Watch What Crappens

#66: Kim Richards is Married to Medicine

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27 Mar 2013
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Kim Richards is Married to Medicine

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Acorns Advisors LLC and SEC Registered Investment Advisor view important disclosures at Hey everyone, welcome to Watch What Crap Inns, the podcast about all the crap we love to talk about on Bravo. I'm Ronnie Karim from and as used I'm with Ben Mandelker from Beside Block. Hello Ben. Hi everybody. And I'm also with Matthew Whitfield of Yahoo. Hello Matt. Hey boys. You can find me at TVGasm. Why are you laughing at me already? We're like four seconds in. I'm laughing because for some reason it just struck me as being so super gay. Yeah, you like planned for the whole year. As I was delivering it, it felt super gay. Well it is the equality for all day with red stuff on Facebook. Oh my god those red squares on Facebook. I thought people were going communist. I was like okay Facebook. Let's let's shine out of this. I'm already over my profile picture and it's going back to something sexy tomorrow. Oh I can't wait to change it back. Plus it's totally making Facebook stalking impossible. How you supposed to look up someone if all you see is a sea of red and pink dashes. I know good marriage is going to fail and America is going to turn into communist country. Mark my words. Then anyway before we get started you can find me Ronnie at TVGasm on Twitter. You can find Matt @lifeonthemless and you can find Ben at Beside Blog. We're also on Facebook at I mean yeah is that right? No and yeah I guess that's it. So come on to Facebook and talk some shit with us because you guys are leaving some really funny stuff on there and we'll be talking about a lot of that stuff today in the podcast. So if you go over things I want to start off with why did your face disappear from our Facebook page because now it says photos follow Ben Instagram follow Matt understand where the fuck are you? Okay because I'm like an old grandma trying to learn the computer still. Bitch I thought we're trying to be all like stealth like I'm hiding it I don't want to show you know my life on here and I'm like what's up? I'm too good for this this watch on crap and Facebook page. No it's because I've gained 100 pounds and I'm embarrassed for people to see my face. No it's because I finally got on Instagram because you guys are on Instagram and your little things on there are Instagram links and mine was a Twitter link which I mean who cares if I don't say anything on Twitter so I was trying to change it to Instagram and I couldn't figure out how to do it and I accidentally erased mine. So well when have you put my Instagram up there? Oh I don't I don't know how to fuck to do that since I was the one the architect of these little I will add it on tomorrow. Who was the architect of the most glamorous cover photo ever that says checkmate bitch starring Lisa Vanderpump who put that up? That was me because I do amazing you know because I do same day recaps over at So I was doing that anyway and I died when she said that so I figured I should. God you you plug your website almost more than Ben clugs his a list of friends. Oh my god yeah I wish I had celebrity to mention Todd English was on my plane to New York you guys. Wow. Wow. Have every caps of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and redubs. So come on over. I have a legitimate name drop that folds into the mission of this podcast. Okay. I was tweeted at last night or two nights ago without any. I did not know where this came from initially but by our very own our very favorite Kim Richards. I know I'm kind of dying. So what happened was one of our listeners Wendy Shaw tweeted a photo of escape to which mountain at Kim Richards but also included me on the tweet which is why I didn't had no idea this was happening because I didn't checked in. But all I. Because you're late because you're lazy and she did the work for you. Exactly. And so then I go on to Twitter to look at my at replies and also I see Kim Richards and the best part is that she replied to both of us but the best part was that to me it made zero sense which in turn made it make the most sense of all. Turtles. So here's what she wrote. Okay everyone and I'll tell you when it's over. Okay. Kim Richards says @Wendyann99 @bsideblog ah exclamation point. So cool. Cool and caps. Exclamation point. Exclamation point. Emoji of the earth. Emoji of a shooting star. And then looks like looks kind of like my Starbucks exclamation point question mark. Huh. Question mark. Ha ha. Do they have emojis for Vicodin and Kalanapin and Hillbilly heroin. It was. Let me tell you something you guys. Spray pink. I was. When I saw that tweet I was convinced I was looking at a Kim Richards parody account. I was like oh who is this Joker. This is like Alexis Bolino you know. No that's a that's a fish. This was the real deal Kim Richards saying ah so cool looks like my kind of Starbucks huh. Ah ha. I've since learned that Starbucks is a reference to something on Escape to Witch Mountain which then prompted me to look up race to Witch Mountain with the rock and if you do a search for that on Google it shows a cast list it shows like the rock and the three other current stars and then there's a picture of Kim Richards and it's like this 1971 like little Kim Richards six years old pigtails picture next to the rock and it's the funniest juxtaposition looking at that right now it's actually a super adorable picture she's like a six-year-old child with pigtails and a beer on her hand. I heard though that not that I would watch a movie with a rock in it but I did hear that she has a cameo in the more recent one starring the rock. Yeah that's why she was in the cast list. Hey you're the rock I've snorted you so many times thanks for all the good night. Woo. Hey I escaped to the rock mountain the rock is talking. I'm going to move you with it with a mountain about a mountain and the race is great. Don't tell me. Don't try to put me in a hospital. Somebody needs to make a photo of instead of crashing into Shut Up Mountain it's Kim crashing into a mountain of cocaine and then having to escape it with a star. Yes exactly with a Starbucks cup in her hand and the rock you know. The Starbucks. Starbucks is the actual well she got a Starbucks and a Starbucks. Yeah that's what I was getting at she would still have a Starbucks coffee cup in her hand and she wouldn't know the difference between each and you know there'd be wine in that Starbucks by the way. I learned at the airport. Can we talk some gossip because there is a lot of shit before we get into Atlanta and Mary to medicine Beverly Hills and the reunion. I have lots of discuss. Well sure I know today the big thing on Facebook when we're recording this is that it's all about marriage equality. So I think in gay news Matt you have you I'm assuming you have some gossip coming from Atlanta and some divorce that might be happening. Oh girl. You see that in that in. I you know even when the East Coast I just you know I should never underestimate you. Okay everybody so the big news that came out today is that Cordell Stewart came out. Well yeah he should have come out today too and said that he's been in a romance with Walter but anyway Cordell came out today and actually filed divorce papers and he is divorcing our beloved Portia. Yes and I'm reading about this on Us Weekly and it says that Portia is disappointed because she had held off from filing because Mr. Stewart promised to work on the marriage with her instead he misled her and she found out about the filing in the media. Come on now that is just wrong. It's always the wife who's the last to know right. Well especially when your husband's on the down low. We should write a fucking song. This should be a candy barris. This could be her next album her next song her next single. Well the rumor is and it's not a rumor that I'm starting but it's a rumor that I read on the internet which if you guys don't know is the best book ever written other than the bible possibly. Yeah and I read that he is leaving her for like an out of straight out of his teens her mafradite which someone in the comment section of that article got very offended and said it's not her mafradite it's intersexed which I've never heard of so if there's any her mafradites out there who need to be called intersex that is fine but that makes me think of that unit store where everything was just what do you call that where it's not a man or it's not a woman. Unisex. Unisex yeah like when people pee in the same bathroom I'm not saying intersex. Wait I have a question are you saying that Cordell Stewart left Portia for a her mafradite slash intersex slash unisex being. I am saying that Cordell is leaving Portia for somebody made at units. No I don't know I'm not saying that I'm just saying I read it on the internet. Does this person have a Starbucks or is that oh I'm not sure and you know what God bless them if he is if he is leaving her for a herme then that's great I just hope that herme doesn't ever want to leave the house. Hermit yeah well if if the rumors are correct we know that Cordell is not into star boxes if you know what I'm talking about. He's not into box at all he's into it Portia to start. He's into the box. He's into man ass. Anyway the funny thing is not the funny thing and that wasn't even funny what I just said I'm dumb. It was laughing because I'm just in a great mood. Are you high like Ken Richards? I'm high well you know what I'm feeling the vibes of her star box. Okay enough was star box. So Portia though was on watch what happens a few nights ago and they asked about this and she just was like yeah everything's fine. I mean obviously you brush it off and you never tell Andy Cohen the truth but you know what do you guys think now? I think this secures her a place on the next season. Well I would love it if she if next season she's bitter and being like well he's gay anyway I would find him like making that with guys like 145 days a year that's extra years with. Yeah I just turned her into like Audrey J. Sorry. I'm okay with that. Sorry my impersonations are gonna be way off tonight because I'm in my parents house. I don't want to be too loud wake them up and confuse them. So everything's gonna be real strange over here. Hey you know I have to carry my hand wife because he's always making me use my fingers and that's the place it and I thought that was normal because I saved myself for marriage. Well never again I'm gonna be a virgin until marriage never again. Do we lose Matt? Yeah Matt. No I'm here. I'm just as soon as you say as soon as you say like what did you say hand wipes I just kind of got upset and nervous and we were just waiting to see where it was going. He saw a red and then he saw a pink and then thought of Cordell. And then I thought of Rothko. And then his vagina tends to. I'm not trying to it's funny I'm not trying to offend you Herms. Everybody I accept you if you have a penis and a vagina a penis or a vagina a vagina and a penis a pinjina. I wasn't I wasn't Jamie Lee Curtis born with both that was the rumor. That's the rumor that's the rumor we have not verified that but we can send Cordell in to do some research. Maybe he needs to take some activity. That's the last thing I want to see is Cordell with the shits because you know he'll be like oh I got the shits again. Wow I don't know where this show is going tonight. I would just like to say that we're starting this much later than usual and we're all on drugs. No I really am. What do you want? What do you want sweetie? Let's talk. Well you know I have like all that metal up in my arm so and I sometimes get kidney stones so sometimes they prescribe me some things. Oh my god you're still coming you're like Kim's still coming up with diseases to get pills. I know I broke my arm like six years ago and had it repaired with metal and they still write me prescriptions it's amazing. He's cleaning mirrors in other people's homes now. Oh I am. Okay so I have much a ton of other gossip so Portia do we care do we think she's back next season anybody anybody I'm gonna move on. I love her. I hope she's back next season and the housewives ruins everybody's lives. Yeah for candies for some reason. Okay a few other quick a few other quick notes. We just hit 1,200 likes on our Facebook page. Amazing. Hey everybody. Which but we have not received any new comments on the iTunes page in a week and I'm getting very upset. Yeah we're looking at you Eddie McGee. We've maxed out 300 and I need more. What's the gossip. Come on now. Okay so the gossip is that Lisa Renna is in the running to join the cast of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills now that Adrian has officially been booted. Discuss slash before you discuss I'm obsessed with her. Well I don't know if I ever say I'm obsessed with Lisa Renna but I think it would be a good mix I mean but she's so valley it's hard for me to imagine her. Where the fuck do you think Kim Richards lives. She's fucking out like a rant. Yeah but Kim's a hobo like that's why we like her. I don't want to see Lisa Renna being all poor and making everybody go to the no-ho arts district for coffee. She's not poor her stories on Ventura Boulevard. It's right over the whole bit. She's gonna be dragging these women into that. We don't want to know. It's too hot there. Kim will get so hot that she'll have to take something than Brandy. It's closer than all those hoes that live in Malibu like Camille Grammar lives six hours out of Beverly Hills. Yeah but it's prettier in Malibu. Yeah. People are horrible and let me tell you all the reasons why I love Lisa Renna. Number one her lips are bigger than Taylor Armstrong's. Okay okay yeah. Number two make out. As an amazing villainess on Melrose Place and her name was Kyle McBride and she was super hot and trashy. Okay. Okay. She's married to Harry Hamlin. I can't get on board with that one. Gross. Gross. Gross. Gross. That guy looks like a me unless she's got thrown in an oven. She was amazing on various seasons of the celebrity apprentice. And she was also the the enemy of Star Jones. She's the enemy of Star Jones. That alone. My enemy is my friend. You poor young people. Let me tell you boys something that you don't know. Lisa Renna was the original Billy on Days of our Lives. She was getting there. Okay. I used to watch that every day I skipped school to come home and watch that. I used to record that shit on VHS tapes. I loved it. She was so good and then when she left they got this bimbo who was dating George Clooney and I'm still upset with her. She had these big double D boobs and she was a terrible actress and I've been mad at Lisa Renna ever since she left Days of our Lives. And every time I'm like you know what Lisa Renna, I'll forgive you and watch your show with you and Harry Hamlin. I'm like nope. Still hate you. You were much better as a bad soap opera actress than reality star bad actress. Hate you. Hate her. Yeah. Hope she gets hit by a car. I hope she doesn't get on. She's too low rent and she's already ruined enough bad TV shows. Look at the rest of this motherfucking cast. You have Taylor Armstrong who has no money. She doesn't have a pot to piss and you have Kim the hobo. And then you have Brandi who also is Po right trash. So why can't you have Lisa Renna who at least has four million dollars in the bank and listen about. Listen if you're gonna go with a known a known name. Why Lisa Renna can't just shoot a little higher. Yeah exactly. Who are you gonna get? Well yeah. To your point. Kim is on because she's a wreck. Taylor is on because she's killed the husband. She's killed the husband and now she's about to kill another one who was someone else's husband. And Brandi is a piece of white trash he's causing trouble all over the place. Lisa Renna is not going to do anything except make up silly scenes about. Oh look at me trying to make pancakes. Yeah. So hard being a wife. No. She's some. Hi if I were in the same room with you right now I would punch you in the face. Listen here to a metal arm. I'm so scared. I would crush that on my chin foil. Bitch. Ben. Oh my god. You better step in between. Oh I have stepping in between and I'm gonna say this is who I would like to see. It's not a celebrity but I think what I would really like on the real house has a housewives of Beverly Hills would be some sort of like 45 year old tiger mom Asian lady who's like type A and crazy in a bit. Like Janice Minn who runs Us Weekly. Yes or what I imagine Lucy Liu is like. Only if it's Lucy Liu and her character from Kill Bill. Yeah or yoko. Yoko's yoko ain't busy. She needs to do something. Like I would wouldn't you love it. Wouldn't you love it if there was some like austere Asian woman who spends the entire time just looking down her nose at these women and being just an uber bitch. I wanted to be yoko Ono and then she can come up and break up the gang. And then there could be a photo of like yoko naked curled up along the side of like Kyle Richards in like the Ode to Rolling Stone cover shoot. Yes. Yoko. Oh my god. You're okay. It doesn't have a boutique of verbal of art. This is sorry I was born in the 80s not the 1800s. You were born in the 80s. I'm horrified. Is that true? Yeah. Okay moving on. Shut up. Everybody shut up. All right. Ronnie is slitting his inner thigh right now. I know. Okay we're gonna talk about the shows but I have one other thing. I posted this on Facebook earlier last week or something. What do you guys think about the fact that Brad is doing better in the ratings than Rachel Zou? This excites me. This is like learning that Sucka Tash is more popular than green peas. You know it's like blah. Fuck you. It's like brown poop is less smelly than green poop. Hey let's talk about this Brad Goreski. Okay this is Brad Goreski is the reason that nobody wants gay people to get married. No one wants you in their church Brad Goreski. That is. Or the pretty husband. Yeah. And also speaking of those ratings they're both pretty low aren't they? I mean they're both pretty far under a million is that Rachel drops significantly. I mean she was normally like around 900,000 but she's down in the shitter about 500,000 this season Brad's doing about 600,000 and that means danger for both of them. Oh those are some bad ratings but I can see why. Brad I tried to watch couldn't do it. Made me crazy. Rachel Zou is hilarious and I can't believe I haven't been watching that the whole time. Yeah. Oh I'm sorry. She went to Fashion Week in Paris and she was at some fashion show where everybody was coming up and down in escalator and she's like last year. You remember last year in the finale when Kate Moss came off of Carousel and I said where do you go from Carousel? You know where you go from Carousels? Escalators. That's the whole show is like I mean but the thing is this though the Rachel Zou that shows become so much less entertaining because they've whittled away all the interesting side characters so now it's her and Whiny Rodge. I still watch it. I'm two episodes behind unfortunately as with all my TV but the drop in the ratings I blame Raj for that because there's too much is is the baby a doll robot or is it a real live thing? Sky sky sky sky. I'm not always time for sky sky. Like I'm not. Let's go on the carousel. Oh my god. Oh, it's moving. It's going to circles. I can't go on. Stop. Why they're making stops. Just go in one circle. Make a stop. Oh my god. Oh my god. Their horse is on your. Why they put horses on a circle. I can't believe it. Their horses. Oh my god. I'm moving up and down. Horses don't move up. This is ridiculous. Raj, I'm in a race. I'm in a race. Raj. Who's coming in first? Oh my god. I'm dying. I'm dying right now. Did we get the trifecta? Raj. Okay. I have. I have one other thing and then we're moving on. Sorry to break it up. So Kathy Griffin. We all know her show still exists. Kathy with an exclamation point or whatever on Bravo. They moved it to a shitty time slot on Friday. It's bombing even though she's getting a list stars today. The rumor was she was in New York taping a pilot to do a talk show on CNN that's comedy and entertainment and news based with Anderson Cooper because their New Year's Eve specials are so successful. What do you think of that? I think, you know, I would think that would be a little better than what she's doing now because she really is best when she's playing off of someone and not the hostess. So if she's doing something with someone that she already has known chemistry with, then sure, but I don't know if I want to tune in to watch a talk show on CNN. Well, Anderson can't keep a talk show going and Kathy can't keep a talk show going. It's like, no one in Hollywood really understands math. Two wrongs. Do not make it right. You know who needs a talk show? Lisa Rena. Oh my god. Oh, look, I can't make eggs. I'm so silly. Oh my god. Like how to put on tight jeans and bedazzled t-shirts. She is. Do you know what? I'm going to admit this. She is more Orange County in her fashions. She is and she loves a bedazzled Florida Lee on the ass of her jeans and she loves a big like faux rusted rooster that would be sitting on her island in her kitchen. And she has like what I like to call the human resources haircut, which is like the little short perk thing that women do with little wings on the side. I started that shit. They all followed in her way or in her steps. It's like the quick and efficient mom/human resources haircut. Yeah, you just tostle it dry. Human resources haircut. I like that. No. Okay. This is about seven minutes. I've been talking about nothing and I've already cursed way too many times about one lady that keeps complaining about me cursing. She's really mad at us. Who is that? God. I don't know. Some person on the iTunes says that we curse too much. Oh, curses. We do. We do. We do. Okay. Well, let's move on to to move on to the Beverly Hills main event. Why don't we talk about the dumb shit on Atlanta and married to medicine and then we'll get to the good stuff. Where do you want to start with the good stuff? I want to talk. I want to talk to this Atlanta. I want to talk what Matt said. I'll go with Matt. I vote Matt. I vote Matt and call that as a first. Sure. Let's let's talk about Atlanta where we could do. I also enjoy is talking about Lisa Rina because they're both as entertaining to me at these days. Oh my God. I hate both of you. Yoko should come break us up. Okay. Real Housewives of Atlanta box. Yeah. We're back at candies like a double house mansion in the ghetto. And we start. Hey, our come on. Just give me just give me some right. And give me some pama joys. And then we'll move on. Go. Like Jack Harry getting run over by a car. Hey, Jack. Harry just got killed outside your house. Candy. That was a wrong candy. Some more. Can you boys just ran over Jack? I didn't want to tell Riley to look out the road because Jack. Hey, just got ran over. Riley, look away. Your friend, Jack. Hey, she got run over. I hope you don't take a newspaper. Riley. Does Riley like two to seven? Of course, Riley likes two to seven. She probably stares at it confusedly like she does everything else. Are kids off London? It's because Riley looks gifted. She has a poster of Calvin up on her wall. You know, that's what you do with that Calvin photo. I think she's I think she's more into Lester, actually. Oh, wow. Mary, I'm tired. Oh, my God. Let me tell you, the best block on TV ever was two to seven followed by amen, followed by golden girls, followed by emptiness, followed by sisters. I'm the gayest person ever. Absolutely, Matt. And followed by half an hour of local news followed by Saturday Night Live. Oh, my God. Followed by Star Search. Oh, my God. Oh, we had a showtime at the Apollo in New York. We didn't have Star Search after SNL. We got we got the real. We had amateur at eye. Yeah. Wow. Okay, so we're at this party at Candy's house and she sits Kenya down and she tells Kenya that Walter's there and then Kenya freaks out and then Candy starts laughing, then Kenya gets pissed. Then she starts saying that like, well, I didn't bring security. Do normal people and Atlanta go with security wherever they go. Yeah, because all those crazy stalkers from Kenya's YouTube movies. Yeah, I mean, oh, my God, by the way, I have watched that movie, The Haitian whatever Nightmare about five times in full on YouTube. Haitian nightmares that we posted that on the face of the full the full nation nights wasn't called Haitian nights, not a nation. Yeah, I think that's a part of the section. Well, that was a lot of one. That was a lot of dog piling. You guys, let me say this, the new Tyler Perry movie that's coming out this Friday, I think it's called Temptation looks like it was probably produced by Kenya. It's that low bunch. Oh my God, I love that their big moment in that preview is showing Kim Kardashian saying the biggest thing in social media since the guy who made Facebook. And I love that we've seen it eight million times because they play it on the only two shows on TV with black people. Yeah. Well, I also watch scandals. Well, the three shows black people. Yeah. I am a voting member on the Golden Raspberry Awards, and I will be already voting for Kim Kardashian. I'm not even joking that I have plans to see it this weekend. Oh, I want to go. It looks good. Yeah, I'm going to a 21 plus screening where I can drink my face off to deal with it. You know, at my Passover Sator tonight, since there's a tendency for for politics to dominate the conversation, my cousin and I came up with a plan. And we said anytime politics comes up, we're going to start talking about Tyler Perry's temptation. And we did and it totally worked and kept politics out of conversation. Real. Can you believe it? Well, I can't believe it because Tyler Perry is another reason that people don't want gay marriage. Yes. Well, obviously Atlanta was really great because we're sitting here talking about Tyler Perry. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Let's get to the point. Okay. Pedro knew that Walter was going to be there, but she didn't tell anybody and people thought that was a little scandalous. But hello, Phaedra hates Kenya. So why the fuck does she need to tell her shit? And they're also not in sixth grade. Yeah, that that Atlanta was kind of stupid agreed. I mean, was there anything we need to even discuss on Atlanta? Kenya? Yes. Kenya's making relationships for airtime. It's calling for a stalker. My favorite moment was like five minutes in where she's like trying to bust out and then they cut to the valet and they're like, she is dramatic as a motherfucker. Yeah. Yeah. Like I actually wrote that down in my notebook. That was the direct quote. She is dramatic as a motherfucker. I loved it. I think my favorite part of the episode was when Candy had some sort of event for everyone who'd be doing her candy coated night sex talks or whatever. Yes. Her age on her dildo avon company. And she gets up there and starts crying about like, you know, this is you guys have made this all happen. And oh my God, I can't believe how far we've come. And I started thinking to myself, she's crying over dildos, basically. Yeah. I mean, we're basically maybe small. Yeah, we're basically staring at 200 fat ladies who jerk off a lot. That's what I kept thinking. I was like, there is a that must it must smell like a woman's house. I've been back at conference. So to Boris Kojo. They they they prayed up to play that rally. We're gonna take over the world. Come on now. It's a dildo. You could do it yourself with a cucumber in your hand. Shut up. I mean, I'm eating cucumber right now, as you said. Well, then you said no. I'm slurping it down. Riley, stop that. No, I cannot please. I need some. Can I get some mama Joyce got to get to your room, Riley? And don't you be doing a candy coat of knots up there? Either Riley? Yeah, candy is fine, right? It sounds like yeah. Instead of she comes above. She comes above all the haters. Why is that so offensive? Give me an image of like her somehow shooting something from her badge and it like actually. Oh my God. Okay. Stop. I cannot hear that. I cannot hear that. Uncle. 99.9% of our listeners are women. They're probably all dying right now. And I have to apologize. My cousin another cousin of mine at the Seder. She was like, you know, Ben, I've been listening to your podcast. And, you know, what you start to say about Stassi and the women at Sir, I started crossing the line. I was like, Oh, did you say that they're horrible monster bitches? I think she took offense the fact that we use the C word and then no, no, no, no, clarify it. The only person to use the C word is you. Excuse me. I proudly say it when it comes to Sassi. I'm sorry. But I think actually she was more like you guys were talking about have like fatness and all that stuff really bad. And I was like, you know, she does sort of have a point where we are really obnoxious. So I want to apologize. Why the hell are our Facebook numbers going through the roof? And you know what, listen, I'm a fat person and I'm allowed to talk about fat people. And we all struggle with our weight. And we're all basically women inside. And that's why we talk about it, because it's annoying to see other women out there being bitches about it and basing their entire lives on how skinny they are. Fuck you. And if that's not okay to talk about if that's not okay to talk about or listen to, then I'm guessing that your cousin is probably fat. Sorry. She's probably listening right now. But listen to me cousin, stop being so defensive and stop worrying about being fat. You're beautiful how you are. If you need to hate anybody, it's not us. It's those skinny bitches trying to ruin your life by getting all the men because they're skin and bones. You know what, she is beautiful. And you know what, she's probably mad at us now for something else, because she told me she likes to listen to the podcast while she cooks. And we just had a whole long talk about candies, vibrators, and things ejecting from her. That makes me hungry. That does not make me repulsed. That makes me hungry and thirsty right now. I hope she's not using zucchinis. And I'm very sorry for yelling at your cousin. I love you, cousin. Thanks. Oh my God. Speaking of zucchinis. Did you guys see in the background the synergy? Nini has the top chef cookbook in her house. Did anybody pay attention to that or just me? Okay, I might. Nini has more free shit in her house than Kyle Richards. She has more free shit up her pooch than Phaedra after a candy coated night's party. Hey, who posted the link to Phaedra's reviews on Amazon? Oh, okay. So I couldn't follow it because I was reading it on my cell phone. So tell me, was that just the worst review or were they all terrible? It was just, it was, it was one of the bad reviews. It was sort of one of these things where there were like a bunch of bad reviews, a bunch of good reviews. I didn't bother with the good reviews. The bad reviews all said that I was legs only and it was boring and the music was bad and it was slow and it was repetitive. And it's mainly like, it's, it's really a workout for men, but it seems to be targeted towards women and Phaedra does nothing except introduce the beginning. And it's supposed to be basically shoddy and a rip off. Okay, but here's the real question. What our users like to see us on video trying it and then we'll post it on Facebook. Comment now. I would totally do it. I mean, Ben, can we take a break from PX 90 and or whatever the hell it's called and like do this one day? I'll come over and do it. Absolutely. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's get our who's gonna buy it. Who's gonna buy it for us hint hint listeners? Phaedra, Phaedra, some I think that someone has to buy it. I'm not putting any money towards it. I don't even know what you ought to use. Talk about exercise. I just go away. Right now I'm looking at a picture of someone posted of Adrian Maloof in underwear, which okay, so let me tell you about that. My cousin is trying to cook. Why are you saying these things Ronnie? Adrian Maloof is at Perez Hilton's 35th birthday party, which was pajama themed the other night at the El Rey in Los Angeles. And she showed up in some sky high heels of fishnet stockings that went above her knee, this little like corsity thing and a robe. And I'm like, bitch, you are old. Stop. That's why he divorced her. I mean, how could you stay married to someone who appears who dresses like that to bed? It's like going to sleep with a rocky horror picture show every single night. I would rather have sex with Tim Curry than Adrian Maloof. Fair enough. I've really only if he's dressed as Mr. Body because you know that's who his character secretly wasn't the movie clue. The best movie ever. 1985 Madeline Khan, RIP. I love Madeline Khan. Pardon me. Is everybody there? Because if everybody's there, I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. I'd appreciate you going even more. I mean, you're messing with us about the things to do and not a word of this. Well, I'm probably another man. I'm gonna marry, but I'm not because I wouldn't ruin anyway. It's wonderful. He is. Well, I thank you all for the gifts and the flowers. Thank you all. But it's back to the showers. Thank you all. But I'm not getting married today. That is like the equivalent of when Matt and I started talking about sports. This is me being like, oh, Ronnie's having a theater moment. What's that? I honestly don't know what that was. Was that like Ronnie, like the equivalent of my Super Bowl? Is that like Ronnie's Super Bowl? Yeah, I think Ronnie had a stress. That was Madeline Khan singing at a Steven, Steven Sondheim concert. She's saying that song from company and I still go on YouTube and watch it. It's brilliant. And I'll post it on her Facebook page. Well, right now, she is amazing. And I'll tell you what's not amazing is Atlanta because now we're talking about Madeline. Nothing else. I love my favorite part of this show is you and Matt's little segues. Yeah, it's my favorite part every week. I love doing them. So, okay, then what I was about to say was not a segway. So now I feel pressure. I was about to say great segway, Matt. I hate you all. Okay, so Cynthia was then suggesting that Kenya may be lying and it sounded like Cynthia was kind of secretly, maybe they're all secretly team Walter. What's up? I don't give a fuck. I don't know why I asked you. Did you notice that that that conversation happened at bar one, the hottest night spot in all of Atlanta? Does Peter run that? What did you say? Does Peter run that? Well, he doesn't so much run it as he just creates magic there because it's bar one. I mean, it's the place where all the who's who is of Atlanta go to. I never see anything. Okay, well, I guess you don't care about bar one. I don't like I don't like that area, you guys. You just ruined the show. I quit believing. Actually, I'm sorry. I was looking at Madeline Khan on YouTube and it's now on the face of Ronnie. Ronnie's. You always get sidetracked, Ronnie. Sorry. Lead us into the next. Talk up for dog and put away the Madeline Khan. Okay, it's on the page. I feel okay now. So what now? Because you know what? You notice that people on the Facebook page are starting to say Ronnie, you don't talk enough. That is not people. That is one person and I think that sometimes people get our voices confused. Do you pay her? No one gives our voices to confuse. I think they do because I feel like I talk a lot, but you talk when I prompt you to do funny voices, but you need more. Ronnie, sometimes you do disappear. Well, sometimes I get bored and start staring off into space. It's not you guys. It's that I think I suffer from some kind of disease where I can't pay attention. I don't want to say ADHD or ADHD. I don't want to have a disease. And I think if I say it out loud, then it'll be true. You know, all these medical quantities, all these medical quantities that you have, make me think about another Bravo show. Oh, and you made me look terrible. I'm going to rock and roll tonight. Okay. So here's the thing. By the way, when we do this late at night, it is a fucking mess. I love it. I'm having a blast. It's almost at am my time. And I have like all sorts of cedar in me. But, um, is that one of Andy's toys? The Seder. Oh, the Seder vibrator. Yeah, feels like matza. Did you guys see the picture of Andy Collins boyfriend posted on our Facebook? Yes or no? No. Oh, my God. Yes. Slash. Andy Cohen has been on vacation in Miami with the hockey player, Sean Avery, who I'm obsessed with, who's actually straight, but has appeared a lot on Watch What Happens. Oh my God. But Andy's boyfriend, I go slash the rumor was that Andy was at South by Southwest and had his assistant parading really young boys in front of him to pick which one he was going to take home that night. So I guess they're they're having some kind of an open sale kind of a relationship. Okay, married to medicine is a fucking wreck. It's produced by the same people who produce Atlanta. And ratings are through the roof. It almost hit two million viewers slash it's already been renewed. It's well, it's right after wait, was it after Atlanta or was it after? Yes, they pair them. They pair them together with Atlanta. It's the perfect combo. Everybody's leaving BET and running to Bravo. It's happening people. This is still a thing. Ronnie, this may sound funny to you, but after all these years of being an adult, I have never owned a bed. I have lived a box spring and bed frame lifestyle for years and years and years. And over the weekend, I finally got my very first bed and I got it from article, got a beautiful blue bed. And the people from article came, they delivered it and they brought it upstairs and they assembled it. And now I am the proud owner of a very beautiful, very comfortable brand new bed. Well, yeah, not only do they deliver really quality furniture, they put it together for you. I mean, it's a lax experience. Article believes in delightful design for every home. And thanks to their online only model, they have some really delightful prices too. Article's knowledgeable customer care team is there when you need them to make sure your experience is smooth and stress free. I can vouch for that article is offering our listeners $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more. To claim, visit and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout. That's for $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more. Look, I'm no stranger to drama, obviously. I live for it, but sometimes even I need to put down the remote and escape for a little bit. And if a drama-free paradise is what you're looking for, then have I got the place for you? Aruba! It's the opposite of Scary Island. It's officially known as One Happy Island because of its friendly, warm, and welcoming culture. Spend your days lying on some of the best beaches in the world under the sunniest skies in the Caribbean. And you'll see why this island is the number one guy in the group in the best way. Get a beachside massage with locally grown aloe or adventure outdoors with a hike or a snorkel. No matter what you do in aruba, you'll find happiness. That happy, relaxing feeling you find on aruba shores that stays with you. There's no drama. It's just a sun-soaked white sand beach, crystal blue water escape that will leave you feeling jovani, baby. So save yourself the stress and headache of planning a vacation and instead book a rejuvenating trip at Really? I'm not being sarcastic. I didn't think that that was even still around. They still got jet, too? How do we live in this world and we're still so segregated? You know the... I don't like this. I'm going to go watch BET now. All right. Now, while you go watch that, I'm going to say that with all the Passover madness here in my household, I did not get a chance to watch "Married to Menace and Beyond" estimates. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You have fucking homework, Ben. I know. I watch Beverly Hills and the reunion, but the DVR is in my parents' room and I only had a certain amount of time to get in there and watch TV. You rich white Jews only have one DVR? My parents are very adverse to certain types of technology. Ben, you are not acting like a doctor's wife. You have not watched the show. That is very unlike a doctor's wife of you. Am I acting like a common whore? You need to not behave like a doctor's wife. Are you both being scary who is clearly my favorite? And not just because she's the only whitey. I agree. Well, we all pick the Barbie we look the most like, don't we? You want to look like her? Are you crazy? She looks crazy. She looks like a red housewife of Miami. She looks like a red chicken that got dropped off. I have to say something. Since you just mentioned Miami and since we're talking about doctors, as we were talking, I just read that Dr. Karen Sierra is leaving real housewives of Miami. No! I hate these nose. I hate these. Yeah. You guys, this is totes crazy because Miami is now shooting because they've all been at like, I don't know if it was Fashion Week Miami, which is fake bullshit, but like they've been seen out and about the cast. And they're shooting before New York, which is still not in production yet. But oh my god, if Karen is not part of it. I've got some New York rumor from a friend one of my friends is friend. He'd love all this friends of friends shit. We're so full of shit on this show by the way. But this is true. A friend of a friend is an editor who is putting together a sizzle reel or whatever you call it for an audition tape for New York. It's for this woman who's in talks and like final negotiations or whatever to be one of the New York ladies and they have her doing some kind of tape. And the rumor is that if they don't decide by the end of the week, which is this week, that they're not going to come back. They're considering getting rid of New York altogether. According to this dude, that's crazy. No way. I don't believe it for a fucking second. It's the second highest rated after Atlanta Bravo can't lose it. No, yeah, I agree. Bullshit. Also another rumor from this article about Dr. Karen Sierra, and then we'll get back to marriage medicine is that Marisol has been downgraded from a full-time housewife to a friend of the housewives. Shut up. I can't handle this shit, Ben. Well, I wouldn't want you to have a heart attack. Luckily, we have doctors on staff in Atlanta back to marriage. Wait, so you guys tell me tell me like everything that I have to look forward to when I watch it tomorrow when I get back to LA. I can't tell anybody apart except the white lady there. I said it. Okay, this is basically what it's like. The people who produce Real Housewives of Atlanta went on Craigslist and they said we are going to have auditions for the new housewives of the new housewife of the cast of Atlanta. So come to this party and cause as much shit as you possibly can. So all these ladies showed up to a party and they caused a whole bunch of shit trying to get on TV. And it made for a really fun hour. I mean, it was like a bad community theater version of a housewives show. And I laughed at it. I mean, Ben, you know how normally like when you meet a new cast, like shit doesn't hit the fan until they have like a dinner party at the end of the third episode. They started off with a party full of crazy bitches screaming. What I saw, I was already excited that I saw the I saw the women arriving. I saw was her name Curry, Carrie, the white one. What's her name? Whitey. Curry is actually more appropriate because she does look like a bad stew. Well, she I saw her, she days the sexiest orthopedic surgeon in all of Atlanta. And I'm like, wow, the sex is orthopedic surgeon. Yeah, they showed that and then they showed his picture. And I was like, he's not hot, but okay. Yeah, no, he looks like, who's that? Here's here's Morgan. It kind of does. That's better. I'll keep it there. I win again. You win. But yes, she's she's obnoxious. She's a really snooty, idiot white lady who thinks just don't stink. Her face is hideous. And she had the nerve to say, you know, looking like this doesn't come easy. It's actually quite difficult. I was like, really, you look like a speed bump. You got, you look like a speed bump that just got put on the street and nobody knows it's there yet. So they keep running over it really fast. And it gets beat up like overnight. I mean, that's the combination. She is Kim Zolciak meets Stephen Kojikaru with a twist of Martin Lawrence Balard. Oh, that's an awful combination and then deep fry it for too long. Oh, wow. I am so excited. I'm so excited to see this train wreck. Obviously not into her. She gets into her. She gets into her Negliget and sends the kids away with an Annie and her Spanish was hilarious. She's like, Pukito audios, you know, that's how I speak Spanish. But anyway, who's the ring leader? Who's the black edition? Oh, God, or something. Okay, this is tricky. This is going to be a tricky one in these recounts because there are two characters. One is I'm calling her Barnum and Bailey because she calls herself the ring leader. I don't know her ruling. And then there's another one named Quad. Okay. What is the ghetto friend that she is trying to bring into the group who's married to a psychiatrist? And is that they're both crazy? Don't call my psychologist, motherfucker. I know. It's quad short for anything or just she's just like quad like she's the name where all the college kids sleep sleep in. She's like had every college kid in Atlanta, basically. Every college kid likes to lay out on her short first squad car because she'll be locked up in the back of one and about five seconds after she murders the cast. Yes. And she is married to a big idiot psychiatrist who's literally a pinhead. He looks like the character from American Horror Story Asylum, the pinhead. And he talked about my path and he also was about to divorce her. He was also going to divorce her five minutes before they got married. Oh, yeah, they got in this fight. And so they like a week before they got married, they got into a fight. And so she left the house to calm down or whatever. And then he to he group texted all of her friends and called off the wedding. Sounds like without telling her. That doesn't sound like a what a gay dude would do at all. You know what? That's what I want from my therapist level headness. Do you see a therapist? No, I'm just saying, didn't you say he's a psychiatrist? Yeah, I was just curious. I was asking a little bit about your personal life. I pretend to care. I've tried to go to therapist, but I just judge them the whole time. I'm like, Oh God, I can't go back to that idiot. Just like us judging LA like LA strings, which we are not watching real. Oh, I just tried to watch it. So before this thing started and there was some guy on there saying he hated fat people. Like, that's the storyline. He can't handle fat people. It's like, Well, I can't handle ugly people. I'm not watching this show anymore. Which isn't true. I mean, obviously, I like ugly people. So, anyway, this is the uptight lady who's like, things that she's above it all. She's like a real doctor. She's not like a wife. She's like, she's, she's trying to play Shirei. Yeah, exactly. Similarity there. She's trying to be like classy, like folk classy, like Shirei. And I kind of like her. She's kind of, she talks kind of like Felicia Rashad on the Cosby show, Mrs. Huxable. And she talks to everybody like Mrs. Huxable would talk to Cliff because he's so wacky and he's just such a dork, you know, and she's just barely tolerating him. And she's like that overly, that overly white tone that, you know, she's kind of annoying, but I think she's kind of fun. And then there's the main lady who I'm so embarrassed. I don't know her name. But the, the one that's going to bring all the drama is this quad girl. And she's the one who says, Oh, you don't know what's going to happen tonight. She's a young, it's a young candies mom. Yeah, I'm not going to lie. Quad is already my favorite impression ever. Go. She's nuts. And then her friend is the ring leader. She's Barnum and Bailey. And she's like, yeah, she's like, we made, I am married to the lead doctor. What is he an emergency room doctor? I think I'm married to an emergency room, Dr. Honey. And he is bangled at and we made our own race. It's called bangled at you. And so they both have this kind of, I think it's black, black. Blocked at you. We've got our own race, bangled at. She's like, that's, man, that's not your race. She really just is little Kim. It's by the way, do they, I didn't see enough of it, but do they have a real relationship? Or is it clear that she married for the money? Um, as Ronnie said, the entire show is really just people that we're trying to get on the real housewives of Atlanta and Porsche got the spot. So the rest of these women, I don't even know if they were really at that black edition lady's house or if they were like at a rented place that Bravo set up and it was a cast and call and the the entire season might take place in this rented house that was the cast and call. Yes, because Bravo is notorious. No one really shoots. Well, reality shows in general, they usually don't shoot in their own home. They have production rent them a home. And I think that that's true because this woman had a party at her home. Well, too, she had one at the end as well. And she looked like she had never seen that backyard before. Oh, never. We can't have it out here in the backyard. Girl, people, she was following the grass girl. I need to work on her voice because it's very similar to, um, enjoy. Yeah, they're very similar. So I'm going to need another couple of weeks of watching it. But I don't know what that noise was, but I really appreciated it. Oh, you're going to let you when you see it, you'll know, and because they keep showing that clip, they show that clip like 10 times it's hilarious. That's the sounds we're going to be making when we're doing the donkey booty video. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's, I can't wait to do that. Your neighbors are going to love us. Yeah. So you guys are going to love married to medicine. If you haven't watched it, you're going to feel horrible when you do, because it's just a complete brain wester. And it's going to be a really fun one. I like it's actually perfect now that Vanderpump rules and gallery girls are gone. It is so abysmal slash I'm totes in. Yeah, I wait, I can't wait. I'm happy that this could be our now third, um, like new franchise show starting up now. Well, except gallery girls is now dead. But yeah, yeah, this is this is exactly a housewives. They might as well just named a housewives, but it's really funny because their backgrounds are x-rays of their purses. Yeah, like class C. That's really classy. Yeah, it's like keys behind them. Like, yeah, nice. Wow, what an original purse. Like, are you boys going to be watching Tabitha takes over the new season starts this week, and I'm obsessed with her. You know, I watch it, but it's not really like, uh, it's not a show that like inspires much snorkeiness from me. It's more like, Oh, look, she took over a sad gay bar and made it look. I'm sorry. That was the best episode ever when she went to Long Beach and took over the sad gay bar. Ripples that. I mean, that is the gay bar in Long Beach. I used to live there and that's like the bar, you know, so I'm imagining Ronnie on the sad dance floor alone, singing Madeline Khan, singing Sondheim. This is white from Cloe. I don't like that you're putting that in the satellite because it was actually a very good night for me. He won the karaoke con doesn't bitch. You know, did I, here's a name drop guys. I did meet the owner of ripples because I recognized him from that episode. I met that and we, and uh, I asked him all this. He said that a tapetha was awesome. And that's all I can remember because I was wrong. Oh, I hope you keep a diary. Move on to the main event yet. Yeah, because it was the only shows you watch. Sure. Let's go there. Oh my god. Beverly Hill. Is that the main event Beverly Hill? It's only a two hour like season finale slash reunion. Okay, you guys take. Okay, where are we gonna start? Okay, Ben, why don't you start with the whole like remind everybody with a breaking up the Marissa Yolanda shit. Oh gosh, so we we start back up again with Fay. And if you remember Fay had interrupted a conversation between Marissa and Brandy and Yolanda and basically the first part of this episode was a confrontation with Fay. So, so I guess Fay went up to Lisa and was saying things like Brandy's your mouthpiece. And Lisa was said that she felt insulted by that. You know, that's an insult. That's a bloody insult what you just said. And Fay's like, honey sweetheart, I would never, I would never insult you in your home. But you and that she continued to insult her. Yeah, she's like, you are fat, but I've never insult you. I've never said that you're fat in your home. I mean, you're an awful person. And Brandy Brandy does all your legwork, but I would never say that to you in your home. I would never insult you sweetheart. We're technically in the backyard, sweetheart. Sweetheart, maybe if you had allowed me to design this home, like I have for other A-listers like Avril Lavigne and the UPS guy, then maybe I'd be kinder. Okay, so how much of a hypocrite is this bitch? Because Fay is the mouthpiece for weak-ass Kyle and for Adrian, who doesn't bother to show up all fucking season until the very end to cry on Lisa's couch. Isn't Fay doing the exact goddamn thing that she's accusing people of? Absolutely. She's horrible. And when she says that she went in to protect Marissa, because Marissa isn't innocent. She doesn't like seeing an innocent getting ganged up on. Why does she even think that Marissa was being ganged up on and why is she thinking? Okay, but then why didn't Marissa say I didn't need anybody to help me? Yeah. Well, didn't Marissa say that? No, she didn't say that technically, but she kind of turned on Fay when Fay accused Adrian, I mean, of Brandy of breaking up the marriage or whatever. She was like, "Oh, come on, Faye. How could you even say that, Faye?" Marissa, Marissa's just kind of another Dana. Like, whoever gets in that, I mean, she's not as pathetic as Dana. Sorry, Marissa, because I know you're probably listening to this. Whoever's in that position is like notoriously sad and trying too hard. Yeah. Well, then, so then the big thing was that Faye was saying these wild things, and then Kyle turned, I'm sorry, Lisa turns to Kyle to basically be like, "Hey, support me right now. Back me up, and Kyle, what does Kyle do?" She just sort of says, "I don't want to get involved. I don't want any trouble." She has done that all season long, and she just wipes her hands and flips her hair and walks away, and I don't think that she should be able to get away with that anymore. Well, her lie, are you talking about Faye still I was sending out? Are you okay? Okay, yeah. Faye is such a compulsive liar, and when she knows that everything's not going her way anymore, she says, "Why is everybody attacking me?" And yes, you are attacking me, and Brandi told me, Yolanda told me to leave the party. No, bitch, you see all these people around you with those giant machines, those are cameras, and they are recording your orangutane face. And we are hearing what you're saying, stupid. You, I never know what's going to happen here. I, Faye, you know, Faye is wearing see-through lace dresses from like the go-round from like, the 80s. Corkspride. They were like, they were like things that she still offer a playboy shoot. She looks like a garbage pail kid made out of boogers. She does. She looks like the soul of a discarded shoe that was maybe used in the in the City of God movie. I just thought it was an old bird. The City of God, you know, the piece of lean one. She looks like a silly burnt flapjack act at Lisa Renamade on a Sunday morning while she was cackling. She looks like when you leave your jack-o-lantern on your stoop too long, and then it's Thanksgiving, and you're like, and you pick it up, and it's all soggy and wet on the bottom. Actually, actually, that one is very, very true. She's got like a sort of a melty quality. Like, her face is just like pinched all the way downward. It's so sad face. That's the jack-o-lantern. She's like, "I'm bored. I'm bored with this." But the best part about the fae fight was that after she left, we got this wonderful ancillary fight thing that happened with Kim. You can't say words like ancillary when we're talking about the housewives? Come on. I know. Come on. I'm sorry. We got this bonus fight. Thank you. Well, now I know what ancillary means. Kim just wanted to just have a moment, because she didn't really make any sense. She's like, "Let's do the fight. Who do you want to be? Kyle or Kim?" I'll be Kyle, because you're a better Kim than I am. I'll be like, "Oh, what am I going to be? You be fae." You be Mauricio. Because I think fae's in the bathroom at this part. So Kyle's like, "You know, I think she was just trying to stand up for, you know, she really hurt Adrienne." Oh, yeah. How come, remember that time that Brandi told me that thing? Yes, but she told Adrienne- Oh, what? Adrienne. Adrienne. What about that time that Brandi told me that thing? You remember that time, and there were games, and there was a dirty mirror in that house. Do you remember that time? Okay, so in addition to- I'm not doing math. Don't try and make me do math. I'm not doing math, Kyle. That wasn't a bathroom that was dirty, and you didn't- Why doesn't it mean anything to you, Kyle? All I'm trying to say is that regardless of your math, regardless. Band-Aids. Kyle, sir, Kyle. I got hurt too. I got real hurt. I was making shi- I couldn't make chicken salad for three months. Don't ever say that. In addition to- No. Before Adrienne got hurt, my chicken salad got hurt. My frames couldn't get a hang on the wall. I couldn't even touch my pictures, Kyle. That was the dumbest fucking fight, because Kim doesn't even know what they're talking about. Right, and the other- It wasn't like it was staged, like so many other fights, like Kim just lost her goddamn mind for five minutes, and they caught it on camera. I mean, it was magic. And I loved it also because Kyle got so irritated with her, was getting so annoyed. It was like aha, this is like the red-boiling red-hot Kyle that we know from season one. She's back for a moment to get so mad once I strangle her sister. Yeah, she can fake it all year. I was pointing her face and was like, yeah, I mean, it reminded me exactly of when she accused her of being an alcoholic in the back of that limousine. I thought she was going to stick her, you know, bony-ass finger in Kim's face and say, "You're still an alcoholic!" Yes. She can fake it pretty well. She faked it really well all year, but Kim can always bring out the c-word in her. I love that. Because there's no reasoning with Kim and Kyle can't deal. Yeah. You guys, we have to move on because Kim is coming back for the reunion, so we need to discuss that after. Okay, let's talk more about the episode. So then the big is that Adrienne, who was served with separation papers that night, shows up to the party. And she walks in, and she's immediately greeted by Kim and Kyle, and then she sort of like holds court on this couch. She doesn't say that. With that other fat lady who we don't know and did not get kyron'd. Yeah, she looks really familiar, and she seems to be some sort of psychologist. You probably know her. I mean, you know Linda, whatever. Linda, you do? Brody's mom. Oh, Linda Thompson. Do you go to a party at Brody Jenner's house? I wish. I would have gone and hidden in his closet. I mean, I've gone to a party and Brody Jenner was there. Name drop, but I haven't been to his house. Oh, well, maybe you lied. Well, well, I'm doing a terrible job flying. Anyway, Adrienne comes into the house, Lisa's villa, which looks like a cheesy chain restaurant. She's greeted by Kim and Kyle. They holds court on the couch, and then you start getting confessionals where it goes. Lisa and Kenner offended that Adrienne would show up at their house and not greet them and congratulate them despite the bad news that went down that day. And then you get a confessional of Adrienne going, they know the shit that I just went through, and they didn't even come to check on me, but they were looking at me across the room. Whose side are you on? I'm team Ken and Lisa. Of course. Who's on Adrienne's side? That dumbass? Here's the thing. Lisa was in the right spot. You know, you're like, I'm on Batman's side. Way to take a stand. Here's the thing. It was only being evil to you because I know that you're upset with your metal arm and your skinier than me. Okay. Did you think that I said Batman? No, I'm just saying like you're rooting for the hero. So like, of course, you're going to root for the hero. I didn't put that together. Then I was starting to think like I said Jack Potted Ronnie think I said, you know, I didn't, I didn't really know. I didn't know where I was. It's late. Okay, it's late. I'm not making any sense at all. I posted that recap link and someone, the only comment is, what is this? It makes no sense. It makes no sense. Yeah, I was just me. Sorry. I really did not understand where you're going with Batman, but I figured we'd just sort of gloss over it and just recognize Adrienne because she'd been crying so much and all of her clown makeup had fallen off. She does look like the Joker sometimes. I think she just got back from surgery and that was still a full face of makeup. It was just flesh color. So she would look like she's grieving. I don't buy anything that's coming out of woman's mouth. By the way, someone did put up a photo of Adrienne like way before all the plastic surgery when she was like, Oh my God, we have to talk about that page. It's on our fits with it. She had a huge big bulbous nose. Excuse both of you, but watch what you say because she looks like every aunt in my family. I'm not saying she's bad. I'm just talking about Ben's cousin. So we're allowed to talk about your other hands. Yeah, you called my cousin fat on the pop. She was totally out of line. Look, I don't even know her. I just think her personality. She has a fat person's personality. Right. She does not because Claire is a bad girl's name. Does she look like Lauren Manzo and is her name Claire? No, please. My poor cousin, although her name is Lauren, Lauren, I'm so sorry. Your name. She loved you. Salad and by egg salad, I mean, a tub of it. You guys, my cousin's Lauren Manzo. I have to confess, I am cousins with Lauren Manzo. The reason why I always mention a conface is because I'm trying to drive business to Franklin Lakes. No, my cousin is not Lauren Manzo, but her name is Lauren and she's a lovely girl and she's not fat. I'm sure. You know, I'm just kidding. You guys, I explain my point better. Come on now. I know. I wasn't just calling her fat. I was just saying she probably was offended because she's fat and she shouldn't be offended because we need to be prouder of our fatness and start hating skinny people more. Okay, everybody. Are your are your aunts proud of looking like Adrian Maloof pre-surgery? They proud of that, huh? Oh, my goodness. Thankfully, my family does not support what I do and they will never hear this. Oh, my goodness. With her flesh colored makeup face. She's speaking of flesh colored. What is with Kyle's fat person dress while we're still talking about? Oh my God. Why is she wearing that flesh colored piece right in front of her cleavage like those waitresses in Las Vegas who are union and they can't get fired for being old. The ones that Caesar's Palace are 80 years old and they have that flesh boo panel. Yeah. Well, Kyle is probably wearing it because she knew she's going to see Adrian and some Adrian skid marks everywhere. She didn't want to ruin a dress. Exactly. Why not just put the flesh colored panel in and she'll just rub on you and it won't even put a stain. She's like, I might have to hug Adrian tonight. Give me something sort of pumpkin colored to wear. Okay, you guys, let me ask you a question. Did people know that this was going to be a vow renewal because Kim and Kyle are acting like they didn't know what it was and then Kim and Lisa, I mean, Ken and Lisa are saying that Adrian knew that that's what it was, so why would she be showing up to cry about her marriage when she did what she knew? Kyle was acting and Kim was drunk, so excuse her from the equation. She doesn't like math as you mentioned earlier. Everybody knew why the hell else would Paul and Adrian and that day tried to ruin the vow renewal by announcing their separation. It was deliberate. Yeah, but why would Paul, why would Paul file? I figured that it would be Adrian who would file, don't you? Because I'd like what Kyle said about how when they immediately started talking about money. Yeah, they were like, well, Kyle said, well, you know, he made it nine years and 10 years, that would have been a whole different argument with the prenup. So I'm wondering why he didn't, why wouldn't he hold on to that? I mean, if you've had to look at that thing every day for nine years, hold on. Hold on for one more. Yeah. I am totally Wendy if we're going to play Wilson Phillips. Yeah, that we're going to be celebrating somebody else's. Yeah, we're going to have the same day that we're here. I don't know where the microphone is on my laptop, so I hope you could actually hear that. Oh, it was funny. If you guys don't get it, you have to listen to the last episode. That's an inside joke, y'all. So you have to listen every episode. Listen, wait, we didn't answer our question, which is, should Adrian have gone to Lisa? And we say yes, right? Because as a guest, you at least have to come in and say hi, because what bothered me the most about this was that she came in, she announced that this happens, you know, she had the girls crying on her shoulders, and then she's like, I really, I just, I can't be out tonight. I have to go. Bitch, you put on all your flesh colored makeup and you did your hair, you put your tinsel in, and you come up, you show up for five minutes, and then you leave without even saying hi to the hosts. I'm sorry, that's rude. I love Yolanda. Yeah, if you get, if you get to divorce, then it's time to stay home in your pajamas and think about what you did wrong, what you did wrong. I felt we needed a little interlude with Wilson Phillips. You see, I'm doing the low voice, because I'm the carning of the group. Uh oh. Some day some, but he's gonna turn around and make you want to say goodbye, till then, baby. Then you're totally trying. And also, another thing, okay, here's what I think. Yes, of course, Adrienne's coming into her enemy's home during her vow renewal sobbing about her own marriage breaking up and stealing all the thunder. So yes, she's being a total c-word. And if Lisa did come over to that couch, Adrienne would have been like, oh God, you know, I just got dumped, at least it's coming over here to tell me not to sit on her white couch. That's the whole reason why she wanted to come over. She wanted to come over and sort of like sparks. Yeah. She wanted to ruin the new couch and make it look just like the ship parade flower arrangement she sent her in the first episode. Yeah, nine, nine hundred months ago. Yeah, it's called wrapping it up. Wrapping it up. It's got sick of waking up in a bunch of skid marks all over his chest and rolling around in that bed. Well, you know, those sheets are just not good on the eyes. They probably buy brown sheets. They're not in the same bedroom. Are you kidding? There's no way. You can always tell where Adrienne is in the house. You just have to follow the tracks of orange goo that lead to wherever she is. What did you guys think about Maurizio coming and sitting on the edge of the couch like, oh, don't worry. Kids are resilient and don't forget all about it. Don't worry about the kids. Okay, Adrienne, don't worry. Yeah, you know what? Fuck off, dude. You just fucking broke up a merit. I mean, he didn't break up the marriage, but a marriage just broke up. The kids are not going to be okay. Okay. Their parents are divorced. Now that kids are going to start robbing stores and doing drugs and having sex with underage children and getting them pregnant because that's what divorce causes because this country needs marriage and it's gay marriage, but gay marriage supreme court just to see us. And meanwhile, those kids' parents are dating like robbing the cradle. Dad's with a 27-year-old. Moms with a 32-year-old. They broke up this week. Sean Stewart and Adrienne Maluf are no longer a couple. I thought they got back together. Nope, they're off. He's like, Sean Stewart's like, you know, I was really into scat play and I thought you were too. And then I realized it was just your spray tenor on the sheets. Have you ever let anybody degrade you in the bedroom? No. Yes, by letting them keep the damn lights on. Sex is degrading. That's the whole problem with it. We need to outlaw sex and just start eating more. Everybody, let's start. Let's promise to just eat more and rub each other's bellies and feet. Well, as soon as the gays are allowed to start getting married, there'll be a lot less sex. Yeah, that's true. So anyway, what else happened to this dumpy-ass party? I love that Faye somehow got kicked out of the party or just disappeared after her terrible attempt after a terrible audition attempt to get on the show. She was like, she was out of there. Yeah, but then they kicked her ass out and then they got back to the start of the show, so who did actually renew her vows to Ken. And then we got to see all these other like randoms in the background. Like, you know, not was it Dee Dee? Who was there? Who is Camille's friend with the red hair that drives me up the goddamn wall? Dee Dee. Yeah, her friend was there. And she brought, she even brought her friend Hagrid. That big lady. Yeah. Wait, who's Randy's? Don't listen to anybody telling you anything nugget is Camille. There's a magical spider loosened his party. Let me take care of it, Camille. Oh my god. Wait, are you talking about magical spiders again? Yeah, I'm talking about that Hagrid girl Camille keeps bringing everywhere that keeps Dee Dee in line. What was our spider joke from like a year ago that was a spider butler? A spider butler. Yes, and then somebody drew a picture of it. Yeah, you have a little spider butler that brings you gray hounds. Oh, that's my drink. Oh, Ben, he must be stalking me. I just, man, I know you at this point. We also had a tailor Armstrong who has nothing to do talking to Yolanda's or Yolanda's husband David Foster's ex-wife and asking her permission if she can start being nice to Yolanda. Because when you're 40 years old, you have to ask your friend if you can be friends with somebody else. It has just been so hard on me because the way that you guys got a divorce and now she's with him and I see her and I know why you didn't think that. Talk about making it all about yourself. She is such a bitch. It's not about you, Taylor. I love that stupid Linda was like, "Oh God, do you like my jewelry? I rotate my jewelry like some people rotate their tires." Shut up. That was her attempt at having that as her opening line if she's like the new cast member. She's like, "I spent five months coming up with this, so as long as I'm not in the opening credits, I might as well say it somewhere." Yeah, my ghost rhymes getting done. I rotate my jewelry like some people rotate tires. It doesn't work as a learner. Super hard to get this zip code. Not giving up that a fight. Did we talk about this last week that Linda was supposedly trying to get on the show and that Yolanda got on his stead and one of Yolanda's clauses supposedly was that Linda would not be on even as like a friend of the housewives or whatever? Well, I'm fucking glad because I am Team Yolanda. Well, now I am and you know what God blesses show for the miracles they pull every year. I mean, they really do get you to hate different people every year and we knew that it was going to be coming with Yolanda, that she was going to suddenly become a hero and "Bitch, hold it off. I've got to tell you." You know what? She did any know it. Her big coming out party, I think, was truly the reunion. She really, that was the Yolanda show. It was all about Yolanda. Oh yeah, well Andy, Andy made it all about, he did not stop. Well, it was about Yolanda and it was also about Trashing Kyle, which was the funniest part because Kyle has tried to be so nice this season and she just ended up looking like the biggest idiot out of all of them in the end. Did you did listen to that show? Did you listen to that, Matt? Yes. You listened to that Bobby Dooley show? Oh my God. Hello, why do you think I was just doing that? I was so glad you listened to it. I love it. I can communicate with you, Ronnie, like that all day long and I know exactly how you're feeling and what's going on. Honestly, my favorite part of the reunion was really one moment when Kim got really mad at Yolanda as towards the end and she was just going, "Yolanda, Yolanda." I put it in the outer bed, I don't want to wake up with my parents. But it was so funny to hear Kim Richards yelling Yolanda. Yolanda, Yolanda. She, Kim Richards, okay, this was my, the Kim Richards was also one of my favorite parts, of course, of the reunion. Wait, but I have to ask you a question, Ronnie. What color was her hair? Holy shit. Oh my God. She, someone told her they were remaking the Wizard of Oz and she was going for some scarecrow. For real? That was not cute. That was some, I mean, I would never suggest White Rain to anybody, but Kim, go to the 99 cents store. I know you're not rich, but they still got conditioner that you can use. Come on now. Have Morris buy some for you. About your house that he took away. He'll come take you right away with White Rain away too, maybe. I love that Kim is like, "Now Yolanda, I'm going to clarify something here now, okay? You go behind my back and say we had some lemon meaning planned. We didn't have a plan for a lemon with you. We never made a plan. She's like, sweetheart, sweetheart. We did make our plan. We made the plan 5,000 times. I made a plan with you to come do lemon. You don't show. When did we make a plan? I'm going to clarify something because we did not make a lemon plan. Yes, sweetheart, sweetheart. And I love that Yolanda is like sexually harassing women with sweetheart, sweetheart. It's so sexy. It's so abusive. Like, she would be so, she's like a raging. Those words go hand in hand for me, sexy and abusive. That is why I'm single. She is definitely sexually harassing women, which I think is very funny because she's like loons open up. Well, she definitely has a big dick like Faye. There's no doubt. Yeah, and so, but anyway, that whole fight turned into Kim being wronged again. And she says, "Look, we set it up through production and you didn't show up for the day that we're supposed to do it." And she's like, "Yeah, that's production. But we didn't talk on the phone personally. Kim, what the fuck does it matter? You made an appointment. Does it make it any different if you make an appointment with me through my secretary and don't show up?" No, you didn't show up, bitch. You had an appointment. You didn't show up. Kim, take some responsibility. Okay, pay your bar tab. You can just be going to bars and drinking the whole thing and then saying that you didn't drink anything and leaving. You got to pay your tab, Kim. It was probably hanging out with Taylor in the back of a closet in the bottom of a Louis Vuitton duffel bag, labor alone. It was sort of crazy to me about how much it came up during this reunion about hanging out during shooting versus after and that was set up through production. It wasn't set up through me. And these women truly live double lives. That's what this is coming down to. Ben, do you not think it's a little surprising? I kind of think that it's weird that Bravo seems to be pulling the curtain back a little bit and letting us know that there are staged moments and that this is a production, that this is a show. And I think a lot of what's going on in the tabloids right now with, you know, Adrienne and Lisa and all this kind of stuff kind of does draw that curtain back. But I don't think that Bravo's worried about it. It's weird. I mean, it's well, this is what everything that came up with three Yolanda because I don't watch TV. I read a book or do something. I'll make a dinner for my husband or clean something. She said that she had never watched the show before. Yeah, first of all, don't believe that. Do not believe that for one second that she never watches. I just turned it on and do what people screaming. Shut up. Shut up. You've seen the show. But also, she was the one who kept saying, well, I told the producer, and I think that the shit she was saying was just so juicy that they couldn't really cut it out, you know. Right, that's true. Because the stuff with Adrienne is true. She is still selling stories to stupid radar online, and she's, you know, all those stories like dissing Lisa's restaurant and stuff like that. I don't think that that's fake. I mean, that woman's pretty vile. She couldn't even hide it in the end in her diary room sessions, which was pretty funny. I want to be around women who are supportive and who, you know, who I actually like. Really name one. Yes. Were you guys surprised also at the beginning of the episode, like Andy pretty much really became clean. And I mean, by coming clean, I mean, he threw Adrienne's ass under the bus and they started the first five minutes through the show. We're saying, you know, Adrienne claims that she quit the show, but in fact, her ass got fired. Part of her job is to show up here and go through the reunion and she chose not to be here. And Andy was like, and bitch is not coming back next year. That was like a really strong way to start. The thing is, he didn't technically say that she was fired. He just said that her final act as a housewife was not to show up and she will not be returning. But he didn't say she got fired. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He totally dissed her. But she's saying that she quit and he's saying she got fired. And I'm not sure what I believe. Do you really think that she got fired that day? Fire fire. She is not quitting. This woman, it's exactly what I was a brand you said it that like money can buy you a lot of things, but it can't buy you fame. Yeah, that's exactly what this was. Do you think Adrian Maloof is going to give up being famous? She loves plenty of those articles and radar online. Who is going to buy fucking Zing vodka if she doesn't advertise it on Bravo? Well, I love that she's being dissed all over Bravo after paying a shitload of advertising money for Zing with those terrible commercials that are filmed with 20 year olds in her mansion. It's like pathetic. Have you seen these? No. She was also the main she was also the main sponsor of the Perez Hilton birthday party that she was at and that skank ass out. Yeah. Get me some music that the kids like that just goes and gets some young people put filters on them and make the put a light in the vodka that everyone's going to drink it. My new favorite impression is Ronnie as Adrian talking about synthesized music. Yeah. And she's trying to make it sound like a base beat, but it just comes across like an old dog farting. I'm just imagining the spray tan using off of her. I want electricity in water and I want kids drinking it. I want gloved hands poking through rose walls with shots. She's the worst. Wait, so what other funny things happen at the reunion? Brandi was slamming Adrian for not showing up and says yes, she deserves to be fired and yes, this is her obligation and yes, she's a piece of trash. The big controversy that the episode ended on was the Richard sisters claiming that Yolanda said that Lisa was fake and that Lisa said she didn't believe the Richard sisters. What do you guys think really happened? I don't believe anything that comes out of Kim's mouth and anybody that does is fucking stupid. I believe that it was a variation on what we actually saw on camera where Lisa was talking. Lisa would not shut up that night about how wasted Kim was. She was talking to everybody that she could about how wasted Kim was and she was doing it right in front of Kim. She was being kind of an asshole. Lisa was. She was and that's when Yolanda started to blossom and go, oh, can this woman shut the fuck up? Yeah, and Yolanda said, you know, in front of Lisa at the party, I mean at the dinner table and she said in her testimonial that Lisa's seen by now, right? I would think so. She said, you know, I think that that's wrong that Lisa's talking right in front of her and I think that that's really, really rude if she says that she cares about her, that she's sitting here talking about her. Like, I mean, so she basically, Kyle's accusing her of something which we've already seen her say and she was just speaking her mind. She wasn't saying Lisa's a phony bitch and she hates Lisa shut up Kyle. I think the Richards, I think the Richards sisters are such unreliable witnesses. You know, they seem to get everything wrong. Let's not forget back in season one, the whole thing with Kelsey Grammer and what Kyle had said and what Camille had heard. I mean, I personally think that that Yolanda probably said something like, you know, the way Lisa was acting was very fake. I think she's acting very fake. And then they probably heard it as Lisa's fake. You shouldn't be friends there. Right. Like, I can say Ben, you're acting like a bitch, but that doesn't mean Ben, I think you are a bitch and that's how you choose to hear it. So, as Judge Judy would say, put your listening ears on, bitch. Well, what was that? What was it that made Kyle say that? Because she was deflecting blame off herself. So what was the argument? Because I forgot what it was. They were all Kyle about something. Well, Yolanda had this whole thing that she wasn't didn't feel welcomed by the group. But that wasn't it. I don't know. I wouldn't try to remember why. Yeah, they were having Kyle was in trouble for something. And then she was like, Oh, why don't you say what you said about Lisa? If you don't talk by anybody's back. I think that Kyle probably knew probably three quarters away to see some that she was going to get the bad edit. And now she knows that she is the hated one and she will do anything to deflect. No, what it was was that when Lisa was talking about the state of their friendship, and she was saying how Brandy doesn't talk behind anyone's back. And Lisa saying, I don't talk behind anyone's back, which is kind of bullshit. And Kyle was saying, well, I talked to my girlfriends and I think that if I remember correctly, Yolanda probably jumped in there to probably defend Lisa or to say you do talk behind people's back. And that's when Kyle said, well, why don't you say what you said about Lisa? Yeah, that was pretty good. But I'd love that they're showing the next week clips of Kim having a fit that she was being accused of being drunk and that how dare you say something when she's trying to prove to everybody that she sober Kim, you are not sober. You are not fooling fucking anybody. Stop it, Kim. Stop it. Right. And you're gonna you're gonna have to prove for the rest of fucking time that you are sober until you are dead, which could be tomorrow. You know, I know a lot of people, especially a lot of gay guys, her momma's boys, and they talk about their moms being their heroes. And I would like to tell you something heroic that my mother did. My mother has always been a wine drinker ever since I was a young boy. She'd have these junior league meetings and just be wasted in the afternoon with all these junior league bitches, just all of them drunk as hell. Because that was okay back in those days, you know, and as times change and you had to stop smoking inside and being drunk all day, my mom has kept drinking. And she has kept those boxes of Francia, which have now become boxes of some other fancy target, Meena Grigio. And she keeps that drinking up until she is sloppy. And one time we thought, you know what, mom? It's not cool to be this sloppy anymore. No one else has drunk all day anymore. Times have changed. You have got to stop drinking. She did stop drinking. And she became a horrible, horrible human being. And we all sat together as a family after about a month of this and said, mom has got to start drinking again. There was an intervention. We told her, just have a fucking drink. My mom is drunk. She is the drunkest ass can ask to fall down. She will tell you off at two in the morning on Christmas night playing a canasta game. And I have to say, you know what, mom? Bravo, you brave bitch. I love you. You just keep it up. And Kim, you need to get some balls about you and have your drink and be fine with it. And just get a driver, Kim. You've already been a star. She just needs Uber. We have fucking Uber here. Drink as much as you fucking want. Don't kill anybody on the road. And who cares? Yes. Just your children. Children live at home, Kim Jr. By the way, what kind of woman names her daughter, Junior? I don't know, but I'm so sick of this fake ass sobriety. I'm just so sick of it. Have a fucking drink. And I love that she's sitting there lecturing Taylor. And you know what, good for Taylor. Taylor knows she's about to be fired. And she is just doing whatever she can to claw her way, you know, to stay on that stage. And how did she not slug Kim? I mean, Kim is sitting there saying, well, I don't think you can have to drink. You can't have anything anymore. Now it's dry from now on your dry. If she fought too hard to get in this zip code to leave now, bitch should have slugged Kim on the reunion. I think that Taylor said, I think that Taylor should do everything that you're saying that Kim should do, which is Taylor has to keep drinking and get Uber. And because I love drunk Taylor, every time this show of montage of her being wasted and like cackling with that big ass mouth. Oh my God. Oh my God. What about I'm sorry to jump back to the show. When she ate the cake and everybody in the room was like gobsmacked because her big giant ass jaws mouth could take down an entire cake and one bite. I think that's around the time my dad said to me, he's like, why do all these women sound like friend dresser? Oh man. Well, you know what Taylor, I think season one, I like Taylor season two, I absolutely hated her because of all this Russell stuff that just made me sick to my stomach. But then this season, she's been such a crazy bat. You know, she's just been so bad. I like her again. So you know, again, well done, well played Beverly Hills. I wanted Andy to be a dick and go Taylor. I know we're taping the reunion right now, but you know where Kennedy is right now. Oh my God. Oh, well, what about that explanation? What was that about? You know, that clip of. She's in love drunk that she's in love and she doesn't know where her daughter is. And then Brandy is like, well, Kim and Kim and Kyle are bad friends for talking about that publicly and making her look like an idiot in a drunk. And then Kyle and Cameron saying, no, no, we knew that it was okay. They just probably just cut all that stuff out. That's a lie. You think lies? Yeah, Kim, Kyle is not like a great friend to her. They're just cast me. Kyle is such a big gossip. All she wants to do is gossip. I wish she would just fess up to it. Say, you know what, I love gossiping. I have crazy friends. They do crazy things. And I love talking about it with my other crazy friends. Exactly. So it's like Brandy admits like, Hey, I'm a big stupid whore with a big surly mouth. Kyle should say I'm a big fucking gossip. Kim and Taylor should both say they're big fucking drunks. And you'll long as to say I'm obsessed with lemons. Yeah. Well, I think that Kyle did kind of admit it because Lisa was saying, Oh, well, you talk about me behind my back all the time. And Kyle said, well, look, if I'm having problems with you, I do talk to my girlfriends. That's what your girlfriends are for. And that's true. I mean, we would sit there and do that. I think about our girlfriends or whatever. We would sit there and talk about everybody all the time. And I have no problem with it. Yeah. And that's why that's why we all hang out so much apart from the show. You're like, Yeah. What is going on? And why was there no Camille and or Dana? Well, Camille had five seconds. Camille got dropped from the show. So she had, she was five seconds at the end. Camille started pulling a drain bullshit in the end. Camille had a poor serene time this entire season, then Marissa and Taylor combined. Yeah, I'm wondering if Camille got cut out of the season late or what happened with that because she was everywhere this year. Yeah, she was cut out at the end. I don't know. I feel like they gave her like a little, her last little sound bite was something like, I hope I find love, which sounded very much like a sign off from Camille Grammar, you know, totally. But here's my other question. Is Marissa gonna be here at? I mean, like, what is going on with her? I don't think so because her real big stab really just fell flat. I mean, she tried to, she tried to go against Brandi, which is really stupid when you're going against pretty much one of the most popular housewives of the season for no reason. Yeah, how about you pick anybody? Yeah, like, why are you going after her for no reason? That was just, that was just stupid. It was a bad move. And then really, you think the rest of the year was act frigid. I mean, well, did her story arc fall apart when her husband's father died? Like, could we have seen more had she made it to Paris or was she always just going to be boring in Paris? I think she's going to spill wine on her dress again. I mean, that's all she's offered all season. It's like explaining that it's hard to get stains out with even soda. Well, you never know on these shows, that could provide a through line for an entire season, a spill on the dress. I mean, look how much traction we got out of Adrian's skid marks. Please stop saying skid marks. It really bothers things. So what else do you think is going to happen? Because this is only going to be a two-part finale, which seems weird because the trend for these housewives shows have been to go to like 22 episodes and then have three reunions. And this one was cut at 19 episodes and only has two reunions. So WTF you guys, did they just run out of steam or? I think they ran out of steam. And to be honest with you, like, I could not be more excited for OC. Like, I'm tired. I want to put Atlanta and I want to put Beverly Hills to bed right now. But I actually think that on next week's episode reunion part two, they're trotting out Mauricio and they're trotting out Ken and apparently the guys get into it. And it's all going to be about Kyle versus Lisa for next year. Well, they said that Kyle was on watch what happens live or someone was on watch what happens live and Kyle called in on the phone and she was in the car with Brandy and who was the other one? Brandy and somebody else and they were all going to dinner together. So it's all fake bullshit, but I sure love this fake bullshit. Well, they said that Kyle and Lisa have not talked since reunion. That was the news that broke today as well. I love that I call that news. God, I should kill myself. Yeah, Lisa, Lisa is like, once she's done with you, she's pretty much done. I mean, she's not really a second chances kind of a girl. No, not at all. Yeah, but I hate if Lisa were not on the show and she just I mean, I love Vanderpump and Lisa will forever do that because it's a hit now. But like this show as much as I hate Kyle needs Kyle, Kim and Lisa there. Well, Lisa really I mean, if you think about it, she's mostly boring. I mean, she's good for like the one liners and stuff like that. And if somebody really yeah, you know, she has those moments and she does like a lot of funny like old people sex jokes and stuff like that. But man, I don't need any more scenes of her like swinging on a swing that can made her showing showing her house to somebody for the 20th time. Like, I don't know. I agree. I can only look at her dressing room so many times before I feel like I've seen it all before. Yeah, I mean, that's just like going to be an out of the closet in five years. So what's going to happen to the episode though, was when Brandy told her you have to get down there and get married to Ken again. He's going to die soon. Yeah. And then they both laughed. I know it was fucked up. Do you think that they should should they clean house and should they read? I feel like with Beverly Hills, you could probably recast from the ground up and it would be okay. Whereas New York, you cannot do that. I don't know why I feel that because Beverly Hills, there's so many crazy ridiculous women who look pretty much the same that you probably they're all interchangeable. Whereas New York, I don't know, they the personalities that they have on New York are so distinct and awesome that gosh, I just can't imagine replacing a Countess Luan or a Mona. Yeah, I also the fights on Beverly Hills are so crude. Like, if you think about it, it's the only housewife show that they've had a fight about somebody saying the F word or somebody offending people at the dinner table with, you know, by saying cock or right. It's not like it's not like topless. Sonya in a swimming pool, like drunk and squawking like a bird. Yeah, it's like, I feel like on the other shows, especially, I mean, New York and New Jersey, I've said this a million times, but those shows traumatized me because it's just they beat you up. I mean, it's all fake. It's they're so hateful. They're so full of shit. But these women, I mean, I think that these women are total phoneies. None of them have any class. They have money, but there are none of them are necessarily classy, but they think they are. And that makes it funny to me because the fights are just so organic and they're so silly. Yeah, this whole fight between Adrian is because Lisa made a rhyme that Adrian didn't understand. And this has gone on for two years. And yet we talk about it with our spare time. Yeah. Oh, do we have we are going exceptionally long tonight? So do we have any others or like last thoughts on this before we put it to bed? I just ate all the croutons out of my salad and not the salad. No, that's like, you know, croutons are another thing that remind me of Kate Resnick. I feel like I feel like she's a crouton that's been sitting in lemon vinaigrette for two days. I don't know. Yes, ma'am. I don't know. Let me just say that. Well, I don't think I have anything more to say. I'm pretty worn out, but we do have a really fun week coming up because we have the second reunion. We have the beginning of Orange County. We have the second episode of Mary D'Mids and Tabitha, motherfucker. I watch an app. What else you are watching? What else are you going to watch this week? So I can make sure I watch it. I think I'll watch so and Brad. I kind of got into so Brad and that dukes of Melrose, even though I want to kill both of the guys that do scenarios. And I know, I know, I know where their shop is. So I could kill them if I wanted to. God, we didn't even talk about those fools. Oh, let's speak. Let's just let's just you know what, let's not talk about any more of the gay people in Bravo until we get gay marriage. Okay. Let's just keep America safe. And then we'll then we'll bring the hateful gays back out. Yes. Yes. The most hateful gay on Bravo is Tamara Barney. And she's about to be back on our TV. Yeah, she is the meanest gay man I have ever seen on TV. Yeah, she's horrible. And this season is going to be especially painful because this is where Tamara has her sex talk show trying to rip off candy. So this is going to be Tamara talking about her dried out dried broom vagina and Vicki's chin implant. So it'll be amazing. I know Vicki is in that competing sexual rally. Okay, everybody. Well, thank you for listening. We all watch our crop ends. You can find us on Twitter at what crap ends. I'm at TV gazam. Ben is at beside blog. And Matt is at life on the M list. Come join us on Facebook at slash watch what crap ends and find us on iTunes and give us some ratings and votes unless you hate us. In which case, keep it to yourself and don't tell anybody. And I'm sorry if I offended any fat people, but just please know that I am fatter than you. And I hate myself more than you ever could. Okay, bye everybody. Love y'all. That was fucked up. Hey, doctor. There's something wrong with me. Am I crazy? Do I need a remedy? I'm a club rocker. 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