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That's audible.com/crapids or text crapids to 500-500. Don't let someone steal your great idea. Write just our domain name now and put your idea online. GoDaddy is offering one new or transfer.com for the low price of $2.95. Whether you're building your dream business or starting a website for fun, visit goDaddy.com and enter the code WWC295 at checkout. Just remember that WWC is Watch For Crapids and $2.95 is the price of the domain, $2.95. It's go time. Commentations apply. See website for details. Watch What Crapids, Watch What Crapids Who Kids What Happens When There's So Much That Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids, Crapids What Happens When There's So Much That Crapids Who Kids What Happens When There's So Much That Happens Hey everyone, welcome to Watch What Crapids, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love. I'm Ben Mandelker from BsideBlog.com. You can find me on all sorts of social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Vine at BsideBlog. And you can also listen to my other podcasts called The Bantar Blender. This week, I'm happy to say that Rob Cessernino from Survivor and from the podcast called Rob Has a Podcast is actually going to be on and we're going to be talking Survivor. So I just had to give a little bit of cross promotion on that front because I know a lot of people who come and listen to Watch What Crapids also like other reality TV. So go listen to The Bantar Blender, which is my other podcast. Joining me this week is not Ronnie. Ronnie has been, he's been taken away to testify at Apollo's court case. So in his, in his place is a beautiful lady who we've had on many, many times. She's a TV star, she's a nail connoisseur, and she's a celebrity scavenger hunt-goer honor. The one and only Katie Kazorula. Hi Katie. Party. Katie is ready to party. I literally just stuck a fake nail to my nose when you gave me my introduction. Yes. And I can verify that because Katie and I are doing this over Skype and I can actually see her face right now. So if our banter's a little, if my, if our banter's a little weird, it means I'm either staring at Katie or I'm staring at myself. That's or Mary Kate Nashley Katie right now is groping her boobs. So that's what this podcast is going to be like. We actually have, oh, first let me say Katie is at the painted nail on Twitter and on Instagram. And your Facebook thing is, I always forget it's something if it was painted nail official or Katie Kazorula official. It is official Katie Kazorula. Okay. I know. Yeah. So official and if you want to, by the way, go to the official website for this podcast. Go to Facebook.com/watchwhatcrapins and you can join in so much fun. We have more and more people who are liking it. People put up their links, they put up funny photos, they do Photoshop things. Everyone talks and becomes friends and their lives are so much better. And I wanted you to give a shout out to some of our new followers, Andrea or Andrea Copeland, Shelley Lighter, Paris, Alexander Nesbitt. Hey, I know Paris. Julie Erard Felt, Yang Liu, Janice Murray, Casey Chapman, Alice, oh God, come on Alice. This name, Hurricane, I don't know, it's probably like, it's probably like, Hurricane. And I'm like, Hurricane. Sorry, Alice. Yes, you've got an unfollow on Facebook. I know. There are three more follows to make up for Alice leaving. Sorry, Alice. Taylor McConnell. I think my favorite is Alice Epicak. She's my favorite. Her a tack, her a tack. Her a tack. She came in like a hurricane. Sorry, Alice, I'm now butchering your name. But you know what? No offense, but who cares about Alice? We are here to talk about Bravo. Alice hates us now. I care about Alice. You can follow me, official Katie, because they're all Alice. Alice doesn't live here anymore. And by that, I mean, she doesn't follow this Facebook page. Oh my God. No, we love Alice. I love Alice. We love Alice so much. No, there's so much to talk about. There are two big gossip items I want to discuss. But before we get into that, Katie, last time you were on the podcast, you were about to go on some strange scavenger hunt with Yolanda Foster and Babyface. Oh my God, so I'm really have become great friends with Babyface. His name is Kenny Evans. As one does. As one does. You know, that's a hard life of me. But no, it's true. Like he's really an awesome guy and his wife, soon to be wife, is equally as awesome. And they have this really fun scavenger hunt. It was like Babyface meets the amazing race. And I showed up, of course, with like, you know, fancy, cute stuff, little did I know I was going to be like, you know, army crawling through the sand and Santa Monica. It was insane. Like I was like, wow, I'm really not in shape. But on my team was Kenny Babyface and David Foster, Yolanda's husband. And let me just tell you something. I really, I mean, I've never been a big fan of David Foster and I kind of was that day because he was really like, couldn't believe that I could figure out all the clues. I was like, yeah, I know, brains and boobies. Yeah. But he, he literally was like, hi, fiving me. We had such a good time. We came in second. Okay. Which is really good. Out of how many teams? Out of five teams. Okay. So pretty good. Um, actually, no, I think there was more, maybe 16, 16s. And it was, it was crazy. There was like five people on each team. It was insane. We ended up at the Ivy and let me tell you something. I have never gone to such a fancy restaurant looking so hell haggard in my life. I was sweating. My makeup was all over the place. There was sand in all kinds of orifices, but you were, but you were with Babyface that made it all right. I wish I could have been a spectator who was just like wandering around on the beach and there goes Babyface crawling around in the sand. And the worst part about it was people as soon as they recognized it was him, they wanted to stop and take pictures. And here I am, like the crazy publicist going like, he can't take any photos. We're in the middle of the scavenger hunt. People are like, who's that crazy bitch with David Foster and Babyface? I'm like, I'll be a Londa. So who, how was your Londa? Well, I wasn't on her team, but you didn't get to interact with her at all? We did. We did get to interact. And she sat across the table for me. I sat next to David and I got to tell you, um, you know, she looks a lot better on TV. Oh, okay. I will say that. Okay. They have like, oprolating on Real Housewives. Okay. So it was a little interesting, you know, and to be fair, I did my Quattro de Mayo thinking they were going to show up at the Quattro de Mayo party and it ended up being seal, the singer seal who was talking to me about never getting married. Wait, I'm, wait, wait, I'm confused. Wait. So seal showed up at the scavenger hunt or you had a party. So that was, that was the scavenger hunt. And then, you know, Cinco de Mayo was, you know, a couple of days ago and it was thrown by the same people, minus Yolanda and David. Oh, I see. So the same, like, click of, like, famous people. I'm telling you, every Sunday is like an adventure for me. So I'm like, I never know who's going to show up. And at this one, it was seal and Jesse Metcalf. I mean, what? Oh, hey. Hey now. But he is like insanely good looking. Yeah. No, he, I've seen him around. I've seen him run in Canyon several times. He is, he is the, he is the opposite of Yolanda Foster. He looks better in person. Oh, he does look better in person. He's like really good looking. His girlfriend is really cute. He used to come into Barney's beanery when I used to post karaoke there. And he literally at the party was like, oh my God, he's like, I remember you from Barney's. And I was like, oh my God, I remember you passions. So, well, he does have a temper on him though. He does get into fights. But anyway, by the way, Katie, do you mind putting in your headphones for audio purposes? That would just be absolutely lovely. Okay. Here's the thing. I totally forgot that. You know, Alice is going to be so pissed at you. Wait, so you do not have any headphones whatsoever? No, I'm in my office right now. Does this sound horrible? No, no, it's fine. But you know, every now and then I hear an echo of my voice. And if there's one thing I can't deal with, it's my own voice. But all you suckers have to listen to it. I was going to say, that's a terrible thing to say on a podcast. I know. Aren't I the worst? Oh my God, who can even listen to your stupid voice? Oh, you mean everyone that's out there in podcast land? Yeah, exactly. Podcast land. It's like Candy Land. But instead of like candy, it's like audio equipment. It's like the worst board game of all time. So let's talk about some other gossip. The big thing that came out yesterday is that Apollo, Naida, or whatever, this is Phaedra's husband, he pled guilty to all these charges about fraud. He said, yes, I did it all. But what was interesting was that his plea was wrapped in this kind of passive aggressive attack on Phaedra wherein he kept on saying, well, just that my wife was earning so much money. And I felt the pressure to keep up and to earn for her. So I just couldn't do it through legal means. So I did it through illegal means, which is the biggest bunch of bullshit of all time. Oh my God. That's such a crack. He's like the new Teresa Guidiche or Judas or whatever the howler name is. Yeah, exactly. So he's going to go to jail. I think he faces up to 30 years, but probably since he coped a plea, it'll be much less. But damn, stupid guy. And so now people are saying on our Facebook page, people are like, oh, well, he's going to be. Phaedra's going to divorce his ass any second. But other people believe no, because if they are still married, he can't testify against her. Oh my God, it's all a ploy. Yeah, exactly. It's a conspiracy. It's it is. Wait, by the way, what happened with the with with Teresa and Joe, did they ever go through that hearing? Do we know? But they got their debt reduced to like $11,000, something ridiculous. Oh, come on. They owed like like $20 million or something. Huh? Yeah, I don't know. It's something something is strange going on there, but I haven't I haven't been up on that. I'm sure one of our readers could could fill us in probably Michael Cook as he seems to have his ear to the ground with all these things. Please write it on the Facebook page, will you if you have any updates, we can check it out. Facebook.com/WatchWhatCrapins Oh, gosh, wait, one more bit of gossip where we bond to I know what you're going to talk about. Can I just tell you that last night was very it was like a very busy night for me on Twitter. Yeah. And for some reason, I am like, I have fans from Vanderpump rules and I think since the girls are getting ready to like film season three, I think I'm going to throw them all a fabulous Manny Petty party at the painted nail at the W and see if that can be somehow spun into everyone getting along, everyone getting Manny Petty's, but you know what happens when people get Manny Petty's people get fights. Yeah. I mean, if there's anything we've ever learned about from Bravo is that if you put reality stars into a spa situation, they immediately do the exact opposite thing and they fight and scream and yell and pull their hair. Remember real houses of Atlanta who gets in a fight at a fucking Zen spa or marriage to medicine this week, but well, I'll get to that later. And by the way, we should mention that your fans from Vanderpump rules are it's like Sheena and like horseface number one, right? Oh my God. And Ariana. They're all following me now on Twitter. Why do you think that is? What happens? I went to karaoke night with a bunch of friends and they introduced me to Tom and Ariana and we ended up getting along. By the way, Ariana is like really pretty. She looks pretty. That's not. She looks really pretty. Which is one of why horseface hates her. But here's the thing. Seriously. Seriously. Are they not friends? I don't get it. Are they like, I don't understand. Reality TV is like a bad blur to me now. Yeah. I just feel like I believe what I see in person because that's my real reality. Yeah. So that's my reality. That's my reality. Seriously. Seriously. But I can't see being friends with someone like Kristen, but Sheena is like super fun and good times. And Ariana is like insanely gorgeous and really fun. I believe it. I might. I might. You should do it. You know what's going to happen. Go weasel your way into that group. I'll keep you posted on that, but we should go to certain one night just to see them all and high five and I am down with that. Speaking of harsh reality, here's a story that is actually really sad. This is a sad. This is one of the sad reality. Wow. See, this is what life is like after you watch your parents marriage fall apart on national TV. So you remember Lynn Curtin from Real Housewives of Orange County? What a bad name. I just want to call her beef. This is a bad one. Lynn the beef curtains. Um, but you remember daughters, you remember Lynn of Cuff Love? She was the one who got evicted on the show. That's right. She got all the plastic surgery. Remember like I love Lynn. Okay. I love Lynn. You knew her kids were going in a bad direction because Lynn put so much emphasis on how the girls looked and how she looked, et cetera. You knew these girls when you got fucked up, let alone the fact that their parents were messed up and all this stuff. So the girls were already acting out on Real Housewives of Orange County. You had Raquel and Alexa. Oh, that's such porn names to begin with. I know. Exactly. And basically, yeah, that's it. They don't have to spell her name with two X's. Not yet. No, so both girls have gone into porn. They are both in porn now. So Alexa, who was like the younger one who at a certain point looked like she could have been like a real model, but then she went like off the rails in her second season. Her porn name is Jaden Taylor's and Raquel's porn name is Sutton's Suicide. And if you search, if you do a Google search for Sutton's Suicide, come on. Absolutely. If you do a Google search for Sutton's Suicide, you see that Alexa has now, I'm not Alexa. Raquel has, she now has a sleeve of tattoos on her arm. And she has like a sleeve of tattoos on the side of her head. No, she's like, she's like one of those like tattoo porn stars, like sort of like alternative whatever. Like the suicide girl type girls. Is that what, is that what that is? Is that why she called herself Sutton's suicide? Oh, maybe she's a suicide girl, but that's not porn, is it? No. I thought I looked it up. I thought I saw her vag. Oh, well, if you saw her curtain, she should have just kept her last thing. Hold on. I'm doing a Google search. I know. I know. She's a perfect porn name. Who changes her name to Sutton's suicide when your name is Alexa curtain. Let's see. Maybe she is. Okay. Well, maybe, maybe, you know, maybe, I don't know. So here's the thing. If she is just a suicide girl, she's certainly showing like she is very close to being porny. And I'm not like Mr. Conservative here. I'm looking at a picture right now of her ass. Kitty, you look it up because I feel like I trust your judgment on this more. But Alexa for sure is a porn star. Like there's a picture of her topless. She is porn. Oh, my God. So this is the sad, this is the sad state of affairs. So is everyone like all depressed now? Is everyone ready to talk about some brava now that we're all sad and depressed? Oh, my God. No. Oh, yeah. Are you looking up Sutton's suicide? It's on here, the real porn stars of Orange County. Oh, my God. By the way, and by the way, thank you to Catherine Marie for putting this link on our Facebook page. Yeah. Alexa Curtain and Raquel Curtain are doing, oh, my God, they're doing porn. This is so weird. Both kids. Both kids. It's just sad because you know that well, I never thought that that Raquel had a future because she was always messed up. But Alexa at one point was like a sweet girl and, you know, this is what happens. Oh, God. Yeah. It's true. But here's the why is everybody saying they feel bad? Why do you feel bad? It's not like they're. This isn't a communist country. No one's forcing you to do porno and work in a factory and eat money. No, I guess I just had higher hopes for her to wind up at McDonald's or something. Oh, I actually, did you know that James Franco worked at McDonald's? I just let it throw that on her and you know, like did you know that James Franco just took like a like naked shower selfie like two nights ago? Oh, yeah. I don't think you can see anything, but it's but it all ties together. He's a little dirty. His teeth are yellow and they don't need to be because he's hot. He's like a poor man's Johnny Depp like ski, all rich. Yeah. Poor skied all rich. I also feel bad for him too. When's he going to go into porn? Oh, my God. Totally. What do you think his name would be? What was his porn name? His name already is a porn name, skied, all rich. I mean, his name, his first name truly means semen, skeet, skied, skeet, skeet, skeet. I really think that he has a great porn name. He could be. Orange could do a shot with Alexa curtains. He could skeet in her curtains. He could be on the face. I'm not invited. All right. So why don't we have so many shows to get through. Katie, where would you like to start with? Real housewives of New York, Orange County, or Atlanta? I was saying we start with Atlanta because it was the last show. It was big and juicy. It was two hours long or actually it was an hour and a half. And guess what? I took hella notes. Good. Oh, my God. I love when you take notes. I know. Okay. Let's do this. You know what? The funny thing is now I have to look at my notes and understand what the hell anything I was saying was. Okay. It's just so unfair that I can't form myself a glass of wine right now. I could, but I'm on my motorcycle and I'm at my office and that would just be bad times in Studio City. Yeah. I should mention you're not actually physically on your motorcycle right now, which would be hilarious if you're doing a podcast from the motorcycle. That would be kind of cool that we might need to post a photo of that. Actually, what people don't know is that, again, we're doing this over Skype and when we first tried to start this podcast, there was weird music piping in. It was like a beat, like a drum beat. It was like cheap porn music. And like, we almost could not get rid of it and you guys would have had to listen to a cheap like drum beat the entire episode. So, you know, talk about sound pollution. So okay. So Atlanta, I loved how like it just started off with Kenya and Nini just bitching at each other and they just bitch and bitch and bitch and Nini, of course, is so awful. I mean, Kenya is terrible, but Nini, but she, but Nini makes Kenya seem like reasonable and I loved, I love when Kenya referred to Nini and goes, at least my gums are real unlike Petco. I was like, I love this show. I know. Isn't that so weird? I actually didn't get why did she call her Petco? Yeah. That's, that's the way a lot of these insults work. They kind of don't make any sense, but they're just delivered with so much conviction that you're like, oh, wow, that was really, that was really nasty, but it doesn't make sense because Petco does not have gums. I know. So what are they talking? You know, maybe like a dog or a wise Kenya getting a special, can we just really talk about that? Kenya is getting a special. Oh, like a one hour with Kenya. One of mine. It's next week. It's going to be like Kenya's secrets or something. Oh, I didn't see that, but you know, she's getting a special because, you know what? It's probably good for Bravo because if Kenya gets to be a big star the way Nini was, you know, being an asshole about it, but if Kenya is a big star, that means that Nini loses all of her negotiation, negotiating power, which means that Bravo doesn't have to give her a raise or whatever because they've got Kenya. So it's probably in their best interest to give her a special and blow up her, her, her stardom. Oh my God, I'm going to tell you something. If Kenya gets her own special, I'm not going to watch it. She is to me the most obnoxious woman. She's like Ramona Stinger. Yeah. And we will get to Ramona soon enough. We will. I also loved, by the way, that we got to see a Shirei flashback, like, I think it was when Nini said like, "Since when do I ever walk away from any fight?" And Kenya's like, "Well, when Shirei was coming at you, you were moving on out of that restaurant." And then they cut to Shirei. And she's like, "Lion, travel and bitch." I was like, "Ah, I miss Shirei." Oh, I know. And here's the other thing. Nini, I used to love Nini. She was my favorite. And now I actually dislike her completely. And I think she's just so, she thinks she's such hot shit. Yeah. And that star, it rose fast and it's going to fall very fast because she's like a one trick pony. Nobody wants you anymore. Well, she's also become delusional and she's delusional and unapologetic and doesn't take any, doesn't have any accountability for anything, much like Teresa Judas. Like the way that Teresa will sit at a reunion, and people will say, "You did this. You did this. You hurt my feelings when you said this, because you just apologized." What do you want to say? Yeah. So, I loved, for instance, a good example was, um, Candy and Nini got into it a little bit because, uh, Nini in one of her blogs, um, said that one of the reasons why she didn't fight Marlow is because she didn't want to get all, like, she didn't want to like, take off her shoe like Mama Joyce and get all, like, down in the gutter. Gutter. Down in the gutter. So, Candy was like, you know, that was really nasty because Mama Joyce had nothing to do this. You went out of your way to insult my mama. My mama. See ya. My mama. See ya. Where you going to talk about my mama like that, like, see ya. Right on it. Right on it. See. Right on it. That way was just, we were just having fun. The phagus there. Mm. That wasn't. Well, after I took the phagus there. See ya. There. Yeah. No, we thought it was like Nini. Right. That's what I was saying, Nini. Huh. Okay. I just make any noise I can. I had, I, by the way, yesterday I was doing my candy and I was like, "Oh my god." I sound just like her. You. Today, it's gone. No, it's gone. No, but it's not. I'm watching it. I'm just like, "Ahh, good, good, see ya." "Ahh, good, good, down in the gutter where mama, mother's love in the gutter." Rana. Rana. Rana. Can you please make that my ringtone because it's high. See? See? No. See ya now. Rana. By the way, now I'm getting the echo and I'm like hearing my candy. Like, going to my head. Like, this is like my nightmare. I feel like Ellen Burson in Requiem for Dream with a refrigerator trying to eat me. It's like, it's like candy bars coming out my face, except it's the Ben Candy. So anyway. I believe I forgot my earbuds. I'm so sorry. No, no. It's fine. I'm, I'm, I'm soldiering through, so anyone congratulate me. Um, no, but, but so anyway, so, so, Nini mentions this thing about mama Joyce and, and Candace, like, you know, it was just like you went out of your way that you just didn't have to say that. And then Nini just like, it's how I felt. It's how I felt. And so then. It's a factor. Sometimes I feel like punching the, my post, the post on this worker at my place in a face, but do I do it? No. You know, and it's fine for Nini to feel that way, but you have to understand that when you say things, even if that's how you felt, you still have to, like, appreciate the fact that it might offend someone and you can say, I'm sorry. I felt that way. I'm sorry. And I love to have, like, Candace is like, are you saying my mama's in the gun? Oh, you said I was a good, good, and, and by the way, for the record, her mama is in the gutter. I know she is in the gutter, but Candace's point still remains, which is that it wasn't nice of Nini to bring it up. And Nini, the best part then Nini is like, did I ever say that mama Joyce is in the gutter? I'm like, this is classic Teresa Jujice right here, right? Classic. Like you say it and then 10 seconds later. You forget it, it's like, it's like that romp appeal, chicken turner, set it, get it. Well, the new thing is say it and forget it, because it's, it's not even, like, set it and regret it, but say it and forget it. You don't, they don't have any regrets. No apologies. Those bitches are the romp appeal of 2014. They really, they really are. Yes. And I love to say it and forget it. And then of course, like Nini, the, her stance ultimately is, I said what I said. What do you want me to do? It's like, bitch, how about you apologize? Don't act like you're defenseless. Andy goes, well, I guess this is the only smart thing you said the entire time. He's like, well, you could apologize. No, he was first starters. You could apologize. Yeah. How about an apology? Yeah. Like that's actually in so many times in life, people, this is a lesson. I'm putting on my, my Mr. Rogers cardigan right now. So many times in life, an apology can really go far. Like it's actually amazing to sit and you sort of empathize with another person. And you say, you know what, I, you know, it's how I felt. But you know what though? I wasn't really thinking about how it might make you feel. And that was shitty of me. And you know what? I'm sorry. But no, Nini is, I said what us, I said what I said. What do you want me to do? I mean, she, I thought she was going to like, she looked like a linebacker from the Pittsburgh Steelers. Like, I thought she was just going to get up and like tackle, and her, and her weave, her weave looking so bad. I mean, like, I feel like there were, there were better wigs in my 11th grade production of I Remember Mama at John Jay High School. Okay. This was so bad. And I want to give a shout out to my buddy Ryan up in San Francisco who sent a picture that we put up on the Facebook page, whatever, whatever happened to Violet, I'll tell you what happened to Violet. She became Nini's weave. Oh my God. Nini's weave should get her on show. Yeah, it should hold secrets with Nini's weave. Yeah, it's like, it's just how I feel. And another, again, another awful Nini moment was when they're talking about someone asking Nini about the charity speech that she gave. Number one, she said, she's like, thanks. I didn't realize I had all these friends. Goodbye. Remember that, like, awful speech? That was so rude. You don't do that. So then Nini is like, you know what? I would like to apologize. You're like, oh, wow. This is like, for once, like Nini, I apologize. I apologize. And I'm sure in the face. Her apology was that she, not that she was sorry that, like, you know what? She didn't rise above the situation. She didn't rise above the shadiness. And that she didn't put the charity first. She was sorry. She's sorry that she didn't show young women that how to properly react when you've been tricked. Oh, my God. Nini, it's not about you, you motherfucker. I know. Like-- But she thinks it is. That's a thing. I think her head is as big as her weave. She really, I mean, no, really, she's gotten to a point where it's all about, well, I'm a written-- OK, match it, I'll put in 20 grand. You do the same. OK. Yeah. And that snide, conniving bullshitty laugh, how about when she said the thing about, oh, what do you want me to do? Have a parade? Yeah. Well, that was-- That's for offensive. Then her first comment. Well, that was really-- that was a terrible thing when Andy confronted her about how she kept on saying queen in a derogatory way, which we mentioned on this podcast. And she said, I apologize. What do they want me to do next? Should I hold a gay function? It's like, that's why people don't like you now, because that's not how you apologize. You don't apologize. And then be like, I apologize. You know, you try to show some sincerity and you try to be humble and you try to-- Should I have a parade? Oh, that's not offensive. Do you want me to pull down your pants and kiss your ass? Actually you should, because he's the boss. I know. And you know what would be funny if she didn't get hired back for the next season? And nobody wants her. She's showing her true colors on national television, and a lot of people watch that show. Yeah. She really-- her publicist should be like cringing right now. Yeah. Well, I'm sure her whole team is. I mean, she's turning down roles, and she's acting like this. I mean, she's not likable. It's not roles that she's turning down. Give me a fucking break, really. She's turning down roles for like the scrubby sponge from Shark Tank. That's probably what? Like an infomercial for that. But then, you know, the thing that she also did was-- you mentioned it before was that she challenged Kenya to raise money for some charity or whatever, and I guess they're both like-- Detroit public school. Yeah. But it just was like-- I mean, it's good for the school. The school benefited from this, like, petty moment, but this, like, little doer. I was just like, ugh, just awful. And then I loved the way then-- then the rest of the episode, and you kept on doing this, like, passive-aggressive thing, she's like, well, I haven't accomplished anything in life. I never apologize. I guess that's just me, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, yeah, that's right, bitch. You don't apologize, and you haven't accomplished anything except that you were on a TV show, which is cool. But guess what? Both of us have been on TV shows, too. Oh, yeah. And you, by the way, Katie, your show lasted a lot longer than her shows. Amen. I have 1.2 million viewers on TV Guide Network. I had a guide underneath me. We can helix would not be able to last some TV guide with a guide. Yeah. So take that stripper. Should we get mad at the guide? Should we be like-- should we be like, why don't I have to share with the guide? I am the guide. I know all the TV shows. Why don't we ask me? You know what? You know what? So each night at eight o'clock, I'll read the guide. Yeah. She would be that crazy woman. And it's like, just get back on your pole and find another rich guy to take care of you. Yeah. And you know what? Kenya was actually correct. Kenya said at one point, she goes, no, I think the viewers are sick of Nini. And Kenya is right. They are absolutely sick of Nini. Yeah, the viewers are sick of Nini. But you know what? I think Kenya is so insanely delusional, too, that delusional bitches don't make a right. So-- Yeah, I agree. It's time to cast New-- I want to see New Atlanta. You know that? Not the actual show, The New Atlanta, because we did all see that. And it was not that good. So then another big fight that happened was between Phaedra and Kenya. Phaedra was hilarious this episode. First of all, Apollo comes on. Oh, my gosh. He was so embarrassingly awkward. He was dying. He was terrible. And I love that someone accused Phaedra of being like parenting Apollo, being too much like of a mother. And she goes, I don't have time to parent anyone, but my children. And then immediately she just turns to Apollo goes, be quiet so I can talk, please. I'm like-- She goes, please be quiet. I'm talking. Yeah. I'm like, this is so icky and weird. I felt I was watching a gross counseling session between a little boy and his mommy. Yeah, I know. I love how she can say she doesn't parent Apollo. And then it's immediately the most maternal, scolding thing that you could do. Oh, my god. Remember when he hit her weave? And she's like, ow, ow. I also liked some of Phaedra's choice words for Kenya. At one point, she's like, you're a sneaky traveling slut, which is great. But of course, I think probably the best moment of the entire episode was Phaedra's massive, massive, quote unquote, "read" on Kenya. Do you know what I'm talking about? Her read on Kenya. Her read when she said, this is what I have the whole quote. She says to Kenya or regarding Kenya, while she's sitting around running around my husband and the father of my children. And she spends her weekend pedaling through sperm banks, looking through catalogs to find a donor. I mean, you don't know if you're a baby daddy would be an ax murderer or child molester, because what you will know is that he needed $10 to get him a medium sized pizza so he ejaculated in a cup so you can have a kid. Now, check that. Oh, my God. Honestly. Oh, bravo. And you know, the thing is, it's actually such a nasty thing to say because, you know, like, it is, it is, it is, it is actually like a really nasty thing to say to someone who's trying to get pregnant. They go to like a sperm donor. Like that's, you know, the way that Vadra throws that in Kenya's face is really nasty, but damn, is it funny. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I just have to say this on the record. I would never, I know some people go to sperm banks and everything, but here's the thing. What do you, I mean, really, do you feel like what a sperm banks do you? They're guys that are so desperate for money that they're going to jerk it into a cup. Seriously, she's right for like $10 to $15. Do you want that? You don't get a Harvard educated man in there. That's not true. What about, what about there was a hot guy when Kenya went to the sperm, the sperm bank, there was a hot guy that came through. Oh, yeah. And that was real. You know what I'm going to do as a service, as a service to all the ladies, you know, because I would like to have some lunch today, service all the ladies. I'm going to go to the sperm bank and I'm going to jerk off in a cup. And now you get some dark myth going on into your, get some Dartmouth into the sperm bank. There you go. I'll be wasting it on some hooker with scrambled eggs. Who else is going to use that? Who else is going to use that? I mean, but here's the thing, it's, it's a tasty treat for some people. Oh, you can't get a mouth pregnant. So here's, oh my God, it's terrible. Um, I'm just saying that I don't think that most well educated, you know, fabulous men are lining up in a sperm bank. And that guy, he was cast, he had to sign a release to appear on camera. He really was cast. You know, $100 day rate, come in and pretend you're going to jerk it in a cup. But you know what though, let me tell you something. Maybe not a lot of like, um, high caliber members of society jerk off at a cup at a sperm bank. But guess what? The people who do go to Harvard and Yale and Princeton and Dartmouth, you know, they have idiot offspring, which just goes to show, not, not all of them, but like they can have idiots. So smart people can come from bad sperm and bad people can come from smart, you know, no, no, say you, now you, you've jumbled it up because, you know, it doesn't make sense. You're trying to believe your own lies right now. All right. If you, if you came from a sperm donor and are smart, I would like to hear from you. Okay. Yes. I think you're out there. I think I think you can come. I think we tell their kid that like, you know what? One day I just, why don't you just like adopt or like foster a kid or what? It's not even like really a sperm donor experience. You know, people are all, you know, people just want it. You know, what can you do? But you can get pregnant from not a sperm donor. I know. You could ask a friend, ask a single guy friend. Get on a very active, uh, bike seat. Why wouldn't she, sorry, I just passed on a little sit on a, sit on a bus bench in West Hollywood. And I mean, it's like, it's like, it's just, just hang around, sir, just hang around, sir, spread your legs and somebody's going to fall in there. Just sit on this, just sit on one of the barstools at, at Villa Blanca and you never know. Well, I just hang out in the employee lounge while Jack's is on his shift. Oh my God. And here's the thing, you, you're only going to get one or the other though. I feel like you're going to get really smart or really good looking because God doesn't give you everything. So I would, I would go for a really good looking because smart, good looking or, um, if you have both, then they're probably going to be gay. Oh my, which is a good thing. Neenie leaks. Yeah. Neenie leaks. And no, we don't want to have a fucking parade about it. Okay. We're not going to have a sperm parade. Huh. I love a parade. Don't rally. Radd. Okay. So, um, okay. So anyway, so then finally the, the husbands came out onto this reunion and you know, Peter. Oh yeah. Oh, well, you know, Peter, which is my reference to Miami. Um, but Peter was there. Peter, of course, is the biggest jackass and at one point, this is the way he defends himself. He's because they're talking about like, you know, he's a, you, he's a dick. He's a real dick. So, so the issue is that, you know, Neenie said you're acting, you're, you're being a bitch. You're acting like a bitch, whatever. And he's like, he's like, I would never call anyone a bitch. And so his, his defense was, I have four baby mamas and I never called any of them a bitch. Congratulations. Peter. Congratulations. You're talking about sperm donors. Yeah. Why doesn't Kenya just borrow some from Peter? Apparently he's very generous with it. So yeah. And by the way, you know, you know, I think it's, you know, in, in society, people say like baby mama and it's like kind of like a funny thing, whatever. But would you, if you actually have like a baby mama, I, I kind of feel like it's a little disrespectful to refer to them really as like my baby mama. Am I being like a little conservative here or? Okay. I think just a little bit, because I've heard like my, like my fond friends will be like, well, you know, um, you know, he's my baby daddy or, I understand that there's a fun way to say it. But I just feel like in this instance, when Peter's trying to like defend himself, to be like, I have four baby mamas instead of like in that case, where you're trying to be respectful to show that you're, you know, it is, he's trying to show that he's a respectful person. And yet there he is saying, I've got four baby mamas. It just kind of feels like it's like saying, you know what, I pay, I'm a respectable man. I pay my child support for all my bitches. Can you imagine that's like, that's what I kind of felt like it's one thing to be like with friends and be like, yeah, my baby mama or like my baby daddy, like, I get that. But like, and I just feel like when you're, when you're sort of like defending your character, I think you can say, you know what, I have, you know, all my exes, any, any woman I've been romantically involved with, I just think Peter's an idiot. Yeah, no, he could have said like, you know, I have, I have children from different mothers out there. And you know, blah, blah, blah. And then he's like, well, I got four baby mamas, way to go. Yeah, almost like a bragging point. Yeah. It's like saying, well, I've been pregnant like four times from four different guys. And you know what, you can do it. It's like, what is your fucking deal? Stop it. Stop spreading your crap all over Atlanta. Kim Zolzia. But yeah. Yeah. I'm Zolzia. Speaking of idiots. My favorite part with them was like Greg tried to explain the situation. And he's like, well, the point that has still been misconstrued. Miskin. Oh, yeah. How much bad grammar did you hear last night? I'm not going to stop racist. This is a fact. I just just don't. Yeah. I've done people. Now, now I will say this. Let me do a quick tangent to marriage medicine because I know you did not get to see that Katie. Yeah. But one of my favorite points on the show this week is that Toya, who is like the poster child for bad grammar and being an idiot, she's the one who last season was like, I have came here because I wanted to get some answers about the drug cuz are, you know? So this week at one point, she starts at one point, she goes, she started to go, he goes, what? Yeah. Should have did. What you should have did. And Dr. Simone was like, what you should have done. Oh, my God. And then Toya's response was, her specialty is the Regina, not the dictionary. And I'm like, let me tell you something, Toya. You don't have to be a quote unquote specialist to be able to correct what you should have did to what you should have done. Okay. Like, it's okay for Dr. Simone to correct you on that because that is a very basic grammatical error that you made. But I guess it was all misconstrued. Oh, it was definitely misconstrued. It's like, well, what makes you the cuz are of this conversation? I have came to this conversation to talk about it. Oh, my God. Don't worry about me. I'm gonna be waiting in line to get on to the underground railroad just waiting to get my tickets for the underground railroad. Oh, my God. They should actually make that a ride. Wouldn't it be great if there was like a real housewives theme park? It would truly be this, you know, like move over, like, not scary farm, cuz this would be the most terrifying amusement park of all. Oh, yeah. Universal Studios haunted horror nights. That's every night at the real house. It's like Ramona Singer with her makeup off. So by the way. Gosh, she looks terrible. I wonder that guy left her. Did you see how mean he was to her, by the way? Well, he's an asshole. He's always an asshole. But now, I mean, so by the way, so I think my only my last comment on Atlanta was I was really amused at one point, Greg and Nini, they were talking and all they were saying were noises at one point. They're going to be boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. I was like, what the hell is going on? Even told you it makes more sense. No, but you know what I think that is and I know this for a fact, they do that when they want to say something or it's like their secret language. Like if we were on live television together and we wanted to give a shout out to someone, we would do a thing like, boop, you know, just make a little noise and everyone, you know, no stop. Yeah, it's like a little inside joke, but it just kind of funny because it just was kind of funny because it seemed like they're having a whole conversation in on a Monopius. Then let's talk about article. I just moved into a new house and it is really hard to find quality furniture that honestly I can afford without feeling terribly guilty. I found the most beautiful stuff on article. 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But Mariah, at one point, is talking about how she feels that Quad transforms her personality every time she's in a group, and she goes, "I have no time for Transformers, especially Decepticon." That was just like... Oh my God, no. I was like, yes and no at the same time. I was like, that's amazing, no, that's not, this is terrible. What makes that reference in an adult group of women? No, but the line of the night, the line, like the only reason to tune into the show was at one point, Mariah got so mad, she's like in this fight with Quad in the tranquility suite at a women's empowerment conference, which is hilarious, because they were not being empowering, or tranquil. At one point, she turns to Quad, she goes, "I will not come off my chariot and throw tomatoes with you." That is to me, that's such a Kenya thing, that would be something Kenya would do, thinking she's being fancy and classy, but she just looks like a fucking idiot. Well, it's sort of like, at least my gums are real unlike Petco. Oh my God, that's a winner, do you think that's a winner, do you think it's a winner? Well, at least my gums are real unlike Petco. Oh my God, that's a winner, do I might get that made into a t-shirt? Yeah, you should. Well, at least gums are real unlike Petco, no, at least my gums aren't, no, are real. Are real, at least my gums are real unlike Petco, I think Petco is saying that you need some sort of animal, which she is, by the way, let's not get that twisted. Yeah, Kenya is too, Kenya loves to provoke, obviously you saw her in different situations, where she pushes it so far that then the person snaps and she blames everybody else. Well, one's like a wild dog and one's like a wild hyena, it's like they're pretty much the same thing. So let's move on to Orange County, speaking of wild animals. Let's go to Orange County where I didn't take too many notes on this one, but the big thing was that there was an ugly sweater party and we met Lizzie, we met the new housewife Lizzie. Oh my God, I'm team Lizzie all the way. Oh yeah, I love Lizzie, I thought for sure like she was going to be like the worst, they set her up like she was going to be some slutty, big boob, bimbo idiot, they kept showing her falling over. She's like smarter than all the women. First of all, she's like funny, pretty, she was a beauty queen, she has a degree, she has her own line and if she lives in a townhouse, so let's be fair, she's not like a millionaire. She actually seems like pretty grounded, like I got like a really good vibe off her, like I feel like, you know, she will stand up for herself when she's stand up for herself and she's smart, like honestly at the, you know, there was that stupid fight between Heather and Tamara over the use of the word amalgam and Tamara's like, Tamara's a fucking idiot. She is an idiot. But because here's the thing, huh huh huh huh, like if you don't know what amalgam is not like a word that's used often, but it is a word and it's used it wrong when she, when she went to redo it because ha and used it and I'm like nah, I'm still used it wrong. Yeah, it's like, you know what, don't blame Heather's a witch, but don't blame her for using a word. Like if you, it's your fault that you're too stupid to know, it's your fault that you've made it 45 years in your life and you've never even bothered to even listen or look up this word amalgam. Okay. Like at least say, oh, I'm sorry. I don't know what that word is or whatever. But don't be like, huh huh, I told you not to use big words around me. So he has big words around me. It's like, oh, I'm sorry. Let me get my crayons out so you can sign things. I mean, he does that again, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, but God, I feel bad. Like, can I, I can't like make fun of anyone anymore. Like my life is like, flipped, turned upside down. You can. You made fun of Yolanda for so long and then you wanted to pass scavenger hunt with her. I know, which I still might make fun of her. Yeah. So, but the thing is this at when Heather was like, you know, amalgam, amalgam. And then I remember Lizzie in the background, like, no, no, no, Lizzie was like, amalgam. It was just like, you know, like amalgam. And then I love that Lizzie defined it. She was like, amalgam is a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I think the producers are better that way. Well, they did. Like, I also feel like, yeah, I felt like I believed, you know, it was, it's not that that they fed it to her. I mean, they did, but like, I think she was making a point that like she even said, like, like get over it, like use, if you don't know the word, use it three times the next day. And then I'll bend your head amalgam. And then she said what the definition was. It was like her way of saying that like, even if you don't know, it's easy to learn a definition. It's easy to learn new words. New words that are longer than the word cut like cut fitness. Yeah. Cut fitness. She spelled it with a, with a cue. She, to me, Tamara is everything about her is slightly obnoxious and dumb. Hey, by the way, can we just talk about why the fuck did Heather go to Eddie with their personal conversation from dinner? Yeah, we talked about that last week, but yeah, that was, that was a bitch move. That was a real bit. It was like, okay, you're going to, you're going to say, I have a poll in my ass. Fine. I'm going to blow up your spot. It was a totally, totally bitch move. And you know what? I'm sure if they confront her about it and the reunion, she will be like, well, I just thought it was something that I thought it was something that had to be shared. It was something to be shared. You know, she would not, she will not apologize for that. I mean, Heather's, Heather's obnoxious to me. Oh, they don't have a motor court and I wear the lens of the motor court. It's like, it's a video. And he cares. Like President Obama is coming into town. Exactly. Actually he is in town. He is actually he's in town today. Dear Century City, Oh my God, don't. He's in town. He's like, I hear there's a new motorcade in Orange County. Oh, when you die, I feel like well, he can only go to the Dubros new house because they're the only ones on their blog on the motorcade. So take your chariot and go throw tomatoes at people. President Obama, bring your chariot to the Dubroque motorcade. You say potato. I say vodka. You are cordially invited to the Dubro motorcade for those all chariots and tomatoes are welcome to the Dubros. And just get your allegor on those friends, just like it will be an amalgam of chariots and vehicles and the motorcade and tomatoes. Your algorithm rhythm. Amalgam. Amalgam of algorithms. I can't even figure. By the way, we have to talk about something. We have to talk about something. I'm like sweating. Talking about this. It's okay. We have to talk about this party because first of all, there were some real lookers at this party. The woman who won for Ugly a Sweater, she was pregnant and her belly was coming out from under the... But that was actually the least offensive part. She just had her hair, her makeup, it was like, if you ever want to know what's wrong with Orange County, when people say, "How do you describe Orange County?" Look at that woman's hair and makeup and that explains everything. And she went to a party knowing that they were filming because, you know, they have to make people aware. So she went to a party knowing full well that they're going to be filming for housewives. And that's how she went. And she... It was scary. She was like a fat, gypsy, pregnant lady. She looked like one of those troll dolls, but with the hair down. When you wet the hair of your troll doll before it dries, and fling goes tight and screwed up. Oh, gosh. You know, I love making fun of people's physical characteristics. And as long as I'm being caddy, I have to mention something that was not explicitly mentioned on the show, but the fact that the editors cut to this person so many times meant that they were kind of trying to make a statement about it. That guy Joe, who was the husband of the sweater party... They weren't playing. He was gay. When she introduced him, she goes, "Oh, this is my husband, Joe." He's like, "Hi. How's it going?" I was like, "Oh, they mean her gay husband." And she's like, "Yeah, we've been married for about four years," or whatever it was. She's like, "Yeah, with a nice sweater." Oh, my God. When I saw that, I watched it with Walter, and he immediately was like, "Oh, my God, is that Ramona's gay husband?" Yeah. You knew. Can you believe that? I don't know. For sure. I think that's her real husband. And he goes, "Oh, he's gay." Yeah. I can't eat the... I can't eat the... Oh, he's gay. I can't eat the cauliflower. He gives me gas. I'm like, "Listen, when in stone houses, or glass houses, when in stone houses, don't throw glass, but when in glass houses, when in glass houses, don't throw stones. If he is gay, who is it for us to out him?" But that being said, if you're going to be in the closet, at least try to do a better job. Oh, my God. And the funny thing was, is he had the best he had on with the appliques. Yes. I think he made it at one of his Joanne fabric sewing classes that he goes to. I think so. I mean, I... My gay daughter was so... But there's nothing wrong with that. But just... Yeah, there's nothing wrong with being gay, obviously, or being closeted. Everyone takes their time. But it's at the same time, I think we all have the right to poke fun at the idea of this guy pretending like he's straight when he's just very, very gay. And by the way, I hope he becomes more of a part of this. Because I got to tell you, the husbands on Orange County were always, like, so boring and blah. Yeah. Oh, my God. Are we going to be in her earthquake? I don't feel... I don't feel... Everything just shook him. Maybe it's going to come here. You're in the valley. Maybe it'll happen here. Yeah, because everything's... I feel... I feel normal. You do? Are you sure? Maybe it happened. Maybe it was so subtle, I didn't feel it. Okay. Because I just felt everything shaken. I'm looking at my water bottles, and they're all going like crazy like this. You know, we once had an earthquake doing this podcast before. We were doing... It was when Matt would feel it was on, and Matt, Ryan, and I were doing this, and all of a sudden we were like, earthquake. You know what? Maybe because this podcast is so groundbreaking that it makes things shake. Maybe it was Joe's closeted gay fury coming to shake the sentence to you. Maybe the devil is gay. Well, I'm sure if you go into Facebook, I'm sure the earthquake things will be popping up. Yeah. I did not feel anything. No, I did. That was really weird. Okay. So onward. So what else happened in Orange County? So... So we got to make the crawl. I loved her. Yeah. Vicki and Brooks are back together. Don't give a shit. Not even going to really discuss about it. Brooks needs to get out of there. He reminds me of Slade. Where you're just like, "God, you just want to be famous so bad it's disgusting. Like, just please go away." Yeah. I want him to leave. He's gross. Yeah. He's just like nothing. I don't care. I really don't care. That's the story. What's going on with Vicki? She had some... Didn't they bring up some weird lawsuit about her... Some business venture that she's doing that she didn't pay them right? It was like... Yeah. There's an issue with her Vicki vodka that's been going on for a while. And because Brooks is there, actually, the lawsuit is... I think it's flavored. Yeah. Yeah. Her piggy, her bloody piggy. No, the Vicki's vodka people, I think, are actually sued Brooks. And so there's that. Wait a second. What? Why? Why? Like, he took money. I don't know what it was. Or it's like, they gave Vicki, like, split her investment or whatever, or whatever her income with Brooks, and it was not intended for Brooks. It was some craziness. It's not worth it. It's not worth even looking into. But the point is that there's a lawsuit going on. Brooks is disgusting. I can't even deal with that guy. Go away, please. Well, we can talk about Cindy C on our Facebook page, said that she wants us to talk about the fact that Shannon has to get liquored up, took up with her own husband. Oh my God, you know what, she treats her husband like shit. She really does. She treats him like he's a complete idiot moron, and then it's passing down to the girls. The daughters are even like, Daddy, you don't know big words because you're dab and you're poor and you work on the streets. It's like, obviously, the woman is the breadwinner. She has all the money, and she paid for everything, and this guy has a construction company, and I say that loosely with air quotes. I think he works for like the street department, like he's like the guy who like, you know, I don't know what he does, but he, you know, I mean, listen, at all fairness, my dad is the superintendent of public works, and all my rights, New York. But I think that that husband would work for my father. Yeah. I don't know. There's something weird going on. I don't know how they are able to afford there. Well, she's rich. She's rich. She's the one with the money. Oh my God. The secret tea room. I was obsessed with that. Mm hmm. I like that too. I like that too. Um, so what else are we missing? I think that was, I think that was basically it. And Tamara thing, which by the way, the baby, he's like, oh, by the way, you have to raise it. Like, shut the fuck up, Eddie. Oh, yeah. That's right. I don't care if you have a baby. I just don't want to raise it. Oh, that sounds fun. Maybe you can, she should hook up with Peter from Real Housewives of Atlanta. Yeah. Exactly. Like, maybe a total jackass. Oh my God. I just shaved your beard already. You know what? I'm over. I'm over Tamara and Eddie. I think they're old news. I think Vicki is always a staple. The OG Housewife, she should never go away, but Brianna, ew, stop featuring that fucking half of her. She's really disgusting. She has a shitty attitude that the kids treat their parents like shit, even though they have money because of Vicki, people should think twice about evil Vicki. They should. They should. I agree. Is it bad that Walter said Vicki looks like a burn victim? Right. He just doesn't understand. I know he just doesn't understand why they do so many close-ups on her face. He always... That's the point. It's like a car wreck. But that's the thing. He said it in a really innocent way, like as if a child was just asking an innocent question off of an observation. He literally said to me, "Dude, was Vicki in an accident?" And I go, "No, why?" And he goes, "Because her face, she looks like she is a burn victim." And I was like, "Oh my God. I felt like maybe she heard me." So I was like, "This is so terrible that he's saying that." But then I looked and I'm like, "She does have..." It's like Kenya and Nini have that too, that weird, packed up, kind of burn victim-y. Hackney, it's when you're a teenager, you get acne and this is what happens. It gets that? Well, I mean, you got bad acne. Yeah, you got like the scars, acne scars. Oh my God, that's terrible. You know what? I heard Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt. He used to make collagen injections to fill out some of those things. Yeah. He had a whole thing. He had a whole thing with his acne scars. Speaking of acne scars. When we talk about the real housewives of New York City, our six favorite acne scars on TV. Oh my God. Walter will not watch that with me. Oh my God, it's so good. Last night's episode. Wow. It was like one of those things where you're like simultaneously furious at the screen yet enjoying every moment. Because why? I did partially get arrested for pulling Kenya's weave, but yet Ramona's not arrested for throwing a fucking glass. Well, Ramona's not arrested because the women on New York, they're not like, I don't want to say they're more civilized because they're obviously not more civilized, but they're not ridiculous. They're not the type to be like, oh, I am calling the authorities. You know, it's like they sort of like know how to handle things like a, they can be childish and yet adults at the same time. I just agree. I think Ramona and what's her name, Sonia, are the most, they're like those two muppets that sit up in the gallery. Oh, no, they're terrible. Well, let's start. They're the worst. We've all arrived. Let's start at the beginning of the episode, which is when Sonia went to Kristin's apartment to get some professional advice from Kristin's husband, Josh. Now Josh is like an asshole. We've seen all season that he's an asshole, but he knows what he's talking about. So Sonia gets in there. It's like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. He does. And Josh is totally dismissive of her as he should be, but he's also just like laughing in her face and like he's being an asshole. If you want to teach someone things, you don't approach that way, especially someone like Sonia who admittedly is so all over the map when they, when you have the soccer team. Yeah. He's like, so what? So what are you doing? She's like, well, well, well, I have my plates. I have my plates that are going to be in the south of France. I got the Nigerian soccer team and I have, I have my toenail clippers that are going to be in Istanbul. I've got my finished thimbles in Brunei for all of Holland. I have a very popular neck brace that's going to be in Brunei. I have, I have a church key, I've got a church key. You've ever seen a church key very popular with the indigenous people of Vanuatu? I've got these really cool nose piercings made out of bone that's going to go really well in Zimbabwe. It's the Sonja Morgan bone nose, nose rods, that's, I mean, it's huge, it's huge in Zimbabwe. I have fake eyelashes that sell very well in East D'Nester, which is a country that's not recognized by any other country in the world, but does claim sovereignty and it's very popular there. Oh my God, that's good that you knew that. I think you saw that on Jeopardy. I'm impressed. Actually, I learned about, I actually learned about it by reading the game, you know, the dating book. Oh my God, who knew? Yeah, it's, yeah, they, whatever, Neil Strauss drives to Eastern D'Nester and it's actually a real place in like Eastern Moldova or something that it views itself as a country and they've got guards and everything, but they're not internationally recognized at all. And Sony is very popular there. Yes, that's where she has her new, her new vodka line, Sony Morgan's vodka line from all donuts. She's like, I have a sponsorship with a Maltese lacrosse team, I, there's a, oh, she knits them out of a, it's a special fiber that you can only find on sheep that are indigenous to the region of the Pyrenees. Yeah, she's like, I, I have the backing of the Eritrean speed skating team. Oh my God, when you die of like, cut to like three years from now, we go to watch or whatever four years from now and we go to watch the Winter Olympics and Sonya Morgan's name is on like the, she has like a Bob sledding team and it's, she sponsors the Bob sleds and it's like the Nigerian Bobs. She sponsors them because she's going to be living in a Bob sled and they're going to like, ma'am, we need to use this Bob said, she's like, well, fine, if you're going to use my house, then I want to have my, I will have my name on the side of it. So it'll be like, sledding for the more, for team Morgan, she's like, be careful. That's my house going down the slope, that's my house. It's trailer. She's going to now sell them, she just did a deal with Honda where that's going to be the new way to do mobile. Yeah, she's going to live in a Bob sled, she's going to light her abundance candle and hope for gold medals. It's like, yeah, like I'm very, I'm very excited about the Olympics. My house is going to be, my house is going to be in the Olympics, my house is competing. You mean your country? No, my house is actually going down. By the way, I love how, what's her name, he was completely dogging her out at that dinner party. Well, that's the thing. I mean, Josh or Kristen? No, about her, who was it that was dog, I was talking about her house and everything falling under. Josh and Kristin. Wasn't Josh and Kristin everything. It was, it was. Oh, no, no, it was Luann. Oh, Luann had the funniest comment because yeah, Luann has been funny this season. She is like. But she's not even past number, right? Yeah. So she's been like Lucy, Lucy. So at one point, Kristin was saying how Sonia visited her downtown in Tribeca and they're like, oh, that's a big deal. So I'm going to never leave her apartment and Luann says, well, that's because she thinks that by the time she gets back to have already taken her away from her. Oh, my God, because it's true, she has any room to talk. She was like a waitress and married somebody rich. So you know, yeah, but she right though. She right. Yeah, she right. She's right. Nobody wants to show up with it with a wheel lock and an eviction notice on your door because they can't do it when you're inside. Well, I have to say that that dinner party that you mentioned was layers. It was full of so much past aggression. There was being such a bitch. It's so funny. If you piss off Heather in the slightest way, she can be the biggest bitch with her smiling face. She was saying nasty things right to Ramona's face. And she was saying she attacked Ramona for bringing her gay husband because Ramona brought an extra guess and Heather was paying for this dinner, I assumed. And Heather was like, what did Heather say? She's like, you got like, you got to learn some manners like telling people ahead of time that you're going to bring someone to their dinner party or something like that. Does she call her out like that in front of everyone? She did. She does it all the time. But you know what I think that the women are obviously over dealing with Ramona, like Ramona's going to get it really bad. It's kind of like the Kenya meanie thing where people don't care anymore. They're not going to hold back in front of anyone because they've been through it for so long that they're fucking over it. Well, Ramona was absolutely awful of this episode Ramona, this to me was a it harkened back to season one when Jill's Aaron had a dinner party and Ramona showed up and could not have been more rude. She was rude and insulting to like Alex who I think she had just met. She's rude and insulting to Jill to to Luent everyone. I was at the moment they brought her when she brought her husband and was like, this is a girl's dinner. This is girls dinner. That's right. That's right. Because Alex brought Simon and so Ramona, I remember watching that and being and thinking to myself, how could one person be so obnoxious and rude at like a civilized affair? And that's what this was. This was Ramona from the moment she got into the car to go to the Berkshires because Heather invited everyone to the Berkshires. And I think before she was like, who goes to the Berkshires, I go to the Hamptons. Does Ramona even have a house in the Hamptons? Yeah. Well, she does. But it's also like bitch get over it. No, it's a rental. It's a rental, right? But it doesn't even matter. I mean, there are places outside of the Hamptons and centropay and St. Bart's. There are places. The Berkshires are beautiful as like, why not go someplace different? Like, what are you going to miss out on? What are you going to miss out on Ramona? What is so wrong? You've been invited to someone's house. Well, it's week apparently that she wanted to go to some big fancy party. And by the looks of how it looks for next week's episode, it looks as though she leaves ditches Sonia and then all of a sudden we end up seeing an Instagram of Ramona at some party at some white party in the Hamptons, which is a little bit juicy. I can't wait. But the thing is, to make matters worse, she bitch Simone the entire time. She looks up the real estate prices, the real estate in the Berkshires. That was so tacky and I can have like six houses in the Berkshires. It's like, who cares? You know what? You could probably have like in a whole, you could have like, you know, an entire town in Fiji, but it doesn't make Fiji any less beautiful, you know? Exactly. It doesn't matter. To think that Heather invited them, I mean, at the end of the day, I'm telling you right now, I could not like, to me, I love Carolyn. I love Kristen because they're like, who gives a shit, whatever. And I love when when Carolyn jumped out of the boat was like you. Carol, Carol. I was like Carolyn. Oh, why do I call her? I always call her. The readers are going to get so mad at you, they're going to get so mad at you. You called Carol Carolyn? No, because here's the thing. I think her real name is Carolyn Raddis. Carolyn Raddis. Okay. Maybe. Isn't it? It could be. It could totally be Carolyn Raddis. But, um, oh, no, I empathize. I empathize with Carol when she jumped out of that because she's like, you bitches are crazy and she jumped out of the boat. Well, Ramona, I mean, listen, I have to agree. Like if I were stuck in like a hot room during heat spell, like that sucks and I would not have liked it. But I would not have ordered air conditioning, you know, especially when Heather said on the phone, like, you know how we do, we don't have air conditioning here. Almost like it was a point of pride, like I wouldn't order air conditioning for someone's house. That's just. Do you know how that's actually very insulting? And I'm going to tell you why because I grew up in upstate New York and my parents live in a house. It's a hundred years old. Okay. A hundred years ago, there was no central air and heat. Okay. So any smart New Yorker knows that things were built so long ago and it takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to really get permit in and get things put in. And it's only, I mean, like, enjoy the fucking breeze. Why do you need your stupid, and be gracious? You know, if you don't want to go on this thing, don't go and put up or shut up, you know, and she should have or just put up and shut up, I should say. When a bitching about the boat, having to carry the boat, and it's fine. When she pulls up and she asks, is there someone to help us take the bag out of the car? And then she says, is this your house? Is this the garage? I mean, one thing after the other. So I was actually like yelling at my television going, are you fucking kidding me? If I heard her say that, I would take her back to be like, carry your own bag, you old bitch. Yeah. Like, who does that? Who says something like that? Oh. So rude. Oh, I mean, it was like beyond, beyond, beyond rude. I couldn't even believe what I was seeing and how she was acting and reacting and how ungracious she was to be there and how she wasn't able to take in these beautiful views in the mountains. God. She did. It was, as Ramona likes to say, it was day class A. I'm sorry. Day class A. Oh, my God. Very. She proved herself to be a tacky, complaining bitch. And all I could think about was poor Mario has to deal with that nagging woman. It's like the woman from the Real Housewives, that new mom who treats her husband like crap. What's her name? The new lady. Oh. I'm blanking. I'm blanking. Oh, my God. How do we not know her name? That's how irrelevant she is to us right now. That is so ridiculous. It's true. But it is because she's not memorable enough. She's just bitchy and weird and does it make sense with her fake fun schway? Oh, Shannon. Shannon. Okay. You're right. So Shannon, to me, is like Ramona, the more you nag and bitch like that, husband stray. Yeah. They just want to plow something and be done with it. So you better be nice to your man, stupid Ramona. Well, too late. Exactly. And I love, I'm trying to look up the comment on Facebook. Shannon mentioned the irony of when they're out there canoeing, that Ramona kept on demanding, demanding some tranquility, some peace and quiet. And it's like Ramona, you were the one who, one of our readers said the irony of the one with the biggest mouth demanding silence and tranquility. Oh, and I think Carol's the one that said, oh, it's so funny that you're demanding that when it's always you. One of the ladies made a comment. I think it may have been Carol and was like, well, then maybe you should be quiet. Yes. I mean, I couldn't even imagine. So then what happens is there are two canoes and Luan, I think it was like, I think it was Luan or this is Carol and Kristin and Heather, were there in the water? The point is, no, excuse me, I just burped Ramona and Sonia. Ramona and Sonia are in their canoe and the other girls are more or less in the water. And I went down to swim there, that freaks me out, those girls are poolsy. I actually don't like swimming in lakes. Neither do I. I think it's gross. Me too. No, no. Maybe you heard that so awful. I'd like to get the fake. Look, I hate when you have to first walk into the lake, it's like mushy. I don't know if Jason's under the dock and he's just going to swim and like tangle my body in the seaweed. I just don't have any reason. Yeah. Yeah. I would say there's snapping turtles or something. But there are. There are. There are. That's because there are. And where I grew up, snapping turtles would come walking up onto my lawn. So I know a thing or two about snapping turtles like Ramona. So anyway, the thing is this Ramona and Sonia start talking, Ramona start selling Sonia about how Kristen's husband was bad mapping her at that dinner party. And like Kristen's like right there in the water. And then this sort of transfers to to Ramona saying how she doesn't, you know, she thinks that that Kristen's sort of like a bitch and she didn't like the way Kristen splashed her at the spa the other day, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So Kristen's right there and then they get into a little bit. And so what does Kristen do? She splashes. She kicks in the water and she splashes Ramona and everyone's like, you know what? You know what? That's not nice. You know what? That's really not nice. That's not nice at all. And she takes her wine glass. Oh, no. She chucks it at Kristen at her face, which she earns money off of like that's her career right there. Yeah. She's a model and she's attractive. And it's like, by the way, do you know Kristen's 36? Oh, okay. I thought she was a little older, so the hair I think is a little matronly for her. Maybe a little bit. Yeah. But she, so Kristen starts to bleed because this glass hits her. And you know, it's like, it's like, I mean Ramona's like an animal, a wild animal. She's like, well, she splashed me and I didn't have any water. So I had what I had in my hand. So I threw it at her. I'm like, bitch, first of all, there's water all around you. You're in a canoe. Just reach down and splash. Or it's a classic splash technique because it's taken over and splashed someone. That's what you do. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah. But then my favorite part was, you know, Ramona was mad because she just got, she just done her hair. And so that now that she got wet, her hair got ruined. But let me tell you something. First of all, you're on a lake. Lake, why are you getting a fucking blowout when you're going to the lake? Do you know what the lake consists of? Your hair and either a butter or ponytail because it's wet all day because it's hot and you're swimming and then it's a campfire with your girlfriend's drinking wine and roasting marshmallows. And no one gives a fuck. You don't wear makeup. You're in a swimsuit. Like nobody cares. Like, are you like en route to the mall right after you get off this canoe? Like, you're going back to Heather's house. You don't have to have your hair looking nice. So she's freaking out about that. Then Kristen's sitting there bleeding. And I love that then Ramona's like, what, you never, you never cut your lip before? You never seen blood before? Like, big deal. What about big deal? What about you just got splashed by water and you made a whole big to do about it? I think blood is a whole lot worse than getting splashed. How about you threw a full wine glass at her face? It could have been worse. It could have caught, caught, scarred her face, cut her eye, blinded her. She doesn't know could have knocked her tooth out. She threw a fucking wine glass. It wasn't plastic at her face. Well, Ramona apparently on the blogs now, according to Taylor Hockon, who says, just read Ramona's blog, she made it very clear that it was a plastic glass because that much, because that makes it so much better. And she said she bought the AC unit as a gift to Heather. And then, Taylor adds, "Girl, bye." But can we, why is everyone doing bye Felicia? It's like a new, what's interesting is that comes from the movie Friday, correct? Yeah. Because it comes from the idea that like, well, my name is not Felicia. It's like, well, that's how little you mean to me that I don't even care to learn your name by Felicia. Yeah. But I don't know why like 20 years later, why that phrase has started. I'm so tired of Kenya more using it. Okay. Bye bye. Bye Felicia. Bye Felicia. I'll tell you one thing though, I am not over girl by because I love saying girl by. Oh, yeah. I do. I do like that. I do. That's a good line. I appreciate that one. Girl by. Girl by. Girl by. That's why I say to Ramona. Girl by. Can you buy? Oh my God. Can you buy. But the fact that she cut her lip open and you know, like you can get those weird like brain eating vivas in a lake, that's where everything lives is in a lake. Yeah, because it's not it doesn't run through anything unless there's canals and unless the water keeps circulating. That's how all those people get those weird parasites that they snort the lake water up. It goes up into their brain, it starts gnawing away and they're dead within three days. That's why I don't summon lakes. Sorry. And they're snapping turtles. There's turtles and Jason and seaweed, you know, and like Lakeweed or whatever it is. Lakeweed. You know, just whatever. I'm sure there's snakes, by the way, I'm sure there's like copperheads. Okay. No, not in lakes. There's no copperheads and lakes. Well, there's some there's some there is some snake that's I think there's a poison snake that lives in lakes. See, even more of a reason, like, I see if it's not poisonous, I don't want us the snakes are in the lakes. Here's the thing. I would actually enjoy someone splashing me because that's my way to cool off. I'm sitting in a canoe. It's hot. They're bitching. It's like she's already hot because she's met a puzzle and just being an old whore. It's a splash of a little water on her. No harm. Yeah. Don't complain about the heat and then and then get mad when you get wet. Yeah. And the other thing was this big cut to Ramona and she's like, yeah, so what? I did it on purpose. She deserved it. She admitted it that she threw the glass at her face on purpose. I'm just terrified that a microorganism swam up into her lip. I'm just sad. All you gotta say is if you can't stay on the heat, get out of the Berkshires, which I guess is what she's going to do. But she's just, I don't know, it's just, to me, it's just awful, awful behavior and, you know, I think that's the recurring theme that we see here between needy, Ramona, others, just unrepentant, unrepentant, awful behavior that's being put on national TV and on the one hand, it's like just so entertaining for us and therefore, and so because it's entertaining for us, it does well with ratings, we talk about it and they get renewed and they get money. So ultimately, they get rewarded for their awful behavior and it's terrible and yet at the same time, if the show didn't have Ramona, I would weep. You know what? I actually would like it better because Walter has backed me, he was on the computer, I'm watching Real Hostess in New York and he literally turned around and he goes, this sounds like a bunch of old haggard, bitchy, long islandy, meat, Jewish women getting in fights. You said this and you don't know what you're talking about and we're going to go to a florin' island and what are you going to do and this bagel is too stale, I can't eat this bagels too fresh, it's too fresh, I can't eat this and it's like, oh my god, you're never fucking happy, like just a bunch of unhappy, bitch-ing old women. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. What did you think about Carol's LA house, by the way, it looked like she lived in a gingerbread house? I know, I'm like, where'd that come from? Where does Carol live in that tiny little gingerbread house? I thought it was cute, that was nice. I thought it was adorable with the whitewashed floors and I loved it, I was like, I want to go to her house in LA. I know and when she got there, she was in the kitchen and I was like, aha, you do use the kitchen, Carol, but then she was just pouring her dogs in cereal. Oh yeah, that's right. I never use the kitchen at all. She used to cook cigarettes and eat them because that's apparently how her voice sounds. I mean, I have a scratchy voice but there's a difference between sounding and a little bit of rasp. I have a little rasp. I'm in the vein of Rashida Jones meets Emma Stone. She's more like that woman on that commercial with the whole inner neck. Who was cheerleader and then, you know, smoked. That should be a lesson. Smoky cheerleader. Yes, smoky cheerleader voice is not cute. It is not cute. And I think on that note, I think that's pretty much it. I think we have covered everything. I did not watch the southern charm secrets revealed because I stopped watching the secret revealed shows because there's no secrets and nothing's revealed, but I do love southern charm, but I did not watch it. So sorry if you were looking forward to thoughts on that. And I think that's basically it. Ronnie is supposedly coming back next week. Where is Ronnie? Is he in the Berkshires? He's in the Berkshires, he's recovering from a champagne glass wound that he suffered when he encountered the crack in deep in the bottom of Lake Heather. Hey, by the way, are we, I just want to prediction right now, I want to see what people are saying out there. Do you guys feel that there is going to be a fallout with Ramona and Sonya or do you think because, you know, Sony is already on the fence about Ramona. She's have her ups and downs with Ramona being a unsupportive mean bitch. Do you think that it's, Sonya is going to turn it against Ramona or do you think she's going to remain friends with her? I think they're, I like that you called on me as if there was anyone else here to answer. Yes, I have an answer. I think they'll still be friends. I think this is kind of like they're trying to create some friction, but they'll be friends, they'll be friends. Oh, I think, oh, by the way, I think something that happened was that, that's caused some controversy is that there was a screen, like coming up on the real house was in New York City and all the women were standing there and Aviva was not in the group. And so now there's fears that Aviva has been fired. Oh, my God, I would love Aviva. Maybe here's the thing. Do you know that the women can actually go and say we will not fail, we will not do this bubble, blah, blah, blah, and it doesn't make a difference because they've all signed contracts? Good. Well, it shouldn't. I don't like that when they do that. I think that's like not right. That's what Jill and Karen did remember, it's all the girls taking film with Bethany, and they started doing that. And it was alienating Bethany and she got her own show off it. You know, isn't it so funny on the reunions going back to Atlanta when this has become now a common thing that comes out during the reunions where it's like, you know, you tell people not to shoot with you or you can shoot with you or you can shoot with you or you can shoot with you. It's like, it's this strange fourth wall thing, you know, where it's, we're supposed to be watching, we're supposed to be a flies in the wall, seeing what it's like to live in these people's lives. And they're so upfront about how they shoot and when they shoot and things like that. It's very bizarre and close to the water. Right. I think they should actually cut that out because it's giving us too much of a, I think it's actually ruining it for people because you'll get brandy saying, well, we had to do this because the producers, you know, told us and Andy will go, no, we didn't. And it's like, and everyone kind of nods like, well, that's not what we were told. You know, it's like, he is, it's he's against an army when he claims that because they all know that they are told they have to do shit. First of all, do you know, I think, oh my God, secret gossip about a real house is about really hills. Okay. I don't think. Okay. I think Joyce is out. Yeah. I think that was a rumor that she was out, right? Joyce is out. But I'm told, okay, so Carlton was looking out places to shoot for the show. And of course, Yolanda was like, we should do this amazing race on my show, on my show. It was really funny. And then like, she kept bringing up her show at the dinner, which is weird. It's like, okay, we get it here on fucking Real Housewives. And then David Foster, oh my God, super gossip. David Foster goes, um, I go, you know, Yolanda shouldn't be on the show. You know, I'm trying to be friendly and make conversation. And I'm like, she shouldn't be on the show. I go, she kind of doesn't seem like she's like, is as superficial as the other women. And I did say it like that. And I like caught myself like, oh my God, did I just say that? He didn't, he didn't catch it. He thought I was saying she's not superficial. Right. I was saying, well, she's not as superficial as the other women. So why is she on the show? And he didn't even know he was like, he was like, yeah, well, we have a plan. She's going to do one more season and she's going to branch off and do her own show. Yeah. What was this? Lime diseases I have known by Yolanda Foster. Yeah. Or do you, for instance, of Malibu, that failed show that Brody and him and the other? Yeah. And it was like, it was so set up, it lasted two episodes. They only ran two episodes and pulled it off the air. Yeah. I remember that. Yeah. So I think, you know, these people have these delusions, like, you know, these complete, like, I think they think they're going to become way more than what they are and they're going to end up like Gretchen and Slade, where it's like, you know, you guys become so commercial and all you do is hock all your real housewives crap that nobody wants. Just yeah, just because you have fans doesn't mean you have a following or buyers. You will have fans because you act like a fucking asshole on television. And that's why people are watching you, but they would never be your friends in real life. And they don't want to be associated with you. And they don't want to buy your stupid fucking peach Bellinis at Walmart. So just stop the madness. Yeah. There are very few reality stars from any show who can transition from their main show to their own solo project. Look at even like Snooki and JWow, they had a spin off or DJ Paulie Dee. I mean, they had spin offs from Jersey Shore. And that show was so massively popular. They were so part of pop culture. Yeah. No one gave a shit about their spin offs. No, because you can't do it. Yolanda can't do it. No, they want to see everyone together. That's why the casting the producers know when they cast certain people that they're casting dynamics that are all going to feud and get in fights and then be friends again and get in fights. People want to see, you know, beginning, middle and ends. Now when you take that one person away, I mean, it's like Gretchen and Slade, really? Could you watch an hour of Gretchen? Never, never. Well, there's also this narcissistic feeling, this narcissistic thing that people think their lives are so interesting that we just want to watch everything, everything that they do. And it's like, no, we want to see how you interact with other crazy bitches. Listen, I'm speaking off experience because I happen to have my very own solo show, Katie. So apparently I was excited enough for that. But you weren't, but you didn't spin off of a group though. You didn't spin off of a group. So it was like the expectations were different, are different in the sense that like what sometimes when you see someone, they're part of an ensemble. That's really all that you want to see them as, as you just mentioned, you know? Alexis Couture. No one wants to see her in her stupid fucking box five failed crap and her dumb, you know, hooker dresses. Nobody cared. I think when you go into something and you're, you're starting fresh like you already had the business. Like, that's why I like Lizzie. She didn't just come out with a bikini line. She had this going for years. She's been working on it for years. And I like that. Yeah. Yeah. She went to fashion school. She did this. She did that. I mean, we're talking about her dad is like a fucking nuclear physicist or something from all over. Yeah. She's a valedictorian. I love that she said that she's like, yeah, like I actually know how to sketch. I know how to like source my patterns. And like, I don't put myself in the ads because I think it's, that's like amateurish. Oh my God, she is, I have to go through these things on a daily basis with, you know, product brands, shows, stores, everything. I do multiple things. So when I watch these shows, they infuriate me that these bitches want to come out with like a fucking toaster of it. I mean, I think it's so easy. It's not easy. They make it look easy and it's not easy. And Lizzie is now like, I think she's going to be like the secret hero for everybody. I think so too. It's for her, but she might just get crazy at the end. So next week, she gets into it with Vicki and I'm excited for that. So anyway, let's wrap this up, everyone. Thank you so much for listening. Please like us on Facebook, facebook.com/watchwhatcrapins. Maybe next week, you'll get a shout out much like Alice at the top of the episode. And Alice, we love you. We love you, Alice. You can follow me @bsideblog on Twitter and on Instagram and on Vine. I need more Twitter followers. I've really just stalled out. I think I'm going to do a retweet for you and tell everyone to tune in. And unfortunately, a lot of people that are now following me, it may become offensive. So I have my goodies on the back burner and the ones that are assholes deserve to be called assholes and that's the way it is. That's right. So you can follow Katie on Twitter @thepaintednail. And on Facebook, she's official Katie Kazurla. Official. It starts with official. It's not Katie Kazurla official. Official Katie Kazurla. That's right. Everything else in season. Twitter is at @thepaintednail. Like us all. And you know what? I think your life will be, um, it'll be a better party. So Katie, thanks for filling in for Ronnie yet again. I don't know where this is gone. I don't know where he is, but we'll reel him back in. For sure. Uh, thanks everyone. Have a great weekend. Bye. See you later. Bye. If you like listening to comedy, try watching it on the internet. The folks behind the sideshow network have launched a new YouTube channel called Wait for It. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Schleisinger, Slicing, driving friends with it for 10 years, one of the funniest people out there and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza. Our very own Owen Benjamin, that's me, takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more. You don't have to wait any longer, just go to youtube.com/waitfortcomedy. There's no need to wait for it anymore because it's here and it's funny and I love you. To the insurance company that's spurned me, our time together has come to an end. And not me, it's you. We both know what I'm talking about. 15 minutes ago, I began courting Geico. 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