The Odds Couple

Chapter 5 Week 35: NFL Draft, Champions League, And Stanley Cup Playoffs

Rob, Roser and CJ breakdown the NFL Draft, get coach Carl's start on MBappe and the Champions League, offer their picks on the Stanley Cup playoffs and more.

start NFL Draft
:12 NBA Playoffs thoughts
:23 Coach Carl!
:23 Champions League semifinal preview
:31 Stanley Cup Playoffs
:36 NFL Draft preview

Broadcast on:
25 Apr 2024

Rob, Roser and CJ breakdown the NFL Draft, get coach Carl's start on MBappe and the Champions League, offer their picks on the Stanley Cup playoffs and more.

start NFL Draft
:12 NBA Playoffs thoughts
:23 Coach Carl!
:23 Champions League semifinal preview
:31 Stanley Cup Playoffs
:36 NFL Draft preview