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That's audible.com/crapids or text Crapids to 500-500. GoDaddy is offering one new or transfer.com for just $1.99 for the first year. Each new.com comes with a free instant page website and built-in photo album. So what are you waiting for? Get your website started today! $1.99 for a domain name is so cheap, go to goDaddy.com and enter code Crapids at checkout. You will not regret it. Enter the code Crapids at checkout, you guys. Love ya! Hey everyone, welcome to the TV Click Big Brother podcast. I'm Ronnie Karen from Trash Talk TV and I'm with Matt Whitfield from Yahoo. Hello Matthew. Hey Ronnie. We just got finished with the second to last week of Big Brother. If you guys want to talk to us, we're doing this live. You can come to our Facebook page. It's for our other podcast, which is a Bravo podcast called Watch It Crapids. So just go to facebook.com/watchitcrapids, comment in that thread and we'll be reading that throughout the show. You can find me on YouTube at Trash Talk TV. It's T-E-E-V-E-E, really hard to guys. You can find Matt on all of the social media networks at life on the M-list. Okay. That's enough Matthew. Let's get into this. Bullshit. That's enough. Let's skip into it. Let's get into this bullshit, so. Is the number one piece of bullshit though that the East Coast probably didn't get to watch Big Brother tonight because of a football game? You know, I've always called Big Brother the White Trash Olympics and football wins. I mean, football is like the biggest white trash sport of America, and I'm sure classy people like it, too, before anybody gets all hateful. Yeah, watch your dirty mouth because, as you know, Ben and I, we love football and your Olympics, your sports are Broadway show tunes. Yeah, you're a fake gay. I'm a real tried and true old school gay who likes the gay icons and yeah, show tunes and stuff. You guys like sports. It's not right. I only like sports when they're important, when they're like, yeah, it's like soccer porn or something stupid, where you're like, wait a minute. How are they having sex after soccer practice, but they're wearing different uniforms? You didn't do that after soccer practice? Change uniforms just to house that and make it kinky. Yeah. Yeah, that's a Big Brother podcast, and we're already talking about porn. So yeah, so some people don't have Big Brother yet. Yeah, it was actually kind of good because we got to see the jury house. That was my favorite thing this week. Yeah, I mean, if we're being honest, I could have used an entire hour of jury house and or an entire hour dedicated to Julie Chen admitting that she had plastic surgery to cure her Asian eyes, as opposed to watching the actual gameplay inside the house. Oh my God. Okay. So what do you want to talk about first? Okay. So we'll talk about Asian eyes. I love that you propose that as a question to me and really, I don't get to choose because I know because I tried starting another conversation and you ended it with Asian eyes. So I know. So that that Trump's all that Trump's all. Yeah. Yeah. I know what you want, baby. I know how to read you by now. Okay. Okay. So Asian eyes. So first of all, I have to say Julie Chen, the only thing I really know of Julie Chen is shit that I read about her way back when Big Brother started because I was like, how did this bitch get a job? She could barely read a cue card. She looks pro side. I didn't get it. And of course she's banging the head of CBS, which makes a lot more sense now, you know? But at the time, I remember thinking, who is this idiot? And then of course she becomes Julie and you love her kind of over, you know, kind of. So anyway, that's all I know of her is like the Chen bot, like her stumbling over cards but always looking beautiful, even in terrible fashion and like lots of weave. But she has this talk show apparently with all these other girls. It's like the view but not as hateful and spiteful. Wait, are you trying to pretend that you don't know what the talk is that's been on for three seasons? I know what it is, but I've never watched it. Have you? We watch it. We watch it at work quite often. Oh, yeah. You work for TV site. So, I mean, I do too, but you get paid to sit around and watch TV. I don't. So like, I'm out like sweeping lawns for like sweeping sidewalks for nickels. What are you watching? To clarify, I'm still at the office and it's almost 8 p.m. So let's just shed a tear for me now. Yeah. I feel really sorry for you. Can I have a ride in your Mercedes? I don't have a Mercedes. He's too. No, I didn't. Damn it. Asian eyes. Can we get back to Asian eyes? Yes, we can. So she has this show that's been on forever, but the only times I've ever watched that show are when Sarah Gilbert got dumped by her. So mean, I don't know why I'm laughing. I always laugh when people cry on TV, by the way. So when Sarah Gilbert burst into tears because her ex partner dumped her, but now she's sleeping with Linda Perry, who looks like Steven Tyler had sex with a troll. Oh, who's Linda Perry? She's the girl. She's the former lead singer of four non-blondes. She co-wrote a lot of Kristin Aguilera's hits like beautiful. Mm-hmm. Anyway, she's, she's Sarah Gilbert's new partner. So those lesbians, they move right on. It's not a problem, but when Sarah Gilbert burst into tears, that's, that put the talk on the map. Well, of course she's, of course, the person who wrote beautiful like love me for my insides looks like Steven Tyler and a goblin had a baby, of course. It's not, it's not an actual beautiful person who wrote that. No, and she looks, she also looks like she is the sister of Rob Zombie. Like it's just a Halloween or a night all up in there on a daily basis. So yeah, so Sarah Gilbert like started crying and talking about it, but I think she did it for like two weeks or they just show different clips of it every day because that went on forever. It's like, man, there is no one, there's no one who can do depression better than a lesbian. And if you don't believe me, run that jazz bono movie where she cuts off her wiener and you'll see some depression. Wow. Wow. So anyway, so that, uh, talk so. So I haven't watched it. So I don't see that side of Julie, like that real like unplugged, unplugged chin bot side of her where she talks about her sexy relationship with Les Moon bez and being a sexy mom. She does not. I mean, that's the things that she say as a sexy mom. She doesn't call herself a sexy mom, but I mean, I don't know. I think that you hate her. I actually love her. So I'm not going to talk anymore shit about her, but she did, you know, I don't hate her more than anybody else on TV. Okay. Well, the point is this big brother, none of us really care about big brother after the recent evictions. I'm talking about Alyssa being evicted and prior to Alyssa, Amanda and Aaron, the horrible monsters, um, you know, once the villains leave the show, it's kind of like, who cares? Now we have this lame alliance. So this week, to me, it was all about, I can't wait to see the jury house. And then what else is going on in the big BB world? And that is Julie Chen announcing on the talk that in order for her to get her career going, she had a plastic surgery in order to make her smaller Asian eyes wider. And she even admitted that as soon as she made her eyes wider and her parents supported her and paid for it, the jobs came rolling in. Well, she, I mean, look, she does look super, I'm seeing if I can get a picture. I guess I should have had this ready, but I wasn't thinking we were going to talk about it. You didn't think that I would, you didn't think that I would say Asian eyes with quotes by everyone who's listening to this and not watching the video. I'm using quotes around that. I am a horrible person, but I love Julie Chen. Julie Chen plastic surgery. All right. I'll get a picture for you guys to see it. Yeah. Is the slide by side that she showed? Well, yeah, I mean, I think everyone's pretty much using the same. Okay. Because the one that they're using, the one that she shows on screen is they're both kind of, you know, they're not candidates. It's clearly like the now shot is a promo shot for Big Brother with, you know, extra hair and makeup and drag queen accessories. Yeah. You can actually see on our Facebook page, the actual clip that somebody posted for us, which is really sweet. And Joseph also posted it on our Twitter, but okay, I've got it here. It's just that I'm on, obviously we're doing this, so it's making my computer run really slowly. God damn it. Just get up there. But yeah, when she was showing this clip, she was telling the story about how she, every time she would go to somebody, they were saying, well, you know, you look bored and you look really super bored while you're giving this new story. And we can't have you looking bored. So unless you get my job, sorry, honey, it ain't gonna happen, which is so fucking rude. And but it didn't just happen once, it happened multiple times. And so finally she was like, fuck it, I'll do it. So she did it. Her parents paid for it. Don't forget that part. You just want rich parents so bad. I do too. I feel so bad. My parents are like, why do you hate us? We're really bad parents. I'm like, no, you were really good parents. You're just like not rich enough. Okay. So we're going to analyze this photo. Okay. Do you see it? Do you see it? Yes. So there's a lot. There's a lot of different things here going on. Now, obviously the topic that was being discussed is the Asian eyes, but she failed to disclose all of the other plastic surgery and faux procedures that have happened to her, including that nose because that nose went from ginormous to Latoya Jackson. Yeah, that's like Chinese do nose. And then now she has like a little, now she has a little button nose. Oh, sorry. I can't make I can't make Jewish jokes because Ben's not on this week. Oh, wait, like that, like that ever stopped us. It does. You can make Jewish jokes around a Jewish person if they laugh, but if you do it when it's just us, a couple of goiem, it's racist, big though, so we can't talk like that right now. Oh, well, if you think that we're horrible people, you're more than welcome to turn off this podcast and our videocast. We're not, we're not holding you. We're not holding you hostage. Yeah. We should, we should preface everything with we're terrible people. So, yeah. So she came back, she, you know, it was actually a really beautiful story in a way. And when she came back from the clip, they showed the two pictures and she's like, yes, and that was my eyes. And it's like, well, where's the rest of the story? Because your nose is different. You got lots of filler around your lips there. Even though, even that little thing about, you know, that thing in the middle of your lips, that like little river, that vertical river, you don't have that anymore. Look at the chin, Ronnie. Look at the chin. She got that shave down too. Well, I'm wondering if that's just like 20 pounds. It could be. It could be. But I mean, it's a woman we're talking about. So five pounds. Sorry. The more, the more important thing is here. I mean, everyone's talking about, oh, it made her eyes look less bored and she looks so much more beautiful. The key to looking better, everybody should take a note right now, get a, get a number two pencil and jot this down. Look at how amazing her hair is. It's all in a weave, a weave solves all problems. She has gigantic hair. When I'm gone to see me brother, like it, I mean, I, I know, it's beautiful. Yeah. It is beautiful, like fake horse hair. Well, she's got a lot of her own beautiful hair too. She's blessed with that. So she's got her own beautiful mane and then plus all the weave under the mane. I mean, she's got a lot of hair and you know what else makes her look a lot better? My earrings, those big giant giant diamond earrings make her look a lot better. I'm like, wow, you got to slicked up. Right. I mean, sometimes her clothes are a massive fail. You know, every once in a while she'll have a hit, but there, there's never any doubt that she's rocking real diamonds that are worth millions upon millions of dollars. She won't let you forget that with a nice big old chunky stud. Yeah. Um, I, we're talking about this probably way too much, but what do you think about that? I mean, we've talked about plastic surgery and stuff. Would you ever deal with? Um, I would never, I'm one of those people who says I never say never because if I had some horrible issue, I, I would never, uh, I don't know. I've been under the, um, I've been under for surgery before. I think that any elective surgery is kind of creepy, um, but at the same time, like, I wouldn't have Chenbot hosting Big Brother had she never gone and had this surgery. So at the end of the day, I'm really, I'm pro surgery. Why? I think she was so cute. Just looking all Chinese and nosy. What's the problem? She's still going to look better with a lot, you know, look like the five pounds and the big earrings and the, and better makeup and a weave. I mean, I don't get it. I mean, what are you going to try open everybody's eyes and we're never going to have any minorities on TV if we have to like keep whitening everybody up. I have a wonky eye and I want to get it fixed and if my mommy would pay for it, I'd go do it too. Well, thankfully I'm never going to be on TV because I'm pretty. If I get on TV, it's going to be because I blackmailed somebody with good enough shit that I can look however I want and be as bad as I want. So fuck off everybody. I'm not getting any surgery. You're going to deal with my bad ass on the internet the way God made it and then McDonald's expanded it. Okay. All right. So let's talk about actual Big Brother because this is ridiculous. We've talked 15 minutes about that. Yeah. And people are still tuned in. So we got them. Okay. So this is we had lots of fiction stuff going on. We're getting down to the finale. Obviously the winner of Big Brother 15 will be announced on September 18th, which is next Wednesday. Sidebar, today, CBS renewed the show for an upcoming 16th season because the ratings have been good enough despite the fact that the house is full of racist homophobic monsters. Well, it actually works so well that the next season is going to be black people against white. It's just going to be like every race on one side of the house and then a bunch of errands on this side of the house and we'll see shit get real, real fast and we will be glued to our screens. Yeah. Anyways, so with the finale coming up, we've obviously had to trim down the cast. It was a bigger cast than ever before this season and we've had a few. We've needed to do some double evictions and that's what we got this week. And today, spoiler alert, if you guys are tuning in right now, McCrae recently left the house just about an hour ago and on yesterday's show, Judd left. So now we're down to three people who are in one of the worst, if not the worst, alliance in Big Brother history and I do not give a shit about this show at this point. You don't know. I was expecting not to, but look, I haven't really liked anybody, like loved anybody on it. Yeah, but I've loved watching the season. I've had a really good time with it. And this week again, I thought, oh, I'm going to hate this week. Amanda's not there to bully people and Alyssa's not there to be like, oh my God, about everything. I'm going to hate this show. It was hilarious. I mean, I've laughed through every episode and I think because the people that they have left are ridiculous, but they're all personality. I mean, Gina Marie is like the most huggable little racist I've ever seen. It's true. Texas. I know a lot of huggable races. What do you want to start? Do you want to start with Sunday night's show or do you want to start with Wednesday or tonight and work our way backwards? I'll let you decide what you're letting me top this podcast. I would like to start backwards because McCray, you know, McCray has been on this show the whole time. I don't know a damn thing about him except he's really gross. He sticks his wiener and hippos. He doesn't take a bath. He's got gross hair. He picks his ears. He looks like he's being played by a Chloe Sip 78 in the early 90s. But I've never really had reason to root against him except for the moose he's boning. But now that she's gone, I thought, we're going to really get to see his personality. He's going to come out of there and he's going to be a real big brother star. Shocker. He has no personality. I mean, worse. He's just not a bright boy. God bless his little heart. Okay. So McCray, just listening to him talk, I mean, in his diary room sessions, well, you know, I think that, you know, and he probably did vote me, but it's the will of the house. I got to go with the will of the house like big brother 15, the will of the house shut the fuck up with the will of the house. It's the dumbest way to play big brother I've ever seen. Well, clearly he can't play the game without Amanda there. Yes, he won HOH at the very beginning of the season without her help, but that was a physical challenge. But without his moosey lady by his side, he has zero gain, his tail is between his legs and he didn't even really put up that much of a fight. It didn't seem. No, he was just, he's very tired. I mean, I've been wondering if I should like try and meet him. I want to go to this big brother rap party thing next Thursday, are you going to go? I don't know. You should go. It'll be fun. But um, I want to ask him why so tired because I'm wondering if we have the same disease. I've always assumed it was because I was fat and miserable and said a lot and like God was smiting me. But now I see someone like him and he seems like a good person and he's always tired too. And it's going to ruin his damn life. I'll tell you that much as someone who's old and got in no place. Well, the funny thing is, um, you know, Amanda may not ruin his life. McCray very well may do that on his own because once he was evicted and he's sitting up there with Julie Chen and she's asking about his showman's with Amanda, he doesn't really sound like it's that promising, which I think will kill Amanda or enrage her and she will then start eating donuts and murdering him because he doesn't sound like the two of them necessarily are going to last a lifetime like Jeff and Jordan and our other beloved showman's is like Rachel and Brendan. Well, you never know because one common thing that all of those showman's have, there's a common thread, if you really think about it, Jeff, like very charming, very good looking guy, but he's kind of a dick like he's not very nice sometimes to Jordan. He kind of smacks her down a lot of the time and she's just like me and does whatever he says because she's done. And then you've got Rachel and Brendan and Brendan's kind of like a sleeping with the enemy type too. Like he's super controlling and weird and demanding too. And then you've got Amanda who's like really controlling and I mean, is that just how relationships are, is there always that person or relationship I would know really? Now I'm really having to evaluate my life and my past relationships and it's getting a little too real for me right now when I don't have alcohol in my hand. Thank you. Yeah. Are they just do they all need like an A type asshole to be there like being hurtful? I mean, the only relationships I've really had long term are with dogs and I'm the Amanda because I'm always bossing them around and not letting them speak, you know, so I can totally understand. I don't know. I mean, sometimes I like to boss people around because I'm an only child, but at the same time, I'm also kind of dumb. So then I would kind of be the Jeff and the Jordan in one happy combo package. Oh my God, Jeff. I just they keep playing that. People keep posting all over big brother threads every season that rant against Dumbledore being gay. I mean, that is just the most offensive fucking thing. Did you see that? I'm sure, right? I've seen it, but I proudly have never seen or read anything Harry Potter. Oh, well, he's not. He's just like the headmaster of the school, like he's the head wizard or whatever. Who plays some of the movies? Some gay dude, probably. Is it Alan coming? I feel like no, it's not Alan coming. Some old guy. I forget. I'm sorry. My memory, my memory doesn't work. Yeah. Marijuana in my youth. Good luck. Just got brought home with a treat and he went and hit it under the bed. I'm just going to say, did your dog just open the door and walk himself in? My friend Brian took him on a walk and brought him home. Like quietly let him in with a treat and he looked at me and saw that I was talking on the computer and like, put his tail between his legs and went and went under the bed to eat his treat. You see, I'm the Amanda. Is that your neighbor? Is that your neighbor? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But he has a key to my house and I think he took my clippers. Not okay. I'm going to find out. That's going to be the mystery of the week. So anyway, that whole relationship thing, Dumbledore or whatever, that's ever everybody knows about that. So Macrae, you know, guys like Macrae always talk big when their girlfriends aren't around. Those are those guys that you go to the bar with, you're like, "Hey, has your old ball and chain." They're like, "That fucking bitch," you know, and then when you see them with them, they're like, "I love you, honey." They're like holding your purse. Right. I mean, he can get away with this right now. But once he enters the jury house, he'll be emasculated all over again. Totally. Oh my God, the jury house. We still need to talk about the jury house. We just brought it up for a second. Okay, let's talk about the jury house. I was going to go to Facebook stuff. Okay. Let me just say this. If CBS had, you know, half a brain, instead of carrying on forcing us to watch Big Brother in prime time and then, you know, asking us to please watch Big Brother After Dark on TV Guide channel, just give me a feed of the jury house. I would watch that 24 hours a day, not what's going on in the actual damn house. I would pay to see that, especially because it's all women except for Judd, which I didn't realize because I don't have the memory to like, oh, who got kicked off last night? I don't remember things like that. All women all kind of hate each other. Probably almost same. Maybe perhaps all in the same cycle, dare I say, well, they're kind of doing that thing that women do when they all get together at first and they're like, oh my God, we're going to be best friends. Talon's painting, Jesse's, you know, eating triskets or whatever the hell. Candice is brushing hair, drinking, brushing people's hair, you know, learning out her dew rag or whatever to people. Even Erin came in like, y'all, I'm really sorry for things that I said in the house to offend you. She is not sorry, Ronnie. She heard the parade of booze when she was evicted and then Julie called her out on TV like she should have. And I think that she probably had, you know, maybe five minutes to talk to her mom or somebody along the way before she made a journey and I had a feeling that she was told, you might want to start the VR machine of fixing your entire broken fucked up life. Yeah, no kidding. It's like, honey, we put that picture of you at a black guy with prom all over the internet. It's the least we can do given there an apologize honey, apologize good. So she came in doing the whole apology thing and they're all like, by the way, she was wearing a offensive Native American costume. She can't help herself. Oh, yeah, she has no self awareness. So you know, all the women are hippie-dippy, lovey-dippy at first, but then Amanda comes and crashes everything down. Wait, wait, wait, wait. You need to back it up a second because she comes and she starts to apologize to the women before Amanda's there. And she does like a cheers thing and Helen and Jesse cheers her and Candace raises her glass, but she's looking down at like her plate of food. She's not even looking Erin in the eye. She's not playing this game. She still hates her. There's still a lot of tension between those two. Oh, well, of course Amanda can't help herself. You know, one of the great things about Erin is that she says things like, you know, I thought that being in the jury, being outside the Big Brother House, Amanda would be different but she's worse. Like if Erin's saying your personality is that bad, you're in big trouble. And she is worse. I mean, they start talking about who should win. No one says McCray. She flips a lid and starts basically bullying everybody to say that McCray is the best. And I love that Candace is like, oh, boyfriend didn't even get out of bed, Bill. Oh, well, it's true. He didn't. So let's go to some Facebook things and some Tweety Tweety things. Catherine says, I don't think you can call Matt not a real gay with an Adam Lambert poster behind him. Amen. Okay. That's very true. Amen, sister. Did Ronnie steal Barbara Walter a soft focus? I had to lower the bandwidth because we're always freezing and I still look old. But DeJohnson, Candace laughing down Amanda about McCraze came. Your man never got out of bed boo. Dr. Will is going to be grilling the jury. How great will that be? What? Did you hear me? I'm in shock, okay, I'm in shock. What the hell? Do you think he's going to tell them off? I think that he's probably going to go remove all of their tramp stamps because in Los Angeles he's also known as Dr. Tat off on Wilshire Boulevard. And then I don't know, I really don't know why that's happening. I mean, are we prepping for another like is season 16 going to be all stars round two? Like what's going on? Oh my God, I hope that they haven't all stars because we could really use one. I hope it's every minority from the past seasons against Aaron and Gina Murray. Okay, but really, why do you think Will is in discussions because he kind of put Big Brother on the map. Season one of Big Brother was a mistake. The format was different. Season two is where Dr. Will is known in you know, TV circles as one of the greatest reality TV villains of all time right up there with Richard Hatch and Amarosa. If not the number one reality TV villain. So do you think because this season is chock-a-block full of villains and horrible people, they decided to bring him back to possibly moderate alongside Julie Chen? I think that he doesn't, he doesn't really like to come back like he's rich on his own and they say that he really doesn't, he's not really into it, which is why we don't see that much of him. But he still tweets about it and stuff and when Dan became the best Big Brother player of all time to a lot of people, I'm putting that in air quotes because I'm sure not everyone agrees. I agree with that piece of shit. So yeah, you see it starts fights all over the country. Thanks a lot, Dr. Will, you're still working your magic. But yeah, Dr. Will gets pissy and will say stuff on Twitter and I think that he's just, I think that he's a fan of the game and the show and he's probably just as annoyed as everybody else that there's this many fuckwits in the show and he wants to like come tell him off. I mean, if you have the power and he's just called, he wants to be famous and be like listen, I want to come by and yell at these fucking racist idiots you've got. You would do it. Wouldn't you? Well, okay. So let's just talk about this for a second. So the show sucks now because a lot of people are not in the house that matter and it's just really boring. But that said, this finale has the potential to be full on shenanigans craziness like melt down city. Like that is why I'm still invested because you bring back Dr. Will, you have Julie Chen, you have Aaron, you have Amanda, like are people going to find out that they were fired because they're racist? I mean, this has the potential to be the craziest finale in reality TV history. I really hope that they let it go there. I mean, I've been surprised that they've let people get booed because when I've been to the show, I went during, I think I went when Jeff got kicked, I went on like a really big day and people were cheering and booing and they came out and they were like, no, no, everyone gets the same respect here. We don't boo people. That's not how we do things. And so I'm surprised at this year that they're letting people get booed, which I love. So I'm hoping that in the finale, they really just like, it gets Jerry's fingerized and Amanda's crying and sobbing and I hope that they show clips of them being so racist and horrible and not just, I mean, I have a feeling that they're just going to give it to Aaron. But I don't think that it's fair. I think they really should drag it out about, especially Amanda's Puerto Rican showers ramp and raping Jesse in the throat and using her blood as lube for Spencer. And what else? Gina Marie's n-word insurance and all the n-words that Gina Marie has gone off on. I hope that they all have to like sit there and watch themselves on TV. I paid for that. Just show them a two hour clip show and let's just see their reactions. What are you doing? Reading? What are you reading? You're looking at porn. You are aren't you? You're looking at Stephen Daggle porn. Ben let's talk about article. I just moved into a new house and it is really hard to find quality furniture that honestly I can afford without feeling terribly guilty. I found the most beautiful stuff on article. I got three bar stools for this bar I built and they are gorgeous. They're mid-century modern brown leather seats. Just beautiful and not only are they great, but they brought them over and they put them together. 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So did you hear that? Andy compared himself to Dan today. Do you see me and hear me? I do. Okay. Are we still recording? And we are. Okay. Hi, everybody. I'm back. But I thought you never laughed. Okay. What were we talking about? Because I was going to like really rant for a second. Anyway, I forgot because I got so nervous that I was going to be left here alone, Matthew. We were talking about how I wanted everybody to have to watch clips themselves being racist at the finale. Right. So, you know, we have to give, again, we have to give CBS credit. I never thought in a million years they would go where they did. And by even grilling Aaron, again, I've said this multiple times. I think Aaron got the brunt of it and I think it's completely unfair because the other people were just as bad. But we do have to give CBS credit and part of me thinks that because they already went there a little bit, they have to, in order to like a book end, this season of shenanigans, they have to commit to this and they have to let people know they've been fired. And also, why would they not want to do that? It would be a ratings like it could. People will actually be talking about Big Brother for a change as opposed to the night of that finale is also the premiere of Survivor Night. This is the night for Big Brother to stomp on Survivor and get more people talking about it than the Jeff Prob show. Well, I cannot wait personally and I hope that you're right. And I hope that some I hope that Dr. Will is like, so you're a racist bitch. So you're a hippo, you're a hippo cow. What do you call like a crossbreed? You're a hippo cow crossbreed that bull is everybody. How do you feel about that? Hmm. Tell me. Hmm. Okay. So let me ask you this. Who has the potential to have the biggest breakdown when they find out they've been fired? Gina Marie, Spencer, Aaron, or Amanda? Well, Aaron already knows she's upset, Greek. She knows she's in trouble. Gina Marie didn't really even have a job to begin with. Like she volunteered as like a pageant coach or some shit every summer. That does not count. Listed her parents in his on welfare. So she's going to be shocked that she even had a job. If anything, she'll start sobbing that she had a job and she's been missing it this whole time. Spencer didn't lose this job because he's in the union. Go America. Smart boy. America. Last one. America. America. Amanda. Amanda didn't have a real job either. Wait, she's no longer like, she's no longer really like repped by the insurance are not the real estate licensees of Florida or some shit. Well, supposedly she had a real estate license under her mom's company or something and they pulled her license for some, I don't know, I'm not buying that she was even really doing that much real estate anyway, because she knows Allison Grodener because she was out here doing reality shows and stuff and working on reality shows and PA. She met her working on one of her other shows, which leads me to believe that they will never properly grill Amanda. They would make fun of her. They made fun of her in plenty of the edits throughout the season, but they're never going to stick it to her properly in the finale because of her ties to Grodener. I think they will now because she's been booed already. They couldn't stop that. You know, they probably tried to Amanda knows she's hated everyone's going to be talking about it. I don't think and especially if you've got Dr. Will there, I mean, what's he gonna ask like, so what was it like writing a, you know, stick figure every night? Like he's not going to ask that. He's going to be like, so cow, what's it like being a racist or whatever. So I don't think she's going to skate. I just want to see everybody cry. I think Gina Marie will cry the most because she honestly believes in her heart of hearts that she's a good person and everybody around her is telling us that she's a really great person. So I think she's one of those cases where it's like she's really stupid and ignorant and obviously doesn't leave the basement much, but it's still really nice and openhearted. Even a black people that sometimes like maybe sometimes do you think if Gina Marie wins the $500,000 grand prize and she's already emotional and she's losing her shit and then Julie says, and in addition to losing the, to winning the $500,000 grand prize, Gina Marie, you've been fired for being a racist. I mean, like, what will happen? Will her like tongue ring shoot out of her mouth and pierce Julie in the eye? Oh, wait, Julie's eyes were already fixed. What will happen? Like could, could Gina Marie like spontaneously combust on the side? No. So just go, you know, Julie's mommy's all I was saying was, you know, I get understood it didn't like missed people have missed it and understand it means I didn't mean it like that. I love black people. You know how many black guys I've had inside of me, Julie's is uncount enumerate. It's enumerated Julie's I mean, please she's not gonna, she's gonna be shocked that anybody found events with anything she said. So this is what's gonna happen. She's gonna win 500 grand. Her head will explode then Julie's gonna say, Oh, by the way, you've been fired and her head's gonna explode again. And then they're gonna pull out Nick from the crowd because they paid him a probably an extra 50 grand to, to bring him just to the finale because he's not even on the, in the jury house. And then she's really gonna explode. What if the real twist is it mixed there and he's like, Gina Marie, I love you, Gina Marie and he has flowers and he's like, I, you're the one I've been waiting for. And then he's like, Oh, and by the way, we've been cast on the next season of Amazing Race together. And then Amanda's head will explode because that's her dream. She wants her and McCready beyond Amazing Race. I would actually tune into the Amazing Race for that because I would hope that, you know, she would fall or get run over on a daily basis. Do you watch that show the Amazing Race? I'm over it now. But if they would cast it properly, which they haven't done for the past four to six seasons, I would tune back in and the way to make me tune into TV shows is to cast people that I hate. So cast Amanda. Yeah, that would be good. You'd be like, well, I hope that trolley runs are over. So let's go to look at our little Facebook page. I think people on our Facebook page and on Twitter are probably going to get mad because we're not talking about what actually went down this week. And what they like for us to talk about is how much we hate Andy. Um, Andy, OK, we can talk about how much we hate and I mean, we do it so much. So just feel like, I mean, I can talk about it, but I can possibly talk about it. Well, like the next two hours, I could just continue. Andy thinks he's just so cute. It makes me crazy. Well, if I don't win this one, I'll hope it's lost. I think that he probably applied for a job at a theme park to play a character and it really went like horribly wrong. And then he like moved into his parents basement and started crocheting like ugly, gay tank tops and Pinocchio for a week and then got so sunburned that he had to go hide in the basement to get new skin. Um, yeah, you know what, I'm just going to put this out there. I don't really trust Ginger's. Really? No. Why? I don't know. They just, they're always a little off to me. Well, Ginger's have always been made fun of their whole life. And you know who else has? Villains. That's what makes a villain. You never see a backstory of a villain who just had like a great life and they just decided to be evil. Always when kids were making fun of him at school and stuff, I'm like pushing him up against lockers. That's why I'm hateful. I mean, that's why every Disney queen is hateful. Somebody fucked her over when she was a teenager. Those poor Ginger's go through a lot. When I see somebody like turn into a serial killer that's a ginger, I'm like, that is our fault as a society and it's especially England's fault because they're the meanest. Why is it our fault when such things exist like Cleral and, um, you know, there are plenty of hair dies on the market, like he would look weird and we could still tell that they was a ginger hiding underneath, but he could at least put in some effort to clean that up. No. Okay. You put in some effort to be less gay. And why don't you just set fire to that Adam Lambert poster behind you and maybe like, you know, use your rubber band to tie down your boner when you see that's David Beckham, actually. Oh, I'm not even looking. You look. Um, okay, Andy is hateful and gross. And I think the worst thing about Andy is that he's always crying. I'm so sorry that I had to do this to you. You know, it shows you his nose, like he has to prove that he's really crying. What is up with his like, he has like, he has like five or six ticks. Like I just don't, he looks like one of those, um, animatronic, I don't know if you've been calling them animatronic, but you remember when you were a kid and you would go to like chucky cheese or like a knockoff chucky cheese and then have those like creepy animals in a pizza room, that like things but they don't work properly and they're a little too shaky. He's one of them. Yeah. Except just facing me. I think it's like he's trying to push out like eye boogers with his just like without using his fingers. He's like, I can just seem struggling to do it. I don't know. I think he's going to grow up and just have one of those weird ticks one day, but God bless his heart. He thinks he's just so cute. Well, I know he gets booed. Do you think he's going to get booed or do you think there's enough dragons in the world like woohoo? Oh, don't even get me started on Reagan again. Here's my thing with Andy. Yeah, he thinks he's cute and funny and great. He should be booed because he was Amanda's minion for way too long and he will forever be tarnished in my eyes because of that. But here's the other problem with him. He actually thinks that he's a good player and because he won that HOH and he won the veto, he thinks that he's hot shit. Let me break something down for you right now. You are not hot shit if the people you beat are a 24-year-old dumb-ass pizza boy, a moron who lives in her parents' basement, and some dumb-ass hillbilly who works for the train system. Like, I'm sorry, but if that is your competition and you beat them, you should not be proud. You should probably go out and still kill yourself. I know. It's like when Spencer won his HOH and he's like, "I've been waiting this whole time to win an HOH and finally now I get to be the boss." It's like, yeah, there's nobody else in the house. Of course you won it. I mean, they were practically like who can form their boogers into the best ball. Like here, Spencer, let's change it up a little. When there is no competition and you win, shut up. Well, first of all, we got a YouTube comment last week about how these final four are not floaters and that word is used so much. Yes, they are floaters. They are the definition of floaters. They float from power alliance to power alliance. They were committing to any of that. That's what a floater is. Right. So, guess what? Gina Marie worked for Aaron. Aaron took the hit. McCray worked for Amanda. Amanda took the hit. Spencer worked for everybody and everybody took the hit and his dumb ass is still there for some reason and Andy also bounced around between Helen and Amanda. Andy both took the hits. Andy and Spencer are probably actually true to form floaters because they actually went from power. Spencer would just say yes to whoever was there. That did too. Andy made it the whole way by doing that. McCray, I mean, he stayed, he's not really a floater because he was behind Amanda and who was the other one? I forget. Gina Marie wasn't really a floater. She's been pretty true to her word, but the three, the other three guys are total floaters, so whatever. But another thing that I wanted to say was everybody in that jury house is going to give it to Andy if he gets to the end, so why is nobody getting rid of Andy? I know they don't see the jury house footage, but didn't you love? How Aaron who clearly hates Amanda was like, "I told you to get rid of Andy over me. That was your downfall. That was your biggest mistake." And I actually agree. Oh, totally, yeah. But you know, Andy, see, that's the thing about saying, "Well, Andy didn't play a good game. Blah, blah, blah. I just floated to the end." Yes. But that is kind of the game. I mean, he lied and, you know, I was kind of pissed when Ian won the game because Ian was kind of a McCray. I mean, it was kind of a dumb-dumb. He just did whatever anybody told him to, and he trusted until the end that he would make it, and Dan stupidly went up against him in the end, but I thought Dan should have won that season because he lied and masterminded and stuff. Andy I guess is different just because he, what am I even trying to say about Andy? He's despicable, but I don't think he's a bad player. He played everybody. Yeah, but what you're saying is like, as much as we're not huge fans of his, if he wins, we still have to give him props because you have to do something to win, and that very well could be, you know, just properly navigating around the morons that you were surrounded by. So if he is able to win, I will give him two props, but I really still dislike him, and I cannot stand his tank tops. I totally agree, and Manalette on Facebook is saying maybe there's a secret ginger alliance because they're both at the end. So true, and nobody is giving the ginger's props or finally cut out on top. If they reveal at the end during the finale, if they're the final two, that they had a secret alliance called like a ginger snaps, I will freak out and die. Make a ginger snaps. Well, I think that they're like best friends in the house, aren't they? Right, I mean, because I become best friends with everybody that calls me a homo. Well, I don't, he wasn't, he, that specific thing, he wasn't doing it. I mean, I think he called him Fag of the Andy, right, or Kermit the Fag or something like that. Yeah. I think Andy botched it that. I mean, they were making jokes and stuff. Well, Andy, I get back all the time. Yeah, well, they're not friends, they're strangers in a reality TV show, Ronnie. So it's a very different story. And you know, Andy was just so desperate this season. It just proved that he was so incredibly desperate to be liked by people because probably in his real life, he is not the most popular person. And he probably had a lot of shit growing up as a kid. And, you know, that's why I think he latched onto Amanda. She was the powerful person, he has never been associated with the power. And I don't know. I'm not a fan. I can't, I can't commit to this. I'd rather have Gina Marie win. I actually am rooting for Gina Marie. I know that that's terrible and that's a racist choice because she said so many stupid things. But look, at this point, they're all assholes. I mean, we can go over why they're all assholes, but I don't know, Gina Marie at least is funny. I just want to see her win so she has to give a speech. But I'm afraid that she's going to get, you know, she's, she heard her foot, she like fractured or something. And then she had to get stitches on her knee, I think, after the last, the last competition. So she's kind of a wounded bird right now. I don't know. I don't know how much she can actually do, but Spencer is, Spencer right now is in the spot that is probably going to go home, right, because he's the weakest and the weakest never last at the end. They always take the person who's been on the block the most, who's won the least amount of challenges. He always makes it to the final three or she is mostly a he, but this occasionally a three is Sheila. Or was that was she for three? I think she was three anyway. He will lose. And I predict that it will be Gina Marie and Andy in the end, but do you think they'll give it to Gina Marie over Andy? Am I talking to myself again? God damn it. Matthew come back to me. All right. Well, Matt's gone. And I think I've officially talked to him as you're all so damn sick of me. So I'm out there as he has a little face. You always know Matt's there because he's looking at himself like this in the computer to see if he looks cute. You look cute Matthew. How often do I have to tell you? Are you trying to come back? You trying? So we're just going to say bye. So try to come back. Say bye. He's gone. So anyway, guys, thank you so much for being here for the TV clip podcast big brother. We will only have one more of these because the show is over next week. So we will all be here for that one bed will be back in town and we'll all be here for that show. So come back next Thursday 730 Pacific time. You can find us on our Facebook page, facebook.com/watchwhatcraphens on Twitter @whatcraphens. I also put this on my website trash.tv. You can find Matt on all the social networks at life on the M list. You can find me on YouTube at youtube.com/trashtalktv and you can find me on Instagram at trashtalktv. And I think that's it. Matthew, are you back? Matthew's gone again. You see? I almost paused to let Matt say something and that goes to show you. Never pause to let Matt say shit. Okay, guys, you learned your lesson. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for everybody on the Facebook page for commenting during this and making us laugh. Love you guys. See you next time. Bye. GoDaddy is offering one new or transfer.com for just $1.99 for the first year. Each new.com comes with a free instant page website and built in photo albums. So what are you waiting for? Get your website started today. $1.99 for a domain name is so cheap. Go to goDaddy.com and enter code craphens at checkout. 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