LoveKey Church Podcast

With All Boldness | LoveKey Church Message of the Week Podcast | Heinz Winckler

For the believer, true healthy boldness to do what God has called us to do comes from the Holy Spirit. Boldness is not arrogance of anger. it is a strong knowing of who our God is and who we are in Jesus Christ.
Broadcast on:
13 Jun 2024

Hello and welcome to our message of the week podcast.
We are excited about bringing this powerful message to you as we continue our series on the book of Acts with a message about Acts 4 entitled “With All Boldness", so make you sure you listen all the way through. 

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For the believer, true healthy boldness to do what God has called us to do comes from the Holy Spirit. Boldness is not arrogance of anger. it is a strong knowing of who our God is and who we are in Jesus Christ.