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This episode of the TVClick Big Brother is brought to you by GoDaddy.com. Go to GoDaddy.com and enter in the promo code Crapins at c-r-a-p-p-e-n-s at checkout and you can get a .com for $2, $2, normally it's like $12, and you get it for a full year. You could spend more getting a big thing of soda at a restaurant. You could spend more on a coffee of Starbucks. This lasts a whole year, not just five minutes. So go to GoDaddy.com/crapids at the promo code 2dollar.com. What are you waiting for? Hey, everyone, welcome to the TVClick Big Brother. This is our final webcast for Big Brother 15 of the summer. So sad. I'm Ben Mendelter from BsideBlog.com and joining me as usual is Ronnie Karam from TrashTalkTV.com. Hey, Ronnie. So Ronnie is @TrashTalkTV and also @TrashTweetTV on Twitter. TrashTweetTV on Twitter, TrashTalkTV on Instagram. I'm @BsideBlog on all Instagram, Twitter or Vine. You can follow us facebook.com/watchourcrapids. I'm not going to explain why it's a different name, just go there. So we have so much to get into right here, first of all, thanks everyone for coming to check us out and all the support from Jokers Updates, High Jokers Updates people. Thank you for coming over. This is our last one. The big news that last night was the season finale of the Big Brother 15 season, obviously redundancy. What did you think about it, Ronnie? First impression. I thought it was really fun, but I mean, I knew Andy was going to win. That was just like a slow, super gay train coming down that track. You just knew you couldn't stop it. So I wasn't thrilled with that. But when it got to the speeches, I especially knew who is going to win because I forgot that you had to talk at the end, say things and 14 and Marie, she's not good at that. She can't say things. She doesn't really have a way with words and speaking as someone who's also very inarticulate, I can understand that. But at least I feel like I have the thoughts in here and they just don't get out here. But I think Jean-Marie is not inarticulate. You're crazy. Oh my goodness. If you listen back to his podcast, I'm always saying like, you know, I have these elliptical sentences. It's a miracle that anyone can even listen to anything I say. So thank you for getting to the end of my sentence. Jean-Marie, on the other hand, it's like a word scramble. It's like boggle. You know what it is? It's like a lottery. It's like a boggle. When you shake up all the letters and then you just have anything. It's like if you ask Siri, it's like if you ask Siri to read boggle. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. It's just a list of words. Like bog, frog, fro, rogue, ugly, fly, fly, frog, and honestly that was her defense last night. That was what she was like, why should I win? Why should I win the half million dollars? Well, grog, frog, slog, slog, glug, gag, flag, sorry, I'm a big-hearted person. You know, I'm Italian. Sometimes I say those words. It's like it's me. I'm Jean-Marie. You guys know it's me. I'm me. You know, it's like we're that time, remember that time when I was all and they were like and I'm all. Jean-Marie, Nick. What? Nick, Nick, Nick. Jean-Marie, Nick. Hey you guys. Hey you guys. Her tongue just starts melting and dribbling down her cheek. She's like, Nick, go for me Nick. But don't be just joining. This is what we do to impersonate Jean-Marie's bun. We put a piece of paper or something on it. We put a schmata on it. Nick, go for me Nick. So yeah, talking is so hard. I'm going to drink some water now. Yeah, I'm like, all this Jean-Marie impersonation. This is the time when the big brother of that ex are like, they call this analysis. All they do is make funny voices. And laugh at their own jokes. You're right. That's analysis. You know, that's what always kills me about this. Like people, I get, look, I'm not going to make fun of anybody for taking it seriously. We do a show about this. We both run recap sites about this. I do videos that take a day every week to do stuff about this. I'm not going to make fun of people for like being obsessed with big brother. But come on with the analysis, okay? Like the look at the final competitions. One is a fucking roller skate disco thing where they're slipping in bubbles. Okay, like how seriously can you take those people lighten up a little bit, all right? Yeah. That's true. I mean, there is no analysis to be had at this point in the season. There's no strategy to be had. We could have maybe debated who's the smarter pick for Andy to take, but it didn't matter because he made the smartest pick, he won. I have to say, you know, I've gone up and down with Andy this season. The beginning of the season, I thought he was great. I thought he was funny. He was sort of this cute little Santa's elf who was sort of playing both sides. But then he started to become like a rat and I didn't like him as a rat. And I thought that he was just a big ol' snitch with no balls, who just cried after every person you heal him made. But then honestly, when it came down to the finale, I mean, he was the one who deserved to win. I mean, you could have made a case for Gina Marie. I mean, Lord knows she couldn't do it, but someone could have made a case for her. But Andy, I mean, Andy, he won competitions. He did scheme. You know, what do you-- I mean, out of those final three, yes, of course he deserved to win, because he actually was at least playing, you know? I mean, you can't take that away from him. And a lot of the reasons I hate Andy are because of live feed things. They're not even things that they showed on the actual show, like how vicious and mean he was about everybody behind their backs, which, you know, I'm very against. Yeah. We are nothing but angels about people who are back. Yeah, we're super, we're super, deeper nice. Yeah, we're really nice guys. We're nice to each other. Do you think, yeah, I think we generally are. I mean, behind each other's backs, right? Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Hey, anyway, I'm going to go read this now, because you want to read my community service and bulletin. I'm going to take you to Laley the easy way. Oh, excuse me while I read my new fashion magazine, Undergear. Oh, I didn't know this was published. This is my new look. Yeah, we joked a long time ago about the International Mail Magazine. And I actually went online during the podcast and ordered it. And they're under a gear now. And so now I get these in the mail and my mail man, you know, I mean, I live in West Hollywood and even my mail man's like, oh, yeah, that's this. Well, I'll have everyone know that that bathing suit and ensemble in the front of that was actually designed by Gina Marie. So what do you think the case could have been for Gina Marie? What do you think Gina Marie could have said to win the thing? Gina Marie should have just said, look, Andy did nothing but lie to your faces, rat you out and play a really weak pussy game. I did not do that. I was loyal to everybody that I said I was going to be loyal to. Some of you may not like me, but I made moves by aligning myself with the proper people. I stayed in my same alliance through the whole game, and I never lied to anybody's face. I didn't play this game like a snake or a jerk or a fucking liar like he did. And so if you respect that and you respect good people aside from the N word and all the other races shit that I threw out there, then you should vote for me instead of voting for a little pussy. You just lied to your face and screwed you over. But unfortunately, everybody there is so hurt that they got screwed over that they want to credit the person who screwed them over for being so brilliant that they that they can not like well, it's just like, oh, yeah, you must be a real badass to take me down. If you took me down, you're really good. I mean, really well, the difference is that Andy spent at least more than 30 seconds contemplating what he's going to say to the jury, whereas you know, Marie looked like she was blindsided by the most simple questions and the truth is she was one sided. I'm changing my angle because I look much cuter in this light, don't I? Okay. Yes. She was she was dead in the water the moment that they asked her aside from getting out of Amanda McCray, what were your other big moves? And then she didn't know how to respond. She said, well, I think my other big moves were getting out of Amanda and McCray. And then they're like, but what were your other big moves? She's like, well, I think that what she should have said was, you know, there's a fallacy that it takes big moves to win this game. There's a whole different strategy, which is to make small moves, which is to become friends people, to be loyal with people, to not get in the crossfire, to let other people do the dirty work. And so maybe I didn't have any big, like flashy moves, but I'm still here where I am. And big moves are small moves. It doesn't really matter. But the truth is she did have big moves. You won HOH beforehand. She did things in the game, but she's too dumb to stand up for herself. Oh, well, yeah, well, look, she, Andy didn't make any moves. All he really did was vote with whoever was there. I mean, Andy can say, yeah, I won most HOH just towards the end, but there was no one to compete against. I mean, you guys bring 300-pound Spencer and then make them try and climb a rock wall. I mean, come on. That's not... He can't be there. Well, the smart thing that Andy did was that he did what basically what I said, which is that he made his little moves sound like really big and boring ones. He's like, I was the one. When people tell me information, I went immediately to Amanda McCray and I told him that was a big move. That actually was not a big move. That was actually a very small move. That's what everyone did to everyone. And it was actually also a bitch move. But he framed it smartly as a depth, magnificent strategy. So I mean, obviously he was going to win because he was going up against someone who has... She can't talk. She cannot talk. I mean, it's like putting her up against, it's like putting him up against just a mute and being like, okay, whoever can say the best poem right now wins, like, you can't do that. Can't talk. She can't talk. Do you think that? They should have just done it like they should have done this year. They should have said, look, we've got someone who's obviously disabled. This is a year where we really need all of her to be more sensitive to people's disabilities after all the horrible things. Let's just do this and dance, okay? Let's just like have your final speech just in dance. Don't use any words. They're both flexible enough. I don't understand how Jean-Marie could... I'm sorry. I was going to say, also Jean-Marie should have just said for that big move's question, her big move is swallowing all that goddamn frozen yogurt. I mean, she swallowed like 25 pounds of frozen yogurt that day. And I think she deserves more credit than she ever got in that house. I agree. I actually respect her immensely for that. And I think that's why probably she's the one I could hang out with the most because we have a fondness for frozen yogurt, although I usually eat it out of cup. I think what would have been funny would have been when Andy said that the reason why he took Jean-Marie to the final two was to prove that he did have a loyal component to his game because he did swear to Jean-Marie that he would take her to final two. He should have just lied and been like, "That's a total lie." And he's lying again. And this is who you're going to try to vote for. He's just a total liar. That would have been hilarious. If she had called him a liar about that, that would have been amazing. Again, she's just too stupid. Also, I'm sure that he promised like a zillion people who would keep him to the... He promised everybody everything and never kept his promise. He was just hanging on to that. And I think he came up with that at the very last second of something that he could say. I don't think that's the reason he kept Jean-Marie. I think that he was worried that if he kept Spencer, Spencer actually can talk and also he could say, "Look, well, hey, y'all, they were gunning for me every week and I overcame it every single time." And that's a big deal. Do you think Spencer could have won against Andy? I think so because I think he could have framed Andy as a little bitch. I mean, Spencer, he looks like just a dumb hick to us when we're watching the show. But again, in the live feed, she's actually a lot smarter and whittier than you would think he's got a very biting tongue. I think he could win just based alone on if Jean-Marie hadn't been there, if he was just up against Andy, he could have said, "Listen, I was the only person in this house to tell... I'm out of this shut the fuck up." And they would have had a surprise. Yeah. I think so. I think that Spencer, he created this image of himself that was sort of like this "Oh, Shucks guy." He learned very quickly how to get along with this house full of bitchy women, which was just this nice jolly guy. But at the beginning of the season, he was not like that. He was actually pretty cutthroat, and I think he's very cutthroat, and he could have come after Andy pretty strong. I also would have liked it if Andy had taken Spencer to the final suit, because then we could have had an all-ginger finale. I know, Daddy Bear and Baby Bear. I know. That's what I was really looking forward to. I don't know. I think... I mean, I guess I'm happy overall with the way it shook up, but you don't know. It's like, who cares at this point? Who cares? I would say. Well, I did have a lot of fun watching it. I have to say, a lot of the times, everyone's bitching about this season, saying, "It's the worst season ever." Blah, blah, blah. It's a good season. I've laughed my ass off probably every episode. Even the lamest weeks where you knew who was going to go home, and it wasn't exciting, I still laughed. I mean, these people are hysterical, and the final episode especially was very funny to vote. The last couple were very funny to me. This last one, that roller skating thing, I mean, I heard that they had a new challenge producer this year, so it was someone else doing it, which mostly they did a good job, but that roller skating thing was really sad. Do you remember when they used to have them like, you know, you're holding onto a rope, and you're like sitting on a hill, and water's just gushing, they're like basically water torturing them. Do you remember that one? That was a season day? Yeah, I do. Dick and Danielle, I think we're on. Yeah, that was great. Or where they're like, "You have to stand here for 26 hours in the cold rain on a little stick." Exactly. I wish we could have had some of that in the final age of age. The best was Big Brother All-Star season seven, when they all had to hang on to like a volcano and like not let go, and they, like, two of the three of them fell off while Julie was like saying, like, turned away from the camera, turned away from the game, and was like, "Stay tuned, because on Wednesday we have a special episode," and they like fell off behind her, and like, like, round one was like done before, like, the commercial break. It was amazing. Could we, can you hear me? It says that I'm muted. Yeah, I can hear you. Okay. So Katie Evans on Facebook has a question that I was going to ask too, which is, how is Gina Marie, a pageant coordinator, if she can't even do the speech, how can she train people to tell it to have speeches, but she can't speak? Well, it would explain a lot of the speeches we see in those pageants. That's for damn sure. It's not like any of them can talk. Hello. That's true. Have you seen those speeches? It explains why all the speeches in Staten Island, pageants are like, "Hey, y'all, use." I want to give a shout out to my friend Rocco in the back, and Vinny and Maria, can she just cilantro? Yeah, they're all mine. I can chill. Hey, it's me, Gina Marie. What's up? What's up? I loves you. It's guys. Use knows me. It's me. Yo. I want to give a shout out to my girl, Mary. Mary entered the natto. She's great. She taught me everything I know about blowing a guy. Mary, you're the best. If it's in the body, don't count. Yo, after party at Burger King. Yeah. Gina Marie, God bless her heart. She, I think, is going to have the roughest time coming out of this house. Even this week, I was reading that on the live feeds, you know, I know there's no one there to focus on, even in the live feeds. I mean, it's just these losers sitting around the table. And I heard this week she was saying that Helen has goo guys. That's really nice, Gina Marie. You know, you see all those fucking cameras, right? So this gets me to my major disappointment of the episode, which is that we only got about five minutes total of the cast reuniting. And there were so many questions and so many things that I wanted Julie Chen to drop on this cast and she barely got to do any of them. You know, this whole reunion, part of it because the, the, the goodbye speeches were went on so, not goodbye, but like the final speeches went on so long and the jury thing went on so long, that probably cut into the jury time, but you know, I wanted to see Julie tell Amanda and Gina Marie and Aaron that they've lost their jobs, their representation. I wanted, I wanted, I just wanted all of that. So I wanted Nick to be put on the spot about Gina Marie, like, so do you really like Gina Marie? And all that, I wanted Amanda to find out that McCray was a little ambivalent about her during his exit interview. There's so many things that we were waiting for. And the questions we got were first, Julie talking about that there were racist things in the house. Okay. Fine. She talked to Howard about it. And then she asked, she asked Jeremy. Well, yeah, she did. You know, you got to give her credit because she did deliver some entertainment by letting Howard talk because he's almost as good as Gina Marie in his, she's like, so what do you think about the negative things that were said in the house this year? And he's like, well, you know, the shock to me was when I saw the TV and the people were saying and the plethora and then the behind the and on top of the and when the inferior to the. Thank you. It's like, what? Yeah, for the more. What the fuck are you talking about? Those plastic glasses are not making you smarter. Take them off. I still love Howard though, of course I do. But then like she asked, who's that? I know that I want to see his face. He's got a butter face. That's why I just keep showing his giant wiener. Oh, yeah. He's got the very, he actually has a very burrito face. But then so they didn't confront really anyone about the things that they had said, Julie didn't. She asked Jeremy of all people, like, was there anything that like surprised you or whatever or something like that? And he's like, yeah, Helen's tears and then we had to sit and listen for like three minutes on. What does that even mean? He's like, well, as a mama's boy, you know, I mean, Helen's tear. What does that mean? Like why? Why do we care? Why do we care about Jeremy thinks about Helen's tears? And why do we care about Helen's tears? Is never it was like a such a small throw a moment early in the season, like the fact that we had to waste fresh air time on that was really frustrating. And then there was another question that was asked that was kind of like dumb. Maybe it's to Candace. I don't know what it was, but it really, really bothered me. I felt like we could have had less of the stupid challenges and more reunion time. Yeah, we really need. I think that that whole hour and a half should be just, they should have the, they should have all the competitions just cut together really fast. And then it should be like a talk show where they just sit everybody down and like survive somewhat hardcore and they question their asses for the entire hour, you know, that would be good. I agree. Because the competitions, we don't really care about them that much. I mean, I enjoyed the jury when Dr. Will came in and sort of moderated the jury discussion. I liked that a lot, you know? Yeah, that was good. But I felt like the best part is that when the keys are in, then you have that moment where you get to break all this news, these people have been totally disconnected. And usually big brother rushes through it a little bit, but this season, they barely even had it. And I would have been happy, honestly, if she said, well, we're going to talk to all these jurors, and we're going to have this online, like, there's going to be a 25 minute Q&A that we're going to post online, even a 10 minute one, but they didn't even do that. That being said, did you read any of the exit interviews about like that made that, like Gina Marie said regarding her behavior or Andy? No. Where did you read them? Well, I don't understand on the podcast, and I'll read them later. I went on to Joker's updates and I read some articles that they linked to from there. And it sort of sucks because I really wanted to see that moment when Gina Marie learned that she was fired, or Spencer learned that she had caused an uproar with two porn comments. And instead, what we get are these canned responses, Gina Marie is saying, well, you know, I really do apologize, I should have said those things, and I really don't mean to offend anyone, and it's awful, and I have a big mouth sometimes, and I have to learn them to keep my mouth shut, which by the way, I hate that as an apology. It's like, it's not an apology. Don't keep your mouth shut. Just like you shouldn't be saying those things. Yeah. Yeah, I totally agree, and that is lame. We needed to see their damn faces when they found out. I mean, really, what did Julie do? She said, oh, well, you know, Spencer, there's been a big controversy this year, and a lot of people are upset with stuff you said, how do you feel? What is that? It's kind of a softball question is that, you know, that's a bad laugh whenever Julie Chen says things like, I had to put on my journalist cap, it's like shut up, Julie. You can't even act like a fucking journalist on an entertainment show when you need to be like, come on, make an effort. And then when Spencer says like, like, he said something, let's be effective. Did I say anything bad? And then the audience is like, uh, and I was like, okay, Julie, do it, like, do it, Julie, say, well, you said X, Y, and Z, you managed to go, like, he did porn, like, I was so ready, like, he offered up, and she's like, well, we don't have enough. Time for that. And then she asked Jeremy a stupid question. It pissed me off. And honestly, and I was dying to see Nick talk about Gina Marie because she's crazy. I mean, she hugged Nick before she hugged her own parents when she came out of that house. She's great. Okay. Well, I did read one article this week, and it was about Nick. It was some interview with Nick. I don't even remember where I read it. So sorry. I stuck with crediting people. Sorry. You guys find it. He was, they were asking him, you know, like, what isn't this creepy all this Gina Marie stuff? And he said, no, we actually were really close and, you know, there's a lot of stuff that you don't see on camera and I cried to her like a little baby and she sat there and accepted me for who I am and, you know, yeah, and one maybe at least going to date, of course, we're not, you know, saying marriage is jumping the gun a little bit, but, you know, sure, I like Gina Marie. And I'm thinking, what the fuck is this guy's deal? And I also would be afraid of this chick. And then I read in the comments that Nick has like a Kickstarter campaign and has been asking for donations to start like some YouTube series or some shit. And so of course he's going to be nice to someone in the final three because he's going to take that money. He's going to take the money and he also doesn't want to be seen as a bad guy. I'm so glad. He still gets to be interviewed for being like what the second person kicked off or something. He actually really lucked out because he didn't have to stay in the house very long. But it like most people who are out first or second are totally forgotten about. But his like presence was there the entire season. So he gets some sort of like ancillary fame that he does not deserve whatsoever. He lucked out. He had a big brother about jackpot. Yeah. There's no publicity. What is it? No publicity is bad publicity even if it's just every every every like three times a week every hour. Yeah. I don't know. I was just very disappointed. I felt like I feel like the finale really could have been handled much much much better. Katie King says did you guys hear that Candice said Aaron and I watch the help and she really learned something. Oh God. Please say that that's not true. So he has that Candice is like an idiot okay first of all her Candyland thing is so stupid and annoying. All right. We've all we've all agreed on that. The name she get to herself that like no one approved. She just decided to call herself Candyland which we've all hated. And then I saw an interview with her I guess on CBS and she was saying like that she know she she actually like she's forgiven Aaron. She thinks she's a good girl and I think she's been really helped because I've been so positive with her and in the house very negative but I think if you're a lot of positive feedback and I've been like really nice and because of that she's you know she's really growing. I'm like still credit yourself Candice you did shit okay you know what made her grow was the fact that she got booed on national TV and told us and then confronted about all the racist things that she said that's a made her grew and she realized oh shit I can't just say these things you didn't you did nothing Candice you did absolutely nothing. Yeah Candice is actually a huge dumbass and in any other season I think we would have been ragging on her probably the most at least in the beginning when she was still on but she just had to take so much shit that you just can't rag on a bimbo when they're getting run over by racist you know exactly it exactly you had to take the you had to take the minority side when they're racist in the house totally but when I wasn't going to say about Aaron you were talking about being intelligible on these things listening to me. I feel like Obama addressing the nation that's always made me crazy in speeches with Obama uh uh uh he sounds like Macrae is this fucking speech writer it's like okay so anyway the thing with Aaron is we get first of all you get used to her right so we got kind of used to her nasty attitude but then she she had to be nicer when she knew that she was about to get kicked off and so she started letting them out to control her and she learned to keep her fucking mouth shut and so for the rest of the season she was actually nice she was trying to play she was winning you started to kind of like her because you got used to is this non-racist asshole you know but then recently when they like especially this clip show that they just had Sunday where they were showing uh the season from the beginning I mean Jesus she was horrible I forgot how horrible she was I mean she is a fucking terrible human being besides racism everything about her is terrible just terrible like megaphone with a megaphone terrible and uh so I really don't feel bad for her now like you see what I learned to be quiet but you're still fucking horrid well did you see what she said upon um leaving the when she was confronted by reporters about being fired luckily our our plucky Emmy and McAdams bravano has the quote here um so Aaron basically says you know my contract's not there anymore regard this the modeling agency you know my contract's not there anymore but to be honest with you it really wasn't that great of an agency anyway and I have six meetings with six new agencies tomorrow so it's a better step it's like yeah I didn't know that the Ku Klux Klan opened up a modeling agency so congratulations then I hear she got like a four page spreading Ku Klux Klan quarterly well the good thing about America is but spelled yeah spelled like uh Gina Marie would k-w-a-r-t-r-l-i-e-e sponsored by sparrow and sizzler kk quarterly yes well the good thing about America is we love putting people up wrecking them down and then forgiving them it's like all you have to do is go on a talk show and say you're sorry and everyone's like okay we'll buy whatever book you come out with or we'll watch whatever TV show you come out with you said you're sorry like you apologize so okay everything's okay great come back so I'm sure she will get a better agent we'll see you're on the next bunny bunny-fu-fu magazine or like whatever bunny magazine is popular on this news camp right now with our buck too fast you know do not make fun of bunny-fu-fu magazine it's a great magazine often a subscriber to bunny-fu-fu for years and years and years their commentary is particularly searing sure are you sick are you sick of your poop coming out like little pallets five ways to make your poops stop coming out like little pallet in the next bunny-fu-fu magazine George will has as a contributor to it he is biting satire ten ways to make your ears less floppy you know it's funny to me it also is that so much of the conversation of the past half the season has been dominated by Amanda and McCray but the finale I didn't leave the finale being like that Amanda McCray I mean Amanda's still like a mega bitch and crazy but I felt like my last impressions of the finale were how dull sort of the final three were and how little time we have with the jurors and how much I want to see like Jean-Marie and Erin and Spencer face the music but I don't know do you think there's a life for Amanda after this where she might be able to come back to Big Brother do you think they'll have her back as a villain? Amanda is the only person I think they will bring back yeah I mean they'll bring back Amanda Erin I don't need to bring back Erin I think they'll bring back the most horrible fucking I mean survivor just brought back Colton I mean he was worse than I mean he was worse than Erin was me Colton was one of the worst of all time Colton was disgusting like he was the worst and they brought his ass back so don't tell me who got both of us don't tell me who got both of us like seven oh god I make it through about I try every you know people have been saying oh I hope you guys do a survivor thing after this Big Brother is over because it's like the natural progression I guess it's on CBS it's the other popular show I just can't make it through an episode of Survivor that show to me it's like what the fuck is this show like oh I made it through about 15 minutes last night and I'm like you're all dumb I don't even care like I hope you love finding anything this is stupid I watch like four seasons and every year by the end I'm like why did I do that why why why so that podcast is going to be even man hi yeah I'm not doing that one either so I'm I love survivor but I'm just not doing a survivor podcast I mean what are you talking about with that show like sure there's like four episodes a year where there's something like exciting happens and people like no I get back stabbed or they get whatever but most of it's just like it's raining I'm hungry or they have to like put together a puzzle and fuck that so back to Big Brother what do you think about the way the cast members look last night were there any that you thought looked particularly good or bad I think a man that has become more cross-eyed in the house yeah but she looks very pretty with makeup and she looked good and she actually looked really good I thought I have to give props to Amanda I thought she she looked really good especially during the jury thing with Dr. Will I was like wow Amanda she she cleaned up nicely for once yeah she looks very pretty and it was very striking to me how much of a sloppy couple they make I mean she's all put together like a beautiful hair and makeup and McCoy is just like in his fucking target t-shirt and his jeans like slopping all over the place his ratty hair he's like he sits down it's like if there was a table there he would have put his fucking feet up on the table you know like what a slob get rid of his love he's that's not gonna last um I thought let's see the people uh let's see the people how they looked um I thought Jesse her boobs were bigger than I ever remember them looking her boobs I know did you gotta get a little like yeah did Dr. Will like come arrive early or what did you bring Dr. Nano to and out with him I mean she was like busty all over the place well I think that Dr. Ben and Jerry's has been visiting the house and Dr. Ben and Jerry's has to yeah she's got a very natural Ben and Jerry's boob lift yeah I thought also David um he looked hilarious he didn't say anything but his you know he's got like that big crazy hair but he like combed it all nice for the finale so it looked like Margaret Thatcher it was amazing because these are his bangs yeah what are you doing with those stupid bangs so yeah he looked ridiculous another thing about him is that he was wearing makeup which I thought was so funny because of course everyone does when you're on tv you have to wear a little makeup but he was wearing like a Manda fucking eyeliner and then every time we saw him he's standing right next to Julie and he's like yeah he was looking into the camera and she oh he had no idea where you was to be fair he thought he was still at the beach and he was like looking out for people drowning in the audience wow this is a real low tide yeah everyone on facebook is like a man that looked like shit no I actually thought she looked good she looked uh they're not saying she looked like shit they're saying she looks mad and she wanted to go home just hilarious well there was that too you know I mean she's Amanda's already in the process of being self-deprecating and being like hyper aware of the fact that America hates her that's the way she's gonna like when us back is that being like well I guess people hate me which is true yeah I'm just being sarcastic about it like thanks a lot America thanks a lot gross but then she doesn't even understand why people hate her you know she claims editing which is what I find so hilarious because she's even being a bitch last night she's rolling her eyes during everyone's speech you know when Gina Marie can't talk god bless her you know had her a handicap rail don't just kick her down the ramp um oh and then let's see Alyssa won um oh America's favorite which is no surprise and she's like thanks America but I sadly have to fix this over side to check it's no one thanks for no thanks no offense I was gonna pray y'all that mad Andy I have a question for Andy what happened to Amanda's one piece did you burn it thanks for asking thanks no I can't wait so she gets out of the house and reads all the vile nasty horrible things that Andy was saying behind her Mac up she gave me her bow yeah and he's already doing damage control he's already he's tweeted out being like I feel awful about the things I said to Alyssa he said I feel off but this or that you know he went on and it's been a weeklies show on Sirius and he's been doing saying a lot of things but like I'm so sorry like you know I was you know you get in this emotional state you sort of don't know like you're up from your down like you know I really do like Alyssa and then he's like but the truth is that she doesn't really um she she always thinks everything she does is right and if you try to like tell her otherwise she comes after you so I'm like well Andy doesn't really sound like an apology but okay whatever he just know he came after her because he had to go on the block and he was afraid of going home that's why he came after her she was the first one to figure out that he was fucking snaking it I wonder if anyone's asked Amanda any questions about her one piece or Alyssa about the one piece who I'm gonna do a Google search see if there's anything I'm just Ben let's talk about article I just moved into a new house and it is really hard to find quality furniture that honestly I can afford without feeling terribly guilty I found the most beautiful stuff on article I got three bar stools for this bar I built and they are gorgeous they're mid-century modern brown leather seats just beautiful and not only are they great but they brought them over and they put them together it was white glove service from beginning to it that was my experience with them too I mean the truth is that article believes in delightful design for every home and thanks to their online only model they have some really delightful prices too they're curated assortment of mid-century modern coastal industrial scandy and boho 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that are happened today if she's talked about it that's hilarious okay I am looking aww I'm reading Ian Mick on the old twitter can we order a transcript of jina marie's full final speech from opera it's funny uh if you answer these questions I'll give you one half of my big brother 16 prize money how much larger is jina marie's penis than nix do you think june marie has altered i think it's more of a girl it's more of a girth issue than it is a link to shoot but it comes in june marie as in hers is heavy way doesn't hers is like me curtainy it sort of has it's like the weight of a football nix is more like a piece of macaroni do you the where do you think it will end up uh i know dude where do you think nick will end up post-show shawn kody randy blue cocky boy's treasure island ruby tuesday i'd say ruby tuesday and shawn kody and shawn kody yeah if you don't know what we're talking about you can google it but don't google it at work he's too old for cocky boys he's too hairy for randy blue and he ain't taking a bearback for treasure island so i say shawn kody for the win well shawn kody does say i'm back oh i guess they do yeah but they're hairless bearback at least nik is definitely shawn kody you want this yeah we're talking about disney upcoming disney musicals what's wrong with my eye i don't know uh by the way i should i should mention everyone as long as we have a captive audience just for very briefly i think we're just going with me curtains actually yeah it is a very quick plug but um for all of you people out there watching cuz i know you all come from the internet if you want to buy a dot com domain if you go to go daddy dot com and you use the promo code crappins c-r-a-p-p-e-n-s you can get a dot com for two dollars so if you want to like get the u-r-l it says they're like january sucks or a nik sucks or january sucks nik then um you can just buy it for two dollars i think that's probably going to be the most profitable when january sucks nik you guys will get a lot of people there yeah you can honestly you don't even have to build the website you can just get them the domain in so it's two dollars for crappins it's actually a really good deal for a dot com how long does that deal go on because we've been we've been going for ever it just keeps going it's ongoing you can honestly buy a domain for less money than it cost to buy like a jug of milk or a taco you know like this is and it's gonna last a whole lot longer than jug of milk or a taco so go buy buy like buy like a big brother domain name but you know what you should do okay here's what we're gonna do everyone go buy a domain name on go daddy with crappins that's somehow um a tribute to a big brother player for this summer and our we'll read our favorite ones next week yeah even if you don't want a website just go do it it'll cost you two dollars and make us rich yeah we make five cents off of every sale i think it'll be fun it'll actually be really funny if all these u-r-l's existed and by the way if you're lucky maybe one of them will want to buy the u-r-l off you so hey oh god all right so what else do we have to say about stupidity well i think we've pretty much covered most of the of the finale right i mean was there anything else that was really there i mean we can talk about the season as a whole or what we'd like to see for next season um you already know what i'd like to see i want to see everyone's parents have to play uh yeah i want more old people here's what i'd like for next season let's do Ben and Ronnie's wishlist for next season okay dear santa dear santa Chen okay we want hands um first of all the guys have to be hotter absolutely oh my god you guys really fell down on that this year i mean every year every year you've got at least two fuckable guys in the house this year you had a bottom you had Nick but he was annoying and talked too much and we were glad to see him yeah and that was it who else was there i know i think that they did actually a good job with the women this season because you had um you had a blonde evil girl and Erin you had idiot blonde in uni-marie you had jesse as the competitive brunette which is good jesse was a waste i think she was away but we need a better competitive we need we need like a return to kisha and april from season 10 yes some women to really fight over some things you need two two hot blonde girls that aren't going to ally themselves um uh we need um i think we need better sassy black a better sassy black woman or you know candace is a sassy black woman but again because we had such racist in the house we didn't we didn't have the fun sassy black woman that we wanted yes you know big brother actually you know separated from the pack of their other seasons this year by casting candace because usual she's very against type for them usually they cast the same black woman every single year it's like the same variation they find that head rolling like kind of bigger woman but it's entertaining i mean i'm not gonna lie i mean she's always slightly older well listen those are my favorite women on the planet well actually what they really need to do is a big sassy black woman especially when they can sing those are my favorite people on the planet and they're always my favorite people on the show this was the first year that they actually got like a young model looking black woman and i didn't like that i want i want them to go back to form they've actually i know i mean listen we probably sound as racist and stereotypical as i'm sorry racist but but no because people would be like whoa look we're black women are more than just being sassy of course that show is racist this is a show this is a show where you sort of want you know like there's someone to fill in all these slots and because the thing is we've seen from 20 years of the real world we know what types of people really clash very well together so my point is my brother casting is racist they cast the same black woman every single year and i want that back yeah exactly they actually veered away from that a little bit um here's a big request for me i don't care about his personality i want the next gay man on the show to be hot as shit because here's one thing we know there are so many crazy hot gay guys especially here in LA like crazy you see them out and you're like oh my god oh it makes me cry living in west of LA like huge gay audience people are yeah this is true the huge gay audience you know what they give us they give us Andy they give us lewann they give us oh who is the little guy that jet um there was Jeff from all races towards what was his name kevin okay wasn't kevin kevin was which one was kevin i'm just blanking at what he looked like he was a really short Hispanic guy had kind of curly hair Kevin yeah he was like kevin was like nasty he was like oh you know they give us kevin they give us um there was one guy this guy Neil who's sort of hot and he left after like one episode remember that that was the winter season uh we had Stephen Diggle remember that Stephen Diggle was hot but i was good looking but like i'm talking about like pouring careers brewing that yeah crazy good job that i actually know it's interesting do you remember will from season five will on season five and watch that season he was okay so will on season five was like the skinny blonde guys very silver lake looking hips are looking whatever he has since gotten smoking hot he's like buffed up i don't know how or why but he got buff in certain ways and he's just like he's like a go-go dancer in New York now so we didn't we need more of that but like after they've gotten bucked up um i think someone here has made terry galindo has made a very good suggestion next season all black people except for two white people no shit yeah let's see how ever let's see how you guys like that you know why is it always one one of each is like there's one black woman one black man one other one or two other whatever that is and then a gay guy like yeah can we let's switch it and have it be like gay people and black people and you know a few agents i'm like let's let's go with that i'm i'm off for that yeah terry galindo i'm giving you a high five right now that's a great like that's a great time i would say that for sure um you know i think we could you know we also need a spicy latina like even season six that's always great we need and i'm telling you we need two old people and not someone who's like 37 we need someone who's over 50 at least oh yeah we need like a renny and a terry because that was the funniest fucking thing ever when renny and terry were on the same season absolutely almost fell over every time time you need to have some sort of generation gap going on with these people because that causes a lot of drama um you know i think i know that the casting is intertwined with survivor i think that people who don't make it on survivor often get shut down to big brother or to amazing race or whatever but the truth is that survivor has a huge diversity in the type of people that they cast they usually have some they have a lot of older people and they have people who are black and white and everything um you know you know uh asian but big brother it doesn't it doesn't shake out that way i think they need to take some cues from their friends down the hallway in the casting office well i wish big brother did it like uh the real housewives do it where they have like big brookay they can have like a regular big brother where they have all the hot you know like the the one we've been watching where it's mostly like good looking thin youngish people and then a couple of weirdos and there are a couple others i guess i should say yeah and then they should have like big brother Miami and have it be like all latinas fighting it out all right what an easy idea big brother Compton and just have those like just have them going at each other you know like those Compton people you don't fuck with them i mean you know people cutting each other i mean that's where people go get shot in LA that would be amazing they could do a geographical they could do it like that's haunted didn't survivor where they had like four trods white Latino Asian and black they could just like split that big brother house into four different ethnic groups which would be fantastic yeah because then the racism would at least be split evenly because the funny thing about it especially you know you're from New York so you know this but when i lived in New York for like nine years or whatever one thing i learned there is that every race is so fucking racist and somewhere like New York they really are very outspoken about yeah like the Dominicans hate the Puerto Ricans the Puerto Ricans hate the i mean i don't even want to get into it because it'll be like a big whole racist war but i mean every to have all those races together hating each other because of their race i think that would be a social experiment and that's something we don't really get to see on TV ever but big brother would never do it because they got so much flack this season for the racism that they would have to stay off of it for a little bit they will have a racist on every year from now on trust me they fucking loved it i mean last night with Julie thank you everybody for making this the most socially engaged season a big brother because we've pissed you off so much they're paying 10 dollars a week to vote out the racist thanks well they're gonna tell you what i could do of less with i could do less with the rednecks the rednecks don't really bring anything but they'll keep bringing them on because obviously you have to like cater to a part of the country you gotta make something make someone that you know people from the south or wherever would maybe relate to not saying that everyone from the south is a redneck but i'm saying that someone that they have someone who are but those are the only people they're gonna cast just they only cast the most extreme you know so it's like they cast the rednecks and they're the most extreme rednecks they cast the gay guys they're the most flaming idiot you've ever seen in your life you know i i'm down like listen cast a crazy flaming gay guy fine but like make him crazy hot because let me say something there are some over the top of them that ridiculous awful gay guys out there but at least they're smoking hot too like at least give us that why can't we have that yeah like why can't this guy okay i want i want the next season to be this guy yeah and i'm showing pictures from undergar magazine for those people listening and then this guy okay that's that's who i want yeah we have some youtube we have some youtube comments apparently let's go oh good thanks for checking that um youtube wouldn't show me the past two shows the comments so sorry we we haven't been answering in their life you guys i just got i just got a tweet from Andy Cohen's fan page saying don't forget the youtube comments so i'm going over there right now to find it as soon as possible because i don't know where i are yeah that's been another really fun page just this season on uh facebook is that big brother bravo hollocks page that sendy c robs i think she runs it but that has been a really really fun page to read gossip stories on keep up with all the news so thank you guys a big brother bravo hollocks um so sadly people submit comments like they're not up for us to read right now so if you'll miss me comments on youtube i'm sorry you can't read them live on the show they won't show us live people as sons of better people's really doing a great job here um you know the other people have such a good thing almost like they're always almost well they added a they added a Q&A session yeah but how do you use it how do you have to we have to i think get it off we must have to find a way to invite an audience to come into our hangout but they can't be on the show um i think of other wish listings i hope they keep having a big a big um uh cast i like that there were 16 people on it i because there's more room for alliances more room for these characters to unfold and to unravel i think that's really good i think that's what they should have for sure you like that they kept it this meant i mean that they had this many people yeah 16 people was good and i think you have to have in terms of guys other types of guys you need to have some crazy alpha male you need to have a heartthrob that two blondes can fight over um you need to have a hot head you have to have a hot head i used to hate the hot heads but now i actually see that they they play a vital role you need to have a fun yeah they really do they always play a vital role and i think Jeremy was trying to do that this year but he was just so stupid and frankly he just wasn't hot enough to pull it off i mean and the past we had Jesse who was an idiot and a hot head and just a rat bastard but fine that guy was fine and then we had that guy Russell oh i loved Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell yes who shima called the terrorist and he probably almost did kill people in that house but he was gorgeous and he also has one of the best new shots on the internet from big brother we got a mccray did you see that mccray new shot oh um i'm just gonna stick with the howard one instead i'll just do that and pretend that okay mccray ever was yeah that's wise um i also think they should bring back mvp i think mvp was a great twist i thought it was a good way to keep the floaters um you know sort of keep them on their toes um you know because the thing is with the floaters i don't have a problem with people who go from one alliance to another i don't mind that i have a problem with people who just are afraid to vote a certain way because they're afraid of the wrath of the house that's what i really really don't like it yeah totally and the mvp helps in a certain way but there's still where too many votes that were landslides either way i would you know what i'd also like i would like some sort of dress code situation where if you're on the block you have to wear somehow the same type of clothing because i hate when you see one person is in sneakers and the other person's dress that has makeup on you know they're the ones they know they're getting evicted you know well they know yeah they know unless they're getting blindsided but we don't get blindsides anymore we had one the man to blindside with the own we had and that was amazing that was just for nomination oh nikob blindsided too well this was the year where everybody went with the house this was the year of going with the house the past few years the true the past for three years have been like that this had this season's been a good one but the rangel season people went with the house everyone always goes to the house and it needs we need a more device to pass okay i actually got some youtube comments i'm using chrome and they came up so let me let me speed through some real quick and he was this is from canvas and he was playing primarily against idiot so his game should not be compared to past grades no shit agreed Cindy C did you guys watch jeff i can't read a cue card traders interviews or shredders interviews it was painful he actually asked the question to mccray do you think of manda helped or heard of your game great show let me see that that that that that this canadian thinks it is the worst season because it sheds a negative light on americans and how they tolerate racism etc you know i think that that's true because it's not even about the racism it's about how we fucking tolerate the racism i totally agree with that actually nice point this was erin this is from cdc also this was erin's response on twitter to losing her modeling contract i'm a college student that agency was for fun thanks for her hashtag thanks for asking yeah she's stupid she's real stupid and she has no modeling career except you know a bit of her like tv theme song said canvas did not take credit for opening erin's eyes she acknowledged it was probably the audience booing her that made sense or made her see that she needs to change erin still made racist comments until the night before she left it just wasn't in the show she was making fun of asians her last night nice that's nice to know thank you go away says i love that name go away love how jeremy wind about how howling cried too much i hope nix spends all of jina marie's money and then dumps her he's totally going to we called it uh cindy c wishes for next year either super smoking hot guys like on big brother australia and all new players or a season of all first evictees okay have everybody has been talking online about this big brother australia do you watch that one or have you ever watched that i i don't i you know there's only so many shows i can watch and you know when you start out to him i know it's like also real housewives of vancouver so i think it's like i can only do so much people i really can only do so much yeah that that's so true real housewives of vancouver i would totally watch if it wasn't on the same time as three other housewives franchise is in america you know like god give me a break but uh big brother australia i do not watch it but i look at all the threads that people start about it you should see the men they have on this show i mean it's your dream it's what you're talking about just look it up just google don't even watch it just google big brother australia and then do an image search and look at the fine you know i think i have actually seen one of one of those guys did it did it's good by the way um uh darrell valdez sent us a link from the hollywood reporter which has a big compiled uh reactions of the various house guests from losing their jobs here's amanda um amanda lost her job um and so this is what she says she says bullying is a very hot topic right now and it's viewed differently by different people i personally don't feel like i was bullying anyone i played a really strong game and i was loyal to my alliance i'm a strong woman and that can rub people the wrong way but that made me a strong competitor and that's why i made it far in the game and it's oh my god the only thing strong on you is your jaw you fucking i mean i don't understand how she doesn't see how she was at the very least she was bullying alissa with all of that craziness so then she goes how long did that go on two days when she's telling her she's ugly and hideous and everyone hates her and she should die and jessie should be raped in the throat with her i mean come on she's disgusting oh i know she's a strong woman guys people just hate strong woman people hate bitches okay bitch yeah exactly so then she goes on to say i'm a strong person um i fight for my clients i fight for what's right in the game you have to be more manipulative about it but overall i'm a strong woman and now she says she's gonna smooth over and she's like i know i've offended people and i'm super apologetic for that that definitely wasn't my intention i just want to move forward in a positive light do good things in the public eye and not be seen negatively well good luck with that sorry too late you know everyone just says oh you know it really was not my intention i want someone to say wow you know it's funny i said that and i didn't realize like how that may have hurt someone but now that i do see that i have to really think about why i said that and and think about like how i can change that and i am you know it's like not people like it's really wasn't my intention so i'm sorry i'm sorry you're hurt yeah that's the that's the ultimate slap in the face when someone apologizes to you and they say well i'm sorry your feelings were hurt yeah that's not saying sorry what kind of sorry is that that's a Gretchen apology that is not a sorry i'm sorry you're stupid like i'm really sorry that you're so stupid that you couldn't understand what i was really trying to say sorry sorry sorry you're down sorry Spencer says um he says i've got a big mess to clean up back home with my home and maybe some people in my town but at the same time hopefully i can handle that with with the grace that i handled being up on the block in the house so much i just got to stay calm cool and hopefully everything will work out for me i don't have any hate in my heart i try to be a good person and i know that there were some comments i said i got taken out of context or even the context they were taken may not have been appropriate i hope that the good i did this season that way is the bad if i said anything i was bad judgment i apologize for that i don't want anyone to think i hate a particular group of people or i condone a particular activity or behavior i'm kind of a jokester and i talk a lot and i'm going to stay stupid thing that that's exactly what happened i can't blame anybody for but myself i hate that well you know what can i say i'm jokester i just sort of say things so you know well what does Spencer really say bad i mean he did the child rape thing but that was he had a few it was nothing you know he he had he had uh some nasty things to say about women that he he used the c-word a lot and especially the beginning of the game and he said some jokes that weren't very poor chase which you know what when it comes to jokes and poor chase i'm always like my feeling is it's in poor chase like that like so shame on you but i don't think well it makes you a racist or awful yeah i mean look i can't i can't say anything uh i can't say anything about people making tasteless horrible jokes using the c-word calling women bitches i do it all the time like i i know that we're like being caddy gay guys and maybe it's different but not really that much and i kind of liked his apology because he's like well sorry i'm kind of an ass that's just how i am sorry if i offended you that one doesn't beg me as much okay what are what are more what are more it's basically more the same i think that i mean jim marie said that like it was like a stab in the heart when she found out that she got dropped but this agency or whatever i don't know anyway we're coming up on an hour so i think that we we can pretty much wrap this up i think we've covered all our bases rotting i think we sure did then jimena i'm so glad we got to do this final one we missed you map again yes matt matt's in me hell right now so um everyone thanks so much for watching these tv click-click big brother uh webisodes or shows this season um thanks again to all the support we get from jokers updates cindy see our main jokers update lady um also or or cindy i don't know if cindy i don't know if cindy and cindy see you're the same person but i appreciate both of them um also uh you can find ronnie at trash tweet tv on twitter i'm at beside blog remember you use crappins i go to go daddy dot com to create your big brother hate url and post it on our facebook page facebook.com forward slash watch what crappins we would love to see which uh url is you signed up for it'd be hilarious yeah we also do a bravo podcast uh you can find that on our facebook page at watch what crappins on facebook um you can find us on itunes please give us reviews and stuff if you like these podcasts if you don't please don't i am on youtube at youtube.com/trash.tv t-e-e-e-e i do big brother in two minutes recaps i've been doing them all season and i'm about to finish the final one and i think it's gonna be really good so come to youtube and check that out i just watch them all they're all there for you um thank you guys so much for all your support this season it's been really fun doing this join us at 430 pacific time for our bravo podcast every Tuesday yes bye everyone if you like listening to comedy try watching it on the internet the folks behind the side show network have launched a new youtube channel called wait for it it's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts Todd Glass buys a slice finger slicing dragon friends with it for ten years one of the funniest people out there and i still have a hard time with the last name liza our very own Owen Benjamin that's me takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more you don't have to wait any longer just go to youtube.com/waitforaccomity there's no need to wait for it anymore because it's here and it's funny and i love you a few days ago rook two dean posted an inspirational quote on her wall that got 17 likes and three comments thumbs up rook geico also wants to make a comment in just 15 minutes you could save hundreds of dollars on your car insurance by switching to geico and nothing says inspiration better than saving money well except for those posters that say things like teamwork excellence and make it happen hashtag keep climbing hashtag savings geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance if you like watch what crappins you can listen ad-free right now by joining wonderie plus in the wonderie app or on apple podcast prime members can listen ad-free on amazon music before you go tell us about yourself by filling out a short survey at wonderie.com/survey in a quiet suburb a community is shattered by the death of beloved wife and mother but this tragic loss of life quickly turns into something even darker her husband had tried to hire a hitman on the dark web to kill her and she wasn't the only target because buried in the debt to the internet is the kill list a cache of chilling documents containing names photos addresses and specific instructions for people's murders this podcast is the true story of how it ended up in a race against time to warn those who lives were in danger and it turns out convincing a total stranger someone wants them dead is not easy follow kill list on the wonderie 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