City Central Church Podcast
Rivers of Living Water
Evangelist Emmanuel Ziga
(audience applauding) - It's a joy to be here tonight. Say amen. This church has a reputation. A reputation for bringing in the presence of the Lord. A reputation of being hungry for God. Say amen. I am told there's a lot of fire here. But I'm also told from heaven that something new is about to be birthed. (audience applauding) Say hallelujah. Amen. Well Pastor Brian and his wife and his team are a very rare, rare group of American pastors. I've traveled at least, I've covered about 25 states in this country and I've not met a man on fire like this. Say hallelujah, somebody. When I first met him, I wondered whether he was an American. (audience laughing) And then when I found out that he was an American, I believed again the scripture, which says the one that's never end. (audience laughing) Say amen. And I thank God for the prophets. Bless you. Yeah, and it's a joy to be in this wonderful sanctuary. This is beautiful, yeah man. I'll take my time, we will tag thee. I'll begin slowly, but confidently, let's pray. The power of God descend. The presence of the Spirit descend. Let life be restored in Jesus' name. Amen. Open your Bibles to the book of Revelation, chapter 22. Revelation, chapter 22. And I read from the first verse. I am handling the subject tonight, a reverse of living water. Revelation, chapter 22, from the first verse. And he showed me a pure river of water, of life. Clare as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lord. In the midst of the street of it, and of either side of the river was there, the tree of life, which bear 12 mana of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree, were for the healing of the nations. For the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. I prophesied the healing of the nations. I prophesied the healing of America. I prophesied the healing of Asia. I prophesied the healing of Europe. I prophesied the healing of the nations of Africa. Say amen. This revelation was given to John on the island of Patmos. And the book of Revelation begins with the release of the revelatory knowledge of Jesus, who appeared. But if you studied, it was God, who gave Jesus, the permission to reveal himself and handed down the information to the angel. And the angel came and downloaded the business matter to John. And John said, "For I was in the spirit on the Lord's day. When I heard this voice, the voice that I am, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending. The voice did not say, "I am the beginning and the end." But the ending, the continuous conclusion of an endless business of eternal dimension, (speaking in foreign language) And in that revelation came several revelations, chapter after chapter, and the spirit of the Lord, and the spirit of the Lord, and the spirit of the Lord, and the angel said to the seven churches in Asia, right. And he who was here to hear, let him hear, what the spirit says to the church. And in the process of this wonderful revelation of heaven, the Bible says that one of the things I saw was the throne of God. And out of the throne, proceeded a river, crystal clear, flowing from the throne of God, and the end of the Lord Jesus. This scripture says that, flowing out of the throne of God, Jehovah, Abba Father, and his son, Jesus, giving us the understanding as though there were two people sharing the same throne. It is called the throne of God. It's also called the throne of Jesus. And out of this throne, the river of life began to flow. He says that crystal clear. If this was the throne, which means the river flows like this, down to the nations, down to the dimension of the New Jerusalem, down to the dimension of the revelation, of the things that is to come. This mortal being, John, filled with the spirit, John, born in a time such as that, John, a disciple of Jesus, John, became an apostle of God, John, went through the persecution and survived, went through trials and survived, went through tribulations and survived, and went through all manners of experiences, survived, maintain his holiness, maintain his status quo, maintain his apostleship and fellowship with God. It is believed that this in man, John, was so persecuted, and at one time, they tried to boil him in a pot of boiling oil and never boiled, he never fried, he never roasted, he was immune to all the manners of wicked activities designed to abort the move of God. And God will not let him die. The Holy Ghost will not let him die because he had a ministry to be fulfilled. God will not let him be crushed because his vision was yet to be accomplished. And I come to tell you tonight that you are not dying before your time because you have not finished your assignment. Say hello to somebody. Now, and if you have made plans to die before your time, I cancel your plan tonight. (congregation cheering) In the name of Jesus, say hello to somebody. If you have hidden intentions to backslide or sideslide or slip away, this assignment is terminated. This program is crushed. It shall not come to pass because the Lord has a plan for your life. That is why I am here to give you a word of the Lord. That it is not done yet you are about to begin. Say hello to somebody. (congregation cheering) Say hello to somebody. Now, have you said that, I also want to announce to you that if you have been lukewarm or shallow or kana, or having no vision or direction or dream in God, repentance is upon you tonight. And you are coming back home. Say hello to somebody. I have no apology to invite you back to Jesus. I have no apology to tell you that you are missing out if you are not in the fire of the Lord. And I have no apology. It doesn't matter what your passion has been. It doesn't matter what dribble your way. It doesn't matter what has resisted you. It doesn't matter what has overpowered you. That is no excuse in the kingdom of God. Say hello to somebody. I want to believe that I am speaking to potential nation movers. I'm speaking to potential kingdom shakers. I am speaking to potential history makers. If you are here, say here I am. Now, John saw this. I wouldn't go into eschatology tonight, even though I will begin from eschatology. And I'll drive you back to the move of the spirit. I believe the prophecy that there shall be a move of God in the north-west. And I like it because it is the move of God. It is different from the move of man. Say hello to somebody. Now, if it is a move of God, then it means that God and God alone can make it happen. Then it means that he is the author and the finisher of that move. It means that he is the architect of that move. It means he is the foundation of the move. It means he's the vision and the dream, the beginning and the ending of that move. It means he can do it with or without you and I. But if he chooses to do it with us, what a privilege. That we have been invited to the party, which doesn't belong to us. Some of us try to get crush. It didn't work because it is purely by strict invitation. And tonight, your invitation is assured because you are born again. Tell the other somebody. So here, he said, and I saw this river of life. And this river had trees on its side. And these trees have leaves. And these leaves have healing powers of the nations. But not only that, each of these trees bear 12 fruits at a time. I'm talking about maximum potency. I am talking about maximum fruitfulness. I am talking about exceeding life that one tree can produce two fruits. It can only be a tree planted by God because botany tells me that agriculture tells me, agronomy tells me that one tree, one fruit, one plant, one fruit. But when God plants the same tree, it can become one plant 12 fruits. And tonight, you are a tree of righteousness. And you have what it takes to bear 12 fruits on one tree. See, hello there, somebody. The scripture shows that in Revelation chapter three, verse 21, it says to him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne. Even as I also overcame, and I'm sat down with my father in his throne. Now, if I make a cross examination of chapter 22, this one, it says, and he showed me a pure river of water, of life, clay as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb. And the Bible says that Jesus in chapter three, verse 21, invites us to sit on the throne, which his father has given to him as an overcomer, which means that the throne you and I are sitting on is that throne out of which comes the revolved life. Amen? It simply tells me that this throne has God on the throne, has Jesus on the throne, and has you on the throne, potentially speaking. We are going to share the same, how do you eat me? Well, you are quiet there. Let me prove it to you. Revelation chapter one, verse six, for he has made as kings and what priests unto God. Is it in the Bible? Yeah. Every king must have a throne, and every priest must have an altar. The question is, if you are made a king by Jesus, then where's your throne? And he explained to us in Revelation three, verse 21, that if you overcome, I will make you to sit with me on my throne, because I have made you a king unto God. Amen? Paul wrote to the book of, to the Ephesians, he says, for God has lifted us up, raised us up to sit with Jesus on the throne, far above principality and powers, which means that we, even though we are walking on this earth, we are not of this world, we are functioning from a heavens perspective. You need to understand this, that you are not just born again, sanctified and consecrated. You have been given the privilege to walk in the authority of Christ Jesus, for which cause we rule the nations and we rule with Christ. Amen? So I'm saying that this river of life, which is flowing, it's not just flowing as a picture that must be seen, but it is actually the Holy Spirit manifesting with such great power and giving so much life as the river of life gives strength to those trees. So the river of life, the Holy Ghost also gives strength to you and I, that we shall bear fruits and we bear the gift of the Spirit, and we bear the fruit of the Spirit. And it's not about we that live the Christ that lives within us. And as we live in Christ, we move in Christ, we have our being in Christ, and we have the gifts of God to minister us living beings on this earth. It's a hallelujah somebody, say hallelujah somebody. I can understand why the Lord just put on my half to begin slow tonight. Because you need to have certain understandings before we can zoom in with revelation and understanding of where you are going. The level of your revelation determines how far you can go. And revelation is progressive. Revelation is not at the end. Revelation gives birth to another revelation. And from precept upon precept, little here and little there. There was a time in my life when I wasn't born again. Then I got born again. When I got born again, I wasn't baptized in the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues. Then I was baptized in the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues. And every face of my life, God brought me to new levels of revelation. And He gave me enough revelation for every face. And when I understood that then I was qualified for the next level. Tonight, I feel that God is bringing you to another level, say hallelujah somebody. Say hallelujah somebody, say hallelujah somebody, say hallelujah somebody. And the next level that you are coming into, you will not even remember the mess of the past. You will not remember the failure of the past. You will not remember the wars of the past. Because there will be so much ahead of you, so much information, so much revelation, so much vision, so much dream, so many more things will be happening that you would have no time to think about the past because revelation is moving into a new level. So new levels, so new levels, say hallelujah. In John chapter 7, let's go to the book of John. John chapter 7. This was in the Feast of Tabernacles. Verse 37. And in the last day, that great day of the feast. Jesus stood in Christ saying, if any man first let him come unto me and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shaft law, reverse of living water. But this big he of the spirit, which they that believe on him should receive. For the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified. So here on the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus Christ made this powerful statement. And he says that anyone who believes in him, out of his belly shaft law, reverse of living water. I believe that there is no much difference between that river that is supposed to flow out of you as a river water from the river that was flowing from the through. See, hallelujah. See, hallelujah. Now, we began from eschatology from the book of Revelation, and we shall end in the book of Acts. And we shall tie it all up together, and you will never, never forget the out of you is flowing the river of God. You are a literal carrier of a river. So when I see you, I don't just see a man, I see a carrier of a river. I see a vessel of rivers, and with those rivers, you can bring to life nations that are dead. See, hallelujah, somebody. And the river is so potent, is so full of life, that the trees that are planted around you, souls that come around you will have to begin to bear fruit. Then man can say, once I was blind, but when I met Jesus, now I can see. Then the woman who was caught in adultery, whose life was dead in sin, when she met Jesus, now she could bear holy fruits, righteous fruits. When you carry this river, trees become alive around you. The blind see around you. Those who are lost in darkness now can't see in the light. And in thy glory shall the Gentiles praise the Lord. See, man? The Bible says that, and Jesus Christ said, "For all those who believe in me, out of them shall flow rivers of living with them." And the scripture explained that by this he meant the Holy Spirit, which means that the river of life that was flowing crystal clear from the throne is the Holy Spirit. That is the Holy Spirit. So here you see the activity of the Holy Trinity in Revelation 22, verse 1. And I saw this throne. And I saw it was a throne of the Father and of the Lamb. And the river of life flowing, so that was the Holy Ghost. So you see the Trinity functioning on the throne. And we have become joined as with Christ Jesus. And the Spirit bears witness that we are the sons of God. And anybody who is connected in Jesus is connected to the river. You are connected to the throne. You are connected to the life. You are connected to the fruits. You are connected to the results. That no one else can bring in a month like except God be with him. I said, "The Lord is with you." I said, "The Lord is with you." As I say all this, I am saying that Takuma is ready for the move of God. I said that Takuma is ready for a move of God. I said Takuma is ready for a move of God. See Hallelujah. See Hallelujah. And the Scripture continues to say that for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Christ wasn't crucified. Jesus Christ was speaking at the Feast of Tabernacles. And He was telling them incredible truths of the move of the Spirit to come. There has been an activity of the Holy Ghost all through the Old Testament. But not in the dimension that Jesus was introducing to the people. And the Scripture says that there was going to come a time when Jesus Christ will be crucified and He will be glorified. And after His crucifixion and glorification, there will be a mass release of this river. If I could use the technological word advice, at that time, the river of life was like a dam. It was like a dam, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, it was like a dam about to be broken loose and on coverage cross when the veil split open. And when He declared, it is finished. My goodness. And when He resurrected, the dam broke loose. And after the breaking of the barrier, when the river of life began to flow, it was now no more God's business, our business, to jump in the river. And tonight, you are being invited to jump into the river. See how early I was somebody. Now, some of you, you have been using one leg to just test the river. I know that. I can see your faces right now. And you just go past her. But tonight, I come to push you into the river. I come to push you into the river. I say I come to push you, to push you, to push you into the river. Say hallelujah! It is time for the river. I say it's time for the river. You came here driving your cars, but you are going to leave streaming back home. Shala, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah. Say hallelujah! Say hallelujah! Amen. Jesus said, I don't come to talk to you about a cup of water. Jesus is not a cup of water man. This little drops of water, makes a mighty ocean. He has no time to develop little drops of water from a mighty ocean. He begins from the ocean. And religion says little drops of water. You know, we come to church and just put all of your finger in there. Kick them into the river. Say hallelujah! You know, some time last year at the conference in the Ukraine. And there was this pastor who came from Siberia. And I finished ministry and was finishing to everybody. I saw this guy just waiting, you know, just with his arms folded and just looking at me. And I could see in his eyes, a real poised stand. And, you know, I am always very security minded, you see. I watch my bag every time, spiritual and physical, you see. And I did a little bit of martial arts when I wasn't born again, you see. So there's a kind of, you know, myself defense instinct comes up when I see a questionable eyesight, you see. So I was looking at this guy, ministering, then I would look at this guy from the very corner of my eyes. And I told my friend who went with me, I said, you will just cover my bag, you see. I finished ministering to everybody, and this man said, I'd like to talk to you. I said, okay, I was right in the corner like that. He said, I am a pastor from Siberia. Nobody like you comes to Siberia. No man of God with something to offer comes to Siberia. Nobody comes. And, you know, we also love Jesus. And, you know, we also want to see the move of God. And I'm telling you, this Russian man said, will you please lay your hands on me, impact the unknown thing, so that I would also go and lay hands on all of the pastors to impact the unknown. And I said, what? Just as he was speaking, his head was moving towards me. So, so, he'll move forward. Jesus. And, you know, you know, I felt like Muhammad Ali and Joe Fraser, you see. Joe Fraser is a very short guy, so, so he'll just move like that. And Ali will sting like a butterfly, like whoop, sting like a bee, fly like a butterfly. So, I was ready to sting, I don't know. Say, man, I laid hands on this man, boy, he went flue down there. And just as he was going, but he was moving forward again. And laid hands on him, he went again, boy. Those who were catching him went down before he got there. I saw a nest and a hunger, and all he needed was for someone, was for a conduit to connect him to the river. And I believe he got it. Your expectation is the breeding ground for unprecedented miracles. See, I mean, I feel a real hunger in this place. That is why I'm taking my time, suddenly, or somebody. Because such opportunities are very rare. But once you get it, you have it. Earlier somebody. Now, in Acts chapter 1, Acts chapter 1, this same Jesus who introduced the Holy Ghost as rivers flowing out of their belly spoke to them in Acts chapter 1 verse 8. It says, "And you shall receive power." After that, the Holy Ghost has come upon you. And you shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in our Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. Now, listen to the amplified. We will use the amplified connotation. It says, "But you shall receive power, ability, efficiency, and might." You shall receive power, ability, efficiency, and might. And it continues to say, "And when the Holy Ghost has come upon you, you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and the aims of the very bounds of the earth." Which means that if you will be my witnesses, every witness must have an evidence. With that an evidence, you cannot be a witness. And what are the evidences? That you have divine ability, you have divine might, you have divine efficiency. Just as the trees were by the river producing twelve fruits, that's efficiency. As one tree was producing twelve fruits and the healing of the nations, that is ability. And the life of the tree was the life power of the river. So also, our efficiency, our ability, and our might, not by power, not by might of man, but by the spirits. Say it alone. In other words, it doesn't matter how many dreams you have, without the ability of the Holy Ghost. It's only a story and an amirage. But when you are connected to the river of life, when you choose to jump into the river of life, you have divine ability, divine efficiency, and divine might, then you can go to the ends of the earth. Show info of the goodness of God, show info of the power of our God, and change in the nations. Jesus said, "As many as believe in me out of the embellished flow of rivers of living water." Interesting. Let me tell you somebody, these people were in the upper room, received the Holy Ghost in Acts 2. Look at Acts 2. But when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, in one place. And suddenly there was a sound from heaven as of a Russian mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Listen to this verse. Jesus said, "You will receive the Holy Ghost. You shall receive ability, efficiency, and might, power." You are talking about dynamics and exusia. Then the scripture says, "As they waited, there was a sound on the day of Pentecost, which means the fresh manifestation of the Holy Ghost was a sound." Which means the Holy Ghost makes sounds. Which means the Holy Ghost is soundy. Which means whatever the Holy Ghost is, there must be some sound. I come to tell you that the Holy Ghost is not intimidated by your noise. And there was a sound from heaven. I can imagine that sound. Every Christian must have a sound. Every Christian who has filled the Holy Ghost, you must make a sound. Wherever you go, you must carry a sound with you. A sound of righteousness, a sound of holiness, a sound of efficiency, a sound of might, a sound of potency, you must bear fruits. And the activity of your life must be a sound to all those who are around you. There must be some rumors about your abilities in life. That whatever you touch is blessed. Whatever you go, that's prosperity. Whatever you say comes to pass. And the word of the Lord is in your mouth for productivity, for ascendancy, changing the world, healing the nations. There was a sound from heaven. And the sound was asked a mighty Russian wind. You know, when the wind blows quietly, we call it the wind. When it becomes Russian and mighty, we call it hurricane. We call it tornado. The real understanding of what happened that day was a tornado experience. The Holy Spirit did not come like a bird, called a dove, on the Pentecost day, teammate became like a tornado. That's one thing about a tornado. When a tornado comes through here, you know he was here. I say, when a tornado came through the city, comes through the city, you know that a tornado has been here. You know that a tornado has been here. Oh, can I hear an amen? Can I hear Hallelujah? The Holy Ghost arrived in Jerusalem. And Jerusalem, till today, has not been the same. The mark of his arrival has left an indelible memory instead of heaven and the earth. The earth will testify on the day of the day of Pentecost and what happened. The Scripture says, and when the Holy Ghost gave me to the room, the first thing he did was he filled all the room. That's what he says. Let's read it. Verse 2, and suddenly there was a sound from heaven as if a Russian might have went and filled all the house where they were sitting. So the Holy Ghost came in number one as a sound like a tornado and evaded the house without their permission. I'm telling you. I want to believe, I want to believe that with the intensity of prayer on the upper room with fasting, the doors were locked. But when the Holy Ghost arrived, locked doors are no locked doors. He evaded the room. He broke the rules. And he came into the house, took possession of the house first. Then number two, and then he filled the people. In other words, if he cannot have in your environment, then you cannot have him. He said, before I come into your life, I need to take possession of every surrounding here. Because number one, I am God. Number two, I am holy. Number three, I have dominion. And number four, I'm here for business. And number five, you are no more of your own. I am in charge of the house. I am in charge of the gate of the house. I am in charge of the windows of the house. Nobody will go out without my permission. No one will come in without my permission. I am the Holy Ghost. I am God. You are in for a visitation. The Bible says, and then this hurricane healed the people. Now, you know how many of you know Christmas Day, Christmas? We have Christmas balloons. How many of you have birthdays? We have birthday balloons. And we have little inflators. You put the balloon in a little air tube, and they go, "Pish!" Now, that kind of balloon inflating air is actually a low pressure air. And the balloon goes, "Phew!" Here it is. The Holy Ghost came like an inflator. But he did not come like a little. A little low pressure stuff. Imagine that Russian mighty wind coming into you. You come! If the Russian mighty wind, you know, if it comes very gently, then you are... You don't really know whether you are born again or not. Nobody knows whether you are a Christian or not. And you have two natures. You come to church, you are born again. You go out of church, you are out of it. But when the Holy Ghost comes like a hurricane, without your permission, and comes into you, everybody knows that something has happened to you, hallelujah, son. See, hallelujah, son, hallelujah! He came with a force. He came with a force. Before they could say, "Ups, they were all filled." And the war became, "Ugh!" The eyeballs were, "Ugh!" Suddenly, everybody... And they were speaking in unknown tongues. As the Holy Ghost, who is the river of life, gave them utterance. Everybody... Peter, Peter, Saul, John. Peter said, "Where's Matthew? Where's Matthew? I am here!" What about Bata Lemio? Where's Bata Lemio? Let's go! Where's Mary, the mother of business? Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Everybody was overwhelmed. Everybody was transformed. Everybody was transfigured. No more of the same people anymore. And guess what? There was an overflow of the ecstasy from the room. The energy that came in, the room could no more contain it. Boy, they broke the doors, went down to Jerusalem. Jerusalem was never the same. When the scripture says, there were people, there were devout men from all the nations, from Cyrene, Libya, Rome, Mesopotamia. Frigia, Panphilia, all over the world. And they all heard them speak via mother tongues. And these guys from Frigia, Libya, Ethiopia, they said, "Are not these ones Galileans?" But how here we them speak our tongue, speaking the wonders of God. When the river of life from the throne of God hits your life, it leaves a mark. Even if you want to be the same again, it becomes too late. It is no more about you. You are overtaken. You have been precious by the blood. You are the precious possession of God. I am saying this to say one thing, that you cannot save God your way, because it is not about you. Now tonight, those of you who have had your own private religion, different from what you see in church, you are commanded to let go. Because this is no party kick business. You must be in the river. No more, one leg in, one leg out. No more, one leg in up to your tie. Then at the next six months, you come back just to test the waters again and goodbye. It is time to jump in. Sihallelujah, Sihallelujah! Well, well, well, but pastor, man of God. What, I don't have my swimming trunk, I don't have my, jump in with your suit. I don't have my, I have my tuxedo. Well, jump in with your tuxedo. Oh, well, well, I have a Rolls Royce. Drive in with a Rolls Royce. Sihallelujah. Saying this to say that when the Holy Ghost picks you over, he, he overpowers you and it affects everything in your life. Including your shoes, including your husband, including your finances, including your eternity. Sihallelujah. Are you with me tonight? These might move on the spirit, but came into them, so transformed them. They went through a spiritual osmosis to the extent that they became a peculiar group of people. When I discovered a scripture recently in Acts 5, verse 3, Acts 5, the verse is 3. Not 3, 13, I'm sorry. It says, "And the rest does no man join himself to them, but the people magnified them. And the believers were the more added to the Lord, martitudes both of men and what women." Verse 13, "Be, but the people magnified them." These peculiar people, these upper room experienced people who were so transformed, full of the hurricane. And whatever they went, they affected the people. You can imagine that as they moved, if you don't want them, everybody moves backwards. Because these guys, if they touch you, you are done. If they touch you, then you are done. If they touch you, you are done. Sihallelujah, somebody. All they have to do is to touch you. When they touch you, you... Well, what happened to you? Well, those guys in the upper room came to my house today, and I'm not the same. These guys came to our city, and we are not the same. Ah, can I hear any man? The Bible says, and the people of Jerusalem, they magnified these guys. So what a lot of people are these. All their uncles who knew them, and all their cousins who knew them, and all their neighbors who knew them, and all their business friends who knew them, even their wives who knew them. They say, "Honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, something is different here." And these guys became businessmen on divine business mission. And the Bible says daily, both boys and girls, men and women, we have been added. These guys were being packed in the kingdom, like sardines. You get the message from saying, "Just something supernatural took over." And whatever they went, three things were seen. Efficiency. Might. It was all been seen. With strange abilities. Give me ten more minutes, and I'm done. Strange abilities. Even their sense of communication changed. Lingo changed. Language changed. The way of life changed. Their taste changed. Their pattern of life changed. And all they have to do is to come into your city. And the city is done. They became so important, so efficient, with divine abilities to the extent that the government of Israel could not ignore them. I'm Herod. Herod called meetings every night. The Pharisees called meetings every day. The high priests called meetings constantly. Who are these people? What happened to them? Peter, we know. But then real Peter, we don't know. John, we know. But then new John, we don't know. But then new, but then new, we don't know. What kind of religion is this? We can't figure them out. It's a child of God should not be figured out. There's something, something odd about this, guys. You know what is happening? The hurricane. How can you stop a hurricane? How can you stop a tornado? Everybody flees off the wheel of a tornado. And tornado takes over the city at wheel. He moves out where he wants. He doesn't matter what CNN says. Tornado will be in town as long as he will. And when the job is done, he moves to the next town. You know, when you watch the news in the days of the tornados and the hurricanes, they say, well, we can see come to St. Helens. No, no, no, no. It's moving towards St. Thomas. And it's coming to the shores of Florida. We know in 24 hours time it's going to hit Florida. I mean, you can almost predict the next city where it's going. The church is supposed to be like that. Then it shall be said that, hey, hey, they have arrived in Tacoma. The next, the next city, we see them move. We see them move towards Olympia. Oh, can I speak our name in here? Can I preach tonight? I feel like preaching tonight. I feel like preaching tonight. Say hallelujah. Say hallelujah. Say hallelujah. So they can say that within 24 hours is going to hit the shores of Louisiana. And everybody says, get out of the city quickly. Get out, get out, get out, get out. Because the hurricane is coming. The church is supposed to be like that. We should be able to say that Tacoma is a victim for Jesus. And we can see the move towards Olympia. Then we can feel that we are moving towards the south through Vancouver to Oregon, then to California. In the name of Jesus, receive the anointing. Say hallelujah. So in Acts 5 verse 13, they were magnified. They were magnified in the eyes of everybody. They are neighbors, saw them as peculiar people. Honestly, if a hurricane comes into you and you are still alive, you are peculiar. You listen to this. Everything else is clad of the way. The way the hurricane comes into you, it carries you along. So it's no more you that live it. You have been overtaken by the hurricane. You are just so. So Paul says no more either live it. I've lost control. Most of you still want to have your gravity. You can't eat your pie and still have it. You want to have your gravity. The hurricane comes and takes you over. You are not supposed to be standing. You are supposed to be like the wind. Say hallelujah, somebody. The Bible says, and Jesus told Nicodemus, that a man who is born of the Spirit is like the wind. John Chapter 3, let's look at that. We are living here tonight as windy people. Windy with the sound, changing our world with no apology. John Chapter 3, verse 8, verse 7 says, Mother, not that I said unto you, you must be born again. The wind blows where it listed, and thou he has a sound thereof, but cannot tell where it comes or whether it goes. So is everyone that is born of the Spirit? Jesus says, don't be amazed when I tell you Nicodemus, that you must be born again. But have you said that? Let me explain to you. Now when you got born again, you must be a man of the Spirit, and you must lose control in the Spirit. That you must be like the wind. That as the wind blows, no one knows where it's coming from, no where it's going, but everybody feels the impact of the wind. Everybody feels the sound of the wind. So is every man who is born of the Spirit. So the day of the Pentecost, all those guys were now born of the Spirit. And everyone, Peter, James, and John, Patolomile, and all of them, plus all the other women, and those who joined the team in the upper room, they were all men of the Spirit, and they were like men of the wind. You know, the wind has no protocol. The wind, you cannot box the wind. You cannot tell the wind two songs, one poem. I say you can't tell the wind two songs, one poem, a long lecture, and bye. Hey. Hey. I say hey. Hey. When the wind comes, you get out of the way. The wind breaks the protocol of the flesh, of the natural understandings of God. Religion is packed away, and a life of the Spirit is released. So is every man who is born of the Spirit. One thing about the wind, one very, very cardinal attribute of the wind is that it is, it has influence. It has influence. The wind is irresistible. If you block the wind, if you build a tower before the wind, it just goes around it. And it moves on. The wind of the Spirit has no time, quarrelling, fighting for a chair. You put a block, a blockhead, he just moves, but he goes. So every child of God has no time for offenses. Just move on and go. Say hallelujah. So is every man who is born of the Spirit. So I mean to say that in the upper room, everybody became like the wind. Like the hurricane wind. They descended on Jerusalem, and Jerusalem became the windy city of the Lord, hallelujah. And in Acts chapter 17, we are about to conclude. Acts chapter 17, verse 6, are we having some good teaching tonight? Acts chapter 17, verse 6. I want everybody to read with me. Are you there? Well, I'll read verse 1, and then you'll read verse 6. Now when they had passed through Ampitolis and Apollonia, they came to the Saloonaica where there was a synagogue of the Jews. Read verse 6, and when they had found them not, they drew Jason and sat in brethren unto the rulers of the city. Cry this. These are the men. These are the men. These are the men. These are the men. You know what it means? It means they heard about them. But had never seen them before. They said, "Ah, these are the men. We have heard about their move. We did not know that they were coming of our way. They took us by surprise. And these are the men who have turned the world upside down. And you know what they said? Unfortunately, they are here also. In other words, if we knew they were coming, we would have stopped them before they got here. The issue is that there was no way they could know that they were coming because they were men of the Spirit. The wind blows. No one knows when it's going to start. Suddenly the wind begins to blow. So also it's a man of God. So also it's a man of the Spirit. So also it's a church. Suddenly things begin to happen. Suddenly, healings break forth. Suddenly, deliverments break forth. Suddenly, whatever, like break forth. Suddenly, the city is overtaken by the Holy Ghost. I say suddenly. I say suddenly. I say suddenly. I say suddenly. I say suddenly. I say suddenly. Something begins to talk about the city. Say hallelujah. Say hallelujah. Say glory. (Applause) They said the man who have turned the world upside down. They are here also. Now, I'm giving you a little synopsis of the river that flows from the throne. And a little synopsis of the river that flows out of your belly. And a little synopsis of the way of the man of the Spirit. You are not supposed to be predictable. I mean positively predictable. The moment you are predictable, the devil has your number. The devil knows that if I give you a bad phone call on Friday morning, you surely will be upset. You will surely be angry. You will surely slap your wife. Yeah, so the devil can predict how to get you. And he knows that Friday morning is your time. Something is wrong. The devil should never be able to predict because you are a man of the Spirit. Oh, say hallelujah, Samba. It just shows very clearly that when they came to Tessalonica, the guys knew very well that we lose control when this kind of peculiar people come to the city. All the disconnects closed down, all the hooker joints closed down. All the drugs are come to church. All the hospitals, the sick are healed. When these strange people come to the city, you know why? They are carrying the river. And I like the double portion dimension. If you mess with them, they are drawing you in the river. Or if you mess with them, they carry you in the hurricane. Say hallelujah, Samba. If you block the river, the movers are wind. If you block the wind, the movers are river. They are irresistible, unstoppable, and killable, and quenchable. Say hallelujah! I feel the anointing. So the anointing. So the anointing. I'm saying all this, just allow me to conclude with the gifts of the spirit. The Bible says, "When the Holy Ghost came upon them, he met them speak in other tongues. As he, the Holy Ghost, give them our tongues." Tongue speaking is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is not the end of the matter. It's only one ninth of the ability. In other words, the day you receive the baptism of the spirit, with evidence in speaking in tongues, you have eight more to go. And when the Holy Ghost came, when the hurricane came, when the river of life came, he gave them abilities. And one of the abilities is the capacity and the capability to speak the language of God, and to operate with the gifts of God, called the gifts of the spirit. Now Paul says, in first Corinthians chapter 12, let's read. Let's read. I just have to close out this one. I just have to end here. This is now concerning spiritual gifts. Brethren, I will not have you ignorant. In other words, when the hurricane comes and the river flows through you, one of the things which should be dealt with is ignorance. Paul said, "I cannot have you ignorant." You guys need to know what you have. You need to know who you are. You need to know where you've come from. You need to know where you are going. You need to know how to whack the wax of God. But God did not just blow a wind upon you and drawn you in a river and left you on the lalalaland, asking each other what happened. But when he came, he affected you with his own life, with his abilities, with his gifts. And he transformed you to the extent that if you saw yourself, you wouldn't recognize yourself. In other words, when he gave you the gifts of the Spirit, he took the limitations of your life. Where your natural ability ends, the ability of God begins. When you say, "I cannot do it anymore," then the Holy Ghost says, "I do it now." When you say, "I am tired of this pain," the Holy Ghost says, "I am refreshed." When you say, "I cannot handle this anymore," the Holy Ghost says, "Hallelujah." Say, "Hallelujah." Say, "Hallelujah." It simply means that by the gift of the Spirit, you have no excuse. See, I mean, so poor says, "I don't want you to be ignorant. You know that you were Gentiles carried away until these dumb idols, even as you were led." Therefore, I give you to understanding, to understand that no man speaks by the Spirit of God. No man by the Spirit of God called Jesus a curse, sorry. And that no man can say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit. Now, there are divestities of gifts by the same Spirit. There are differences of administrations by the same Lord. And there are divestities of operations, but it is the same God which works at all in all. So here we have divestities of the gifts, differences of administration, and divestities of operations. Which means when the Holy Ghost is suffering your life, you have diverse ways, different dimensions of operations. You become a multi-functioning personality. You have multi-ability status scores, no limits. If it comes from this, you have an answer for it. If it comes that way, you know what to do. If it comes from there, you know what to do. And God makes you as he is, so are we. God has no limitations. So the divestities of the Spirit and the gifts of operations make you to be, have no limits because you are working with God. How can two work together except they agree? Say amen. Now, let's return. It says in verse 7, "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to work, profit without." The Bible says, "The manifestation of the Spirit is given to everybody to profit without." Hello? Just as the river of life gives the trees to profit. So everybody who is planted by the river of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost gives you the ability to bear fruit. You become profitable when the gifts of the Spirit are working with you. Nobody is useless when the Holy Ghost comes up by your life. Nobody is irrelevant when the hurricane hits you. Nobody is unprofitable when the wind of the Spirit takes you over. Wherever you go, you bear fruit. You touch this, it multiplies. You come here, it multiplies. You go to Timbuktu, you prosper. Because of the activities of the divest ways of the gift of God in your life. So in my life, I bear fruit at all times, at all seasons. In the heavenlies, on the earth, under the earth, wherever I go, I bear fruit in Jesus' name. Now the next verse says, "For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom. To another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit. To another faith by the same Spirit. To another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit." Look at this verse 9, "It does not say the gift of healings, but the gifts of healing." Amen? Gifts of healing, one healing, but there are different gifts of the same Holy Ghost to influence a situation than its healing. One of the gifts can be the layer of hands, it's a gift, it can heal. Another gift can be utterance, speak the word, and the same situation can be healed by the Holy Ghost that are different gifts for healing. That's why in the book of Acts, sometimes the shadow of Peter healed. Gifts of healing, sometimes the aprons healed. Sometimes the handkerchief healed, sometimes words healed. Ladies and gentlemen, how can the church be irrelevant to society if this is true? Celilia! Celilia! How can church be boring? Well, when you come to church and there is nothing for you to do, go look for some sick folk, Celilia. Does somebody, I see your hair is falling off, be healed. Celilia, look for somebody. Somebody comes to church and is working like this, but yesterday when he saw him he was working like that. Don't ask him, can I pray for you, just go touch myself in the name of God. What am I saying? I'm saying that there are different activities of the Spirit and church life should be the most exciting life. Celilia! Celilia! Celilia! Celilia! Celilia! Celilia! Hello? I don't have to go climb to me, that's no adventure, that's the truth, that's the truth. You know, before I became very, very active with Christocentric living. Celilia! Celilia! I used to be a dangerous long tennis player. Oh yeah, I'm telling you, I was dangerous on the court. Yeah, I'm telling you, I mean, my father was an international tennis court player, a long tennis player, so he trained as well, he was in England, trained, he was at the center court every time. We watched all the world wind building long tennis stuff, so we, all the boys in the house, we all had wreckage, and we were by goodness. You should see Papa and his boys playing a game. We respected Papa, so we were nice to him. But I'm telling you, he was a South Pole, which means left handed. And I'm telling you, this man was just incredible, we were just long tennis, some of us could easily have become professional long tennis players. But when I have, I made Jesus, I hung my rockets, because I had more fun in the gifts of the spirit. Say hallelujah, somebody. I have more fun when I am on my knees, and I am wrestling for destiny. I love to play tennis in prayer, hallelujah. We have gifts of the spirit, diverse gifts. Let's read on please. Are you with me tonight? All right. He says that in verse 10, to another, the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another descending of spirits, to another diverse kinds of tongues, diverse kinds of tongues. First Corinthians chapter 14, you don't have to go, because of time I just caught, can I just caught it and go? That's a safe time. First Corinthians 14 talks about the fact that when we speak in tongues, we speak mysteries unto God. First Corinthians 13, verse 1, it's though I speak in the tongues of man and of angels. Is it in the Bible? Which means that when the Bible talks about the diverse tongues, we are talking about tongues of man and tongues of angels, diverse kinds of speaking in tongues. When you are speaking tongues, now, and you go, let's all speak in tongues for one second, ready? Go. Boy, that was like a hurricane, huh? All the tongues you spoke can only be one of each, one of each. Either you spoke the tongues of man, which could be Eswahili, or some Arabian, or some African Ashanti, or for some strange Russian, some gibberish somewhere. Or you just spoke the tongue of angels. Now, I have not heard too many tongues of angels yet. A few times a half, when some people spoke in tongues, sometimes it was just the language of angels. Because at least one time, I can remember distinctly, I heard angels talking, and they were speaking in their tongues, and I heard them speak. That is an experience you don't want to ask God for. Trust me. Trust me. Yeah. They are very kind when they speak English to you. But when they speak in the language, I'm telling you, you are really good. But I'm saying that we have the different diverse kinds of tongues, and then we have also the interpretation of tongues. Now, all these are nine. I just read unto you nine. So I'll go over again. Number one, the word of wisdom. Number two, the word of knowledge. Number three, the sin of spirits. Number four, prophecy. Number five, diverse tongues, or kinds of tongues. Number six, interpretation of tongues. Number seven, faith. The gifts of healing and the working of miracles. Nine gifts of the Spirit. So you understand, when Jesus Christ told them that, and you shall be endured with power. Efficiency, ability, and might. You will be so transformed that even if you were told you're not believed, the only way you know that you are changed is the testimony of people about you. So when they arrived in the Salonika, they said, the men who have turned the world upside down. You know what it means? Let me analyze this legally. It means that if they see in the Salonika, that they have turned the world upside down in other places, it means there has been evidences. They have lived a mark. Like the hurricane comes through town and you know that they were there. These guys have lived a landmark. Whatever they went. Amen. Tonight, we are the confluence. I wish I could call them two rivers, but the confluence of the flow of the river, the hurricane, and the open heavens. See how they view somebody. I have taken my time to deliver unto you what God spoke to me to speak to you. That before you move any further from here, you need an education of your spirit life. You need to understand who you are to have understanding of the mechanisms that you have been connected to by the Holy Ghost. The life of a child of God is no ordinary life. I don't see how you can have nine gifts of God in you, and you can think that you are nobody. I can't imagine that you can have the nine gifts of the spirit and still have a poor self-image of yourself. Voila. I don't see how you can have the gifts of healing and still not think that you are born again. I am saying that let every man in Christ know that he is born of the Spirit, and you have something to offer our generation. Tonight, may the encounter with the Spirit bring you to another level of spiritual receptivity. May the Lord, who has brought you this far, lift you up to take you that far. The last scripture is in verse 7. The last scripture is in verse 7. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit without, and all shall say amen. The scripture does not say that the Spirit makes you profit. Is that what it says? No. It says the manifestation, which means the Holy Spirit can be with you, but not manifesting. The power is in the manifestation. The results are in the manifestation. Not just the Spirit, so it's easy to say I am born again, but it is also possible to see no fruit because the Holy Ghost is not in manifestation. It is only when he begins to manifest himself. It is only when he is allowed to be who he is, that you can become who you are supposed to be in God. Say hallelujah, say hallelujah, say hallelujah. In other words, I want to say this, that you can be an engineer, you can be a medical doctor, you can be a husband or a wife. But when the Holy Ghost is allowed to manifest, you will be an engineer with a difference. A medical doctor with a difference, a husband with a difference, because when he manifests, he manifests as God, and God is not knowledge. Sorry, God does not have knowledge. He is knowledge. God does not have power. He is power. God does not have revelation. He is revelation. When God is with you, then he is who he is. So you know what he told Moses that my name is I am. Which means my manifestation is my me. My manifestation is me. And I am sending you to Egypt in my manifestation. I am. So the Holy Ghost also comes when his functions to manifest himself. Then you begin to see glory and honor and favor and power. Then you can turn the world upside down because of the manifestation of the Spirit. It makes you bear fruit. So there was a young man who was at a meeting where Catherine Coolman was speaking. This young man was of a Jewish origin called Benedictus Hinn. Benedictus Hinn, who we call Ben Hinn, was seated somewhere like this. And Catherine Coolman was preaching and ministering suddenly the manifestation of the Holy Ghost began to be seated. He began to be seen in him and he was shaking. He was shaking. And from the day that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit came upon his life, he began to profit with all. From that shaking of the manifestation of the Holy Ghost, today he is a global good news. Do you see what I am saying? The manifestation of the Holy Ghost. That is called ministry. Say hallelujah, somebody. From tonight, may you begin to manifest the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. And that is our prayer point for tonight. I wish we could have time to lay hands on everybody. I don't have to, but the Holy Ghost can begin to manifest in your life. But the thing you need to do is you must wheel to release him. You must yield to his abilities. You must stop your plans. You should crucify yourself. I wish you have a hammer and a nail tonight. Just nail yourself on the cross. Let deal with that quickly and let the Holy Spirit have its way like a mighty Russian wind. The day of Pentecost was simply the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. When they came to the gate, beautiful, he said, "Silver and gold have I now, such as I have, give I thee." In the name of what? Jesus. Rise up and walk. What was that? The manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Lift up your hands. Begin to pray the Holy Ghost right now. Lift up your hands. Begin to pray the Holy Ghost right now. Lift up your hands. Begin to pray the Holy Ghost. Yes. Tonight, tonight, don't let this encounter pass you by. Lift up your voice. Pray in the Holy Ghost. For he that speaks in tongues. Speaks mysteries unto God. Lift up your voice and begin to speak some mysteries unto God. The rivers of living water, the rivers of living water, the rivers of living water, the rivers of living water, the rivers of living water. Yes. Yes. There is a staring tonight. There is a staring tonight into higher levels of profitability. There is a staring tonight of the rivers of living water in you. There is a staring tonight to bring you to a place of manifestation. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit is to profit. Your profitability is based on the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. It means that the measure to which you allow the Holy Ghost to manifest is the measure to which you bear profit in the house of the Lord. Embrace the Holy Ghost tonight. Embrace the Holy Ghost tonight. Embrace a new dimension tonight. Embrace a new move tonight. For the Holy Ghost manifests himself in diverse ways. Not just one way, but many ways. Not just one dimension, but many dimensions. Not just in one direction, but in many directions. Lift your spirit one more time and pray in the Holy Ghost. Shall we stand and actually pray? Shall we stand? Just give it two minutes and let's stand and let's pray and release yourself into the hand of God the Holy Ghost. Of God the Holy Ghost, of God the Holy Ghost, of God the Holy Ghost, of God the Holy Ghost, of God the Holy Ghost, all Shatabasate, Yataraka Shitaha, Yasutabahado City, of God the Holy Ghost. Let it be the touch of the Spirit right in your life. There are nine gifts of the Spirit. Each and every one has an ability to manifest at least one of these. In most cases two or three or four, sometimes all the nine of the gifts of the Spirit. Tonight as the Lord, to bring you into full manifestation, as the Holy Spirit, to manifest himself fully in your life. Can I have some more EQ please? Give me some EQ, EQ. Yes, yes, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit is what brings you into fullness, is what brings you into relevance in the Kingdom. Lift your voice one more time and let's pray, let's pray, let's pray, let's pray, let's pray. I know it's been a long message, but it had to be delivered, Shatabasatehaya, Gaitala Bateria Koshate, Diri Candoro Shatabasate, Binderikasulatalakasate, Yandorabashikyanne sataha, Elabasatehyanalabasate, yes, we exhort the O Lord, we exhort the Holy Spirit, we exhort the Holy Spirit, we exhort the Holy Spirit, let's worship the Holy Spirit, He is God, He is God, He is God. The Holy Spirit has pollution, the Holy Spirit is real, talk to the Holy Spirit, welcome to the Holy Spirit, welcome to the Holy Spirit, repent for grieving Him. Tell the Holy Spirit, I'm sorry for grieving you all these years, all these days, I thought you were just a wind, I thought you were just a bird, but I know you are God, I see you now as God, forgive me for bringing you to my level, I need to come to your level, move Holy Spirit, you will lift up your voice and pray. [BLANK_AUDIO]