LoveKey Church Podcast

Glad Tidings | LoveKey Church Message of the Week Podcast | Heinz Winckler

The glas tidings of Jesus Christ being the promised Messiah, the Holy One, the Just One, the Captain of our Salvation, remains central and of vital importance in the Christian faith. May we all remember daily what Jesus has saved us each from and keep sharing these glad tidings with others.
Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024

Hi and welcome to our message of the week podcast! 
Thanks for joining us as we continue our series on the book of Acts with a message called "Glad Tidings" from Acts 13.

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The glas tidings of Jesus Christ being the promised Messiah, the Holy One, the Just One, the Captain of our Salvation, remains central and of vital importance in the Christian faith. May we all remember daily what Jesus has saved us each from and keep sharing these glad tidings with others.