your name is your theme and you are a theme song hallelujah. I say you are a theme song, you are a Holy Spirit theme song in our generation, as in our generation, as in our generation, as in our generation, can I hear any man? I just, there's so much, there's so much prophecy in my spirit right now. I said, there's so much prophecy in that spirit. Oh, Rabbi Shelly Abasotakahiah, say amen, where there's a new thing that comes a new song, because new things produce new songs, it comes spontaneously, you don't have to learn it, you don't have to be educated about it. Out of your belly flows rivers of living waters, and it comes suddenly, that's why this church, you will never grow old, you don't, you don't understand what I'm saying. I say you will never grow old, in other words, your relevance will be timeless. You have a timeless relevance, a new song, because God is always doing a new thing. Say amen, now, now, in Isaiah chapter 6, the scripture says from the first verse, in the year King Yousiah died, I saw the Lord. And he was high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple, the verse 2 says, and the angels, and I saw with him six angels, I saw angels set up him with six wings, with two wings they covered the arphyte, two wings they covered the arphyte, two wings they did fly, and they cried holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord. Now that scripture actually means that, at the appearance of God, as these seraphims stood in God's presence, in the manifestations of God on his throne, as his train, his government, and his glory filled the temple, every move of God brings a new aspect of God. These angels have been in God's presence from eternity past, and yet have never gotten use of God. Are you with me? And so God makes one move, and these angels have never seen that before. And they say, wow, holy, then God makes one move, and that's a whoopee, another holy. Now the point here is that every day they see a new aspect of God. Every minute they see a new dimension of God. So the God you see, this minute, you see a new dimension of him in the next minute. So these angels can never stop, but see, holy, holy. In other words, it's my goodness, glory, whoa. And every, every, every new holy is so new that they cannot be, they cannot compare to the previous holy. You know, God is always doing a new thing. So heaven is not going to be boring at all, because there's going to be a new dimension of God from eternity to eternity. This God is an awesome God. So receive the anointing of a new song, may God show himself in your midst, oh my goodness, in a new way, every day you mix, suddenly as somebody, every day with God is better than the day before, amen? So the Bible says after these things were said to the disciples, eight days later, which means the transfiguration of Jesus took place eight days after he spoke about his disease. In other words, the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Olivet was a new beginning dimension, was a new beginning manifestation, was a new beginning revelation, was a new beginning manifestation. And these disciples had seen Jesus in many ways until that day, and when they saw his glory, it was like never before they've seen this man. It's the law, it is good that way here. My goodness, glory, hallelujah. And Peter said, you know what, Lord, I mean, what else do we want? This is ministry, let's all just come here, let's build three churches, three temples, one for you, one for life, one for Moses, and let's stay in the glory hallelujah. And in other words, in other words, oh, let all those who are sick in Jerusalem, let them die, here we are, in other words, who cares about tomorrow? Once we can capture the glory, let's trap the glory. And those guys, in those days, knew how to trap the glory of God. And they also knew how to activate the glory of God, they knew how to work on the glory of God, they knew how to incite the glory of God, and the knew how to manage the glory of God. There were students of the glory, there were citizens of the presence. And this is leadership, Sallelujah. Jesus was connecting his leaders to a dimension of revelation that would ever leave timeless in their lives, in their minds. And we will soon have a study on Peter, who he was, James, who he was, John, who he was, and how they ended their time as leaders, born out of Jesus, in their time, in their dispensation. Today, we benefit from the manifest leadership of this three main, Peter, James, and John. May your leadership today bless eternity tomorrow. May your leadership today brighten eternity tomorrow because of your leadership success and your leadership excellence may heaven celebrate when sorrows come into the kingdom because of you, because of who you are, or say how to see my portion. Say amen. So the Bible says that Jesus, he brought these men to the mountaintop. Now the entire chapter of Isaiah chapter nine, to this point, shows you different aspects of leadership training. Let's look at from the first verse, verse one to five. Looked up the nine, verse one to five. Then he called his disciples, two of disciples together, and gave them power and authority over our devils and to kill diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. So from verse one to five, he gave his leaders power. From verse seven to nine, now Herod, the tetrack, had all that was done by him. And he was perplexed because that it was said of some that John was risen from the dead. And some said that Elias had appeared. And of others, that one of the old prophets was risen again. And Herod said, John, have I beheaded, but who is this? John, have I beheaded, but who is this? So chapter one to five of the same looked at chapter nine, we see the release of power to the disciples who are leaders. Now, and these disciples, who are with him on the mountain top, say power. Every leader in the house of the Lord needs power. One of the first elements of leadership in the house of the Lord is power. The Bible says for as many as believe in him to them, he gave power to become the sons of God, John chapter one, verse 12. And here you must understand that to be a child of God, you must understand the power of God. The main ingredient which qualifies you to be a child of God is power. In other words, if you are a child of God, show me your power. In other words, let me see your understanding of power. And I will tell you what kind of child of God you are. For as many as believe in him to them, he gave power to become, power to become, power to become. It means it is the power that makes you into the child of God, power to become, the word to become in Latin is faquere, which comes, which out of which we have the word manufacture. So the power manufactures you into a child of God, or in biology or smoothies or metamorphosis. You are metamorphosed into a child of God based on the activity of power in your life. So when Jesus brought these disciples, he had chosen the first thing, he made sure the God was not even the knowledge of the word, but the knowledge of power. I pray you will leave this meeting, walking in power, understanding power, say hallelujah somebody, say hallelujah somebody, say power, say power, say like a minute. And then the scripture says, then Herod, Herod was very concerned about this man, because he said, well I know that I killed John, and he was not ashamed to say that he killed John. He said, I know I killed John, but who is this man? Some said he was one of the prophets, some other said it was a lie, he was a liar, because most of them knew that a liar had went to heaven a life. So probably on his way to heaven he fell down back on earth. Maybe he didn't reach him, maybe the child brought him back, but who is this man? Now the reason why Herod was so concerned was because of the evidences that were coming out of the leadership of Jesus, because Herod was a leader, and he saw leadership attribute in Jesus and the results of astute leadership, the something about leaders, they connect with other leaders. You meet somebody who is a leader somewhere, something in your spirit, stay as your spirit. You know you are a bitch of the same feather, that they are not in you, stay as up, they are not in him, the Bible says, and the spirit bears witness, there was a witness in Herod that this man is a very unique leader, and who is this man? He said, which means therefore, that there were evidences of the lifestyle of Jesus. Say hello to somebody. And the apostles, when they were detained, told him all that they had done, and he took them and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city called Besider, and the people when they knew it followed him. The scripture says when these disciples came back, after ministry in power, they came back to their boss. The leaders had a leader, in other words, every leader needs a leader. For you to qualify to be a leader, you must have a leader. In other words, who is your leader if you are a leader? Who is your father if you are a son? Every leader must have a backbone of leadership. You must lean on somebody, leadership simply means that somebody is leading you, or you are leading somebody. So as the word leadership simply means, there must be someone in front of you, and someone behind you. Leadership simply means you are moving from one place to another place. Leadership is a verb, leadership means mobility, leadership means movement, that you are being led, you are being led, if you are static, you are not leading. And if you are moving, you are leading. Leadership also means you are moving from one point to another point. So if you are leading people, it means you are bringing them from one point to another point. Jesus was the bishop of these guys, and he gave them instructions, he gave them a peples, he gave them a vision, he gave them a direction, he gave them a manual, he told them what to do, and they wait in obedience, came back and gave reports. To me, that's one of the powerful aspects of attributes of leadership, that's one word in leadership is number one influence. And the second word in leadership, for effective leadership is follow up. You must always, you must always follow up on the instructions you've given your people. You must see how they fared, how they did their job, if they made a mistake, you correct them. Those that need to be reviewed, you rebuke them. Those that need some spanking, you spam them and kiss them hallelujah. So they all came back to give reports, and he said, yeah, John, how did he go? Yeah, so John gave his experience, and then Peter, and James, and then battle him, and Matthew, and Judas, and all the other twelve, they all gave a report, oh my goodness, Lord, you shall see how I slap that demon, my goodness. Oh, oh, oh, you can imagine, Matthew said, Jesus, you don't believe this, we were sleeping that night, we were so tired, and I was sleeping in my dream, and the demon came my way, and I woke up, and I kicked him out of the room. So all these disciples had exciting stories, because of the power, because of the power, because of the power, because of the power, because of the power, because of the power, said power. And the whole story went all over the place. The scripture says that when they came back, as a leader should do, he brought them all together, and took them to a private place. Everything leaders should be, every leader must have a private place, every leader must have a quiet place, a place of reflection, a place where you architecturally design your thoughts into manifestation, a place where you give birth to strategies. It's like the dark room of a photographer, the photographer goes into the field, takes pictures, but he brings them to the dark room to develop the pictures. So the private place of the leader is the dark room to develop his pictures, his visions, his dreams, say amen? And whilst he took his disciples aside to minister to them one on one for reflections, for meditations, for inspirations, for directions, and for all the consistencies that makes balanced leadership, the scripture says that all the city, when they found out that Jesus and his voice had gone into the city of Bessida, into a quiet place of the city, they all went out to this place. And he had no choice but to heal their sicknesses and heal their diseases. And all this he was doing because there were leaders in training, and he was showing them what to do and how to do it. Then it came to a place where at a time when they were all hungry, all those multitudes were very hungry, and so the disciples came to Jesus and say, "Lord, it's time, let's get them out of this place." They are so hungry, we've really come them here for hours, and so we cannot have enough money to get food. So let's go, we can't even go buy food in enough food. And Jesus said in verse 13, I think, say amen, yeah, in verse 13 he says, "And he said unto them, give you them to eat." And they said, "We have no more but five loops and two fishes except we should go and buy meat for all these people." These disciples or leaders in training, say leaders in training, they came to Jesus and He said, "Bos, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, we have a crisis here that the people are more than our supplies. And our warehouse cannot handle the demands of the people. What do we do, Lord? And as a good leader, you know what he told them? He said, "You, get them the food to eat." "Sallelujah,allelujah, now, now, let me, let me tell you what, what he meant by what he said." He said, "Now that you have diagnosed the problem, solve it." It's a very important aspect of leadership, a leader should be able to diagnose a problem. A leader should have the prognosis of the matter, and a leader should be able to have a post-mortem result or a report of what happened. He said, "Now you have found the problem that they are hungry, will you solve the problem?" Now Jesus did not ask the disciples to solve the problem just because he wanted to tease them. He knew that they could do it, because he knew that in verse 1 he gave them power. In other words, you have all the texts, boy. I come to tell you, new song church, you have what it takes. I say you have what it takes. Oh, I wake, I wake, I wake, I wake, I wake. For you know, you have all the texts. I rise, shine, for you have all the texts, rise up for you have all the texts, move forward for you have all the texts, do something because you have all the texts, don't look back because you have all the texts. Say hallelujah! Yes, we can. Say it, man. Let's be seated. I'm not trying to be political, but our new president said, yes, we can. Hahaha, say hallelujah! Jesus told them, yes, you can. And it's, they were being very intellectually, see, because you know, because they saw the demand and supply. You know, maybe they were students of the Jerusalem School of Economics, you see. Yeah, because that's economics. If you study economics, just supply and demand. Simple. And Jesus said, I'm God. I'm not economics, man. I am bigger than that. He said, he said, he said, he said, he said, don't speak economics to me, for I give you the anointing. The anointing is more powerful than logic. Say amen. And so here, he brought, he was bringing these boys into a level of revelation. Say amen, then verse 22, saying, the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected of the elders and chippers and stripes and be slain and be raised that day. So here, Jesus was telling his leaders what leaders go through. The leaders suffer stuff. Leaders go through rejections, I don't know about you, I'm going to lots of rejections. I don't know of any leader that has never experienced rejection before. I thought your wife rejects you for five minutes, because you took all the money and gave me into the offering bowl without telling her. So she gets married for two minutes and loves you anyway. Or you do something, you do something silly and logical minded people around you don't understand you. So they shut you off for a season or you are so outstanding that they can't compete with you and the rejections that we are so welcome. If you are under the reader, the rejections, if you are on the reader, the rejections, if you are above the reader, the rejections. Now before I go any further, I need to give you a little synopsis on rejection. Rejection is one of the most important, I'll call it, stages of leadership development. But if you cannot handle rejection, you cannot handle the glory, because there is no glory except first through the doors of rejection. Now some of you are just too careful, you don't want to be rejected. You don't want embarrassment. One of the greatest pain on the cross was the rejection. He said, "L.I.L.I.L.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M." My God, my God, why has doubt forsaken me? That's made him cry. The pain of the beating did not make him cry that way. And all the embarassments did not cry to his father in that dimension. The rejection, it's called the pain of rejection. And you need to master the pain of rejection. It builds in your leadership character. It brings you to a place where you should be able to ignore even major things, which are not relevant to your purpose. Because you handle the crucibles of rejection, you will be able to reject that which is not right. Oh my goodness. And accept that which is right. You will be able to decipher between the good and the right things. Because the bad things don't destroy you, because everybody knows what is bad. So the devil doesn't really fight you with bad things. He brings good things, because they are more powerful than the bad things. Amen? When the devil came to Eve in the garden, he did not tell Eve, "Go commit adultery." Because Eve wouldn't do anything like that. So there's an apple, and he said, "You know what, if you eat this fruit, you give knowledge. It's a good thing." Knowledge is a good thing. Understanding is a good thing. So he used a good thing to let him miss the right thing. So the fall of man was based on the desire for good things. That's why today, even in the church, what makes people fall more has more to do with good things. You begin to prosper. You buy your Volvo. After three years, you buy a Jaguar, good things, and you don't respect pasta anymore, because you have a Jaguar. When you had a bicycle, when you had a bicycle, I used to be, when you had a bicycle, when you had a bicycle, whatever he told you, you did. Now you have a good thing, a Jaguar. You come to church, and you don't come to church on Sunday, and you tell pasta, "My business took me away from church." Am I speaking to leadership right here? Am I speaking to leadership right here? Because you have a Jaguar and a few zeros, you tell the pasta that you know what, you must be proud to have me in your church. You must be privileged. Didn't you see me lift up my hands today? Do you know how much money I made today? You will appreciate my little lips of hands today. If you were on the football court, you put the ball down, take that guy away. I'm serious, because that's what Jesus did. There was a young, wealthy ruler who had so much money. He said, "Oh, these good things are following the principles and the crucibles of righteousness." Jesus was very impressed. He said, "There was one more thing you should do. Go sell everything and give it to the poor, and come and follow me." He said, "What? I am the chairman of Google, Jesus." "Jesus, let me spell it, G-O-O-G-L-E." He said, "I have a lot to preach tonight, but I don't know why I am still hanging out on this thing. I am dealing with something here, huh? I can feel it. You see, it's a good leader because of the rejections and the things you learn through those difficult times. You become very tempered. You are supposed to be very, very tempered. Whether you have money or not, it doesn't change the temperature of your thoughts. You make ten more million dollars per day, you are still on Austria, you come to church and worship the Lord." You lose all your money, you have no time, no food to eat, it doesn't change your mood. You still worship the Lord. "Sallelujah, sallelujah!" The moment you see a little elevation and your character changes, even the way you walk is, there's music in your steps. It means you are not qualified for promotion. In fact, that promotion will kill you. The prosperity of fools say, "Man, I pray in the name of Jesus that you have been awakened tonight." See, I wake, I say I wake, say it like a minute, "May you be so well-mannered around prosperity." Is it prosperity is a school, prosperity is a journey, prosperity is not a destination. Money is not a reward. Money is a tool. Your reward is in heaven. I believe I'm speaking to somebody here tonight. I say money, money is not a reward. Money is a tool. The more money you have, the more the tool you have to do the wax of God. When you get to heaven, your reward is waiting for you there. So Jesus said, and Jesus was speaking to his leaders, his 12 disciples, "I am your leader, I am your boss, and I'm going to be rejected, I'm going to be killed, I'm going to suffer a lot of pain." And I shall die, but I shall rise again. You know what it means? It means Godly leaders never die, that's a whole chapter tonight. Godly leaders never die. I will die, but I will not die. I will be buried, but I shall live again. He was telling this to his disciples and letting them understand, that you need to understand, that you must understand what you must understand, and Paul understood it and Paul said, "For I die daily, we die daily." Say amen? Yes. Now let's get out of this place quickly. Now here from best 23, best 23, and he said unto them all, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take his cross and follow me, Jesus said, 'I am committed to my purpose, so I don't fear to suffer, I don't fear to be rejected, I don't fear to die, I am committed. So you who should follow me, you also be committed, you go carry across, give no excuses, give no complaints, because I have no complaints for dying, I have no complaints for being rejected, I have no complaints for suffering, so if you follow me, then don't complain, carry across." That's some leadership truth right there, enough of the excuses in leadership. So many excuses in this western world, so many excuses. We have so many excuses, nobody gets the job done. Jesus said, "You carry across, you follow me." No complaint, he said, "All those who lose their lives for me, shall save it." Say hallelujah, somebody. But now the next point here is from verse 23 to 27, verse 27 says, "And I tell you of a truth, there will be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom of God," verse 28, and it came to pass, say it came to pass, it came to pass about eight days after this say. So here I just took you through all the things he said before the eighth day. Now the word awake, the awake means to arouse from sleep or to arouse from inactivity, but I also call it awareness, awareness. There's a need for every child of God to be very aware of your spiritual environments, aware of who you are, you must be, you must be apt, you must be have a clarity of thoughts, clarity of vision, clarity of purpose, clarity of dream, clarity of vision, clarity of who your God is, clarity of where you are going, there must be an awareness. And all these disciples, Jesus gave them power and gave them lots of teachings so as for them to have clarity of thoughts before he gave them the experience of the transfiguration. So these guys did not just experience the transfiguration of Jesus overnight, they went through some experiences, they went through some preparations. The transfiguration was a glimpse of glory, in other words, glory does not just come overnight, you must be prepared for it, you must be schooled for it. Many times with the Lord, I want to see you, I want to see your face, I want to love you love, let your glory come. Thank you. My question is, my question is, until you are educated about it, until you are prepared and tempered about it, when the glory shows up, you will flee. Yeah, oh yeah, you were wrong, it's not just chip talks, it's easy to talk about it. But when his glory shows up, now these were guys who had heard the teachings and the preparations, when the glory showed up, they went to sleep. Yeah, these were advanced students, same here. Now, my point here is, who is Peter, who was Peter, let's have a little study on Peter. Then we shall have a little study on James, and we shall conclude with John. At least we know that James and John came from one family, the sons of Zebedim. Now, so we will have very soon a study on the sons of Zebedim, say glory, hallelujah. Open your Bibles to Luke chapter four, Luke chapter five to be precise. See man, Luke chapter five from verse four, you see now, now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a drought. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing, nevertheless, at thy word, I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their nets break, and they beckoned on their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them, and they came and filled both ships, so that they began to sink. As Simon Peter saw it, he fell at Jesus' feet, knees, sorry, same, depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord, for he was astonished, and all that were with him at the drought of the fishes, which they had taken. And so also was James and John, the sons of Zebedim, which were partners with Simon, and Jesus said unto Simon, fear not, from henceforth thou shall catch man. And when they had brought their ships to the land, they forsook all and followed him. This was Jesus, verse 1 says, and he was by the lake Ganesirate, and there was a large crowd pressing on him to hear the word of God, is that correct? Good. So here, after Jesus was so pressurized by the crowd, he was literally nailed at the bank of the lake, and because of the pressure of the people, thought they were hungry to hear the word from heaven. They were so, they were like sponges, and just drinking the word of revelation, and the healings, and the wonderful wealth of God's wisdom coming out of this young man, for in John chapter 8, chapter 7 the Bible says, for Jesus spoke, and the people said that never a man speak like this man. And these guys were just my goodness, what a word, what a word. Some were say amen, others were say hallelujah, some were say glory, some were say hallelujah, and I'm telling you it was so powerful, but Jesus wanted to have a good view of the audience, and naturally speaking in physics, the father you go, the more you can see in terms of the aperture, and here Jesus had to go back a little bit, and he needed something that would keep him on the water. So the Bible said he saw one of the boats, which was Simon Peter's boat by destiny, by peppers, that was not by accident, that was not by accident, he knew what he was doing. And so he took Peter's boat, and then he finished stretching, all this while Peter was mending his nets in his disappointments, broken nets, broken hearts, broken nets, broken finances, broken nets, broken dream, broken nets, broken vision, broken nets, broken future, hallelujah somebody. And here, and once in a while he would lift up his head and listen to that statement, and I would ask who is this guy, and he just kept on breaking the net, and just mending the net, what am I going to tell my wife, whoa. Suddenly, Jesus said, young man, he said, just go cut some fish, just throw your net into the deep. He said, Lord, we have tried all night, the word is not dry, we are toiled all night. And we actually cut no fish, but at your word, in other words, in what you are telling me to do, beats logic, and I don't want to look like a fool before everybody. So I want to put the blame on you in case it doesn't work. In other words, in Peter, was covering his back, he said, at your word, he was a setup to blame somebody, you see, and many people do that, they always want to look for somebody to blame, repent in the name of Jesus, for the kingdom of God is at hand, amen. He said, and when he threw the nets, he got so much fish, and the net began to break. That's a prosperity. May God give you a net-breaking prosperity. May God bless you so you don't have enough room to store your riches, suddenly as somebody. And then he called his partners, the other ship that was there. And this were Peter, this is what James and John, who came to help, listen to this, after they pulled all of the fish into the shore, the scriptor says, they left all, they left one all, and they followed Jesus. Now my question is, so what happened to the fish? Yeah, I mean, maybe two tons, load of fish, maybe. I mean, I know some of the fishes were not dead here, some salmon, and they were throwing their nectar up. And they saw this wonderful business, I mean, you know how much money they could make out of that. But they all left it, and they just followed Jesus. They left that destiny, and they glued to a higher destiny. Suddenly as somebody. Now listen to this, I just gave you a little synopsis on good things, is that right? These guys saw a good thing, and rejected it, saw that they will have the right thing in life. I would like to work with people like that. No wonder, Peter, James and John became the best of Jesus, because they had the right attitude, they had the right hat, they couldn't be bribed out of their purpose. So Peter, James and John could say that, you know, we did not just follow Jesus, because we did not have anything to do, we left a thriving business, because we knew what we could get out of Jesus. This is good leadership, suddenly as somebody. May our leaders know that there is no price to hide to pay for Jesus. We forsake, we forsook a multi-million dollar, efficient business, to follow Jesus. Now here this, this same Peter went and followed Jesus. Now we know the stories of Peter, he was a little erratic. Peter was too spontaneous for our liking. I mean he was the first to say everything, he was the first to fight. In Gethsemane, when Jesus was about to be arrested, he took the sword and cut off the ears of Malthus. That was ready to fight, man. He was ready to put aside his anointing and use his vision, experience. You listen to this. Now this same Peter, after Jesus died, rose again, Peter thought it was over. So he said, we know what folks, how our boss is dead, we don't know what's going to happen and so let's go back and fish. So he pulled everybody else to go back to fish. Now Jesus appeared and we all know a story that he came and had some food for them, roasted some fish and ate with them. In the process of eating, he began to ask Peter, love his downing, more than this. With that scripture, John, John, John, chapter 21, are you being blessed tonight? Yeah. But God was just blessing me when he was speaking to me about what to teach today, I love it. Even if you are tired, I was still preaching earlier, John 21 from verse 15. So when they had died, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, love his downing, more than this, he said unto me, ye Lord, down the ways that I love thee, he said unto him, feed my lance, verse 16, he said unto him again, the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, love his down me, he said unto him, ye Lord, down the ways that I love thee, he said unto him, feed my sheep, verse 17, and he said unto him, the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, love his down me, Peter was grieved because he said unto him, the third time, love his down me, and he said unto him, Lord, down the ways, down the ways, all things, down the ways that I love thee, Jesus said unto him, feed my sheep. So number one, feed my lance, number two, feed my sheep, number three, feed my sheep. Well this is my own post-mortem analysis, do you know that Peter denied Jesus three times? The dumb self said, you are one of those who followed him, he said no I don't know him. But that was your speech, Beatrice, for you speak like a Galilean, he said no, I swear, I don't know, excuse me, that's what I said, he swore, apps, and then the cop crew, Peter denied Jesus three times. So in the restoration of Peter, Jesus, how to ask in Peter? One rejection, one more question, one rejection, one more question, one more question, that is a major leadership principle, which we can go through now today, suddenly as somebody. So Peter was restored, suddenly as somebody, now Peter eventually became the bishop the head of the church, Jesus said, feed my lumps, feed my sheep, feed my sheep, in other words I'm giving to you my flock, I'm giving to you my congregation, I'm giving to you as a shepherd, I'm giving to you my sheep. So Peter stepped into the feet of Jesus, into the shoes of Jesus as the leader of the entire church, do you hear me? Good. And you understand that Peter had to go through serious training, there were times when he tried to stop Jesus from going to the cross, and Jesus rebuked him, sit down, get the behind me. Some of you don't want to go through the discipline of leadership. If you cannot go through the discipline of leadership, you are not qualified to receive the glory of leadership. The man Peter, who was supposed to be the head of the church, went through the most, the most, sometimes embarrassing training by Jesus, because the higher the responsibility, the tougher the training should be. Hallelujah, somebody. I'm talking about leadership approach, you have to wake up to your leadership calling. This meeting tonight is for leadership, tomorrow we shall move into something else, only God knows how this is going to end. Hallelujah, somebody. Number two, now let's go to James and John, already in Luke chapter five we see that James and John were partners of Peter. Is that right? Good. Now, James and John were the sons of Zebedee, Luke and Luke chapter 24 verse 10, and their mother's name was called Mary. Their mother was one of those who followed Jesus and minister to Jesus. Luke 10, Luke 24 verse 10, I'm sorry. And it was Mary Madeline and Joanna and Mary, the mother of James and other women that were with him, with them, which told these things unto the apostles. So you see, the mother of James, obviously John, was called what Mary. Now in Matthew chapter 20, from verse 20, we see an incredible story of James and John. He says, then came to him, the mother of Zebedee's children, with her sons, worshiping him, and desiring a certain thing of him. He said unto her, what will thou, she said unto him, grand that these two sons may sit one on their right hand and the other at the left in their kingdom. But Jesus answered and said, we know not, you know not, sorry, what you ask, are you able to drink of the cup that I drink as I drink of and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with, they said, yeah, we are able. And Jesus said, well, you may be able to drink the cup and be baptized in the baptism. But to sit on my right hand or my left hand is not my responsibility. It is the prerogative of God in heaven. Now, and he asked James and John, are you able to drink the bitter pill? Can you pay the price of sitting on my right hand and on my left hand? Do you guys must understand that you are asking for every talking? The sons of Zebedee came with their mother. I like to dramatize stuff because I am just a deep thinker, I don't think, I mean, that's me, that's me, I can imagine that when Peter, James and John, sorry, when James and John left all the efficient business, their father, Zebedee was a very prosperous, efficient man. He was a merchant of fishes. He was so wealthy, he must study the business of Zebedee. And these guys had a rich heritage of the business dimension and they left everything. They were so passionate for Jesus, they were so much in love for Jesus and they wondered all the glory that Jesus had, that they went to their mother, he said, mama, mama, mama? No, usually if you want your mother to do something tough for you, you'll find a way of, you know, just be nice, you wake up in the morning, you do what, you do everything she wants you to do. And as a mama, we know you are very close to Jesus because you and Susanna and Joanna, you are the women, who minister to Jesus, whatever he goes, you go get him his water, his cheesecake and all that he likes to eat, you are the ones who cook his food, you are the ones who are all around him and, you know, ironing his clothes and doing his laundry for him and, you know, Jesus, you know, we love you, hallelujah. He said, mama, please ask Jesus to allow us in heaven how I want to sit on the right hand of Jesus and I want to sit on the left side of Jesus, how about that? Mama, mama, Mary said, son, that's a good idea. James and John said, you know, Jesus is our boss, so we can ask him some things. It shows you lots of reverence and respect you must have for your boss. But can I make some sit-off statement here? Proper leadership principles suggest that you should not get too close to your pastor unless you become too friendly and you lose that potential ability from him to rebuke you if he has to. Hello? Yeah, yeah, so, so, so astute, very astute and I want to call it astute. What is the opposite of contemporary, conservative? Yeah, astute, conservative leaders always have a distance for all those who they are leading. Yeah, they, you can hang around them, but there's a wall, don't come too close. So you don't get too familiar with me. So I can look into your face and tell you are fired. And that brings not fear in terms of phobia, but fear in terms of respect and honor. As a matter of fact, you get more from your leaders when you are not too close than when you are too close. Don't be a buddy to all your people, don't be a buddy to all your pastors, because sometimes if they are even correct to you, you might take their correction as a joke. And eventually you can build up good people, but in discipline, group of serious people. And that's a paradox of life, which can be toxic to your vision. I might speak to somebody here tonight. The sons of, the sons of Zebedee, the sons of Zebedee said, look, we are his disciples. We go everywhere with him, but there is a distance, there are some things we dare not talk to him about it. We dare not, man, you should see the glory on the guy. We love him, but Jesus always keeps us at a distance. That's where when Peter made a wrong statement, he ripped him hard. He said, sit and get away from me. That's very important, especially in these last days. I wish I was handling other subjects on this particular matter, because you know what? The glory, which is supposed to come in these last days, is so much more than the glory of all the prophets put together. And such glory is so powerful, so huge, so big that we cannot, we cannot, it is suicidal, it is murder, it's mass murder if we release the glory into the hands of amateurs. We can release this neutral bomb of divine glory into the hands of feeble hearts, feeble minds, feeble hands, feeble lives, people who don't take seriously seriously. He would implode on them. So the sense of somebody told their mother, "Mom, go talk to him for us. We just won't, we don't want anything just to sit by his right side and the left." There were smart guys, because you say you don't want anything, but if you can sit on this right hand, you have everything, silly or somebody. My point here as I begin to conclude is what a passion to be with Jesus. What a hunger to be with him in glory. Oh, my goodness! And Jesus said, "What? Can you pay the price from just summarizing this? Can you pay the price?" Before he even asked the question, they screamed, "Ahh!" Jesus did not take it lightly. He took the answer, put it in his mind, and checked it. He said, "When you hang around, astute leaders, every word matters. And every body language matters." Because sometimes people say what they don't mean. But if you study body language in words, you can always tell the journey from the spurious. You can tell the revelatory from the shallow, so Jesus checked it. I'm not forgotten that, clearly as somebody. Now, because of time, I just go. The scripture says that James, in Acts 12, verse 1 and 2, he says that, "And Herod, stretch out his hand to vex setting of the church, vestute, and he laid hold on James and beheaded him." Is this all in the battle? Yeah. James told Jesus, "I want to sit in your glory in your right hand." Jesus asked him, "Are you able to drink the bitter pill?" He said, "Yeah." On the day he was beheaded by Herod in Acts 12, he drank the bitter portion. He paid the price for the glory he wanted. He said, "I want to sit on the right hand of Jesus." And Jesus said, "It will cause you your life because me might also cause me in my life. If you sit so close, you will be burned." And the guy said, "Okay, no problem. No problem. I prefer to be burned so long as I can have the city." Now, how many people really want the glory of God now? Just only a third of you, really. Just only a third of you, really. I said, "Only a third of you, really." He said, "I'm ready." He said, "I'm ready." He said, "Like a minute, I am ready." Amen? I know Jesus has heard it. This is no small meaning. Please be seated. Give me five minutes and I'm done. Here it is, here it is. So Peter, Peter became the head of the church. Is that right? James became the head of the church in Jerusalem. James who was beheaded by Herod became the bishop of the church in Jerusalem. Peter became the church of the universal body. Now, so we have Peter, we have James, John. John was the one on the island of Pagnos. And verse 9 of Revelation chapter 1, 10, he says, "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day." "I was on the island of Pagnos for the tribulation and for the patience of our Lord Jesus Christ." In other words, I am a captive on the island of Pagnos because of my passion for the glory and because of my determination to stick with the presence of the Lord and because of my desire to have nothing else more than all that God has for me and because of my passionate determination to let go the good things of this world and have the best things of heaven. For this cause, I am guilty of being a child of God. He was the receiver of the receptacle of the book of Revelation. The Bible says the end of a matter is better than the beginning. And he had the last book of the Bible. And he had the most glory. If you study the book of Revelation, my goodness, my goodness, John really saw some things. What he saw in the book of Revelation as recorded was far much more than on the mountain of transfiguration. In fact, the glory of Jesus, which he saw in Revelation, was much more of a sharper image than on the mountain of transfiguration because when he appeared, he said, "I had the sound." He sounded like the voice of many waters. And when I turned to see the voice that I spoke, I saw, I was like a dead man. He collapsed the same Jesus who was his friend, the same Jesus who he lived with. When he saw him in the maximum resurrected glory, he was like a dead man. He could not recognize the same Jesus. He said, "Glory will change your identity." I said, "Glory will change your identity. Am I speaking to somebody here?" And the glory of the church in this last days is supposed to change the identity of the church. We are not supposed to look like what we know today. When the glory shall show up, the Bible says, "And when I turn and I saw him," my goodness, I was like a dead man. And for he was in a white garment with a golden girdle, and his feet were like breezing, like britain feet in fire. His eyes were red, like flims of fire. His head and his head were as white as wool. And he spoke like the voice of many waters. He said, "I am the alpha and omega." "I am the beginning and ending. I am the one who died and rose again." And he said, "And all the things you are about to hear right to the seven churches." And he was all on the floor, on the ground, sorry, and he was shaky like a leaf. He was so dead and yet alive, because he said I was in the spirit. His physical body could be in hand of the glory, but his spiritual man, hand of the glory. He said, "My body was like a dead man, but my spirit was in God." And I was able to handle the spectacular. I was able to handle the awesome. I was able to handle the revelation. I was able to handle the importation. I was able to handle the infusion. I was able to handle the illumination. I was able to handle the glory. Say hello, Louisa. I am saying that the church, the church, my separate, the flesh from the spirit. Otherwise, we cannot handle the glory, because the flesh, the flesh puts a limit on the glory. He said, "I was a dead man. My flesh died and my spirit was alive. I prayed that from today, if you really want to see the glory of the Lord, if you really want to awake and awake and awake and awake, you must die to the flesh. You must die to the flesh. You must awake. You must arise. You must awake. You must arise. You must awake. You must awake. You must separate the flesh from the spirit. Suspirate, Suspirate, Suspirate." He said to the seven churches that are in Asia, right. I wonder how he could write, because he was like a dead man. That this is a very high level of spiritual language. There's one thing he must understand, but in the realm of the spirit, there is no memory loss. So when he was in the spirit, he said, "I was in the spirit." And everything Jesus said was recorded. And he sat down after the panorama to sit down, and he just transferred what was recorded in the spirit. And I was somebody here today. There are times when I'm about to come in a minister like this, there's no message that I preach as a second message. I can, for the past three, four, five years, I don't have a message that I preached because I read a book. Every message I preach, I hear a claim from the Lord every day. Say hallelujah. Say hallelujah. In today's message, I got it less than two hours before I got you. If my secretary said, "Joshua, if you are here, yeah, after praying, I'm going to write, have you gone to write?" And the Lord just gave him a scripture. And he told me, but tonight's message is on leadership. I've never preached this scriptures on leadership ever before. This is not a recycled message. I have no recycled messages. Say hallelujah, somebody. Say hallelujah, somebody. No, no, I'm making a point here. That's why sometimes, sometimes, sometimes I've preached seven messages on one scripture. You'll be amazed. Tomorrow, if I 100 the same to you, you'll be amazed. I'm going to handle the same theme tomorrow, you watch, say hallelujah, somebody. Why am I saying this? I'm not saying this to make me look cool. I'm not saying that Jesus is cool, hallelujah. But my point is that if you are in the spirit, if you are in the spirit, there is, we call spirit knowledge, it's called, it's called spirit time. We have chronos, which is this time, if I tell you what's the time, it's about 8, 8, 40. That's chronos. And the chiaros is when something happens in a moment in time. But there's a third one, it's called spirit time. Along the line, maybe I'll give you a little teaching on spirit time. That's when John said I was in the spirit, he zoomed into spirit time. And when you are in spirit time, you can have a whole revelation of the entire eternity in the split second. See hallelujah, somebody. Now imagine the revelation you can get in spirit time. Imagine the knowledge you can get in spirit time. Imagine the understanding you can capture in spirit time. Imagine the inventions, the innovations, the inspirations you can get in spirit time. With the spirit of the Lord, there is so much liberty because we have solutions to problems. Because as we move into spirit time, we connect to divinity. And we receive the download of divine principles. And you will be a solution center all your life. You have more than the questions of life. So walking in the glory of God or being awoken, being awoken is far much more than working out of biological sleep. We are talking about spiritual separation between the flesh and its weaknesses. And the spiritual and its eternal strengths. In the physical, you are fallible, in spiritual, you are infallible. So when John said I was like a dead man and yet I was in the spirit, it means that my fallibilities, my infallibilities were separated from my fallibilities. And when the Holy Ghost is moving, that's why Paul said it's no more idoliver, the Christ that lives with him. He said from the day I met Jesus, the weakness of the flesh had to die dearly in the presence of the glory. And you have no clue how after the suffering of this flesh, the kind of glory that waits for us. He said therefore all the things I have lost, I count as nothing, I count as dung, and I pressed in for the price of the higher calling. He said am I know him, I want to know Jesus, I want to know Jesus. So long as I am in the flesh, I don't know him very well, but if I am in the spirit, I don't know him, I am revealed, he is revealed to me. And your crystal life becomes a life of a revelation. Your worship life must be a life of a revelation. Your decisions must be based on revelation. Your vision must be based on revelation. I am dressed like this, because when I was praying, I saw the Holy Spirit showed me this suit. He said you wear this suit today. I was in prayer, somehow I had a feeling that it could be one of these big pray, I've been praying for this while and I have a feeling that it may be this suit of this other suit. So I brought two suits to my office and I was in prayer and in the spirit, in the revelation, I saw he chose this and in the morning, I saw the vision and it's a worthy shoe. I am telling you, when you are walking in the revealed life of Christ, your way of thinking, your way of doing things, it's so far above the norm, am I speaking to somebody here? Say hello to somebody, receive a revelation of your awakening. Oh, say hello to somebody, I feel the oil here tonight, I feel that the light is being turned on. There is a light that is about to be turned on in your spirit, awake, awake, awake. For the Bible says when Peter, James and John walk up on the sweep, they saw the glory. When they came out of the canopy and the tabernacle of the flesh, which is a slip, the soul. What a glory. When they were asleep, Peter never said, "Lord, let's build three temples, three houses." Because the revelation of sleep is far lower than the revelation of our weakness. And the church can be sleeping and still have a revelation, but it is the revelation based on sleep. It goes nowhere, say hallelujah, but if you have a revelation of your awakeness, you can live even your dreams outlive you. After you are dead and gone, your dreams to live on. Even after you are dead and gone, your vision still lives on. When the saints go machining, "Oh Lord, I want to be in the number." When the saints go machining, these are not saints in the flesh, these are saints in the spirit, and they are marching to spiritual order. They are marching in the regiment of the Holy Ghost. I pray that this church will be a marching saint church. Say hallelujah, say hallelujah, say I wake, say I wake. Tonight being the first night, I will come and have some keyboard, I hear you have some keyboard guy here, say amen, lift up your hands. Thank you Lord Jesus, just give us some background, lift up your hands. I thought I could lay hands on everybody, but no time today, maybe tomorrow, don't miss any part of this murder, receive. I feel the Holy Ghost, receive the turning on of the light of revelation, receive. Thank you Lord. Your spirit has been turned on to connect with the spirit of God, receive. Your spirit and the Holy Spirit must become one inseparable, receive. Thank you Holy Spirit. Every aspect of your Christian life that has been dead is coming back to life, receive. Your prayer life is coming back to life. Your obedience life is coming back to life. The light of humility has been turned on tonight. Your passion for Jesus has been turned on against tonight, receive, receive, receive the illumination for balanced Christianity, receive balance, receive balance, receive balance, receive balance in the name of Jesus. The light of faith, faith, faith, faith, faith, faith, faith, with that faith, no one completes God. Your faith life has been dead tonight, it's been turned on again. Receive faith, belief in God. Your belief system has been rewired. Receive every wiring of your belief system. Receive every wiring of your belief system. Receive one, two, three, four, five, now receive life, so we receive the breath of God. Receive the breath of God, numa, take it now, I feel I see the Holy Ghost moving in your life like a cloud, I see the cloud of glory moving in our midst. It's amazing what I see and I see this cloud lifting you up, lifting you up for the Holy Ghost has come to take you where he belongs, where he is, he comes into your life and he takes you where he is, he comes into your life, he brings you into the higher place. For Jesus took the disciples to a high mountain, the night, receive your high mountain experience. Take it again one more time, the freshness of the Holy Spirit, the freshness of revelation, the freshness of the Word, the freshness of God, the freshness of who he is and the freshness of who you are in God. Thank you Holy Spirit and you can do all things through Christ, awake. You can pray through Christ, awake. You can achieve heights in business, awake. You can change your world, awake. You can let this world be a better place, awake. Thank you Holy Spirit. You can believe God for five million dollars and buy the new property. I wake. I wake. I wake. I wake. I wake. I wake. I wake. Yes Lord. You can be a leader of leaders. I wake. Thank you Lord. Oh, forgive your thanks. We'll give you thanks. Someone's Christian life is being revived. You come to church where your heart is box leading. Good night, receive the awakening in your spirit. With your eyes closed, give me two moments with your hands lifted up. If you lift up your hand, it means Lord I surrender. That's what it means. Holy Spirit I surrender. If I, it means I yield, have your way. Now quickly, if as your eyes are closed, you know in your spirit that you need to re-encounter Jesus. You want to re-dedicate your life to Jesus. It doesn't matter how many years you've been in church, that's not what I mean. I'm talking about if the husband you know in your heart as separation between your heart and the heart of Jesus, know that this is your moment. The Holy Ghost is here to turn on the light again. The spirit of reconciliation is here tonight. The oil of reconciliation is here tonight. A healing balm of reconciliation is here tonight. The massage of reconciliation is here tonight. The Holy Ghost is here to massage. To bring you back into alignment with the purpose of life in God. Let's see an awakening. We'll see a new beginning. Don't say in your heart that God is not able. But just believe we'll see. At this moment, it's you and Jesus. Don't worry about the person next to you at all, it doesn't matter where you are, it's you and Jesus. This is unencounter with eternal revelation. Thank you Lord. I feel heaven is reconciling with many of us tonight. That's a divine reconciliation. It's like Jesus' say, "Where have you been all these years? I've missed you so much, I love you, I miss you, come home, come home." You are the prodigal son, come home, come home. You are not born again for religion, you are born again for relationship, Jesus. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. I feel our hearts are being turned right, right? I feel there's a surgical transformation in our hearts, in our minds and our spirits taking place. Thank you Lord. But if in your heart you know the Holy Spirit is speaking to you to just come forward and re-dedicate your life to Jesus, just walk forward with you and come here. I'll pray with you just for two minutes and I'm done. If you really want to identify with a new beginning and you want to say, "The past is over." This does not mean that you were never saved. It just means that you have recognized that this is a new beginning in your life. And you don't want to miss this moment of truth. You don't want to miss this moment of afresh oil. So God is about to give you a new song because He wants you to do a new thing in your life. Thank you Lord, oh I feel the oil. Don't miss any of these days or this conference because I'm telling you heaven, heaven, this conference is born of heaven, it is so much God, there's so much God, it's so much of God. Don't lose this moment of grace. I see an outpouring of God's Spirit upon you, obedience is better than sacrifice. And stubbornness is like the sin of witchcraft. Don't be stubborn, come, come, come, come, no one can do you like Jesus, no one can fix you like the Holy Spirit, no one, no one, no one, no one. He is not a doctor, He's God. Yeah, doctor's cure, God creates a new heart will I put in you, says the Lord, and I'll write my words in your heart and no one will have to teach you how to save God, says the Lord. I'll put my words in your heart. One more time, there are ten people who are to join this group quickly, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten. Don't hold back, yeah, don't hold back, destinies are at stake, destinies are at the balance. Two more, two more, you know who you are, two more, now out of these two there is one person who is struggling seriously, your mind is in a balance between sin and righteousness. I prick the hold of sin right now, deluced and run toward right now and embrace the Holy Spirit, Jesus, thank you and I see you are here, thank you God, Jesus, thank you, God is healing your marriage, God is healing the pain of the past. God is restoring you completely, you will not even remember the pain of your past, you will not even remember the weaknesses of your past for this is a new beginning. I wake out of your past, I wake out of the memory of your past, I wake, capture a new vision, receive a new vision, receive a new revelation for life, I wake quickly, hallelujah, Jesus, there are many here tonight who are being called into full-time ministry at the same time, yeah, right now that that is cast and the Lord is telling you this is the moment that you will be waiting for, you will be asking God to confirm, to confirm, receive your confirmation, don't hold back, no one will do your work for you in the Kingdom of God, this is your moment of encounter, thank you Lord, there's someone here, you have attempted suicide before and it's something you don't do again, you will never do it again, but that thing has been haunting you, the pain, the rejection, the inner rejection, you've never been able to forgive yourself, that yoke is broken tonight in the name of Jesus, Beluce in Jesus name, be healed in Jesus name, thank you Lord, there's a lady here, there's a time in your life when you really, really fought, wanted to divorce your husband, you went back and fought almost between 5, 3 to 5 years, but finally you came out of it, in other words you did not divorce your husband and you are in the marriage for life, but those experiences have been haunting you, you are loose tonight, I break the train off you in the name of Jesus, be loose, awake, awake, awake, awake, awake, awake, awake, in the name of Jesus, you used to enjoy reading the Bible, now don't enjoy anymore, you are being restored, received, a fresh appetite for the word, a sweetness of the word, receive a new revelation of the word of the Lord, it's sooner than honey in the honey camp, thank you Holy Spirit, be healed in your physical body, be healed in your mind, be healed, everybody here pray after me, everybody, Lord Jesus, I thank you for awakening me, I thank you I see your glory, I belong to your glory, I belong to your presence, I belong to your kingdom, take over my life Lord, be my Lord, my Savior, thank you for a new beginning, visit me again, anoint my head O Lord, with fresh oil, now give him some thanks out of your own heart, just thank him, thank him, thank him