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Sorry, I can't sing well today because I am getting over a cold. As if I weren't getting over the cold like you'd be hearing like freaking, you know, I don't know, Nathan Lane over here. The blind guy. You'd be hearing that blind guy who sings really pretty Italian songs. Yeah, I normally sound like Andrea Bocelli. But when I have a cold, I just sound like an old cast member from Mash. You don't sound like you are worse spending time in my husband's living booms. Maybe I need to go on to a master cleanse. If you come over for a buffet, we will put you in the basement until it's time to sing and then we will kick you out. I haven't. I cannot believe that Lisa has not called me during all this time when I've had a cold. Not once. Are you my Hollywood friend? Are you my real friend or my Hollywood friend? Gigi called me. For the new code to the Wells Fargo account. Please, we use .national account. We don't have ATM cards. We just have blocks of cheese. It is still a horse and a wagon, but it does not depict the past. The vault is made of wooden shoes. Okay. And it's in the middle of a dyke. We're turning into the good wife now and like finishing our opening 30 minutes into the show. That's okay. Sometimes I like your opening more than the show itself. Like what was it like two weeks ago when Katie was on and we talked about Richard Marks for 10 minutes. You did. I didn't even know who he was. I was like, yeah, sorry people. That's my, that's my, I will apologize for that for talking about Richard Marks for 10 minutes. Yeah, you should. Yeah, I will. I just, my Patti LaPone talked to two minutes. Yeah, that's true. And it all comes back to show tunes. Finish your opening. Okay, fine. So you can find this lovely podcast on Facebook at Facebook.com/watchwhatcrapins. And really you should like us on there because not just to, because we're narcissists, but because there's a huge amount of content on our Facebook page. We got around 2300 likes. We could, we could get up to 10,000. That's what we want. Yeah. Yeah, tons of tons of stuff, lots of like gossip, lots of joking. It's like really good. And then also you should follow us on other social media platforms. For instance, I'm @besideblog on Twitter and on Instagram and Ronnie's at trashtalktv.com. And he's at trash tweet TV on Twitter, trash talk TV on Instagram. I think that covers it. Oh, actually, I'm really having fun on Tumblr lately because I just, I get bored with the social media. Things really fast and keep changing around. So now I'm playing around on Tumblr and making gifts and stuff. So come to trashtalktvrecaps.tumbler.com. Yeah, it sounds like a great. Great. Great plan. Great idea. Let's visit. So you want to go over some gossip first, Benjamin? Yeah. You know, let's, let's go into the big gossip of the week. One thing that happened is that Lady Gaga released a new video, which is notable because several of the real housewives were in it. Did you see it? Well, I started playing it, but it starts out with all these men like fighting over money and then they like run away and then Lady Gaga is dressed as a bird and she's in a grave. And she's been shot with an arrow. Yeah. She's like crawling out and she'd being all dramatic. And I was like birds, men with money. And then I looked to see how long the video was. And it was like 11 minutes or something. Yeah. It's like T-O-D-R, but bye. Yeah. It's not, it's not one of her greatest videos. It felt very disjointed, but I'm not here really to review the video. I'm here to talk about the housewives in it. So most of the Beverly Hills housewives were in it. Brandy and Joyce were not in it. According to the gossip rags, Brandy had a prior engagement. She was like on a different coast to do some book signing, which I don't know. I don't know if I totally believe that because I think that Brandy would have dropped everything to be part of a Lady Gaga music video. And then Joyce was in it and because she said she didn't want to be a part of it, which seems also a little crazy. There you go. Joyce was very busy working on Benet. Siberia. She was working on the next episode of Siberia. She was working on the next Miss Universe of the Planet Solar System galaxy. Siberia adjacent. Yeah, she said she was working on her charity or some shit. Yeah, she was working on her charity to make people skinnier. So anyway, Lisa and Kyle looked excellent. Actually, no, they all looked really good in the video. And Yolanda looked great. I mean, she is a former model, but Lisa and Kyle looked really good. And in one scene, they were sort of enlisted to be kind of these secret agent types in black latex. And they were marching through an office with Lady Gaga. And honestly, they looked hot. And Yolanda, Lisa looked great, but Kyle actually looked fantastic. I mean, in that look-- Yeah, Kyle looks really good in the previews. You know, that's-- and what we've always said is the best look on Kyle is the total bitch face. It really is. Personality wise, too. You know, beating the crap out of each other, beating the crap out of people. Yeah. That's how I like it. That's when Kyle is at her best. And in the Lady Gaga video, in one of the scenes, she's just like what? They're all just like wearing pink or whatever. But in this other scene, her hair is big. She's wearing this like black leather thing as opposed to a big poofy green thing that's too long for her. And she looked awesome. She really did. Yeah, I saw pictures of it, but I didn't make that far in the actual viewing. Well, that's okay. Also, Andy Cohen is in the video, and he plays Zeus, and he's like shirtless, but you only see it from like neck up. And he appears in the sky in a few like quick shots. It's like so random. It makes no sense. And honestly, it was like-- it was sort of weird having their housewives there, but having Andy Cohen there just made the whole thing feel like a stupid version of one of the Bravo summer promos. You know, it's like God by Bravo. Yeah, I thought that that was a joke. Because I saw a screenshot with him kind of as God, and it wasn't a joke. So, wow. Yeah, that's strange. Poor Lady Gaga, she is not the star she once was, I suppose. But she's got a hot boyfriend. She does? Who's she dating? Some dude off of Chicago Fire. He's real hot. How about that so even still on? I can't even watch that show. The previews are stupid for that show. I know. Well, you know, I hate the NBC announcer. You know, that's-- every NBC drama I never want to watch because of the announcer because he's so serious. He's like-- Really? Oh, yeah, that guy. You know what I'm talking about? I don't watch commercials because I have moved to all internet viewing. So no, actually, I don't have that. He's awful. He's always like-- it's not even like a classic voiceover where it's like it's an episode you can't miss. It's like there's like this weird familiarity or something like that where he'll be like Jesse's in the fire or something like that. Like, he was Jesse. You know, it's like-- and I can't describe it. All I can say is that it's like overly serious and it makes me never want to watch any NBC dramas. This fall on NBC. But they don't do it like that. He doesn't do it like this fall on the classic promo style. He's just like-- he's like the fire is coming. I don't know. This is-- I'm pulling these examples out of my ass. I'll listen to a promo and next week I'll come back with better examples. It's really hot. The fire is coming. It's fire. But NBC always has the most serious promos. Like, even if they're sitcoms, every sitcom, they put in slow motion. And then they have-- they're like, with friends like these, you don't need anything else. And it's like, no, it's a sitcom. Make it funny. Make it a funny promo. Well, I wonder why they're doing so well. Poor NBC. But you guys had cheers in the Cosby show and friends. See, you win. You win forever. Yeah, well, they-- and the boys and the blacklists are doing well. Anywho, other bravo gossip, is there any? Yes, I think there is. Well, there was a funny article posted on our Facebook from Star Magazine that is all about Kristin. Yes. I love this. Seriously? Banderpump Rules drama. Banderpump Rules drama. She's in Duoutes, drunken meltdown. She's in her name. She's in her name. She's in her name. Is that how you say her name, Duoutes? Duoutes? I don't know. I think you're fancy. I think you're giving her fancy syllables. And I don't think she deserves them. Well, actually, it is more fitting to pronounce it doubt. Yeah, I know. Because you know that she's filled with it over everything. I call her "dude." What is that street sign mean? Seriously? Seriously? Can you pronounce my name correctly? Seriously? How am I supposed to drive straight if you keep putting signs in the street with words on that? Seriously? You're not supposed to read while you're driving. Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? I'm a distracted driver. So, this is all about how she was on a date with her busboy. Who looks 10 years old? I mean, Kristen's not, like, haggy yet. But, I mean, why would you date? So, look, if you're about to enter 30, that's when you start feeling old. Like, everyone who's 30 is like, "Oh, I'm getting so old." You know, even though that's stupid, like, I'd kill to be 20. I'd kill to be 29 again. But, you know that feeling? That's not the time to date someone younger. You want to date someone a little bit older so you look a little younger. Kristen is already looking like a crumpled paper bag. So, anyway, she's standing next to this 10-year-old Irish kid who's busing tables. Sleep. Yeah. At Sir. And it just said she got really mad at him at some bar because he was really drunk and flirting with her friends, like hugging people. Yeah. Seriously? She must try to comfort her best friend, but to no avail. Instead, Kristen turned to alcohol. Seriously? Shot to march it over to tell James she was leaving, hoping he would beg her to stay. The witness explains. He just pushed her away. She threw a fit, stumbling out of the bar, bread-faced and teary-eyed, mumbling. Seriously. You know, the thing is, it's not so much the story that's worth noting. It's the pictures because there was someone at this bar at Mixology 101, by the way, which is a shitty place. Nice views, but like shitty drinks. So, someone was taking pictures of Kristen secretly as she was having this meltdown. And so, the real joy is watching this pictures. And there's one great shot of her where you see her like mid, you know, seriously? And it's just, it makes me so happy. It was like, again, an extra episode of Vanderpump Rules. Yeah, and you see Sheena trying to calm her down. And she's like, "So, so, seriously, seriously, seriously, I love your meltdown." These pictures are really funny. Someone just sitting behind them, so the pictures are taken from really low. So, she looks just even worse, you know, but never works out. She's like, "Low angle, seriously, seriously." And by the way, you can find that on our Facebook page if you want to see those pictures. Oh, yeah. Facebook.com/watchwhatcraphens. I forgot who posted it. Sorry. It's over here somewhere. But thanks for doing that because that was awesome. But anyway, last week, Kristen tweeted, "You know, I really agree with Brandi on most of her points, but not all of them." And someone was like, "That's really disgusting that you're talking about a woman who's employed you." And then Lisa replied, "Yes, truly disgusting." That's funny. I just love -- I like the idea that maybe Kristen has her own little news outlet. It's like Kristen News nightly, where she sits at a little table with a piece of paper. She's like, "Today in Kristen News, Brandi said some things that I really agree with, seriously, seriously." And other news, the weather's warm. Like, "Are we ever going to get non-warm weather, seriously, seriously?" We look like I have five chance because I'm dating a 10-year-old, seriously. I like the idea of just having so much contact with waiters on Twitter. Like, you know, if you have bad service, you can just find them on Twitter and be like, "That was disgusting." They didn't need any waiter in the world. [ Laughter ] But you can talk to celebrities, but you can talk to everybody now. I mean, you can go on Yelp if someone was rude to you in a store and be like, "Just because I'm Lebanese doesn't give you the right to follow me around the store." [ Laughter ] [ Inaudible ] Well, they thought you were a shav sunset. [ Laughter ] Well, it was a donut shop, to be fair. I'm so jealous. I'm so immediately jealous. Have you been watching The People's Couch? I watched The People's Couch one time, and I thought it was super cute, but I haven't watched it since. Did you finally watch it? Yeah, I didn't watch all of it. I watched about, like, two-thirds of it about two or three weeks ago. I was like, "This week, the same time goes by so slowly." So I watched it, because People keep saying, you know what? It's actually a really funny show, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I had seen in its first run, I thought, "It's okay." I have to say, I don't love it. And again, it's not coming from a place of jealousy that we weren't selected, because, again, I would much rather not be doing it rather than, like, forking over hours of my life for just, like, $200 after a month. Who are they, man? Let's do it! Come on! You're like, "This is good." Yeah, but I will say my real issue with it is that it feels very canned. I actually, when they were casting or whatever, I went and looked at some of the episodes online from England, because that's where the show originated over in Big Britain. And it was, like, really funny, because I felt like it was natural. I felt like the people were just sitting there watching and having real reactions. Whereas, I feel like, this one, it feels sort of scripted, you know? Or if they had a funny joke, they made them say it again, or do they go over? And especially, you know, those gay guys were so nice of us on Twitter, but I don't think that they're, like, that funny. I hate to say it. Well, they were making me laugh when I saw it, but I hadn't, you know, I only saw one episode, but it was the one where they were watching House of Cards. Which I love, and they were showing a big plot point in that, which I won't say, because I know everyone watches it at different times. But, I don't know, they were making, I don't know, it made me laugh. Like, I know they're, like, very nice, and, you know, they have, like, sort of genial comments, but I don't know, it wasn't, like, it was not, it was not killing it for me. And across the board, there wasn't a huge fountain. That was too funny. Although, I will say this, I had the direct TV guy over when I was watching this, because he was repairing something, and he, like, would not do his repairs, because he kept getting sucked into the show. So, I guess people like it. Yeah, I think maybe it would be more fun if it was, you know, real. Like, if people were given the videos and they were just being recorded on their web camera or something, and so they would be real reaction videos instead of, because the way they do it is they give them clips. They don't sit there on their whole show. So, if they haven't seen the show, they're just making up reactions, you know. They're like, "Oh, is this one scene from House of Cards?" Which, if you don't know House of Cards, who cares, you know, it's not really a big deal to see something like that on TV. Right. So, some of them can't, because they're just like, make her, you know, have a reaction. They can't watch 20 shows a week, you know. No, I understand that, but there's also, again, there's still, like, there is a joy of seeing a real reaction, and that does come through on the show sometimes. You do get that, and that's when the show is funny, is when you get the genuine surprise, or, like, a genuine, genuine chortle, you know. But, you know, you get the sense that the producers egg them on to be, like, a little frenetic. They almost do, like, little skits where they're like, "Let's pretend to be so-and-so," and then they're dancing around the room all of a sudden, and it's, like, very, very, like, overly excitable. And whereas the British version, and I hate to be someone that's like, "Well, I like the British version better," because in life, I actually tend to always like the American versions of shows more than the British ones, but the British ones, it just, it feels so much more dull, like, it's so much more low-key, and that's what makes it funnier. I really recommend that people look it up on YouTube. I feel like Brandi has manipulated you into saying bad things about British people. Oh, my God, you're so right. Dun-tay! I'm like, the British version was just never there for me. I don't know, I liked it, but I haven't watched it again, so what does that tell you? It was too mothering me all the time. So, Kristen and the people's couch, and what else? I don't think there's anything else that's worth it, right? It's really unique. As we move into, let's start, I guess, with Beverly Hills? Sure, let's, why not? We've been dancing around it for the past 45 minutes. You don't need to talk too much about Beverly Hills, because let's face it, nothing new is happening on that show. We've said the same things a zillion times, so we don't have to talk about that much. But I... Okay, sorry, I'm like already like jumping a bit. Chomping a bit. Go ahead, you chomp. Chomp, chomp. I've got the chompers going. I need to chomp. The chomping is happening. Kim Richards really pissed me off this episode. She really did. I mean, she's been like really annoying this season, and even last week she was annoying. But this one, it was just, it really infuriated me, because I think there was a lot of talk about how Lisa didn't go to her thing, and yada, yada, yada. And it was so annoying to me, especially when it got to this whole thing about wanting to be friends, and she was saying how like, "Well, you know, Lisa, you would never text me. You would never do this. I don't remember you ever doing this." And Lisa said, "Well, I did text you when I heard that your son broke his arm or whatever. I did do this." And she said, "I don't remember. I don't remember that at all." Meanwhile, 10 minutes earlier, Kim proudly announces, "You know, there were two years of my life that I don't remember at all." I'm like, "Okay, two things on that point. First, I think that there are a couple of reasons, because if you notice, Kim really started breaking down at that part. Like, she wasn't just saying, "Not all," he says. She was saying, "You're a liar. That never happened." Pointing her finger and calling her a liar over and over and freaking out, like starting to freak out. So what really happened was, I googled Kim's son, and Chad Davis came up, and the article, it's like the third article down, if you really want to know what that was all about. Basically, Kim wasn't letting up on Lisa, and Lisa basically threatened on national TV to out her son by bringing her son up. So that was the first truly-county thing that Lisa has been caught doing in my eyes. I mean, she's been caught doing a lot of shady shit. But this week, she really whipped it out. But I don't know if they worked her down or what. But here's the deal. So over the summer, it was all over the gossip rags that one of the children, and they would not name the child, which I think that's funny, that all these housewives, gossip rags suddenly have morals. Like, "Oh, let's protect the children." Especially when none of them are really children. But anyway, there were news reports that one of Kim's children was found wandering around the streets naked, mumbling, you know, like, talking to himself and mumbling, emerald or something. We all assumed it was one of the girls, but apparently it was Chad, because it happened over the summer. And Lisa was saying, "Well, you know, I heard he broke his arm, but then I found out it was something else." There's just what Lisa said. So Lisa was basically saying, "Listen, bitch, when your son was walking around the street mumbling on bath salts or whatever the fuck was going on, I, you know, I called you and supported you. Now you pretended like I wasn't even there." And Kim was freaking out because, A, of course it's Kim. And of course you would call and support her because she deserves it. She's entitled. But the fact that Lisa almost brought that up, Kim almost fucking lost it. And then immediately started backtracking and saying how much she loved Lisa. So I thought that was a pretty hilarious... By the way, I actually don't think that was, like, very cunty of Lisa. You know why? Because it was her way of letting Kim know, like, remember when this really shitty thing happened and I was there for you? But she wasn't actually saying it. And it was so... The way she actually said it was so under the radar, like I didn't even think, like, "Oh, there's something there. There's something there." I was like, "Oh, the kid broke his arm." Or there was a confusion. Well, yeah, but that was a big thing. She did it in a way that was like... Because that is doing stuff like that in a real thing. But that's not shady to do that. Like, if you're in a situation, if you're in a public place and someone, and you need to, like, remind someone of something, but you don't want to, like, say what it is, like, there's a... you sort of can be, like, evasive about it, et cetera. And that's what Lisa was doing. She wasn't... I don't think that was a threat to be like, "I'm going to out you." And it was more like, "Uh, excuse me. Remember when that thing happened to your son, the thing I'm not going to talk about?" You know? But she didn't say, "Remember when that thing happened on your son, but I'm not going to say what it is on National TV?" That would have been bad. That's, like, the fake, like, fake modesty. Um, well, I think she was being totally shady. I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree, because that was the first time I was like, "Oh, wow, Lisa!" Now, that said, I still was rooting for her, because I was like, "Finally, she's going to stand up to these bitches." It's like, "You want to play bitches?" Like, I kind of like that aspect of it, but yeah. But that being said also, just to get back to Kim's awfulness on this episode, was that she once again was doing that thing that we've been complaining about all season long, and maybe even last season, too, that she has... She is really, like, running afoul of the rule that she's supposed to apologize, and that it's, like, you know, she called out Lisa on this episode, uh, because she was like, "You know, like, you were always, like, whatever went to Paris, whatever, you were always saying, "Oh, where's Kim?" Or, "We're going to miss the book because of Kim." Which is your way of pointing out that I was drunk or I wasn't there, and that's, like, not nice. But it's like, "You know what, Kim? No, no. You don't get to be mad at Lisa for that." You have to apologize, Lisa, because Lisa was reacting to the version that she knew of you, of you being drunk all the time, and, you know what, like, you actually pushed Lisa to that place as you pushed many other people to that place. That's why you're supposed to apologize if you follow the 12-step treatment. Well, not only that, you know, she's going after her when everybody asked where Kim was. You know why, 'cause when someone says they're going to be somewhere and they're not there, it's natural to say, "Where are they?" You don't assume they're drunk in a ditch somewhere. That would have been more effective, you know? I mean, look, someone made a comment to me that was extremely on the money this week. They were like, "Your humor, you know, you go from me to horrible, and you just cross the line making fun of Kim and her disease, and you've talked about your own mother on the podcast, and that is cringe-worthy." And, look, that's so true. It really is true. It really is a gross part of my personality, where I maybe go a little too hard on people that could use a little more understanding in their lives. I do get that. And I do get that Kim's issues probably hit a little bit too close to home to me because of my own family issues and stuff that I have dealt with. So I'm going to publicly admit that, and publicly admit if my mother ever does hear about any of this. Sorry, Mom. Okay? So there's that. But the reason it does hit close to home for me is because I know this story. I've heard it a million times. I've heard these excuses. I've heard people who use their disease to fuck everybody else in their life over, over and over again. And it's like you're sober for one week, and everybody has to buy you a fucking cake and throw you a parade. And no, it's not about celebrating you, bitch. It's about, like, you should be lucky that everybody's taking you back and being nice to you. You should be in making an effort. Instead of acting like you're on some fucking throne somewhere because you've refrained from having a drink. Yeah. I mean, like, you know what? If you can get sober, you should be applauded. I think you deserve the metaphorical pat on the back in a big way. Like, that should be really celebrated. But at the same time, it doesn't mean that you're entitled to a whole bunch of behavior, too. Like, you know, I think we talked about this a few weeks ago. You had, like, a certain rant about along these lines. But, like, there's this whole thing about, I think, when you are an addict, you become very selfish. And it's not saying that you are selfish. Like, it's like the addiction causes you to be selfish. You know, when you are drunk all the time, you are not thinking about other people's time. Necessarily, you're not thinking about this or that. You're really only thinking about yourself. You might not be able to control that. I'm not saying it's like, oh, fuck you, because you're selfish. But that's one thing that happens. And that's why it's like, that's why it's... Kim needs to be in a place where she has to understand why Lisa would be making those petty little remarks. Yeah, maybe they were, like, obnoxious. But you have to remember, like, you know... Lisa is still entitled to be like, oh my God, I've been waiting for this woman for hours. You know, like, at least all of a sudden it's supposed to be like, oh, never mind then, she has an addiction. Like, that's not the way it works. You're supposed to apologize. This is at least it didn't even make... She didn't care. Lisa never brought it. Lisa didn't care. First of all... I know she made little jokes. I think when they went to Hawaii, you know, like, remember Kim took so long in Hawaii? Like, there were definitely little jokes. But at the same time, Kim should be like, well, I get it now. There were a room to put her on camera even though they knew she was wasted. Like, that's the thing. It's like, well, I get that that may be seen as conti. But, you know, how about signing up for a reality show and then hiding in your room doing drugs instead of being on camera, like you're supposed to, because your sister got you a job. Like, that's shittier. I'm just saying, in this situation, it wasn't Lisa attacking her saying, oh, you know, you should have been here. You should have been that. When Kim started going off and being like, well, excuse me for missing a couple of parties. Like, Lisa wasn't saying anything about that. She was explaining her own, her own thing, you know? It's like, she's yelling at nothing. She doesn't even know what she's doing. She's yelling at screaming because she's talked to her sister and these other women and she's gotten herself. And, you know, we've seen Kim getting mad at Lisa for ages like ever since the beginning because Lisa's intelligent. She makes little comments and Kim has no sense of humor. Yeah. Even though Kim acts all goofy and crazy and we all loved him. At least I loved him until this season. Yeah. Now I'm realizing it was probably because she was drunk. Like, she was acting wacky on camera and saying crazy kooky things because she was drinking all the time. Yeah. She's just trying to keep that up because that's her persona. Like, last week when Kyle was saying, I don't actually remember her ever being like this before. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. But you know that the other thing is it's incredibly disrespectful for Kim to say. So I missed a few parties. Like, so what? Like, well, one of those parties was actually a wedding. You know, that's not like just a something. You know? And to go back to the whole like RSVP gate about the graduation party, I really, you know, the way it goes I think in life is that if you say you can't, if you decline, you decline and you're under no obligation to go once you say decline. So even though Lisa had come back early and went to serve, whatever her motivations, whatever her reasons, she already said no and she already sent a gift. And I think that's, I think that's fine. I think as we all know, people who live in Los Angeles, at least when you have flown across the country or even halfway across the country, you get to LA and you land. Sometimes you just want to get to go to dinner and you don't want to go to a party off in like, you know, wherever Kim is. The vow. Yeah. That's like, that's like a pain. Yeah. And also Lisa had just been spending three days marching with children with cancer. So I think that kind of trumps your disease. Stupid. And anyway, half your family wasn't even there. Get over it. I don't know. She's just, she went from being a fun girl to just being a total bitch. I don't get her. Yeah. I've seen it from the very beginning of the season. And they showed the clip, you know, where she's like pulling her underwear out of her, you know, meat factory here with her. And Lisa's like, we don't need to see that darling. And closes the door and she has, she has a fit. Lisa, it's a mess out. Yeah. Accidental. But ever since she learned that word, she's used it like once an episode. Big mistake. Causing the door on me. I'm like, no, it was not a big mistake. It was a sanitary move. One of my favorite moments of this episode was Andy saying, well, Lisa, you know, do you feel like you've been dismissive of Kim? And she's like, you know what, maybe I just don't get her. You know, maybe I just don't get Kim. Like, I don't understand what she's talking about turtles. And then Kim goes, Kim goes, when have you ever heard me talk about a turtle in the show by talking about turtles? Like, I was the first thing you said. You know, she's just dumb. She's just dumb and forgetful. By the way, what did you think about the Carlton and Kyle friction? Oh, no, no, no. It's just so funny. I mean, that's not so stupid. Carlton was trying so hard to make a storyline for herself. And it just didn't work. And you've got two morons calling each other big it and anti-Semite. And it's like, shut up. You don't, you people do not know it. There you go again. Labeling. You're labeling. That's what you do. You label. You label. Yeah. Well, how many times have you called her a bitch? That's also labeling. I would hate to see her at, like, Kim goes or something like that. She's like, oh, look, there's that machine labeling again. That's what that machine does. It labels. Oh, Visa Doritos. Well, I'm glad you labeled them so that I could know you poor little darlings. You should be able to live a life as whatever you'd like to be. You could be a potato chip. You could be salsa if you don't want it. But now you're stuffing Doritos. Because Lais is labeled you. I can't believe that when I asked to find the size of this show, you told me to read the label. Don't you know, I hate labels. How could you label this shirt? How could you do it? And then it just takes one of those kids to drink rat poison for her to change her damn mind. Where's the labeling? Where's the labeling? By the way, I loved her, like, very serious discussion of how she did the black magics as a child. It's a very dark time for me. And so subsequently it was dark magic. It's like, shut up, girls. I started rolling back in my head. I don't need anybody explaining their religion. Nobody. Bobbi? Bobbi? She is kind of silly, I will say. It was fun. I did enjoy watching Kyle and Carlton go after it. I mean, Carlton had one sliver of a point that she could have made, which is what she should have made all along, which is that I wasn't offended that you said it was Jewish star. I just think that you're rude. You're just rude all the time. Now, that's a good point, because Kyle is rude all the time. And so is her sister. But Carlton waited, like, all season long to just articulate that very simple fact. Well, if anybody ever goes on the housewives and you need reasons to get Kyle, I'll give you some good ones. Come over. I'll give you a good game plan. I'll get you all set up. I should have a consulting firm for these women. They really need some help. They really do. First lesson for Kyle is bring your bitch mode back because when she was going after Carlton, it was like, yes, this is the best. No one fucking cares about you and shut the fuck up. Yeah. Well, that's Kyle. That's Kyle. Trash. I love it. Yeah, labeling. Now, the other thing was there was a lot of Joyce and Brandy stuff going on, which was it was like silly, it was like watching two Chihuahuas, but except there were ladies. Hold on one second. Remember what you're going to say because I have to interject. There was a point in that Carlton fight that I wanted. Okay, so there's some stuff happening on Twitter this week where Camille, and this is posted on our Facebook said, thanks guys. Camille was saying somewhere on Twitter on Twitter verse that she was never really friends with Alison and Kelsey made her invite her to that dinner to put her on TV because she, you know, he wanted a plug for medium or whatever. Yeah, and but Alison Dubois really friends with Carlton and her husband, and they have a picture together at the Abbey and Carlton has said, yes, I would consider her a friend. So who knows? Maybe they're going to bring a little alley back for a good dinner or two. That would be that would be amazing. Oh my God. If she could, if she came back, I think that's what everyone's been waiting for. I don't know. I know that she said that at one in one interview that she would never do the job again, but come on now. Yeah, that was pretty, that was pretty great. We've all seen the future on that one. Alison Dubois and it loves some paychecks. Okay. So you wanted to talk about Brandy and Joyce and you'll see. Yeah, you know, here's the thing. I continue to. I don't love Joyce by any means. She says stupid things and ridiculous things all the time. You know, like she's talking about how she understands what's like to have paparazzi attention because she was in a show called Siberia. Okay. So that is hilarious. That being said, Brandy is making me team Joyce because Brandy as silly as Joyce is Brandy is 10 times worse and Brandy is like really mean. And I have to say, I agreed with Joyce when she said stopping the victim. It's true. Cause that's all that Brandy does. She lashes out and then she acts like the victim. Well, yes, that, you know, and that was this whole thing. Every time somebody does something wrong on this show, they've got some horrible victim complex. You know, Kim's got her. I blame yourself in my life. Victimhood. And then you've got Brandy, who really is a functioning drunk at the moment. Yeah. Drunk. And her thing, her excuse after being completely rigged across the coals all season on Twitter and the entire internet, basically, she's trying to come back. So instead of actually being nice, she still acts like a total C word. But then she comes up with a disease, a disease called depression. And she says, you know, that's what she did. Come on, really. So all of this stuff, which you haven't apologized for and still say that you're right about was caused by depression, but you're still not wrong. The depressions of disease, which is it? You know, who knows how to stick to it? She's a drunk. That's her disease. She's going to say it till the end of time, even, even if she has a fucking martini in her hand and a meth pipe hanging out of her mouth, she will, she will be consistent. But Brandy, I mean, you can't say everything was caused by depression, because it's a disease that's ruining your life, but you don't regret anything and you don't apologize for anything. Yeah, exactly. That's, that's exactly correct. I mean, I'm depressed. You see me like going into the mail, you know, the post office and telling people off because there's a long line. Yes. Yes, you do. But it's not because I'm depressed because I'm an asshole. You know, Brandy, the thing that's really killing me is that Brandy said something or had some line of logic that was so flawed, so beyond that, I mean, that's what I was thinking. I mean, that's what I was thinking about. I mean, that's what I was thinking about. I mean, that's what I was thinking about. I mean, that's what I was thinking about. I mean, that's what I was thinking about. I mean, that's what I was thinking about. I mean, that's what I was thinking about. I mean, that's what I was thinking about. 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That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. That's what I was thinking about. Reconnecting with people in your life is so important and sending a holiday card is a meaningful way to do that. But it can be hard to know where to start. Shutterfly makes it so easy to share a custom card that's perfectly you. Shutterfly has a style for everyone. Find a card that reflects your vibe. No professional photos. No worries. Shutterfly multi-photo designs are great for candid photos, travel photos, or even school photos. I love the Shutterfly card feature because I'm so lazy about going to a store and getting a card for people. And so this way I can just be on my phone. I can take a photo. I can upload it to Shutterfly. I can make the card right there and send it off without having to leave my home or wherever I am. I've been making really funny ones. I mean, I'm the new Maxine. Find the perfect holiday card for you at Shutterfly.com and start customizing today. Enjoy 40% off your Shutterfly order with promo code Crap and Sporty and send something meaningful this year. Get free shipping on qualified orders. See site for more details. Finally, she finishes whatever she was doing and asks me to help her carry a large suitcase the second floor of her mansion. And we drop it off in the hall next to a director's chair that says "Real Housewives of New York." She futs us around as she talks, total stream of consciousness at all times with her. It's hard to tell when she's talking to me directly, if she's talking to me, someone else, or just thinking out loud. She leads me into her bedroom and a joining office where two other interns are working. One is at her desk, arranging for something to be delivered that was late. The other is putting together a photo book on her website, I think. Sydney asked me to cover as she talks to the intern who is wearing expensive six-inch suede red heels, matching lipstick scarf, and maybe about 20 years old. And it strikes her to choose photos with action, telling a story with a melange of pictures, some red carpet, some action shots, some randoms. She then is futsing around a room looking for items and talking into the air. I'm still not sure who she's talking to. Her room is ornate, lots of wood, floral, red, gold, cream, as you see on the show. All lovely furniture, all lovely furniture, expensive. She has a lovely red armor with gold peacocks painted on, but the handles have scraped the wood terribly. The room is cozy but shabby. There are two wall chandelier type things in the bedroom that look out of place and dated from the 80s and could be easily straightened. But instead she'd look a mess. I'm sorry, she could be easily straightened but instead just look a mess. The bed is impeccably made, she finds my resume which looks like it has been through the room and puts it together with a folder, grabs the post, and tries on four different pairs of sunglasses. And then finally takes me up to the next floor so we can have our interview on the terrace outside her daughter's room. There's still more, are you still listening, are you still on board? This earth sounds as crazy as a beba. I know, so when we get to her daughter's room she asks me if I could carry a large cushion that is for the patio lounge chair outside so I could sit on it. So I'd like this huge cushion onto the terrace and throw it on the chair and sit back. So we are sitting up on the terrace, it's a beautiful sunny day. She is on her phone half the time arranging all these events, talking about her charities, about her divorce settlement, lawsuits, with the LA production company about the show. And her plans for the season. She remembers she needs to send her urine to the doctor, Ek, and texts her assistant to do it for her on the way to wherever OMG. She is in and out of her conversation simultaneously sending emails on the phone and taking breaks to get the son to relax. She says she can't believe Heather said she doesn't know hard work. I say that Heather just had a different perception of work and that just because you're not clocking at the office doesn't mean you aren't working. Sonia likes that. Anyway, it's hard to say everything that went on. It's so bizarre. I wish I could tell you guys in person, but basically I told her my strengths and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. So we basically just saw all of that in action in this episode. Oh yeah, here's a PS, PS. She doesn't even really want to put out a toaster. She said she was talking to someone about actually putting it into production, but that the show made it seem like it's more of a thing than it was. She just wants to party and be fabulous and be a philanthropist. Problem is that she seems to be broke. Also her new thing will be a diamond jewelry line with some department store and maybe Prosecco. I'm sorry if that was too long. That was just. No, that's funny and that's good insight into her crazy ass life. I mean, she does seem like a fucking loony tomb and I love that we're actually getting to see all the interns and that interviewing the new intern was hilarious when the interview was over and she's like, Well, I'm scared, but I'll try. Sonya is a freaking not kite. What is she doing being friends with Aviva? Is that just some setup? I'm confused. I don't think Sony even realizes who she's talking to half the time. I think she just sort of sees. I think everyone looks like a little cloud and Super Mario Brothers that the guy throws spiky balls down from. Yeah, she's. She thinks it's a locker too. It's a fucking nutcase. So did you watch, watch what happens last night? Um, no, but Bethany was on right Bethany and Ramona were on. I did not watch it because I gave up cables. Sorry everybody, but I tried finding it online and of course they don't put it anywhere online because Bravo is dickish. So I watched some of the after show stuff, which they put those clips on. Um, and it was funny. He said, so do you guys have any regrets from the past, you know, from your years on the show, like anything you wouldn't have done. And Ramona is like, I regret that Jill's Erin is a liar and that she made that made things up and that she told people lies because liars are liars and I don't like liars. I like people who are the truth and I like people who tell the who tell the truth about themselves and who will come on camera and be themselves and not our liars like Jill's Erin. And it's like, okay, Bethany, do you have any regrets and she's like, no. Oh, what else it was mostly for me. It was just a showcase of how crazy Ramona really is. I mean, we see her on the show, but when she's out of context talking about herself, like she's on the actor studio. Inside the actor studio really cracks me up. It's like Ramona, you didn't learn any lines to do this like you didn't have to go to school to learn to be a housewives like get over yourself. She's like, well, you know, sometimes with the new girls, it's really hard and I have to give them advice. And I'm like the mother of the group and I like help everybody. And you know, I'm like their mentor and like the group, like the housewives guru, because no one, you know, they don't really know how to do it. And you have to like really be yourself on the show, and you really have to put your real life into it and be yourself. And so like I like to mother everybody on the show. Yes. She likes to mother everyone on the show. Like she's inspiring everybody to do their best housewives. She's like the Nelson Mandela of Real Housewives. She's like, well, you know, last season, nobody really knew each other. And so they couldn't really do anything on the show because, you know, no, it was so awkward. But this year we decided to work as a team. And so we're working really good together as a team. What is that conversation? We're like, hey, well, let's just ruin each other's reputations and rip each other's lives apart and make each other. Great. Okay. We will this teamwork. Let's just all do it together. By the way, I really enjoyed how your, your alone impersonation was starting to veer into. Oh, well, you know, Peter, Peter, always say how to mother people, you know, it was. I don't know how that's varying in there, except that she lives her life in front of the cameras. Very honestly, like. So I, not wait. We're alike. But otherwise, I think you're crazy. You know what that is? That's Day Class A. I'm sorry. That's just what it is. It's Day Class A. Sorry. I'm down. Are there any trouble here? So I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry. So let's move on to what do you want to go next? Southern Charm or Atlanta? I'm good for either. Let's talk about Southern Charm. Why not? I continue to enjoy the show quite a bit. Are you? I don't know exactly why I'm watching it. And mostly because people on our Facebook are telling us it's so good. And I don't know. I don't, I don't know. I'm kind of, I'm perplexed with this show. I'm perplexed whether or not I like it. I did play Candy Crush the whole time, which is not fun. But it's just watching men act like fucking idiots instead of one. So that's a nice change. Here are some reasons why I like it. Aside from the old money thing, which I've talked to to death, it's weird that I like a show so much that doesn't seem to have any sort of cat fighting. So that's strange. I enjoy watching Thomas Ravenel. I think he's funny. I feel like his political career is going nowhere, but I enjoy that he holds that hope while still doing ridiculous things. I like that he's boning a 21 year old girl who looks like Parker Posey playing Amy Adams. I like that. I also, I continue to love Whitney's mother, who is the funniest. What was she saying this week? I don't know. She was just trying. She just took him to some charity function, just being generally waspy. Why would you open a restaurant? It's so pedestrian and banal. Say, here's my son, the filmmaker, rather than. Here's my son, the Mater D. I did not send my son to Oxford to be a Mater D. I love this one. By the way, I really do feel like every single episode, I really believe more and more that Whitney is gay. Yeah, I don't care really. I would hope that a gay person would know better than to wear a balding wig. I just, I don't know. It's not my place to say. It really isn't, but I've said it. So there. Yeah, I don't really care about who's gay because I figure everybody is so weird now with Internet porn. I don't even think anybody's gay or straight. I think they're just like Internet. I think everyone's just Internet. And that's their sexuality Internet. I remember what else happened on this episode, actually. There was a pregnancy scare with T-Rav and Catherine, but. Shep. Well, the news about them. Oh, I'm sorry. You were breaking up. Oh, I know. Just that shep. The girl that shep is interested in has a boyfriend. They've left the same girl, basically, on the show. All the guys have also looked at the same girls and they just kind of passed these children around. They're all super young. And I think that's the part that's creepy. It's like, what is this 50 something year old man doing with this 21 year old girl, you know, sleeping without a condom. And then she's like, but I think I love you. By the way, when she went to her grandmother who grandma, her grandma's like old school. So she's like, Oh, hey girl, you know, and then she's like, I think I might be pregnant. She's like, Oh, oh, oh, just like looked like a frightened owl. And she's like, well, how old is he 50? Well, that's a good age. I like them older. I was like, Oh, whoa, that's older than her. How much can you date anyway? You're like 80. She, I was going to say she's dating Abraham Lincoln, but that probably would never happen. So her date is going to be like, introed by Al Roker, it's like congratulations. It's your 110. Our date is sponsor bus muckas. Smuckas. I was going to say, you know that me, my hat, like if you open her fridge, it would be all things that she's pickled herself like. Pickled cucumbers and some pickled apples, like some jam, some jelly, some got some pickled pickles too. They start out as corner shows and now pickled them into deals. It's a pickled quarter shot. Got some pickled corn on the cob. Oh, yeah. Okay. So another thing, Whitney kind of confronted the punk girl, like the fake punk girl with. Oh, yeah. He was so sly. He was like, he's like, yeah, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for my assistant asking probing questions about your money. But, you know, I will say though, people do have questions. So if you want to clear the air, like now would be a good chance, but I'm so sorry for my assistant. I'm like, you little nosy bastard. But he did get her to admit that her money is coming from her rich boyfriend who looks like Ben Kingsley. Yeah. She's like, I don't see age. I don't see age. Yeah, you know what you see? You see like balls the size of a bowling ball bag in your face. I like that you take it from just not just a bowling ball, but a bowling ball bag. Give it an extra, extra level, but actually makes sense because like the testicles will be the balls and the bag will be the ball sack. Yeah, all over your face like don't tell me you don't see. Okay, look, even if you don't see age, you smell it in bed at night. You smell it when it's silently farting. You know that smell that like that over perfumey old people. Yes, I'm quite aware. Kind of got it because I use the odorant is my old person, poor person smell. So I smell like suave cucumber. What is that cucumber and something not cucumber and raisin I'm still thinking about damn me and all. I got pickled raisins. Yes, that's my old person smell. But yeah, you may not see the old person, but you smell it in bed. So shut up lady you're in it for the money and I don't blame you because you have a gorgeous house in Charleston. Keep fucking old people is working for you. Even old people don't like me. I have the same haircut as that girl. You may not know this, but when I wake up in the morning, I have the exact same haircut because my hair is like, it's like short on the sides but then long on top and part to the side. The morning would wake up. It's not part of the side. It's going in every direction and it looks exactly like Jenna's hair. Yeah, I can see that. You actually do have her haircut. I'm going to take a picture of it next time and I'll do it side by side. Well, I love that she's like, well, I mean, I just, I'm not with him for his money. He just happens to have money. It's not always the case. I'm in it with him because I do investments. I like investments and he likes investments too. That's all. Older because they're short term investments. They have to be nice to them for about 15 to 20 and then they're gone and you have everything. Yeah, I'm not really sure about that girl, but so far the only girl you can really respect on this show is Cameron because she like works and stuff. She's good. She's hilarious too. Her commentary is good. I love Cameron. I grew up with so many rich assholes who still have to do nothing with their lives that I don't know. I'm not so into it. I'm 20 year old stating old people. You know what? I know maybe that's how Charleston is because there's more men I guess than there are women. But guess what? There's other cities. Move there that aren't built on slavery. Okay. By the way, I have a complaint about the show. This is a classic Ben Mandelker nitpick. Okay. The opening credits. It has this little ditty. It's like do doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. It's like whatever it's fine. And then when the credits are done, the music just fades out and the credits are still up. And it's like very awkward. Have you noticed that? No. But now that you're mentioning it, I do like that song. It's like brr brr brr. He's immature. It's like he's a man. I'm a lady going out dancing doo doo doo. And then it's like the music just sort of fades out and feels very strange. And I wonder if anyone else notices that and it bugs other people too. Anyway, I'm like Sonia Morgan right now rambling into thin air. This is one of those shows that I mean, I'm actually back at Candy Crush. I've re downloaded it if you can't tell. But that's how I'm judging shows like how much I look up from the Candy Crush. The only thing I watched all the way through this week was Atlanta and Beverly Hills and the other ones I kind of can be crushed my way through it. So when we talk about Atlanta then since it had your full attention, we got gossip on our page from Cindy C and actually somebody else talking about how she may not be pregnant. By the end of this episode, we find out that the 21 year old is not pregnant, but she actually is expecting right now. And she's with Thomas and she's having his baby like this week. Oh, she also has a mugshot that someone put on her Facebook page, which was cool. So there's that. That totally working out for both of them. So good for them T-rav is on the move. Here comes the political career. Here comes the presidency. I actually, I think people should vote for him because you know it'd be a hilarious, hilarious time in office. Yeah, why not? You know, we put Billy in there. I think Bill Clinton really opened the doors for just sexual debauchery. And I don't think the other president sent him have really taken advantage of that. No, they have not. And the truth is that there are so many sheisty politicians out there that do things way worse than snorting some cocaine or maybe using taxpayer money for it. Or drug worse. Yeah, I forgive. I forgive you, Thomas. T-rav, you're a good man. So let us discuss Real Housewives of Atlanta. Okay. The trip to Mexico continues on. I have to hand it to the Real Housewives of Atlanta. They have brought it all year long. They had a good season. It is one of their best seasons yet. And the fights don't seem fake. They seem like they're coming. Like everyone really is pissed off at each other all the time. Yeah. They're all loud mouths. Nobody is shy. And even the husbands are in it, which is just hysterical. And everyone on that show, all the husbands are so shady. They're all using their women for money. And they're all going to probably be in jail at some point. Yeah, exactly. I think it's so funny because the show also really plays by these rules, these very old-fashioned rules of like, "Man, I want to talk about men's stuff and women only talk about women's stuff." And you know, "Man, don't talk about my woman. Don't talk to that woman." Whatever it's like, it's very, very like, "Oh, these are like..." It's very played by the old rules of gender roles, et cetera, et cetera. And on the one hand, I'm actually a little conflicted because on the one hand, I will be someone who will say, "You know, a man should never talk to a woman that way. That's totally rude. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Which is the same thing. But then at the other time, when I see someone being like, "That's a man discussion. Are you a man or are you a woman?" I'm like, "Shut up. That's like so old-fashioned. Like, that's terrible. You shouldn't be talking like that." You know? What can I say? I'm just a walking ball of contradictions. I think there's a difference. When it's like Beverly Hills, when Yours' husband kind of stuck up for his wife or whatever, he wasn't getting in anyone's face, you know? Or like when Ken did it. He wasn't really up in anybody's face necessarily. Like, they were kind of okay about it. But when Peter does it in a way, first of all, he's drunk. He's a bleary eyed. He's always bloodshot, doing drugs and drunk. Okay. So that's pretty obvious from being on the couch. I mean, imagine if you could smell the guy. So he's right in front of your face. And he's like, "No, no. Listen here. This is what I'm trying to say. This is what's like that kind of just kind of, you don't know what he's going to do. And it is kind of threatening having his ass in your face. And he is always, and he's always starting shit amongst the women, you know? He really is. Now, this is where apartheid conflicted because on the one hand, I do want to say like, you know what? He loves gossiping. He loves being like a lady. Which I think the reason why that bothers me is more because he is the first one to make all these pompous statements about like, men, you know, like men got handled with the men way. We got to do things with men. We got to stay together. We don't get involved. Women's affairs. Women just natter away. Like, no, Peter, you natter away. You get involved. And I love that by the end of the episode. All the women were calling him like basically a bitch and saying that he's like a woman and they call him Patricia now. Like, I love that because you know that pisses him off. Yeah, and you're not only nattering gossiping with the women, you're living off a woman's salary who's doing this for a living. While you're following everything and spending all of her money and like not able to make anything on your own. And you've been divorced like 20 times and you have like 30 children. Shut up. Yeah, I mean, you just have to point to the whole Cordell Stewart thing. When he went and visited Cordell, that was truly him getting involved in the ladies' issues. I mean, that was above and beyond, you know, than what he normally does. To be honest, you know, one of the big fights in this episode was that Greg was not like that Peter sounded off on Nini about that charity situation a few weeks ago. I have to say, to be honest, that I didn't think Peter was that bad in that situation. I thought he was just telling Nini like, you know, I think it's, I think what you're doing is like not right. You know, I thought he was, he was, I don't think he was really up in her. He was like standing next to her, but I didn't think he was like up in her face in the classic style. After her and been been like, Nini, this isn't the place for that. That's ridiculous. You know, if he'd done that, then that would have been one thing. But she was the one who came up to him and was getting like lumbering in his face. I mean, that woman is like a green giant and she's like your face. You know, of course he's going to get a little defensive and he stayed pretty calm. Yeah, I listen, I hate Peter and I'm actually on his side on that situation. Well, it's really hard to be on Nini side and anything because Nini is a horrible human being. She is. She really is. It's really hard to root for Nini in anything. It's like, oh, you got to sit calm. Hope it gets canceled. You got on dancing with the stars. Hope you break something like there. No one I don't think has any goodwill towards me. I think the fun in watching Nini is hoping that someone finally takes the baseball bat to her. Yeah. Well, that'll be more low. But, you know, I have to say with Peter, because Peter is obviously one of the dumbest house husbands that there is out there. And he, to me, it was like, it was all, it all came together in this one moment, this episode, when they were on the beach and Kenya was doing an impersonation of Nini, I think. And she's like, she starts strutting around and just like this one little moment. Peter just goes, hey, you're funny. Did you catch that when he said that? Yeah, I forgot about it till right now. I like, I wanted to record it, but the, it wasn't like clear enough. It wouldn't have recorded properly, like, audio, but he's just like, hey, you're funny. It's really funny on this show. She is really so funny. And that's why she can get away with anything. I mean, her whole life. Listen, I got a 99 problems, but a dick ain't one. Yeah. Kenya's killing it this season. Last season, she was like crazy and hateable. And this season, she's not necessarily likable, but she's been so slick. She knows that she's like, well, I want to make, I want to like win this once. I'm be nicer than Nini. Let Nini be the one that people hate. And it's working. She's really good at manipulation. I mean, she's the first person, you know, I've said it before, but she's the first person who's ever got Nini, you know, looking like an idiot without even knowing why, you know. She's really got, she's really manipulated Nini into a corner and it is awesome. And I mean, she's broken her where she's made her, is surveying Kim of both broken her, but it's not hard to make Nini mad. But it is hard to like get her to look like a total fool without even understanding what just happens, you know. Yeah. Well, more importantly, to get the audience to turn against you. Yeah. Yeah, that's the Kenya. I mean, she's doing a great job. I think it was Nini's horrible. And she has been for the past few years. Her ego is so out of control. What is her new thing? Oh, Stanton with the stars already said it. Oh, celebrity apprentice, Brandy is going to be on. And who else? Kenya. Oh, Lord Kenya. Okay. That's what I'm thinking of it because we're talking about Kenya, my brain. So the other thing I was going to say is so Kenya decided to do a, like a redo of couples night, which is hilarious. And she's like, she's like, okay, everyone, like this time the questions are not going to be bringing the drama. They're just like nice questions. It's like the plot. The first question was like, what's something that annoys you about other people here in this room? It's like, who do you hate and why? If you could have sex with anybody's husband right here right now, who would it be? And then actually, so then Nini at one point, she's like, well, talk. Or she's like, Candy, you said this or that, whatever. I forget what it was that she had to play with Candy. Oh, go about the menopause thing, right? Oh, Nini went straight for Fadra and was like, I don't like Fadra. I'm, no, not Fadra. Oh, it was Candy. She said, cause Candy made a comment about like menopause. She started, oh, she's ignorance. You're right. That's right. Sorry with Portia. Ignorant. And I don't like that comment you made about whatever it was. I don't even remember. It's like Nini, if you just let Nini go, she'll just tell everybody off. And then she moved to Todd and... And by the way, when she says ignorance, I'm like, oh, she's going to grill Portia for thinking that the Underground Railroad was a real railroad. No, no, no. She's going to grill her about something really small and stupid instead. Yeah. And aren't you the one who keeps calling people queen as a criticism? I'm like, let's not be throwing the ignorant guy. And I have to say actually that... I mean, I guess Portia said it was sort of ignorance. But I would not have used ignorance in that way. I would have said, I don't like people who generalize. Well, she's saying I forgot what Portia was accused of saying. She's like, well, my idea lover would be like, I like it wild, because I don't like an old guy who's going to be like slow. And then everyone's like, well, of course Nini got really defensive because Greg is like 105 years old. And so Nini's like, we keep it freaky, whatever. I like all this dialogue. I'm just like creating for these women. That was never sad. I was like, we keep it freaky, ciao. So then she goes after... Sip, the stripper stole some man who had multiple children from his wife. I mean, that's not something to make fun of. That's ignorant. Shut up, Nini. So then she goes on to Candy because Candy made something about... made a comment about like, oh, you're still getting your period. And then Nini is somehow back-qualifies his ignorance. And she's like, I still have my flow. Thank you very much. Nini, you're a lunatic right now. But then what I liked was that Todd made a very reasonable statement where he said, you know, sometimes it's about delivery. You know, sometimes if someone says something nicely, you'll have a better or whatever. Like sometimes if you talk down to someone, people are not going to respond as well. That was essentially what he's trying to say. And he's like, well, it's not my fault. If you can't interpret me correctly, like, no, that's exactly your fault. It's not up to the audience. You're supposed to deliver your message to the audience and interpret it correctly. You're not supposed to leave it up. You're not like e-commings leaving your words up for interpretation. Yeah. This isn't poetry, bitch. It's a housewife. Yeah. And that by the way was my way of making something a little high-flooded in this low-down dirty episode. Turn this into a literary show. Thank you. Well, I'm just like, I'm right so well. You know, I heard e-commings had a ghost writer. Oh my God, do you have experiences of writer? All you do is write letters in strange ways. That doesn't make you a poet. So then everybody starts going off on everybody. Where did this even lead? I don't remember. Didn't it somehow lead into Phaedra? Well, because then what happened was the men and the women separated. The men went up to their room to do whatever. And then it was like, Kenny was like, I just want to leave everything in Mexico. So Chiu basically was like, so Phaedra, let's talk about the elephant in the room, Phaedra, which was a really funny double entendre. Elephant in the room, Phaedra. Yeah. So then Phaedra basically just comes out so young. She's like, Kenny, I'm more whore. Get off my man, basically. And you're poor whore. She had like, she had all sorts of different variations. Poor whore, more whore, more poor. But what? And then they started to fight, right? Yeah. And then they started doing this thing like, you will never understand because you're not married. Which was kind of patronizing, I thought. Yeah. But then they just yelled. Well, the best part in all this was watching that marriage just get worse and worse because it's horrible. And supposedly the only reason they're married is because he's one of her henchmen and they can't testify against each other. Right. So it's really funny watching her keep that personality in check and not going Godfather on his ass because you know that that's what she's about to do. And you know when they're private, she beats him. Like there's, like, because she is just seething and he knows that she's not, he's like a little kid. He's like, you can't beat me in the grocery store. So I'm going to throw things on the ground. You know? He's like, he didn't open the laughter in your life. He didn't open the laughter. Yeah. Come on, are you so mad, baby? Come on, baby. Why are you so mad at me, baby? Come on, baby. Let's go to the coffins, which are kids that are on the ground. So see what, well, first she sees them with Kenya or whatever and goes off storms off to her room and doesn't have a key. So he's like, what are you doing, baby? And she's like, I don't have a key to get in. She talks so slow. She's like, I don't have a key to get in the room. And he's like, well, go get one. Yeah, real real shiver risk. He not only leaves her sitting there, the mother of his children, he not only leaves her sitting there, he doesn't get her a key. And at first refuses to even call somebody to get her a key. Yeah. What the hell? And, you know, Apollo, I hope you can hear this because this is why you're going to prison. Uh, Phaedra never would have turned you in had you acted like a decent husband, but Phaedra has all the evidence in your name and everybody knows it. And the second you misbehaved, she's going to have your ass getting slammed in the slammer. Bye. Fuck with the godfather. Don't, don't you dare. Don't you dare run in jail. Right. Um, so let's see. So, um, let's say that, so that basically those are the two fights, the women fought and then the men fought, right? Yeah. And so, okay. So what happened was essentially Greg said, I got a problem with you. I got a problem. And so this whole thing with Peter, he said, like, don't, he's like, if you got an issue with Nini, come to me, don't, don't get a Nini's face. And then they started to like fight and yell because Peter is incapable of just saying, okay, all right, okay. Even though Peter was in the right. That was hilarious. They were just two old men fighting over a lawnmower, bumping their pot bellies together. What you ever say something about my woman, you say it to me. Oh, it done, man. Come on now, man. That ain't right, dude. So what up, man? That's a me. You say that to me. Now, my wife. It's like, oh my God. And they just circled each other doing that, making no sense for five full minutes. And poor Greg was just getting more and more mad. Yeah. And by the way, I love you guys. Don't, don't check me. Todd. But. Bravo. But you know, the funny thing was the whole thing was like, if a girl, if a woman has an issue with the man, the woman talks to the woman. And the man talks to the man. So what happens? The woman come in. This whole thing. Like everyone's like, why are you guys fighting? And then what does Nini do? She goes right up to Peter and starts being like, you're a bitch. You're a bitch. So she completely violated everything that Greg was apparently fighting for. She's so hilarious. I love that part where she's like, no, Peter, you are a bitch. You need to mind your own business, which I do. You know, I do agree with her. Yeah. I mean, I agree. And it's sort of hilarious because calling someone like Peter a bitch is like really one of the worst things you could call him because that's like, it calls his masculinity into question. It calls just everything. And so I did love Peter getting cut down that way, but Nini was wrong. Yeah. Well, that's one of the most fun shows on TV. I laugh every single time and I don't have too much to say critical about it because I just laugh and laugh every time it's on. And it's the best one to go on like Tumblr or something after because everyone is making the funniest gifts, you know, making the funniest pictures and stuff based on that. It's so good. You don't even have to make anything up. You can just quote them for hours and hours. See now, right? She loves Tumblr. I'm like, see now, right? I like Tumblr so much. I'm so I'm so modern. I'm like, wow, Tumblr came out 20 years ago. I'm like, wow, guys, look, a picture that moves. So, are there any other shows on the old Brahms? Yeah, I mean, I watched the blood, sweat, and heels reunion, which was pretty good. But at the same time, they kind of were like going over stuff. They didn't make it. They didn't get anywhere. It was just like yelling. The most interesting thing that came out of it was to learn that Bree used to have a very hardcore Long Island accent, and she lost it. So I thought that was cool. You know, it's weird there. I would be interested to see how season two shapes up because now they really all hate each other, which is always the best best place to be in after a season, one of a show. You know, I mean, I know this sounds weird because we talk about housewives shows all the time, but they don't even like each other. They have nothing in common. I don't want to watch them anymore. Like, I was done after the second episode. Did they get picked up? Probably. I mean, the show does really well. I mean, that's why they had a reunion. I don't get it. The weird thing is that of all the people on that show, the one who comes off the best is Melissa Ford. Who would have ever thought? Yeah, she comes off as totally classy and wonderful. She's great, and she kept her cool the whole time. Of course, no one was really going after her all that hard, except calling her basically saying like, she's still taking money to be a ho. Yeah, yeah. Seriously. All right. Well, I think that pretty much sums it all up. I don't think there's anything else really to dive into. What are those housewife awards? Oh, they were already, they already happened. Oh, yeah, they weren't on TV. I don't think I think maybe he just announced them on watch what happens or something. There's a hope. You want me to read them? No, put them on our Facebook page. Oh, yeah, someone do that. Well, we don't even want to do it. But yeah, OK, cool. So I'll see you next time. Are there any shows that we should be watching this week? Is there anything new coming on because I don't see the commercials? I don't think so. Let's see. Million dollar listing is next week, New York. I'm not going to watch it, though. Well, I'm also, by the way, I'm going to Chicago on Saturday. And so I actually don't think I'll be able to watch any of the shows. And Ronnie, you may have to get a co-host to fill in for me next week. What? So you can just do that. OK, great. Thanks. And I guess I will speak to all of you people in two weeks. Yeah. So dear, dear little outro, Benji. OK, so everyone, thanks for listening. Be sure to like us on Facebook, facebook.com/watch what crappins. You should follow Ronnie. Go to his website, trashtalktv.com, where he does great recaps of all sorts of shows, specifically Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. He's also found that trash tweet TV on Twitter and trashtalktv on Instagram. I'm besideblog.com, and I'm @besideblog on all the social media platforms. You can just follow me. I like being stopped. And until next time, I guess I say a deal. Bye, everyone. If you like listening to comedy, try watching it on the internet. The folks behind the sideshow network have launched a new YouTube channel called WaitForIt. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Schleisinger, Slicing Drive, and friends with her for ten years. One of the funniest people out there, and I still have a hard time with the last name Liza. 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