Watch What Crappens

#121: Don't Be a Bitch, It Hurts Being Dropped, I'm the Hostess!

1h 28m
Broadcast on:
02 Apr 2014
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It's a very special all Housewives episode to celebrate the return of our old, fabulous, gorgeous co-host Matt Whitfield (YahooTV). He's back to dish with Ronnie Karam (TrashTalkTV) about the end of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, the near end of Real Housewives of Atlanta, and the beautiful start of Real Housewives of New York. And of course we talk about Kenya Moore getting served and Bethenny's possible return to the network. Come on in!

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But we have a special guest today. It is the return of Matthew Whitfield from Yahoo Television. Hello, Matthew. Hey, Ronnie. Hey, everybody listening. I'm glad to be back. I feel like Luan. I've been downgraded, but I'm still part of the cast. You downgraded yourself, and I would also like to point out that Luan did not sign her contract quickly enough, and that's why the bitch was downgraded. So luckily, we don't have contracts here at Watch What Crapids. We can just make up the rules as we go. You did not pay your skype bill, basically. That's our contract. So we've missed you, so you need to explain to everybody where the hell you went, Matt. There was no goodbye. There was no big clip episode. In the end, there was no lost footage episode to say goodbye to you. You were like a housewife. You just disappeared. No one mentioned you ever again. I twirled right out of the scene, kind of like Quinn from season three of Real House Clause of Orange County. She just disappeared. I'm not wearing a wig like she likes to wear when she popped back on to that weird, you know, special one time. But anyway, work just got really, really crazy. I got a promotion, so I had to bust my butt here at the office for a few months to make it happen. And so that all turned out well for me. But who knows what the future holds? And as I told you, Ronnie, I'm second ago. I am a free agent now, and I am available to return. And I would love to return for some OC, the OGs, Vicki Gunville Sen, and Tamara Barney. No one hates them more than me. And hopefully I can make a few more cameo appearances in the next few months. Hell yeah. And especially if you do it like the classy Luan, because that was a classy return appearance by Missy in this week. I am wearing a statement necklace made of nothing but turquoise from my native ancestors. But you borrowed from some designer that somebody else knew. Exactly. Okay, so before we talk about that, let us discuss some bravo gossip. Do you have any? Well, I want to first talk about Bethany Frankel, because I do believe that I am still one of the few fans that she has. And as you guys know, or the majority of you know, her talk show was canceled. It's still going to run probably through May or June. But there are some rumors out this week that Bethany is in talks for a new reality show. Bravo is obviously her home. They helped make her brand. And Andy Cohen now with his new role at Bravo, doing more development and producing is in talks with Bethany to bring her back. Are you interested in seeing more Bethany on Bravo? I thought Andy's deal was that he was going to just be hosting your show and he was taking a step down from producing. He's taking a step down from the corporate world at Bravo and the programming part and putting himself more as a producer of original content and trying to move in that direction. Allah Ryan's sea crest, but a gay sea crest or a gay or sea crest, I was going to say, with a cute little beagle that he posts on Instagram all the time. And I want to hate him, but I can't because I love him in that damn dog. But anyway, so he's talking to Bethany now about bringing her back to Bravo and one of the reports I read last week or a few days ago was saying that if Bethany wants to come back to Bravo, they're going to put in her contract that she is obligated to appear on Real Housewives of New York City at least a few times. And they were also saying that part of her contract could be that she would sub for Andy on Watch What Happens Live when he's on vacation with John Mayer in Montana like where he is right now and we're not getting any gossip after these major shows. And I don't know. I think she'd be a great fit and I miss her. Yeah, I think she would be good at that. I don't know if I want to see another show about Bethany. I mean, okay, the first one was Bethany's single or something. And then the second one was, oh, Bethany is engaged. And then there was Bethany's getting married and then there's Bethany's having a baby and now it's just going to be, I've alienated everybody in my life and now I'm back to the beginning. Well, okay, so we know she's a little crazy, crazy always makes for good TV, super crazy makes for a really good Bravo TV. And with Jason Hoppe still living in their like $6 million house with her and she now has this new boyfriend that sometimes she's staying at his house, sometimes she's staying at the same, you know, marital abode with Jason that baby's growing up probably is going to be completely messed up. I don't know. I still feel like there are more stories to come out of her and I mean, she's crazy and she has a wicked mouth. Yeah, I like her on the house wise when she's just kind of normal and bitching about all the other crazy people because I don't think she's crazy. What really started bugging me about Bethany is just her whole belief in her own hype. It really bugged me, especially, you know, watching her show after she got famous surrounded by all these ass kissers and she's just like, oh, you know, it works so hard. All I do is work. I like the little work. I'm so busy. I'm so important. Well, she cashed in. So she cashed in. How great would it be now if she just returns to New York and instead of being like that struggling like natural food chef, and yes, I'm using air quotes around natural food chef, she could come back and actually be like, yeah, I have 60 million in the bank. Suck it. I'm up here. You're down here. Sonya Morgan. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, the New York cast. I mean, they're all pretty poor. Ramona is going to go through a divorce. She's not going to have nothing. That modeling work in her husband seems stressed out and he can't even afford plugs. Who else is on that show? We'll get to New York in a second because I am hating. I am hating that cast so hardcore right now. You are. I love it. I feel like they're manna from heaven. They're wrinkly leathered manna falling out of heaven. It needs such a recasting, meaning the return of Alex Jill Kelly and Bethany next year. I'm just putting it out there. Oh, girls. I love Jill's air and they're like, did you know that Bethany got stopped for a speeding ticket? Oh, good morning. America talking about it. It's like shut up, Jill Zaren. Get the fuck off, bitch. Get in the backseat where you belong. She will never. She will never stop fighting. She will never shut up and she's like, oh, hi, oh, yeah, it's it's Christmas. Happy Christmas, everybody. I just wanted you to know that Bravo's begging me to come back, but I wouldn't come back for a million dollars. Hold on. That might be Bravo. Click. Okay. So we'll get to them later. Yes. I'll get to them in a minute. So probably. Oh, no, you go. You go. No, you go. I forgot that you're such I forgot that you're such a good gossip post. I really like when you used to be like, okay, here's the ship for the week. We're going to talk about well, here's the other crazy thing. So you guys, I also was burning out on reality TV and I was just killing me, you know, after a summer of watching big brother nonstop and big brother after dark and all of these Bravo shows I just I had gotten to a breaking point. Do we also talk about what happened with the people's couch on here? I'm not really. Yeah, we did. Okay, so I was also pissed because they didn't choose the three of us for the people's couch and I was kind of like F Bravo. I'm done. I hate these bitches and they hired some like pretty young little model boys that are really obnoxious and that show sucks and we would have made it so much better. So I was just kind of like over Bravo. It really, I'm not going to lie, it kind of crushed my ego a bit and I was just feeling sad for the three of us and that's, you know, when I disappear, but that's, you know, what I do in my personal relationships too and that's why I'm still single. But anyway, um, sidebar, um, I was just thinking, you know, I hadn't watched any Bravo for like six months in this past weekend. I did nothing but mainline this shit and I have missed it so much. And I totally, I watched like nine episodes of Atlanta and I need to know everything about what you think that went down between Portia and Kenya at the reunion. Apparently there was a weave snatching brawl 911 was called and I just, I think that's why Andy had to go to Montana to relax. Okay. A couple things, first of all that people's counts thing and your ego being crushed, um, that was not you. I'm fat. Okay. That was the reason for that. Also, your ego was crushed because you work for a big blog that you get paid a good living to work at. So you have an ego me and Ben are independent bloggers, which means we're pathetic and sad and our ego was crushed a long time ago and that's why we're still independent bloggers. So I think maybe we just got over it over it more quickly. Also, if that thing had happened, we would have been taping that shit in your house nine hours a week and you would have been over it was for like $10 an hour. So tell these people that we actually shot a pilot in my living room. I let strangers with cameras come step on my rug and touch my stuff and I am like a neat freak psychopath and that man was sweating on my dining room chairs. Oh my God. That producer guy. Okay. So he, after we left here, okay, first of all, what we're talking about is that those are actually shot in these people's homes. There's not like a set that they just sit on or whatever. Like you actually have to have a home and you can't be renting. So that leaves me and Ben out. I mean, what am I going to shoot in the park? I'm like, okay, I'll meet you at, you know, I'll meet you in front of Target at that Starbucks and we'll shoot there. No, you can't do that. You have to own someplace. So of course, that leaves like the only choice was yours and you were such a good sport about it. But it was hilarious going into your house because a have a room that's already a green room, which I love. But I can imagine what you're doing in that and be you have this like cloth wallpaper. It's not cloth. What is that? Cause like grass wallpaper or something. Yeah. It's a textured grass wallpaper. And it's so nice. And these bravo producers just came stomping, stomping through that place and dragging shit across your wallpaper and you were already going to kill them. And that was just for the pilot. So it probably worked out because, you know, I'm at because of course, Ben's like, well, are we getting paid $30,000 and getting top billing on bravo? It's like, no, we're not. And then you're like, but are they going to buy me any house when this is done? And I'm just like, I'll just be on TV. I'll do whatever you want. I'll be on the commercial. We were all definitely coming from from different places there. I don't think that we were a unified front when it all went down. But I will say like, I used to give people like the Kardashians a lot of shit where it's like, oh, that's just the set they're using in that big mansion in Calabasas is not really where they live. I get it. These producers ruin your houses. I need to have a set just for a reality show. They have no respect and all we should hate all these housewives and shit that we talk. Well, I guess we do. But we should hate them because they've really ruined it for everybody else. They work for hardly any money. They let cameras trip to their homes and these producers really think that they could do whatever they want. It's like community theater. It's like the new community theater. It's like, you're going to get paid nothing. We're going to trash your home, treat you like crap, ruin your life and then leave. It's like when I did Fiddler on the Roof, except it wasn't done in my home. But my life was trashed. I was left with the dust. I mean, how many more of them need to get divorced and lose all of their money and have their Range Rovers towed out of like the, you know, the parking lot of Applebee's before they start to realize, wait, these shows are ruining our lives. Yeah. But I gave them a life, but it also ruined their lives. Yes. And I think that, I think that Phaedra is a prime example. We'll get to her in a minute, but I would like to talk about Portia and Kenya and the brawl. Oh, yes. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, but we hadn't talked about that other thing. So I wanted to talk about it with you because I just think you're, you're so funny and your whole reaction too is very funny. It's still a sore subject. I'm not going to lie. And any of you that are listening to us right now, if you watch the people's couch, you should probably think about stopping this podcast right now because I hate you. No, I've seen it. I thought it was pretty cute. I didn't watch the first round of it, but then I watched it later and I liked it. I thought it was pretty fun. It's terrible. The only thing that like in its, in its second season, or I don't even know what season they're on, but like that fashion Queen's trash, I'm starting to get into it. I'm like, yeah, we're just so opposite. We could never like, I mean, seriously, like we're, I think we're so, we have so much fun together. But yeah, if we, if we were dating, because like when you date, you have to be able to share the TV, you know, or just have a big house where you have different rooms. But I have three TVs and three DVRs and yet I'm still single. Okay. We could date. I could, I could be in a throuple. I could actually have two lovers because we would each ever run TV and DVR. Actually, there's another reason we couldn't date because we're both eating distorted in different ways. Like I eat too much and you don't eat and that would cause major, major trouble. I assume you're still skinny. Um, I've kind of gotten a little fatter, but you know, it's, it's, it's working for me. It was. Okay. You can come back home. You can come back home. You're welcome back. Okay. So Nimi and Kenya. So the big news out of Atlanta was they shot the reunion last week, the 27 hour reunion whenever Bullsey they keep those four women and their four and Kenya, I mean, there's different rumors. Like Kenya brought a big black dildo to make fun of Porsche and said like, this was a better husband. I mean, this was a better wife to your husband than you were or something like that. And then Kenya, I mean, and then Porsche went off on her ass, but we don't know exactly what happened. I heard there were no dildo. I don't know what happened, but Kenya started running her mouth about Porsche's terrible marriage and Porsche apparently beat the crap out of her. Um, I don't know really where you stand on all of these people. Um, you know, bizarro, um, change of heart. I'm secretly team Porsche right now. I'm sure it will change in the next few weeks. But, um, I think that Kenya deserves a beat down every once in a while. And, you know, Kenya, I will give her some credit though. She's the only one on the show, even more so than Nimi, who doesn't take it seriously and who is clearly there for her paycheck and she will twirl it up and just deliver the crazy lines and the confessional. But she's also a pain in the ass and I'm glad Porsche gave her a smack. Oh yeah. If any bitch deserve to get me, it's Kenya. I mean, Kenya, she is so mean and granted, she is hilarious. Like her diary room sessions are the best and always the most quotable thing. No doubt. I mean, she is just hilarious, but yeah, I mean, her speaking out of her ass like that. And of course, she's always hated Porsche, but, uh, yeah, she totally deserved it. And Porsche is just too stupid to fight. She doesn't know what the words mean for a while. So she doesn't even know what she's really fighting about, you know, like the whole you're a beard. Yeah. She doesn't know what that is. You know, I don't have a beard, you know, she doesn't know what she's fighting about. She has no clue, but then you have Kenya and she stands up there and she goes, well, you know, I wanted to take everybody to Mexico so that we could get closer. It's like, um, you're not fooling anybody. We know that a dinner party or a trip on any of these franchises equals high drama, definitely at least a minimum of three fights and probably the dissolution of at least two friendships. So you're not fooling anybody. That trip was designed to create chaos and you were the ringmaster, just own it. And not only that, like, bitch, please, I love when they pretend like they're throwing these, these big extravagant trips, like when the lens like, this was my trip to Morocco. Oh, I plan this. This is my, I'm the hostess. This is what's going to go down because I'm the hostess. Don't, don't, don't, don't talk shit about it. It's like you did not pay for everybody to go to Morocco, get over here. And Kenya even said, well, I pay for this trip. Maybe next time I'll pay for somebody else instead of Nimi, I'm like, please, you can't even pay your rent. Yeah. How many houses have you been evicted from this season? Please. Exactly. Kenya. Uh, but I hope that they don't cut that out of the reunion because that's some amazing shit. Can you deserve it? And I, she didn't get beat up because did you hear that shit on TMZ that, that, uh, the call? Yeah. That call to TMZ, this is, this is the call to nine one one. She's like, nine one one may help you and she's like, I'd like to report an assault. Okay. What's your name? Kenya. Okay. Where are you? A hotel. Where is it? I don't know. I was just assaulted. Okay. Um, what happened? Someone assaulted me. Okay. Like, could you at least like put something into this call? Like it needed to be more like, I just got hit. Someone got hit. I don't think I'm going to beat me. I mean, make an effort. This is going to be played in court one day. This is boring. You need to entertain the jury if you want to win any money. She claims to be such a great actress. You thought you could have brought it. Come on. Yeah. Come on. Kenya. Boring. But, um, there was also some more fun stuff on TMZ, which, I mean, those leeches, they catch some good shit and mostly it's at the back door of bars where, uh, dealersters come out shit-faced and, um, often it's brandy and we heard them talking on the Beverly Hills Reunion a bit about brandy being caught falling all over the place on TV or on TMZ. But this time it's Nini and it's awesome. It's I think it's the newest story on TMZ. Wait, is it? When was this? It was today, right? It was yesterday. Uh, Nini leaks Kenya Moore is a fake right down to her ass. Okay. And then the picture they show of her, she looks normal and smiling and Greg's all confused next to her as usual. But then if you actually watched the video, she is drunk as hell. Her nose is stuffed up, which means her cocky moose ass was snorting some coke, probably of Greg's hairy butt in a bathroom. And she is slurring and not making any damn sense and it's wonderful to see her life. No, I keep rooting for Nini's life to be ruined and then she keeps booking things. Why is she booking so many things? I don't know, but I do live for a little chit chat session between Kenya Moore and Marlow and when they just went out at Nini and were like, well, she's probably acting out this way because she's still not over the fact that the new normal was canceled. I was like, first of all, the other of these women have watched that show. They don't know like the trade magazines. They don't know that the show was ever on or got canceled or it's time slot or anything. But they did their research right before the camera started to roll. And I was like, oh, they're bringing out some facts and figures on Nini. Yeah, they're like, what is her cue rating? It must have fallen. Like, shut up. Well, she's just recurring on Glee. She's not a series regular. I'm like, come on, people. Well, she's not ugly anymore, right? And it's not so ending. Well, no one's watching Glee except for, you know, Adam Lambert fans, which I don't blame them for because I wasn't on that. Why is he on that? Yeah, he's on there now and I, you know, I love him. But like, come on. Adam Lambert's on Glee? What's he doing on Glee? He and Demi Lovato are in New York hanging out with Liam Michelle and Chris Colfer. Oh, I haven't seen any of the New York stuff like they grow up and go to New York to school or something. Oh, yes. I don't get it. So half of it takes place at college and half of it takes place in high school or what? Um, I kind of don't really know, but they just still, they still sing too much. Well, congratulations Ryan Murphy. Your show is so bad that I'm not watching the musical. That's pretty bad. Yeah. If you're not watching a musical and I am, there's a serious problem. Yeah. That's pretty bad. Um, so anyway, so that's the good stuff with that. I cannot wait for that reunion. And it really, really shed light on how lame the real housewives of Beverly Hills reunion. What, what how the whole season really was? It was just so made up and stupid. You know, if Lisa had whipped out a purse and beat the shit out of somebody, I would have been for it. But. What is going on? Are we going to start with Beverly Hills or HCl because I have so much to talk about. I think we should start with the Bebs. Okay. Bebs. Because it's the best. It's done, right? Yeah. Are we getting lost footage? Or is it really done? There's going to be lost footage, but that I will not be watching that. I couldn't even watch the found footage. The found footage was terrible. Why would I watch the lost footage? Like, what is it going to be? What would even happen this year? It's going to be Kim, like, hell I am speed walking around the block. It's what I do now, me and Kingsley walking. Hey, look, everybody, I got weights on my ankles. I used to feel like I have weights on my ankles, but it was because I was an alcoholic. Natural weight. Okay. So I didn't watch. I was like, again, I was having major bravo fatigue and anger issues at the beginning of the Beverly Hills season. And so I watched, like, one or two episodes. And all I can remember was like, oh, I think there's a new witch. And I think Kim has a dog that's going to maul everybody to death. And then I was like, if these are the storylines, I'm out. So I don't watch any of it, except I've only watched the three reunion specials and I'm re-hooked. Okay. Well, you're seeing all the fun parts, so you don't see all the parts that they cut out. Okay. Well, I'll just go through the ladies. And I just want to get, like, your impression on them because I don't really know what's going on. Who is this Joyce with her Michael Jackson nose? And does she ever play a role in the season? Okay, Joyce is a former Miss Puerto Rico and she's an anorexic. And some people think she's really Lou Diamond Phillips turned into a drag queen with a good facelift. And she's married some fat film producer guy who put her on a TV show called Siberia. And she is washed up and Lou Diamond Phillips looking now. And she's a terrible actress as we saw on Siberia. So her new thing is starting her own beauty contest because there's already Miss USA, Miss America and Miss Universe, or those two things or three things. So anyway, she started one called Miss Galaxy of the World in the Universe or something stupid. And so she gets, like, these young girls, I don't know, she started her own stupid beauty contest and everybody hates her because the very first episode or the second episode, she went up to Lisa and tried to start a fight with her. And she's like, I didn't like how you treated me because I was trying to fix your bangs and then you throw my hand off of you and you were like, no, no, I don't need you. And Lisa was like, darling, what? I just don't like people touching my wig. You know, she's like, no, that wasn't nice. You're at the smisest. Which of course, where does she get that word? The rest of them hangs. So everyone kind of hated her, but she was really the only one who ever yelled at Brandy the whole season and let her have it. So people kind of liked her by the end. OK, so my favorite part of reunion part three was where Yolanda was like, who is this girl in the back? Which means Joyce, who is sitting right next to her, but Yolanda turned her back to her and was like, who's this girl squawking in the background? I don't know who she is. Yeah, Yolanda's like, I have a headache, there's something behind me that's bossing. I don't know what was going on except I'm still team Yolanda. I'm team Yolanda's short haircut. I'm team Yolanda in a skin tight tangerine frock. And you know what team I am? I'm team Tick. I'm all for the ticks. Giving her a lot of Disney isn't taking her out. It's the only thing that's ever going to shut her up and get her in bed long enough to just be quiet. She needs to just be quiet. Yolanda, be quiet. Well, one thing that is probably going to keep quarrel. I don't know if it's going to keep her quieter, but she's going to go squawking to the gossip rags is. I was also hearing that David Foster is cheating on her now, so I don't know how much longer their relationship is going to last. I clearly he does not want to be on this show, and it's all about Gigi anyways. So I don't know if Yolanda is going to be having a nice next six months or so. David Foster, a fair girl. You know I'm looking that up right now. Crandy Glandville. Okay. I'm going to look. Oh, no, I can't. I can't because then I can't talk and look at this at the same time. Yes, my theory is that Yolanda, since she has a prenup because, you know, he's not marrying her ass without a prenup knowing that she's a dumb model who already took a shit ton of money from Mohammed. So you know that she's pretending she's just using all that. Oh, I'm a good five and a woman was made from demand's ribs so that she could make him chickens with lemon sauce like that whole act is because she it's like her job. You know, she's never had a job, but keeping an old ugly man happy. So that's what she's doing. I don't think he's ever seen her lucky. Yeah. Amen. I might be nice too. No, I wouldn't. So I think that he's never seen her real personality. So he's probably getting a good dose of what a see where she is right now. And I'm sure looking at younger models, good for him. Who wouldn't? Good for him. He has 27 Grammys. Why not? Yeah, get rid of that bitch. Okay. Gigi can take care of him. Where does her relationship stand with Lisa right now? Like I feel like they will still make it through. I feel like Lisa has burned all of her bridges, but for some reason, I feel like Yolanda and Lisa will stand the test of time. No, no, I don't think so because Lisa got Yolanda that damn job and then Yolanda immediately turned. I mean, basically the whole season was this brandy has no life or storyline. She can't show her children. She has no relationship. Her books are fake. They're written by somebody else. She has no real job. All the bench does is get shit faced in public and get more plastic surgery. She has nothing to say. Even her arguments, she can't even make up a real argument. Everything about her is so stupid and scripted and fake that she needed a storyline. And apparently, and this is from what she said on her own podcast, me and Elise told her if you want to be the most popular, you got to take down the most popular. So she came on gunning for Lisa, who was her supposedly her best friend and who kept her on the show and got her a contract. So then Lisa should hate her. Oh, yeah. Lisa's right to hate her, but Lisa didn't do anything to her like she's making up all this shit now. Okay. So you know how on the reunion brand, he's like, well, I don't like how your friends with that waitress who cheated with my husband and she's like trying to cry and do all that. Well, she now or me out of a burning building. I was like, I would throw more gasoline on it and let you both suffer exactly. And Lisa's answer to that was the best. I wouldn't let any of my waiters is burning a fire, darling. Except for Kristin. Did you get that? She's finished with that. She was like, can I actually replace Shina with Kristin and then put you and Kristin in the burning building? Cause I'm all. Yeah. She hates. Well, stupid Kristin's going on Twitter, like, I agree with Brandy. Like, shut up. Don't you have a table to wait? You know, that table is low on bread. Okay. Bring a water pitcher over. You dumb bitch. Dear Ronnie, they do not serve carbohydrates at sir. I beg to differ. I've been there. Okay. I didn't work there, but people eat there. Thank you. I'm one of them. Fat tourists. Yes. And Armenians. The little, the shots of sunset fans eat there for their birthday. That's like a Persian birthday palace. It's like what the bowling alley is to poor children and all past. Do they serve diamond water? Are they better? Um, so wow, wow, wow. Oh, yeah. So basically they all came after Lisa and they started all this shit with Lisa. Well, you know that Lisa is the worst one to do that with, not because she's a saint, but because she doesn't care that she's a bitch, hey. And she's just trying to be funny and she's not, she's older than them and she does not care. Like do you remember on Miami when they went after Leah and Leah would just stay calm, stay calm, stay calm. And then they would say something that finally got Leah like, what on my back? What? I'm like, she starts squealing and she stood up and like started just squealing and freaking out like a tea kettle. Lisa's not going to do that. She's like, whatever, you know, Lisa's not going to do that. And Lisa also has another successful show on there. Andy loves her. The networks, the network and all the executives love her. So it's like, you can mess with her all you want. She's not going anywhere. But I have questions about the witch. I do not understand Carleton. I don't know if, um, the watch what Crapin's fans love her or hate her and this whole drama with Kyle. I do not get it. And just watching again, just watching the three specials, I feel like I hate Kyle more than ever. Kyle's awful, but at least she was a bitch again in the reunions, which was nice because she's been trying to pretend she's a good person, which is just not. I mean, hey, we all know she's a horrible person. So why are you pretending? And you can't hide it. Like you just, when you're Kyle, you just can't hide it. Like she calls Lisa this big manipulator, but she's been talking shit about her. Trying to get everybody turned its whole time. She complains that everybody's talking about her husband banging trannies when she brings it up every episode. It's like shut up. But at least she's been fun. Carleton, people pretty much hated her from the beginning because she's like, okay, this is her thing. She's some washed up hooker. At first she said she met her husband in some club and gotten a fist fight with some other hoe over him and ended up winning and that's how they met. But then we find out that her husband's extremely wealthy in front from an extremely wealthy family and she was doing something in the office. She was working in the office somehow and ended up fucking the boss's son. And then that's how she became famous. Basically I picture her as one of those girls who's from the Wolf of Wall Street when those guys are all like super rich and they bring in like Horace off the street and they're like all gang bang them. And then of course one of them is going to fall in love with one of those Horace and she gets rich and that's her. In her house, she's a wickin' or as she calls a wickering and she has this big house that's like a church but it's also, it's got pentagrams all over it and confessionals and crucifixes and wick-a-things. But here's my problem. If she wants to do that fine, I don't care what anybody wants to believe in or who they want to sleep. I mean I really don't give a shit but I feel like Kyle is offended that, I don't know, is Kyle offended that this woman's religion is kind of all over the map and she has all these different artifacts or like what is Kyle's problem? No, no. It was never about the religion. Kyle actually didn't have a problem with Carleton at all. She was like trying to be nice to her because she was a new girl. But Carleton had watched a show and already hated Kyle like America and so she came on just starting with Kyle because she didn't like her. So everything that Kyle did, Carleton would turn into. You were I would have been exactly like Carleton because we've known that she has been a lying sack of shit for the past two seasons and you would have gone in guns blazing for her too. Or was she trying to say, was she trying to like say that I haven't watched the show, I don't know what's going on, I just, I really just dislike you or like was she fake about it? Or was she just? Yeah, she was coming up with stupid reasons. Oh, okay. The first time she met Kyle, Kyle said something like, um, are, she said, because of course this whole had to mention right away that she's wicked, like somehow that came up. And Kyle was like, Oh, so that's like a witch. And she's like, I guess, yes, darling. And she's like, well, do you believe in spirits or something like that? Because you know, Kyle does like her and her sister go to those stupid spiritual advisors or whatever. So Kyle's an idiot, but she was just trying to make conversation. And this woman's like, oh, that's so offensive that she would talk about someone's religion in public and every time Kyle did anything. I mean, look, I hate Kyle too, but I could name 20 legit reasons. Like I wouldn't have to make up something stupid that happened at a fake chamber of commerce party. You know? Okay. So we hate, we hate Carlton. She's clearly one of Lisa's only fans. And do we get the sense that Carlton and Joyce are going to come back or not? Well, everyone's saying they're going to get fired towards the end, people started liking them more because Carlton was the only person who stood up for Lisa and everyone loves Lisa. So she kind of won some points by the end. But no, I mean, those two, they have nothing to say or do. So I think they're probably gone. I think it's safe to say they're probably going. Okay. Call me crazy, but I actually in watching the reunion special, missed having crazy Taylor Armstrong in the mix. I've missed crazy Taylor this whole season. And while I think she's a train wreck and is going to nothing good is going to come out of that life, but it was good for my TV. I really enjoyed it. I missed making Russell hanging jokes. I mean, those were my favorite recap. What about when we played like the audio of her, like slurring when she was drinking margaritas on that trip with that guy, like that interviewer called her and she didn't realize she was being recorded? I mean, that was gold. And I didn't watch a couple of therapy on VH1. Did you watch it? I didn't watch it. I didn't. Because she was supposedly a huge train wreck on that because now she's boning the lawyer that she got when Russell killed himself, you know, she had. She's clearly not throwing $50,000 mad hat or tea parties for for Reagan right now. She's probably at, you know, claim jumper skipping out on the bill. Well, it's still his money. So she can still like she's stolen away from like his three children and Wyatt for something like that. But supposedly, he's trying to make her, yeah, supposedly is trying to make her sign of cream up or something. I don't know. I need to watch it. I think that's one of those things, like if I ever get terminal cancer and I'm stuck inside, I'm just going to watch all of couple's therapy from the beginning of time. That's how I feel about Mad Men. I keep trying to, you know, start that pilot and it just, it hasn't happened seven years later. Yeah, Mad Men's one of those cable shows where it's really smart. And the way you know it's a smart show is that you have to watch eight hours of it before you even like it. It's like so frustrating and horrible for eight hours and then you're like, oh, okay, now I've just drugged enough to like this now. Yeah, I think I need to catch like a terminal illness before I start breaking bad or Mad Men. Yes. And breaking bad. Yeah, they're both great shows. But yeah, you have to devote like a solid day to binging. So what has happened on the screen? I have more questions. I have more questions. Okay. So Kim, who you know, like we love us some Kim and I will tell you for the first time I've started to hate Kim because I felt like through these reunion specials, it's just been her sobbing about her daughter, Kim Jr., which I still can't get over the fact that her daughter is named Kim. And then also she keeps bringing up the like she's still I'm sorry. And maybe I'm being insensitive to people that are recovering alcoholics and addicts out there. She seems way too sensitive to be on a reality TV show because she's still blaming everybody. I'm like, you can't even dance around the topic without her pointing her finger and saying like, don't question my sobriety. Yes. Yes. That's what's been making us crazy to the whole season. Kim takes no responsibility. She's obviously still not sober. Okay. Because like you've known alcoholics or addicts near life, I'm sure, right? I mean, we're in Hollywood and we're okay. Yeah. I've dated Bafil. Yeah. So I don't know. Have you known anybody who's become sober, like who's gone through the program? No, this is Hollywood. They're all still fucked up. Okay. Well, when you go through the, the ones that I know who've gone through the program, there's a certain pride there and it's, there's no shame. It's not like, I was like, I'll go a whole like it's like, I was a drunk, you know, like I was a drunk. I'm getting through it every day. I'm strong. You know, there's like a certain sense of pride that you came through it. You're still there. You're strong. Kim's not. You know, it's like, how are we just talking about my sobriety? That's my fair can. She's digging, she takes no responsibility. I don't even, she didn't go to a, a, a, she didn't go to AAA. Could you imagine? Hey, AAA. That doesn't mean to stop drinking and come tell my card, lock my keys in there. Okay. Do sober people slur their words this much? Well, from what? I remember from like last season, I guess. You remember when she was shit faced the whole season and she went to see Paul, the plastic surgeon and he was like, listen, if I'm going to do surgery, you cannot be shit faced and she's like, well, I have to drink nothing. He's like, well, yeah, but you can't be taking the pills either. She's like, what pills? I just take my medicines. And he's like, okay, yeah, but what medicine do you take? And she's like, well, perfect hips there, cauliflower, florida, florida, chugging, chugging, dung, dung, dung, chugging. And then he went right ahead and stuck her with needles. He's like, you shouldn't do, you shouldn't mix all those. But um, but I'll take your money. I mean, I'll take Robbo's money. Yeah, exactly. I'll take the, I'll take the free scene on national TV. Okay. So she's clearly still a wreck and I'm being told that the only reason she's still in the show is because Kyle puts in her contract. If you want to keep bringing me back, because obviously she's good to have because she fights with Brandi. She, well, now she's, you know, reconciled with Brandi, but she fights with either Lisa or Brandi and she's one of the main pillars of the show. But part of Kyle's contract says you want me, you have to put Kim full-time cast member, full salary, because let's be honest, she and Mauricio don't want to have to like buy her another house in a car. Well, look at fucking Kim. She's driving a Bentley. Like, bitch, listen, you're a real housewife. How long do you think that's going to last a, B, you're not making $300,000 an episode like a sitcom star? You're making like that much a season. Okay. A year. That's kind of like, I think that your residuals from Return to Witch Mountain probably dried up in the early 80s. Yes. They dried up in the fountain outside of Kyle's home, like Kyle spent that shit already. There is no more Disney money. Okay. And Kim's, what she do, she goes and gets a Bentley. Jesus. I think that Mauricio probably like leased it for her. And I'm sure again, it will be repode from, you know, the Cheek Cake Factory on Beverly Boulevard. Oh, Twitch. I, you know, I used to love her because I was like, oh, she's so wacky and goofy and fun. And, you know, so she's, so she drinks a little. Who cares? She's great. But now that I've seen her sober and just blaming everybody for everything and just acting like such a bitch, oh, shut up. You know, that's a real problem though. You know, when some people get sober, I mean, maybe it's better for their liver and maybe it's better for, you know, their, you know, their work environment or something like that. It really hurts their friendships and it's hurting my viewership because I prefer drunk Kim and I don't like her sober. Yeah. Look, I'm all for sobriety and I'm all for drunkenness too. But I just, people are so different. Like if you're drunk a lot, you're going to be very different in the day. Like if you hang out with me at nighttime when I'm drinking, I'm a whole lot different than I am in the day. I'm nicer. I'm calmer. I enjoy my life much more. I mean, I'm probably an alcoholic, let's admit it. But if I just became sober, I'm a horrible, nasty, rotten person. I yell at people in the street. I push old ladies down. I run people off the road. I threaten maids. Like I'm a terrible human being like you need to be one of the other, you know, I could never just be sober. I would have no friends. This is further proof why we should have been cast on the people's couch. I mean, my God, they would have dedicated the entire show just to us. Well, look, let's fix it. If they even Googled us, like Google your name and look what comes up. All it is is, well, you're actually nice. You're probably the nice one, which is hilarious because you're not nice, but like compared to Lee. You're the nice one. I am the nice one. Did you not see me go into the Big Brother house? My goal in life is to be a reality to see you villain people. Come on. Hey. Side note, have you considered, I know that they're casting Big Brother right now. I was once wanting to like pitch it like, hey, I'm a blogger, I make fun of this every year and it would be fun to have a secret blogger in the Big Brother house who would go into the diary room and write live recaps of the show, right? I thought that would be a good idea. But I never did it. I never did it because, yeah, like I don't want to take off my shirt and stuff so I could never do it. But why don't you do it? I think you'd be so good and I think they totally go for that. I'm telling you, I haven't actually reached out but I've hinted at my, you know, people that I know there that work as producers and it's just like, come on. Just put me in that damn house. You should. And I could probably run all the social media while I'm like in the diary room. Hell yeah. I'll bet they totally would let you do. They would totally cast you. So any who's old, yeah, the people, I mean, just as should I say about Andy Cohen alone, I'm pretty much, I'm sure blocked forever from Bravo. And you know what? Good. Like we should be doing other things. We also need to stop talking about the people's cash like it was a sitcom. It's some stupid late night show on a cable channel that paid less than $10 an hour. It really, it would have cost us money to be on the show, let's be honest, because I would be like, I'm going to get a Brazilian, I'm getting my brows did, I'm getting some fake bronzer, I'm getting some frosted tips, like I would have become a real housewife, I would have spent $100,000, I would have gone into debt just to get glam for that show. And then it would have been canceled. And then I would have been like, oh fuck. Yeah, I would have just shown up off that and not cared. And that's why I like the internet, because that's, that's what I can do here, like as long as I can just make a little living doing, just being mean person on the internet, I'm totally fine with that. Okay, we need to move on, but I have one other question. Okay. I kind of also hate brandy now because I feel like kind of, she's just crying essentially because she's saying, and Ken, Lisa and Ken dropped me and that was my gravy train. And now I'm back to being Poe white trash. Okay, she totally fucked over everybody just to get a storyline. And then she's like, well, I said I was sorry, which she really didn't say she was sorry. So I don't even know what she's talking about, but she's basically like, well, I can't believe you're dumping me, I mean, the only reason I was like that is because I was going through such a hard year, I mean, what with my divorce and like, it's like, bitch, what kind of hard year did you have? You had the best year of your adult life. Okay. Before this show, before last year you were, you were caught shopping in a Walmart, unable to pay your damn bills, run and rest, not those kids everywhere, drunk home alone, your husband had just left you, you had nothing, nobody who knew your work. Now you're a star, you've got two books that are best sellers because you've had ghost writers hired for you by Bravo and you've got a national platform to sell them on and America's really stupid and all you really need to do to learn that is to read the New York best sellers last because it's, it's frightening. It's all those divergent books and Brandy Glennville, like, shoot me in the face. Yeah. What, you wonder why American civilization is going down the toilet? Yeah. And bitch, like, you have the best year of your life, like you have a home now, you have a career and you have it because some old lady on a reality show was nice to you when Kyle Richards was trying to get your ass frozen out and booted, like she does to everybody she doesn't like on that show. And what do you do, you turn around and you buy the old lady, you look the old lady course in the mouth is what you did. Okay. So what I'm getting at is I hate this entire cast for the most part. I only kind of really like Yolanda. I obviously still love Lisa. She can do no wrong in my book, but I feel like it needs, I feel like it needs some Adrienne Maloof and some Taylor Armstrong back in the mix. I think so too. This is one of those shows where I think the original cast should just all come back. Adrienne Maloof, they asked her some stupid website asked her and she's like, oh, they'd have to pay me a lot of money. Why? Because you're like richer than God for doing nothing your whole life. So what about Camille? I miss Camille Camille would have been good this year. I mean, she had that weird serial killer brother. The brother of a serial killer that she was dating who like pulled out or we even crushed her iPhone in a hotel room. Yeah. I mean, that's a storyline right there. And I mean, frankly, even if she doesn't have a storyline, I would watch her be boring at sipping at chamomile tea and counting Kelsey Grammer's money. I would be fine with that. Yeah, Camille Grammer doesn't have the best personality, but just that's kind of what's so great about her. Like she's so awkward and she doesn't understand what an asshole she is because she's been surrounded by ask kissers for so long because she's so rich, again, with money that she didn't really room. And she's just delusional and weird and creepy and like one eye like one eyes always have clothes and she's always coming on to everyone's husbands and yeah, she needs to be back. Adrian Maloof needs to be back just because she lives in a mall and that's amazing. And Taylor Armstrong, you can't beat that kind of crazy. I mean, Taylor Armstrong really opened the door for alcoholism on TV because it was never so acceptable before Taylor, you know, like she hit in a suitcase, nobody even talked about it after. Oh my God, when I go to dinner party, the first thing I bring up is do you remember when Taylor was cracked up in a suitcase and Kim, Kim drunk Kim was even laughing at her? And Kim's like, "Hey, at least you have a check. I'm going to be your sponsor. Okay, you're going to put my name on all of your t-shirts for when you go biking and everyone's going to say, "Oh my God, Kim Richards sponsored her." Yeah, they only need to come back. Charlton, go, sorry, she seems kind of nice actually now, but go, get out, Joyce, get out, prandy, get out, prandy, prandy brought the white trash to the BH. I think BH needs to stay rich bitches. 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She will not be getting fired because Andy loves her and you could tell by the reunion when Andy actually started fighting for her. Which is the first time I think I've seen Andy really get this involved in a reunion where he's fighting one of the housewives for the other housewives. Like he was really going at Lisa in that third hour. Yeah I didn't approve of that. You know it's like Nini says on the Real Housewives of Atlanta. "Peter, you actin' like a bitch. If you are not a bitch, let the women hash it out on their own. You are a man and granted we are two men but we're not talking to them, we're talking about them." Perfect segue right there and I don't think I've ever been more team Nini in my life. I actually think that Peter is a bitch. She was saying that he was acting like one but he really was getting too much up in the ladies business and I mean nobody even had the smarts to bring it up like as soon as they get in the limo to go to the airport or like that they're going to the resort. Then he starts talking to Portia about the fact that he went and had a conversation with her ex-husband or her soon to be ex-husband like again you are so desperate to keep your crappy trash bars afloat and you need to stay on the show because Cynthia is boring as fuck and you need to make some money. It's ridiculous Peter like you just need to go away. Oh he's the worst. First of all going on camera with someone's ex-husband who just locked them out of the house. That is so low. If none of his business he was not best friends with Cordell. That whole thing was so low and then to confront her in front of everybody when everybody's in a couple except her. I mean even Kenya had a friend there and she's all alone you know that is not cool. That guy is disgusting and you know what if he was acting like that so he could be making money to pay his rent that would be great but he's not he's doing it so that his wife can pay his rent and he can spend her money without even asking and go buy cars without even telling her because she's dumb enough to have a joint bank account with his stupid loser ass. She's dumb and then she's also a mute at like the times where she needs to be the most vocal. So when your husband is saying this in front of a group on camera to Portia which is so disgustingly disrespectful you don't say anything then after this fight with Greg and your best girlfriend Nini calls your husband a bitch you don't even have the balls to call out your girlfriend and say don't say that to my husband I mean the entire like the only person I was looking at for the entire thing was Candy sitting on the sidelines going like she's not going to say nothing. Yeah for real and I love that she doesn't like back off like she's a wimp like she puts on those fake glasses that have no lenses in them and then she like put her finger under her chin like she's really listening to a deep conversation like she's really in it just trying to understand where everyone's coming from like that that's what they teach at the the Bailey modeling agency it's called Put on a fedora fake glasses from urban outfitters that are not prescription put your index finger at 40 degrees under the left part of your chin tilt your head and pretend you're smart when you're a dumb ass yeah she's a poor thing I'm like oh well I'm glad that you can see everybody with your fake glasses stupid and then she doesn't say anything but then behind you know and this is what's going to get her in trouble I think to if you don't have the nerve to say something to Nini's face don't say it on camera behind her back that's just going to make her even more mad you know like when she's watching it and she's seeing Cynthia like well I don't want to be their friends if they're going to act like that it's like where did you grow these balls you need to like you're literally talking in your closet right now you need to come out to the open and say something in public like what are you doing she's kind of getting so much trouble with Nini and I love it this episode was kind of pretty lame I mean my favorite part again was Kenya and Marlow sitting together talking some smack about Nini's canceled TV show but then what is up with Kenya and this baby doll poor Kenya Kenya is one of those people who's so entertaining but she's just she can't keep anybody in her life because she's an awful person I mean look the only person who will hang out with her even in her own family is the woman who raised her her own family when they came over to hang out with her that time look like they wanted to all just crawl into her rug and die they all look so uncomfortable that they had to hang out with her she has no man she has no friends I mean her like gave the gay friend on the show can't even be on there because he started to fight and then Lawrence isn't even her friend that's Sharae's friend so poor Kenya she's just she has to just make shit up to do it's like you know last year it was it was stealing the fitness idea that wasn't even hers you know then she had Sharae's friend that was stolen and this time there's no like she can't steal a baby from Phaedra so she just got a little fake baby okay but let's talk about this Phaedra thing right now so again I have not watched the entire season I've watched pieces and then I watched you know the past probably like the past like five episodes solid I honestly think that we are watching Phaedra's marriage dissolve on camera and it's one of those like gross feelings that you get in the pit of your stomach where you're like oh I saw this happening to like Nick and Jessica on newly weds not that I cared about them or not that I care about Paolo and Phaedra but it's just kind of one of those things like yep this is the beginning of the end yeah I mean and it's the end is coming fast so it's like the beginning the middle and the I mean it's coming so fast he is horrible okay so we've talked about this before so I'm sorry to anybody who listens to this every week because I'm totally repeating but we have to catch Matt up so did you hear about that interview by this Angela Stanton chick who came out and said that she was in prison because she used to work for Phaedra and her and Apollo were both henchmen for Phaedra and Phaedra has a big criminal enterprise and all of this stuff yes well all of the stuff that she mentioned like every specific business that she was running for Phaedra that she mentioned is what Apollo was arrested for so it looks like everything this woman was saying was true because this was months before any of this happened so Apollo gets carted off to jail and he's gonna go to prison I mean there's no way around that that ass is he's dead like he's going to prison I want him to share a cell with Teresa and oh god wouldn't that be great I think he should share a cell with Juicy Joe that would be so cute two cute house husbands maybe they could date spin off and blah blah blah blah blah blah so he's going to jail okay so Phaedra people the rumors are that Phaedra will eventually get indicted as well but my theory is that Phaedra got his ass arrested because he of the way he was acting on TV he mortified her I think that she knew he was a pig she obviously knew that he was blowing thousands of dollars at the time at strip clubs because he admitted it freely in front of everybody so she obviously knew that you know you don't mess with Phaedra's money she works hard for that money you do not blow that on horse as name jobs mm-hmm and then you don't blow it on horse and even if you do she's probably thinking well at least he's not trying to get on me you know but you don't tell people about it and mortify her on national TV after flirting with Kenya after being outed for lying that you lying about Kenya coming on to you in the first place like that guy is such a train wreck and he's so embarrassing and he's borderline abusive on the show and I think finally she was like well I can't divorce him I'll look like a monster so bye hi police here's some hidden you know folders and got his ass carded away because nothing's in her name it's all in you know it's all in her henchman's name so well what she's essentially doing is then she's just like she's avoiding the inevitable because her ass is gonna get in trouble well they can't they can't testify against each other because they're married so that's supposedly why she married him in the first place how do you know all this legalese girl I read the internet okay okay um I'm sure they actually they probably could I'm sure there's no login some testifying against each other but they can't be compelled to testify against each other and also I watched the good wife and like every lost her that's ever been mad okay um Josh Charles WTF I know right yeah the best one I'm not talking about Olivia Pope oh lord that show needs to stop I mean she's the worst that she's the worst actress on TV thank you I mean thank you like I mean did she go to school I mean she went to like it's over at it's so over acted she acts with her fake teeth like she quivers her lip and stick juts her teeth out like her teeth literally jut out of her mouth like a pez and they just quiver when she's upset and everybody on that show has to have a huge monologue it's always like you listen to me I am not your whore I work I am the leader of my own country and it is a country of gladiators and we are fighting we are fighting for the little man we are here we are here day to day like Jesus Christ could you just say in a sentence and move on why is everything a monologue and it just won a Peabody award let's let's all kill ourselves right now is that a real thing is that like the Butler from clue the Peabody award the butler from clue that's what's worth come on who's Peabody I feel like Peabody was a butler in something maybe Peabody was in master detective clue you know when they introduced like Sergeant Gray and Miss Peach anybody anybody that big board and it was like oh and now we have the carriage house anybody come on master detective clue no okay somebody somebody is gonna write on the Facebook page like I love master detective clue yeah Matt needs to be back every week now cuz he likes master detective yeah Ronnie did anything else happen on Atlanta like we clearly know that Todd and Mama Joyce are never gonna get together we know that Portia is a diva and she has a writer but that was the best part it's like Portia she's like I'm sorry but I can't come to rehearsal until I have a bus come pick me up with my name on the side of it and then I want to house built next to the rehearsal studio where I can live I want only green M&M's I want Cordell to apologize I want God to come down and send a choir to see me happy birthday who do you think you are bitch I will say I did like the candy like kind of regulated she didn't regulate her but she she didn't like save everything for the lawyers to discuss she actually kind of kind of got real with her a few issues but I was candy kept referring to this like other star the man that's like starring in this show I don't know who he is but she kept saying like well you know you don't get top billing next to that and I'm like actually a sad thing is the housewives have made Portia more of a star yeah then that's the sliver guy who has terrible diction I have to say I was like what is one of these lyrics can we respect the lyrics of this show young ma'am I do not understand what you are talking about do you ever watch this and go like oh my god if only I lived in Atlanta I would have been at that fake dancing with the stars where Kim Metcroy and Sharay was involved I would be going to can I would be opening night at candies I would be having you know drinks at Peter's shitty bar like I just keep watching all this and I'm like I can't go to any at all I can go to is sir yeah I would just be hot I would be like it's hot and there's so many bugs and why are the men on high heels I got a leaf I got a leaf yeah that's not that's not my town okay so let us move on oh wait one more thing about Atlanta that I do have to say because we're always so bitchy and evil on this show is the music I think sounds good the music to it sounds like it would be good I mean that is no Tyler Prairie musical this sounds like it's actually decent I will give her some credit I do think that she's talented I'm questioning her casting choices but you know I mean that's to be expected but I'm sure Sharay just wouldn't sign I just wish that mama Joyce was a little more involved like imagine if she were just like the narrator yeah and everything that happened she'd be like I can't believe that candy why would you do that candy I cannot tell you like that little like the 10 seconds of you doing that right there may me miss this gig so much I'm on my joy she went crazy so you haven't watched the whole season of that show either no I've watched her and Todd have like their awkward comments but did you see the one but did you see the one where she went after candy's friend who she's telling everybody is fucking Todd yes and she tried to hit her with a shoe yes she's like I will drag you bend the street by your hair I was like oh no mama Joyce so she has to be kept off now she's with Kenya's gay somewhere in like Bravo Jail where they're not allowed to come out until they promised to not hit people they totally have a Bravo Jail they pay you five cents an hour and they make and it's in your own home because they're too cheap for their own jail okay so Beverly Hills Atlanta and now New York oh my god I just I'm so happy that we got some Luan but I didn't get enough Luan and I don't even know like I have so many things to talk about Ronnie like first of all team Carol or team of Eva oh Carol hello totally team Carol all the way of Eva stupid of Eva is stupid but I was going so nuts watching the episode that by the end I was like maybe am I secretly team of Eva because Carol is an asshole how so what do you think Carol's an asshole because she does act all uppity and think that she is the hottest shit on the face of the earth and it's like guess what that 19 year old surfer boy doesn't want to stick it in your wrinkly ass turkey ass you know ripping off that wetsuit all sexily it's like if anybody okay great you have a fit little body if anybody looks at your face they want to vomit so stop thinking of your hot shit and also I don't put it past her to hire a ghostwriter I think that everybody that writes books anybody that works in media or anybody it's a journalist knows that millions of people shape whatever you write whether it's a headline whether it is a blog post whether it is a book well um I don't know if she read if she wrote her own books I have not read her books nor do I really care I mean I get that I get why she's I don't don't get me wrong I don't care I do not care I just think that she acts hoity toity and I don't like that she has Heather who I loved last season act as her pit bull I don't like that oh Heather okay Heather's the one that's really grossing me out this year first of all Heather you are just a bitch just be a bit just kind of my thing with Kyle like the reason people are gonna like you is because you're a bitch okay stop trying to be nice and that's why I used to like Kyle and that's why I used to like Heather they just they actually felt real when they first appear on the shows because they just were their natural bitchy ness yeah and Heather has no problem telling anybody off as she's always telling somebody off but she's always walking into the room like hi oh this is so great Sonia's gonna dance oh wow like shut up and please stop talking like you're a hip-hop star in the 90s like what is that with a shizzy I'm like no it's did you really say faux shizzy please or for shizzle please no it's hilarious I don't ever want her to stop because it just is like solidifying her like white blandness it's like when old people say things like simple like cool but they say it in that old person way it's like that is cool it's like no it's not too syllable it's like the third time I've ever said the word cool day to really don't know how to pronounce it yeah and the thing is like you had that word in your time like I don't know why you're saying it wrong it's not like that's a new word like they say it in Greece I mean I'm sure it was said when you were in my school like when did you suddenly start sounding like it's cool no stop it that's how Heather is she I kind of cringe but the thing about New York and Jersey two actually both of those East Coast versions make me cringe the most I mean every almost every character on each of those shows just I just cringe I mean this one Aviva's crazy so she's cringe worthy just to watch her and also her relationship with her husband her weird sex talk and her like rapist sexist dad weird creepy gross cringe worthy um carol like okay like you knew the Kennedys and I guess you were kind of a princess because of some weird marriage someone in Transylvane like I don't know her whole thing is kind of weird too and it's like I get that you're a princess but I don't know it's like when someone's married to like it's like once when you meet somebody and they're the mayor of some town you've never heard of and you're like wow a mayor like were you at the where you at the new Hobby Lobby opening like wow um Heather with her language uh Ramona obviously because she's just cross-eyed and creepy and her husband's obviously cheating on her so question about Ramona though this African safari is she really on an African safari or is this where her marriage is falling apart and she's trying to save it why are we not in Africa with Ramona I mean that's like the best if anybody deserves a spinoff it's Ramona in Africa what are you doing look at these children these children are hungry why is nobody feeding these children you know what goes good good with this wheat and this sack that just dropped out of that helicopter pina grigio pina grigio goes really good with it you should be like me work really hard all you guys have to do is come up with the business just come up with an idea and publicize it just get on the TV show and publicize it stop complaining stop talking about being hungry get the flies off of your face and work okay at work I don't complain oh my god I mean I know like did the Bravo just like ran out of budget on this season because they couldn't get some cameras over there it's gold people gold ratings gold I think the stuff with her has well the stuff that there has been started a while ago because remember there were those well first of all the psychic and Morocco told her right and then there were rumors that he was being seen around town with a younger woman and she's like what is Avery of course of course she's younger she's she's daughter it's Avery and then I think it came out at the end of the season so I don't think we get to see much of Ramona getting dumped on unfortunately but that'll be next that'll be next year yeah I'm not even sure what's going on with that I think he got caught cheating but she's still dating him even though she's divorcing him I don't know there's something weird about that whole thing but like I said if your man works out that much at his age he's cheating on you sorry he's not looking like that for you he's a tennis player I'm a break okay do we talk about Avery now looking gorgeous in that dress was that this episode or was that last episode I totally forget I was a last episode I didn't want to watch one more mother cry about her fucking daughter going to school when I want to talk about Sonia's interns yes yay pickles I gotta I gotta talk about pickles I gotta talk about that Mercedes from 1991 that she had to pull out of the garage because she can't afford a new car I'm obsessed with it I had to get a job and buy a new battery how she doesn't know anything about how batteries work how she doesn't have hot water in her house because you can't afford it oh my god okay is that something new like when I heard that last time I was like wait does she really I bet she really doesn't use hot water in her house because she's Poe yeah she said she can't afford it like it's too expensive so she doesn't have hot water and so she was in that borrowed house and I love that Bravo put Sonia's borrowed house on the bottom just so we would know where this was taking place yes they did yes they did that was they you know they get some great little like Chiron's in there I'm my favorite moment of every season is obviously the freeze frame at the end of the season where they like they stop on each woman and they put like three bitchy little nuggets next to each of their heads but like they're going for it in the middle of the season right now her rented house yeah no not even rented borrowed because he didn't rent it some friend letter use it for the week okay so Sonia has all these okay speaking of cringe worthy Sonia biggest one of them all I mean it is so hard watching for Sonia sometimes and I feel for her because she stars herself look anybody who can start themselves like the women on these shows you've got to respect them I mean look at Carol look at Heather look at Ramona look I mean these women are so hungry and I respect that because I can't do that so right away I respect her but girl those look like you just bought brand new oranges and put them in an old withering Trader Joe's cloth bag from like ten years ago but those away I mean how much did people spend to get a ticket to that show by the way how long was it I don't I have no idea like the vagina monologue people actually got gussied up and probably paid a lot of money to see that ass bounce them yeah and it wasn't and I love that it wasn't even bouncing okay you know that she got this choreographer and these stupid hoe dancers to work for free just to be on the show first of all then she kicks them off she kicks them off because she doesn't want to learn the choreography because she just wings it okay look bad you got an airplane hanger and sold 500 tickets and you're just going to wing it and then her whole strip tease was like I was married to a rich guy and then he dumped me and now I'm pot like what is this what why are you celebrating this this is so sad it's like singing a song about unemployment at a child's birthday party stop it's depressing oh my god I love all her nicknames for her interns pickles trash bags she's like that one I asked to get the trash bags for me so we call her trash bags what how about names and she kept saying like well you're going to be on your review because we're going to see if you can pull your weight and I'm like that none of them do anything okay this is what makes me nuts if she is so poor how does she have a staff are you telling me that none of these people are getting paid anything no they're interns right but like they're unpaid interns and I love how she's like we only you know the cream of the crop from America's top families who lets their child go work for her you know I honestly think it's just gay parents I think that's what happens when you let gay people have children they're like you know what would be a great idea honey to go work for son you morgan for free and learn learn housewives lingo for us I'm like I don't know I can't imagine who would do that to their poor children but that interns hot right are you totally in love with that guy intern no what he's a teenager and he's cute I'm thought you'd love him I'm not into the youngsters but you were the one who did you love didn't you love the son from real housewives of Miami or either one who is like I want to have sex with that guy um no there was some young person that you were always talking about wanting to have sex with that I was like no don't do it man you're gonna jail I'll think I'll come back to me just give me a second that was a special case yeah what else happened on this show okay so we got to see Lee Wann again gay love her um who okay this is but I don't know who is that other lady that is a Viva's um like PR image specialist who is she because I did want Heather to beat her face oh god yes this Amanda she's awful she's a new friend of the housewives but is she just trying is she trying is she pulling a kimji where she's like I'm gonna do anything scandalous possible to like get on full-time cast member yeah she's auditioning okay she's just being horrible auditioning bitch um and I don't know I have trouble even hating her because she's just so obviously trying to get a job and it's just sad it's sad yes yeah but it fits in with the whole cringe-worthy motif of this of this show yeah I mean she's just sitting there being mean to everybody she's gonna fuck Harry Durbin or Dubin or whatever his name is um just gross I don't know I don't need her I do need Lee Wann back I do need her back and I don't know I like again I don't I don't have like a great reason to hate Carol except for her face and her little mini gloves and the fact that she thinks that she's hot shit and can sleep with 19 year old surfers but I do like that she and the Countess didn't get along because I was convinced like when they brought them together they were gonna be BFF but then I love the Countess pulling a Viva to the side she's just not a girl's girl she's just not oh yeah I love that she's just not a girls girl like how many husbands have you fought like seriously like who's what girls side of you want please and isn't she about to like go home with Harry too like that is still not a girls girl but I love when girls say that because girls who say that are never girls girls they're always so mean to girls girls girls who say they're girls girls are real housewives and they're all kind to each other let's face it okay what's the new one's name is her name Kristin yeah she should not have any friends or a husband because do you see the way she acted like an asshole during that mud run LOL she was exercising I think you totally get look exercising for charity is stupid they do not care about how many calories you burn give them money just send them money stop crawling through the mud stupid these you know these older men and I'm not saying like he's old but like these men that that are middle aged white men with money who want to marry young hot rich or young hot women and can woo them with their money it's just like it always blows up in their faces like look look so maybe he's sleeping with something that's like bony and you know somewhat attractive in the face but it's like look what you got yourself into it's not worth it I would rather be banging some ugly ass person that's fun I think she's so fun like I think she's really fun and funny and you know I really like her actually and I'm curious to see what's going on with you what is wrong with you did you not see the way she acted first into tears after that much listen she was exercising I would cry to you I felt so bad for her and her husband was making her exercise if anything you should hate her because she's that skinny and she doesn't exercise at all like she had no experience she was like what I have to move this much I don't do this like bitch okay that's a good point I do hate her for that I don't know I like her I think she's refreshing I think it's fun that she's like kind of a bimbo but she's kind of smart but also weird and I like that she'll tell people off kind of but do it in a nice way like I don't see like where she really fits in and she's not bringing she's not like bringing me anything great well she's new so you know they have to have that whole season where they're nice and they're boring and then they see everybody everybody sees her shit talking them and then she sees everybody shit talking her and so they start fighting her through a union and then the next year she comes back with you know anger and that's what happened this year like look at Carol Carol came this year last year she was all nice and boring and this year she came ready to kick some ass you know she came here eating everybody like they just need a year to have grown their bitch flower needs to bloom it takes a year it takes a season okay fine I'll give her I'll give her one more season but that's it give her a chance she is friends with Brandy Glantall you know that she's got a little seaward in her just growing up so let's support her okay fine um what else happened um let us see Sonia's interns Luann is back is Luann back for good or is she going to be a friend of the whole season are they gonna ask her back I think she's a friend of the whole season and I think again I think that they were taping this for many more months than they normally do but they had to re-edit when stuff went down with her breakup with Jacques and then also I think because of Ramona and Mario I feel like it it put this season at a different time of the year than it normally airs and I don't know I think that they were also pissed I think I read this that they were the producers were pissed because um Luann and Jacques were not appearing on camera as much or something like that and then they were like fine screw you we're gonna cut you out and just downgrade you without telling you yeah there was something contract wise yeah and she but she's still posting on like Instagram like she'll post photos of like being out with the ladies and stuff like that but you know what happens once you get downgraded you never come back full time oh I hope that's not true but they never made you know a part-time housewife into a real housewife and they did that with Brandy so maybe rules are broken I need Luann it's worth it for Luann I mean my god was there anything better than her banging the fake Johnny Depp on vacay I mean nothing was better than that awkward phone call that she was having where she thought she was off camera and off mic and she's speaking in French knowing that her life is going down the drain oh my god or her telling the the monster shoes I just love her I think she's so funny I was dying when she was like I have a Rocco oh that whole thing this is not the Plaza Hotel this is Morocco and I loved in this one when she's like oh I've never lost control in my own home before like really bitch like how many people have been found drunk in your bushes get out of here how many dead teenagers have you found at slumber parties yeah but I love her I hope she's back and New York is really bringing it and I read something the other day I didn't read it I every time I say I read something I feel like that's just such an obvious lie I watched something the other day what was it it was Ramona Singer talking about how she hated Jill Zarin oh it was on watch what happens oh so I guess we already talked about all of this so never mind I won't do it again but Ramona was dissing everybody and it was super fun and I really love this show and she was saying oh you know this year we decided to all work together because I'm the mother of the group and I give everyone advice and it's really good to mold young minds and you know I tell people you have to learn to be yourself and I teach them how to be a good housewife and this year we've all decided that we're going to work together and we're going to be a team and now we are and that's why this shows good because we've all decided to work together and I just think that it's so funny that housewives working together means just like ripping each other apart on national TV and ruining each other's lives that's basically how they do it's like well done team who's bringing the coke's exactly oh my god softball so I think we're done Matt I think we are plus I'm probably going to get booted out of this room here because I only booked it till one but this was a complete and total pleasure I hope that I didn't offend anybody too much oh yes I did everybody's missed you so much everybody's going to be so excited to hear from you I know I was I wish we were real friends outside of this fucking podcast it'd be nice to talk to you every once in a while well I actually just got my life back and I hope that we can go have a beverage soon yes please we'll go to Persian night at sir which is any night well and to everybody who's listening right now thank you again for you guys still supporting me you know following me on Twitter Instagram you guys were awesome back in the day I'm sure you're still awesome right now and again Ronnie any time you guys need me for some OC loving you know I love me some some Vicky and some Tamara oh hell yeah we'll be calling you soon boo and also you guys can follow Matt on all of the social media outlets at life on the M list he's on Twitter Instagram what else what also your favorites scruff are you life on the M list on scruff I'm kidding I'm not on that site I did that Tinder thing but I think like only two people in the entire city like me and I think they're like bus boys that I worked with before I don't know whether they're only people I've ever given money to in other words so find Matt at life on the M list I'm Ronnie Karam you can find me on Twitter at Ronnie Karam or trash tweet TV which is basically an RS RS speed for the recaps from trash talk where we do funny recaps and stuff I just finished Beverly Hills I'm doing video recaps of survivor this whole season and you can find me on oh come to tumblr I'm doing a lot of fun gifts at trash talk TV recaps dot tumblr dot com come on there because that's been my fun one lately and for watch what crappins you can find us on Facebook at facebook dot com slash watch what crappins thank you everybody on that Facebook page for giving us so much material there's like let me look how many there are right now we put every week before we record we ask what you guys want to talk about and you sure as hell answer this year there's like I mean this year today there's like 35 30 cents I'm getting I'm getting kicked out of my room okay we're going we're going so anyway thank you guys talk to you later thanks for listening bye bye if you like listening to comedy try watching it on the internet the folks behind the side show network of launch the new youtube channel called wait for it it's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts taught glass lies a slice finger slicing driving friends with it for 10 years one of the funniest people out there and I still have a hard time with the last name liza our very own own Benjamin that's me takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more you don't have to wait any longer just go to youtube calm slash wait for comedy there's no need to wait for it anymore because it's here and it's funny and I love you on Monday Josh Liebarger made his status piece of the monday's followed by a frowny face it got one like in five comments including dislike well Josh Geico also wants to make a comment to turn that emojis frown upside down in just 15 minutes you could save hundreds of dollars on your car insurance by switching to Geico with all that extra dough why not give monday a makeover we see an office party in your future hosted by you hashtag happy face hashtag savings Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance if you like watch what crappins you can listen ad free right now by joining wonderie plus in the wonderie app or on apple podcasts prime members can listen ad free on amazon music before you go tell us about yourself by filling out a short 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